Mingzheng Xieab,
Qingqiang Menga,
Peng Luana,
Yujie Fengb and
Liqiang Jing*a
aKey Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Materials Chemistry (Heilongjiang University), Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Harbin 150080, P. R. China. E-mail: jinglq@hlju.edu.cn; Tel: +86-451-86604760
bState Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and Environment (Harbin Institute of Technology), Harbin 150001, P. R. China
First published on 9th October 2014
In this paper, a feasible route is developed to greatly enhance the visible photocatalytic activities of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles for degrading colorless pollutants by coupling a suitable amount of mesoporous nanocrystalline anatase TiO2. Based on the atmosphere-controlled steady-state surface photovoltage spectra, transient-state surface photovoltage responses, photoelectrochemical measurements and O2 temperature-programmed desorption, it is suggested that the coupled TiO2 with a high-level conduction band bottom would act as a high-level platform, could facilitate the uncommon spatial transfers of visible-excited energetic electrons from Fe2O3 to TiO2, and the mesoporous structure of TiO2 could promote the capture of the energetic electrons by O2 by enhancing the O2 adsorption. This is favorable to prolong the carrier lifetime and to promote the charge separation, leading to the obviously-enhanced visible photoactivities. The developed strategy would provide us with a simple and feasible idea to greatly improve the photocatalytic performance of visible-response oxide-based nano-semiconductors.
Generally speaking, constructing the heterojunctional composite is an effective way to promote photogenerated charge separation.26–29 In our previous work,30 the rutile TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite was fabricated and exhibits better visible photocatalytic activity for degrading organic pollutants than either Fe2O3 or rutile TiO2 alone, and it is preliminary attributed to the visible-photogenerated energetic electron transfers from Fe2O3 to rutile TiO2. Meanwhile, this unexpected charge transfer was supported by our another work,31 in which coupling BiVO4 with a proper amount of TiO2 could improve its visible activity for H2 evolution by promoting the charge carrier separation. Obviously, it is completely different from the frequently accepted view that the excited electrons of a semiconductor with high-level CB would transfer to another one with a low CB level.32–34 Therefore, it is much meaningful to further clarify the unexpected transfers.
Since anatase TiO2 has similar band structure to rutile TiO2, the unexpected visible-charge transfer is expected to be happened in anatase TiO2 coupled Fe2O3, which is mentioned in the previous work,30 but detailed study and discussion are lacking. And, compared to rutile TiO2, anatase TiO2 is easy to synthesize and control the structure, implying anatase TiO2–Fe2O3 has advantages in practical application. In addition, promoting the O2 adsorption is an effective way to promote the photogenerated charge separation by accelerating the capture of electrons by O2. Mesoporous TiO2 has larger surface area than the non-mesoporous one, and is expected has stronger O2 adsorption than the latter. In other words, coupling Fe2O3 with mesoporous TiO2 would be benefit for the utilization of the visible-photogenerated charge more than that with non-mesoporous TiO2. Naturally, this would further promote the charge separation, leading to greatly enhanced photocatalytic activity.
Herein, we have developed a feasible route to greatly enhance the visible photocatalytic activities of α-Fe2O3 for degrading colorless phenol and acetaldehyde by coupling with a proper amount of mesoporous nanocrystalline anatase TiO2. Interestingly, it is suggested that the greatly enhanced activities are attributed to the spatial transfers of the visible-excited energetic electrons from α-Fe2O3 to TiO2 and the promoted capture of the energetic electrons by adsorbed O2 on TiO2, which is favorable to prolong the lifetimes and to promote the separation of photogenerated charge carriers.
Mesoporous nanocrystalline (Nc) TiO2 was synthesized by a sol-hydrothermal method. A typical process was as follows: 5 mL Ti(OBu)4 was dissolved in 5 mL anhydrous ethanol in a dry atmosphere, and then the mixed solution was added dropwise into another mixture consisting of 20 mL anhydrous ethanol, 5 mL water and 1 mL 70% HNO3 at room temperature under vigorously stirring, forming a yellowish transparent sol. And a certain amount (0.5 g, 1 g, 3 g, 5 g) of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (P123) was added to the formed sol under stirring. Subsequently, 30 mL of resulting sol was kept at 160 °C for 6 h in a Teflon-lined stainless-steel vessel to carry out hydrothermal reactions, and afterwards cooled naturally to room temperature. After washed with deionized water and absolute ethanol in turn, and dried at 80 °C in air, mesoporous Nc-TiO2 was obtained. By contrast, Nc-TiO2 was prepared through a similar process without the addition of P123. Nc-Fe2O3 was prepared by a water–organic two-phase separated hydrolysis-solvothermal (HST) method.35
To construct different mass ratios of TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposites, we took the desired-amount as-prepared Nc-TiO2 or mesoporous Nc-TiO2 and Nc-Fe2O3 to put them together into a 50 mL 50% ethanol solution under vigorously stirring for 1 h. Subsequently, the mixture was heated to 80 °C and kept the temperature under stirring. After evaporated out, the residual mixture was dried at 80 °C in air. Finally, different ratios of TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposites were obtained by thermal treatment of the dried mixture at 450 °C for 2 h. The obtained nanocomposite is defined as XT-F or YM-XT-F, in which X indicates the mass content percentage of TiO2 in the composite and Y indicates the mass (g) of added P123 in the preparation of mesoporous Nc-TiO2, T is Nc-TiO2, M-T is mesoporous Nc-TiO2 and F means Fe2O3.
The film electrodes for photoelectrochemical (PEC) measurements were fabricated by the doctor blade method, which has been described in the previous work.30 Similar to the above nanocomposite powder, the resulting film is named by XT-FF or YM-XT-FF, in which the last F means film. The FTO glass covered by the nanocomposite film was cut into 1.5 cm × 3.0 cm pieces with nanocomposite film surface area of 1.0 cm × 1.0 cm. To make a photoelectrode, an electrical contact was made with FTO substrate by using silver conducting paste connected to a copper wire, which was then enclosed in a glass tube. The working geometric surface area of nanocomposite was 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm, where the remaining area was covered by epoxy resin.
The steady-state surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SS-SPS) measurement of the sample was carried out with a home-built apparatus that has been described elsewhere.2,36 Monochromatic light was obtained by passing light from a 500 W xenon lamp (CHFXQ500W, Global Xenon Lamp Power, made in China) through a double-prism monochromator (Hilger and Watts, D 300, made in England). A lock-in amplifier (SR830, made in U.S.A), synchronized with a light chopper (SR540, made in U.S.A.), was employed to amplify photovoltage signal. The powder sample was sandwiched between two ITO glass electrodes, and the sandwiched electrodes could be arranged in an atmosphere-controlled container with a quartz window for transmitting light.
The transient-state surface photovoltage (TS-SPV) response measurements were performed with a self-assembled device in air atmosphere at room temperature,2,37 in which the sample chamber is connected to an ITO glass as the top electrode and to a steel substrate as the bottom electrode, and an about 10 μm thick mica spacer was placed between the ITO glass and the sample to decrease the space charge region at the ITO-sample interface. The samples were excited by a 532 nm laser radiation with 10 ns pulse width from a second harmonic Nd:YAG laser (Lab-130-10H, Newport, Co.). The laser intensity was modulated with an optical neutral filter and measured by a high energy pyroelectric sensor (PE50BF-DIF-C, Ophir Photonics Group). The signals were registered by a 1 GHz digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO 4104B, Tektronix) with an amplifier at the aid of a computer.
PEC experiment was performed in a glass cell with a quartz window using a 500 W xenon light with a stabilized current power supply as the illumination source with a 420-cutoff filter and a pH 13.6 NaOH solution as the electrolyte. The working electrode was the TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite film (0.25 cm2 area), illuminated from the FTO glass side. A platinum plate (99.9%) was used as the counter electrode, and a saturated-KCl Ag/AgCl electrode (SSE) was used as the reference electrode. All the potentials in the paper were referred to the SSE. Oxygen-free nitrogen gas was used to bubble through the electrolyte before and during the experiment. Applied potentials were controlled by a commercial computer-controlled potentiostat (LK2006A made in China). For comparison, the current was also measured on dark condition. Electrochemical impedance data were performed in a three electrode configuration with the Princeton Applied Research Versa STAT 3.
Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of oxygen was also measured using a home-built facility. Sample powder (50 mg) was pretreated in a Pyrex tube (i.d. 6 mm) at 270 °C for 30 min by an ultra-high-pure He flow, and then the temperature was cooled to 25 °C. For O2 adsorption saturation, the sample was continuously blown with ultra-high-pure O2 for 90 min at 25 °C. After O2 adsorption, the sample was flushed in ultrahigh-purity He flow to remove the physically adsorbed O2 on the powders. An O2-TPD profile of the sample was recorded by increasing the temperature from 30 to 600 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 under 20 mL min−1 of ultra-high-purity He flow. The desorbed O2 was analyzed by a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, SHIMADZU) with a TCD detector.
For the photocatalytic degradation of gas-phase acetaldehyde, it was conducted in a 640 mL of cylindrical quartz reactor with 3 mouths for introducing a planned amount of photocatalyst powders and a planned concentration of acetaldehyde gas.35 The reactor was placed horizontally and irradiated from the top side by using a 150 W xenon lamp with a 420-cutoff filter. In a typical process, 0.2 g photocatalyst was used, and a premixed gas system, which contained 810 ppm acetaldehyde, 20% of O2, and 80% of N2, was introduced into the reactor. To reach adsorption saturation, the mixed gas continuously moved through the reactor for half an hour prior to the irradiation. The determination of acetaldehyde concentration at different time interval in the photocatalysis was performed with a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu) equipped with a flame ionization detector.
Fig. 1 XRD patterns (A) and TEM image of 20T-F (B), (a: F, b: 10T-F, c: 20T-F, d: 30T-F, e: 50T-F, f: T, and the same elsewhere unless stated), the inset in the (B) is the HRTEM image. |
The steady-state surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SS-SPS), with its very high sensitivity, is a well-suitable and direct method to explore the properties of photogenerated charges of solid semiconducting materials.2,36 As shown in Fig. 2A, it is noticed that the SPS response of TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite gradually becomes strong with increasing the amount of TiO2, and it is the strongest for the 20T-F one, even 20 times larger than that of the F at 425 nm wavelength. According to the SPS principle,36 the strong SPS response corresponds to the high photogenerated charge separation. However, if the amount of TiO2 is continuously increased, the SPS response begins to go down. This should be attributed to the excess TiO2 unfavorable for visible light absorption. Notably, the SPS response of Nc-TiO2 is only within the UV range, while that of TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite could appear at the visible range, similar to that of Nc-Fe2O3. In addition, it is found that the SPS response edges of Nc-Fe2O3 and TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite are obvious blue shift compared to the corresponding DRS one (>620 nm). For Fe2O3, its SPS signal results from the adsorbed O2 capturing excited electrons.37 Fe2O3 and TiO2–Fe2O3 show negligible SPS signal at 620 nm, indicating the excited electrons of Fe2O3 at the CB bottom could not be captured by the adsorbed O2. In other words, for the observed SPS blue shift, it is interesting to verify the low CB bottom level of Fe2O3.
The current density of excited semiconductor usually associates with its charge carrier separation. As seen from XRD patterns (Fig. S2†), SEM images (Fig. S3†), and I–V curves in the dark (Fig. S4†), the introduction of Nc-TiO2 does not change the crystal phase, crystallinity, and surface morphology of α-Fe2O3 films, and it could slightly influence the dark current. One can see from Fig. 2B that the photocurrent density of the FF is rather small, and even neglectable, indicating that its charge carrier separation rate is very low. Interestingly, as the amount of coupled Nc-TiO2 is increased, the photocurrent density is improved gradually. For the 20T-FF nanocomposite, it displays the largest photocurrent density among the fabricated ones, and its photocurrent density (0.2 mA cm−2) is about 12 times larger than that of the FF (0.016 mA cm−2) at the same applied voltage (0.4 V). If the amount of used TiO2 is excess, the corresponding photocurrent is decreased, like 30T-FF and 50T-FF. As expected, the TF displays negligible photocurrent under visible illumination. In addition, 20T-FF nanocomposite shows smaller arc radii in Nyquist plot than FF in the dark or under visible irradiation (Fig. S5†), indicating it has small charge transfer resistance, which is in good agreement with the TS-SPV signals.
These results are further supported by the measurements of formed hydroxyl radical amounts on different samples after visible irradiation through the wide-used coumarin fluorescent method, which is a highly sensitive technique to detect the ˙OH amount. As shown in Fig. S6,† compared with Fe2O3, TiO2–Fe2O3 samples exhibit large ˙OH amount, and the 20T-F sample produces the largest amount among those samples. As an important kind of active intermediate species, the ˙OH amount formed is associated with the charge carrier separation rate and the final photocatalytic activity. Therefore, it is suggested that the TiO2–Fe2O3 samples would show good performance for pollutant degradation.
Based on the SS-SPS and TS-SPV responses, PEC performance and hydroxyl radical amount mentioned above, it is deduced that the photogenerated charge separation of α-Fe2O3 under visible illumination is greatly enhanced by coupling with a proper amount of Nc-TiO2. Thus, it is anticipated that the fabricated TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposites should exhibit high visible photocatalytic activities for degrading pollutants compared with Fe2O3. Phenol as a typical recalcitrant contaminant without sensitizing as a dye and acetaldehyde as a kind of volatile organic compound widely existing in industrial production are harmful to human health and natural environment. Thus, phenol and acetaldehyde were chosen as liquid-phase and gas-phase representative pollutants to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the fabricated TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite samples under visible irradiation, respectively. From Fig. 3, one can note that the photocatalytic activities for degrading colorless liquid-phase phenol and gas-phase acetaldehyde of Fe2O3 are obviously improved by coupling with a proper amount of Nc-TiO2. As expected, the 20T-F sample exhibits the highest activity among the investigated nanocomposites, which is consistent with the above results. Therefore, it is concluded that the fabricated TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposites could exhibit much high visible photocatalytic activities for degrading colorless pollutants, compared with Fe2O3.
Fig. 3 Photocatalytic degradation rates of phenol (A) and acetaldehyde (B) under visible irradiation. K means the corresponding degradation reaction rate constant. |
Interestingly, the assumption is supported by the results of the SPS measurements in different atmospheres. As shown in Fig. S7,† 20T-F shows the detectable SPS response in N2, while it is negligible for Fe2O3, suggesting the transfers have happened.31 And, the assumption is also supported by the results that the noble Pt could be deposited on TiO2 in the fabricated nanocomposite after visible irradiation for 1 h based on the HRTEM image (Fig. S8†), clearly indicating that the visible-excited electrons of Fe2O3 have transferred to TiO2.
As mentioned above, mesoporous TiO2 would show good O2 adsorption due to the large surface area. It is expected that replacing the non-mesoporous TiO2 with mesoporous TiO2 in the TiO2–Fe2O3 nanocomposite would improve the photocatalytic activity by promoting the capture of energetic electron, which could further support the assumption. As shown in Fig. S9,† the substitution of TiO2 does not change the structural characters of nanocomposite, and there are some pores with 3 nm size in the anatase TiO2. Fig. 4 shows the N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms and the corresponding BJH pore size distribution plots of 20T-F and 3M-20T-F samples. From that it can be seen the isotherms of both 20T-F and 3M-20T-F samples are type IV, indicating the presence of mesoporous structure according to the IUPAC classification.41 And the average pore size of them is approximately 20 nm according to the corresponding BJH pore-size distributions (insets of Fig. 4), which is formed by the accumulation of Fe2O3. It is worth noting that some pores sized of 3 nm could be seen in 3M-20T-F sample (insets of Fig. 4B), which is from the mesoporous TiO2. These pores obviously increase the surface area (from 47.28 m2 g−1 to 53.76 m2 g−1), though the mesoporous TiO2 take a small part in the nanocomposite.
Fig. 4 N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of 20T-F (A) and 3M-20T-F (B), the inset is the corresponding BJH pore size distribution plot. |
In our previous work, it has been demonstrated that the large surface area corresponds to the high amount of O2 adsorption.42 As expected, as shown in Fig. 5A, 3M-20T-F sample desorders more O2 than 20T-F sample based on the O2 temperature-programmed desorption measurements, indicating the presence of mesoporous greatly enhances the O2 adsorption. Fig. 5B shows the TS-SPV responses, from that it is can be seen 20T-F sample exhibits a high charge separation compared to F, which is attributed to the visible-photogenerated charge transfer from Fe2O3 to anatase TiO2. And interestingly, 3.0M-20T-F shows a longer carrier lifetime of ∼2 ms and higher charge separation than 20T-F. As indicated above, the mesoporous structure could enhance the O2 adsorption by increasing the surface area so as to promote the capture of photogenerated charge. Therefore, it is reasonable to attribute the improved carrier properties to the promoted untilization of visible-photogenerated charge, which is supported by the SS-SPS response (Fig. S10A†) and further certify the assumption of the uncommon charge transfers. In addition, T sample exhibits a negligible TS-SPV response due to the wide bandgap, which cannot be excited under visible irradiation. As a result, the mesoporous TiO2 coupled Fe2O3 samples show much higher visible photocatalytic activity for degradation of acetaldehyde than 20T-F sample, and 3.0M-20T-F sample is the highest one among them (Fig. S10B†), which is attributed the highest charge separation rate (Fig. S10A†). Further increase the amount of pores, the activity would decrease, may be attributed to the new formed recombination centers.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: DRS spectra and TEM image (Fig. S1), XRD patterns (Fig. S2), SEM images (Fig. S3), I–V curves (Fig. S4), EIS spectra (Fig. S5), the formed hydroxyl radical amount (Fig. S6), SS-SPS responses (Fig. S7), HRTEM image (Fig. S8), XRD patterns, DRS spectra and TEM images (Fig. S9), and SS-SPS response and photocatalytic degradation rates (Fig. S10). See DOI: 10.1039/c4ra08451a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |