C. R. Crick*a,
S. Noimarkb,
William J. Pevelerb,
J. C. Bearb,
A. P. Ivanova,
J. B. Edela and
I. P. Parkinb
aDepartment of Chemistry, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. E-mail: c.crick@imperial.ac.uk
bDepartment of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ, UK
First published on 9th June 2015
The applications of functional materials containing nanoparticles are rapidly increasing. This area is especially relevant to the healthcare industry and the design of new light activated antimicrobials. Wider application of these materials will require quantification of localised nanoparticle concentration, which is currently only available through indirect estimates (including functional testing and bulk spectroscopy). The work presented uses direct visualisation of embedded cadmium selenide quantum dots (Ø – 13.1 nm) using fluorescence lifetime imaging. The nanoparticles used in this study are embedded into a polydimethylsiloxane host matrix via swell encapsulation. The swell encapsulation of the particles is shown to achieve the highest concentration of material at the polymers surface, while a lower concentration is found in the bulk. Fluorescence imaging provides direct comparison of nanoparticle concentration between samples. A comparative swell encapsulation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (Ø – 12.6 nm) provides further analysis, including photocatalytic dye degradation, water contact angle measurement and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The techniques demonstrated allow quantification of nanoparticle concentration within a host matrix, both the functional nanoparticles at the materials' surface and the redundant particles within the bulk.
The main method of nanoparticle incorporation is via direct addition into the fabrication process, usually through mixing with the matrix material.24–26 As a result, an even concentration of nanoparticles is obtained throughout the matrix. This can be inefficient for many antimicrobial materials, as the active nanoparticles are only required at the surface, rendering deep nanoparticle incorporation superfluous. This is particularly an issue if the nanoparticles are fabricated from precious metals, rare elements or require expensive manufacturing techniques.27,28
A range of post-treatments for nanoparticle incorporation are reported in the literature including: swell-encapsulation, thermal deposition and electrochemical deposition.29–33 These methods focus the nanoparticle placement at the surface of the material. Swell encapsulation can be applied to polymeric materials and expands the polymer using a solvent. This creates space for small molecules and nanoparticles to permeate the matrix, becoming embedded in the polymer. The removal of the swelling solvent via evaporation causes the polymer to shrink, trapping the incorporated materials (Fig. 1). The swelling volume of the polymer, and the diffusion of the nanoparticle through the swollen matrix control the penetration depth of nanomaterials or small molecules into the host matrix. Successful antimicrobial surfaces developed using this strategy have been reported in the literature.29–31 Medical grade polymers such as polyurethane, silicone and polyvinyl chloride have been treated using a swell-encapsulation shrink strategy to incorporate a range of photosensitiser dyes, in addition to nanoparticles which include, zinc oxide, gold and titania.24,25,29–31 These surfaces demonstrate efficacious antimicrobial activity when tested against a range of bacteria, under laser, white light and UVA illumination. These materials are based on and have been designed for medical device and hospital tactile surface applications. Although the incorporation of nanoparticles into polymeric matrices have enhanced the antimicrobial properties, full surface characterisation of these materials remains elusive, with no reported method for accurate and direct quantification of the nanoparticle surface concentration. Previous analysis of these materials have been founded upon secondary observations, such as monitoring the improvement in antimicrobial activity, photosensitiser triplet state production and photocatalytic activity.24
Herein we present a method for visualising the swell encapsulation of nanoparticles, and for the first time the surface coverage is then related to the functional activity. Cadmium selenide quantum dots (QDs) were swell encapsulated into a silicone polymer matrix, and the uptake of these nanoparticles was directly monitored using cross-sectional fluorescence imaging. The swelling time and concentration of nanoparticles in the swelling solution were varied to find the optimal conditions for increasing the surface concentration of particles. These optimum swell encapsulation conditions were also carried forward in experiments using photoactive (titanium dioxide) nanoparticles. The surface concentration was explored through experiments and examination of wetting behaviour of the composite materials. The techniques reported in this manuscript demonstrate accurate quantification of nanoparticle concentration within a host matrix. The authors believe this is the first time such quantification has been carried out on materials fabricated through swell encapsulation. As this technology is currently being explored commercially, the reported analysis and further advances in this area are key to understanding and obtaining optimal functional properties in nanoparticle encapsulated materials.
In order to create a passivating ZnS shell on the QDs, the CdSe cores in n-hexane were mixed with zinc diethyldithiocarbamate (0.5 g, 1.4 mmol), oleylamine (3 mL, 9.12 mmol), 1-octadecene (10 mL) and trioctylphosphine (3 mL, 6.73 mmol). The mixture was heated at 3.3 °C min−1 under partial vacuum then under a flow of nitrogen to 120 °C. After 2 hours, the reaction was cooled in air, and the QDs were precipitated with ethanol (ca. 100 mL), and centrifuged at 3600 × g. The QD slurry was dried in air, and suspended in n-hexane (10 mL), before centrifuging again to remove any insoluble impurities. The QDs were then stored at 4 °C for further use.
Anatase TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized hydrothermally under the following reaction conditions: pressure = 24.1 MPa, supercritical water temperature = 400 °C, flow rate = 400 mL min−1. This was done using [TiOSO4] (aq., 0.925 M) and [KOH] (aq., 2 M) precursors. The particles were then heated to 80 °C in excess oleic acid (120 mmol, 38.1 mL), with a catalytic amount of triethylamine (8 mmol, 1.12 mL) added to encourage ester formation between the titanol groups on the particle surfaces and the oleic acid. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy observed free and bound oleic acid signals, indicating ionic attraction of carboxylate groups to titanol (Ti-(OH2)+) groups on the particle surface.24
TiO2 functionalised with oleic acid was suspended in toluene (20 mL) and this mixture was used to swell 1 × 1 cm PDMS squares for 1, 3, 6 and 24 h.36 The squares were allowed to dry before rinsing with deionised water to remove surface bound material.
Fig. 2 Particle TEM images. (a) QD sample showing rod like CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles. (b) Oleic acid coated TiO2 demonstrating small, but amorphous shapes. |
On swelling in organic solvents the samples (originally size – 10 mm × 10 mm × 1 mm) increased to a maximum size of 15 mm × 15 mm × 2 mm after 1 hour, not swelling further after this time, and returned to the original size once dried. The swell encapsulated samples did not appear visually different after swell encapsulation, with no observed discolouration at the longest swelling time. The samples were analysed via UV-vis, however no spectral change was observed in the polymer before and after encapsulation. Examination of the substrates using SEM showed the swelling process for all samples caused wrinkles in the surface material (see ESI – S2†). Analysis of the materials composition was carried out using EDS analysis, which showed an increase in nanoparticle material as swell time was increased (see ESI – S3†). Although EDS analysis shows increased nanoparticulate material (CdSe or TiO2) with longer exposure, both the accuracy and precision of this analysis is unknown, due to the variable detection volume of this technique. Thus not allowing any reasonable estimate of surface coverage.
The swell encapsulated PDMS samples were cross-sectioned, exposing a profile of the particle permeation into the polymer. Fluorescence intensity and lifetime imaging of the cross-sectioned profile of the samples showed a particle concentration gradient which maximised at the edges of the polymer that were exposed to the swelling solution. Fig. 3a–e shows two-dimensional intensity weighted lifetime (τw) maps (photon count × lifetime) of a cross-sectional profile along the middle of PDMS samples that were exposed to swelling solution for up to 48 hours. The samples which endured the longest swell encapsulation time (48 hours) showed both the highest surface concentration of particles, and largest amount of particle permeation into the centre of the polymer samples. Nonetheless, even after 48 hours most of the nanoparticle were encapsulated within 200 μm inside the polymer matrix (for a threshold of 150 photons) as shown in Fig. 3e. Importantly, across samples the lifetime remained the same, with an average value of τ = 3.47 (±0.05 ns), and components (τ1 = 0.96 ns (±0.06 ns) and τ2 = 4.12 ns (±0.09 ns)). Since the PDMS samples had different shape of their cross-section, in order to directly compare between different samples, the intensity weighted lifetime maps were normalised over the imaged sample area. Fig. 3f is a plot of normalised intensity weighted lifetime for samples that were measure after nanoparticle encapsulation up to 48 hours. This indicates that the rate of nanoparticle encapsulation is higher for the initial 6 hours and this rate decreases with longer encapsulation times.
Reducing the time of swell encapsulation resulted in a decreased surface particle concentration and a lower number of particles in the centre of the polymer sample. The concentration of particles in the swell encapsulation solution was also varied by dilution, reduced from the original (100%) to 66%, 50% and 33% v/v. The samples, which all underwent the same (48 h) encapsulation time, showed no discernible differences in the fluorescence imaging – indicating little change in particle concentration.
Examination of the fluorescence lifetime images provides further information about rate of QD uptake. The maximum concentration observed at the surface of the samples swell encapsulated for 48 h was noted to be approximately the same as that in the swelling solution [∼0.7 μM] (fluorescence lifetime image included in the ESI – S4†). This concentration is seen to half after penetrating 100 μm into the polymer and falls to approximately zero at 163 μm. This provides an average penetration rate of 3.4 μm per hour for forerunner particles in the samples swell encapsulated for 48 hours. A rate of 28 μm per hour was observed for samples exposed to swell encapsulation for 4 hours, confirming a slowdown of forerunner particles as the encapsulation time is increased (see ESI – S4†). This is much slower when compared to that of the swell encapsulation solvents, which are able to completely saturate the PDMS polymer (1 mm thick) in swelling times between 3–6 hours.
Extended swell encapsulation times provide the highest surface concentration of particles, however they also provide a higher proportion of particles in the polymer's bulk. These nanoparticles, although they are present, would perform limited action in a material where surface interactions are to be considered important. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles were used to examine the surface functionality of polymer–nanoparticle composites, generated by swell encapsulation. The titanium dioxide particle sizes were confirmed as 13.1 nm (±5.6 nm), which are similar to the QD samples which were observed as 12.6 nm (±2.1 nm). Given this similarity, the two particle types were expected to behave similarly during the swell encapsulation process (including the rate/magnitude of penetration), under similar swelling conditions. The series of samples generated were exposed to the swell encapsulation solution for the same time as the QDs used previously (1, 3, 6 and 24 hours).
The photoactivity of the titanium dioxide nanoparticle samples was examined using resazurin dye, which upon degradation was converted from originally appearing blue, to pink and then to colourless. Numerous studies have demonstrated this quantifiable degradation. This change was monitored via UV/vis and optical images (Fig. 4). The results show that the samples exposed for the longest swell encapsulation time were the most photoactive. The samples which were swell encapsulated for 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours and 24 hours were pre-irradiated with UV-light (λ = 365 nm) for 2 hours before the dye was applied. UV irradiation was continued for a further 4 hours. The amount of dye degradation was estimated from the UV-vis spectra and optical images, and was 1%, 10%, 27%, 56% and 100% for 0 (plain polymer), 1, 3, 6 and 24 h swell encapsulated samples respectively. Some amount of dye degradation was shown for the plain polymer, as resazurin is not completely resistant to UV exposure. It is estimated from this study that the dye degradation would be complete after days of UV exposure under the conditions experienced, this is similar to estimates in other studies.40,41
The degradation of dye originates from the exposure of the organic components of the dye to the highly active species of the photocatalytic titanium dioxide. Therefore, the speed of dye degradation is directly proportional to the amount of titanium dioxide nanoparticles breeching the surface of the polymer, when passive decomposition of the dye is taken into account. Previous studies using resazurin degradation have been carried out on pure anatase-TiO2, these have demonstrated time of around 20 minutes for complete degradation.31 As the dye degradation is not only dependent on the photo-activity of the sample, but also the amount of dye and sample surface area; only a rough estimate of TiO2 surface coverage of the polymer can be made. The most highly active sample (48 h swell encapsulation) completely degraded the dye in 4 hours, given this, a rough estimate of <10% surface coverage can be made.
The polymers surface coverage with titanium dioxide can also be estimated from monitoring the interaction of water with the samples. The PDMS polymer is inherently hydrophobic, with average water contact angles of 119° (±1°). Any deviation from this can be used to estimate nanoparticle concentration at the surface, as a surface made exclusively from UV-activated titanium dioxide will have a water contact angle approaching zero. Water contact angles for the 1, 3, 6 and 24 h swell encapsulation samples after exposed to UV light (λ = 365 nm) for 2 hours were measures as 118° (±2°), 116° (±3°), 115° (±3°) and 112° (±4°) respectively. The water contact angles can be used to give estimates of the percentage coverage of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, by assuming a relatively flat surface and that the apparent contact angle is an average of the two underlying materials. These rudimentary estimates are 1%, 2.3%, 3.3%, and 5.9%, for the 1, 3, 6 and 24 h samples. A surface coverage of 5.9% also agrees with the estimate gained from the dye degradation experiments (<10%).
The two types of nanoparticles used in this study (CdSe QD and TiO2 nanoparticles) are similar in size and are dispersed in the same swell encapsulation solution. Therefore similar swell encapsulation behaviour is observed for both. The speed and magnitude of QD swell encapsulation process are confirmed by the use of fluorescence imaging. The direct visualisation of the embedded QDs provides an accurate measure of not only the progress of the swell encapsulation process, but also can be used to indicate surface concentration of particles. Using previously reported methods, the surface concentration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles has been estimated, however particle incursion into the bulk was not established.
The quantification of functional nanoparticulate material at the surface of a host matrix is extremely important in many ongoing areas of study. The use of antimicrobial nanoparticles for enhanced bacterial killing is widely reported, however many of these conclusions are based on secondary observations. This includes the enhancement of antimicrobial activity, in addition to concentration approximations through EDS, XPS, Raman, in addition to other techniques. Comprehensive quantification has been carried out in the use of photoactive dyes, however the enhancement brought about by the incorporation of nanoparticles has not been reported previously. The reported method not only allows the visualisation of swell encapsulated nanoparticles, but clearly demonstrates the principles established in a worked example. We propose that this approach can be used to gauge the take-up of various nanoparticles into host matrices. Larger particles, which do not possess inherent fluorescence (as observed for the CdSe QDs) can be fluorescently labelled to provide this method of analysis.
The quantification of nanoparticle concentration should not only appeal directly to those investigating antimicrobial materials made via swell encapsulation, but also to those interested in designing efficient materials. The localisation of a materials active component at the surface, minimises wasted material which is incorporated but is lost in the bulk.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: This includes additional materials characterisation. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra08788k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |