Paul. W. R.
Gregory. M.
c and
Margaret. A.
aMaurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, 3A Symonds St, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. E-mail: m.brimble@auckland.ac.nz; Fax: +64 9 3737422; Tel: +64 9 3737599
bSchool of Chemical Sciences, The University of Auckland, 23 Symonds St., Auckland 1010, New Zealand
cDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Otago, 720 Cumberland Street, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
First published on 7th December 2015
Antimicrobial proteins are a rich source of new lead compounds for the development of new drugs that will tackle global resistance towards existing antibiotics. Caenopore-5 (Cp-5) is an antimicrobial protein (AMP) expressed in the intestine of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and is a member of the lipid binding saposin-like-protein family, composed of 5 α-helices and 3 disulfide bonds. Substitution of the 7Cys and 81Cys by two selenocysteine 7U and 81U afforded a selenocysteine analogue [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5, which displayed a higher stability (using thermal circular dichroism) compared to the native protein Cp-5. [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 and an N-terminal truncated peptide exhibited cell permeability similar to the wild type Cp-5.
Caenopore-5 (Cp-5) is a pore forming AMP expressed in the intestine of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.8 The three-dimensional solution structure revealed that Cp-5 is a member of the lipid binding saposin-like-protein (SAPLIP) family and is composed of 5 α-helices and 3 disulfide bonds.9 In our previous work, we reported a robust and efficient method for the chemical synthesis of native Cp-5, which would be amenable to the preparation of analogues.10 The 82-residue protein was successfully synthesized by native chemical ligation (NCL) of two smaller fragments (35 and 47 amino acids in length) and folded to give the correct protein structure. We also determined that the reduced form of Cp-5 was inactive, thereby proving that the secondary structure is critical for the activity of the protein.10
Given the importance of developing peptides that display improved pharmacokinetic properties, efforts have been made to replace disulfide-bridges with more stable bonds such as thioether, carba and click variants.11 We herein report that replacement of a disulfide bond in Cp-5 with a more robust diselenide bond resulted in more potent bioactivity and enhanced stability. Using our two fragment ligation strategy developed for the preparation of the native protein,10 the 7Cys and 81Cys were site selectively replaced with 7Sec and 81Sec respectively, and the linear protein was folded under redox conditions.
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Scheme 1 Synthetic strategy for the preparation of [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 (1). The connectivity of the ligated peptide 4 is the expected arrangement derived from the native protein Cp-5. The cartoon representation was generated from the solution structure of recombinant protein Cp-5 by using the PDB ID: 2JS9.9 |
Both fragments 2 and 3 were successfully synthesized in good yield (37% and 39%, respectively) after purification by HPLC. The purity (92% for thioester fragment 2 and 94% for cysteinyl fragment 3) was confirmed by integration of the HPLC chromatogram at 210 nm and characterized by LC-MS [for 2, (M + 5H)+5 calculated = 812.0 Da; (M + 5H)+5 observed = 811.6 Da and for 3 (M + 6H)+6 calculated = 889.6 Da; (M + 6H)+6 observed = 889.2 Da]. We note that the selenium-containing peptides were air sensitive and susceptible to oxidation. To overcome this problem, purified 1 mg aliquot of fragment 1 and 2 were prepared and lyophilized and stored at 20 °C which considerably reduced the oxidation of free selenol.
Thus, to reduce the amount of thiol but to allow the ligation to occur the reaction was performed with thiophenol (2% (v/v)). Thiophenol is sparingly soluble under the aqueous ligation conditions however a hemiselenide bond with PhSH was observed as a significant by-product. This difficulty was outcome by reducing the amount of PhSH to 1% (v/v) with no detectable hemiselenide bond with PhSH was detected in this case. This method reduced the rate of the ligation reaction thus promoting the formation of undesired hydrolyzed thioester by-products, but this did not reduced the yield as more ligated product was observed. Hence, the successful conditions identified for the NCL of thioester fragment 2 with cysteinyl fragment 3 required use of 1% v/v PhSH (6 M Gd. HCl, 0.2 M Na2HPO4), with a 5 mM concentration of each fragment at pH 7.5 at 25 °C. The reaction was monitored at T = 0 h and T = 2 h, by LC-MS and formation of the ligated peptide 4 was observed (Fig. 1A and B) as suggested by mass spectrometry [(M + 10H)+10 observed = 921.2 Da; (M + 10H)+10calculated reduced = 922.0 Da], a 8 Da difference. This suggests that the protein may contain hemiselenides/diselenide/disulphide bonds that are formed by oxidation during the ligation reaction, which did not contain any reducing agent that could reverse unproductive oxidation. The ligation was deemed complete at T = 10 has no residual thioester fragment 2 was detected (Fig. 1C).
NCL conducted at elevated temperatures between 40–60 °C, was unsuccessful due to increased hydrolysis of the thioester fragment 2 (data not shown) and the yield of the NCL reaction was significantly reduced.
Purification of the ligated product 4 proved to be challenging as no reducing agent could be used to convert any premature oxidation back to the free thiols and/or selenium. On completion of the NCL reaction, the crude mixture containing the ligation product 4 was diluted with a 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer and the pH was adjusted to either pH 5 or pH 3 with aqueous HCl. The sample was then loaded onto a C18 reverse phase column for purification (Fig. 2A). However, the ligated product was not detected in any of the fractions collected. Use of different stationary phases (C18, C3 and C8) at different temperatures (40–60 °C) afforded comparable results. However, when the crude ligation mixture containing the ligated peptide 4 was acidified to pH 2, the desired, polypeptide 4 (Fig. 2, highlighted in green) was separable from by-products and could be eluted from a C18 column (Fig. 2B). In spite of these difficulties, the purified peptide 4 was isolated in an acceptable yield of 32%.
The HPLC chromatogram of the purified peptide 4 is shown in Fig. 3. The broad elution profile suggested that 4 adopted several different conformations. Additionally, the mass of the purified ligated peptide 4 corresponded to the expected mass of the protein that contained one diselenide bond and two disulfide bonds. The deconvolution of the ESI-MS affords an observed mass of 9202.2 ± 0.62 Da for the purified ligated peptide 4 (Fig. 3). This compares favourably with the calculated mass of 9203.9 Da.
The ligated peptide 4 was characterized by circular dichroism (Fig. 4, in purple) and displayed a characteristic spectrum of an unstructured protein. Hence, the peptide 4 was subjected to folding.
Size-exclusion chromatography was used as the final purification step to isolate the folded [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 (1) as a monomer (see ESI Fig. S1†).
The purified folded 1 was studied by CD spectroscopy (Fig. 4, shown in blue) and compared with the recombinant protein Cp-5 (Fig. 4, in red). They both exhibited the features expected of α-helical proteins, with standard double negative ellipticity maxima near 208 and 221 nm, and a positive maximum near 193 nm.
Thermal unfolding using CD is widely used to determine the stability of proteins.21 Thermal CD obtained as a function of temperature was carried out to study the influence of the diselenide bond on the stability of the protein. The measurement of the midpoint of the unfolding transition (TM) of the folded analogue 1 provides insight into the stability when compared to the native protein Cp-5 (Fig. 5A and B). The native Cp-5 underwent denaturation at 35.39 ± 0.8 °C, while the selenocysteine analogue 1 underwent denaturation at a much higher temperature of 61.87 ± 0.97 °C. This data indicated a ΔTM of 26.48 for analogue 1, thus demonstrating that the presence of the diselenide bond significantly increases the stability of the protein against thermal denaturation. This is an unexpected result as the bond dissociation energy is weaker for diselenide bond (172 kJ mol−1) compared to a disulphide bond (226 kJ mol−1).22 This result suggests that the [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 analogue (1) might adopt a different bond connectivity and/or tertiary structure, which is more stable than the recombinant protein Cp-5.
The inference made herein is that the synthesized compounds achieve this by destabilizing the membrane through its permeabilization activity.
Analogues of Cp-5, namely hydrolyzed fragment 2A, (1Gly-7Sec-35Glu-OH, N-terminal region) and cysteinyl fragment 3 (36Cys-81Sec-82Pro-OH, C-terminal region) were also investigated as the N-terminal region of Cp-5 is postulated to be responsible for membrane interaction.10 The peptides [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 (1) and hydrolyzed 2A (1Gly-7Sec-35Glu-OH) were found to be effective at collapsing the pH (proton) gradient induced by NADH (Fig. 6, Table 1). The effect of the C-terminal peptide (cysteinyl fragment 3) was less active in this assay (Table 1).
Peptide | % fluorescence at 8 μM |
[7Sec-81Sec ]-Cp-5 (1) | 42.3 |
1Gly-7[Sec]-35Glu-OH (2A) | 49.4 |
36Cys-80[Sec]-81Pro (3) | 22.1 |
The relative fluorescence quenching reversal of the recombinant Cp-5 was previously reported to be 35.2%, in an analogous assay to that performed here.10 In this work, the analogue [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 (1) was found to be able to reverse fluorescence quenching by 42.3% in the same time frame. This data suggests that substitution of 7Cys and 81Cys with 7Sec and 81Sec affords an analogue [7Sec-81Sec]-Cp-5 (1) with improved activity compared to recombinant Cp-5. This increase in activity might be explained by the greater overall protein stability resulting from substitution of the disulfide bond for a more robust diselenide bond. To our knowledge, this is only the second example of using NCL to form an intramolecular diselenide bond affording a diseleno analogue of the native protein, which retained its secondary structure and activity.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5sc04187b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |