M. Guc*ab,
A. P. Litvinchukc,
S. Levcenkod,
M. Ya. Valakhe,
I. V. Bodnarf,
V. M. Dzhaganeg,
V. Izquierdo-Rocaa,
E. Arushanovb and
A. Pérez-Rodríguezah
aIREC, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Sant Adria del Besos, Barcelona 08930, Spain. E-mail: mguc@irec.cat
bInstitute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau MD 2028, Moldova
cTexas Center for Superconductivity and Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5002, USA
dHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie, Berlin D-14109, Germany
eInstitute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev 03028, Ukraine
fDepartment of Chemistry, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus
gSemiconductor Physics, Technische Universitat Chemnitz, D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany
hIN2UB, Departament d'Electronica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona 08028, Spain
First published on 25th January 2016
A comprehensive vibrational analysis of the kesterite Cu2ZnGeS4 semiconductor (space group I) is reported, which includes experimental in-plane rotation polarized Raman scattering measurements from the (1 0 1)-single crystal facet as well as first principle lattice dynamic calculations. 17 out of the 27 expected vibrational modes of the kesterite structure are unambiguously identified. Raman scattering measurements performed under resonant excitation conditions show a pronounced enhancement of the longitudinal optical components of the polar modes. The appearance of several additional lines in the Raman spectra have been interpreted as being due to the presence of inclusions of Cu2ZnGeS4 polymorph with the P
2c lattice symmetry, which differs from the kesterite by cation sublattice arrangement.
It has been known since the early 1970's that the Cu2ZnGeS4 (CZGS) semiconductor crystallizes in either the orthorhombic or tetragonal lattice.10–12 The majority of early publications on CZGS were focused on the analysis of the basic structure and electrical properties. Recently, some optical properties of the orthorhombic13,14 and tetragonal10,12,15–19 CZGS modifications have been reported. Over the past several years there has also been theoretical interest in tetragonal CZGS semiconductor as a representative member of I2–II–IV–VI4 (I = Cu, Ag; II = Zn, Cd, Mn, Fe; IV = Si, Ge, Sn; VI = S, Se) quaternary family and its structural,20 electronic20,21 and optical22 properties were calculated. As far as vibrational properties of the tetragonal CZGS are concerned, they are limited to experimental non-polarized Raman measurements on polycrystalline thin films17,19 and IR experiments on powder samples.23 In contrast to the orthorhombic CZGS,24 no theoretical lattice dynamics calculation data for tetragonal (either kesterite or stannite) CZGS are reported.
In this work we present the results of first principle calculations of optical phonons for CZGS semiconductor of kesterite structural modification (space group I). Theoretical predictions of mode frequencies and symmetries are compared with the results of a detail in-plane rotation polarized Raman scattering experiments, that have been performed from the (1 0 1) facets of CZGS single crystal. Experimental identification of the symmetry of dominating Raman modes is achieved via the analysis of scattering selection rules for various polarisation configurations in comparison with those predicted by the group theory. Relative values of relevant Raman tensor elements have been determined for these modes. Further, a comparison of Raman scattering data under non-resonant and resonant excitation conditions is performed, which allows to unambiguously identify several longitudinal optical (LO) modes, that dominate the resonant Raman scattering spectra. Finally, the presence of several additional modes, that were not accounted for within the ideal kesterite structure, are argued to be due to presence of tetragonal CZGS polymorph with the P
2c structure, which differs from the kesterite by cation sublattice order.
The chemical composition of single crystals was determined by using X-ray fluorescence. The measurements were performed in 5 points of the selected sample and the average values were close to stoichiometry Cu:
S = 24.6
50.0 (all values in at%) with deviation from point to point of about 0.1 at%.
The crystal orientation of Cu2ZnGeS4 single crystals was determined by the rotating XRD method,25 which revealed that the crystal basal plane is (1 0 1) and the long edge of the crystal platelet coincides with the [010] direction. The position of observed peaks in the XRD pattern agrees well with the one registered in the database as ISCD#152752 for Cu2ZnGeS4 compound with tetragonal lattice (see ESI†).
Raman spectra were measured in backscattering configuration by a LabRam HR800-UV Horiba Jobin Yvon spectrometer with a CCD detector and excited by solid state laser 785 nm and Ar+ laser 514.5 nm, for non-resonant and resonant conditions, respectively. A more detailed description of the experimental set up can be found in ref. 26 and 27.
Here we would like to mention several important points. The results of earlier reported total energy first-principle calculations predicted the kesterite structural modification of Cu2ZnGeS4 to be the ground state of the material, closely followed by other phases of wurtz-kesterite, stannite, and wurtz-stannite,33 whose energies are higher by 3.7, 11.9, and 12.6 meV per atom, respectively. Experimentally both tetragonal kesterite and orthorhombic wurtz-stannite phases have been reported.24,34,35
Our non-spin-polarized total energy calculations showed, however, that the orthorhombic wurtz-stannite structural modifications of Cu2ZnGeS4 has slightly lower energy in comparison with the kesterite (by only 1.8 meV per atom). Despite of this fact it was possible to perform precise lattice optimization with the parameters mentioned above. We noticed, however, that due to a weaker convergence of the self-consistent field calculations for kesterite, more dense integrations grid over the Brillouin zone was required to perform the phonon calculations. Moreover, the system revealed some kind of “dynamic instability” and showed one or two modes with slightly negative mode frequencies at the Brillouin zone center. However, this fact did not affect optical mode frequencies above 80 cm−1, which will be discussed further on.
Γ = 3A ⊕ 7B ⊕ 7E, | (1) |
In polarization dependent Raman scattering measurements the intensity of a vibrational mode, I, depends on the polarizations of the incident (vi) and scattered light (vs) via the Raman tensor for the crystal plane on which measurements are performed36
I ∝ |vi![]() | (2) |
Mode | 〈![]() |
〈![]() |
〈![]() |
A | a2 | ((a + 4b)/5)2 | 0 |
B(Z) | c2 | c2/25 | d2/5 |
0.5 × E(X) + 0.5 × E(Y) | 0 | (8/25) (f2 + e2) | (10/25) (f2+e2) |
It should be noted that eqn (2) is, in general, valid for isotropic system. The analyzed tetragonal CZGS lattice is in fact uniaxial and thus is expected to exhibit some anisotropy effects. Following ref. 38 and 39, the anisotropy is related to the existence of the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices, that could affect polarization properties of the incident and scattered radiation and, therefore Raman modes intensities for a certain experimental polarization geometry. In our case, however, we did not register any noticeable experimental data deviations from equations in Table 1 for both non-polar and polar modes. Thus, the phase shift angle between ordinary and extraordinary rays turns out not to exceed several degrees. Such a small value of phase angle shift could be related to either a small effective probing depth due to confocal arrangement of optical system or to a small difference of refractive indices for ordinary and extraordinary rays at the 785 nm laser wavelength.
The Raman spectra measured in 〈|YY|X〉, 〈
|ZZ|X〉 and 〈
|YZ|X〉 polarization configurations with 785 nm excitation wavelength are plotted in Fig. 2(a). The intensity of 285, 295, and 358 cm−1 peaks strongly decreases in the crossed-polarized spectrum 〈
|YZ|X〉 in comparison with 〈
|YY|X〉. Following the scattering selection rules of Table 1, the three peaks in question could unambiguously be attributed to the A-symmetry modes. It should be noted that the relative position of two closely lying lower frequency A modes (285 and 295 cm−1), which are somewhat separated from the higher frequency dominant A mode at 358 cm−1, resembles well the observed position of A modes in spectra of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4,40 Cu2ZnSnSe4, and Cu2ZnGeSe4 (ref. 27) compounds.
The E symmetry peaks are assigned with those having vanishing intensity in the 〈|YY|X〉 scattering configuration and, at the same time, comparable intensity in the 〈
|ZZ|X〉 and 〈
|YZ|X〉 configurations, in accordance with their selection rules (Table 1). The assignment of peaks to the B symmetry is more complicated as their intensity depends on the actual values of c and d Raman tensor elements. Although one can expect a reduction of the intensity for 〈
|ZZ|X〉 in comparison to 〈
|YY|X〉 case, we found that 〈
|YZ|X〉 cross geometry is a better marker for the B modes determination as they possess the highest intensity in this scattering geometry. This behavior has been attributed to a much large value of the d Raman tensor element in relation to that of c, so that d ≫ c. In fact, this has also been found from the analysis of spectra measured at different in-plane angles for both parallel and cross configurations, as will be shown below. Notably, a relatively strong peak at 332 cm−1 behaves as an A symmetry mode, and its possible origin will be discussed later on. All observed peaks with their experimentally determined symmetries are summarized in Table 2.
A | a/b | B (TO/LO) | c/d | E (TO/LO) | e/f | |||
‖ | ⊥a | ‖ | ⊥ | ‖ | ⊥ | |||
a The ratio of Raman tensor elements could not be calculated in this geometry as Raman scattering intensity is directly proportional to these tensor elements (see Table 1). | ||||||||
285 | 4.88 ± 0.71 | — | — | — | — | 72 | — | — |
295 | 1.19 ± 0.03 | — | — | — | — | 112 | 0.88 ± 0.03 | 0.84 ± 0.05 |
358 | 0.81 ± 0.01 | — | — | — | — | 152/158 | 0.84 ± 0.03/0.85 ± 0.04 | 0.94 ± 0.04/0.72 ± 0.05 |
261 | <0.1 | 0.14 ± 0.14 | 272 | 0.85 ± 0.05 | 1.03 ± 0.07 | |||
337/353 | — | — | 309/317 | — | — | |||
383/409 | <0.1/<0.1 | <0.1/— | 378/400 | 0.83 ± 0.06/0.76 ± 0.05 | 0.92 ± 0.06/1.36 ± 0.06 |
In Table 3 the DFT-calculated mode frequencies of kesterite type Cu2ZnGeS4 are listed.41 As far as the A-symmetry modes are concerned, there is an excellent agreement between the experimental and the calculated position of the highest energy mode (358 and 359 cm−1, respectively). The two other A modes are predicted to be higher in energy when compared with those observed experimentally. This discrepancy has been argued to be related to possible resonant interaction of these modes with closely situated two-phonon excitations of the same symmetry.41
A | B(TO/LO) | E(TO/LO) |
305 | 50/50 | 63/71 |
309 | 64/65 | 83/93 |
359 | 172/177 | 177/180 |
275/288 | 293/294 | |
355/359 | 318/320 | |
377/395 | 374/375 |
For several other modes (e.g. 112, 261 cm−1), which possess B- and E-symmetry type of behavior, there are no calculated counterparts in Table 3. Possible origin of these modes will be discussed further on.
Next, we will analyze the angular dependence of the Raman modes intensities. Raman spectra were measured at different rotation angles φ in cross and parallel geometries and were decomposed into Lorentzian peaks. Typical patterns for different mode symmetries are presented in polar coordinate system (Fig. 3 and 4). Elliptical shape patterns are observed for two dominant A modes. A two-petal shape is established for the lowest frequency A mode in parallel scattering geometry (Fig. 3). For the B symmetry modes, four-petals shapes are seen in cross and parallel geometries. On the other hand, for E symmetry a two-petal pattern is found in parallel and a four-petal one is observed for cross scattering geometry, respectively.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 Angular dependence of intensity of Raman peaks with A symmetry. Solid lines are fitting to corresponding equations from Table 1 for parallel configuration. |
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 Examples of the angular dependencies of intensity of Raman peaks with B (peak at 383 cm−1) and E (peak at 152 cm−1) symmetries. Solid lines are fitting to corresponding equations from Table 1 for parallel and cross configurations. |
In order to estimate the ratio of the Raman tensor elements, a fitting procedure of the intensity of the modes as function of the in-plane angle φ according to the expressions listed in Table 1 was performed and fitting results are summarized in Table 2. For the most intense A symmetry modes at 295 cm−1 and 358 cm−1 a/b ≈ 1 are obtained, whereas a/b ≈ 4.9 is estimated for the less intense mode at 285 cm−1. It is instructive in this respect to analyze the vibrational pattern of these modes in an attempt to find out the reason for the observed Raman scattering tensor element variations. Calculated vibrational pattern for the three A-symmetry modes are shown in Fig. 5. It is obvious that the highest energy mode corresponds to the “breathing” of sulfur atoms around Ge, i.e. stretching of Ge–S bonds. The mode at 309 cm−1 is due to symmetric bending of Ge–S bonds. The lowest frequency A symmetry mode at 305 cm−1, however, is predominantly related to the rotational motion along the c-axis of Ge–S tetrahedra, and also involves some Ge–S bond bending. The difference of vibrational pattern for various A-symmetry modes is probably responsible for the observed variation of corresponding tensor elements values.
Note, that for other kesterite type quaternary compounds a/b ≈ 1 has been also reported.27,40 In case of B and E symmetry modes we found a strong anisotropy of c and d elements (c/d < 0.1) and, at the same time, a small anisotropy for e and f elements (e/f ≈ 0.9), in good agreement with what was previously found in Cu2ZnSnS4,40 Cu2ZnSnSe4 and Cu2ZnGeSe4 (ref. 27) kesterites.
The low temperature Raman spectra measured in resonant conditions showed the shift of all modes to higher wavenumbers and a decrease of the background intensity in the 260–340 cm−1 spectral range, including the peak at 332 cm−1 (Fig. 2(d)). The latter is attributed to a temperature decrease of the intensity of multiphonon excitations with participation of B and E symmetry modes from the 130–170 cm−1 spectral region.41 As a result, in the low temperature spectra one clearly observes individual peaks at 313, 320, 341 and 355 cm−1. Some of these peaks could reasonably be assigned to the fundamental lattice eigen modes based on their agreement with the results of theoretical calculations (318/320(E), 353/359(B)).
However, there are still lines at 91 and 189 cm−1 (in addition to those mentioned above at 112 and 332 cm−1), which could not be assigned to the vibrations of kesterite. Taking into account the fact that several polymorphs of Cu2ZnGeS4 could be realized in the structure, one might reasonably assume the presence of other related phases in the crystal along with the kesterite, for example the one with space group P2c. Indeed, according to ref. 45 in the case of the Cu2ZnSnS4 compound this polymorph exhibits the closest formation energy to that of the kesterite type modification. Moreover, this polymorph has the same chemical composition, but differs from the true (ideal) kesterite by the Zn/Cu ordering within the z = 1/4 plane of the unit cell.46 Such simple Cu/Zn exchange of atoms within the z = 1/4 unit cell plane removes the unit cell centering and, as a result, doubles the primitive cell volume and, correspondingly, the number of fundamental vibrational modes.
The DFT-calculated mode frequencies for the crystalline polymorph with space group P2c are listed in Table 4. Following the above assumption, it is rather natural to explain the origin of peaks at 91 and 189 cm−1 as corresponding to E symmetry modes of the proposed structure. Wherein, two of the A1 symmetry modes, which are expected to be the most intense in the spectra, are probably overlapping with the already strong A symmetry peaks of kesterite type polymorph; but the one calculated at 335 cm−1 is the one which is apparently observed in the experimental spectra of Fig. 2(a) at 332 cm−1. As far as other modes, especially in the range 260–340 cm−1, their overlap could not be excluded with vibrational bands of dominant kesterite type phase.
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | E |
308 | 101 | 103 | 81 | 72 |
335 | 153 | 150 | 114 | 78 |
359 | 314 | 287 | 207 | 87 |
352 | 306 | 281 | 91 | |
367 | 406 | 331 | 115 | |
384 | 190 | |||
200 | ||||
292 | ||||
298 | ||||
317 | ||||
326 | ||||
380 | ||||
385 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra26844c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |