Luis A.
*a and
David M.
aInstitute of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, D-89069 Ulm, Germany. E-mail:
bThe University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Kingston Upon Hull HU6 7RX, UK
First published on 25th November 2015
We study the vibrational spectra of small neutral gold (Au2–Au10) and silver (Ag2–Au5) clusters using the vibrational self-consistent field method (VSCF) in order to account for anharmonicity. We report harmonic, VSCF, and correlation-corrected VSCF calculations obtained using a vibrational configuration interaction approach (VSCF/VCI). Our implementation of the method is based on an efficient calculation of the potential energy surfaces (PES), using periodic density functional theory (DFT) with a plane-wave pseudopotential basis. In some cases, we use an efficient technique (fast-VSCF) assisted by the Voter–Chen potential in order to get an efficient reduction of the number of pair-couplings between modes. This allows us to efficiently reduce the computing time of 2D-PES without degrading the accuracy. We found that anharmonicity of the gold clusters is very small with maximum rms deviations of about 1 cm−1, although for some particular modes anharmonicity reaches values slightly larger than 2 cm−1. Silver clusters show slightly larger anharmonicity. In both cases, large differences between calculated and experimental vibrational frequencies (when available) stem more likely from the quality of the electronic structure method used than from vibrational anharmonicity. We show that noble gas embedding often affects the vibrational properties of these clusters more than anharmonicity, and discuss our results in the context of experimental studies.
Silver clusters have also been widely studied in order to understand the size evolution of the cluster properties. They are interesting mainly due to their chemical reactivity relevant in heterogeneous catalytic reactions and to their optical properties. In addition, the characteristics of the sputtering mass spectra for Ag clusters allow for an unambiguous mass selection for several cluster sizes, in particular the odd-numbered clusters.40,41 Several theoretical studies of Ag clusters have been published either using DFT,42–46 or higher level electronic structure methods such as MP2, CCSD(T) or CI.46–49 Although there are not as many theoretical studies as for gold clusters, investigation of silver clusters is also a very active field of research nowadays. Most recent studies of silver clusters cover topics such as their physicochemical properties,50,51 applications,52–54 and theoretical modeling of interactions of the clusters with ligands.55,56 Due to their potential application in catalysis, the study of mixed Au–Ag clusters is also of particular interest.57–59
Au and Ag clusters are both interesting model systems to be investigated, not only due to their potential applications but also from a fundamental point of view. For example, various of the studies of Au clusters focus on predicting the transition from 2D to 3D structures. The predicted occurrence of this transition ranges between Au8 and Au15 depending on the method used, while the planar structures of Ag clusters are predicted only up to Ag5. For an understanding of the properties of metal clusters it is also relevant to investigate their vibrational frequencies, since they are a fingerprint of the cluster structure. Nevertheless, only few studies of Au and Ag clusters address this issue, and when vibrational frequencies are reported they only cover values obtained within the harmonic model. It has been shown that Au clusters behave differently to their lighter homologues, the Ag clusters.16 Therefore, we decided to investigate the vibrational properties of both neutral Au and Ag clusters in order to determine the magnitude of anharmonicity in their vibrational spectra.
Since for most oscillators a large dissociation energy is usually accompanied by a large force constant, the description of the interatomic potential by a harmonic model is better for bulk Au than for bulk Ag. Note that Au has an experimental bulk dissociation energy of −3.82 ± 0.02 eV per atom, larger than the one for Ag (−2.96 ± 0.01 eV per atom).60 Assuming a similar behaviour for their clusters, and since the experimental dissociation energy for Au2 is −1.15 ± 0.02 eV per atom, larger than the one for Ag2 (−0.83 ± 0.03 eV per atom),61 Au clusters are expected to be less anharmonic than silver clusters. In addition, as in both cases the binding energy for bulk is almost three times larger than for the clusters, we can expect a greater effect of anharmonicity for the clusters compared to the bulk.
The most used theoretical model to study vibrational properties of molecules is the harmonic approximation, which is implemented in almost every electronic structure program. There are many important processes that cannot be well described by the harmonic model, such as the bond dissociation in diatomic molecules. Since a harmonic representation of the vibrations neglects coupling between vibrational modes, it can also lead in many other cases to inaccuracies. Nevertheless, the advanced status of the electronic structure theory provides the basis for a more advanced vibrational structure theory beyond the pure harmonic model.62–67 Vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF),68–71 vibrational configuration interaction (VCI),72,73 vibrational Møller–Plesset theory (VMP),74 vibrational second-order perturbation theory (VPT2),75 and vibrational coupled cluster theory (VCC)76 are some of the methods developed to provide a better description of vibrational properties by including the effect of anharmonicity. These methods have been applied in various studies to calculate anharmonic vibrational spectra of molecules.77–82
In this study we combine VSCF/VCI and a DFT scheme using a plane-wave pseudopotential basis, in order to provide a magnitude and trend of the anharmonicity in neutral Au and Ag clusters. This allows us to obtain a more accurate solution to the vibrational problem by introducing the explicit correlation between modes. A fast-VSCF/VCI79 scheme is used to improve the overall speed of the frequency calculations. It works efficiently in the range of size which we consider and avoids the increasing computational cost as the cluster size increases. We have presented an overview of our VSCF/VCI implementation for adsorbates and metal clusters elsewhere, including RMSD values for anharmonic frequencies of the Au2–Au10 clusters.83 In another study, we have analyzed the harmonic and anharmonic spectra of Au7 in detail.84 In addition, we have addressed separately the effect of Kr embedding on the harmonic vibrational spectrum of the minimum energy structures of Aun clusters up to n = 9.85 Here we focus on the details of our VSCF/VCI implementation as well as on its discussion, extending the application to silver clusters.
The rest of this paper is organized in four sections: in Section 2 we present a brief description of the VSCF/VCI method together with the relevant computational details. Sections 3 and 4 contain the results and analysis of the vibrational properties for the minimum energy structures of Au and Ag clusters, respectively. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 5. Detailed values of harmonic and anharmonic vibrational frequencies are presented in tables as a ESI.†
For odd-sized (open-shell) structures, spin state and spin contamination could eventually affect the geometry and population analysis thus affecting the spin density. Although spin contamination is often seen in unrestricted Hartree–Fock and unrestricted Møller–Plesset calculations, it is less common in DFT calculations, even when unrestricted Kohn–Sham orbitals are used. A practical check for the presence of spin contamination consists in comparing the expectation value of the total spin, 〈S2〉 with s(s + 1) where s equals 1/2 times the number of unpaired electrons. For a difference between these two quantities of less than 10% the spin contamination is usually considered negligible. As the CPMD code calculates the total integrated absolute value of the spin density and not 〈S2〉 we cannot perform a direct check of spin contamination in our calculations. Spin contamination within DFT is not straightforward87 but can be approximately accessed using the absolute values of the spin density (as calculated by CPMD). In our cases those values are 1.12, 1.19, 1.15, and 1.17 for Au3, Au5, Au7, Au9 respectively, while the total integrated spin density is one in all cases. A view of the spin density for the odd-sized clusters can be obtained from the shape of the β-SOMO frontier orbitals. We have treated this already in detail for the gold clusters elsewhere,85 thus we do not include this discussion here.
Since most theoretical studies of vibrational spectra consider only harmonic frequencies, a number of studies have attributed discrepancies between theoretical frequencies and experimental spectra rightly or wrongly to anharmonic effects. However, without explicitly accounting for anharmonicity, assumptions based only on harmonic data can be misleading. In addition, in order to account for anharmonicity, harmonic values are usually scaled uniformly,91,92 even if there are also a number of non-uniform scaling techniques.93 We have already referred to this problem in our previous study of Au7.84 Since harmonic stretch frequencies () are usually larger than anharmonic frequencies (), possible scaling factor should be lower than one. Nevertheless, in the case of the Au7 cluster scaling factors larger than one are necessary in order to fit DFT results with the experimental vibrational frequencies. There we concluded that the larger deviation is due to a deficiency of DFT functionals in properly describing the electronic interactions in gold clusters. Nevertheless, in spite of the large difference in absolute values of the vibrational frequencies compared with experiments, using a DFT scheme can still give a relatively good description of the anharmonicity in relative values.
The VDB approach combines the pseudopotential approach with the very rapid plane-wave convergence, achieving good transferability and calculating forces in a more efficient way than other pseudopotentials. It needs cutoffs between 20–30 Ry, while with other pseudopotentials, cutoffs of more than 100 Ry are required. Relativistic effects, which are very important for gold, are included during the fitting of the pseudopotential. Nevertheless, including spin–orbit effects and calculating van der Waals (vdW) energy contributions explicitly is beyond the scope of the version of the CPMD code used in our study. In order to evaluate the effect of Ar atoms bounded to the silver clusters we also use norm-conserving Goedecker (GTH) pseudo potentials94–96 with a plane-wave energy cutoff of 100 Ry (1361 eV) for silver and argon. A similar methodology is described in our previous study of the binding of Kr atoms to gold clusters,85 but in the present study we do not include the analysis of van der Waals effects. We showed in our previous study, that vdW interactions are not relevant for the bare clusters themselves at these cluster sizes, and that for binding noble gas atoms to the gold clusters these interactions start to be significant only for cluster sizes from n = 7. In both cases VDB and GTH, relativistic effects are included in the pseudo potentials. Only the 5d106s1 valence electrons for Au, the 4d105s1 valence electrons for Ag, and the 3s23p6 valence electrons for Ar are considered.
Although we have presented the main settings of our implementation of the method elsewhere,83,84 we recall here the main concepts in order to allow for a better understanding. VSCF provides an approximate solution to the vibrational wave function. It takes into account the deviation of the potential energy surface (PES) from harmonicity and the coupling between normal modes, using a mean-field approach. This method is based upon the assumption that the total wave function of the system is separable and can be described by a product of single-mode wave functions φ(k)kj(Qj). Here, Q = {Q1,…,Qn} is a set of mass-weighted normal coordinates, and n is the number of vibrational modes determined by the number of atoms, N. The excitation quanta of each vibrational state is expressed by a collective index k ≡ kj ≡ {k1, k2,…,kn}. The fully coupled vibrational Schrödinger equation is replaced by a set of single mode equations with an effective potential V(k)j(Qj) for each vibrational state k and for each mode j, which accounts for mode–mode interactions in a mean-field manner. This corresponds to the effective potential seen by each normal mode due to the presence of the other normal modes for a given vibrational state. Since this effective potential depends implicitly on the wave function of all modes i ≠ j, the set of single-mode equations needs to be solved iteratively until self-consistency is achieved. The PES of the system is explored using a hierarchical many-body expansion, limited to the second order in V (pairwise approximation),78,79
(1) |
The 1D-VSCF equations are solved using the Fourier grid Hamiltonian (FGH) method proposed by Balint-Kurti et al.99,100 This is a special case of a discrete variable representation (DVR), and has the advantage that is a variational method where the wave functions or eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian operator are generated directly as the amplitudes of the wave function on the grid points, thus they are not given as a linear combination of any set of basis functions.99 We use a truncated Watson operator101 that neglects the Coriolis coupling term of the molecular Hamiltonian. As we are interested in the pure vibrational spectra, neglecting coupling between vibrational and rotational modes should not be an issue to get reliable values of the vibrational anharmonicity. We support this argument on various facts: (i) due to the geometry of these clusters most vibrations are restricted to the plane, so that we cannot consider rotations, although for a few out-of-plane modes this could eventually occur, (ii) the relatively large mass of these clusters will further decrease the possible effect of Coriolis coupling compared with light molecules, (iii) at lower excitations of the vibrational angular momentum, the contribution of these couplings to the total energy may be small. In the VCI basis we include all one-mode and two-mode excitations up to seven virtual excitation quanta for each vibrational mode. The diagonalization part of the VCI procedure accounts for a significant part of the time required to solve the correlation problem. Therefore, an iterative diagonalization procedure of the VCI matrix using our own implementation of the direct Davidson algorithm102–104 is performed for each VSCF-optimized state as described by Scribano and Benoit.81 This was originally introduced by Carter et al.73 in order to diagonalize efficiently large vibrational VCI matrices. As we use a state-specific approach,77 the need for a block-Davidson approach is not as crucial as it could be in other methods. In our hands, the current approach which tracks the desired state performs very well even for dense spectra.
Calculating 2D PES increases the computational cost as the cluster size increases, since the number of pair-couplings elements growths as n(n − 1)/2 with n the number of vibrational modes. Therefore, we calculate complete PES for Aun and Agn clusters with n ≤ 5 only. For Aun with n > 5 we calculate PES using a reduced scheme of pair-couplings (Fast-VSCF). For Fast-VSCF/VCI,79 we select a set of relevant pair-couplings, based on the analysis of the coupling strength. Although empirical models are not accurate enough to give a good description of those structures, they can used as a cheap method to get approximate geometries for further high-level calculations. Therefore, we use the Voter–Chen empirical potential,107–109 which is a version of the embedded-atom model (EAM), in order to pre-scan the complete PES previously to apply DFT. The choice of this potential is based on our previous study that assesses the quality of various empirical potentials,86 and shows this potential as comparatively better suited to reproduce PES of small gold clusters. This strategy reduces the computing time dramatically. It should be remarked the importance of having a good prediction of the couplings in order to get accurate results: while neglecting strong couplings in the calculations can lead to wrong results, predicting of weak couplings as strong can lead to waist computational efforts.
The normal modes obtained from the Hessian matrix constructed using PBE/VDB in each case are used as an input to carry out the PES pre-scanning. In order to determine which mode–mode couplings contribute most to the vibrational dynamics, we define a measure in terms of the potential evaluated on a number mmax of grid points, ζ2Dij:
(2) |
This measure provides a magnitude for each element of the pre-scanned 2D PES. Since the maximum elongation does play a role in the coupling strength, we use a systematic criterion for determining the maximum extent of the displacement where we try to ensure that each modal potential supports 7 or 8 bound states. This provides a coherent set of elongations that can be different for each mode but overall survey a similar vibrational space. We choose the couplings where ζ2Dij is higher than a given threshold value, which is obtained from a statistical analysis based on box-and-whisker plots.110 We show the coupling maps corresponding to the pre-scanned 2D PES as ESI† (Fig. A1). These maps are colour-coded so that a white square corresponds to low coupling strength and a black square to a very strong coupling. In those cases in which we only calculate partial 2D PES (Au6–Au10), modes not considered within the selected pair-couplings show anharmonic contributions coming from the diagonal potential only, since they are not coupled. Once the complete or partial PES have been generated, the vibrational VSCF/VCI analysis is carried out using the PVSCF code,97 in order to obtain the values of the anharmonic frequencies for each normal mode.
In order to include the effect of anharmonicity, the expression for the harmonic oscillator is modified using the phenomenological Dunham's expansion111 which is traditionally written in dimensions of wave numbers:
(3) |
V(x) = De[1 − e−a(x−xe)]2, | (4) |
Another methodology to obtain an expression for the anharmonic oscillator resorts to an approximate solution by using perturbation theory. The Hamiltonian for the quantum anharmonic oscillator is expressed as the one for the harmonic oscillator113 with a perturbation up to the second-order Ĥ = Ĥ0 + λŴ.114,115 A widely used function is the generalized quartic potential, which is a potential including all odd and even terms for the polynomial expansion up to the fourth power. Since its analytic solutions116,117 are not suitable for the purposes of this study, we use the pure quartic and modified quartic potential which are simplified functions of it.
The pure quartic oscillator118 is suitable for modeling modes with negative anharmonicity (ν0 > ωe) where the potential resembles a quasi-parabolic symmetric shape. It is obtained by considering only the perturbation in q4:
(5) |
A modified quartic potential with an additional term in q3 is more convenient for the study of negative anharmonicity (ν0 > ωe), in those cases in which the anharmonic potential stays above the harmonic one, but the symmetric shape around the minimum is lost by the effect of the odd q3 term.
(6) |
Fig. 1 Global minimum energy structures studied for Au2–Au10 clusters, showing the point group symmetries, as computed using PBE/VDB. |
Almost all schemes shown in Table 1 underestimate the experimental frequency of Au2. Our chosen approach PBE/VDB does it by ∼15 cm−1. Even more accurate calculations at the CCSD(T) level still underestimate the experimental value by ∼4 cm−1. MP2 and LDA predicts the harmonic frequency of Au2 better than PBE/VDB, compared to the experimental value. Nevertheless, in both cases this relative good agreement originates from a fortuitous cancelation of errors as we have already shown elsewhere for gold clusters using MP2.84 Since anharmonicity decreases the harmonic frequency of Au2 by ∼1 cm−1, any correction assigned to anharmonicity should yield still lower frequencies. It indicates that anharmonicity is not the cause of the large discrepancy between theory and experiment.
Method | E b | r e | − | ||
PBE/VDB | 1.16 | 2.50 | 176.2 | 175.3 | −0.9 |
LDA/VDB | 1.50 | 2.43 | 195.9 | … | … |
MP2/SDD16 | 1.21 | 2.46 | 199 | … | … |
MP2/HW VDZ17 | 0.98 | 2.63 | 186 | … | … |
CCSD(T)/SDD16 | 1.06 | 2.51 | … | … | … |
CCSD(T)/PJHN19 | 1.10 | 2.49 | 187 | … | … |
MCPF/HW MB21 | 0.94 | 2.56 | 172 | … | … |
MRSDCI/EC23 | 1.03 | 2.52 | 193 | … | … |
Experimental61,120 | 1.15 | 2.47 | 190.9 | 190.1 | −0.9 |
Table 1 also shows that good agreement of the theoretical binding energy and bond length with the experimental value does not necessarily imply good agreement of the harmonic frequency. By comparing the various studies, we see that the CCSD(T) calculations reported by Hess et al.19 show the best prediction for the three magnitudes. MRSDCI calculations reported by Balasubramanian et al.23 show the best prediction for the harmonic frequency, a reasonable prediction for the bond length but a larger difference for the binding energy.
Contrary to the accepted fact that neutral gold clusters have still planar structures even for cluster sizes above 10 atoms, MP2 and LDA predict 3D structures from Au7 on, mainly due to a wrong description of the dissociation energy of these clusters. The shortcomings of MP2 to properly describe the structures of the small neutral clusters have been attributed to the tendency of MP2 to overestimate binding energies,124 to the usual large basis set superposition error (BSSE) that artificially shortens the bond length,19 and to the fact that the correlation energy calculated by means of an n-body expansion using MP2 for gold clusters does not converge smoothly.20 In the frame of DFT and in particular for LDA, there are significant errors in the exchange and correlation energies. As the exchange energy is generally underestimated and the correlation energy is overestimated, these errors tend to cancel, thus LDA is relatively successful at describing the harmonic frequency of Au2. Nevertheless, this is obtained at the cost of a wrong description of the binding energy. GGA and further developed functionals improve significantly on the description of the binding energy of molecules but not necessarily profit that much of cancelation of errors as LDA does, although they are though to provide a better overall performance. Therefore, the main reasons to use DFT with the PBE functional in our study instead of MP2 or LDA, although they provide a better value of the frequency of Au2, is that PBE/VDB does offer a better computational scaling than standard MP2 and also it has been shown that PBE gets other things right (such as dissociation energy) in comparison with both MP2 and LDA. A strong reason to not use MP2 is that using a large basis set or introducing counterpoise corrections would deteriorate that cancellation of errors that make that method apparently better. Using MP2 or LDA would also imply dealing with the wrong minimum energy structures for clusters larger than Au6.
Fig. 2 shows a plot of our results for the harmonic and the anharmonic potentials of Au2 using PBE/VDB. This represents a typical case in which the anharmonic frequency is lower than the harmonic frequency. The zero point energy (ZPE), as calculated for the harmonic oscillator, corresponds to /2 = 88.1 cm−1. From the anharmonic calculation the ZPE is 88.0 cm−1, 0.1 cm−1 lower than for the harmonic case.
Fig. 2 Harmonic and anharmonic potentials for the stretching mode of Au2. Results obtained using PBE/VDB. The normal coordinate is in a dimensionless variable as explained in Section 2.3. |
We apply the Morse potential oscillator model in order to fit this stretching mode. Values obtained directly from the harmonic and anharmonic calculations, and from the fitting of the potential energy curve are reported in Table 2. Since fitted values agree with the values obtained directly from the PVSCF code, the Morse potential is suitable to obtain the spectroscopic values for the stretching mode of the gold dimer. The largest discrepancy occurs for the dissociation energy, while the fitted first anharmonic constant ωexe is close to the reported experimental value.
Parameter | Units | Calculated | Fitted value ± error |
() ωe | cm−1 | 176.2 | 176.3 ± 0.3 |
() ν0 | cm−1 | 175.3 | 175.4 ± 0.3 |
D e | eV | 2.14 | 2.200 ± 0.003 |
w e x e | cm−1 | 0.45 | 0.440 ± 0.001 |
a | (cm−1)1/2 | 0.95 | 0.940 ± 0.001 |
At room temperature Au3 does certainly not correspond to a single defined structure, but to a changing structure adopting various shapes according its complex PES. The relation in energy between the 2A1 and the 2B2 states varies depending on the method used to compute it, as can be seen in Table A2 of the ESI.† For example, most DFT approaches show a 2B2 geometry (obtuse C2v triangle with θ > 90°) as the global minimum energy structure for this cluster. For MP2 the minimum energy structure is the acute triangle (θ > 60°), very close in energy to the another acute triangle (θ < 60°).17 We found that the obtuse structure calculated using PBE/VDB is 40 meV lower in energy than the acute structures, while using MP2/SBKJC1f it is 50 meV per atom higher (see Table A2 of the ESI†). Using CCSD(T), both acute structures are very close in energy,16,126 and any of them can be the minimum depending on the basis set used. Although high-level theory methods include multi-reference effects, which are important in particular for description of open-shell structures like Au3, studies using CCSD(T) sometimes report on vibrational frequencies that are far away from reported experimental values, and there are no available reports considering the obtuse structure with that method. Various theoretical studies using CCSD(T) have already investigated the balance between the Jahn–Teller effect and spin–orbit effect in Au3. For example Wesendrup et al.16 show that the splitting of the equilateral structure in two acute structures is due to a predominant Jahn–Teller effect. Shen and BelBruno126 get the same conclusion when they use CCSD, but they also show that using DFT including explicitly spin–orbit effect, this quenches the splitting induced by the Jahn–Teller effect. A similar mechanism has been suggested in an experimental study by Guo et al.127 Therefore, there are no conclusive results about the right minimum structure of Au3 provided by those methods.
Since our present study is based in a DFT scheme, inclusion of multi-reference effects in our calculations is limited to that of those effects that could be reproduced by the DFT functional and the corresponding basis set. Although some limitations of DFT exist in comparison with high-level electronic structure methods, it has been shown that DFT can cover in some extent multi-reference effects, either implicitly via the exchange–correlation functional or explicitly via the form of the Kohn–Sham wave function.128 In addition, although explicitly treatment of spin–orbit effects are out of the scope of the version of the CPMD code used in our study, some features such as relativistic effects are indirectly included in DFT during the fitting of the pseudopotential. The DFT approach we use in this study (PBE/VDB) also shows a better approximation to the experimental values of the binding energy of Au2 and Au3 than other DFT approaches and high-level method studies reported in the literature. Therefore, even given its limitations, we think that DFT still offers a suitable and practical manner to gain insight into the Au3 cluster and can be used to study the larger clusters in a systematical way.
A slightly bent linear structure, corresponding to an obtuse triangle C2v, has been suggested by Howard et al.129 as the ground state for Au3, from measurements using electron-spin resonance. A vibronic spectrum of Au3 has been determined by Bishea et al.121 from resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy measurements. This experiment describes transitions which originate from the ground vibronic level of the ground electronic state. The analysis of the experimental spectrum shows a totally symmetric stretching vibration at 179.7 cm−1 and a second vibration at 61.9 cm−1. The existence of an obtuse geometry is not proven, but due to difficulties in assigning certain modes, it has not been absolutely excluded. Bishea et al.121 analyze different possible transitions between the ground and excited states, and show a transition in the equilateral D3h point group, with both the ground and excited states undergoing Jahn–Teller effect, as the most likely assignment. This is performed by considering a linear Jahn–Teller effect with spin–orbit splitting. Guo et al.,127 using matrix-infrared spectroscopy assign the global minimum energy structure to an equilateral triangle, D3h, with two vibrational frequencies, 172 cm−1 and 118 cm−1. By doing relativistic configuration interaction (RCI) calculations, they argue that the spin–orbit effect stabilizes the D3h structure and quenches Jahn–Teller distortion. They suggest that anharmonicity appears to play a greater role in higher combinations involving the antisymmetric stretching mode than the symmetric mode.
Table A2 of the ESI† shows that both acute Au3 structures have roughly the same minimum energy with differences of about 5 meV (one −1.195 eV with θ = 65.6° and the other −1.190 eV with θ = 56.7°), while the obtuse structure (−1.236 eV with θ = 138.1°) is separated by approx. 40 meV from the acute structures. To promote an overlap of the 1D PES of both acute Au3 structures, the vibration of the bending mode should cause changes in the bending angle larger than −5.6° (when θ > 60°) and than 2.3° (when θ < 60°). Nevertheless, we do not observe any overlap. In addition, the vibration of the bending mode for the obtuse structure (θ = 138.1°) is far away of reaching angles close to 60°. It seems that an overlap between acute structures due to vibrations, if it occurs, should take place at the 2D PES level, i.e. not through the bending mode itself but through the coupling between different modes. Since for Au3 we only calculate the 2D PES of the obtuse structure and this is 40 meV lower in energy than the acute structures, we did not experience any convergence problem caused by overlap, neither with the acute structures nor with the obtuse and the acute structures. We show in Section 4.3 that convergence problems occur when we calculate the 2D PES of one of the acute structures of the Ag3 cluster that prevent us from computing a complete 2D PES. This means that although our method provides a measure of the anharmonicity in almost all cases, it has shortcomings for those open-shell structures where a complex PES with almost degenerate geometries is present.
In contrast to the interpretation by Guo et al.,127 who attribute discrepancies between theory and experiment to the anharmonicity involving the stretching mode (mode 1), Table 3 shows that vibrational anharmonicity is more significant for the bending mode (mode 3) of the obtuse structure, even if it is still too small (∼1.6 cm−1). The argument of Bishea et al.,121 that vibrational anharmonicity may contribute to the splitting of the equilateral triangle into acute structures, seems to be reasonable. In Section 4.3, we show that computing the 2D PES for the acute structures of the silver trimer is cumbersome, since the narrow difference in energy between these two structures leads to an overlap of the PES. This implies that the vibrational motions, even with the low anharmonicity, may lead to a changeable structure with a variable bending angle around θ = 60°.
Table 4 shows the vibrational frequencies for the three normal modes of the obtuse Au3 cluster. Only the antisymmetric mode (mode 2), which has a positive anharmonicity, is fitted to the Morse potential. The symmetric mode (mode 1) is fitted to the pure quartic potential (perturbation in q4) and the bending mode (mode 3) is fitted to the modified quartic potential (perturbations in q3 and q4). The pure quartic and generalized quartic potential do not allow for calculation of parameters other than the frequencies. Both mode 1 and 3 show negative anharmonicity. Fitting for mode 2 fairly reproduces the calculated values. For modes 1 and 3, the ω0 fitted values resemble very well the calculated values, but for mode 3 the ωe fitted value differs from the calculated harmonic frequency. This is a presumable consequence of the strong hyperharmonicity of this mode.
Parameter | Units | Calculated | Fitted value ± error |
Mode 1 (pure quartic) | |||
() ωe | cm−1 | 183.1 | 183.3 ± 0.1 |
() ν0 | cm−1 | 183.9 | 183.9 ± 0.1 |
Mode 2 (Morse) | |||
() ωe | cm−1 | 127.0 | 126.9 ± 0.3 |
() ν0 | cm−1 | 126.7 | 126.7 ± 0.3 |
ω e x e | cm−1 | 0.14 | 0.120 ± 0.001 |
D e | eV | 3.56 | 4.26 ± 0.01 |
a | (cm−1)1/2 | 0.53 | 0.480 ± 0.001 |
Mode 3 (mod. quartic) | |||
() ωe | cm−1 | 24.7 | 26.5 ± 0.1 |
() ν0 | cm−1 | 26.7 | 26.8 ± 0.1 |
The Au7 cluster shows harmonic frequencies in the range of 16.3 cm−1 to 189.6 cm−1, where modes 12 to 15 are out-of-plane. The 2D PES was computed using only 9 of 105 possible pair-couplings. The calculated couplings have a coupling strength higher than 51.2%. The anharmonicity is very low, in comparison to the former clusters. The largest anharmonicity, 0.8 cm−1 (0.4%), was obtained for mode 1, which corresponds to a stretching mode. The RMSD between harmonic and anharmonic frequencies is 0.4 cm−1. We have studied this cluster in detail elsewhere,84 and showed that the effect of Kr embedding changes its harmonic frequencies with a RMSD of 1.5 cm−1. Anharmonicity calculated for the minimum energy configuration of Au7Kr shows changes in frequency with a RMSD of 0.7 cm−1.
The harmonic frequencies for the Au8 cluster are in the range of 6.9 cm−1 to 202.8 cm−1, there are four doubly degenerate frequencies, and modes 13 to 18 are all out-of-plane. The 2D PES was computed using 12 of 153 possible pair-couplings. In contrast to the former clusters studied, less than 8% of the couplings for Au8 contain the higher coupling strengths, with values above 28.52%. Only 9 modes are strongly coupled to the others. With the exception of modes 4, 5, 17 and 18, all modes show almost zero anharmonicity. It is noticeable that the two lowest frequency modes (17 and 18), which are out-of-plane, show the largest anharmonicity, −2.6 cm−1 and 1.8 cm−1, respectively.
The harmonic frequencies for the Au9 cluster are in the range of 12.3 cm−1 to 187.0 cm−1, where modes 16 to 21 are all out-of-plane. The 2D PES was computed using 10 of 210 possible pair-couplings. The selected pair-couplings have coupling strengths higher than 72%. With the exception of a few modes, anharmonicity is almost zero. The largest anharmonicity, −2.0 cm−1, is observed for mode 4, which represents a predominant bending motion of the molecule. This large total anharmonicity is attributed to pair-couplings, since diagonal anharmonicity for the same mode is almost zero. The harmonic frequencies for the Au10 cluster are in the range of 16.3 cm−1 to 176.1 cm−1, and modes 19 to 24 are all out-of-plane. The calculated couplings have a coupling strength higher than 44.26%. The largest anharmonicity occurs for modes 1, 2, 3, 8 and 24 with values close to −1.0 cm−1.
In general, the prediction of the strongest couplings for the Au6–Au10 clusters given by the Voter–Chen potential was satisfactory, i.e. all strong couplings predicted by the empirical potential correspond to strong couplings calculated with PBE/VDB, with a very few exceptions. Couplings obtained with the empirical potential as strong but calculated with PBE/VDB as very weak are considered as badly predicted, and therefore they are not included in the reduced 2D PES used to calculate the anharmonic frequencies. This is remarkable only for the Au10 cluster, where 4 of 18 couplings were wrong predicted, and it presumably indicates that at that size the cluster is reaching a regime in which the non-planarity is close to occur, since the performance of the two methods shows larger qualitative differences.
Cluster size | Mode/type | − | |
Max | RMSD | ||
2 | 1/stretching | −0.9 | 0.9 |
3 | 3/bending | 1.6 | 1.2 |
4 | 1/breathing | −1.8 | 0.9 |
5 | 5/stretching | −2.1 | 1.1 |
6 | 5/bending | −1.6 | 0.6 |
7 | 1/stretching | 0.8 | 0.4 |
8 | 17/out-of-plane | −2.6 | 0.8 |
9 | 4/bending | −2.0 | 0.6 |
10 | 24/out-of-plane | −1.2 | 0.5 |
It should be remarked that although we have successfully found a magnitude of the anharmonicity, the absolute values of the vibrational frequencies are shifted to low values when compared with available experimental reports. This is mainly due to shortcomings in the performance of current DFT functionals. Since the purpose of this study has been to find a quantitative measure of the anharmonic effects, using the standard PBE functional allowed us to obtain a reliable value of the anharmonicity that is comparable with the one reported in available experiments, such as for Au2. Therefore, we extended this procedure to larger clusters.
For comparison of theoretical frequencies with experimental spectra of these clusters, anharmonicity and the electronic structure method are not the only issues to be considered, but also the possible effect of noble gas atom ligands. Classical experiments on Au2 and Au3 declare no interaction between the cluster and the noble gas atoms used in the experiment, while recent experimental reports of gold122 and silver40 clusters using far-infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy (FIR-MPD) declare the interaction with noble gas atoms. Since we calculated anharmonicity for the bare clusters only, a comparison with the FIR-MPD spectra is more challenging. We have treated the effect of noble gas atoms on the gold clusters previously,85 showing that binding of a noble gas atom does strongly affect the harmonic vibrational frequencies of these clusters in some particular cases. In the present study we include a similar discussion on the effect of noble gas atoms on the harmonic frequencies of the silver clusters.
Improving the description of the absolute values of the frequencies of these clusters is not as simple as using a more sophisticated high-level electronic structure method, if anharmonicity and the effect of ligands are not taken into account within the analysis. Indeed, for very small clusters as Au2 and Au3 that have been widely studied with high-level electronic structure methods,28,120,121 there is not complete agreement about their real structures and/or behavior. Also for a larger cluster such as Au8 various studies using high-level theory do not offer conclusive answers, since there are still limitations to use excessively large wave function basis sets.130 A combined strategy consisting in using a high-level electronic structure method beyond DFT, calculating anharmonicity and including the effect of noble gas atoms for each cluster size, all at the same time, could become a cumbersome task which is out of the scope of this study. Nevertheless, our results provide a good approximation to the issue of anharmonicity in these clusters, that combined with the outcome of our previous studies are intended to contribute to the understanding and stimulate further investigation of small metal neutral clusters.
We calculate harmonic and anharmonic frequencies at the minimum energy structures of the bare clusters. Since only silver clusters up to Ag5 are studied, the pre-scanning of the PES using the Voter–Chen potential is not employed here. In all cases the diagonal anharmonic frequencies are calculated, but VSCF/VCI frequencies are calculated only for Ag4. The narrow energy differences between two nearly degenerate acute structures and one obtuse structure of Ag3 make the calculation of the 2D PES for this cluster size cumbersome. Overlap of these two PES does not allow the computation of the anharmonic frequencies including pair-couplings. For Ag5 it was also not possible to obtain the 2D-PES due to convergence issues.
We also calculate the harmonic frequencies of the same Ag clusters with attached Ar atoms. The effect of Ar embedding on the harmonic frequencies of these clusters is considered using PBE/GTH. For the bare clusters, the binding energies obtained using PBE/GTH vary slightly from the values found with PBE/VDB. We obtained −0.87, −0.86, −1.14, and −1.25 eV per atom, for Ag2 to Ag5, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the different configurations of the AgnKr clusters studied here. In general, larger strengths of the Ag–Ar interaction are associated with shorter Ag–Ar distances.
Table 6 shows the calculated values for binding energy, bond length and harmonic vibrational frequency of the Ag2 cluster compared to selected theoretical values reported by other authors using different methods, and to experimental values. The harmonic and anharmonic frequencies obtained using PBE/VDB are = 180.9 cm−1 and = 179.6 cm−1, respectively. This indicates an anharmonicity of −1.3 cm−1 that reproduces very well the anharmonicity of −1.2 cm−1 estimated from the experiment. Thus, Ag2 shows only a slightly larger difference in anharmonicity compared to the Au2 cluster, which has an anharmonicity of −0.9 cm−1 (see Section 3.2).
Method | E b | r e | − | ||
PBE/VDB | 0.89 | 2.56 | 180.9 | 179.6 | −1.3 |
BLYP/SDD46 | 0.83 | 2.61 | 176.0 | … | … |
BP86/SDD46 | 0.87 | 2.57 | 187.0 | … | … |
MP247 | 0.70 | 2.63 | … | … | … |
CCSD(T)47 | 0.80 | 2.64 | … | … | … |
Exp.61,136,137 | 0.83 | 2.53 | 192.4 | 191.2 | −1.2 |
Fig. 5 shows two possible configurations of the Ag2 cluster considering Ar embedding, as obtained using PBE/GTH. Similar to gold clusters, the orientation of the Ar atoms can be described by the characteristics of the electrostatic potential. The binding energies of the Ar atoms to Ag2 are however, significantly smaller than those of Ar binding to Au2. The argon binding energy to Au2 is 90 meV while to Ag2 is only 25 meV. Therefore, changes in harmonic frequencies due to Ar embedding are very small for Ag2, compared to the changes induced in Au2. One and two Ar atoms increase the harmonic frequency of the Au2 cluster by 6.2 cm−1 and 10.8 cm−1. The harmonic frequencies of Ag2, Ag2Ar and Ag2Ar2 are 181.1 cm−1, 181.8 cm−1 and 183.4 cm−1, respectively, calculated using PBE/GTH. This means that one and two Ar atoms increase the harmonic frequency of Ag2 by 0.7 cm−1 and 2.2 cm−1, respectively.
Experimental results for Ag3 are considered ambiguous. In particular, there are large disagreements between gas-phase studies and matrix isolation studies. Haslett et al.132 used matrix isolation resonance Raman spectroscopy and obtained frequencies 119 cm−1 and 99 cm−1 for the totally symmetric and for the bending mode, respectively. This is in good agreement with the study by Schulze and Becker,131 who obtained 120.5 cm−1 in matrix isolation. Vibrational spectra of Ag3 have also been derived from fluorescence studies and from resonant two photon ionization spectra (R2PI). A detailed overview of experimental results for Ag3 is given by Lombardi and Davis.41 Fielicke et al.40 recently studied the vibrational frequencies of Ag3 using far-infrared multiple photon dissociation (FIR-MPD). This technique has also been successfully applied to other neutral metal clusters at different cluster sizes. In this experiment, Ag3Arm complexes were produced with one up to four bound argon atoms. Although the signal-to-noise ratio is low, several depletion bands are observed. Due to the dissociation of the cluster under far-infrared excitation, the original spectrum should be corrected. Such a dissociation causes that Ag3Arm complexes affect the signal of Ag3Arm−1 complexes. By correcting and fitting Gaussian profiles of the depletion signals, Fielicke et al.40 assigned 182.8 cm−1 to the highest frequency mode and 113 cm−1 to the degenerate mode of Ag3Ar. This methodology leads to uncertainties of ±1 cm−1. By binding more Ar atoms the highest frequency mode remains unchanged, but the lowest frequency mode changes slightly. Frequencies obtained for the lowest mode of Ag3Ar, Ag3Ar2, Ag3Ar3, and Ag3Ar4 are 113.0 cm−1, 116.8 cm−1, 119.1 cm−1 and 120.5 cm−1, respectively.
In Table A12 of the ESI† we report structural and harmonic frequency results obtained using PBE/VDB and PBE/GTH for the different Ag3 isomers. Table 7 shows the calculated harmonic and diagonal anharmonic frequencies for the minimum energy structure of Ag3 (acute triangle with θ > 60°), using PBE/VDB. Similarly to the gold trimer, Ag3 shows the largest anharmonicity in the bending mode (mode 3) but in this case it is almost three times larger than for Au3. This contrasts with the suggestion given by Hartmann et al.48 that anharmonicity may affect the antisymmetric mode (mode 1) the most.
n | diag. | diag. − | |
1 | 173.3 | 172.2 | −1.2 |
2 | 118.9 | 119.8 | −0.1 |
3 | 55.2 | 50.5 | −4.7 |
ZPE | 174.2 | 172.5 | −1.7 |
RMSD | 2.8 |
Due to the convergence problems mentioned above, the anharmonic frequencies reported here do not include the pair-couplings between modes. For a more complete analysis including the effect of the Ar atoms in the experiment, we perform in the following section a comparison of theoretical and experimental frequencies at the harmonic level. In that case the effect of the Ar atom is not as big as the effect of a Kr atom on Au3, so that Ag3 vibrational anharmonicity could have a more significant role.
Fig. 5 shows various possible configurations of the minimum energy structure of the Ag3 cluster considering Ar embedding, as obtained using PBE/GTH, and Table 8 shows the harmonic frequencies obtained for the minimum energy structures of Ag3 and Ag3Arm complexes. They are compared to the experimental values. Ar embedding does not change the geometry of the minimum configuration, but slightly distorts it. As a consequence, the frequency of the lowest frequency mode changes. These changes partially reproduces the trends observed by Fielicke et al.40 in the experimental spectrum. The RMSD between the theoretical values and those reported by Fielicke are of ∼7 cm−1. Our results are also very similar to those reported by Hartmann et al.,48 using full CI calculations.
In various studies of Raman spectra for Ag3 in rare gas matrices,131,132 a band of ∼119 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric mode of an equilateral triangle. This value coincides better with the frequency of mode 2 of the acute structures. It seems that in these Raman spectra the highest frequency mode is screened and only the band corresponding to the next frequency mode is detectable. This has been well explained by Fielicke et al.40 based on comparisons of various experimental results.
Table 9 shows the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies of Ag4 calculated using PBE/VDB. The RMSD between anharmonic and harmonic frequencies is only 1 cm−1. The largest anharmonicity affects the breathing mode (mode 1). The overall magnitude of the anharmonicity for the Ag4 is similar to the one calculated for Au4 (see Table A4 of the ESI†). Nevertheless, two noticeable differences from Au4 are observed: (i) difference between the anharmonic and harmonic frequencies for the largest frequency mode has different sign. (ii) The variation in the zero point energy (ZPE) due to anharmonicity is slightly larger (by ∼1 cm−1 and with opposite sign) for Ag4 than for Au4. This shows that total anharmonicity for this silver cluster is mainly negative (the cluster is hyperharmonic).
n | − | |||
Diagonal | VCI | |||
1 | 183.7 | 183.0 | 185.1 | 1.5 |
2 | 157.6 | 158.1 | 156.7 | −0.9 |
3 | 104.1 | 104.5 | 103.4 | −0.7 |
4 | 89.5 | 90.4 | 88.4 | −1.1 |
5 | 80.5 | 80.7 | 81.0 | 0.5 |
6 | 37.5 | 36.9 | 36.6 | −0.9 |
ZPE | 326.5 | 326.6 | 327.7 | 1.2 |
RMSD | 1.0 |
Fig. 5 shows various possible configurations of the minimum energy structure of the Ag4 cluster considering Ar embedding, as obtained using PBE/GTH. Table 10 shows the harmonic frequencies of Ag4 and the Ag4Arm complexes. These are compared to the experimental values reported by Fielicke et al.40 and to theoretical values reported by other authors. PBE/GTH better matches the experimental frequencies compared to BP86 or MP2 calculations reported by other authors. The best prediction occurs for Ag4Ar2, with a RMSD between experiment and theory of 6.2 cm−1. A reported study by Hartmann et al.,49 using the BLYP functional, shows the best predictions for the two modes reported in the experiment, with an overestimation of the frequencies. Nevertheless, we have shown that BLYP does not give optimal results for gold and in general for transition metal clusters.84 Moreover, most DFT approaches underestimate the frequencies. Therefore, the good performance of BLYP in predicting these two frequencies in Hartmann's calculations may rely more on the constructed basis set than on the functional itself.
Ag4 | Ag4 | Ag4Ar | Ag4Ar2 | Ag4 | ||
exp 40 | PBE/GTH | BP8644 | MP247 | BLYP49 | ||
192.7 | 183.8 | 183.7 | 185.2 | 181.3 | 166.1 | 196 |
162.7 | 158.3 | 158.0 | 158.1 | 140.1 | 147.6 | 165 |
105.5 | 105.7 | 106.0 | 110.2 | 97.7 | 114 | |
91.6 | 93.9 | 97.4 | 106.6 | 81.5 | 90 | |
81.7 | 81.0 | 82.3 | 90.0 | 75.4 | 81 | |
48.6 | 49.8 | |||||
45.1 | ||||||
29.8 | 28.6 | 28.8 | 23.3 | 32.5 | 36 | |
20.1 | 23.0 | |||||
16.4 | ||||||
RMSD | 7.1 | 7.2 | 6.2 | 17.9 | 21.6 | 2.8 |
It is observed that anharmonicity does not correct the large discrepancy between theoretical and experimental frequencies. The RMSD between the VSCF/VCI frequencies and the experiment is 6.8, very close to that of the harmonic frequencies.
Table 11 shows the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies of Ag5 calculated using PBE/VDB. Only diagonal anharmonic frequencies are reported, which have a RMSD with respect to the harmonic frequencies of 1.9 cm−1.
n | diag | diag − | |
1 | 182.0 | 182.5 | 0.5 |
2 | 151.9 | 151.4 | −0.5 |
3 | 144.0 | 143.4 | −0.7 |
4 | 117.5 | 118.0 | 0.4 |
5 | 97.9 | 97.6 | −0.3 |
6 | 78.6 | 78.4 | −0.2 |
7 | 71.0 | 71.4 | 0.5 |
8 | 27.4 | 31.7 | 4.3 |
9 | 23.7 | 27.2 | 3.5 |
ZPE | 447.0 | 450.4 | 3.4 |
RMSD | 1.9 |
Although we have not calculated accurate VSCF/VCI anharmonic frequencies, the diagonal values already show that the large discrepancies between the experimental frequencies and the theoretical frequencies for Ag5 do not originate from vibrational anharmonicity. Only the modes 8 and 9 show anharmonicity of ∼4 cm−1, but these correspond to out-of-plane modes. The large discrepancies between theory and experiment may be more related to a non-adequate assignment of the frequencies caused by a contribution of various cluster sizes to the signal, and to the possible effect of the matrix on the splitting of certain modes. The possible assignment of the experimental frequencies to a non-planar structure is also excluded, based on calculation of the harmonic frequencies.
Table 12 shows the harmonic frequencies of Ag5 and Ag5Ar5 complex, calculated using PBE/GTH. In the latter case, one argon atom is attached to each silver atom, following the orientations shown in Fig. 4. The harmonic frequencies are compared to the experimental values reported by Haslett et al.133 and to theoretical values reported by other authors. Table 12 follows the assignment and criteria given by Haslett et al. for the comparison, i.e. peaks at 100 cm−1 and 105 cm−1 are assumed as corresponding to only one single mode.
Ag5 | Ag5 | Ag5Ar5 | Ag5 | ||
exp 133 | exp-mod | PBE/GTH | SCF140 | CCSD(T)140 | |
174 | 189 | 180.4 | 181.5 | 189.3 | 186.9 |
162 | 174 | 151.4 | 151.4 | 160.9 | 158.2 |
136 | 162 | 144.5 | 143.4 | 155.1 | 151.3 |
126 | 136 | 118.2 | 118.4 | 122.5 | 124.3 |
105 | |||||
100 | 105 | 98.1 | 99.1 | 103.2 | 101.7 |
80 | 100 | 79.9 | 78.3 | 90.2 | 85.7 |
68 | 80 | 72.6 | 71.7 | 75.6 | 74.5 |
… | |||||
19.0 | 19.5 | 19.0 | 23.5 | ||
18.4 | 18.1 | 17.0 | 21.9 | ||
RMSD | 6.7 | 6.5 | 10.6 | 8.4 |
From the comparison, PBE/GTH shows the smallest RMSD values between theoretical and experimental frequencies. In addition, argon embedding does not significantly change the harmonic frequencies of the bare cluster. Large changes induced by the argon embedding are ∼1 cm−1 but the overall RMSD only changes from 6.7 to 6.5. Therefore, care has to be taken with the assignment proposed by Haslett et al.133 They ignore a band at 189 cm−1 which is believed to correspond to Ag2, but none originating from Ag3 was discarded. They suggest splitting of one mode into 105 cm−1 and 100 cm−1, and splitting of another mode into 126 cm−1 and 136 cm−1, as a consequence of the matrix effect. For the comparison they used the two latter, 126 cm−1 and 136 cm−1, as they were two different modes, but they did not do the same with 105 cm−1 and 100 cm−1.
From the study of gold clusters presented in Section 3 and from the previous silver clusters studied in this section, PBE/GTH is always found to underestimate the harmonic frequencies compared to the experimental frequencies. If it is assumed that this trend should be also valid for Ag5, the band neglected by the authors of the experiment at 189 cm−1 should in fact belong to the vibrational spectrum of Ag5 or to both Ag2 and Ag5. Although this seems to be reasonable, a definitive assignment of the frequencies is more challenging, if the products of the photofragmentation, Ag2 and Ag3, are considered to contribute to the experimental spectrum.
Cluster size | Mode/type | − * | |
Max | RMSD | ||
2 | 1/stretching | −1.3 | 1.3 |
3 | 3/bending | −4.7 | 2.8 |
4 | 1/breathing | −1.5 | 1.0 |
5 | 8/out-of-plane | 4.3 | 1.9 |
Similar to gold clusters, the absolute values of the vibrational frequencies are shifted to low values when compared with available experimental reports. Nevertheless the agreement of the computed anharmonicity with the experiment for Ag2 is remarkable. The fact that most experimental studies of Ag clusters declare an interaction of the cluster with argon atoms, implies the necessity of performing the comparison of vibrational frequencies including those effects. At the harmonic level, Ar atoms modify the vibrational frequencies although not as much as krypton atoms do with the Au clusters. For Ag2, one or two Ar atoms increase the harmonic frequency by 0.7 cm−1 and 2.2 cm−1, respectively. For Ag3, the mode 3 (bending mode) is largely affected by 2.6 cm−1 when three Ar atoms are bound. For Ag4, binding two Ar atoms affects largely the mode 4 (bending mode) by 5.8 cm−1. For Ag5, changes in the harmonic frequencies induced by binding five Ar atoms are not larger than 1.0 cm−1 for all modes. Although the changes are less pronounced that for the case of gold atoms with Kr atoms bound,85 the larger changes also occur in the size range n = 1–4. Slightly larger vibrational anharmonicity and smaller effect of noble gas embedding show that the anharmonic effects would be more significant for silver than for gold clusters. Since various DFT approaches predict 3D structures for Ag clusters from Ag6, it is remarkable that for Ag5 the larger anharmonicity occurs for a out-of-plane mode. Similar to gold clusters, the larger anharmonicity in out-of-plane modes could be an indicator of a close transition from 2D to 3D clusters.
In general, our methodology to calculate the anharmonic frequencies shows a great performance and could in principle be extended to larger systems. Nevertheless, problems in convergence during the calculation of 2D-PES for Ag3 and Ag5 make us aware about the possible consequences of neglecting multi-reference effects in DFT. This could be an issue affecting the performance or the accuracy of the method, in particular for the case of open-shell structures. Although it has been shown that some multi-reference effects can be covered by DFT, determining in what extent DFT itself or the quality of the pseudopotential basis set used here are responsible for these convergence problems is out of the scope of this study.
Modeling 1D PES for some interesting normal modes using analytical expressions allowed us to distinguish different types of anharmonicity. It shows that a positive anharmonicity (ν0 < ωe) can be well represented by the Morse potentials. A negative anharmonicity (ν0 > ωe) instead requires the use of the pure quartic or the modified quartic potential, depending on how symmetric the potential energy curve is. Here ν0 denotes the anharmonic frequency and ωe the harmonic frequency as computed from the models. Note that this convention for the sign of anharmonicity applies for the single normal modes only. Considering vibrational pair couplings can eventually change the sign of the anharmonicity, as seen for mode 1 of Au3.
In general, PBE/VDB and PBE/GTH yield underestimated harmonic frequencies of Au and Ag clusters in comparison to the experimental values. Although this is a known feature of current DFT functionals, PBE with the plane-wave basis sets chosen provides well behaved relative values that account for an accurate magnitude of the anharmonicity, in those cases in which experimental values of the anharmonicity are available such as for the dimers. Even if gold clusters do not show large overall anharmonicity (maximum RMSD of 1 cm−1), some specific vibrational transitions are slightly more anharmonic (∼2–3 cm−1). The Au7 and Au8 clusters are the ones which show less anharmonicity.
Although a larger anharmonicity for Ag clusters is expected than for Au clusters, the differences are too small. For both silver and gold dimers, the anharmonicity is negative but slightly larger for Ag2 with respect to the one of Au2 (by ∼0.3 cm−1 using PBE/VDB) which is in agreement with experimental results. The diagonal frequencies of Au3 and Ag3 show similar anharmonicity for the symmetric and antisymmetric modes, but for the bending mode, anharmonicity of Ag3 is almost three times the one for Au3, also with opposite sign. However, it cannot be said that this difference is translated to the more accurate VSCF/VCI frequencies since for Ag3 these were not calculated due to the complex 2D PES of this cluster. For the tetramer, overall anharmonicity is similar for silver and gold (∼1 cm−1). The larger anharmonicity occurs for the breathing mode but with opposite sign than for gold. For the pentamer, the differences between diagonal and harmonic frequencies are larger for both silver than for gold clusters, in particular for the low frequency modes. Since it was not possible to obtain a converged 2D PES for Ag5, a comparison at the VSCF/VCI level for the pentamers is not possible.
For Ag2 and Ag3 the effect of anharmonicity is lower than the effect of the Ar embedding. This is also valid for Au2 and Au3 under Kr embedding as we showed in a previous study. Nevertheless, for Ag4 and Ag5 the effect of Ar embedding is rather small so that anharmonicity plays comparatively a more significant role. Anharmonicity is often invoked to explain the vibrational spectrum of the silver trimer. This is due to the shortcomings of the theoretical models used to interpret the ambiguous experimental results obtained using different techniques for this cluster. The suggestion given by Hartmann et al.48 that anharmonicity may affect more the antisymmetric mode of the silver trimer is contradicted by the results obtained here that show the bending mode being more affected by vibrational anharmonicity. A difficulty in assigning frequencies to the experimental spectra of certain silver clusters is that they are affected by the signal of smaller clusters which are product of photofragmentation. This phenomenon has been observed for Ag3 and Ag5. We also concluded that the assignment of frequencies given to the spectrum of Ag5 by Haslett et al.133 is not adequate since they ignore the largest frequency band. This is based on the presumed effect of a spurious signal originating from the silver dimer. Nevertheless, it is only possible for the experimental frequencies to be in agreement with the trends of the theoretical frequencies calculated here if we include this band.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Detailed information about the computed vibrational frequencies for all clusters studied. See DOI: 10.1039/c5cp05283a |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2016 |