Michelle L.
a and
Michael B.
aSchool of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia. E-mail:
bDepartment of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Oersteds Plads 343, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
First published on 7th December 2016
The enhancement of a Raman signal by multipolar plasmon resonances – as opposed to the more common practice of using dipolar resonances – is investigated. A wide range of gold stars, triangles, circles and squares with multipolar resonances in the visible region were designed and then produced by electron beam lithography. We used 633 nm excitation and Rhodamine 6G as a probe molecule to confirm that, although the dipolar resonances of these shapes lie well into the infrared, SERS in the visible can still be obtained by coupling to their ‘dark mode’ multipolar resonances. However, the magnitude of enhancement in any given shape varied significantly and stochastically. Electromagnetic simulations were used to probe this surprising phenomenon further. These revealed that the presence or absence of a multipolar plasmon resonance at an particular excitation wavelength depended critically on the size and symmetry of the shape being examined, with a good SERS response only possible if the peak of the multipolar resonance is aligned with the 633 nm laser excitation.
The production of suitable arrays using electron beam lithography (EBL) has been investigated by many groups and offers the advantages of repeatability, relative predictability of results, tunability of designs and reasonable spatial resolution (see ref. 1, 7–9 and 11–13 and citations within them). These advantages are offset to some extent by the very high cost of EBL (and other top-down techniques such as focused ion beam milling),2,8 and by the fact that the enhancements recorded from structures made by EBL are generally three or four orders of magnitude lower than those observed on colloidal aggregates.9 Nanosphere lithography (NLS) is an alternative and popular technique, for making SERS-active substrates1,8,14 but the technique is restricted to only a few designs of nanostructure such as triangles,14 hexagons,8 semi-shells of various kinds,15,16 or nano-crescents.17
Generally, the stated purpose for studying periodic arrays of shapes produced by EBL or NLS is to provide a controlled way to test the fundamental relationships between predicted or measured electromagnetic properties and enhancement.12 If high sensitivity is required for practical analyses then colloidal aggregates or roughened silver would probably still be the more popular choice in working laboratories.
The prevailing dogma in respect of lithographically-produced shapes is that sharp tips will lead to generation of electric field hotspots7,8,18 (the so-called lightning-rod effect19) and hence a greater enhancement of the Raman signal. It has been recognized, however, that in some geometries the enhancement could come from multipolar resonances along the flanks or upper surfaces of the shapes rather from their tips.9,13,18,20 In any event, the shape and size of the nanostructure is often chosen so that a LSPR wavelength, corresponding to an increase in far-field extinction, is similar to the Raman excitation laser wavelength6–9,14 However, this principle is not universally valid; for example, the best SERS enhancement offered by colloidal aggregates of noble metal nanoparticles or some other geometries is not well correlated with their far-field optical extinction spectra.5,8,9,21 In addition, nanoscale surface roughness, from thermal evaporation and lift-off in EBL, has also been shown to play a critical role in SERS of EBL-defined nanostructures.9 These counter-examples have led to doubt being cast on the importance of the far-field optical behaviour as a means of predicting the enhancement of the Raman signal8,9,21 since it is actually the near-field that causes the enhancement.‡ In support of this, we will show here that we obtain enhancement using 633 nm excitation on flat patch shapes that have dipolar LPSRs are positioned well into the near-infrared. We explain this observation using calculations of the electric field intensity for the different geometries.
One issue that needed to be addressed was the separation of electromagnetic, chemical and resonant contributions to the Raman signal. We used a Raman laser excitation of 633 nm because this is well outside of the optical absorption peak of R6G, thereby ensuring that any enhancement that we observed would have had predominantly electromagnetic origin.25
Raman spectroscopy was carried out with an inVia confocal Raman microscope (Renishaw, UK). Point spectra were collected using a ×50 objective lens (NA 0.75), an excitation wavelength of 633 nm at an incident power of approximately 10 mW, and a 2 s exposure time. At least 48 spectra were collected for each sample type. Pre-treatment of spectra involved smoothing with using the Renishaw WiRE 3.4 software. A fourth order polynomial was fitted to the fluorescent background and subtracted. The overall signal strength on each type of patch was assessed by comparing the areas of the prominent R6G peak at 1362 cm−1. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using the kruskalwallis and multcomp functions of MATLAB version R2015a (the Tukey–Kramer test could not be used because the data for the areas were not normally distributed within each group, ESI, Fig. S2†).
These simulations are for 40 nm thick gold patches in vacuum, which have been placed on a 5 nm binding layer of Ti, which is in turn on a 1167 × 1167 × 20 nm slab of Si. The inclusion of the substrate is necessary in the calculation for two reasons: first it significantly red-shifts the plasmon resonances,28 and secondly, by its presence, it breaks the symmetry.29 Both of these situations exist in the experimental data and the simulation needs to reproduce them. As lateral size in all of these calculations is the same, the average ‖E‖4 values (4th power of the norm of E) of each field-of-view can be directly compared. Over a million dipoles were required in these calculations. (An even thicker slab of Si would have rendered the calculations computationally intractable, however, in our experience, a slab of 20 nm is sufficient to provide a realistic degree of red-shift on the plasmon resonances in the patch.) The presence of water or analyte above the patches would have further red-shifted any plasmon resonances slightly but this effect was ignored since the purpose of the calculations was only to explore the occurrence of any multipolar resonances.
Electromagnetic interactions between adjacent patches were also ignored as no effect was found in the experimental work (ESI, Fig. S3†). It will be shown later that this was because, at an excitation of 633 nm, no longer range dipolar LSPRs were being excited, only short range multipolar resonances or no resonances at all. Furthermore, all the patches in the present study were separated by a gap of at least 100 nm. Note that this simplification would be unsafe if the patches were to be nearly in contact30 or if they were excited at their dipole resonance wavelength.
It has been both theoretically predicted31 and empirically observed that the direction of polarization has no effect on the extinction spectrum when light is normally incident on patches with 3-fold or higher rotational symmetry. This was confirmed in the present work. However, the pattern of near-field distribution certainly is affected by the direction of polarization, e.g. Fletcher et al.32 Therefore the possibility arises, in principle, that average ‖E‖4 might depend on polarization even if the far-field extinction spectrum does not. We checked for this possibility but found that average ‖E‖4 was not affected by the direction of polarization either.
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Fig. 1 Example of the Raman spectrum of Rhodamine 6G obtained on a substrate comprised of 400 nm diameter Au circles. A spectrum from a nearby region of the naked substrate is also shown. |
The Raman signal strengths obtained over the wide range of shapes used were exceedingly variable: essentially, the area under the 1362 cm−1 R6G peak could be anything between 900 and 120000 units (
was 18
800 and s = 22
040). This variability, and in particular the apparently random appearance of extremely high enhancements, is a widely reported problem with SERS2,5,8 and, indeed, is the issue that we are attempting to resolve in the present work by use of the lithographically-produced patches. We explored the results further to try identify any trends in the signal strength with regard to shape, size or spacing of the patches. There was no correlation between intensity of SERS signal and the relative coverage of Au (r2 < 0.1). (Some correlation with coverage of Au would have occurred if the enhancement of these large flat patches had been dominated by chemical enhancement or the surface roughness effect as described by Sow et al.9) An increase in the inter-patch gap distance from the minimum of 100 nm was also found to have no statistically significant effect on the SERS enhancement. (Indeed, none was expected, as the 633 nm excitation wavelength was far away from the dipolar LSPRs wavelengths of these shapes.) There was no effect of grid symmetry (hexagonal vs. square, probably for the same reason as for the lack of effect of the gap distance). Finally, there was no correlation with patch perimeter length (r2 < 0.1) (a strong correlation would have indicated that the location of the enhancing phenomenon was spread evenly along the edges of the patches).
The results for the nine different shapes were also scattered. As the enhancement data for peak areas were in general not normally distributed (ESI, Fig. S2†), a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis statistical analysis was conducted, Fig. 2. In this analysis the relative ranking of the different populations are examined. This showed that the 500 nm wide stars gave the best performance, with this verdict passing the α = 0.05 (95% confidence) level relative to four of the other eight patch designs. The shuriken array was the worst performer, being inferior to six of the eight other shapes at the same level of confidence.
The simulations also confirm that direction of polarization of normally incident light does not have much effect on the average ‖E‖4 of equilateral triangles (ESI, Fig. S5†), and by extension, the other shapes with 3-fold or greater rotational symmetry.
In addition, examination of the electric field distributions confirms that each of the maxima in ‖E‖4 in Fig. 3 can be matched to a strong multipolar resonance that is tuned to the 633 nm excitation wavelength in the relevant patch. In contrast, the lowest values of average ‖E‖4 are associated with an absence of a strong near-field resonance at 633 nm. The electric field for a 310 nm diameter circle is shown in Fig. 4 in cross-section (see also Video 1 in ESI†), whilst that for 250 and 483 nm triangles is shown in Fig. 5 on the reference plane used for the calculation of the average ‖E‖4.
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Fig. 4 Multipolar resonance of 310 nm disk on silicon substrate, visualized in cross-section, and at two different times (phase angles) in the oscillation. |
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Fig. 5 Multipolar resonance caused by 633 nm excitation of equilateral triangles with bases of 250 and 483 nm, visualized at phase angles of 120° and 45° respectively. |
Overall, the SERS effect in the presence patches cannot be due to the development of a dipolar localized surface plasmon resonance as all of them are so large and flat that their dipolar resonances lie well beyond the 633 nm excitation wavelength. For example, the 310 nm circle has a dipolar LSPR at 930 nm when suspended in vacuum and this is red-shifted to about 1730 nm when it is placed on top of the silicon slab.
The multipole effect is clearly an important component of the SERS response and may be more significant than the effects of having protrusions or surface roughness on the stars. It also explains why specific diameters of circles and stars can be significantly better enhancers of the SERS effect than others.
The non-linear response of the SERS signal to size of patch correlates with our experience of variability in the experimental data. It is likely, for example, that the superior performance of the 500 nm wide stars compared to that of the other shapes resulted from the 633 nm excitation exciting a stronger multipolar resonance in that shape than in the others. It is also important to note that, as it is a multipolar LSPR that is producing the SERS, the hot spots are not necessarily located at the tips of the patch. However, all else being equal, a stronger SERS signal would still be expected from a dipolar resonance which inevitably does have its hot spots at the opposing extremities or tips of the patch. In addition, the strength of the near-field of a dipolar resonance is sustained to a greater distance from the patch surface than is the case for multipolar resonances, (ESI, Fig. S6†).
Nevertheless, the simulations show that the multipolar resonances on large gold patches are also a viable option for SERS. In general, triangles and stars are likely to be better options in this case than circles or squares, provided that their multipolar resonances are tuned onto the Raman excitation wavelength by careful control of the geometry. The triangular motif in particular potentially offers two strong multipolar resonances under the conditions assumed in this study.
We probed this phenomenon further using electromagnetic simulations of models of these shapes on a silicon substrate. In all cases the dipolar plasmon resonance of these shapes lay in the near-infrared and hence could never play a role in electromagnetic enhancement of any Raman signals excited with 633 nm light. However, it was clear that significant enhancement at visible excitation wavelengths could still be expected if the size and geometry of the Au shape was carefully adjusted so that it would have a multipolar plasmon resonance at the Raman excitation wavelength. This is likely to be the reason for the superior performance of the 500 nm wide hollow hexagonal stars compared to that of the other shapes tested.
The results also show that the far-field optical properties of an array are a poor predictor for its efficacy. The insights provided here will be of use to others wishing to design SERS substrates produced by electron beam lithography.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: SEM images of gold patches, plot of SERS peak areas illustrating log-normal statistics, plots of E4vs. size of shape, graphs showing effect of orientation of shapes. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ra22450d |
‡ The far-field optical properties are those observed by techniques conducted a large distance (many wavelengths) away from the sample surface. Examples include reflectance and transmittance. In contrast, observation of near-field optical properties requires the application of sophisticated techniques such as near-field scanning optical microscopy or electron energy loss spectroscopy. These probe the field within a few nanometers from the surface. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |