ab and
R. G.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QZ, UK. E-mail: Richard.Compton@chem.ox.ac.uk; Fax: +44 (0)1865 275 410; Tel: +44 (0)1865 275 957
bNano-Electrochemistry – Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
First published on 18th November 2015
In spite of their natural and technological importance, the intrinsic electrochemical properties of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles are not well understood. In particular, particle agglomeration, the presence of surface impurities, and/or inadequate proton concentrations are major obstacles to uncover the fundamental redox activities of minerals in solution. These are particularly problematic when samples are characterized in common electrochemical analyses such as cyclic voltammetry in which nanoparticles are immobilized on a stationary electrode. In this work, the intrinsic reaction kinetics and thermodynamics of individual hematite nanoparticles are investigated by particle impact chronoamperometry. The particle radius derived from the integrated area of spikes recorded in a chronoamperogram is in excellent agreement with electron microscopy results, indicating that the method provides a quantitative analysis of the reduction of the nanoparticles to the ferrous ion. A key finding is that the suspended individual nanoparticles undergo electrochemical reduction at potentials much more positive than those immobilized on a stationary electrode. The critical importance of the solid/water interface on nanoparticle activity is further illustrated by a kinetic model. It is found that the first electron transfer process is the rate determining step of the reductive dissolution of hematite nanoparticles, while the overall process is strongly affected by the interfacial proton concentration. This article highlights the effects of the interfacial proton and ferrous ion concentrations on the reductive dissolution of hematite nanoparticles and provides a highly effective method that can be readily applied to study a wide range of other mineral nanoparticles.
Investigation of the redox reaction and/or electro-catalytic activities of hematite are often carried out on ensembles of nanoparticles, i.e. they are dried or directly grown on the surface of a working electrode. In such experimental conditions, maintaining the solution pH becomes important in order to avoid depletion of protons from the surface of modified electrode. This is because a concentration gradient affects the mineral's apparent redox activities and undesirable by-products can be formed. On the other hand, the use of pH buffers can alter physicochemical properties of hematite, as demonstrated by Lanzl et al.7 who reported an enhancement of the proton promoted dissolution of hematite at pH 2 by addition of oxalate. Moss et al.8 have also reported a significant increase in redox activity of nanoporous hematite when micro-molar concentration of phosphate is added to a perchlorate containing solution. This is because hematite is known to specifically adsorb various oxyanions via hydrogen bonding with the surface functional groups (e.g. –OH2, –OH, –O) and subsequently form a complex with iron atom by replacing surface water molecule.9,10 Such surface chemistry involving electrolytes can cast a shadow over the fundamental physicochemical behaviors of the mineral and should ideally be avoided.
Much intrinsic surface chemistry involving metal oxides, including the above mentioned processes, have been uncovered in parts by the potentiometric titration. This electrochemical analysis is used to determine the surface charges of mineral nanoparticles based on the amount of proton uptake during an acid–base titration.11 It is one of the most common approaches among researchers in surface and interfacial science to characterize mineral nanoparticles that are pre-dispersed in an aqueous solution. Many of interfacial processes involving hematite have also been probed by this measurement as well as the point of zero charge, the surface potential, and the formation constants of various surface complexes.12–14 This approach is however not ideal for an investigation of redox properties. The low concentration of supporting electrolytes often used for the experiment is also detrimental to study an electrochemical process because a redox reaction cannot be strictly diffusion controlled. Hence a new approach is desirable to examine intrinsic redox behavior of mineral nanoparticles.
An evaluation of redox properties of pristine metal oxide nanoparticles can be achieved by the recently developed particle-impact chronoamperometry as will be reported below. This electrochemical characterization technique depends on the random motion of a single nanoparticle suspended in an aqueous solution leading to collision with a stationary microelectrode. If the electrode potential is sufficient for an electrochemical reaction, electrons will be transferred between a particle and an electrode upon impact, which can be recorded as a spike in a chronoamperogram.15 Furthermore, when an electrochemical process is quantitative, the size of a nanoparticle can be determined from the charge obtained from the integrated area under a spike.16,17 This technique is, for example, employed in recent work by Tschulik et al.18,19 for an electrochemical sizing of magnetite nanoparticles. An accurate mean radius of Fe3O4, with respect to microscopic images of the same sample, was obtained from both anodic and cathodic impacts on a carbon fiber microelectrode in a dilute phosphate buffer solution.18 Reaction kinetics can also be investigated by conducting the particle-impact over a wide range of applied potentials as demonstrated by Haddou et al.20 in the oxidation of copper nanoparticles and by Cheng et al.21 in the reduction of indigo nanoparticles.
Herein particle impact chronoamperometry is employed to study the reductive dissolution of individual hematite nanoparticles in a dilute KCl solution at pH 2. This electrolyte represents the simplest aqueous environment to allow the pristine mineral/water interface to be analyzed. In addition, the interfacial chemistry under the given experimental condition is very well understood. For instance, under acidic pH, the chloride ion is the predominant species in the hematite/aqueous solution interface to counter balance the positively charged mineral surface,13 and hematite has no known surface chemistry involving this anion.14 Proton promoted chemical dissolution of hematite is negligible within the time scale of the particle-impact experiment because of the slow rate of the reaction.7 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate the electrochemical reduction of pristine single hematite nanoparticles suspended in an aqueous solution. Successful application of this technique will open an entirely new way of characterizing the mineral/water interface.
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Fig. 1 (a) A TEM image of hematite nanoparticles prepared by forced hydrolysis and a histogram illustrating a distribution of particle radius based on 215 individuals with the mean radius of 18.0 ± 2.5 nm. (b) The powder XRD spectrum of hematite nanoparticles. Peak positions are in good agreement with the reference patterns, PDF#072-0469,25 which is shown at the bottom of the figure. Miller indexes are assigned to each peak according to Wang et al.24 for α-Fe2O3 prepared under a similar condition to this study. |
Cyclic voltammetry was performed on the mineral immobilized on a gold macro-electrode in deoxygenated 20 mM KCl solution at pH 2.1. This experiment was conducted with two different hematite loadings, 2.8 × 10−5 g cm−2 (equivalent to an average of 1.6 monolayers of hematite particles on the electrode) and 5.5 × 10−5 g cm−2 (3.3 monolayers). Typical voltammograms of hematite modified electrodes shown in Fig. 2a have a single reduction peak at around −0.19 V vs. Ag/AgCl, and the signal scales with the hematite loading. The currents at around the cathodic switching potential is attributable to hydrogen evolution reaction occurring at the gold working electrode.26
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Fig. 2 (a) Characteristic cyclic voltammograms of gold electrodes modified with 2.8 × 10−5 g cm−2 (red) and 5.5 × 10−5 g cm−2 hematite nanoparticles (blue) and an unmodified gold electrode (black dash) recorded at a scan rate of 0.01 V s−1 in deoxygenated 20 mM KCl at pH 2.1 adjusted by addition of appropriate amounts of 20 mM HCl. (b) Cyclic voltammograms of glassy carbon electrodes modified with 2.4 × 10−5 g cm−2 hematite recorded at a scan rate of 0.01 V s−1 in deoxygenated 20 mM KCl solutions at pH 4.4 (red), 3.1, (green), and 2.1 (blue). A cyclic voltammogram at pH 1 (black solid line) was collected in 0.1 M HCl and that of a bare glassy carbon electrode (black dash) was collected at pH 2.1. Arrows indicate the scan direction. The inset shows the plots of the peak current, ip, (blue circle) and the peak potential, Ep, (red triangle) as a function of pH. (c) The Pourbaix diagram of iron27 at the ambient conditions, while black squares indicate the peak potentials observed in (b). |
Given the acidic nature of the solution and considering the Pourbaix diagram of iron (Fig. 2c), hematite is expected to undergo 2-electron reduction as shown below:
Fe2O3 + 6H+ + 2e− → 2Fe2+ + 3H2O | (1) |
The dependency of hematite reduction on the surface proton concentration was further investigated by performing cyclic voltammetry in deoxygenated 20 mM KCl at pH between 4.4 and 1 with the hematite nanoparticles immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode. The amount of hematite used (2.4 × 10−5 g cm−2, an average of 1.5 monolayers) was the same for all pHs. The ionic strength of the electrolytic solution was maintained at 20 mM except for the pH 1 solution, in which the ionic strength was 0.1 M. The reduction of hematite immobilized on a stationary electrode was found to take place at the solution pH value below 4 as shown in Fig. 2b. The dominant voltammetric peak, which appears at the more positive potential in the voltammogram, has a peak shape consisted with the reduction of a surface immobilized nanoparticles.28 The secondary peak is attributable to oxygen reduction reaction on the bases of “fingerprinting” experiment under an oxygen saturated solutions (result not shown). As generation of oxygen under the given experimental conditions is not thermodynamically plausible, it is likely trapped or adsorbed while nanoparticles are casted onto a stationary electrode and thereafter released as the hematite is dissolved.
The correlation between the primary peak potentials and currents with acidity shown in Fig. 2b inset is attributable to the surface proton concentration. The peak potential is found to shift cathodically with respect to the solution pH at a slope of −0.066 V per pH. This value is considerably smaller than the expected slope of −0.177 V per pH calculated for eqn (1) by the Nernst equation:
![]() | (2) |
The above problem is circumvented by using the single particle impact approach owing to the greatly improved mass transport to individual nanoparticles (convergent diffusion) instead of the linear diffusion to an ensemble of nanoparticles immobilized on a surface. The improved mass transport of protons to the nanoparticle surface makes the electrochemical process less prone to proton depletion and prevents formation of any secondary iron oxides. Furthermore, it enables the quantitative dissolution of single hematite nanoparticles. In this study, hematite nanoparticles are pre-dispersed in a well deoxygenated 20 mM KCl at pH 2.1, and a minimum of 30 chronoamperograms are collected at each electrode potential. For applied potentials between −0.5 V and 0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl, negative current spikes are observed from faradaic reduction of individual hematite nanoparticles. A characteristic chronoamperogram that was collected at −0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl is shown in Fig. 3.
The charge passed during an impact, Q, is obtained by integrating the area under a spike, and the radius of a particle is calculated using the following equation18
![]() | (3) |
Fig. 5 shows the log-normal average of integrated charges under spikes as a function of electrode potential. It remains relatively constant from −0.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl to 0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl showing a quantitative reduction of the impacting hematite nanoparticles at these potentials. Upon application of more positive potentials, a gradual decrease of the average impact charge is observed. This is indicative of that the driving force is insufficient to ensure a fast enough electron transfer for quantitative reductive dissolution of a single nanoparticle during its impact. This is also reflected in the average number of spikes observed per chronoamperometric measurement (Fig. 5 inset) that shows the frequency drops drastically at the same potential as the charge starts to decrease, and no spike is recorded at potentials more positive than 0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl. This potential is close to the standard reduction potential of free ferric/ferrous ion pair, This observation uncovers the previously unknown electrochemical activity of the pristine hematite nanoparticles. In particular, the very large difference in potential seen between single nanoparticles and the ensembles studied via cyclic voltammetry is noteworthy. The impact behavior is robust and much less sensitive to the proton depletion effect. Moreover, the reduction potential for the Fe2O3 nanoparticle is close to that expected on the basis of the Pourbaix diagram (Fig. 2c).
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Fig. 5 Log normal average reductive charges for individual hematite nanoparticles in deoxygenated 20 mM KCl at pH 2.1 as a function of the applied potential (black square). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. The result of nonlinear curve fitting given by eqn (4) is shown as red line. Parameters extracted from the fit are ri = 15.0 ± 0.1 nm, E1/2 = 0.377 ± 0.017 V vs. Ag/AgCl, (n′ + α) = 0.17 ± 0.03, and ![]() |
We next consider the kinetics of the nanoparticle dissolution. Kinetic models for the irreversible electrochemical dissolution have been described in detail elsewhere.20 The expression for potential dependent reductive dissolution of individual hematite nanoparticles is given as:20,21
![]() | (4) |
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The nonlinear regression curve fitting using eqn (4) was carried out for particle radius, ri, the combined kinetic parameter, and the effective transfer coefficient, (n′ + α). Eqn (4) fits the experimental result well (Fig. 5, a red solid line) with the χ2 value in the order of 10−5. The particle radius obtained from the fit is 15.0 ± 0.1 nm that is within the errors of previous result using eqn (3). The (n′ + α) value is found at 0.17 ± 0.03, indicating that the rate-determining step of the reductive dissolution of hematite nanoparticles is the first electron transfer (n′ = 0). This observation is in line with previous discussion and the “half wave” potential is found at 0.377 ± 0.017 V vs. Ag/AgCl, which is significantly more positive than the reduction of immobilized hematite nanoparticles shown in Fig. 2. The combined kinetic parameter is found at 1.17 (±0.42) × 10−5 mol cm−2 s−1.
Based on these findings, the mechanism for reductive dissolution of hematite nanoparticle can be postulated as being driven by the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II). Thereupon, ferrous ion is released from the surface and diffuses away. This process is particularly promoted for suspended nanoparticles because of the essentially undepleted interfacial proton concentration and the radial diffusion of ferrous ion away from the particle surface.28,33 This is evident in a comparison with the cyclic voltammetric study, in which only a fraction of hematite nanoparticles immobilized on a stationary electrode is reduced.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |