John S.
David J.
b and
aCenter for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA. E-mail: ygsun@anl.gov
bX-Ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA. E-mail: okasinski@aps.anl.gov
First published on 27th October 2014
Silver chlorobromide (AgClxBr1−x, 0 < x < 1) nanocubes with a highly uniform size, morphology, and crystallinity have been successfully synthesized through a co-precipitation of Ag+ ions with both Cl− and Br− ions in ethylene glycol containing polyvinyl pyrrolidone at mild temperatures. Compositions of the synthesized nanocubes can be easily tuned by controlling the molar ratio of Cl− to Br− ions in the reaction solutions. The size of the nanocubes is determined by varying a number of parameters including the molar ratio of Cl− to Br− ions, injection rate of Ag+ ions, and reaction temperature. The real-time formation of colloidal AgClxBr1−x nanocubes has been monitored, for the first time, by in situ high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The time-resolved results reveal that a fast injection rate of Ag+ ions is critical for the formation of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with a highly pure face-centered cubic crystalline phase. The improved uniformity of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes is beneficial for assembling them into order superlattices (e.g., photonic crystals) even by simply applying centrifugation forces. The stop band of the resulting photonic crystals can be easily tuned from the ultraviolet to the infrared region by using AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with different sizes. The variation of the dielectric constant of AgClxBr1−x associated with the change of the relative concentration of halide ions provides an additional knob to tune the optical properties of photonic crystals.
In this paper, we report a controlled co-precipitation approach for the synthesis of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with a well-defined cubic morphology, highly uniform sizes, and finely tuned compositions. Real-time monitoring of the precipitation reactions with in situ time-resolved, high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction28 reveals that the nucleation and growth steps involved in the formation of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes can be separated and kinetically controlled in ethylene glycol with high viscosity that can be tuned by controlling the temperature to determine the solubility of precursors and AgClxBr1−x and the diffusion rate of ionic species. The good separation and controllability over the nucleation and growth is critical for the production of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with significantly improved uniformity. The sizes and compositions of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes can be precisely tuned by carefully controlling the reaction conditions including reaction temperatures, composition of precursors, and injection rate of precursors. Due to the high quality of the synthesized AgClxBr1−x nanocubes, they can be assembled to form photonic bandgap crystals even through a simple and fast centrifugation.
X-ray diffraction patterns of dry powders were collected at beamline 11-ID-C of the Advanced Photon Source (APS). For the time-resolved XRD measurement, the reaction was performed similarly as described in the previous paragraph with the use of custom-made glassware specifically designed for in situ experiments.29,30 When the AgNO3 solution was injected into the reaction solution, the high-energy (70 keV) synchrotron X-ray beam at beamline 1-ID-C of the APS was simultaneously opened to probe the reaction and XRD patterns were continuously recorded at a frequency of 1 pattern per min. In order to minimize the possible influence of X-ray irradiation on the reaction, the exposure time for collecting a single pattern was only 1 s. The X-ray beam size was 0.30 mm × 0.30 mm. The XRD patterns were recorded with four well-aligned GE 41RT area detectors. The position and orientation of the detectors with respect to the sample were calibrated using LaB6 powders dispersed in ethanol in the same reaction vessel. The two-dimensional diffraction patterns were reduced with the fit2d program and with a correction for dark current, gain, and dead pixels. The background scattering was determined from an ethylene glycol solution of PVP with the same concentration as the reaction solution and was subtracted from all diffraction patterns.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were recorded with a JEOL JSM-7500F field emission scanning electron microscope and an FEI Quanta 400F ESEM operating at high vacuum mode. The samples were prepared according to the following procedure. A 0.5 mL dispersion of the synthesized nanoparticles was mixed with 1.5 mL of ethanol (Fisher). The diluted dispersion was then centrifuged at 14000g for 5 min and the supernatant was decanted. The nanoparticles at the bottom of the centrifuge tube were re-dispersed with 2 mL of ethanol followed by centrifugation at 14
000g for 5 min. After the supernatant was decanted, the precipitated nanoparticles were re-dispersed into an appropriate amount of ethanol depending on the concentration we anticipated. A drop of the nanoparticle dispersion was delivered to a small piece of silicon wafer followed by drying in a vacuum desiccator in the dark.
Assembly of the synthesized AgClxBr1−x nanocubes into photonic bandgap crystals was performed via centrifugation of nanocube dispersions in centrifuge tubes. In a typical experiment, 0.3 mL original dispersion of nanocubes was mixed with 1.5 mL ethanol followed by centrifugation at 2900g for 5 min. The supernatant was discarded and the precipitated nanoparticles were re-dispersed with 1.8 mL ethanol to form a dispersion that was then centrifuged at 2900g for 5 min. After the supernatant was decanted, the precipitated nanoparticles were dispersed again with 1.8 mL ethanol. The resulting ethanol dispersion of clean nanocubes was centrifuged at 14000g for 10 min, resulting in the formation of a colorful precipitate corresponding to the formation of a photonic bandgap crystal. After the supernatant was carefully removed from the centrifuge tube, the precipitated photonic crystal was removed with double-sided tape for characterization. The reflection spectra of the photonic crystals formed from the assembly of different nanocubes were recorded with a home-built Visible/Near-IR Microscope operating at reflection mode. A silver-coated mirror (Thorlabs) was used as a reference for calibration.
Ag+ + xCl− + (1 − x)Br− → AgClxBr1−x↓ | (1) |
In a typical synthesis, an ethylene glycol solution of AgNO3 is added at a controlled injection rate to an ethylene glycol solution containing NaCl, KBr, and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) that is preheated at 60 °C. Mixing AgNO3 with NaCl and/or KBr in the ethylene glycol solution can quickly form a dispersion of solid particles. The colors of the resulting dispersions vary from milky white to milky light yellow when the molar ratio of KBr to NaCl increases. The change in color is mainly ascribed to the difference in the composition of the synthesized AgClxBr1−x particles, in which x varies in the range of 0–1 depending on the synthesis recipe. PVP molecules serve as the surfactant coating on the synthesized nanoparticles to prevent them from aggregation during growth and post-treatments.
Variation of the molar ratio of anions (i.e., [Br−]/[Cl−]) in the reaction solutions results in the formation of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes (or small nanoparticles with an undefined morphology) with tunable compositions that is responsible for the different colors of different products. The crystallographic phases of the synthesized nanoparticles shown in Fig. 1 have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using highly monochromic synchrotron X-rays. As shown in Fig. 2a, the XRD pattern of each sample is consistent with a pure face-centered cubic crystalline lattice (Fmm space group) regardless of the [Br−]/[Cl−] ratio in the reaction solution. The highly crystalline purity indicates that both Br− and Cl− homogeneously distribute in the crystalline lattices of the synthesized nanoparticles. From the top to bottom in Fig. 2a, the nanoparticles correspond to the reaction conditions with the decreasing molar ratio of KBr to NaCl. The XRD pattern (green curve, bottom) of the nanoparticles formed from the reaction solution containing only NaCl matches perfectly with the standard diffraction pattern of AgCl as highlighted by the sticks attached to the bottom axis. Similarly, the XRD pattern (orange curve, top) of the nanoparticles synthesized from the solution containing only KBr agrees well with pure AgBr that exhibits a standard diffraction pattern as highlighted by the sticks attached to the top axis. The XRD patterns of the samples synthesized using the mixtures of NaCl and KBr do not show signals corresponding to either AgCl or AgBr, indicating that no binary products (i.e., AgCl or AgBr) are formed. Instead, each sample exhibits similar XRD patterns, except the peak positions and relatively peak intensities differ. The peak positions gradually shift from high to low diffraction angles with an increase of the molar ratio of KBr to NaCl, corresponding to the XRD patterns from the bottom to top in Fig. 2. This is in accordance with the fact that Br− ions are larger than Cl− ions, which results in larger unit cells in AgClxBr1−x with a smaller x value. This dependence of the diffraction peak position on the reaction conditions can be appreciated more obviously by plotting the enlarged (200) peaks in Fig. 2b. The compositions of the synthesized nanoparticles could be estimated by following Vegard's law:31
aAgClxBr1−x = xaAgCl + (1 − x)aAgBr, | (2) |
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Fig. 3 XRD patterns taken from the reaction solution that was used for the synthesis of AgClxBr1−x nanocubes shown in Fig. 1e. Different patterns were recorded at different times (t) normalized against time when the AgNO3 solution was injected into the reaction solution. The wavelength of the X-ray was 0.1771 Å. |
It has been found that the compositional and crystalline purity of the products can be influenced by the injection rate of the AgNO3 solution. For example, decreasing the injection rate by 5 fold to 0.2 mL min−1 leads to the formation of two types of AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles with different compositions (Fig. S2 and S3†). Formation of nanoparticles begins to be detected by XRD until ∼140 s when only 47% of the AgNO3 solution is added to the reaction solution. The delayed observation of XRD signals indicates that formation of silver halide nanoparticles in the viscous ethylene glycol solution containing halide anions requires the concentration of Ag+ to be higher than a critical value and a period of time to allow the condensation of the solid phase from the homogeneous liquid environment. The XRD patterns at short reaction times (<240 s at which 80% of the AgNO3 solution has been added to the reaction solution) correspond to a crystalline phase of AgClxBr1−x with a much higher concentration of Br− (i.e., x = 0.07) in comparison with that shown in Fig. 3. The compositional difference between the nanoparticles formed at short times in Fig. S3† and those shown in Fig. 3 is ascribed to the fact that the concentration of Ag+ ions is much less than the halide anions in the reaction solution of Fig. S3† at short times. The solubility product constant of AgBr is over two orders of magnitude smaller than AgCl in H2O (KAgBrsp = 5.35 × 10−13, KAgClsp = 1.77 × 10−10 at 25 °C).17 Although there are no precise values, it is believed that the relative solubility of both AgBr and AgCl in ethylene glycol is similar to that in water, and the relative order of solubility is the same.33 As a result, the Ag+ ions prefer to precipitate with Br− ions at a low concentration of Ag+ ions, leading to the formation of AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles with a significantly enriched bromide concentration. Such a preferential precipitation reaction leads to the consumption of more Br− in comparison with Cl− ions, resulting in an enrichment of Cl− in the reaction solution. Once the concentration of Cl− in the reaction solution is high enough, formation of AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles with enriched chloride concentration starts to occur after 240 s. The XRD patterns in Fig. S2 and S3† clearly show the formation of AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles with two different compositions (i.e., x = 0.07 and 0.57). Apparently the formation of two types of AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles is associated with two sequential nucleation/growth processes and the resulting nanocubes exhibit a bimodal size distribution (Fig. S4†). The in situ characterization clearly indicates that the size uniformity and compositional purity of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes can be significantly influenced by the injection rate of AgNO3 solution (see the examples shown in Fig. 1e and S4†). The comparison of different reactions implies that complete addition of the AgNO3 solution to a reaction solution before the formation of nanoparticles starts is critical for the formation of uniform AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with a pure composition.
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Fig. 4 Dependence of the size of the synthesized AgClxBr1−x nanoparticles on their compositions. Their sizes were determined from the SEM images. The error bars represent the statistic deviation of σ highlighted in Fig. S6.† The reaction conditions were the same as in Fig. 1. The red curve is for guidance only. |
The relative concentration of anions (i.e., Cl−versus Br−) is critical to control the size and quality of the synthesized nanocubes. In contrast, the type of cations (e.g., K+, Na+) does not show influence on the synthesized nanocubes. For instance, nanocubes synthesized by using the same concentration of KBr and NaBr, clearly show similarity in the cubic morphology, size (i.e., 146 nm for KBr reaction versus 145 nm for NaBr reaction), and narrow size distribution.
The critical supersaturation condition for nucleation can also be quickly reached by adding the AgNO3 solution at a high rate. A high concentration of nuclei (and thus small nanocubes) is expected for the reaction occurring at a high injection rate of the AgNO3 solution while other reaction conditions are constant. The SEM images in Fig. 5 represent the nanocubes synthesized at different rates of injecting the AgNO3 solution. The average sizes of the nanocubes at the injection rate of 1.5 mL min−1, 2 mL min−1, and 60 mL min−1 are 146 nm, 132 nm, and 82 nm, respectively. The nanocubes shown in Fig. 1e are synthesized at an even slower injection rate of 1 mL min−1 and exhibit an average size of 190 nm. The comparisons clearly indicate that the size of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes decreases with the increase of the injection rate of the AgNO3 solution (Fig. 5d).
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Fig. 5 (a–c) SEM images of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes synthesized by injecting the AgNO3 solution (1 mL) at different injection rates: (a) 1.5, (b) 2, and (c) 60 mL min−1. (d) Dependence of the average size of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes on the injection rate of the AgNO3 solution. Other reaction conditions are the same as those of Fig. 1e. The scale bar in (a) also applies to (b) and (c). |
In addition, reaction temperature can also influence the nucleation process. For instance, increasing the reaction temperature can increase the solubility of AgClxBr1−x and slow the speed required to reach the supersaturation condition for nucleation. As a result, nuclei with a lower concentration are expected to form in a reaction solution at a higher temperature while other reaction conditions are maintained. Accordingly, the size of nanocubes formed at a higher temperature would be larger, which is consistent with the results shown in Fig. 6. The average size of the nanocubes increases from 190 nm to 203 nm when the reaction temperature increases from 60 °C to 80 °C. Increasing temperature can activate the reducing ability of ethylene glycol that might be able to reduce AgClxBr1−x to form metallic Ag components in the nanocubes. We avoid further increasing the reaction temperature in this work in order to maintain the compositional purity of the synthesized AgClxBr1−x nanocubes.
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Fig. 6 SEM images of the AgClxBr1−x nanocubes synthesized at different reaction temperatures: (a) 60 °C and (b) 80 °C. Other reaction conditions are the same as those of Fig. 1e. |
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Fig. 7 A typical large-area SEM image of the synthesized AgCl0.44Br0.56 nanocubes as shown in Fig. 1e, further confirming their morphological and dimensional uniformity. The insets represent the photographs of an ethanol dispersion of the nanocubes before (left) and after (middle) centrifugation. The image of the right inset corresponds to the enlargement of the colorful nanocube assembly in the middle inset. |
AgClxBr1−x nanocubes with varying sizes can be synthesized while the high uniformity is maintained. Centrifuging dispersions of the differently sized nanocubes results in the formation of precipitated solids with different colors. For example, Fig. 8 presents the SEM images of the ordered superlattices formed from different nanocubes through centrifugation, clearly showing the closely packed assemblies with cubic symmetries. The sizes of ordered domains are up to tens of micrometers and may be limited by the curved surface at the bottom of the centrifuge tubes, where the superlattices are formed, and by the cracks formed during the drying of assemblies. The superlattices assembled from the nanocubes with sizes of 82 nm, 132 nm, 146 nm, and 203 nm exhibit violet, greenish-yellow, red, and black colors, respectively (from Fig. 8a–d). These colors are consistent with the stop bands of photonic crystals highlighted in the reflection spectra that are recorded under an optical microscope with a white light probe of 0.5 × 4 μm in size. The probe beam is perpendicular to the surfaces of the photonic crystals. Due to the limitations of the spectrometer equipped on the optical microscope, the reflection spectra have been recorded only in the visible and near-infrared range (420–950 nm). The stop band positions of the photonic crystals shown in Fig. 8 are estimated at <420 nm, 608 ± 11 nm, 650 ± 3 nm, and 938 nm (or 463 ± 6 nm for the secondary ordered reflection) by analyzing the reflection spectra obtained from multiple spots of each sample. According to the Bragg condition:36
mλ = 2ndhkl![]() ![]() | (3) |
Size of nanocubes (nm) | Observed color | Reflection peak position λ (nm) | Calculated stop band position (nm) |
82 | Violet | <420 | 375 |
132 | Greenish yellow | 608 ± 11 | 593 |
146 | Red | 650 ± 3 | 654 |
203 | Black | 938 (m = 1), 463 ± 6 (m = 2) | 903 (m = 1), 451 (m = 2) |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, in situ time-resolved XRD patterns, TEM image, SEM images, and particle size distribution analysis. See DOI: 10.1039/c4tc02102a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |