Mary S.
Robert Y.
Lev N.
Lori A.
Benjamin P.
d and
Darren W.
aDepartment of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Materials Science Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA 97403-1253. E-mail:; Fax: +1-541-346-4643; Tel: +1-541-346-1695
bCAMCOR – Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1443, USA
cDepartment of Chemistry, Earlham College, Richmond, IN 47374-4095, USA
dSupramolecular Design Institute, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7185, USA
First published on 18th February 2015
The synthesis of six trinuclear Pn3L2 macrobicycles (Pn = As, Sb) was achieved by self-assembly of a pnictogen trichloride and a 2,4,6-trisubstituted-1,3,5-benzenetrimethanethiol ligand. 1H-NMR spectroscopy reveals self-assembly in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is dynamic in solution producing two structural isomers. The symmetric and the asymmetric isomers (in which a single chloride ligand is cast in an opposing direction from other chlorides) of the As3L2 complexes exist in a ca. 2:
1 distribution, whereas only the symmetric isomer is observed in solution for Sb3L2. Solvent effects appear to influence conformational isomerism and conversion to the final products. Macrobicycles were confirmed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography and further studied by MP2/LANL2DZ optimizations.
The 1,3,5-trisubstituted-2,4,6-triethyl benzene scaffold has been exploited in numerous supramolecular hosts since Mislow first demonstrated steric gearing of adjacent substituents, where each substituent is positioned in an alternating up-down arrangement.17 While this preorganization technique has now been readily utilized to form supramolecular structures,18 its use with Group 15 metalloids (As, Sb) has not yet been explored, and led to some surprising structures. In this study, a series of six trinuclear arsenic and antimony supramolecular macrobicycles [Pn3L2Cl3] were synthesized using a trisubstituted, trithiol ligand (Fig. 1). In addition to the syntheses, we address some unusual dynamic solution behaviour that arises from these new ligands that feature this steric gearing component. Typically, steric gearing serves as an effective preorganizational tool for metal–ligand-based supramolecular systems, providing enhanced thermodynamic stability of a complex and/or faster kinetics of formation. In this system we observed a surprising deviation where this gearing effect does not influence the rate of self-assembly in mediating thiol reactivity with a pnictogen. Rather, interaction with the solvent and/or other external additives (such as chloride and tetrafluoroborate salts) more directly influences the course of the self-assembly reaction. For instance, a subtle change in solvent or the addition of a salt accelerate formation of macrobicycles in solution and additionally facilitates or prohibits a change in conformation to favour an unexpected, slightly higher energy asymmetric macrobicycle in tandem with the more stable, symmetric macrobicycle. Furthermore, close Pn⋯πaryl contacts suggest a Pn⋯πaryl interaction acts as a stabilizing force during assembly formation. These structures represent the first known trinuclear supramolecular arsenic– or antimony–thiolate assemblies.8
Each prepared ligand derivative (H3LH,Me,Et) provides quantitative conversion to As3L2Cl3 upon treatment with AsCl3 as observed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Layering benzene over a solution of H3LMe,Et and AsCl3 in TCE gave crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction in a 25% yield for [As3LMe2Cl3] and 15% for [As3LEt2Cl3], respectively, within one week. Antimony macrobicycles were isolated from a mixture of the corresponding H3L species and an excess of SbCl3 and crystallized by slow evaporation of TCE. The formation of Sb3LMe,Et2Cl3 complexes under these conditions could not be observed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy,20 and only partial conversion to [Sb3LH2Cl3] from SbCl3 and H3LH was observed when heating the solution to 70 °C (Fig. S18†). Nevertheless, crystallization of these solutions appears to induce formation of these macrocbicycles, and the structures of each [Sb3L2Cl3] complex were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction (ESI Table 1†). These Sb-macrobicycles are then stable and can be redissolved TCE-d2 to verify their structure in solution (see Fig. S18, S21 and S24†).
By incorporating the 2,4,6-triethyl-substituted benzene scaffold, we envisioned the rate of self-assembly for both arsenic and antimony complexes to be favored over ligands that do not have such steric gearing components. While this preorganizing element has been successfully utilized to overcome high energy binding conformations or potential unfavorable binding entropies in relation to free host, guest or solvated host–guest complexes,21 we did not observe steric gearing as the primary driving force by 1H-NMR in the formation of pnictogen–thiolate macrobicycles as expected. The unsubstituted analogue [As3LH2Cl3], bearing no steric gearing component, forms faster in solution (1 day) by 1H-NMR than its ethyl-substituted counterpart (4 days) in TCE-d2 (Fig. S6 and S16†).
However, evidence for steric gearing was observed in the crystalline state (single crystal structure data and parameters are shown in ESI Table 1, see ESI† for complete details). As anticipated, none of the 2,4,6-triethyl substituents are directed toward the arsenic atoms in the crystal structure of [As3LEt2Cl3], since the 1,3,5-trimercaptomethyl groups of the ligand are all pointed in that direction in order to converge on the three arsenic ions (Fig. 1C and 2). The electron-rich chlorine atoms coordinated to arsenic would also sterically disfavour the presentations of ethyl groups toward the center of the assembly. Interestingly, the increased steric bulk of the ethyl groups appears to affect the flexibility of the molecule to adopt a position that maintains the shortest As⋯πaryl contact. This trend is apparent in both the As and Sb complexes, in which the Pn⋯πaryl contact increases in distance from [Pn3LH2Cl3] to [Pn3LMe2Cl3] to [Pn3LEt2Cl3] (Table 1). As shown in Fig. 2A, each pnictogen atom is positioned endo relative to the aromatic ligand backbone, allowing for the stereochemically active pnictogen lone pairs to be directed inside the cavity of the macrobicycle. This arrangement facilitates an attractive Pn⋯πaryl interaction, which we have observed in many other structures of this type and use as a key design feature.11,16 The smallest As⋯πaryl contacts in the As3L2Cl3 macrobicycles range between 3.17 and 3.27 Å, which is shorter than the sum of the van der waals radii for C and As (3.7 Å),10,11,22–24 suggesting a stabilizing As⋯π interaction (Table 1). The close As⋯πaryl contacts for the unsubstituted macrobicycle and the faster self-assembly of these congeners suggest that providing for As⋯π interactions in the ligand design may play a more significant directing role in the self-assembly than steric gearing. Moreover, the less restricted rotation around the C–aryl bonds in the less sterically hindered ligand may accelerate self-assembly.21
As3LH2Cl3 | As3LMe2Cl3 | As3LEt2Cl3 | Sb3LMe2Cl3 | Sb3LEt2Cl3 | |
a Sb3LH2Cl3 not included due to significant disorder in structure. b Denotes an averaged value. c Value provided corresponds to shortest Pn⋯Caryl contact. | |||||
Pn–S (Å)b | 2.209(9) | 2.197(9) | 2.217(2) | 2.400(4) | 2.403(2) |
Pn⋯Pn (Å)b | 3.882(13) | 4.40(19) | 4.110(2) | 3.768(34) | 4.023(1) |
S–Pn–S (deg)b | 88.1(9) | 88.4(3) | 85.73(7) | 88.2(2) | 81.92(2) |
Pn⋯Caryl (Å)c | 3.169(8) | 3.211(8) | 3.269(6) | 3.223(7) | 3.386(5) |
1H-NMR characterization of As macrobicycles was performed in TCE-d2. The methylene protons in the structure are inequivalent, creating an AB splitting system due to geminal coupling. Interestingly, all As3L2Cl3 derivatives exhibit the presence of an unusual, asymmetric isomer that accompanies the dominant symmetric isomer (sym-As3LMe2Cl3 and asym-As3LMe2Cl3, Fig. 3). The asymmetric conformer exhibits a framework in which a single chloride atom is pointing in the opposite direction relative to the other As–Cl bonds. This results in inequivalent methyl groups giving rise to singlets at 2.58, 2.48, and 2.43 ppm in TCE-d2. A similar type of symmetric vs. asymmetric isomerism was previously observed in two-fold symmetric, naphthalene-based arsenic–thiolate As2L2Cl2 macrocycles, in which a single ligand “flips” causing the loss of C2 symmetry of the complex.25Fig. 4 shows the mixture of sym- and asym-As3LMe2Cl3 macrobicycles obtained from dissolving single crystals of As3LMe2Cl3 and shows the AB splitting pattern observed for the methylene protons (Ha in figure). From integrating the resonances of each structure, it was determined that the symmetric isomer is favoured over the asymmetric isomer by a 63:
37 ratio. The relative stability of the two different isomers was also investigated with electronic structure calculations. MP2/LANL2DZ geometry optimizations revealed the symmetric, unsubstituted As macrobicycle to be 3.63 kcal mol−1 lower in energy than the asymmetric isomer (Fig. 3C and D).
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Fig. 4 1H NMR spectrum for As3LMe2Cl3 macrobicycle. The signals from the symmetric and asymmetric macrobicycle are labeled. |
While a variation in the dithiolate ligand core appeared to dictate the isomer ratio in related studies on As2L2Cl2 macrocycles,26 in the case of the macrobicycles the substitution at the 2,4,6 position did not affect the sym:
asym ratio between derivatives in solution as estimated by 1H NMR spectroscopy: 68
32 ([As3LH2Cl3]), 63
37 ([As3LMe2Cl3]), and 69
31 ([As3LEt2Cl3]). Given that the sym-isomers are favoured by this ∼2
1 ratio in solution, then at 25 °C these sym-isomers are ca. 0.4 kcal mol−1 more stable than the asym-isomers. The difference between the relative energy of the two isomers in solution versus that calculated in vacuum presumably reflects the influence of solvation. Additionally, 1H-NMR reveals a slow equilibrium between sym- and asym-As3L2Cl3: each isomer has a distinct NMR spectrum at room temperature, meaning the equilibration between the two species is slow on the NMR timescale. However, upon dissolving single crystals of As3L2Cl3 macrobicycles, the equilibrium mixture of sym- and asym-isomers is established within minutes, suggesting this equilibration is fast on the seconds to minutes timescale.
Structural characterization using single crystal X-ray diffraction is in agreement with solution state NMR studies, suggesting the symmetric conformers are again the dominant species. The preferred C3h-symmetric As3LMe2Cl3 conformer co-crystallizes with the Cs asymmetric complex in a 90:
10 ratio (Fig. 3A and B). The opposing chloride in the asymmetric structure shows a significant amount of disorder. The crystal packing structures for ethyl- and methyl-substituted macrobicycles reveal a formation of columns in a herringbone fashion (Fig. S12 and S17†). Discernible stabilizing forces in each As-containing macrobicycle are intermolecular interactions seen in the form of short S⋯S contacts between 3.28–3.67 Å. In addition, a single benzene molecule co-crystallizes orthogonal to the 1D stacks in the crystal structure of the unsubstituted derivative, [As3LH2Cl3].
C 3h-Symmetric Sb3L2Cl3 macrobicycles appear to be more static in solution when compared to the arsenic-based congeners as only symmetric macrobicycles are present in TCE-d2 suggesting the asymmetric isomers are much more stable relatively. Similar to its As counterpart, the Sb3LH2Cl3-sym is only 4.46 kcal mol−1 lower in energy than the asymmetric conformer calculated via MP2/LANL2DZ. Single crystal X-ray diffraction of [Sb3LMe,Et2Cl3] reveal columnar packing in a herringbone pattern with short S⋯S contacts of 3.62 Å and intramolecular Sb⋯Caryl distances ranging between 3.24–3.39 Å (VDW radii is 3.85 Å for Sb). Similar to As macrobicycles, the sulfur–sulfur interaction poses as the prominent stabilizing factor in crystal packing. However, the solid state structure of Sb3LEt2Cl3 adopts more sulfur contacts between the layers of columns than [As3LEt2Cl3] (Fig. S26†). A similar trend in Pn⋯π interaction is observed, with the distance in this stabilizing force increasing with added steric bulk at the ligand core. Surprisingly, no evidence for asym-Sb3L2Cl3 conformers was observed in solution, although under certain conditions the asym-conformer does contribute to a minor disordered component in single crystal X-ray structures. These disordered crystals still lead to NMR spectra indicating only the presence of sym-Sb3L2Cl3 macrobicycles. This is in stark conflict with previous studies on dinuclear Pn2L3 cryptands, which revealed added stability in Sb (and Bi) complexes over the As derivatives.25
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental procedures; NMR spectra; crystallographic information; and computational details, absolute energies and atomic coordinates of the discussed macrobicycles. CCDC 1041514–1041519. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c4sc04042b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |