TD-DFT based fine-tuning of molecular excitation energies using evolutionary algorithms

Sailesh Abburu, Vishwesh Venkatraman and Bjørn K. Alsberg*
Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail:

Received 30th October 2015 , Accepted 14th December 2015

First published on 21st December 2015


An evolutionary de novo design method is presented to fine-tune the excitation energies of molecules calculated using time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT). The approach is applied to a π-conjugated molecular system, azobenzene. The excitation energies for all the molecules generated by the evolutionary design scheme were computed at TD-DFT level on multiple supercomputing clusters. A software developed in-house was used to automatically set up the TD-DFT calculations and exploit the advantages of parallelization and thereby speed up the process of obtaining results for the evolutionary de novo program. Our proposed optimisation scheme is able to propose new azobenzene structures with significant decrease in excitation energies.

1 Introduction

Molecular and materials design using computers has been in practice for many years and has evolved over time. The increased availability of high performance computing resources has facilitated the design of novel materials without the need to perform experiments.1 However, the task of discovering new molecules that satisfy multiple criteria still remains a challenge. In recent years many research groups have performed quantum chemical calculations on massively networked computing systems to accelerate the discovery of new materials. For instance, Hachmann et al.2 have developed a virtual high-throughput screening algorithm to create a large database of molecules for potential use as materials in photovoltaic cells. In the project, extensive quantum chemical calculations for more than 2 million structures (combinatorially generated from a set of building blocks) were performed on a grid computing network to evaluate properties related to the power conversion efficiency. Using a similar strategy, de Jong et al.3 implemented a scheme to calculate the elastic properties of inorganic crystalline compounds using density functional theory (DFT) methods and developed a database of such molecules. In a recent article, Korth4 investigated the performances of semi-empirical, DFT and wave function based methods for applications to screen a large number of molecular structures relevant for battery electrolytes. In a related study, Qu et al.5 computed the ionisation potentials and electron affinities of about five thousand molecules using DFT methods, relevant for battery electrolyte systems. These applications of DFT based high-throughput virtual screening (HTVS) methods were primarily aimed at development of a database of molecules for access to the scientific community.

The search for structures with desired properties is often based on various global optimisation algorithms such as genetic algorithms6–11 (GA) and particle swarm optimisation12 (PSO) techniques. These methods have been used extensively in computer-aided drug design13–17 and protein ligand-docking18–20 studies. Both of these optimisation routines are metaheuristic and require many iterations to reach acceptable solutions. The central theme in these optimisation routines is to generate new structures from a pool of molecules discovered in earlier iterations. Since evolutionary routines (such as GAs) rely on the property estimates, i.e. fitness of known/discovered molecules, it is essential to estimate the fitness as accurately as possible. While property estimates using experimental methods would be the most accurate, it is extremely time consuming and expensive.6 In computer-aided molecular design (CAMD), the fitnesses are generally estimated using knowledge-based21–23 scoring functions or empirical.24–26 In knowledge-based scoring functions, commonly employed in protein-ligand docking studies, the interaction energies are computed as inverse formulation of the Boltzmann law. The technique is used to identify atom-pairs that are preferred while penalising atom-pairs that exhibit repulsive interaction. Empirical scoring functions are obtained by using supervised regression techniques where, experimentally observed property measures are approximated as a function of certain chemical or structural features of the molecule. Although these methods are fast and computationally cheap, they do not always provide a reasonably accurate estimate of the true fitness.27 To address this, we present a more reliable DFT based fitness evaluation algorithm that is fully automated and scalable, designed to leverage on the processing power of multiple computers on a distributed network. Owing to this, the algorithm allows for fitness calculations of many molecules simultaneously. All aspects of the fitness evaluation, starting from generation of the input files, parsing of the output data and launching required computations are automatically managed by our software.

We apply this high-throughput (HT) fitness evaluation scheme in the evolutionary de novo design of molecules with lower excitation energies. The lowest energy of excitation (here defined as the λmax), is an important property in many fields of applications, such as organic electronics and photovoltaics. For instance, in dye sensitised solar cells (DSSCs), research has shown that dyes with a λmax closer to the infra-red region tend to have higher power efficiency.28–34 In areas like organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and sensor applications, it is oftentimes desirable to have the HOMO–LUMO energy levels within a narrow range in order for the molecule to be suitable candidates for applications.35–37 A design scheme that allows for fine control of the these energy levels is therefore desirable.

As an application example we have chosen to apply our de novo based design scheme to azobenzenes. We selected azobenzenes because they are small and often are structurally symmetric, making them tractable for DFT and TD-DFT computations. Additionally, numerous applications of azobenzenes exploiting its photoisomerisation behaviour have been reported in the scientific literature.38–46 Azobenzenes fall in an interesting class of molecules, that exhibit a change in their geometric shape (cis–trans isomerization) when irradiated with light of appropriate wavelength. This allows us to control certain physical properties of the molecule using light, and hence, making it possible to control processes in vivo.47 Depending on the field of application, the photoisomerisation property of azobenzenes is exploited using light at appropriate wavelength. The traditional trial and error approach to discover structures with the desired property, has mostly been time consuming and tedious.38–41 Thus, a more rational design approach is needed to improve selected properties. In an earlier attempt to identify such azobenzenes, Carstensen et al.26 used GAs for design of azobenzenes that could photoisomerise using commonly available lasers. The UV-vis absorbance spectra were computed using semi-empirical methods. We expand on their work, by implementing a more accurate DFT and TD-DFT based computation of the UV-vis spectra of the molecules. The goal in our evolutionary de novo design is to discover azobenzenes that have λmax closer to the infra-red region of the electromagnetic spectra, i.e. low excitation energies. Although we have chosen to maximise the λmax (minimise the excitation energy), the method could also have been used to fine-tune the λmax to a target value.

In evolutionary design, the starting point of the optimisation is generally a set of randomly generated molecules, called the initial population. The algorithm improves the fitness (a figure of merit for each molecule) of the molecules starting from this set of structures. A randomly generated initial pool may not have fitness measures better than pre-existing molecules and is also unlikely to include those molecules. Hence, starting the design scheme from a random initial pool makes it a suboptimal strategy for optimisation. In our de novo design scheme we, therefore, use an evolutionary algorithm (EA) that allows for the inclusion existing and known molecules in the initial population, such that improvement in the fitness starts from existing molecules with high fitness values.

2 Methods

2.1 Fragment based design

In chemistry, molecules can be viewed as a set of substructures (fragments) linked to each other in a defined manner. One can view the substituent groups attached to the common substructure (scaffold) as the cause for the different physical property values. For example, the red or blue shift of the UV-vis absorbance peaks in azobenzenes (see Fig. 1), based on the substituent groups attached to the scaffold. In ethanol, unsubstituted azobenzene (Mol 1 in Fig. 1) has its λmax at 318 nm, while 4-[(E)-2-(4-methanesulfonylphenyl)diazen-1-yl]-N,N-dimethylaniline (Mol 2 in Fig. 1), has its λmax at 445 nm. This means properties of azobenzene (and its derivatives) can be tuned by modifying the substituents bonded to the scaffold. This fragment based design of molecules is the most common approach in computational materials and molecule design.48 Our de novo evolutionary program follows this design routine to discover molecules with improved λmax measures.
image file: c5ra22800j-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Azobenzene derivatives, with a common scaffold (in green) and substituent groups attached leading to a change in the observed λmax.

2.2 Evolutionary de novo design

The de novo design process flow is shown in Fig. 2. The design scheme begins by generating a set of random structures or by including a set of pre-existing molecules (defined by the user) in the initial population. New molecules are built by attaching fragments to scaffolds that are randomly selected from a predefined library. In the next step the fitnesses of all molecules in the initial population are computed. The fitness evaluation step is generally not required when an existing set of structures is included in the initial pool that already have associated fitnesses. Following this, all molecules in the population are ranked based on their fitness measures. The algorithm then selects a subset of the structures from the population to which evolutionary operators such as crossover and/or mutation are performed. In contrast to standard genetic algorithms (GAs)6,49 which uses a linear genetic material, our evolutionary de novo design approach represents the molecules as graphs which are very similar to the classical 2D graph representation of molecules in chemistry. In this sense, the de novo method used here more resembles genetic programming7,11,50 (GP) than classical GAs.
image file: c5ra22800j-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Process flow of our evolutionary de novo design method. Steps in fitness evaluation is shown in the right.

Fig. 3 shows the evolutionary operators used in our de novo design. In the crossover operation, fragments between two molecules (usually, the best two molecules) are swapped, whereas in the mutation operation, one or more fragment group(s) in a molecule are either added, deleted or substituted by a randomly selected fragment from the library. These changes to the structures are brought about by taking synthetic compatibility rules into account (discussed in Section 2.3). These genetic operations mimic natural evolutionary process and their use is the key step in the design process. The process of modifying selected structures using genetic operators and obtaining new molecules with improved property, is probabilistic. The new molecules are then subject to the fitness evaluation, following which, all molecules in the population are re-ranked based on their fitness measures. This process of selecting structures and performing genetic operations is repeated until the number of cycles defined (no. of generations) is completed.

image file: c5ra22800j-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Genetic operators schemes, mutation and crossover. The substituent groups highlighted in grey are the fragments involved in the respective genetic operation.

2.3 Synthetic accessibility

To maximise the probability of the structures from the de novo design being synthesizable, specific rules to link fragment and scaffolds were established. These rules control which atoms in the fragment group and scaffold can be linked. In addition, it also specifies the associated reaction class to bring about the chemical modification. To generate synthetically realistic structures a suitable fragment library was created. For all fragments in the library, information about the attachment atom(s) on the substructure, the bond order and the corresponding reaction class were defined. The reaction class depends on the chemical environment of the attachment atom. For example, all fragments having α-hydrogens can theoretically undergo aldol condensation51 reaction with an OH containing fragment, forming a C–C bond at the α-carbon atom. Hence α-carbon atoms in all fragments can have the same reaction class (aldol condensation). All reaction classes and their mutual compatibility rules are specified in a table, which is read by the evolutionary de novo software to generate synthetically realistic structures.

The quality of the molecular fragments provided by the user is equally important for successful search of realistic structures with improved properties. One way to improve the quality of the fragments is by fragmenting specific bonds in existing molecules, to give synthetically realistic substructures. In this work, the fragment library was customised for the molecular system being studied. To achieve this, specific bonds in about 300 existing azobenzenes were broken to obtain fragments and scaffolds. Fig. 4 shows the fragmentation routine followed to generate the different fragments. The molecules were fragmented using a Python program developed in-house. Fragmenting existing molecules in this fashion, allowed the generation of scaffolds with attachment points that follow similar reactions. More precisely, attachment atoms at ortho and para positions in the benzene rings generally get assigned the same reaction class, which falls in line with the theory of aromatic substitution reactions.51 The substructures obtained were then added to the respective fragment and scaffold libraries after a check for duplicates was done.

image file: c5ra22800j-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Fragmentation of azobenzene molecule to give fragments and scaffolds. Each group of atoms highlighted (in grey) form a fragment. The rest of the atoms form the scaffold, retaining the same attachment atom points. FAi and SAi, (i = 1,2) are fragment and scaffold attachment atoms.

However, having fragments only from existing structures may confine the search space. Hence, to ensure sufficient diversity, the fragment library was augmented with additional 700 structures. These 700 structures were selected by applying a molecular weight constraint (maximum of 150 g mol−1) on a larger pool with 23[thin space (1/6-em)]000 structures obtained from the BRICS52 (Breaking of Retrosynthetically Interesting Chemical Substructures) fragment database. Fragmenting molecules in this fashion also allowed for inclusion of all three hundred azobenzenes in the initial population.

2.4 Fitness evaluation

As shown in Fig. 2, the fitness evaluation was performed in four steps. To compute the λmax, the geometry of a molecule was first optimised and then its UV-vis absorbance spectrum was computed. The first three steps relate to the geometry optimisation of the molecule at different levels of theory. In the first step, a search for the lowest energy conformer was done using molecular mechanics. This was followed by semi-empirical and DFT level geometry optimisations (in gas phase) of the molecule in the second and third step respectively. In the final step, the optimised coordinates of the molecule was used to compute its absorbance spectrum using TD-DFT calculations in the solvent phase.

The lowest energy conformer search of the molecule was done using cxcalc53 (from the ChemAxon software package), based on the Dreiding force field.54 The geometry of the lowest energy conformer was then optimised using the Austin Model 1 (ref. 55) (AM1) Hamiltonian, implemented in the MOPAC56 software package. This was followed by DFT level optimisation of the geometry in gas phase using the NWChem software.57 The density functional and basis set used in the DFT optimisation was Beckes three-parameter and Lee-Yang-Parr hybrid (B3LYP)58 and 6-31G(d,p)59 respectively. Although, solvent phase geometry optimisation offers the best chances of minimising errors, due to computational difficulties associated with solvent–solute interactions, the optimisations were performed in gas phase. The optimised geometry in gas phase was considered a sufficiently close approximation to the solvated structure.60 TD-DFT spectra computations were performed in ethanol using Gaussian 09 (ref. 61) program. Solvation effects were included by using the conductor-like polarisable continuum model (CPCM).62 The density functional and basis set used for TD-DFT calculations were the PBE0 (ref. 63) and double-ζ-valence plus polarisation (DGDZVP)64 respectively.

2.5 Software framework for fitness evaluation

The de novo software was designed to accommodate independent fitness evaluation routines in the optimisation. Here, the first two steps in the fitness evaluation were performed on the desktop computer where the de novo program was run. Computationally demanding DFT and TD-DFT calculations were done on two supercomputing clusters. To automate this process, a dedicated high-throughput (HT) fitness evaluation algorithm was developed and written in Python. The program allows DFT and TD-DFT based fitness assessment of many molecules simultaneously. The HT fitness program was designed to perform all the practical tasks related to the process such as, to and fro transfer of files to supercomputing clusters and execution of DFT and TD-DFT computations. The input file for various steps in the fitness evaluation scheme were prepared using Open Babel65 application which was called throughout the Python program. The progress of these computations on all the computing resources was monitored by the Python script. All the required files from the remote computers were retrieved once the jobs were completed. Fig. 5 outlines the algorithm followed to automate the process of fitness evaluation. The lowest energy conformer and semi-empirical optimisation steps were performed on a desktop computer. The remaining steps in the fitness evaluation were performed on supercomputers. The HT fitness program was designed to make optimal use of the computing resources available. The decision to perform calculations on a supercomputing cluster was made based on the number of free compute nodes available. In addition, the number of nodes required for the tasks was decided on the fly. At this point, it should be noted that the supercomputing clusters are a shared resource and therefore, number of nodes available on them changed. Once the jobs on the supercomputers were launched, the Python routine checked for the status of a job every 3 minutes. The outputs of the DFT and TD-DFT program were then copied back to the desktop computer. This system enabled centralised control over all the computing resources used in this study. If any of the steps in the fitness evaluation failed, the calculations for that molecule were terminated and a new molecule was considered.
image file: c5ra22800j-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Allocation of DFT/TD-DFT jobs to supercomputers based on the number of compute nodes available on them.

2.6 Computational details

The evolutionary de novo design software has been developed in-house and is written in Java using the CDK66 toolkit. The crossover and mutation probabilities were set to 0.65 and 0.35 respectively. An additional constraint on the molecular weight (max. 550 g mol−1) of molecules was added to restrict the size of the molecules, thereby increasing the probability of the molecule being synthesizable. The population size was set to 100 and the number of offsprings to be produced in each iteration was set to four. The maximum number of iterations (generations) was set to 100. In the TD-DFT spectra, for a transition to be considered significant, the minimum oscillator strength cut-off was set to 0.1.67 The de novo program was run on a desktop computer with eight intel i7-3615QM CPU cores and each CPU core having maximum clock speed of 2.30 GHz. The system specifications of the two supercomputer clusters HPC 1 and HPC 2 are shown in Fig. 5. HPC1 is an SGI Altix ICE X distributed memory system and has 1440 compute nodes.68 All nodes in the cluster have two 8-core Intel Sandy Bridge (2.6 Ghz) cores and 32 GB memory. HPC2 is an HP BL 460c Gen 8 cluster having a total of 518 compute nodes and 9132 Intel E5-2670 cpu cores each with 32 GB memory.69

3 Results and discussion

3.1 TD-DFT exchange functional and basis set

The absorbance spectrum of a molecule can be computed using several quantum chemical methods like TD-DFT, complete active space methods (CAS-PT2)70 and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster scheme (EOM-CC).71 While CAS-PT2 and EOM-CC are often more accurate than TD-DFT, their computational expense is considerable and hence their applicability is limited60,72 in HT screening. Challenges associated with these methods in the calculation of the absorbance spectra are further amplified when solvent phase computations are to be performed.73 TD-DFT, on the other hand, manages to produce comparable results at a much lower computational cost even for solvent phase computations.74 However, a large variance can be seen in the TD-DFT calculated spectra when using different density functional and basis-set combinations. The accuracy of the predicted spectra using a certain density functional and basis-set combination, varies with the molecular system being studied.60,75,76

To determine the best density functional for the molecular system in our study, the λmax was computed using three widely used density functionals.76 These estimates were then compared with experimental data. The basis set, DGDZVP64 was used to compute the UV-vis absorbance spectra for all three functionals. The three DFT functionals investigated were PBE0,63 B3LYP58 and CAM-B3LYP.77 The DFT functional with lowest mean absolute error (MAE) in the λmax estimates was selected for the TD-DFT absorbance spectra computation of molecules from the de novo design. About 70 molecules (test) were chosen from a larger set of around 300 azobenzenes with experimental λmax reported.78 The experimental λmax measures of the test set ranged from 322 nm to 575 nm (see ESI). The fitness evaluation routine described in Section 2.4 was followed to predict the spectra of the test set molecules. In the final step, i.e., TD-DFT spectra computation was performed using three different functionals for the same molecule. As shown in Fig. 6, the MAE in λmax predicted by PBE0 (ref. 63) functional was 18 nm, while the same for B3LYP58 and CAM-B3LYP77 functionals were 26 nm and 44 nm respectively. Furthermore, the error in prediction using PBE0 functional was nearly consistent in all three groups of molecules as shown in Table 1. Based on this study, PBE0 density functional was chosen as the best functional to calculate the TD-DFT spectra for the azobenzenes in our study.

image file: c5ra22800j-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Plots of Experimental λmax vs. Computed λmax of seventy one azobenzenes using different functionals (a–c). Squared correlation between experimental λmax and computed λmax (R2), mean absolute error in prediction (MAE) and standard deviation in prediction error (σPred.error) for all functionals are mentioned in the plots. The blue, green and red points indicate molecules with experimental λmax ranging from 300–400 nm, 400–500 nm and 500–600 nm respectively.
Table 1 Table below showing the variation in correlation coefficient between experimental λmax and computed λmax (R2), mean absolute error in prediction (MAE) and standard deviation in prediction error (σPred.error) with different class of molecules. Based on the experimental λmax measures, 71 molecules were grouped into three classes, exp. λmax range 300–400 nm (22 molecules), 400–500 nm (31 molecules) and 500–600 nm (18 molecules)
Exp. λmax range 300–400 nm (22 Mols) 400–500 nm (31 Mols) 500–600 nm (18 Mols)
R2 MAE (nm) σPred.error R2 MAE (nm) σPred.error R2 MAE (nm) σPred.error
CAM-B3LYP 0.96 11.0 8.0 0.93 41.5 13.5 0.76 77 14.2
B3LYP 0.91 27.7 10 0.80 22 18 0.40 29 16
PBE0 0.92 16.3 8 0.85 13 10 0.46 20 18

3.2 Azobenzenes with improved fitness

In an evolutionary design approach, the initial population forms the basis for the subsequent generations. The selection of molecules for evolutionary operators depends on the ranking of the molecules in the initial population. In our de novo design implementation the initial population can either be randomly generated by the GA or can be provided by the user. The latter method is generally preferable when there exists a set of already discovered molecules and their fitness property measure is known. In this study, both approaches were implemented while all other parameters related to the genetic algorithm, such as the crossover and mutation probability, the scaffold and fragment library and restriction on the maximum molecular weight of the molecules, were kept constant. To compare the performances of both the methods, the maximum of the fitnesses in the initial population, i.e. 575 nm, was used as the benchmark to assess the quality of the initial population.

In the first run, a set of about 300 known azobenzene molecules with their experimentally measured fitness (λmax) was supplied to the GA program as the initial population. The fitness of this set of molecules ranged from 318 nm to 575 nm. The first molecule with a λmax above the benchmark (575 nm), was discovered in the first generation. This was followed by two more such molecules in the sixth generation and fourth and the final molecule with a fitness measure higher than the benchmark, was discovered in generation no. 53 with a λmax of 608 nm. The four molecules (MOL1–MOL4) discovered using this GA set up are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Structures of new discovered azobenzene molecules using the de novo design. Isodensity surfaces of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals (0.02 a.u.) of the structures are shown. TD-DFT spectra plots were made using GaussSum.79
Dye HOMO LUMO Absorption spectra
image file: c5ra22800j-u1.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u2.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u3.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u4.tif
image file: c5ra22800j-u5.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u6.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u7.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u8.tif
image file: c5ra22800j-u9.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u10.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u11.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u12.tif
image file: c5ra22800j-u13.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u14.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u15.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u16.tif
image file: c5ra22800j-u17.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u18.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u19.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u20.tif
image file: c5ra22800j-u21.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u22.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u23.tif image file: c5ra22800j-u24.tif

In the second run, the initial population of molecules were randomly generated by the GA code. The highest λmax in the initial population, was computed to be 505 nm and the lowest λmax computed was 332 nm. As expected, the results with this de novo setting were quite different from the earlier setting. The first molecule with a λmax absorbance peak above 575 nm was obtained in generation no. 44. The next molecule obtained with a λmax above 575 nm was in generation no. 83, with a λmax of 580 nm. The two molecules (MOL5–MOL6) discovered using this method are shown in Table 2.

Table 3 shows the transitions of all the six molecules at their respective absorbance peaks. Transitions of five molecules (except MOL4) at their absorbance peaks is dominated by HOMO → LUMO transitions (close to 100%), which shows that these peaks correspond to their lowest excitation energies. From these results it can be seen that, the first molecule with a λmax higher than 575 nm (the benchmark set) was discovered in the first generation in the first run, while in the second run it was identified in the 44th generation. It was observed that in the first run, 4 DFT and TD-DFT computations were required to discover the first molecule with an improved property. In the second run it took a significantly larger number of DFT and TD-DFT calculations (460) to identify the first molecule with desired property (i.e. λmax > 575 nm). Also the number of molecules with improved measure of property discovered in the first and second de novo runs were, four and two respectively.

Table 3 Table below summarises lowest energy transitions of all six molecules shown in Table 2. The TD-DFT (B3LYP-DGDZVP) spectra was computed in ethanol solvent. The oscillator strength (f) corresponding to the lowest energy transition, the generation at which the molecule was discovered (generation) and the transitions are also shown. The first four molecules were discovered when background knowledge was given to the EA routine and the last two molecules were identified when starting population was randomly generated by the program
Molecule λmax (nm) [eV] f Generation Major transitions
MOL1 636 [1.95] 0.2638 Gen001 H → L (98%)
MOL2 608 [2.03] 0.2644 Gen006 H → L (100%)
MOL3 608 [2.03] 0.3399 Gen053 H → L (96%), H → L−1 (2%)
MOL4 595 [2.08] 0.1253 Gen006 H−2 → L (11%), H → L (79%)
MOL5 640 [1.94] 0.1682 Gen044 H → L (100%)
MOL6 580 [2.14] 0.1743 Gen083 H → L (100%)

3.3 Discussion

In an evolutionary design scheme like ours, many parameters influence the outcome of the results. For example, the crossover and mutation probabilities, in the GA set up can to some extent control the diversity in population. In this study these parameters were arbitrarily assigned. A high crossover probability can lead to structures that are not very different from the existing molecules, whereas a high mutation probability increases the diversity of the population. Optimal probabilities for these genetic operators can be determined by many experiments. The results in both the de novo design approaches, a plateauing effect of the fitness was seen, from which the system seem unable to escape. Possible reasons for this could be, non-optimal genetic operator probabilities, restricted fragment diversity and inaccuracies in the fitness estimates.

From the plots in Fig. 6, it can be seen that PBE0/DGDZVP, density functional and basis-set combination, generally tends to underpredict the λmax of molecules having an experimental λmax above 520 nm. The average error in prediction using PBE0 functional for molecules with experimental λmax above 520 was 20 nm and it ranged from −60 nm to +15 nm. A majority of the molecules in this group have a high negative prediction error (see ESI). Erroneous fitness measures make it unlikely for potentially promising candidates to be selected for genetic processes, which is a key step in the design process.

From Table 1, it is evident that the best functional to predict the λmax depends on the molecular structure. In about 70 molecules chosen to identify the best DFT functional, it was observed there were many molecules for which, CAM-B3LYP functional gave good estimates of the λmax, while PBE0 and B3LYP functionals were far from the true λmax. Furthermore, there were sets of molecules for which PBE0 or B3LYP functional specifically, gave the best estimates of the λmax. This essentially means, relying on λmax predicted by a fixed DFT functional for all molecules can be spurious. These errors can be minimised by either tuning existing DFT functionals to suit the molecular system being studied or rely on machine learning algorithms such as, partial least squares, support vector machines and random forests, to help predict the best DFT functionals for new molecules obtained from the de novo design.80

Some of the spurious results observed for the CAM-B3LYP functional may be due to the fact that it does not incorporate a full range separation. The functional has only 65% HF exchange at long range instead of the correct 100% asymptotic HF exchange. It has been shown81 that ensuring a 100% asymptotic HF exchange is very important for accurate description of valence excitations in even relatively simple molecular systems. An alternative approach, would be to employ the many-body perturbation theory GW method82 in combination with the Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE) formalism.83 Recent results indicate that the GW-BSE method is promising for accurate calculation of the excitation energies of conjugated systems.84

A fitness function evaluation that involves TD-DFT and DFT computations, takes considerable time to complete. To speed up the design process, an alternative approach would be to employ quantitative structure–property relationship models (QSPR) to evaluate the fitness.7,8 These models although are fast, they tend to be only locally applicable, i.e. fitness estimates using these methods can only be reliable if the molecule being evaluated, is similar to molecules that were used to train the model. Statistical measures85 can be used to infer the confidence intervals and help us decide if the model predicted fitness can be trusted.

4 Conclusion

In this work, we have presented a method to design azobenzene based structures with longer absorption wavelengths. A high-throughput DFT and TD-DFT based fitness evaluation algorithm that was integrated with the de novo based design strategy. The algorithm was designed to take advantage of the processing capabilities of multiple supercomputing clusters and distributed computing networks to speed up the computations and also provide reliable fitness estimates, which is essential to the design scheme.


The Research Council of Norway (NFR) is acknowledged for their financial support eVITA (Grant No. 205273/F30) and the Norwegian center for high performance computing (NOTUR) for the CPU resources granted for the project. We also thank ChemAxon ( for free academic use of the Marvin package.


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