Diem Ngan
Adam de Beaumais
Álvaro Antelo
Vázquez Tato
*ab and
aSorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Institut Universitaire de France, UMR CNRS 8232, IPCM, F-75005 Paris, France. E-mail: laurent.bouteiller@upmc.fr; matthieu.sollogoub@upmc.fr
bCNRS, UMR 8232, Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire (IPCM), F-75005 Paris, France
cUniversidad de Santiago de Compostela, Campus de Lugo, Facultad de Ciencias, Avda Alfonso X el Sabio s/n, 27002 Lugo, Spain
First published on 6th June 2014
Cyclodextrin-adamantane conjugates have been prepared and their ability to form supramolecular polymers was tested. It appears that they are either insoluble when the link is too rigid or they form self-included derivatives inhibiting the formation of the polymer.
CD 8 is soluble in water and the study of its self assembly could be performed by DLS, NMR, viscometry and ITC. First, it has to be said that the solubility of CD 8 is not very high as the solution becomes turbid above 5 mM concentration. At this concentration, in an aqueous solution containing NaN3, DLS showed formation of species with a hydrodynamic radius of 145 nm, corresponding to the previously reported assembly sizes. Such a hydrodynamic radius is actually much larger than what is expected if the only interaction involved is host–guest complexation. Indeed, the association constant between adamantane derivatives and β-CD is at best on the order of K = 105 L mol−1, which translates into a number average degree of polymerization DPn ∼ (KC)0.5∼20 (at a concentration C = 5 mM), based on a classical mass action law model.12 Therefore, the curvilinear end-to-end distance of the chains should be on the order of 20 nm. The one order of magnitude larger hydrodynamic radius measured is therefore a clear indication that other interactions than simple host–guest complexation are driving the assembly.
We further studied our system by NMR. In a standard study, we performed a dilution, hoping to observe shifts and sharpening of signals. However, no chemical shift changes could be observed, nor sharpening of the signals upon 10 and 100 times dilutions starting from a 7 mM solution of CD 8 was observed (Fig. 1). We then operated a detailed assignment of the 1H NMR spectrum and we were lucky enough to observe that two H-5s and two H-3s were clearly identifiable (see ESI Fig. SI9–SI16‡). The ROESY experiment then showed that adamantane was indeed inside the cavity but upside down. The 2D spectrum clearly shows cross-correlations only between H-5s of the CD and Ha of the adamantane, when the H-3s of the CD cross-correlate with Hb and Hc of the adamantane moiety (Fig. 2 and 3). Consequently compound 8 is in a self included form. We next performed DOSY experiments depending on the concentration of CD 8, and observed that whatever the concentration the diffusion coefficient remains in the same range as that for monomeric CD13 (Fig. 4).
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Fig. 4 Diffusion coefficient (D) obtained by DOSY experiments (D2O, 600 MHz) as a function of the concentration of CD 8. |
We next performed capillary viscosity measurements, and observed no difference in flow time between the blank and the 5 mM solution of CD-adamantyl 8. Finally, we probed intermolecular interactions by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Dilution of a 2.5 mM solution of CD-adamantyl 8 in water produced a weak and concentration independent heat exchange (Fig. 5). In contrast, dilution of an equimolar solution of β-CD and succinic acid linked adamantane 6 produced a strong endothermic effect that can be quantitatively fitted with a simple 1 to 1 association model, yielding an association constant K = 3.5 × 104 L mol−1 and a favourable association enthalpy ΔHassoc = −4.4 kcal mol−1. This means that in the concentration range probed (0.01 to 2.5 mM) CD-adamantyl 8 is not affected by dilution, which rules out the presence of a supramolecular polymer at 2.5 mM, and is in agreement with the presence of self-included monomers and/or very stable aggregates. This result was also confirmed by NMR through successive additions of adamantylcarboxylate to a 5 mM solution of CD 8 in D2O. It is only when we added between 2.8 and 4.5 equivalents of adamantylcarboxylate that chemical shifts of the CD started to be modified (see Fig. SI17‡). The self-included complex is therefore particularly stable.
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Fig. 5 (a) Heat flow curves obtained by dilution of a 2.5 mM solution of CD 8 or by dilution of a 2.5 mM equimolar mixture of β-CD and adamantyl derivative 6. (b) The corresponding ITC enthalpograms. The continuous curves are fits according to ref. 14. |
From all those results, we tend to conclude that CD 8 does not form supramolecular polymers because the self-included complex is highly stable. DOSY also did not detect any association whatever the concentration, and no viscosity enhancement could be observed. That leaves us with the DLS results that showed the presence of large species. We believe that this signal is due to the well-known aggregation15 of CDs undetectable by NMR because the aggregates are too large. Furthermore, we can answer to Lincoln interrogation whether the self-included compound was in equilibrium with the empty one, or if the self-included compound was obtained in the conjugation step.3 In our case the conjugation is operated on a benzylated CD 5 excluding self-inclusion at that stage. The self-inclusion, therefore, most probably uses the inversion or tumbling mechanism, which has been mainly observed on CD-dimers16 so far, but which seems to be a rather general mechanism (Scheme 2). In our case, this mechanism could also be favoured by the 12 kJ mol−1 free energy difference in favour of the complexation of adamantane from the secondary rim over that from the primary rim.17
Footnotes |
† Dedicated to Professor Max Malacria on the occasion of his 65th birthday. |
‡ Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section, NMR analysis, ITC experimental and adamantine carboxylate addition experiments. See DOI: 10.1039/c4qo00104d |
This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014 |