a and
aKey Laboratory for Green Technology of Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
bDepartment of Biochemical Engineering and Key Laboratory of Systems Bioengineering of Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China. E-mail:; Fax: +86 22 2740 6642; Tel: +86 22 27406642
cSynergetic Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin), Tianjin 300072, China
First published on 6th November 2013
Inspired by the synthetic biology and biomineralization mechanism, a de novo designed biomimetic strategy is developed for the synthesis of metal oxide–metal nanocomposites (NCs) in aqueous solution under ambient conditions in this study. Via the screening of amino acids, it is found that arginine (R) can induce the formation of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs), while tyrosine (Y) can reduce Ag+ and Au3+ ions into Ag and Au NPs, respectively. Subsequently, an artificial bifunctional peptide, arginine4tyrosine2 (R4Y2), as an example of this strategy, is designed to synthesize inorganic NCs including TiO2–Ag, TiO2–Au and SiO2–Ag, in which the positively charged moiety (R4) accelerates the polycondensation of negatively charged Ti or Si precursors, and the phenolic hydroxyl moiety (Y2) reduces Ag+ or Au3+ ions. This strategy may open an avenue for the green and controllable fabrication of a broad spectrum of inorganic NCs using artificial peptides as the inducer, designed rationally through encoding different parts of functional amino acids.
Biomimetic approach, as a green synthesis strategy, which refers to utilize biomolecules like proteins/peptides and polysaccharides7 or bio-inspired polymers like polyamines8 to synthesize inorganic nanomaterials under mild conditions, has attracted much attention more recently. To date, three types of proteins/peptides have been employed as the catalyst and/or template to induce the formation of inorganic nanomaterials based on their source in the biomimetic method: (1) natural proteins extracted from organisms, such as silaffin,9 protamine,10 bovine serum albumin (BSA),11 and lysozyme;12 (2) artificial proteins/peptides derived from natural proteins like R5 peptide13 or selected by the phage display technique like peptides with affinity to Ti,14 Au,15 Ag,16 Pd,17 carbon nanotube,18 and graphene;19 (3) designed peptides originated from basic amino acids, such as poly-L-lysine,20 poly-L-tyrosine,21 cysteine–lysine,22 (lysine–leucine)8–PEG70,23 isoleucine3–lysine,24 alanine6–lysine,25 and amyloid-like peptide.26 Among these, the designed peptide is a future focal point since it can be rationally designed and construct different morphologies of inorganic nanomaterials inspired by the biomineralization mechanism. However, most of designed peptides have been used to prepare single-component inorganic nanomaterials, or to self-assemble into diverse morphologies till now.27 The synthesis of inorganic NCs by using rationally designed peptides as the inducer remains unexplored.
Whether a protein/peptide bears the ability to prepare inorganic nanomaterials is determined by its constituent amino acids. L-Arginine28 and L-lysine29 were reported as active amino acids to be able to induce TiO2 formation in aqueous conditions owing to the carriage of positive charges under neutral pH. L-Tyrosine,30,31L-tryptophan,32L-phenylalanine33 and L-cysteine34etc. can reduce metal ions into metal nanoparticles (NPs). Moreover, L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid are able to control the formation and growth process of inorganic nanocrystals.30 Therefore, the composition and content of amino acids are crucial for designing the peptide with capability to controllably induce the formation of inorganic NPs. In the last decade, the synthetic biology, which aims to create new biological systems by encoding different genetic parts to investigate natural biological phenomena or as a biofactory for a variety of bioprocessing applications, has triggered intense attention among bioengineers and chemists.35 Enlightened by such encouraged progress, the synthetic peptide composed of different amino acids with different functions may be theoretically powerful and versatile for producing inorganic NCs by a biomimetic approach.
In the present study, a de novo designed biomimetic strategy is developed for the synthesis of inorganic NCs by using a rationally designed peptide as the single inducer. In order to confirm the availability of this strategy, L-arginine (R) and L-tyrosine (Y) are screened to induce the formation of TiO2 or SiO2 NPs, and to reduce Ag+ or Au3+ into Ag or Au NPs, respectively. Subsequently, a six peptide, R4Y2, is designed to synthesize TiO2–Ag, TiO2–Au and SiO2–Ag NCs. This strategy is a facile, green and controllable technique, which may be applied for the fabrication of inorganic NCs with unique physical, chemical and biological properties in future.
When an arginine solution at pH 7.0 was added into the Ti-BALDH solution under continually stirring, the mixed solution became turbid quickly. The SEM result (Fig. 1a) indicates that the forming precipitates are aggregated spherical NPs with diameter around 200–400 nm. As demonstrated in Fig. 2a, these NPs exhibit two weak broad peaks around 25.2° and 47.9°, suggesting that they are partially crystallized anatase TiO2 (JCPDS no. 21-2172), which is similar to the previous report.12 Arginine is a high isoelectric point amino acid (pI = 10.76) with positive charges at neutral pH, which can attract negatively charged Ti precursors and facilitate their dehydration and polycondensation process.
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Fig. 1 SEM images of R-TiO2 NPs (a) and R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NCs (b); a TEM picture of Y-Ag NPs (c) and its HRTEM image (d); a TEM picture of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NCs (e) and its HRTEM image (f). |
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Fig. 2 (a) XRD patterns of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NPs before and after calcination; (b) TGA curves of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NPs. |
As shown in Fig. 1c, some NPs without obvious aggregation can be produced by L-tyrosine under alkaline conditions, which are the combination of spherical-like, triangular and polygonal NPs with diameter of 36.0 ± 9.6 nm. HRTEM further confirms that these NPs possess a d-space of 0.24 nm, corresponding to (101) plane of face centered cubic Ag (Fig. 1d). Tyrosine is an aromatic amino acid with phenolic group, which can ionize under alkaline condition and transfer electrons to Ag+ ions, leading to the formation of Ag NPs and quinone compound.36 Moreover, it is reported that other amino acids with phenolic group, like tryptophan and phenylalanine, can also have the similar capability to reduce metal ions.33
TiO2–Ag NCs can be prepared easily by jointly using L-tyrosine and L-arginine as the reducer of Ag+ ions and the inducer of Ti precursors, respectively. From Fig. 1b and e, it can be seen that Ag NPs about 35 nm in diameter are deposited onto the surface of TiO2 NPs with the size about 400 nm. The corresponding HRTEM image (Fig. 1f) demonstrates that some nanoparticles exist near a Ag NP, and have a d-spacing of 0.35 nm, corresponding to (101) face of anatase TiO2. Furthermore, there are some organic substances around the Ag NP, which may be L-tyrosine. The similar phenomenon is also observed in the Au NPs synthesized by lysozyme and poly-tyrosine, in which Au NPs are entrapped in the protein.26,27 XRD measurements were carried out to analyze the crystallization behavior of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NCs. As demonstrated in Fig. 2a, the XRD curve of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) is almost same as that of R-TiO2, indicating that the deposition of Ag NPs does not affect the crystallization of R-TiO2. There is no Ag peak in the XRD pattern, which can be assigned to the small amount of Ag in the NCs. Fig. 2b demonstrates the TG curves of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y). There are three weight loss stages: 100–200, 200–400 and 500–600 °C, which can be assigned to the loss of bound water, the decomposition of amino acids and the phase transformation of TiO2 in the samples, respectively. The remaining weights account for 60% and 67% in R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y), which should be the inorganic phase.
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was conducted to further confirm the chemical state of Ti and Ag atoms in the TiO2–Ag NCs. Fig. 3a exhibits the high-resolution Ti2p XPS spectra of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y). The Ti2p curve of R-TiO2 has two peaks at 458.2 and 464.2 eV, which belong to the Ti2p3/2 and Ti2p1/2 orbits, respectively, agreeing well with Ti(IV) in pure anatase TiO2. In comparison, these two peaks of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) shift to higher binding energy at 459.7 and 465.9 eV. This shift can be distributed to the strong interaction between Ag and TiO2, which results in a lower electron density of the TiO2 surface after the Ag NPs deposition.37 The high-resolution Ag3d XPS spectrum (Fig. 3b) has two peaks at 367.8 and 373.8 eV, which can be assigned to the Ag3d5/2 and Ag3d3/2 orbits, respectively. The peaks shift to lower binding energy compared to bulk Ag crystal (368.3 eV for Ag3d5/2, and 374.3 eV for Ag3d3/2), which can be explained by the electron transfer from TiO2 to Ag.37Fig. 3c and d are high-resolution O1s XPS spectra of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y). It can be seen that three oxygen atom environments exist in R-TiO2: crystal lattice oxygen (OTi–O–Ti at 529.4 eV), surface hydroxyl group (OTi–O–H at 531.7 eV) and adsorbed O2 (at 533.5 eV). The O1s curve of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) NCs can be fitted to four peaks, in which three peaks locate at the same places as those in R-TiO2 despite different intensities. A new peak of Ti–O–Ag appears at binding energy of 530.1 eV, implying the covalent bonding between Ag and TiO2 NPs.
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Fig. 3 High-resolution XPS spectra: Ti2p of R-TiO2 and R-TiO2-Ag(Y) (a), Ag3d of R-TiO2-Ag(Y) (b), O1s of R-TiO2 (c) and R-TiO2-Ag(Y) (d). |
After adding R4Y2 into the Ti-BALDH solution, the transparent solution immediately became turbid, indicating the formation of inorganic precipitates as expected. These precipitates are highly interconnected network consisting of nanoparticles with the diameter of 15–30 nm (Fig. 5a), which are mainly composed of Ti and O elements (Fig. 5d), suggesting that they are TiO2 NPs. Compared to R-TiO2 NPs produced by arginine, RY-TiO2 NPs are smaller, however, they are similar with those induced by proteins like protamine10 or lysozyme.12 It is reported that the TiO2 precipitation can significantly be promoted by increasing the number of consecutive lysine in the peptide, because the sequence of consecutive lysine residues containing side-chain amine groups can attract anionic Ti precursors and thus, facilitating the nucleophilic attack between Ti precursors.29 It is deduced that the smaller size of TiO2 induced by R4Y2 results from the faster condensation of TiBALDH, since arginine has the side-chain guanidine group with higher electropositivity than amino group. Moreover, four consecutive arginine residues also possess the spatial proximity, which is believed to be a key element resulting in fast specific activity of Ti-mineralizing proteins.40 Unlike other designed peptide such as isoleucine3–lysine (I3K)23 and alanine6–lysine (V6K),24 R4Y2 doesn't self-assemble into supramolecular structure because of its high hydrophilicity. It directly acts as the catalyst to induce the TiO2 formation via the electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions with Ti-BALDH following by the polycondensation reaction.10 When R4Y2 is incubated with a Ag+ solution for about 24 to 48 h, the solution gradually turned brown, suggesting the reduction of Ag+ ions. TEM (Fig. 5b) and EDS (Fig. 5e) display that the formed sediment is spherical Ag NPs about 9.1 ± 2.3 nm in diameter, which are also much smaller than Y-Ag NPs synthesized by tyrosine, revealing the different influence of amino acid states (single molecule or amino acid residue in the peptide) on the Ag NP size.
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Fig. 5 TEM images of (a) TiO2 NPs, (b) Ag NPs and (c) TiO2–Ag NCs synthesized by artificial peptide R4Y2 and their corresponding EDS spectra (d–f). |
In order to synthesize TiO2–Ag NCs by using R4Y2, interconnected TiO2 NPs were first produced, and then mixed with AgNO3 solution under stirring. As demonstrated in Fig. 5c and f, the obtained materials are TiO2–Ag NCs, in which Ag NPs are about 21.3 ± 6.7 nm in size. In order to confirm the R4Y2 universality for the biomimetic synthesis of metal oxide–metal NCs, TiO2–Au and SiO2–Ag NCs were also fabricated by the same method producing TiO2–Ag NCs. As shown in Fig. 6, the prepared TiO2–Au NCs are similar with TiO2–Ag NCs except that Au NPs are irregular aggregates; while the prepared SiO2–Ag NCs consist of quadrilateral-like SiO2 particles with diameter around 400–700 nm and spherical Ag NPs with diameter of 18.6 ± 9.5 nm.
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Fig. 6 TEM images of TiO2–Au (a) and SiO2–Ag NCs (b) synthesized by artificial peptide R4Y2 and their corresponding EDS spectra (c and d). |
The circular dichroism (CD) spectra were employed to investigate the change of the peptide secondary structure during the biomimetic synthesis of inorganic NCs. The free peptide solution shows a β-turn structure with a minimum at 196 nm and maximum at 225 nm (Fig. 7a). When Ag+ was added to the peptide solution and reacted for 48 h, the CD spectrum yields a curve with three peaks around 195, 201 and 227 nm, indicating the overlap of β-turn and unordered conformation. After the addition of Ti-BALDH to the peptide solution, the solution yields a spectrum with minimum around 215 nm (Fig. 7b). This curve is indicative of a β-sheet conformation,20 which may be assigned to the electrostatic interaction between peptide and Ti precursor. After the addition of Ag+ or Au3+ to RY-TiO2 solution and incubation for about 48 hours, the solution yields a CD spectrum similar with the peptide–TiO2 solution. However, their minimum absorption shift to around 214 and 219 nm, respectively, which can be attributed to the interaction between peptide and Ag or Au NPs.15 The CD spectrum of RY-SiO2-Ag solution yields a complicated shape with a peak at 198 nm and a minimum at 217 nm, indicating the overlap of α-helix and β-sheet conformation.
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Fig. 7 Circular dichroism spectra of R4Y2 solution, RY-Ag NPs, RY-SiO2-Ag (a) and RY-TiO2, RY-TiO2-Ag, RY-TiO2-Au (b). |
Based on the above results, a tentative mechanism that accounts for the role of R4Y2 in the biomimetic synthesis of inorganic NCs is deduced. Taking TiO2/Ag as an example, the R4 moiety of R4Y2 locally acts as acid–base catalyst during the formation of TiO2 NPs. The R4 moiety firstly triggers the hydrolysis/condensation reactions by its interaction with TiBALDH, and then promotes the nucleation and growth of titania. In this process, majority of R4Y2 molecules are not consumed, and locate on the surface of forming TiO2 NPs.14 When the AgNO3 solution is added in the reaction system subsequently, the Y2 segment of R4Y2 exposed on the surface of TiO2 NPs reduces Ag+ ions to form Ag NPs. Finally, the TiO2/Ag NCs are formed via the dual functions of R4Y2.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |