Owen T.
Warren R. L.
Jennifer M.
c and
Christine M.
aHealth and Safety Laboratory, Harpur Hill, Buxton, UK SK17 9JN, UK. E-mail: owen.butler@hsl.gsi.gov.uk
bCNR-IDPA, Universita Ca' Foscari, 30123 Venezia, Italy
cBritish Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK NG12 5GG
dUniversity of Strathclyde, Cathedral Street, Glasgow, UK G1 1XL, UK
First published on 20th November 2014
This is the 30th annual review of the application of atomic spectrometry to the chemical analysis of environmental samples. This Update refers to papers published approximately between August 2013 and July 2014 and continues the series of Atomic Spectrometry Updates (ASUs) in environmental analysis1 that should be read in conjunction with other related ASUs in the series, namely: clinical and biological materials, foods and beverages,2 advances in atomic spectrometry and related techniques,3 elemental speciation,4X-ray fluorescence spectrometry,5 and the analysis of metals, chemicals and functional materials.6 In the field of air analysis, highlights within this review period included: the use of 3D printing technology for the rapid prototyping of new air sampler components; single particle ICP-MS studies; use of a new triple-quadrupole ICP-MS for the analysis of radioactive species and the use of FEG-SEM and IBA for the analysis of gun-shot residues. In the field of water analysis, methods continue to be developed: for the extraction and preconcentration of elements; speciation of As, Cr, Hg and Sb forms and determination of elemental constituents in colloidal and NP fractions. Instrumental developments reported include the use of MC-ICP-MS for isotopic tracer studies and a review of XRF techniques and associated preconcentration procedures for trace element analysis. Many articles featuring the analysis of plants and soils appeared but, as usual, most focused on environmental applications rather than the advancement of atomic spectrometry. There have, however, been interesting developments, such as the almost bewildering increase in types of micro-extraction for analyte preconcentration and the resurgence of CS-AAS. Clearly LIBS is maturing rapidly, with soil analysis becoming more routine in nature. Also notable was the way the accident at the Fukishima-Daiichi nuclear power plant triggered development of analytical methods for the assessment of contamination in the surrounding area. Recent research indicates that geological applications still drives many of the instrumental and methodological advances in LA-ICP-MS. Fundamental studies continue to shed light on the processes involved and hence ways of improving the analysis of laser-produced aerosols. The preparation of NP powders for the production of matrix-matched RMs for microanalytical techniques such as LA-ICP-MS and SIMS showed great promise for addressing one of the major issues when analysing geological materials by these techniques. Steady advances in MC-ICP-MS methodology is feeding through to applications in isotope geochemistry, while new SIMS instrumentation is being directed towards probing fine growth structures in biogenic carbonates and inferring past climate conditions from their geochemistry. Feedback on this review is most welcome and the review coordinator can be contacted using the email address provided.
Alternative approaches for assessing worker exposure included the use of ICP-MS to measure the concentration of metals such as Fe and Mn in exhaled particles from welders.18–20 Exhaled breath was collected through a sampling inlet, reminiscent of an alcohol breathalyser, into a Peltier-cooled collection vial. Challenges included measuring ultratrace levels, relating measured elemental concentration to dose and minimising the potential from cross contamination with non-inhaled particles such as those deposited on the lips.
New ambient air samplers continue to be developed. A high-volume aerosol-into-liquid sampler was developed to preconcentrate fine particulate matter into a slurry sample.21 A laboratory study indicated that collection efficiencies were >90% over the particle size range 0.01–2 μm whilst field tests indicated that the system was capable of continuous and unattended operation over 2–3 days at a nominal flow rate of 200 L min−1. A multistage sampler, designed to mimic deposition of aerosol in different parts of the human respiratory system, employed foam and nylon mesh to act as both particle size selectors and collection substrates.22 These substrates were not amenable to gravimetric (mass) analysis due to effects of humidity on weighing but were suitable for chemical analysis. Collecting a defined particle fraction is often required and studies evaluating new sampler inlet designs continue to be reported. The majority of airborne measurements of aerosols employ forward-facing inlets with near isokinetic sampling but these inlets have limitations when sampling in clouds due to artifact formation when liquid or ice cloud particles collide with inlet surfaces. To alleviate this problem a new perpendicular inlet23 was successfully developed to allow small particles (<1 μm) to be sampled to the exclusion of cloud particles (>1 μm) with no discernible artifact response. A streamlined, high-volume particle impactor24 employed a single round jet designed to operate at a flow rate of 1000 L min−1. The novelty of this study was not necessarily the design of this new impactor but the combination of computational fluid dynamic tools with rapid prototyping using 3D printer technology. This reviewer is aware of other research groups working in this field who are also exploiting this new powerful 3D printer technology.
Urban air quality can be severely affected by traffic-derived particulate matter. Sources of particles include tail-pipe emissions, brake pad and tyre wear and resuspension of road dust by vehicular motion or wind. Techniques involving resuspension of settled road dust in a laboratory setting are not entirely satisfactory as they may not mimic street conditions. A mobile road dust sampler,25 which consisted of an air sampler mounted on a motorised laboratory trolley, induced resuspension and collected particles directly from road surfaces, and had the ability to collect particles in two size ranges, PM1–10 and PM1. A garden leaf blower was used to resuspend particles under a road surface sampling hood, attached to the front of the trolley and connected via tubing to the air sampler. The authors suggested that this new approach may offer a better method for unbiased sample collection. Continuing the theme of using components designed for other uses, air filters in car engines have been advocated26,27 as potentially useful urban air samplers. Filters from taxis were used as mobile high-volume air samplers and provided city-wide integrated air concentrations at street level. Approximate air volumes sampled were derived from consideration of the fuel consumption or the engine volume and the associated rpm data. Measured values for a range of elemental species and PAHs were comparable with those derived from more conventional TSP air samplers. Satellite navigation technology could also be employed in logging the itineraries of the vehicles and thus assisting in the future development of urban pollution maps.
The recent UNEP convention binding countries to reduce mercury emissions will require developments in air sampling technologies. New Cl and I-impregnated activated carbon traps were evaluated28 as a means of preconcentrating air samples in order to meet the challenge of collecting sufficient sample for Hg stable isotope research. The low level blank, ca. 0.3 ng Hg per g of sorbent, in preconditioned traps equated to <3% of the Hg collected in a typical sample. Recoveries were calculated using a Hg vapour spike of known isotopic composition. No induced isotopic artifacts occurred when recoveries were >81% but a positive mass dependent fractionation bias was observed when recoveries were <81%. Mercury emissions arising from spontaneous combustion within landfill sites represent an anthropogenic source that historically has been overlooked in many Hg inventory estimates. New real-time Hg measurements conducted at a large urban landfill site29 were made using a field-deployable analyser integrated with a newly developed relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) approach. This REA technique is a micro-metrological method that allows measurement of spatially averaged air-surface exchange Hg fluxes over a much larger area (ca. 1 ha) than the few m2 typically sampled by enclosure systems. Ambient air concentrations above the landfill site increased from a baseline of 43 ± 20 to 396 ± 114 ng m−3 following one such combustion event. In light of this work, the authors suggested that data for spontaneous combustion of refuse in landfill sites should be included in future Hg emissions inventory estimates.
Technique-specific sample preparation procedures have been advocated. Sample pretreatment strategies37 for TXRF analysis of particulates included in situ microdigestion, slurry preparation, acid digestion and other extraction procedures. To undertake high precision Hg stable isotope measurements sufficient amounts of Hg (>10 ng) are required but the acid digestion of natural samples with low Hg concentrations (<1–10 ng g−1), such as pulverised coal and fly ash, is challenging. An elegant solution38 lay in the use of combustion to liberate Hg from solid matrices, reduction to Hg0 and trapping in acidic solution. Solution aliquots were then introduced into a MC-ICP-MS instrument using a CV technique. Provided that Hg recoveries were within 80–120%, no systematic dependence of Hg isotopic composition on the % recovery was observed, echoing findings reported earlier in this review. The limited transfer of residual sample matrix into the acid solution was beneficial as it minimised the potential for matrix interference on the CV reductant step. Peak area measurements in conjunction with a standard addition calibration protocol was proposed39 to minimise this matrix effect observed when Hg in impinger samples, derived from stack emissions, were analysed using CV-AFS.
On-line AAS techniques for process monitoring have been evaluated. A CVAAS technique45 for determining Hg in fuel gases involved the use of a cyclic combustion pretreatment unit which consisted of an electrically heated quartz tube reactor filled with an oxygen source (NiO) dispersed onto quartz sand. Gas samples were fed into the heated reactor and combusted and a condenser used to separate H2O from the CO2 produced, allowing Hg0 to be determined. To complete the cycle, the reduced Ni surface was subsequently regenerated by oxidation in air. By operating two reactors in parallel so that one could be in operation while the other was being regenerated, it was possible to make continuous Hg measurements. The feasibility of determining Hg in naphtha and petroleum condensate by PVG has been investigated.46 Samples were presented as a micro emulsion in propan-1-ol mixed with a small amount of water. Additional agents for promoting the generation of volatile Hg compounds were unnecessary. The LOD for a 1 mL micro emulsion test aliquot was 0.6 μg L−1, the spike recoveries were 92–113% and the sample throughput was 6 samples h−1. No Hg was found in the naptha samples tested although concentrations of 76–105 μg L−1 were obtained for the petroleum condensate samples examined.
Analysis of atmospheric particles by ICP-MS is a fertile research topic. A new aerosol sampler interface53 consisted of five components: an aerosol inlet; a desolvating nebuliser to provide a calibrant aerosol; an enrichment system to grow small particles through saturation and condensation; a round virtual impactor to preconcentrate aerosols and a membrane drier. This interface gave a BEC for 238U particles of ca. 1 pg m−3. A more conventional ETV-ICP-MS approach54 involving slurry sampling was used to determine Au, Pd, Pt and Ru in road dust samples. Suspensions at a nominal 5% (m/v) were prepared, 2% (m/v) APDC was added as a modifier to enhance the ion count and a standard addition calibration strategy was employed. The LOD was 0.4–0.9 ng g−1. An analytical method55 which combined thermal analysis with ID-CV-ICP-MS for studying Hg in airborne particulate matter was used to quantify Hgp in airborne particulate matter. Method validation was carried out through the analysis of NIST SRM 1633b (mercury in fly ash) for which the measured concentration of 0.139 ± 0.009 μg g−1 was in good agreement with the certified value of 0.141 ± 0.019 μg g−1 obtained with a microwave-assisted acid digestion and CV-AFS. For air samples, more Hgp was collected on undenuded filters than on filters that employed a KCl-coated denuder to remove co-sampled gaseous Hg species. This excess Hg was thought to be most likely due to reactive gaseous Hg partitioning to particulates during sampling.
The characterisation of single particles by ICP-MS is an even more fertile area of research. Improvements suggested included: optimisation56 of the dwell time to minimise the occurrence of more than one particle being measured concurrently; a signal deconvolution method57 to discriminate between NPs <30 nm in size; determining analyte partitioning during nebulisation to improve accuracy of size distribution and number concentration measurements;58 online coupling59 of IEC to remove soluble components so that the discrete signal from individual NPs could be discriminated more easily from the continuous signal derived from dissolved NPs; and the evaluation60 of helium-assisted evaporation of NP-containing microdroplets.
The use of ICP-MS for isotopic measurements continues to be investigated. The Dumarey equation has been the dominant mathematic relationship for calculating the mass concentration of saturated Hg0 vapour in air within a closed system at a defined temperature for over 25 years and is widely used for calibrating Hg-in-air analysers. However the origin of the equation and validation data supporting its accuracy has never been fully published thus presenting difficulties for regulatory Hg measurements that require traceability to the SI. A novel ID-ICP-MS measurement procedure61 mixed Hg air samples with liquid samples that contained an enriched Hg isotope spike and demonstrated that the saturated Hg mass concentration at room temperature (ca. 21 °C) was on average 5.8% higher than that calculated from the Dumarey equation. This procedure provided results traceable to the SI and further measurements at defined temperatures are anticipated once this system has been thermostated. Use of a total consumption nebuliser62 operating at a flow rate of 20 μL min−1 allowed 208Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/207Pb ratios to be determined accurately by DRC ICP-MS with an internal precision of 0.12–0.13% and 0.17–0.18% (n = 10, 10 s integration time and a test solution of 10 μg L−1 Pb) respectively. Collisional dampening in the DRC cell which was pressurised with NH3 improved the precision. The total sample consumption was 200 μL. This new approach was applied to the analysis of atmospheric particles, snow, suspended marine particles and sediments. In the nuclear sector, a new method63 was based upon the use of a fs laser operated at 10 kHz and quadrupole ICP-MS for the analysis of μm-sized U particles. By optimising the experimental conditions, it was possible to measure 235U/238U with an accuracy and reproducibility of <4% when using short transient signals of only 15 s and masses of 10–200 pg U. A LOD (3σ) of 350 ag was achieved suggesting that this system is a promising alternative to more conventional SIMS and FTA-TIMS techniques.
Improvements in techniques for the isotopic analysis of gaseous species have been published. High-precision He isotope measurements66 were made possible by purifying a large quantity of air at the start of measurement cycle, controlling the amount of He in each measured aliquot to minimise pressure effects and by employing a standard-sample-standard bracketing protocol. Long-term reproducibility over several months was 0.0033%. The single and triple measurement precisions were 0.2–0.3% (2σ) and <0.1% respectively. The authors suggested that measurement precision is now at the level required to undertake research to assess temporal variations in atmospheric He isotopes. A sensitive RIMS67 for monitoring Kr and Xe isotope ratios in gases potentially emitted in a nuclear reactor incident had an error of <3% at a nuclide concentration of 7 ppt when measured over a period of 40 minutes. A system68 for measuring δ13C ratios in organic aerosols captured on filters linked a TD oven to an IRMS instrument via a combustion interface. For the aerosol samples examined, the reproducibilities were <± 0.3% and <± 0.5% for desorption temperatures of <200 °C and >200 °C respectively.
Characterisation of U in particles released from facilities can be a useful tool for nuclear safeguarding purposes. A methodology69 employed SIMS to detect and analyse particles that contain both F and U so as to provide information on their origin and an insight into the U purification, conversion and enrichment steps employed. An improved FTA-TIMS method70 addressed the problem of particle losses during manipulation of samples by suspending U-particles in a solution of cellulose nitrate co-mixed with isoamyl acetate, spreading onto a glass surface and drying to form a transparent film. After irradiation and etching, particles were located under a microscope, cut out and transferred to a filament for analysis. Non-elemental techniques can be used to derive complimentary analytical data. A sorptive extraction method71 was developed for the analysis of non-volatile organic ligands in an attempt to identify characteristics of the purification process by which U is separated from its ores. Organic components were extracted from aqueous media by stir-bar technology and analysed directly within the inlet of a GC-MS system.
Analysis of airborne particles on filters by EDXRF spectrometry employed a FP calibration protocol.73 For airborne concentrations of >100 ng m−3 the EDXRF results agreed with those obtained by ICP-MS for Ni, Pb and S and by ICP-AES for Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn Ti and Zn. Divergences noted for Mn, Ni and Pb at lower concentrations were attributed to spectral overlaps that compromised FP calculations and to the presence of Ni in blank filters. Trace levels of P were determined74 in marine aerosols by SRXRF to study the atmospheric transfer of nutrients to the oceans and their role in marine plankton growth. Phosphorous was present in the range 2–180 ng m−3 and the method LOD was ca. 0.2 ng m−3. The release from fabrics of Ag NPs, added to consumer products because of their antimicrobial properties, was studied using a TXRF method.75 The sample cell was purged with N2 to eliminate interferent Ar peaks and an LOD of 0.2 ng Ag was achieved. The Ag NPs were typically released attached to fibrous material in the particle size range 0.13–2 μm. Crystalline silica collected on filters is typically determined by XRD spectrometry. The linearity of X-ray response with sample mass is not affected if the dust layer remains thin but as the filter loading increases, attenuation of the X-ray beam can result in a breakdown of this linear relationship. The critical sample mass76 for a dust sample collected with a commonly used 25 mm diameter filter/cyclonic sampler combination was ca. 0.9 mg if a deviation of no more 10% from linearity was acceptable.
Speciation of airborne particles by X-ray techniques continues to be investigated. Use of the XANES technique showed77 that coarse aerosol particles consisted of PbC2O4, 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2 and Pb(NO3)2 present whereas fine particles consisted of PbC2O4, Pb(NO3)2 and PbSO4. This suggested that the sources of Pb were different for the two size fractions. Atmospheric soluble Fe particles can be a significant source of nutrition for phytoplankton in oceans but factors affecting the availability of this bioaccessible fraction are not fully understood. Fitting of XAFS spectra coupled with μXRF analysis showed78 the main Fe species in aerosol samples collected to be illite, ferrhydrite, hornblende and FeIII sulfate. The soluble Fe fraction in samples determined by leach tests correlated with the FeIII sulfate content determined by XANES suggesting that this species was the dominant soluble Fe species in oceans. An XPS study79 of size-fractionated urban aerosols identified C as the dominant species on the surfaces of all particles studied regardless of size. However, higher concentrations were noted on the surfaces of particles in the 0.056–0.32 μm size range than on the surfaces of the other size fractions. The concentrations of Ca, N, O and Si were higher on the surface of 3.2–10 μm particles than on the surfaces of smaller particles whereas S was found mainly on the surface of 0.32–1.8 μm particles. A study80 to ascertain whether XPS was capable of discriminating between elemental and organic carbon found that: aliphatic and aromatic species adsorbed on particle surfaces; higher concentrations of elemental carbon were present in the bulk than on the surface of particles; comparable levels of sulphate species were found on the surface and in the bulk; nitrogen species appeared to be concentrated on the surface of particles and the presence of a signal attributed to the presence of organo-S compounds was noted.
Optimisation of a new FEG-SEM system for GSR analysis was described81 in detail so as to allow other potential users of this technique to follow the protocol. Use of the latest heavy metal-free (HMF) primers requires new forensic solutions to be developed. A comparison82 of elemental spectra obtained by both SEM-EDS and IBA-PIXE spectrometry showed that the latter was much more sensitive at mid-high energies. In summary, this integrated approach incorporating IBA had, according to the authors, unprecedented characterisation and discriminatory potential for future GSR studies. More prosaic but nevertheless a serious and under-researched issue, the potential for secondary transfer of GSR via contact between a shooter and a second (innocent) person was examined83 using a series of simulation exercises that involved SEM-EDS analysis.
Measuring carbonaceous particles in wet deposition samples is critical for a more complete understanding of the global circulation, lifetime and radiative forcing of such aerosols but there is currently no accepted standard analytical method for measuring such particles in rain or snow samples. Two papers addressed this issue. In the first,85 a USN was used to disperse sample water into μm-sized droplets which were then dried to release black carbon particles for analysing using a single particle soot photometer (SP2) which was connected to the outlet of this nebuliser. Laboratory studies showed that the transfer efficiency for particles in the size range 200–500 nm was ca. 10%. The accuracy and reproducibility of the measured mass concentration of black carbon in sample water after long term storage was ±25% and ±35% respectively. In the second paper86 techniques including TOA, SP2, UV-Vis and TOC determination were evaluated and their strengths and limitations tabulated. Based upon findings presented, either SP2 or TOA with a filtration step combined with TOC analysis for measurement of dissolved organic carbon held promise for the future analysis of carbonaceous aerosol in rainwater.
The aethalometer, an instrument which collects airborne particulate matter onto a filter while continuously measuring its light transmission, has been widely deployed to measure black carbon. Underpinning the use of this technique in a quantification mode is the mass absorption efficiency (MAE), also known as the mass absorption cross section, which varies depending upon the source of the carbonaceous particles. The utility of this technique to reliably measure woodsmoke concentrations has been called into question87 on account of concern over variability in MAE values. In a detailed study,88 MAE values of 3.1, 6.6, 9.5 and 7.9 m2 g−1 were determined in smoke samples from residential wood burning, straw burning, biomass pellet and coal combustion respectively. A novel approach89 for the direct and continuous measurement of black carbon mass size distribution involved coupling a differential mobility analyser to an aethalometer. The performance of the new pocket-size MicroAeth® for fixed-site monitoring was compared90 to that of its bigger brother, a rack-mounted system usually deployed at the kerb-side, and it was found that the black carbon results were ca. 14% higher with this new variant. The authors concluded that differences in results may be due to differences in aerosol deposition velocities, sample spot sizes, filter media and attenuation cross-section parameters between the two instruments. In contrast, good agreement between the variants was noted where a near 1:
1 correlation was reported.91
A novel colorimetric-based technology92 applied a “lab on a chip” approach to measure elements in welding fume collected on a filter. This emerging technology, known as microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD), employed hydrophobic barriers printed onto paper to define fluidic circuits that control liquid (sample) transport and which were chemically modifiable to allow customisation of the colorimetric endpoint for assaying a particular metal e.g. Fe as the reddish ferroin complex after complexation with 1,10 phenanthroline. In this reported study, 10 mm filter punches were taken and subjected to a microwave-assisted digestion to dissolve the sampled welding fume. The digestate was then applied to a μPAD which was moved to the detector zone for the resultant coloured spot to be scanned using a desk-based office scanner. Quantification was achievable by subjecting metal solutions of a known concentration to the same process. Separate welding fume filter punches were subjected to a conventional ICP-AES analysis for comparison. For acid-extractable Cr, Cu, Fe and Ni, 20 of the 28 paired measurements were not statistically different at a 95% CI. The differences for the remaining 8 pairs were <20%. The authors concluded that μPAD-based technology offered the potential to bring a low cost measurement approach to the field although the sampling costs associated with taking air samples would also need addressing. Future work will focus on μPAD modifications to improve sensitivity, quantitative range and functionality in addition to extending the method to other elements.
In the framework of nuclear safeguards, μRaman spectroscopy was coupled93 to SEM for the first time to analyse μm-sized U oxides particles deposited on carbon disks. This allowed in situ Raman analysis to be performed on particles located by SEM. The reduction in sample manipulation was deemed to outweigh the reduction in instrumental sensitivity when using a coupled system over a more sensitive but stand-alone Raman instrument. A method94 for the determination of NiII compounds in size-resolved airborne particles employed a derivatisation reaction with DMG to form a complex with strong characteristic stretches at 1352 and 1510 cm−1. Validation was undertaken using μm-sized aerosols generated by the atomisation of individual NiCO3, Ni(OH)2, NiO and NiSO4 species as well as NiSO4 mixed with ammonium sulfate, humic and oxalic acids which did not interfere with the detection of NiII. Raman microspectroscopy was also used to determine the chemical composition and mixing state of marine aerosols95 and to characterise soot and mineral phases in urban aerosols.96
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Substrate | Coating or modifying agent | Detector | Figures of merit (μg L−1 unless otherwise stated) | Method validation | References |
CdII and PbII | Water and biological samples | TiO2 NPs | Alizarin red S | FAAS | LODs 0.11 (Cd) and 0.30 (Pb), 200 mL sample | Comparison with ETAAS of NIST SRM 1643e (trace elements in water) | 129 |
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, V, and Zn | Water | MWCNT | ED-XRF, WD-XRF and polarised-ED-XRF | LODs 0.06 (Zn, polarised-ED-XRF) 16.7 (Cd, ED-XRF), 100 mL sample | 130 | ||
CoII, CuII, NiII, PbII, and ZnII | Water | Graphene oxide | None | ED-XRF | LODs 0.5 (co) to 1.8 (Zn), 50 mL sample | Spike recovery (94–106%) and comparison with ICP-AES results | 131 |
Hg | Water | CNT | Ag and Fe3O4 | AFS | LODs 0.03, 200 mL sample | NRCCRM GBW07310 (stream sediment) and spike recovery (84–120%) | 132 |
Hf, lanthanides, Y and Zr | Seawater | Coprecipitation on Fe2O3 | None | ICP-MS | LODs 2.1 (ho) to 408.3 (La) ng L−1, 1 litre sample volume | Spike recovery, authors report values for NRCC NASS-6 (seawater) | 133 |
Ho, Nd, Tb | Water | TiO2 nanotubes | None | ICP-MS | LODs (tb) 0.018 to 0.093 (Nd) ng L−1, 100 fold enrichment factor | Spike recovery (93–104%) | 134 |
Pb isotopes | Seawater | cF-Chelate 650 M® resin | None | ICP-MS | Analysis precision 206Pb/207Pb 0.6‰, 500 mL sample | NIST SRM-981 (common lead), comparison with previous methods | 135 |
Pu isotopes | Seawater | Coprecipitation with Fe(OH)3 followed by 2-stage separation on Dowex 1X8 SAX resin | None | SF-ICP-MS | LODs 0.08 (240Pu) to 0.11 (239Pu) fg mL−1 | NBS-947 (plutonium isotopic standard), IAEA-381 and IAEA-443 (seawater) | 136 |
REE | Seawater | Chromosorb® 106 | 4-(2-Thiazolylazo) resorcinol | ICP-MS | LODs (pr) 0.06 to (Ce) 0.31 ng L−1, 5 mL sample | NRCC CASS-4 (nearshore seawater) | 137 |
SeIV | Water | Porous carbon electrode | Au | ETAAS | LOD 0.1, 10 mL sample | NIST SRM 1643e (trace elements in water), HPS primary drinking water metals check standard | 138 |
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Method | Reagent(s) | Detector | Figures of merit (LOD μg L−1 unless otherwise stated) | Method validation | References |
Ag and Cu | Food and water | Ultrasound IL-ME | Dithizone and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate | FAAS | 1.2 (Ag) and 2.0 (Cu), 25 mL sample volume | Spike recovery | 139 |
B | Water and plants | Headspace liquid phase microsublimation | NaOH | ICP-AES | 8.0 for 0.1 mL of sample | Spike recovery | 140 |
CuO nanoparticles | Water | CPE followed by microwave digestion | Triton X-114 | ICP-MS and ETAAS | 0.02 (ICP-MS) and 0.06 (ETAAS), 10 mL sample | Spike recovery | 141 |
Cu and Zn | Water | DLLME | 2-(5-Bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethyl-phenol, carbon tetrachloride and methanol | ED-XRF | 1.8 (Cu) to 1.7 (Zn) ng L−1, 5 mL sample | Spike recovery (91–95%) and comparison with ICP-AES | 142 |
CH3Hg+ | Humic rich water | N2 distillation followed by purge and trap | Sodium tetraethylborate (purge and trap stage) | ID-GC-ICP-MS | 0.05 ng L−1 20 mL of sample | Comparison with US EPA 1630 method | 143 |
In a comparison of the micro-extraction techniques HF-LPME and DLLME for the determination of antimony species by TXRF,107 DLLME was preferred as sample extraction occurred within 5 minutes. A further advantage for DLLME was that up to 20 μL of extract could be deposited onto the preheated quartz sample carrier whereas HF-LPME was limited to 5 μL. The only disadvantage of DLLME was that it could accept no more than 5 mL of sample, compared to 25 mL possible for HF-LPME. The LODs of 1.1 and 0.09 μg L−1 for HP-LPME and DLLME, respectively were therefore very similar. Both methods gave good spike recoveries of 98–100% for SbIII and SbV from spiked mineral, sea and river waters.
For the speciation analysis of Cr in waters, a 30 μL microcolumn was packed108 with the nanomaterial Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40, which was synthesised by reacting sodium phosphotungstate (HNa2PW12O40) with caesium chloride. The polyoxoanion cluster nanostructure was specific for the retention of CrIII within a pH range 2 to 7. The stationary phase degraded above pH 8. The retained CrIII was eluted with 1 M HNO3. The ICP-MS LOD for CrIII was 0.3 μg L−1 for a 20 μL sample. Spike recoveries from tap water ranged from 101% (5 μg L−1 spike) to 96% (2.5 μg L−1 spike). There was no mention of the time required to clean the instrument before it could be used again for Cs or W determination. The analytical uncertainty budget for the HPLC-ICP-MS determination of CrIII and CrVI in water has been calculated109 using either a modelled approach i.e. bottom-up approach or by using analytical data obtained from method validation studies i.e. top-down approach. The calculated expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of the final results were 4.4% and 4.2% for CrIII and CrVI using the bottom-up approach against values of 7.8% and 7.9% determined using the top-down approach. The authors conclude that the former approach was useful in identifying sources of uncertainty in new methods but that all relevant components of the uncertainty may not have be taken into account. The latter approach using method validation data was advantageous in so far that data generated encompasses both trueness and precision components.
The use of two SCX guard columns in tandem provided a rapid method for the speciation analysis of Hg in seawater and marine fish.110 The advantage of using two 12.5 mm long guard columns was that complete separation of Hg2+, CH3Hg+, CH3CH2Hg+ and phenyl mercury could be obtained in less than 2.5 min. Using a mobile phase of 2.0 mM L-cysteine at pH 2.0 at a flow rate of 1.5 mL min−1 and a 5 μL sample loop for ICP-MS detection, LODs of the different species ranged from 0.019 μg L−1 (Hg2+) to 0.027 μg L−1 (CH3Hg+). The sum of the species concentrations measured for NRCCRM GBW (E) 080042 (seawater) agreed well with the certified total value of 1.02 ± 0.02 μg L−1. The recoveries for a 1.0 μg L−1 spike solution ranged from 101 to 96%. It should be noted that these spike levels were much higher than the concentrations found in real seawater samples and probably resulted in contamination of the instrument. The sensitivity problems highlighted in this paper mean that preconcentration is often required. A new DGT probe111 for the determination of MeHg in aquatic systems used agarose gel as the diffusive hydrogel and a 3-mercaptopropyl functionalised silica resin gel as the accumulation phase. The advantages of this probe were that the agarose gel had a low affinity for MeHg and that an acid extraction could be used for the accumulation resin meaning that ethylation of MeHg by tetraethylborate was possible for HS-GC-AFS detection. The fact that the diffusion coefficient for MeHg of 5.1 ± 0.20 × 10−6 cm2 s−1 in this probe was similar to that in seawater at 20 °C (5.0 × 10−6 cm2 s−1) meant that diffusion had not been affected. The utility of DGT devices is dependent on there being linear relationships between the amount of analyte (MeHg) accumulated, deployment time and gel thickness. These were all demonstrated for this device.
A rapid (<1.5 min) method112 for the determination of V species in water used RP ultra-HPLC both to separate vanadyl and vanadate ions and minimise the presence of chloride. Subsequently, SF-ICP-MS in medium resolution mode resolved the isobaric interference from residual ClO+. The method used a C18 column (1.7 μm particle size, 2.1 mm internal diameter × 50 mm long) with an aqueous mobile phase (0.6 mL min−1 flow rate, 20 μL loop) of 18 mM EDTA, 0.5 mM tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and 20 mM phosphoric acid. The LODs were 0.008 (vanadyl) and 0.013 (vanadate) μg L−1 with total peak area RSDs (n = 7) of 1.13 and 1.51%, respectively. Recoveries of a 5 μg L−1 spike were >95%.
The binding of trace elements to macromolecules is of importance as it largely determines the bioavailability of the element in the environment. A study113 to assess whether metals were bound to proteins in the same size fractions in both seawater and marine plankton used two-stage ultrafiltration, 2D PAGE separation and LA-ICP-MS analysis of the resulting gels. In seawater, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn were associated with 5 protein fractions with similar molecular weights (10–14 kDa) but with isoelectric points that varied between 5.8 and 7.3. In contrast, in the plankton samples Cd was associated with proteins with different molecular weights (9, 13 and 22 kDa) and isoelectric points of 4.5, 5.2, 5.5 and 10, whereas Cr, Cu and Zn were bound to lower molecular weight fractions with variable isoelectric points. Tangential flow ultrafiltration combined with SEC and AEC was used to isolate marine DOM fractions,114 the metals associated with this material being identified by ICP-MS. The 3 and 10 kDa fractions contained Mn, Ni, Sr and Zn and eluted close to the SEC UV absorption maximum. Measured signals were significant only for Cu and Mo in the 3 kDa fraction. There were no signals for Al, As, Ba, Cd, Fe, Pb and V. Mass balance experiments showed that the percentages of metals bound to DOM were very low and ranged from 4.1 × 10−4% for Sr to 0.77% for Zn.
The increasing use of NPs and colloids means that they have become environmental species in their own right but their impact has yet to be determined. Following on-site filtration (<2.0 μm) of swimming pool water and dechlorination with sodium thiosulfate, a preparative-scale tangential-flow filtration system was used115 to fractionate Ti NPs into a “dissolved phase” (<1 kDa) and a concentrated microparticulate phase (1 kDa to 2.0 μm). The fractions were preserved by adding HNO3 to obtain a pH of <2 and 50 μL of HF was added prior to analysis by ICP-MS. Total Ti concentrations in swimming pool water varied between 21 to 60 μg L−1, the major part of which (82–98%) was found in the dissolved phase. The authors proposed sunscreen as the major source with the particulate phase being removed rapidly by the pool filtration system. The dissolved phase was particularly high in pools in which the filtration system was not back flushed regularly. Asymmetric flow FFF was coupled116 to ICP-MS, UV spectrometry and multi-angle light scattering to study Cu colloids in the runoff from vineyards. Under the optimum conditions of 5 μL injection volumes, a mobile phase of 1 × 10−3 M NH4NO3 at a main flow rate of 0.6 mL min−1 and a cross flow rate of 0.6 mL min−1 and a channel thickness of 250 μm, a LOD of 0.6 μg L−1 for Cu was achieved.
Method development for isotopic analysis of waters continues to attract interest. The isotopic composition of dissolved Cu in seawater was determined119 by MC-ICP-MS after a series of preconcentration steps from 20 L of bulk seawater using a Nobias-chelate PA-1 column followed by an AG MP-1 anion-exchange column. The Nobias-chelate PA-1 resin has both imminodiacetic and ethylenediaminetriacetic acid functional groups so retains Cu at low pH but not the alkali and alkali earth elements. Good accuracy for the isotope measurements was demonstrated by spiking seawater with the NIST SRM 976 (Cu isotopic standard) and for concentration measurements by analysis of NRCC CRM CASS-5 and NASS-6 (seawaters). The isotopic analysis of the NRCC CRMs provided new δ65Cu data of 0.46 ± 0.006‰ (n = 3) and 0.40 ± 0.01‰ (n = 2), respectively. A very similar purification method120 was demonstrated to be suitable for the determination of the stable isotopes of Cd, Fe and Zn in seawater. The same chelating and anion exchange columns were used as in the previous paper but only 1 L of seawater was necessary. Double spike MC-ICP-MS had the advantage of correcting for instrumental bias and any fractionation in the separation procedure as well as allowing IDA of the sample. The 1σ internal precisions of 0.02–0.7‰, 0.01–0.2‰ and 0.01–0.2‰ for δ114Cd, δ56Fe and δ66Zn, respectively, were significantly lower than the expected variability in seawater of 2–3‰.
The feasibility of using ID-ICP-MS to determine Ca concentrations was demonstrated by the analysis of seawater.121 A 10 μL sample of seawater was spiked with 10 mg of a 10 μg g−1 43Ca solution and was then diluted to 2.5 g in 5% v/v HNO3. The samples were sonicated for 30 minutes and left overnight to ensure complete equilibration of the spike prior to ID-ICP-MS determination. The OSIL IAPSO (seawater) reference material was used as a bracketing standard to correct for mass discrimination and ratio drift every 5 samples. The accuracy, precision and reproducibility were evaluated by repeat analysis of the seawater standard. The ID-ICP-MS result of 10255 ± 10 μmol kg−1 (SD, n = 15, RSD = 0.1%) measured over a 4 month period was in good agreement with the standard EGTA titration method of 10
260 ± 6 μmol kg−1. However, there seems little advantage in using the ID-ICP-MS method when the reduction in analytical time is only from 5 to 3 min and the titration method is more suitable for use on board ships. Although ICP-AES would be a more suitable technique for seawater analysis, the new method has greater potential for smaller samples such as foraminifera.
Selective HG for arsenic speciation is commonly used, often coupled with AAS methods. A sensitive method coupling cryotrapping and HG (ref. 124) to ICP-MS detection gave LODs ranging from 3.4 ng L−1 (total As) to 0.040 ng L−1 (methyl AsIII). The AsIII concentration was determined without reduction whereas the total As concentration was measured after reduction with L-cysteine. Methylated species were separated by thermal desorption after trapping of all hydrides at −196 °C on Chromosorb. The method gave good results for As species measured in the NRCC CRMs CASS-4 and CASS-5 (near shore seawaters), NASS-5 (seawater) and SLRS-4 and -5 (river waters).
Multielemental vapour generation methods seem to be moving away from finding compromise conditions for simultaneous measurement towards fast sequential analysis in which the elements are trapped on microcolumns in complex injection manifolds and then eluted and detected sequentially. One such method for Cd, Hg and Pb (ref. 125) in sea and lake waters used two chelating columns packed with the chelate 1,5-bis(di-2-pyridyl)methylene thiocarbazide immobilised on silica gel. For test samples, the LODs were 0.031 (Pb) to 0.064 Cd μg L−1, enrichment factors 16.4 (Pb) to 27.3 (Hg) and precisions (n = 9) 2.5% (Pb) to 2.9% (Hg) at a concentration of 0.5 μg L−1. Results for the NWRI CRMs TMDA-54.4 (fortified lake water), LG6016 (estuarine water) and NRCC CASS-5 (near shore seawater) were in good agreement with the certified values. Recoveries from spiked seawater samples from Malaga Bay were 94% (Cd) to 108% (Pb).
In the determination of halides by TXRF,127 losses during the drying phase were reduced through the use of halide potassium salts dissolved in an aqueous solution of the tetraamine copper(II) nitrate complex Cu(NH3)4(NO3)2 which resulted in improved recoveries and RSDs for the standards over a concentration range of 1 to 200 mg L−1. It was noted that Br and Cl recoveries were between 98–123% for standards ≥10 mg L−1; below this concentration the recoveries were significantly higher than 100% suggesting possible spectral or contamination problems. The authors reported LODs of 0.002 mg L−1 for Br and 1 mg L−1 for Cl.
Reviews of analytical methods for the determination of specific analytes included two articles on the determination of Hg in environmental samples. The first145 (144 references) covered articles published in 2010–2011 and the second146 was an update featuring 35 references from 2012. Approaches for the determination of As species were discussed by Rajakovic et al.147 (110 references) with particular emphasis on factors that affected analyte stability during sample collection, storage, preservation and extraction. A detailed evaluation148 (206 references) of methods for the determination of halogens in biological samples, including plants, featured AAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS, NAA and XRF spectrometry. A useful summary of biological CRMs with certified halogen concentrations was also provided. Analytical techniques for the measurement of the long-lived radionuclide 129I were summarised149 (84 references) and compared critically.
The contribution of atomic spectrometry to radiation protection was highlighted in a review14 by Zheng et al. (292 references). The article included comparative assessment of analytical techniques; a historical review of radio-ecological applications from the 1940s to the Fukushima Daichi accident; and a critical summary of the current state-of-the-art and future research needs.
A book chapter150 (142 references) in Elsevier's Advances in Agronomy series provided a useful overview of the use of nanoSIMS to investigate soil processes.
Numerous comparisons of sample digestion protocols were published but the maturity of the field meant that findings could sometimes be anticipated. For example, Chand and Prasad153 compared microwave-assisted aqua regia digestion and alkaline fusion for the determination of Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in marine sediments by ICP-AES. Unsurprisingly, volatile As was lost in the fusion process but retained in the closed vessels used in the microwave process, whereas the recovery of Al – an element likely to be associated to a significant extent with refractory silicates accessible only to HF – was lower with the pseudo total digestion. Other workers154 reported that, as expected, recoveries of Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn from Brazilian soils generally decreased in the order: USEPA Method 3052 (closed vessel microwave assisted digestion with HNO3 and HF); Method 3051A (closed vessel microwave assisted digestion with HNO3 and HCl); Method 3050B (open vessel digestion with HNO3, H2O2 and HCl). A more novel study was a comparison155 of six procedures for extracting AsIII, AsV, DMA and MMA from plants for analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS. These procedures were: 2% v/v HNO3 at 90 °C (90 min); 2% v/v HNO3 at 37 °C (90 min); water at 37 °C (16 h) followed by sonication at room temperature (20 min); water with microwave-assistance (80 °C); 1 + 1 water–methanol at 37 °C (16 h) followed by sonication at room temperature (20 min); and 1 + 3 water–methanol at 37 °C (16 h) followed by sonication at room temperature (20 min). The first method gave highest recoveries (ca. 90%) but with some interconversion of AsIII to AsV.
Improvements in sample digestion apparatus included an easily automated closed-vessel conductively heated system156 that, under optimised conditions (200 mg powdered plant sample + 1.5 mL HNO3 + 1.4 mL 30% H2O2) could process 38 samples in 80 min. Results were similar to those obtained by microwave-assisted digestion for a variety of plant materials. Recoveries for five NIST plant SRMs were 75–114% of certified values. A novel sample digestion device157 focussed short-wavelength IR radiation directly onto soil samples held in a customised quartz vessel. Recoveries of 11 elements from SCP EnviroMAT SS-1 (soil standard) measured by ICP-AES were in the range 91–108%, with RSDs 0.7–3.6% (n = 4).
Amongst the developments involving microwaves was the extension of a microwave-induced combustion method,158 previously demonstrated for the determination of Hg, to the measurement of As, Cd and Pb in soils. Samples (300 mg) were mixed with 300 mg microcrystalline cellulose, pressed into pellets and combusted in O2 (20 bar) in closed quartz vessels. Volatilised analytes were trapped in 2 M HNO3 + 2 M HCl (6 mL) for analysis by ICP-MS or ICP-AES. Results were in agreement with certified values for NIST SRM 2709 (San Joaquin soil) and NWRI CRM SUD-1 (Sudbury sediment). A microwave-assisted micellar extraction method159 used the biodegradable surfactants SDS and Triton X-100 to isolate Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb from Posidonia oceanica (seagrass) for ETAAS analysis. A miniaturised microwave-assisted EDTA extraction method160 for grassland plants gave results similar to macro-scale HNO3 digestion for the measurement of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn by ICP-AES.
In the field of ultrasound-assisted extraction, researchers in Vigo161 used a high intensity ultrasonic probe (50 W) and cup-horn sonoreactor (200 W) to reduce the time required to perform soil extractions. The conventional BCR 1 h EDTA extraction could be completed in 2 min with the probe or 10 min with the sonoreactor and the 16 h acetic acid extraction in 6 min with the probe or 30 min with the sonoreactor. Other workers162 recommended using a vacuum pump to generate bubbles, thereby improving contact between sample and extractant to reduce extraction time from 2 h to only 2 min for the ultrasound-assisted HCl extraction of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn from soil. Focussed sonication163 at 500 W in 1% formic acid in an ice bath extracted As from kelp in just 30 s. The recovery was 95% of that obtained by microwave-assisted HNO3 digestion. Although recovery from cultures of Chlorella vulgaris (a single-cell green algae) was lower (71%), the rapidity of the procedure allowed the detection of unstable As phytochelatin and glutathione species in algal cells that had been exposed to AsIII solution. These As species were not found in cultures exposed to AsV thereby providing a new insight into As metabolism.
Single-step soil extraction methods have been refined to yield improved information on potential trace element mobility and toxicity. Reis et al.164 showed that the soil–water ratio did not affect the recovery of water-soluble Hg in the range studied (1.5:
100 to 20
100). However, it took 24 hours for the extraction to reach equilibrium, considerably longer than is recommended in most extraction protocols in the literature. After comparing numerous reagents for measurement of absorbed B in soils, Goldberg and Suarez165 selected 0.2 M sorbitol as the most efficient and recommended a 24 hour extraction at a suspension density of 100 g L−1. After using SSIDMS to study species interconversion during extraction of exchangeable CrVI from soil, Zuliani et al.166 chose ultrasound-assisted extraction in 0.1 M K2HPO4 to minimise the effects. Five consecutive 30 min extractions were required for quantitative analyte recovery.
Pyrophosphate was selected over NaCl and NaHCO3 as the optimal extractant for the study of iron (hydr)oxide nanoparticles in soil by asymmetric FFF-HR-ICP-MS.167 Its superior performance was attributed to its ability to disaggregate organo-mineral assemblages.
A paper168 describing a fractionation scheme involving parallel extractions to identify forms of Mn in spinach leaves was soon followed by a similar paper169 by the same authors on the speciation of Cu. In both cases 0.01 g freeze-dried samples were treated with water, acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethanol, n-hexane and methanol, with analyte determination by ICP-MS.
Interest has continued in sequential extraction schemes. Undeterred by the fact that sequential extraction is an operationally defined approach and so established protocols should be applied exactly as prescribed, workers have applied ultrasound-assisted ‘variants’ on the BCR scheme to soil,170 sediment171 and even herbal tea!172 A ten-step sequential extraction173 was proposed for As fractionation in sediments that could differentiate some of the species grouped together in the residual fraction by other procedures. The use of Cl-containing reagents was avoided to reduce polyatomic ion interference in ICP-MS. The development of the first dedicated sequential extraction procedure174 for fractionation of Si in soil was based on study of specific minerals and well-characterised soil samples. The reagents selected were: CaCl2 (step 1); acetic acid (step 2); H2O2 at 85 °C (step 3); and ammonium oxalate under UV light (step 4). Test portions were then subjected either to bio-opal separation with sodium polytungstate followed by extraction with NaOH (step 5) and finally a lithium-based fusion (step 7); or to extraction with NaOH without bio-opal separation (step 6). Sequential extraction procedures are often criticised for being lengthy, but the 1 week NaOH extraction recommended here must surely be a record! A new scheme175 for sequential extraction of carboplatin, cisplatin and inorganic PtVI in soil followed by CPE and CS-ETAAS potentially allowed inputs from catalytical converter emissions and cancer hospital wastes to be distinguished.
Numerous preconcentration procedures for specific analytes continue to be reported. Methods for the analysis of soils, plants or related materials, or those developed for other sample matrices that used soil or plant CRMs for validation, are summarised in Tables 3–5.
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Method | Reagent(s) | Detector | Figures of merit (LOD μg L−1 unless otherwise stated) | Method validation | References |
a SbIII determined, then reduction, determination of total Sb, and estimation of SbV by difference. | |||||||
B | Plant, water | HS-LPMS | NaOH | ICP-AES | 8.0 | 140 | |
Bi, In, Pb | Plant | USAEME | Calix{4}pyrrole + tetrachloroethylene | ICP-AES | 0.57 for Bi, 0.76 for In, 0.84 for Pb | 177 | |
Cd | Hair, vegetables | IL-UA-DMME | 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate extraction of Cd-4-(2-thiazolylazo)-resorcinol complex then MNP | FAAS | 0.40 | NWRI TMDA-54 (fortified lake water), SPS-WW2 (waste water), NIST SRM 1570a (spinach leaves) | 178 |
Cu | Cereals, vegetables | DLLME | 2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline, N-phenylbenzimidoyl thiourea | FAAS | 0.05 | NCS ZC85006 (tomato) | 179 |
Cu | Water | IL-DLLME | 1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis((trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl)imide | ETAAS | 0.004 | NIST SRM 2709 (san Joaquin soil), NBS SRM 2701 (Buffalo river sediment), NRCC DOLT-2 (dogfish liver), NIST SRM 1643e (trace element in water) | 180 |
Cu | Plant, soil, water | DLLME | 4-Phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide | FAAS | 0.69 | HPS QCS-19 (high purity standard), LGC 6156 (harbour sediment), NIST SRM 1572 (citrus leaves) | 181 |
Mo | Corn | VAE-SFODME | 8-Hydroxyquinoline + 1-undecanol | FAAS | 4.9 | NIST SRM 1568a (rice flour), IRMM BCR 679 (white cabbage) | 182 |
Pb | Hair, plants, water | IL-DMME | 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate extraction of Pb-pyrrolidine-dithiocarbamate then MNPs | FAAS | 0.57 | NCS ZC 81002b (human hair), NWRI TMDA-54.4 (water), TMDA-70 (Ontario lake water), TMDA-64.2 (water), SPS-WW2 (waste water) | 183 |
Pu | Sediment, soil, synthetic urine, water | CPE | P,P′-Di(2-ethylhexyl) methanediphosphonic acid | ICP-MS (or α-spectrometry) | 15–200 pg L−1 | IAEA-384 (lagoon sediment) and spike recovery | 184 |
REEs | Water | SFODME | 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol | ETV-ICP-MS | 0.65–2.1 ng L−1 | NRCCRM GBW 07603 (branch and leaf), NRCCRM GBW 07601 (human hair) | 185 |
REEs | Sediment, water | SPE + DLLME | Chelex 100 (SPE sorbent) then 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoylpyrazolone + tris (DLLME reagents) | ETV-ICP-MS | 0.003–0.073 ng L−1 | NRCCRM GBW 07301a (stream sediment) | 186 |
Sb | Soil, water | USE-SFODME | Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate + 1-undecanola | ETAAS | 0.01 | IERM GSB 07-1376-2001, NRCCRM GBW 07441 | 187 |
Se | Rice | CPE | Cyclohexane | ETAAS | 0.08 | NRCCRM GBW 08502 (rice meal) | 188 |
Ti | Plants, water | CPE | Morin (2′,3,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) + triton X-114 | FAAS | 2.9 | 189 | |
Zr | Soil, water | DLLME | 2-(5-Bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol | FAAS | 44 | Spike recovery | 190 |
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Carrier | Detector | Figures of merit (LOD μg L−1 unless otherwise stated) | Method validation | References |
Au | Anodic slime, ore, soil, water | N-Benzyl-2-(3-methyl-4-(2-morpholine-4-ylethyl)-5-oxo)-4,5-acetylhydrazinecarboxamide | FAAS | 0.36 pg L−1 | Spike recovery | 191 |
Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn | Fruit, vegetables | Lanthanum 8-hydroxyquinoline | ICP-AES | 0.31–3.2 | NCS ZC 85006 (tomato) | 192 |
Co, Cu, Ni | Pepper, peppermint, water | 2-(4-(2-(1H-Indol-3-yl)ethyl)-3-(4-methylbenzyl)-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-N′-(pyridine-2-yl methylidene)acetohydrazide | FAAS | 0.40 for Co, 0.16 for Cu, 0.17 for Ni | HPS CRM-SA-C Sandy soil C | 193 |
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Substrate | Substrate coating or modifying agents | Detector | Figures of merit (LOD μg L−1 unless otherwise stated) | Method validation | References |
a CrIII determined, then reduction, determination of total Cr, and estimation of CrVI by difference. | |||||||
Ag | Biological samples | Titanium dioxide nanotubes | None | ICP-MS | 0.021 | NRCCRM GBW 07604 (poplar leaves) | 194 |
Ag, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb | Rice, tea, tuna | MNPs | 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol modified with ethylene glycol bis-mercaptoacetate | ICP-AES except CV-AAS for Hg | 0.01–0.09 | Spike recovery | 195 |
Al, Pb | Various vegetables | Amberlite XAD-4 | Agaricus arvensis | ICP-AES | 0.03 for Al, 0.10 for Pb | NRCCRM GBW 07604 (poplar leaves) | 196 |
Au | Anodic slime, ore, soil, water | Amberlite XAD-4 | Sorbed as the AuIII-2-pyridin-5-(4-tolyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole | FAAS | 1.03 | Spike recovery | 197 |
Au, Pd | Fish, shrimp, soil, water | MWCNTs | Polypropylene amine dendrimers | FAAS | 0.08 for Au, 0.12 for Pd | NCS DC 73323 (soil) | 198 |
Bi | Plant, water | BiIII ion imprinted polymer | Prepared by formation of 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol complex | ETAAS | 0.0086 | 199 | |
Cd | Blood, cigarettes, soil | Alumina | Sodium dodecylsulfate modified with dithizone | FAAS | 3 | Spike recovery | 200 |
Cd | Herbs, rice, water | MWCNTs | Diphenylcarbazide | FAAS | 0.05 | NCS DC 73323 (soil) | 201 |
Cd | Water | Polyurethane foam | Procaine hydrochloride | ICP-AES | 0.01 | IAEA soil-7, NWRI CRM-TMDW (drinking water) | 202 |
Cd | Soil, water | MNPs | Coated with silica then functionalised with amine then Schiff's base | FAAS | 0.11 | Spike recovery | 203 |
Cd, Ni, Pb | Fish, sediment, soil, water | MWCNTs | 8-Aminoquinoline | FAAS | 0.09 for Cd, 0.72 for Ni, 1.0 for Pb | CANMET LKSD-4 (lake sediment) | 204 |
Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn | Fish, sediment, soil, water | Magnetic metal–organic framework | Prepared from dithizone-modified MNP and a Cu-(benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate) metal–organic framework | FAAS | 0.12–1.2 | CANMET LKSD-4 (lake sediment) | 205 |
Cd, Pb | Soil, water | MNPs | Triton X-114 | FAAS | 0.15 for Cd, 0.74 for Pb | NRCCRM GBW 07425 (soil), NWRI TMDA 53.3 (fortified water) | 206 |
Co, Cu, Ni | Plants, water | MNPs | None | FAAS | 0.9 for Co, 0.3 for Cu, 0.7 for Ni | NIES no.1 (pepperbush), NIES no. 7 (tea leaves) | 207 |
Cr | Soil, water | MNPs | Alumina modified with triton X-114. Sorbed as the CrIII-1-(2-pyridilazo)-2-naphtol complexa | FAAS | 1.4–3.6 | Spike recovery | 208 |
Cr | Tea leaves | Titanium dioxide nanotubes | Nonea | ICP-MS | 0.0075 | NRCCRM GBW 07605 (tea leaves) | 209 |
Cu, Fe, Mn | Parsley, spinach, water | Polyurethane foam | Dithiocarbamate | FAAS | Spike recovery | 210 | |
Cu, Fe, Pb | Kiwi, water, wheat | Graphene-based cobalt nanocomposite | None | FAAS | 0.81 | NIST RM 8704 (Buffalo river sediment), SRM 1568a (rice flower), SPS-WW1 batch 111 (wastewater) | 211 |
Cu, Fe, Pb | Fertiliser, water | MWCNTs | Sorbed as the pyrocatechol violet chelates | FAAS | NIST SRM 1570a (spinach leaves), NWRI TMDA 70 (fortified lake water) | 212 | |
Cu, Pb | Food, water | Polyhydoxybutyrate-b-polydimethylsiloxane copolymer | Sorbed as the sudan III chelates | FAAS | NWRI TMDA 54.4 (fortified lake water), NIST SRM 1515 (apple leaves) | 213 | |
Cu, Pb | Baby food, coffee, tea, water | Polyhydoxybutyrate-b-polyethyleneglycol | None | FAAS | 0.32 for Cu, 1.82 for Pb | NIST SRM 1515 (apple leaves), IAEA 336 (lichen), NRCCRM GBW 07675 (tea) | 214 |
Hg | Soil | PTFE tube | Ionic liquid methyltrioctylammonium thiosalicylate | CVAAS | 0.04 | NIST SRM 2709 (san Joaquin soil), NIST SRM 2711 (Montana soil), SRM 2704 (Buffalo river sediment) | 215 |
Mn | Food, sediment, water | Poly(protoporphyrin-co-vinylpyridine) | None | FAAS | 0.34 | 216 | |
Ni | Peas, soil, water | Walnut sawdust microparticles | SDS coating modified with dimethylglyoxim | FAAS | 0.55 | NWRI CRM TMDW-500 (drinking water) | 217 |
Ni | Effluent, soil, textile | Alumina | SDS coating modified with dithizone | FAAS | 0.54 | Spiked recovery | 218 |
Ni, Pb | Water | Polystyrene-graphed-ethylmethacrylate copolymer resin | None | FAAS | 0.92 for Ni, 1.44 for Pb | NRCCRM GBW 08301 (river sediment) | 219 |
Pb | Barley, cauliflower, street sediment, tobacco, water | Ultra layered cobalt oxide | None | FAAS | 0.72 | NIST RM 8704 (Buffalo river sediment), IRMM BCR 482 (lichen), SPS-WW1 batch 111 (waste water) | 220 |
Pb | Water | Expanded polystyrene foam waste | N,N-Alpha-benzoin oxime | FAAS | 0.033 | IRMM BCR 403 (seawater), IRMM BCR 715 (waste water), NCS DC-78302 (Tibet soil) | 221 |
Pd | Tea leaves, water | Nanoclay | 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene)rhodanine | ETAAS | 0.0026 | NIST SRM 2556 (used auto catalyst) | 222 |
Pd | Soil, water | MWCNTs | 1-Butyl 3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate | FAAS | 0.41 | 223 | |
REE | Water | Titanium dioxide nanotube | None | ICP-MS | 0.19–1.2 ng L−1 | NRCCRM GBW 07605 (tea leaves) | 224 |
REE | Tea leaves, water | Fe2O3@SiO2@polyaniline–graphene oxide composite | None | ICP-MS | 0.004–1.5 ng L−1 | NRCCRM GBW 07605 (tea leaves) | 225 |
V | Chicken, coffee, fruit, tea, vegetables | MWCNTs | Sorbed as the 8-hydroxyquinoline chelate | ETAAS | 0.012 | NIST SRM 1515 (apple leaves), SRM 1570a (spinach leaves), NRCCRM GBW 07605 (tea leaves) | 226 |
Zn | Water | Ion imprinted poly(vinylimidazole) | None | FAAS | 1.5 | NIST SRM 1515 (apple leaves), SRM 1570a (spinach leaves) | 227 |
A review230 (89 references) of permanent chemical modifiers in ETAAS included information on reagents applicable in the analysis of organic solutions, suspensions and solid samples, acid digests and waters. A slurry sampling method231 in which the graphite tube was modified with 0.3 μg Ir + 0.04 μg Nb allowed determination of V in soil and sediments without interference effects, as demonstrated by the successful analysis of four CRMs.
High speed self-reversal background correction
232 was effective for the removal of spectral interference from Fe in the ETAAS determination of Cd in soil extracts. Use of a high-intensity boosted-discharge HCL modulated at 100 Hz eliminated the influence of emission noise. Accurate analyte measurements were obtained at Fe/Cd ratios of 100000 in 0.11 M acetic acid and of 10
000 in 0.5 M hydroxylammonium chloride.
Reports of analytical methods based on HR-CS-AAS have become more numerous as the technique has gained acceptance and become more widely available. Cadmium, Cu, Ni and Pb (ref. 233) were determined by HR-CS-ETAAS in acid digests of black tea from Saudi Arabia. Slurry sample introduction234 proved successful in the measurement of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Pb by HR-CS-ETAAS in NIST SRMs 1570 (spinach leaves) and 1573 (tomato leaves) and in multivitamin dietary supplements from Poland. Direct solid sample introduction HR-CS-ETAAS was used to measure Fe and Ni in plants and lichens from Spain;235 Sb and Mo in dust from Egypt;44 and Se in soils from Brazil.236 A CVG-HR-CS-AAS method237 with quartz tube atomisation for the determination of Au had a LOD of 2.6 ng mL−1 and was successfully applied to alloy, soil and water samples.
Also gaining wider acceptance is the use of commercial total Hg analysers for the speciation of Hg in solid samples by TD-AAS. The desorption temperature profiles of inorganic Hg compounds – Hg0, HgCl2, HgO, HgSO4, humic-bound Hg and HgS – were used238 to study interactions between Hg species and soil. Organic-Hg was determined239 by TD-AAS following digestion of 0.5 g soil samples in 5 mL of 0.3 M CuBr2 solution in 5% v/v HCl and selective extraction into 10 mL DCM.
A deep-UV LED photoreactor was evaluated by Sturgeon and Luong240 for the reduction of inorganic and MeHg prior to their determination by PVG-AAS. The device contained a set of 0.3 mW UV LEDs (245–260 nm peak output) and the reaction was carried out in 2% formic acid. Performance was compared with that obtained using a set of 0.3 mW 360 nm output LEDs, and with that of a thermal reactor at 85 °C to assess the effects of wavelength and temperature. Because room temperature irradiation at 350 nm produced no signal, the authors suggested that previous studies at this wavelength which detected a response may have been influenced by unnoticed thermal effects. A 9 min irradiation period quantitatively reduced both Hg species. The LOD of 0.68 ng was similar to that obtained by CV-AAS. A blank-corrected total Hg concentration of 3.12 ± 0.15 mg kg−1 was obtained for NRCC PACS-2 (marine sediment), the certified value of which is 3.02 ± 0.02 mg kg−1. Unfortunately, no irradiation conditions could be found that yielded selective response from individual Hg species.
Addition of 0.15% cetyltrimethylammoniumchloride surfactant resulted in an enhanced signal intensity in the determination of Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb by solution cathode-GD-AES,242 and improved LODs to 1, 42, 7 and 2 μg L−1, respectively. Results for stream sediment CRMs NRCCRM GBW 07310 and 07311 were close to target values, except for Hg for which concentrations fell below the LOD.
A solid sampling ETV-ICP-AES method for the measurement of Pt, Pd and Rh in Brassica Napus (rapeseed)243 gave LODs of 0.38, 0.14 and 0.15 μg g−1, respectively, and RSDs of 4.7–7.1% (n = 7) for a sample mass of 5 mg. Calibration with aqueous standards dried onto paper filter strips overcame the memory effects observed for Pt when liquid standards were introduced to the furnace.
New methods for Hg determination by CV-AES included a rapid CV-ICP-AES procedure244 for plants and soils with a LOD of 3 μg kg−1 and a miniaturised (micro-torch) CV-CCP-AES approach245 for soils with a LOD of 4.8 μg kg−1. The latter procedure gave good agreement with certified values for measurement of Hg in six soil and sediment CRMs. Application of the Bland and Altman test to 31 soils from an industrial town in NW Romania showed no significant statistical difference at the 95% confidence interval between results of the proposed method and those obtained using CV-AFS.
In the determination of arsenic in soil by HG-AFS, online multichannel ultrasonic extraction with sequential injection slurry sampling248 enhanced sample throughput, reduced sample and reagent consumption and minimised potential contamination and analyte loss. A 20 min sonication was used to extract As from 1.0 mL of aqueous sample slurry mixed with 1.5 mL of 6 M HCl. The mixture was then flushed into a pre-reduction reactor where the AsV species were converted to the AsIII species using 1% m/v thiourea and 0.5% m/v ascorbic acid. Finally AsH3 was generated using 2.0% KBH4 and flushed to a gas–liquid separator. The LODs were in the range 30–70 μg kg−1 and the RSDs < 2.0% (n = 6).
The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011 provided considerable impetus for analytical method development. Ohno et al.52 successfully used a triple quadrupole ICP-MS instrument to measure 129I in soil. In previous studies that used O2 to overcome the interference from 129Xe+ (an impurity in Ar plasma gas), the formation of 127IH2+ from 127I+ in the reaction cell limited the LOD achievable. With the new instrument, most 127I+ ions were excluded from entering the reaction cell by the first quadrupole and residual interference could be corrected by subtraction, assuming a production ratio in the plasma of 5 × 10−9 for (127IH2+ + 127ID+)/127I+. The results were consistent with those obtained by AMS, even for soils with 129I activities as low as 2 mBq kg−1. Zheng et al.,250 who used the same type of instrument with N2O as the reaction cell gas to measure 135Cs/137Cs isotope ratios in forest litter, lichen and soil, concluded that the radiocaesium had been mainly released from the Unit 2 reactor. In contrast, Takagi et al.251 specifically opted for quadrupole ICP-MS for measurement of 90Sr in soil in order to ensure that the method was widely accessible. Online chelate column separation was used to preconcentrate Sr from soil digests. The use of ultrapure oxygen as the reaction gas in the DRC overcame isobaric interference from 90Zr. The LOD of 3.9 Bq kg−1 was sufficient to measure 90Sr in samples collected up to 20 km from the power plant.
Isotope ratio measurement methods were reported for Pb (ref. 62) in various matrices including sediment by quadrupole ICP-MS; for Os (ref. 252) in biological samples by SF-ICP-MS; and for Se (ref. 253) in soils by HPLC-ICP-MS.
Use of ultrasonic slurry sampling obviates the need for sample digestion and is suitable for use with ETV-ICP-MS. A procedure54 for determination of Au, Pd, Pt and Rh involved sonicating samples of road dust with APDC to produce a mixture containing 0.5% m/v dust and 2% m/v of the chemical modifier. Analysis by standard additions gave results similar to certified values for Pd, Pt and Rh in IRMM BCR 723 (road dust) with LODs of 0.4 to 0.9 μg kg−1. A method254 which used 1% m/v 8-hydroxyquinoline as chemical modifier in the determination of As, Cd, Hg and Pb in herbs achieved LODs of 0.1–0.3 μg kg−1.
Applications of LA-ICP-MS to geological samples such as rocks and soils have been reviewed255 (179 references). An innovative (and thrifty) approach256 to obtain information on sources of Pu in the environment involved measurement of 239Pu/240Pu ratios in archived α-spectrometry sources that had been prepared from Russian sediment samples in the mid-1990s. Low S/N proved to be a limitation, but it was still possible to distinguish between weapons-grade, civilian grade and global fallout Pu.
Efforts continue to improve the homogeneity of targets used in LA-ICP-MS because this is key to accurate quantification. Malherbe et al.257 mixed powdered samples of soil and sediment SRMs with lithium borate, added isotopically enriched spike solutions and then fused the mixtures into glass before measuring Ba, Cr, Pb, Sr and Zn by ID-MS. Fusion led to a more homogeneous distribution of elements than possible with traditional pelletisation and the dilution of the sample in the flux gave a relatively standard target matrix for ablation. Horner and Beachemin258 compared silicon- and zirconium-based xerogels containing 8-hydroxyquinoline complexes of analytes as standards for soil analysis by LA-ICP-MS. Zirconium-based gels were preferred because they were more homogeneous, gave slightly more accurate results for analysis of NIST SRM 2711 (Montana soil) and SCP EnviroMAT SS-2 (soil standard) and were easier to form into pellets.
A useful development for LA-ICP-MS analysis of plants was a new Peltier-cooled LA cell259 that measured the sample temperature directly, allowing faster mitigation of thermal effects caused by the laser and thus ensuring thermal stability of the sample during ablation. The cell was successfully used in the elemental mapping of Cu and I in fresh leaves of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato plant). In contrast, mapping260 of Hg in root cross sections of Zea mays (maize) initially proved problematic due to memory effects caused by sorption of the analyte inside the ablation chamber. These effects were overcome by performing spot analysis using a 10 s delay and washout between spots.
The development and use of hyphenated techniques with chromatographic or electrophoretic separation coupled to ICP-MS is now widespread. Recent examples included a species-specific ID-GC-ICP-MS method261 for the determination of MeHg in water, sediments and biological tissue; a procedure262 for speciation of Zn in plants that used SEC-ICP-MS and IC-ICP-MS in sequence; and a CE-ICP-MS instrument263 for As speciation in water, plants and animal tissue that had a novel high-efficiency sprayer interface adapted from CE-ESI-MS. Speciation methods based on HPLC-ICP-MS were reported for P in transgenic plants,264 for Sb in soil265 and for Se in Brassica chinensis (pakchoi).266
Improvements in LIBS for the analysis of soil included the addition of a planar mirror270 positioned vertically on the sample surface 10 mm from the plasma axis. This increased the signals obtained for Al, Ba, Fe and Mg from NRCCRM GBW 07411 (Chinese soil) approximately two-fold and improved S/N. Matrix effects in the determination of Cd were reduced271 through use of a combined calibration curve derived from the individual calibrations for neutral and singly ionised species. New criteria,272 proposed for selection of a suitable reference line to serve as internal standard in LIBS analysis, were based on correlation criteria rather than similarity in excitation potentials between analytical and reference line. The measurement of Pb in soils was given as an example. Kriging interpolation273 and use of a database of spectra from nine spiked artificial soils containing different proportions of sand, kaolin and goethite showed promise for the quantitative determination of Zn.
The application of chemometrics to whole LIBS spectra, or selected wavelength regions thereof, is becoming a powerful tool for sample classification. Mukhono et al.274 showed that PCA and SIMCA could distinguish soil and rocks derived from: high background radiation areas with geothermal influence; high background radiation areas without geothermal influence; and normal background radiation areas with geothermal influence. Researchers based in Korea275 used PCA to categorise soil as either contaminated with metals, contaminated with oil or clean. Meanwhile, two groups in the USA276,277 demonstrated the utility of PLS for differentiating inorganic and organic soil C.
Improved calibration278 in the analysis of plants by LIBS was achieved by creating a set of matrix-matched calibration standards that allowed results statistically similar to ICP-AES data (at 95% confidence interval) to be obtained for the determination of Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, P and Zn in sugar cane. A blank (or low concentration) standard, prepared by extraction of ground sugar cane leaves with 0.2 M HNO3, was mixed with various aliquots of the original ground leaves and pressed into pellets to produce the calibrants. The latest in a series of similar papers reporting the determination of specific analytes in Gannan navel oranges focussed on the determination of Cd (ref. 279) and Cr (ref. 280). The studies were successful in that they yielded similar results to AAS analysis, but only the outer surface of the fruit was analysed so the relevance of the measurement in terms of food contamination assessment is questionable.
A rapid LIBS method281 for identification of P-containing proteins separated by gel electrophoresis used an extract of Brassica napus (canola, a cultivar of rapeseed) as test substrate. The prominent band observed at 45 kDa was excised, digested and identified by MALDI-MS as ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, the primary plant enzyme in carbon fixation.
The use of 1600 rather than 400 kN in a new high pressure sample preparation apparatus, as described in a Chinese language article283 (with English abstract), improved sensitivity and hence LOD by reducing particle size. The apparatus produced dense, flat, smooth and crack-free pellets from soil and sediment samples suitable for XRF analysis without the addition of binder.
As in LIBS, increased use of chemometric tools has proved beneficial in XRF analysis. Akbulut284 successfully used PLS and principal component regression calibration models to predict concentrations of As, Ba, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V and Zn in a suit of CRMs, including soils and sediments, analysed by EDXRF spectrometry. Ghasemi et al.285 employed PLS, principal component regression and support vector machine algorithms to overcome overlap between the Na (Kα) and Zn (Lα) lines in analysis of soil by WDXRF spectrometry.
In the analysis of plants, the first use286 of μ-EDXRF spectrometry for quantitative determination of macro- and micro-nutrients and silicon in plant materials (specifically sugar cane) was reported. A μ-PIXE method287 for analysis of frozen-hydrated sections of biological materials such as plants, mentioned in a previous update,288 was improved to allow the handling of thinner samples (20–50 μm thickness).
Improvements in the LODs achievable with field portable XRF spectrometry are allowing established uses such as the screening of highly contaminated soils, e.g. from abandoned mines,289 to be supplemented by more novel applications, e.g. analysis of plant litter,290 peatland samples291 and agricultural soil.292 However, as demonstrated in a study293 of As in French soils, care is still required to optimise analytical parameters and to correct for factors that can affect results, especially the sample moisture content, which can affect the XRF signal. It should be noted that this moisture need not be in the liquid state. Wiendorf et al.294 showed that results for in situ analysis of frozen Alaskan soils, laboratory analysis of refrozen soils and laboratory analysis of melted soils were all less than results for oven dry soils, using Ba, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, Zn and Zr as test analytes.
In contrast, inter-laboratory comparisons provide a snapshot of the state-of-the-art rather than feedback on performance to individual laboratories. Measurements296 of Sr/Ca in coral from 21 laboratories involved in an international collaboration reconstructing past seawater temperatures showed that inter-laboratory bias could be significant. Of the many potential sources of bias, traces of Sr in Ca standards and uncertainties in reference solution composition accounted for half of the combined uncertainty. During this exercise the GSJ RM JCp-1 (Porites coral) was sufficiently well characterised to be accorded a ‘certified’ Sr/Ca value of 8.838 ± 0.089 mmol mol−1, according to IAG guidelines. An inter-laboratory comparison297 of measurements of B isotopes in a range of marine biogenic carbonates (coral, foraminifera, brachiopods) deliberately involved just four laboratories, each using a different analytical technique. No significant inter-laboratory biases were observed for boric acid or seawater, a common in-house RM, but the carbonate samples had a pooled 2 SD of 1.46‰ for δ11B, which was larger than the measurement uncertainty reported by each laboratory. Overall sample size, in terms of total B available, and B/Ca ratio in each sample were significant factors contributing to the overall uncertainty, although the exact mechanisms were uncertain. Despite the encouraging agreement, the results demonstrated the need for a suite of well-characterised marine carbonate RMs for B isotope determinations.
An inter-laboratory comparison298 of U–Pb dating of synthetic detrital zircons by LA-ICP-MS and SIMS, involving 10 laboratories that routinely perform this type of analysis, reported a level of bias mostly within 2% of the ID-TIMS U–Pb age. Variable rates of Pb–U laser-induced elemental fractionation resulting from differences between the zircon matrix of the samples and RMs used for calibration was thought to be the main cause of this bias. The precision of individual zircon age determinations was mainly influenced by the procedures used for data reduction and measurement propagation, and was largely independent of instrumentation, analytical technique and RMs. Most laboratories underestimated the true uncertainty of their measurements, resulting in reported values with confidence limits outside the uncertainty of the age predicted by ID-TIMS data. All laboratories showed a bias towards selecting larger grains for analysis and it was recommended that grain selection should be randomised.
Several new potential RMs for U–Pb dating have been characterised. SoriZ93 zircon,299 obtained from the residual mineral fraction after the preparation of the SORI93 biotite RM from a Japanese granodiorite, was analysed using a SHRIMP. Cathodoluminescence imaging revealed a fine oscillatory zoning, typical of zircons with no xenocrystic core from granitic rocks. Although some mineral inclusions were present, it was possible to select an inclusion-free zone 30 μm wide necessary for analysis by the microbeam technique. With a recommended 206Pb/238U age of 93.9 ± 0.6 Ma (95% confidence limit), the SoriZ93 zircon was proposed as a suitable RM for dating Late Cretaceous zircons. Qinghu zircon grains,300 from the Qinghu quartz monzonite from SE China, were considered to be sufficiently homogeneous at the 20 to 60 μm scale to be proposed as a working RM for U–Pb age (159.5 ± 0.2 Ma) and Hf and O isotope determinations. Careful selection of suitable areas for microanalysis with the aid of a photomicrograph and catholodoluminescence imaging was recommended as some of the grains contained opaque mineral inclusions and a few grains had high U and Th contents. In response to the general lack of sufficiently abundant and high quality rutile RMs for in situ U–Pb geochronology, two new rutile samples301 from granulite facies metasedimentary rocks in the Canadian Shield were chosen as candidate RMs (Sugluk-4 and PCA-S207). Characterisation of these materials showed that their U–Pb compositions, including any common Pb, were much more homogeneous than those of existing rutile RMs. The new RMs were used to develop a U–Pb normalisation procedure that did not rely on a correction for common Pb, resulting in a long-term reproducibility of 2–4% (2 RSD) for 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/206Pb, which was only slightly worse than that for long-term data for zircon RMs. Using a 50 μm LA spot size, the sensitivity of the LA-MC-ICP-MS set-up employed allowed dating of ca. 90% of rutiles within a sediment containing rutile as young as 10–20 Ma, and eliminated the need to pre-screen the samples for low U concentrations.
Exciting developments in the preparation of nanoparticulate powders with a prescribed composition have opened up new possibilities for the production of true matrix-matched RMs for the calibration and validation of microanalytical techniques such as LA-ICP-MS, EPMA, SIMS and SR-XRF. The flame spray technique was used to produce a nanomaterial302 with a matrix composition similar to that of NIST SRM 610 glass plus a selection of REEs, precious metals and Pb at concentrations of 400–500 mg kg−1. The liquid precursor mixture was sprayed and collected as a nanopowder, pressed to form pellets (without a binder) and analysed by solution ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS and EPMA. The material synthesised was homogeneous for major elements and REEs at a scale similar to that for the NIST 610 glass, i.e. <5% RSD, whereas the spatial variation of the PGEs was larger at <7.5% RSD. In addition, contamination during production resulted in heterogeneous distributions of Ag and Pb. The major advantage of this technique is that the composition can be tailored to the specific requirements of the application and up to several 100 g can be prepared in a single batch. In an alternative approach, Garbe-Schönberg and Müller303 prepared NPs powders with a typical grain size of d50 < 1.5 μm by wet-milling in aqueous suspension using a high power planetary ball mill and agate tools. Pressed powder tablets produced from this NP material without the incorporation of any binder had excellent cohesion, homogeneity and mechanical stability. A selection of geochemical CRMs covering a wide range of natural rock types, prepared by this procedure and analysed by LA-ICP-MS gave precisions of 2–5% RSD. The preferred values could be reproduced for most of the 38 trace elements determined. These figures of merit were similar to those obtained from LA of glasses and were significantly better than data reported from the analysis of pressed powders in many previous studies. As no binder was required, LODs in the low ppb range were achieved and volatile elements were quantitatively retained. A few elements, such as Mo, Sb, Sn, W and Zn, did not satisfy the precision and accuracy criteria required. One source of contamination was thought to be the anvil and dies in the tablet press, made of alloyed steel or tungsten carbide.
Chinese reference glasses304 with the compositions of basalt, syenite, andesite and soil were evaluated for U-series measurements by MC-TIMS and MC-ICP-MS. The Th–U concentration and isotopic data obtained by the two techniques agreed within estimated errors. The value of these glasses to the community comes from the large 238U–234U–230Th disequilibria observed, combined with the wide range in Th/U ratios; the long-term aim is to develop them as microanalytical RMs. Given the routine use of the NIST SRM 61x series of glasses for calibrating microanalytical techniques, there are surprisingly few data available on their U isotopic composition. This has now been rectified to some extent with the publication305 of atom percent and U isotope ratios for all four glasses determined by fs LA-MC-ICP-MS. Results for NIST SRM 610 were in excellent agreement with literature values but the atom percent 235U measured did not match the certificate values. Large corrections required for PtAr+ interferences on the U minor isotopes, as a result of platinum introduced from the crucible during the preparation of the glass, may have contributed to these discrepancies. Thorium and U concentrations in four marine sediment CRMs (NIST 1646a and NRCC HISS-1, MESS-3 and PACS-2) were re-evaluated306 using ID-MC-ICP-MS. The new ID data were consistently lower than the informative values on the original certificates and also there were heterogeneities in the distributions of these elements in 100 mg subsamples of the CRMs.
Molybdenum isotope variations are increasingly being used to investigate the oxygenation of the Earth's ocean and atmosphere. Despite attempts to establish NIST SRM 3134 (Mo standard solution) as the delta zero, there is still no internationally accepted RM for Mo isotope composition in studies of mass-dependent isotope fractionation. Nagler et al.307 proposed that δ98Mo/95Mo in NIST SRM 3134 now be defined as +0.25‰, rather than zero. They argued that this would facilitate the comparison of previous δ98Mo/95Mo data obtained using other RMs, which had δ98Mo/95Mo values in the relatively narrow range of −0.16 to 0.37‰ relative to NIST SRM 3134. They also recommended the use of open ocean seawater, of which there are limitless supplies, as a secondary RM with a defined δ98Mo/95Mo of +2.34 ± 0.10‰. Meanwhile Mayer and Wieser308 determined the absolute isotopic composition and atomic weight of Mo in SRM 3134 by MC-ICP-MS using a 92Mo–98Mo double-spike to correct for instrumental mass bias. These data should go a long way to establishing SRM 3134 as the international standard for Mo isotope measurements.
Now that modern instrumentation permits high spatial resolution measurements at the μm-scale over a very wide range of concentrations, there is increasing interest in elemental imaging or mapping of geological materials by LA-ICP-MS. This application has necessitated further developments such as optimised ablation cell designs for rapid wash-out, reduction in cross-contamination when rastering across a sample and the development of appropriate data processing software to produce the images.311 Recent examples included the mapping of trace elements in biogenic and inorganic carbonates with complex internal geometries.312 An in-line signal smoothing device provided much more stable signals and less noise in the data. Pre-ablation cleaning was found necessary for accurate determination of some trace elements, particularly Al and Zn. Multielement maps of element distributions in a Late Archean impact spherule layer were acquired313 by LA-ICP-MS at a lateral resolution of 15 μm. A teardrop ablation cell (volume 2.9 cm3) had better performance characteristics than a larger standard circular cell (volume 33 cm3) for this application. Helium was preferred over argon as the transport gas to prevent redeposition of ablated particles on the sample surface. Significant matrix effects were observed314 during the production of elemental maps of iron meteorites when ablating the different iron phases with a 213 nm laser system. Careful application of a matrix-matched external standard and proper internal standardisation were essential to correct for these matrix effects. The potential for a combination of LA-ICP-MS and LIBS to provide expanded elemental coverage for simultaneous 3D imaging was demonstrated using a rare earth ore sample.315 Following data acquisition, the signals from the two techniques were integrated and reassigned to xyz spatial coordinates to produce layer-by-layer 2D elemental maps. Basic principles of computed tomography were adopted to visualise multiple elemental and isotopic distributions in 3D.
Investigations into fundamental aspects of LA-ICP-MS provided a better understanding of some of the complex processes involved. The sensitivity of a HR MC-ICP-MS instrument was improved316ca. 2-fold through a series of modifications to the geometry of the sampler and skimmer cones, the interface pumping configuration and source lens. This enabled micro-sampling at a higher spatial resolution with no loss in accuracy. In another study, signal enhancement was achieved317 by the addition of water and/or ethanol vapour to laser-ablated dry aerosols, using a custom-made introduction system that provided long-term stability. For most of the 60 elements studied, the addition of small amounts of water and/or 1–4% (v/v) ethanol vapour, in combination with a shielded torch, improved the sensitivity of LA-ICP-MS measurements by a factor of 2.5–3.0. Spatial profiling of analyte and background species in the ICP provided insights into some of the mechanisms for this enhancement. Further investigations318 into the effect of carrier gas humidity on the vaporisation of laser-produced aerosols in ICPs utilised an ICP-AES instrument with a Czerny–Turner monochromator operating in 2D imaging mode to obtain axial profiles of the ICP. Under dry conditions, the profiles for Ca and Na in the ICP were separated by several mm. However, by introducing precise amounts of water via a micro-droplet dispenser, the two axial profiles were superimposed over a range of humidities. These observations supported the hypothesis that, under these conditions, the two elements vaporised at the same position in the plasma. These operating conditions were then used for quantitative analysis of silicate glass by LA-ICP-MS, resulting in a significant improvement in the accuracy as well as lower LODs, with only a moderate increase in oxide formation. The performance of LA sampling in air was compared319 to that of conventional LA in a closed cell for the determination of isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS using a fs laser. Samples of galena, zircon and brass were ablated in air and the aerosol generated aspirated into a gas exchange device, in which the air was replaced with argon before transfer to the ICP. Comparable precisions and accuracies were obtained making the system suitable for isotope determinations of materials too large to fit into an ablation cell. However, the signal intensities from the atmospheric sampling method were lower by up to a factor of five. Further modifications, such as more stable gas flows and improved sampling efficiency, were recommended for fast and spatially resolved determinations using scanning mode LA.
Although it has been established that, in general, short pulse fs LA sample introduction provides better accuracy and precision than the use of long pulse ns lasers, the fundamental ablation mechanisms of fs lasers are still being evaluated. Particles320 produced by ablating magnetite, siderite, pyrrhotite and pyrite with a UV fs laser were collected with a cascade impactor and the various size fractions analysed by solution MC-ICP-MS for their Fe isotope composition. Despite the isotopic variations observed across the aerosol size fractions, the composition of the total aerosol, as calculated from a mass balance, was stoichiometric in terms of its Fe isotope content for all the minerals ablated. As well as providing insights into the behaviour of condensates from laser-induced plasmas, the study demonstrated the importance of quantitative transport of the laser aerosol to the ICP. Data321 obtained for Cu isotopes in cubanite by LA-MC-ICP-MS using two fs laser systems operating at 260 nm and 780 nm showed better precision for the UV fs system (<0.10‰, 2 SE). At both laser wavelengths, matrix-matched standards were still required for reliable Cu isotope data. An IR (λ = 1030 nm) fs LA system was used to sample micrometre-sized U-containing particles to determine 235U/238U by quadrupole ICP-MS.63 The particles were first fixed on a transparent polycarbonate disk and then located either by observing fission tracks after irradiation or by SEM using EDXRF. Laser repetition rate was a major factor affecting the isotopic measurements whereas plasma humidity had no significant effect. Accuracy and reproducibility were typically <4% for a 15 s transient signal, in which between 10 and 200 pg U was sampled. No isotopic fractionation was detected and the technique was capable of analysing about 100 particles a day. In a study322 of the ablation characteristics of brass and NIST 612 glass using a 1030 nm fs laser, higher laser repetition rates and larger spot sizes (>70 μm) resulted in better estimation of elemental ratios. Additional work was required to separate fractionation effects at the ablation site from those in the ICP.
A review323 of fluid and melt inclusion studies showed how these reflect developments in analytical techniques over the years (111 references). Directions for future research may include: age measurements of inclusion fluids; the use of biomarkers, noble gas isotopes and halogens to trace the source of inclusions; and the study of micro-organisms in fluid inclusions. The current state-of-the-art was assessed324 using a highly sensitive SF-ICP-MS instrument coupled to a 193 nm excimer laser to analyse an assemblage of fluid inclusions (from a few to ca. 200 μm in size) with identical salinities of 4.0 ± 0.1 wt% NaCl equivalent. For 21 elements covering the mass range from Li to Pb, the LODs were 10 times lower than those determined by quadrupole ICP-MS using the same laser system, while the cycle time was only 20% longer for such a suite of elements. The absolute LOD for Au was 1 fg (10−15 g). Albrecht et al.325 employed a 194 nm fs laser coupled to a fast scanning SF-ICP-MS instrument with SEM and Faraday detectors to determine B, Bi, Cd, K, Pb, Te and Tl at a concentration of 53 μg g−1 in NaCl–H2O synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz. To gain the best advantage from the low heat transfer properties of the fs laser, the ablations were performed at temperatures of around −40 °C using a modified heating-freezing stage as the ablation cell. As a result, frozen fluid inclusions (8 to 25 μm in diameter) down to a depth of 50 μm below the surface, could be opened very precisely, thereby giving LODs varying between 0.1 μg g−1 for 209Bi to 10 μg g−1 for 39K. Typical analytical uncertainties were 15 to 30% (1 RSD), a significant improvement in precision compared to earlier studies for samples with relatively low analyte concentrations. Although various methods for synthesising reference fluid inclusions have been published previously, the details given have often been insufficient to replicate the procedure. For this reason, the preparation326 of liquid–vapour inclusions in the H2O–CH4–NaCl system were described in great detail. The method used pre-existing microcavities in polished quartz chips, which were decrepitated and rinsed before being treated with a NaCl solution of known composition in an autoclave at a fixed temperature and pressure for up to four weeks to synthesize the new inclusions. Advantages of this procedure included quicker healing of the microfractures at lower temperatures, choice of larger inclusions, simple quartz sample preparation, the ability to control the composition of the fluid inclusions, and the use of commercial autoclaves. A summary of methods used to analyse acid saline fluid inclusions327 noted the difficulties of employing LA-ICP-MS for this purpose due to the extreme chemistry of these inclusions, often located in halite and gypsum matrices.
The ablation characteristics of sulfide minerals are complex and vary depending on the mineral being ablated. This was demonstrated in a recent LA-ICP-MS study328 in which the amount of S fractionation, relative to Fe, was compared for a range of sulfide minerals using three different LA systems: a 213 nm Nd:YAG, a 193 nm Nd:YAG and a 193 nm excimer. Although significant fractionation occurred in all the sulfides, its extent was dependent on the amount of melting around the ablation crater, which was mainly mineral specific and primarily dependent on its physical properties. Consequently, matrix-matched standards were necessary for accurate S determinations using either the 213 nm or the 193 nm lasers systems. In related work, laser parameters for the determination of S isotopes in sulfide minerals by LA-ICP-MS were investigated329 using two different 193 nm lasers. Matrix effects were reduced by increasing the laser fluence, but the optimal fluence for each laser system needed to be evaluated as it was dependent on laser wavelength and pulse width. The design and material of the tubing between the ablation cell and the ICP were found to be critical for improving the precision and washout time for S. The isotopic composition and homogeneity of a range of sulfide minerals were characterised for use as potential RMs, including a large isotopically homogeneous pyrite crystal PPP-1 (δ34S = 5.3 ± 0.2‰). Because of a paucity of suitable matrix-matched standards, a multi-standard approach330 was adopted for the LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides from a PGE deposit in South Africa. Several RMs, including a new synthetic in-house standard containing As, Sb, Se and Te, bracketed the unknown samples, and 33S derived from EPMA measurements was used as the internal standard. A similar approach, involving the measurement of two RMs and a blank before and after every unknown,331 was adopted in the determination of trace elements in pyrite from a magmatic sulfide Ni–Cu ore deposit in Spain. In this case, internal standardisation was based on 57Fe obtained from the mean Fe value in each pyrite. In a study332 of a zoned Ge-rich sphalerite from the main Ge deposit in western Europe, SEM and EPMA were used to define major and minor element distributions. A detailed assessment of isobaric interferences on Ge was carried out before a wide range of trace elements was determined by LA-ICP-MS. In combination with Ge isotopes measured by MC-ICP-MS, S isotopes by SIMS and mineralogical observations, the trace element data were used to discriminate between different ore types and shed light on the genesis of the deposit.
Zircon has become the most popular accessory phase for U–Pb age determinations because of its widespread abundance, resistance to abrasion, its ability to retain trace elements over geological time and its low initial content of non-radiogenic Pb (common Pb). New results333 on young zircons (<1 Ma) demonstrated that LA-ICP-MS can reproduce the precision and accuracy of the SHRIMP, while analysing many more zircons with relative ease. Improvements in the design of the two-volume ablation cell ensured that the cell volume and gas flow remained truly constant while moving the samples in the sample holder. Samples were corrected for initial thorium disequilibrium using a new formula that accounts for disequilibrium in 230Th decay. The counts on 204Pb and 207Pb were too low to correct reliably for common Pb and other strategies were needed to minimise its influence on the dataset. A modified methodology334 allowed the rapid analysis of large numbers of detrital zircons by LA-ICP-MS without compromising analytical precision or accuracy. Based on generating ages using integrated total counts of Pb and U rather than a series of integrated Pb/U ratios, which require longer counting times, additional refinements in sample preparation, imaging and automation resulted in a sampling rate of ca. 180 analyses h−1. Consequently, much more statistically robust datasets for 300–1000 detrital zircons could be produced for provenance investigations at an economic cost. Looking to the future, developments in real-time data reduction will be a considerable aid in enabling the analyst to decide when a sufficient number of analyses have been completed.
Detailed investigations335 of systematic biases observed for zircon U–Pb ages determined by LA-ICP-MS with a 193 nm excimer laser, using ID-TIMS as the reference technique, revealed that there were small but significant differences in ablation rate between reference and sample zircons. Intrinsic optical properties of the zircon matrix and subtle defocusing effects of the laser beam both contributed to variations in ablation rates. Although thermal annealing changed the ablation behaviour of the zircons by reducing the amount of radiation damage, the variation in behaviour between different zircon matrices was not eliminated. A discrete multi-pulse method336 designed to acquire LA depth profiles when coupled to a quadrupole ICP-MS system was able to resolve variations in U–Pb ages in zircon at the sub-μm scale. Isotopic ratios were calculated by integrating the total counts on a transient signal generated by discrete bursts of 5 laser pulses. Correction for fractionation effects was achieved through iterative smoothing and interpolation of a continuous function, non-parametric 3D surface from which discrete values for any time and sample depth could be calculated. There was a high positive correlation between radiation damage, crystal lattice distortion and ablation pit depths. These data indicated that radiation damage exerted a fundamental control on LA efficiency although the exact process was unknown. Consequently, large differences in the amount of radiation damage suffered by RMs and unknown zircons would result in a degradation of accuracy and precision. Another factor found to influence laser-induced elemental fractionation was the amount of oxygen in the helium carrier gas flushing the ablation cell.337 Oxygen concentrations in the carrier gas as low as 500 ppm shifted U–Pb ages measured in zircon by as much as 9%, well above the typical analytical uncertainty of zircon dating by LA-ICP-MS. The addition of larger amounts of oxygen increased the instrument sensitivity significantly, as well as promoting Th and U oxide formation, probably as a consequence of improved atomisation and ionisation capabilities of the mixed gas ICP. This study highlighted the importance of maintaining a constant level of oxygen in the ablation cell over an analytical session as a prerequisite for improvements in the precision of such measurements.
Age determinations by LA-ICP-MS of other U-bearing accessory minerals such as apatite, allanite, titanite and rutile typically requires the use of matrix-matched standards. These measurements may often be complicated by variable amounts of common (or initial) Pb not only in the unknown samples but in the RMs as well. Chew et al.338 proposed a general approach to correcting for common Pb using a modified version of the VizualAge U–Pb data reduction package for Iolite software. Advantages of this data reduction scheme were that it could incorporate any accessory mineral standard, even if it contained variable amounts of common Pb, and it could be applied to raw data files from the majority of modern ICP-MS instruments. Studies on the optimal conditions for the reliable U–Pb age determinations by LA-ICP-MS for titanite,339 bastnaesite,340 allanite341 and rutile342 all emphasised the importance of a matrix-matched RM to correct for laser-induced elemental fractionation and other matrix effects.
Not only are measurements of Hf isotopes in zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS subject to large isobaric interferences but molecular interferences can be significant, depending on the rate of oxide formation. The magnitude343 of these isobaric and REE oxide interferences were reassessed using a series of natural zircons and synthetic glass beads. Molecular interferences from Gd oxides were found to be more significant than those from Dy oxides. A protocol for correcting for these interferences involved the daily monitoring of the rate of formation of Gd and Hf oxides. Guidelines344 for reporting in situ Hf isotope data stressed the importance of supplying sufficient detail, including the procedure adopted for interference corrections, to enable reviewers and readers to assess the quality of the data presented. Potential pitfalls included assignment of incorrect ages and the difficulty of estimating the uncertainties in the initial Hf composition of zircon. One way of ensuring that correct ages are assigned to the Hf isotope compositions in complex zircons was to use the technique known as LA split stream.345 By splitting the laser aerosol downstream of the ablation cell, simultaneous measurements346 of U–Pb ages by single-collector ICP-MS and Hf isotopes by MC-ICP-MS were made with little degradation of precision in the Hf isotope data. The veracity of this approach was demonstrated by analysing 10 reference zircons with well-characterised age and Hf isotopic compositions, using laser spot diameters of 30 and 40 μm.
Other studies of in situ isotopic determinations by LA-MC-ICP-MS included an evaluation of matrix effects during the measurement of B isotopes in tourmaline,347 optimisation of ICP interface conditions for low oxide formation in the determination of Nd isotope ratios in glasses and minerals348 and use of an enhanced sensitivity mass spectrometer349 for Pb isotope measurements of silicate rocks and minerals with low Pb contents.
Much of the development of the LIBS technique, including the associated statistical analysis and interpretation of LIBS data, has stemmed from its inclusion as an integral component of analytical instrumentation on the NASA Curiosity Mars Science Laboratory. The advantages of using independent component analysis, rather than PCA to classify rocks remotely were demonstrated351 by modelling LIBS data from the ChemCam instrument on board the Mars rover. In another study, two different multivariate techniques,352 PLS discriminant analysis and support vector machines (SVMs), were used to correlate LIBS data from 16 Triassic sedimentary rocks (sandstone, limestone and mudstone) acquired with both Czerny-Turner and Echelle spectrometer systems. A combination of the Echelle spectrometer system with SVM statistical analysis provided nearly 100% accurate classification of the sedimentary rocks analysed. In an evaluation353 of spectral lines for the determination of trace amounts of U in uraninite and NIST 1872 glass RMs by LIBS, low ppm LODs were achieved by careful selection of an appropriate emission line with minimal spectral interferences.
Isotope ratio measurements by LIBS are difficult because of collision-induced broadening of spectral lines and the very small isotopic spectral shift characteristic of atomic transitions.267 Computer simulation was used to evaluate a method354 for improving the precision of U isotope ratios by monitoring multiple LIBS emission lines. The precision of these measurements depended primarily on the signal-to-background ratio and the net intensity of the emission line, rather than the magnitude of isotopic splitting. In an alternative approach,355 which took advantage of the fact that molecular isotopic shifts can be significantly greater than the respective atomic isotope shifts, spectral analysis of molecular emissions from laser-induced plasmas were used to determine B isotope ratios in samples of boron carbide.
Since the report of a dissolution procedure358 employing NH4HF2 in last year's ASU, the use of ammonium fluoride (NH4F) has been systematically investigated359 because it has a higher boiling point (260 °C) and so can be used in open digestion vessels. For complete digestion of refractory minerals, a 6 + 1 proportion of NH4F to sample mass was recommended. The main advantages of this method were that it was performed in screw-top PFA vials rather than high pressure digestion bombs, it did not suffer from the formation of insoluble fluorides and the reagent was removed by taking the sample to dryness before making up to volume for analysis by quadrupole ICP-MS. However, NH4F has many of the same safety handling requirements of HF, especially when heated to dryness to remove Si as SiF4.
Qi et al.360 produced a new design of Carius tube consisting of a main body with 3 mm thick glass, a neck and head with 4 mm thick walls and an efficient screw-thread stopper. These new features reduced the time taken in manipulating the samples compared to the traditional design and allowed the tubes to be reused many times. Low procedural blanks for Os, Re and the PGEs were demonstrated.
A new microfluorination method361 for the determination of δ18O values in quartz and silicate microfossils utilised high temperature pyrolysis with continuous flow IRMS. Dehydroxylated samples were mixed with PTFE powder and graphite in silver foil capsules and reacted in a standard thermal conductivity elemental analyser. The graphite provided an additional source of labile carbon, facilitating quantitative formation of CO during pyrolysis at 1450 °C.
Of interest to isotope geochemists, for whom low analytical blanks are critical, is the development of a Teflon HPLC system.365 Its construction was made possible by the availability of Teflon components used in the semi-conductor industry. Features of the system included a fluid-flow path that is entirely enclosed in Teflon, fully automated elution schemes in which the electronic controls are protected from corrosive fumes, temperature control of the entire system and a modular design that can be adapted to a variety of separation schemes. Using this system, it was possible to separate Ni from Mg using one long column at an elevated temperature, as opposed to up to five passes using traditional column chromatographic schemes. The effective separation of individual REEs could also be achieved using a long column and elevated temperatures. Although some challenges, such as the tailing of the REEs, still remained, this development may have a significant influence on how such analytical studies are conducted in the future.
Persimmon, a fruit rich in tannin and known to contain several polyphenols, was employed as a novel reagent for the preconcentratation of gold from geological materials.366 The persimmon was modified by treatment with 4 M HNO3 to promote crosslinking between tannin and polysaccharides and thereby improve its absorption characteristics. The powder was then used as a SPE adsorbent for the separation and preconcentration of Au in 3% aqua regia before analysis by ICP-MS. The LOD was 1.32 ng L−1 (3σ) and the precision (n = 11) at 1.0 μg L−1 0.83% (RSD). Another method191 for the preconcentration of Au from anodic slime, gold ore, soil and waters samples was based on coprecipitation with a 1,2,4-triazole derivative and had a FAAS LOD of 0.36 pg L−1 Au and a RSD of 5.1%.
Elemental species in rocks are rarely determined but knowledge of Cr species in phosphate rock is important when the rock is used as a precursor in the production of fertilisers.367 In order to prevent interconversion of the Cr species, ultrasound digestion in 4 mL of 4 M HNO3 was used and CrIII was separated at pH 9 on MWCNTs acting as the SPE absorbent. The total Cr concentration was determined by FAAS after reduction of CrV to CrIII. The LOD for CrIII was 0.288 mg kg−1. For a full account of recent developments in speciation analysis, the relevant ASU4 should be consulted.
A tutorial review370 of recent advances in microwave plasma sources for optical emission and MS highlighted the great number of different designs of MP cavities available and their future potential. Until recently, the use of MP-AES has mainly been confined to the analysis of gaseous samples, with limited application to liquids. However, this may change with the development of robust, commercially-available MIP-AES instruments offering fast sequential multi-element analysis. The potential of one such instrument for the bulk analysis of geochemical samples371 and the determination of precious metals in rocks and ores372 has been assessed. The technique provided LODs that were much superior to those obtained by FAAS (and comparable to ICP-AES LODs for some elements) with longer linear dynamic ranges, thereby removing the need for time-consuming dilutions often required for FAAS. Data for major and minor elements in a series of geological RMs had good accuracy with a precision of ≤3%. Precious metals could be determined at sub μg g−1 levels after appropriate separation and preconcentration of the analytes. The instrument had the great advantage of low running costs as only nitrogen was required to operate the plasma so making it ideal for use in laboratories in remote locations.
Many of the recent developments in the determination of isotope ratios in geological materials by ICP-MS involve a combination of modifications in sample preparation and measurement procedures. Table 6 summarises this information.
Analyte | Matrix | Sample treatment | Detector | Comments | References |
B | Roman glass | Digested with HF–HNO3 at 110 °C for 2 days; mannitol added and taken to dryness at 70 °C; aqua regia added and heated at 110 °C for 2 days; mannitol added and taken to dryness at 70 °C; residue redissolved in 0.02 M HCl. Two-step column separation: (a) cation-exchange resin Dowex AG 50W-X8, major cations retained on resin while B eluted with 0.02 M HCl; (b) anion-exchange resin AG 1X8 to remove P and S | MC-ICP-MS | Sample dissolution scheme devised to prevent B fractionation. Separation method fine-tuned to composition of glass samples. NIST SRM 610 (glass) used for validation. Mass bias correction using Li internal standard and sample-standard bracketing. Uncertainty of δ11B values was 1.6‰ (k = 2) | 377 |
B | Tourmaline and carbonate | Tourmaline: alkaline fusion with K2CO3 and residue dissolved in HCl; dissolution in HCl for carbonate. Three-step column separation: (a) mixed cation–anion resin to remove major cations; (b) B-specific resin Amberlite IRA 743; (c) mixed cation–anion resin to convert acidic solution to neutral (only required for comparison between TIMS and ICP-MS). >98% recovery of B from each column | MC-ICP-MS and TIMS | Final eluent split into two parts, one for TIMS after addition of CsOH, the other for ICP-MS after adding high purity HNO3. B blank 0.50 ± 0.04 ng (2 SD). Using NIST SRM 951 (boric acid solution), 11B/10B external precision was ±0.09‰ (n = 10) for TIMS and 0.11‰ (n = 100) for MC-ICP-MS. In latter method, mass bias correction with sample-standard bracketing procedure plus blank correction for B memory | 363 |
B | Geological RMs | Digested with HF–HNO3 and mannitol at 80 °C for 3 days; taken to dryness at 65 °C; HNO3 added and heated at 80 °C for 4 h. Solution centrifuged to separate supernatant, doping with NaCl before B separated using modified micro-sublimation technique | MC-ICP-MS | B blank ∼20 ng. Mass bias corrected by sample-standard bracketing procedure plus blank correction for B memory. Using NIST SRM 951 (boric acid solution) 11B/10B external precision was ±0.3‰ (2SD, N = 8) | 362 |
Ba | Geological RMs | Digestion with HClO4–HF (1 + 4), followed by HClO4–HCl (1 + 4), then HCl alone, with final uptake in 2.5 M HCl. Separation by cation-exchange chromatography on AG50W-X8 | MC-ICP-MS | Ba blank <13 pg. Method based on 130Ba–135Ba double-spike, sample-standard bracketing protocol. Instrumental setup for low oxide ratios: BaO/Ba <0.1%. Ba ratio in double spike determined using an iterative calibration method developed in this study. Reproducibilities about 5× better than previous study | 378 |
Ca | Terrestrial and meteoritic samples | Digested in HF–HNO3 at 130 °C for 4 days; dried and redissolved in 6 N HCl; dried and redissolved in 0.5 N HNO3 and centrifuged. Three-step separation: (a) Ca Separated from sample matrix using Eichrom DGA extraction chromatography resin (b) second pass through DGA resin; (c) Ca Separated from Sr using Sr-specific resin. Combined Ca yield was >98% | MC-ICP-MS | Total procedural blanks <1 ng Ca. Ti interferences were too large to obtain precise data for 46Ca and 48Ca. Mass bias corrected using sample standard bracketing protocol with NIST SRM 915b (calcium carbonate) and resulting data normalised to SRM 915a | 379 |
Cu, Fe | Igneous rocks | Digested in HF–HNO3 at 160 °C; dried residues refluxed with HNO3–HCl and dried at 80 °C; refluxed with HNO3 and dried residues taken up in HCl plus a trace of HsOs. One-step anion exchange chromatography on bio-Rad AG-MP-1M used to separate Cu and Fe, unlike previous methods which required different schemes for the two analytes | MC-ICP-MS | Procedural blanks 1–2 ng Cu and 2–10 ng Fe. Cu isotopes measured in low resolution mode and Fe ratios in high resolution mode using sample standard bracketing. Once issues of incomplete recovery, mismatch in acid molarity and concentration between standards and samples, and isobaric interferences from matrix elements had been addressed, long term precision better than 0.05‰ (2 SD) for δ65Cu and δ56Fe obtained | 380 |
Cu, Sb | Ancient glass | Modified preparation protocol to obtain Cu and Sb from the same digest. HF–HNO3 at 110 °C for 2 d; dried and redissolved in aqua regia; dried and redissolved in 0.14 M HF and used directly for Sb isotope measurements; an aliquot evaporated and redissolved in 8 M HCl for Cu isotope ratios. Various separation protocols based on AG MP-1 anion-exchange resin evaluated for Cu; Sb purified by cation-exchange chromatography | MC-ICP-MS | Recoveries from anion-exchange 100 ± 5% for Cu and >94% for Sb. Sb A small amount of Co was co-eluted with Cu but did not affect accuracy. Samples analysed using a sample standard bracketing protocol; Zn and In added as internal standards for Cu and Sb respectively. Revised Russell's law used to correct Cu and Sb for instrumental mass fractionation | 381 |
Hf | Ilmenite and rutile (Ti-rich minerals) | Mixed acid HF initial digestion, then with HCl, take up in HCl with trace of HF. Separation of Hf from high TiO2 content by 3 column chemistry: (a) Fe And REEs elimination on AG50W-X8 resin; (b) elimination of most of Ti using AG1-X8 resin; (c) HClO4 evaporation (3 times) before successful separation of remaining Ti from Hf and Zr on AG50W-X8 cation-exchange resin | MC-ICP-MS | Hf and Lu concentrations measured by SF-ICP-MS. Corrections for isobaric interferences on 176Hf made using natural abundances of Lu and Yb isotopes and by measuring 172Yb and 175Lu, which were corrected for mass bias using 179Hf/177Hf. JMC-475 Hf reference solution used to bracket every 2 samples. Modified column chemistry improved yields from 2–5% to 78–100% for ilmenite compared to previous studies | 382 |
Lu | Rocks and minerals | HF–HNO3 digestion, then conc HNO3 (3 times), then 6 M HCl before take up in HCl. Separation of Lu in 4 steps using 3 columns: (a) separation Of Fe and U using anion-exchange chromatography; (b) separation Of heavy REEs on Ln-Spec resin; (c) separation Of Lu from Yb using a longer column containing finer-grained Ln-Spec resin; (d) repeat Of step (c) to minimise amount of Yb in Lu fraction | MC-ICP-MS | All standards and samples spiked with W metal and normalised to the nominal W isotopic composition to correct for drift and instability. Mass bias corrected by normalisation to the Ames Lu standard. After correction for isobaric interferences, particularly 176Yb, precision on 176Lu/175Lu was close to their target value of 0.1‰. Use of NIST 3130a (Lu solution) as bracketing standard was proposed | 383 |
Nd | Geological RMs | HF–HNO3–HClO4 digestion, residue dissolved in HCl. REEs separated on cation-exchange resin AG50W-X8; no chemical separation of Sm from Nd or addition of enriched isotope spikes. Method may need further validation for geological samples containing significant amounts of refractory minerals | MC-ICP-MS | Blank <0.1 ng for Sm and Nd. Isobaric interferences on Nd isotopes were reassessed. Sm interference on 144Nd corrected using the exponential law and selected Sm isotopic compositions. Sm/Nd ratios agreed well with previous values when sample bracketed with matrix-matched secondary standards. Four USGS RMs (2 basalts, an andesite and a rhyolite) used for method validation | 384 |
Nd | Geological materials | HF–HNO3 digestion, then concentrated HNO3, and final take up in HCl. Separation by two column chromatography: strong cation resin, AG50W-X12, to separate the REEs, then Nd purified on Ln resin treated with HDEHP | MC-ICP-MS | Careful control of conditions for separation by gave Nd recoveries close to 100%; Sm and Ce removed to the extent that the interferences could be corrected effectively. Precisions comparable and Nd isotope data identical within analytical error to those obtained the double spike method. Validation on range of rock RMs including granites | 385 |
Ni | Geological materials | Initial digestion: Silicates HF–HNO3 (1 + 3), non-silicates HNO3–HCl (1 + 1); dried and redissolved in HNO3–HCl; final takeup in HCl with a trace of H2O2. Two-step column separation: (a) anion-exchange on AG1-X8, addition of Ni double-spike, then (b) Ni-specific resin | MC-ICP-MS | Procedural blanks 3–4 ng Ni. Double-spike correction scheme presented. Interference correction for 58Fe isobar on 58Ni; Cu isotopes used to correct for instrumental mass bias. Precision of ±0.02–0.04‰ (2SE) for δ56Ni/58Ni | 386 |
Pb–U | Carbonates | Sample dissolved in HNO3, dried and redissolved in acetic acid ready for a new separation protocol based on AG 1-X8 anion-exchange resin. A mobile phase of 90% acetic acid was used to elute the matrix components before Pb, Th and U were eluted with 2% HNO3 | MC-ICP-MS | Blanks of 6.4 pg Pb, 1.8 pg Th and 8.4 pg U were attained if the acetic acid was purified prior to use in separations; Pb blank still the major factor limiting the analytical precision. Method sufficiently free of matrix-induced instrumental biases to be appropriate for U–Th–Pb chronology. Method validation by analysis of speleothem | 387 |
Pt | Geological RMs | Addition of 196Pt–198Pt spike prior to digestion by NiS fire assay procedure and separation by anion-exchange chromatography on AG1-X8 resin | MC-ICP-MS | At least 90–95% Pt recovered from column chemistry. Blanks typically 0.5–2 ng. Precision ±0.040 (2 SD) for δ198Pt in solution RM but poorer (e.g. ±0.088, 2 SD) for rock RMs | 388 |
S | Uranium ore concentrates | Sample powders leached with ultra-pure water for 24 h at room temperature to obtain leachable sulfate. Sulfate separated from other anions using anion-exchange resin AG 1-X4 | MC-ICP-MS | CRMs IAEA-S-2, IAEA-S-3, IAEA-S-4 used for method validation. Matching of sample matrix to that of bracketing standard was necessary to obtain accurate results. δ34S uncertainty 0.45–1.9‰ (k = 2) | 389 |
Sb | Roman glass | Digested with HF–HNO3 at 110 °C for 2 days; taken to dryness at 70 °C; aqua regia added and heated at 110 °C for 2 days; evaporated at 90 °C and residue redissolved in 0.14 M HF. Two-step column separation: (a) separation Of Sb from major cations using AG50-X8; (b) purification Of Sb on weak anion-exchange resin Amberlite IRA 743 | MC-ICP-MS | NIST SRM 610 (glass) used for validation (see ref. 377). Better precision obtained when mass bias corrected using “revised Russell's law” compared to sample standard bracketing procedure. External precision of 123Sb/121Sb ratio in glass was ca. 0.4ε | 390 |
Se | Organic-rich shales | Digestion with HF–HNO3–HClO4 at 130 °C for 2 days; excess acid evaporated to incipient dryness; 6 M HCl added to reduce SeVI to SeIV; insoluble fluorides removed by centrifugation. Se purified using thiol-impregnated cotton fibre. Aqua regia treatment after column extraction to reduce Ge content and organic compounds | Quadrupole ICP-MS | Precision better than 0.2‰ for most Se ratios. Mass bias corrected using sample standard bracketing with NIST SRM 3149 (Se solution). Concentration of Se in standards and samples needed to be matched to within 5% to minimise the impact of isobaric interferences | 391 |
Te | Au–Ag telluride ores | Digestion in aqua regia at 80 °C overnight, evaporated to incipient dryness and dissolved in 2 N HCl. Isolation of Te from matrix elements, particularly ag, by anion-exchange chromatography on AG 1-X8 resin with ca. 96% yield | MC-ICP-MS | Cadmium used to correct for mass bias. Precision was ±0.10‰ for 130Te/125Te under wet plasma conditions | 392 |
Th–U | Carbonates | Dissolution in HNO3, addition of 229Th–236U spike, and UTEVA extraction chromatography to separate Th and U from matrix elements. Up to 24 samples could be processed simultaneously | MC-ICP-MS | Sample standard bracketing routine plus double spike to correct for instrumental mass bias. Development of open source algorithm to process U and Th data and calculate an accurate age and uncertainty propagation. Technique validated by replicating U–Th ages in speleothem | 393 |
Various methods of correcting for mass discrimination394 were assessed for two target elements, one in the low mass region (B) and one in the medium mass region (Sb). Using synthetic solutions containing Be, Cs, Be + Cs, or Fe, the performance of the correction protocols in the presence of matrix elements was also evaluated. For B, all approaches to mass bias correction produced data of similar quality, with standard-sample bracketing giving slightly better precision, but for Sb common analyte internal standardisation and the revised Russell's law provided better precision and accuracy.
A compilation395 of Ca isotope data in over 70 published studies provided a fascinating insight into our current understanding of the global biogeochemical cycle of Ca and the utility of Ca isotopes as a proxy for examining the Earth's history. It included a description of determining Ca isotope ratios by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS, highlighting the analytical challenges in their measurement and inconsistencies in the way external reproducibilities were reported. When the data were converted to a single reference scale based on NIST SRM 915a (artificial carbonate), a significant difference between δ44Ca in carbonate (0.60‰) and silicate (0.94‰) samples was demonstrated. A new method379 for determining Ca isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS with sufficient precision to explore genetic links between Earth and meteorites is included in Table 5.
Accurate measurements of boron concentrations and isotope ratios by ICP-MS depend on minimising losses and isotope fractionation during sample digestion and any subsequent manipulation of the samples. Mannitol is often added to an acid digest362,377 to complex B but this does not always completely suppress B volatilisation. In an alternative strategy396 for determining B concentrations by ID quadrupole ICP-MS, rock powders were spiked with 10B-enriched NIST SRM 952 (enriched boric acid) before dissolution in a slight excess of HF on a hot plate at 65–70 °C for up to 72 h. After centrifugation, the supernatant in ca. 0.3 M HF was analysed directly using a PFA inert introduction kit to reduce memory effects and contributions to the blank from contact with borosilicate glass. This ID procedure had a very low blank of <0.5 ng B so was particularly suitable for samples with low B contents. An improved procedure397 for the measurement of B/Ca ratios in foraminifera by HR-ICP-MS had a B/Ca blank of 2.0 ± 1.0 μmol mol−1, an external precision of ≤4.0% (2σ) and the capability of analysing 60 samples a day, making it well suited for routine measurements in paleoclimatic studies.
The precisions obtained for strontium isotope ratios in geological materials by MC-ICP-MS now rival those achieved by TIMS using a 84Sr–87Sr spike, as demonstrated by Ma et al.398 who improved the stability of the instrumental mass discrimination by carefully controlling carryover on a MC-ICP-MS instrument by using a vigorous in-run washing procedure to reduce memory effects. The reported precision of ±0.010–0.014‰ for δ88Sr/86Sr was 2–3 times better than previously published data obtained by MC-ICP-MS without spiking. In a study399 on the effect of high barium concentrations on the accuracy and precision of Sr isotope measurements, the measured Sr isotopic composition became inaccurate when the Ba concentration in the sample solution exceeded 1 ppm. This effect was related to matrix-dependent changes in mass discrimination processes. Consequently, a 125 μL rather than a 1 mL column volume was chosen for extraction chromatography with Eichrom Sr Spec resin. The Ba was washed from the column with 8 M HNO3 before Sr was collected. The modified method was successfully employed for the measurement of 88Sr/86Sr and 88Sr/87Sr in barite and seawater. A concentration gradient method400 for improving the precision of isotope ratio data obtainable by quadrupole ICP-MS was demonstrated for Pb and Sr. In this method, the isotopes of interest were measured, in TRA mode, in a series of sample solutions spiked with different amounts of the analyte, i.e. 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and 0 μg L−1. The sample sequence was designed to ensure a very high repeatability and minimised the number of rinsing steps to achieve the best plasma stability. The resulting signal intensities for each isotope were plotted against each other and the slope of the regression line was, by definition, the isotope ratio. Nine measurements of J. P. Baker standard solution yielded a mean δ87Sr/86Sr of −3.23‰ with a measurement uncertainty of ±0.21‰.
Investigations into interferences from titanium and chromium species on Cu isotope measurements401 by MC-ICP-MS showed that artificial solutions designed to mimic the Cr:
Ti ratios of sediment samples after anion-exchange chromatography did not behave in the same manner. For example, 67Zn/68Zn proved to be the most appropriate Zn isotope ratio for mass bias corrections in the artificial solutions but caused the largest error in ô65Cu when used for external normalisation in real samples. It also proved difficult to predict formation of Cr and Ti polyatomic species in the plasma as it varied with sample matrix. Consequently, optimal removal of Cr and Ti by a two-step chromatographic purification plus rigorous monitoring of six Zn isotope ratios to verify the absence of spectral interferences were recommended for the determination of accurate Cu isotope ratios in sediments. A study402 of potential factors affecting the accuracy and precision of Mg isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS indicated that the presence of matrix elements and mismatches between the Mg concentration and acid strength in samples and standards could result in analytical artefacts that were comparable in size to the total magnitude of the variation of Mg isotope ratios in silicate rocks. Possible mechanisms for effects observed, which varied considerably for different instruments, were discussed in detail.
The performance characteristics of tandem quadrupole ICP-MS with collision-reaction cell technology were demonstrated in the determination of very low 236U/238U ratios.403 Peak tailing of the major 238U on the 236U peak was reduced to ca. 10−10 and the interference of 235UH+ on 236U was effectively reduced to a ratio of 1 × 10−8 by reaction of 235UH+ with oxygen in the collision-reaction cell. The 236U/238U ratios, measured as 236U16O+/238U16O+, were determined in the range 10−7 to 10−9 using Tl to correct for mass bias but without correction for spectral interferences. Although the procedure was validated using synthetic solutions and seawater, it is evident that this relatively simple and rapid technique could be applied to various environmental samples for the monitoring of radioactive contamination arising from nuclear waste.
Although ICP-MS offers multi-element analysis of geological materials on a routine basis, improved protocols are still sought for some elements, particularly the PGEs. The Se and Te contents of nine RMs and 79 other geological materials, covering a wide range of compositions, were measured to provide a better understanding of the relationship between Se and Te in the geological environment.404 After acid digestion, thiol cotton fibre was used to separate Se from samples containing high concentrations of interfering elements. The LODs by quadrupole ICP-MS were 0.02 and 0.005 μg g−1 for Se and Te, respectively. A single acid digest obtained by high pressure ashing was used405 to determine both the Ir, Pd, Pt, Re, Ru, S, Se and Te abundances in 18 geological RMs by ID-SF-ICP-MS and the Os isotopes by NTIMS. The PGEs were separated using 50W-X8 cation-exchange resin, a two-step ion-exchange chromatography method being needed to separate S, Se and Te from the matrix elements. Unsurprisingly, the measured PGE concentrations in most RMs were highly variable as the test portions taken were 1 g or less. In contrast, good precisions (<5% RSD) were obtained for S, Se and Te. Another procedure406 for the measurement of PGEs by ID-ICP-MS and Os–Re isotopes by NTIMS involved an inverse aqua regia digest of 1–2 g of sample powder in a Carius tube with 99Ru, 105Pd, 185Re, 190Os, 191Ir and 194Pt spikes. Osmium was separated by CCl4 solvent extraction before a two-stage column separation involving cation-exchange on AG50W-X8 followed by purification of PGE-Re using BPHA extraction resin. Although the PGE-Re concentration and Os isotope data for the four CRMs analysed agreed well with published data, nugget effects were evident in some of the data. The importance of sampling, nugget effects and analytical methodologies were highlighted in a study407 of siderophile element abundances across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary. New PGE data for 113 samples from 38 sections across this boundary worldwide were obtained by quadrupole ICP-MS after nickel sulfide fire assay.
Analyte | Matrix | Sample treatment | Detector | Comments | References |
B | Biogenic carbonates | Dissolution in 1.7 N HCL to give ca. 750 ppb B In solution. Separation of B using improved micro-sublimation method at 70–74 °C for 12 h | NTIMS | Total evaporation method on a Re filament, with a sample size of <1 ng B, with normalisation to NIST SRM 951a (boric acid). Reproducibility better than 1.4‰ (2 SD, n > 10) was achieved for standards with a range of B isotope ratios. Analysis of NIST SRM 951 (boric acid) gave a mean value for 11B/10B = 4.0328 ± 0.0054 (2 SD, n = 25) | 408 |
B | Foraminifera (and seawater) | Organic materials oxidised before dissolution. Two-step chromatographic separation: (a) Amberlite IRA 743 B-selective resin; (b) mixed ion-exchange resin, followed by micro-sublimation | TIMS | Static multicollector method using Cs2BO2+ ions and custom designed arrangement of Faraday collectors, with graphite loading onto Ta filaments. Typical blank <20 pg B. Repeated analyses of 25 ng B of NIST SRM 951 (boric acid) gave a mean value for 11B/10B = 4.05229 ± 0.00028 (n = 36) | 409 |
B | Tourmaline and carbonate | Tourmaline: alkaline fusion with K2CO3 and residue dissolved in HCl. Dissolution in HCl for carbonate. Three-step column separation: (a) mixed cation–anion resin to remove major cations; (b) B-specific resin Amberlite IRA 743; (c) mixed cation–anion resin to convert acidic solution to neutral (only required for comparison between TIMS and ICP-MS). >98% recovery of B from each column | TIMS and MC-ICP-MS | Final eluent split into two parts, one for TIMS after addition of CsOH, the other for ICP-MS after adding high purity HNO3. B Blank 0.50 ± 0.04 ng (2 SD). Using NIST SRM 951 (boric acid solution), 11B/10B external precision was ±0.09‰ (n = 10) for TIMS and 0.11‰ (n = 100) for MC-ICP-MS. In latter method, mass bias correction with sample-standard bracketing procedure plus blank correction for B memory | 363 |
Nd | Coral | Extensive physical cleaning, digested in 8 M HNO3, then refluxed in aqua regia to destroy organic compounds. Final solution in HNO3 spiked with 150Nd. Two-step column chemistry: (a) Eichrom RE resin to separate REEs from sample matrix; (b) Ln resin to separate Nd from rest of REEs. Blanks <5 pg Nd | TIMS | Nd measured as NdO+; best loading technique for generating high and stable Nd ion beam intensities was to use a micro-loading technique and TaF5 activator on single W filaments. External reproducibility of ±16 ppm (2 SD) demonstrated on 10 ng and 30 ng Nd loads isolated from USGS RM BCR-2 (basalt) and an in-house coral RM | 410 |
Nd, Sm | Ultramafic rocks | Digestion with HF + HNO3 + HClO4, then HClO4 at 190–200 °C to digest chromite; H3BO3 dissolution of fluorides. REEs separated using cation-exchange chromatography, Sm and Nd separated on Ln columns | TIMS | Nd isotopes determined as NdO+, Sm isotopes as Sm+, both with very high sensitivity using single W filaments with TaF5 as an ion emitter. Sm/Nd concs as well. No Fe(OH)3 precipitation step required | 411 |
Os | Geological materials | Method development carried out using two RM solutions; Durham Romil Os standard (IAGeo limited) and University of Maryland Johnson Matthey Os standard | NTIMS | Static collection of OsO3− using Faraday cups and amplifiers fitted with 1012 Ω resistors. For sample loads as small as 0.025 ng Os, isotope data with precisions of 0.1% or better were obtained | 412 |
Pb | Baddeleyite (ZrO2) | Selected mineral grains cleaned in 4 N HNO3. No other preparation required. Procedural blanks <1 pg Pb | TIMS | Grains were embedded in silica glass on rhenium filaments. Thermal extraction TIMS method employed, with collection of Pb isotope signals in static multi-collector mode when the temperature of the filament was between 1530 and 1580 °C. The accuracy and precision of 207Pb/206Pb ages obtained were comparable with U–Pb ages obtained by conventional methods | 413 |
Sr | Geological materials | A 84Sr–87Sr double spike added prior to separation of Sr from major cations in CaCO3 and silicate samples on Eichrom Sr-specific resin. Total blank <0.2 ng Sr | TIMS | Double spike calibration routine and algorithm described, together with data reduction method based a user-friendly computer programme developed specifically for Sr double spike. External precision for δ88Sr better than 0.02‰ (1 SD). Sr isotope data reported for several carbonate, phosphate and silicate USGS RMs | 414 |
Te | Rocks and carbonaceous chondrites | Dissolution in HF + HNO3, take up in HCl. Three-step column chemistry: (a) AG1-X8 resin to remove major elements; (b) TRU-Spec resin to separate Te from Sn; (c) AG1-X8 resin to remove organic matter derived from TRU-Spec resin. Yield of 98% Te reported | NTIMS | Optimum analytical conditions for a strong Te− ion beam obtained with a zone-refined Re single filament and Ba(OH)2 activator. Reproducibilities of Te isotope ratios obtained by static multicollection using Faraday cups comparable to those in previous studies by MC-ICP-MS | 415 |
A significant instrumental advance was the development of new 1013 Ω resistors,416 which theoretically have 10-times lower noise levels than the 1011 Ω resistors normally fitted in the feedback loop of Faraday cup amplifiers in TIMS instruments. Their improved performance was demonstrated by measuring Nd and Sr isotope ratios in samples containing 10 and 100 pg of these elements. Variations in the fourth decimal place of 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/88Sr ratios could be resolved provided the procedural blanks and chemical separation were optimal.
Measurements by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS were both addressed in a review364 of methods for the determination of B isotopes and their application in various branches of geochemistry. In a new approach408 to the analysis of carbonate materials for B isotopes by total evaporation TIMS, a micro-sublimation device was developed in which 20 samples could be processed simultaneously. Quantitative recovery of B and low blanks, with separation from major elements and organic matter, were achieved without chromatographic separations or treatment with H2O2. Boron isotope data for a range of environmental samples, including foraminifera, were measured using a modified TIMS procedure409 based on static multicollection of Cs2BO2+ ions.
Lehn et al.417 discussed their current best practices for measuring δ44Ca/40Ca by MC-TIMS. These included the addition of a 43Ca–42Ca double spike to the sample prior to purification and optimising the technique using a Monte Carlo error model. Improvements in their experimental protocol eliminated drift within a measurement session and the resultant external precision for δ44Ca/40Ca was ±0.041‰ (2 SD).
Three different measurement protocols for the TIMS determination of the absolute abundance of40K were tested418 on two NIST KCl SRMs (918b and 985). All the results agreed with the terrestrial 40K/39K value suggested by IUPAC but had better precisions. An amplifier configuration that used 1010, 1011 and 1012 Ω resistors on the three Faradays cups provided the most accurate results. The new data provided by this study will serve to reduce the uncertainty of K–Ar ages measured on geological materials.
The high spatial resolution of SIMS makes it suitable for probing fine growth structures in biogenic carbonates, such as foraminifera and corals skeletons, and inferring past climate conditions from their geochemistry. Scanning white light interferometry was used to determine the dimensions and volumes of craters produced by SIMS analysis of the skeleton of an aragonitic coral421 during the measurement of δ11B, δ13C and δ18O. Crater widths ranged from ca. 17 μm (δ13C) to ca. 36 μm (δ11B), and their depths from ≤3 μm (δ18O) to >20 μm (δ11B). These dimensions may be significant compared to accretion rates in some biogenic carbonates if the organisms grow slowly. In a comparison422 of the performance of SIMS and nano-SIMS for the measurement of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios in carbonates, the internal variability of <1% on both machines was dominated by counting statistics. However, not all of the nine carbonate RMs examined were homogeneous enough within individual crystals to be used to monitor the accuracy and precision of the data. In general, matching the element:Ca ratios of the standards with those of the sample was not as important as finding homogeneous materials for calibration. It was concluded that independent measurements, e.g. by ID-ICP-MS, were required for most of the standards tested, even if they were from the same batch. In a study423 of C and H stable isotopes in the rare carbonate minerals malachite and stichtite, SIMS data were corrected for instrumental mass fractionation using whole rock compositions determined by traditional stable isotope analysis. It was shown to be a viable strategy for data correction when well characterised RMs were not available for microanalytical calibration.
Time-of-flight SIMS has become a very popular technique for obtaining well-resolved 2D and 3D elemental and isotopic maps. It also has the potential to determine parameters that control the surface reactivity of minerals and thus their behaviour during mineral beneficiation by froth flotation. A review424 of research relevant to this application (73 references) examined the capacity of TOF-SIMS to provide reliable surface chemical data for evaluating factors controlling stream partitioning in various mineral flotation processes. A novel mode of TOF-SIMS operation for improved accuracy and lateral resolution of oxygen isotope measurements was devised425,426 for measuring oxygen diffusion coefficients in industrial oxides; this may become relevant to geochemical applications in the future.
A study427 of zircons with high U contents demonstrated that when zircons with extreme radiation damage were analysed by SIMS, an apparent increase in U–Pb age and a real decrease in δ18O were observed. Potential mechanisms for this behaviour were proposed along with strategies for zircon selection.
For measurements of10Be by AMS, a carrier solution containing stable 9Be is normally added prior to radiochemical separation of 10Be to enhance the amount of 9Be in the final BeO target. Because the levels of 10Be are too high in commercial 9Be solutions, Merchel et al.429 prepared a 9Be solution from phenakite (Be2SiO4), containing very low concentrations of 10Be. In a round-robin exercise to establish an accurate 9Be value for this solution, it was evident that even nowadays the determination of 9Be can be challenging: the preliminary data reported had a SD of ca. 8%! As the accuracy of 10Be data is dependent on that of the 9Be concentration, it was recommended that all AMS laboratories using in-house 9Be-carrier solutions should have them analysed by at least one independent laboratory. Regular participation in 9Be inter-laboratory comparisons was also advocated.
Synchrotron XRF microscopy was employed for elemental mapping of carbonaceous chondrites.430 Data were collected using a 2 μm spot size at very low dwell times (0.1–0.5 ms), resulting in maps of entire thin sections in approximately 5 h. The penetration of the X-ray beams and characteristic lines of fluoresced elements enabled structures at depth to be detected and imaged at full resolution. In a study431 of the properties of argillaceous rocks and their suitability for the disposal of radioactive waste, elemental mapping with synchrotron μ-XRF was used to identify the main mineral groups responsible for the uptake of different metal ions by clay-rich rocks. Multivariate methods were found to be efficient tools for extracting information from the elemental maps for the clay matrix and fracture infill regions. By using positive matrix factorisation as a new approach, the factors with higher sorption capacity could be identified and, together with additional mineralogical information, the uptake capacity of different mineral phases could be quantified.
Sulfide- and oxide-bearing RMs were mapped using EDXRF to provide spatial information on the heterogeneity of RMs.432 The RM powders were prepared as XRF pellets and a simple mathematic approach was proposed for characterising their spatial geochemistry and the magnitude of heterogeneities. This approach could be used to estimate the minimum mass that should be taken as an analytical test portion relative to the precision, and would also be useful in the preparation of RMs.
2D | Two-dimensional |
3D | Three-dimensional |
AAS | Atomic absorption spectrometry |
AEC | Anion exchange chromatography |
AES | Atomic emission spectrometry |
AFS | Atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
AMS | Accelerator mass spectrometry |
APDC | Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate |
ASU | Atomic Spectrometry Update |
BCR | Community Bureau of Reference (of the European Community) now IRMM |
BEC | Background equivalent concentration |
BPHA | N-Benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine |
CANMET | National Resources Canada |
CCD | Charge coupled detector |
CCP | Capacitively coupled plasma |
CE | Capillary electrophoresis |
CI | Confidence interval |
CNT | Carbon nanotube |
CPE | Cloud point extraction |
CRM | Certified reference material |
CS | Continuum source |
CV | Cold vapour |
CVAAS | Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry |
CVG | Chemical vapour generation |
DCM | Dichloromethane |
DGT | Diffusion gradient in thin films |
DLLME | Dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction |
DMA | Dimethylarsenic acid |
DMG | Dimethylglyoxime |
DMME | Dual magnetic micro-extraction |
DOM | Dissolved organic matter |
DRC | Dynamic reaction cell |
EDS | Energy dispersive spectrometry |
EDTA | Ethyldiaminetetraacetic acid |
EDXRF | Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence |
EGTA | Ethylene glycol tetra-acetic acid |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (USA) |
EPMA | Electron probe microanalysis |
ERM | European Reference Material |
ESI-MS | Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry |
ETAAS | Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry |
ETV | Electrothermal vaporisation |
EU | European Union |
EXAFS | Extended X-ray absorption fine structure |
FAAS | Flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
FEG | Field emission gun |
FFF | Field flow fractionation |
FI | Flow injection |
FP | Fundamental parameter |
FTA | Fission track analysis |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
GC | Gas chromatography |
GD | Glow discharge |
GSJ | Geological Survey of Japan |
GSR | Gun-shot residue |
HCL | Hollow cathode lamp |
HDEHP | Di(2-ethylhexyl) orthophosphoric acid |
HF-LPME | Hollow fibre liquid phase micro-extraction |
HG | Hydride generation |
Hgp | Particulate phase mercury |
HPLC | High performance liquid chromatography |
HPS | High Purity Standards (USA) |
HR | High resolution |
HS | Head space |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAG | International Association of Geoanalysts |
IBA | Ion beam analysis |
IC | Ion chromatography |
ICP | Inductively coupled plasma |
ICP-AES | Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry |
ICP-MS | Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
ID | Isotope dilution |
IDA | Isotope dilution analysis |
IEC | Ion exchange chromatography |
IERM | Institute for Environmental Reference Materials (of Ministry of Environmental Protection, China) |
IL | Ionic liquid |
IL-ME | Ionic liquid micro-extraction |
IR | Infrared |
IRMM | Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements |
IRMS | Isotope ratio mass spectrometry |
ISE | Ion selective electrode |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
LA | Laser ablation |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LGC | Laboratory of the Government Chemist (UK) |
LIBS | Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy |
LNEG | National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (Portugal) |
LOD | Limit of detection |
LOQ | Limit of quantification |
LPMS | Liquid phase micro-sublimation |
MALDI-MS | Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry |
MC | Multicollector |
MF | Metallic furnace |
MIP | Microwave induced plasma |
MMA | Monomethylarsenic acid |
MNP | Magnetic nanoparticle |
MP | Microwave plasma |
MS | Mass spectrometry |
MWCNT | Multiwalled carbon nanotube |
m/z | Mass to charge ratio |
NAA | Neutron activation analysis |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA) |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards (USA) now known as NIST |
NCS | China National Analysis Centre for Iron and Steel |
Nd:YAG | Neodymium doped:yttrium aluminum garnet |
NIES | National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan) |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) |
NP | Nanoparticle |
NRCC | National Research Council of Canada |
NRCCRM | National Research Centre for Certified Reference Materials (China) |
NTIMS | Negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry |
NWRI | National Water Research Institute (Canada) |
OSIL | Ocean Scientific International Ltd (UK) |
PAGE | Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis |
PAH | Polyaromatic hydrocarbons |
PCA | Principal component analysis |
PFA | Perfluoroalkyl |
PGE | Platinum group element |
PIXE | Particle induced X-ray emission |
PLS | Partial least squares |
PM1 | Particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 1 μm) |
PM1–10 | Particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of between 1 and 10 μm) |
PM2.5 | Particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 2.5 μm) |
PM10 | Particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 10 μm) |
Ppb | Part per billion |
Ppm | Part per million |
PTFE | Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) |
PVG | Photochemical vapour generation |
QC | Quality control |
REE | Rare earth element |
RIMS | Resonance ionisation mass spectrometry |
RM | Reference material |
RP | Reversed phase |
rpm | Revolutions per minute |
RSD | Relative standard deviation |
S | Standard deviation of sample |
SCP | SCP Science (Canada) |
SCX | Strong cation exchange |
SD | Standard deviation |
SDS | Sodium dodecyl sulfate |
SDME | Single drop micro-extraction |
SE | Standard error |
SEC | Size exclusion chromatography |
SEM | Scanning electron microscopy |
SF | Sector field |
SFODME | Solidification of floating organic drop micro-extraction |
SHRIMP | Sensitive high resolution ion microprobe |
SI | Le Système International d'Unités (International System of Units) |
SIMCA | Soft independent modelling of class analogy |
SIMS | Secondary ion mass spectrometry |
SMPS | Scanning mobility particle sizer |
S/N | Signal-to-noise ratio |
SPE | Solid phase extraction |
SPS | Spectrapure Standards (Norway) |
SR | Synchrotron radiation |
SRM | Standard reference material |
SRXRF | Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence |
SS | Solid sampling |
SSIDMS | Species specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry |
TD | Thermal desorption |
TEM | Transmission electron microscopy |
TFF | Tangential flow filtration |
TIMS | Thermal ionisation mass spectrometry |
TMAH | Tetramethylammonium hydroxide |
TOA | Thermal optical analysis |
TOC | Total organic carbon |
TOF | Time of flight |
TRA | Time resolved analysis |
TS-FF-AAS | Thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry |
TSP | Total suspended particles |
TXRF | Total reflection X-ray fluorescence |
UA | Ultrasonic extraction |
UF | Ultrafiltration |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
USAEME | Ultrasound assisted emulsification extraction |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USE | Ultrasound assisted emulsification |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USN | Ultrasonic nebuliser |
UV | Ultra violet |
UV-Vis | Ultra violet-visible spectrophotometry |
VAE | Vortex assisted emulsification |
WDXRF | Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence |
XAFS | X-ray absorption fine structure spectrometry |
XANES | X-ray absorption near edge structure |
XAS | X-ray absorption spectrometry |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |