a and
aUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia. E-mail:;
bUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
First published on 22nd November 2016
In this work structuring of water and insight into intermolecular interactions between water and fullerenol are studied throughout the process of forming nanoagglomerates at different temperatures applying both experimental and computational approaches. The obtained fullerenol nanoparticles (FNPs) are firstly characterized using dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The density, electrical conductivity and dynamic viscosity of aqueous fullerenol solutions are measured in the temperature range of 293.15 to 315.15 K. From the experimental density results other important thermodynamic values, such as apparent molar volumes and the partial molar volumes of water and fullerenol, are also calculated. To support the conclusion derived from the experimental density and calculated volumetric parameters, and to better understand the nature of the interactions with water, molecular dynamics simulations and radial distribution functions are also employed.
The solubility of fullerenols in water increases with the increasing number of hydroxyl groups. In comparison to other fullerene derivatives, fullerenols so far expressed the greatest potential for possible applications in medicine and pharmacy.10 The role of FNPs as potential nanocarriers of biologically active components, e.g. anticancer drug doxorubicin, has been reported in two papers,11,12 however the available literature data on the detailed biological, chemical or physical properties of fullerenol are rather scarce and further in-depth investigation is required. Structuring and self-assembling of FNPs in aqueous solutions are of great importance not just because numerous drug formulations are in the form of aqueous solutions, but also because they are about to be applied in the vascular system, wherefrom depending on their size they will further be differently metabolised.13
The goal of this study was to obtain an insight into intermolecular interactions between water and fullerenol throughout the process of forming stable nanoagglomerates applying both experimental and computational approaches. In order to compare the local reactivity properties of fullerenol molecule C60(OH)24 with those of pure C60 we performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations, calculated quantum molecular descriptors, and created molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) and average local ionization energy (ALIE) surfaces. To support our conclusion derived from the experimental density, viscosity measurements, electrical conductivity and calculated volumetric parameters, and to better understand the nature of the interactions with water, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and radial distribution functions (RDFs) were also employed.
In order to investigate the interactions of C60 and C60(OH)24 with water molecules molecular dynamics simulations with Desmond program,19–22 as implemented in Schrödinger Material Science Suite 2015-4, were performed as well. Modelling of systems for MD simulations was done in the following way. In order to deal with stabilized buckyball structures, we have extracted the coordinates of C60 and C60(OH)24 as obtained at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory. As already pointed out, these molecular geometries are true ground states, as shown by vibrational analysis. Furthermore, one system for MD simulations was obtained by placing of one molecule of C60 in a cubic box with ∼3000 water molecules, while the other system was obtained by placing one molecule of C60(OH)24 in a cubic box with ∼3000 water molecules.
Concerning the setup of MD simulations, an optimized potential for liquid simulations (OPLS) 2005 force field23 was employed. An isothermal–isobaric (NPT) ensemble class was used with temperature set to 300 K and pressure set to 1.01325 bar. The simulation time was 5 ns. In order to perform accurate and efficient evaluation of long-range electrostatics, a smooth particle mesh Ewald method24 has been applied. Short range interactions have been treated by the cut off approach with the cut off radius set to 12 Å. In the first 100 ps of simulation the system was optimized within the canonical (NVT) ensemble in order to relax it. Generic force field charges have been used. A simple point charge (SPC) solvent model25 was used for the modeling of solvent. In order to initially validate the use of the OPLS 2005 force field for C60 and C60(OH)24 we have also compared geometrical parameters as obtained by the B3LYP/6-31G(d) and force field method using the MacroModel program.26 The results are tabulated in Tables S8–S11 of the ESI.† To initially investigate the influence of temperature on the structuring of FNPs, a system consisting of 32 C60(OH)24 molecules has been simulated with the same aforementioned parameters, but at two temperatures.
DLS was used for the determination of the hydrodynamic size of analyzed samples and for the measurements of the surface charge (zeta potential) the electrophoretic light scattering technique was used. Fig. 1a presents the particle size distribution by the number of FNPs in an aqueous solution and in Fig. 1b the results of zeta potential measurements of FNPs in an aqueous solution at pH = 6.5 are shown.
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Fig. 1 (a) Particle size distribution by the number of FNPs in aqueous solution. (b) Zeta potential (ζ) of FNP aqueous solution at pH = 6.5. |
The results of DLS measurements of particle size distribution by the number of FNPs in an aqueous solution showed that most of the particles have sizes within 10 to 40 nm, with 25% of the particles having a hydrodynamic radius of 18 nm (Fig. 1a). The mean zeta potential value of the analysed FNP aqueous solution was −53 mV (Fig. 1b). The theoretical model, for example, obtained in a computer simulation27 has shown that in a water cluster of 7 fullerenol molecules, the fullerenol molecules are organised to give a structure with the minimal potential energy, taking the form of a slightly deformed pentagonal bipyramid.
The morphology and structural features of FNPs in aqueous solution were evaluated using AFM.
The results of AFM measurements of the aqueous FNP solution showed inhomogeneous sample patterns (Fig. 2a). The nanoparticle presented in Fig. 2b has a size of 63 nm and consists of two smaller particles with dimensions of 30 nm and 33 nm, and a height of 4 nm (Fig. 2c). The fullerenol nanoparticles are distributed on HOPG terraces indicating their polarity, which is in accordance with the zeta potential measurements and data studies.28 The 3D morphology of fullerenol nanoparticles on HOPG is presented in Fig. 2d. The TEM measurement results in Fig. 3 present fullerenol nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 6 to 9 nm that are assembled into bigger agglomerates of approximately 80 nm.
These results are consistent with previously published measurements.29–31
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Fig. 4 Variation of {fullerenol + H2O} density with fullerenol molality at different temperatures: T = (■) 293.15; (○) 295.15; (▲) 298.15; (▽) 303.15; (◆) 309.15; (◀) 310.15; (▷) 313.15 K. |
From the experimental densities, other important thermodynamic values (the apparent molar volumes, Vϕ, the partial molar volumes of water, V1, and fullerenol, V2) were calculated using the procedure described elsewhere.32,33
η = (Kt − L/t)d | (1) |
Using the values of Vϕ from Table S1 (ESI†), the apparent molar volume at infinite dilution, V0ϕ, can be derived by applying Masson's equation34 (Fig. 7):
![]() | (2) |
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Fig. 7 Variation of the apparent molar volume with fullerenol concentration at different temperatures: T = (■) 293.15; (○) 295.15; (▲) 298.15; (▽) 303.15; (◆) 309.15; (◀) 310.15; (▷) 313.15 K. |
The negative values of SV indicate weak solute–solute interactions in the investigated solution. The variation of the SV coefficient with temperature presented in Fig. 8 indicates that at temperatures above 309.15 K the SV value rapidly decreases and interactions between FNPs weaken.
From the calculated limiting apparent molar expansibility, E0ϕ, fullerenol structure-making properties can be observed. This value can be obtained from the temperature dependence of the apparent molar volumes at infinite dilution (Table S3, ESI†) using the equation of the second order (Fig. 9).
The values of E0ϕ presented in Table S7 (ESI†) were obtained using the following equation:
![]() | (3) |
Using Heppler's equation:35
![]() | (4) |
The experimental results of the viscosity as a function of fullerenol molality are presented in Fig. 5 and tabulated in Table S2 (ESI†). The analysis of the plot shows two distinct regions, one at lower concentrations of fullerenol down to 0.01 mol dm−3 and another one at higher concentrations. At low concentrations the viscosity increases exponentially with increasing fullerenol concentration. After reaching the concentration of 0.01 mol dm−3 fullerenol, the content did not greatly increase the viscosity. This indicates the different structural organizations of fullerenol molecules in aqueous solutions above and below the mentioned concentration, which is in accordance with the results of the volumetric measurements.
In order to apply the Jones–Dole's equation,36 reduced viscosity was fitted as a function of FNP concentration:
![]() | (5) |
The criterion to describe the structure-making or structure-breaking tendency in the system is the variation of coefficient B with temperature, dB/dT. The negative value of dB/dT indicates strong interactions between solute and water molecules, which further strengthen with temperature, or structure-making features.
Electrical conductivity (κ) measurements can be used in order to discuss the strength of ion–ion interactions and ion pair formation in the system, however we applied these to our system in which we observed interactions between FNPs in aqueous solution. The variation of electrical conductivity from Table S4 (ESI†) with fullerenol concentration is presented in Fig. 6, while the molar conductivity of binary mixtures fullerenol–water as a function of fullerenol molality in the temperature range of 293.15 to 313.15 K is presented in Table S6 (ESI†).
In Fig. 6 an inflection point can be observed at all temperatures indicating two trends in electrical conductivity – before and after the concentration value of 0.01 mol dm−3. It is known that the presence of the inflection point indicates the formation of the agglomerates in the investigated system. In order to better understand the behaviour of our substance in water and the formation of the agglomerates, we applied the so-called “critical” concentration of fullerenol as a function of temperature and presented the results in Fig. 11.
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Fig. 11 Variation of the fullerenol concentration when self-association is observed with temperature. |
In Fig. 11 two trends are clearly distinguished: up to a temperature of 309.15 K, where FNP agglomerates are formed even at lower concentrations, and after that temperature where the formation of agglomerates is less favored. Here the investigated system is in the state of dynamic equilibrium, which means that agglomerates of different sizes are interchangeable. Primary percolation clusters31 of several nanometers may exist as such or further agglomerate, thus forming a bigger secondary cluster31 as confirmed by DLS, AFM and TEM results. The interaction between molecules within the primary cluster is much stronger than those between primary clusters themselves and is in agreement with the results obtained for SV, which was a negative value.
From the equation:
Λm = κ/c | (6) |
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Fig. 12 Variation of molar conductivity with c1/2 of fullerenol at different temperatures: T = (■) 293.15; (○) 298.15; (▲) 303.15; (▽) 309.15; (◆) 310.15; (▷) 313.15 K. |
By the extrapolation of the linear part of the fit at the concentrations below 0.01 mol dm−3 the limiting molar conductivity value, Λ0, is obtained.
Structuring of water molecules and their change with temperature can be determined using Walden's rule, which represents the change in the so-called Walden's product (Λ0η0) with temperature.36,38 In Fig. 13, the Walden's product is plotted versus temperature and the positive value of the slope indicates the structure-making properties of the investigated fullerenol. Different trends of the Walden's product with temperature before and after the temperature of 309.15 K, which can be seen in Fig. 13, also indicate differences in the structural organization of the system before and after that temperature. An increase of the temperature reduces the number of water molecules around the fullerenol consequently decreasing local viscosity. Thus, the electrical conductivity of the system increases at higher temperatures.
The MEP surface of C60(OH)24 significantly differs from the MEP surface of pure C60. The minimal and maximal values of MEP drastically increase. Namely, the minimal value of MEP increases more than twenty times (from around −1 to −30) kcal mol−1, while the maximal value of MEP increases almost four times (from ∼14 to 47.32) kcal mol−1. The presented MEP results indicate improvements of C60(OH)24 reactive properties due to electrostatic interactions. According to the obtained results presented in Fig. 15 for pure C60 the negative electrostatic potential is located at bonds connecting two hexagons, while this is not the case for FNPs (Fig. 15b), for which the negative electrostatic potential is located at oxygen atoms.
To determine the sites of the molecule appropriate for the electrophilic attacks, however, it is better to use the concept of ALIE which is defined as a sum of orbital energies weighted by the orbital densities. ALIE values provide energetic measure of how easy the electrons can be removed from the molecule location and it is especially useful for the assessment of reactivity when mapped to the electron density surface.33,39
Fig. 15 shows representative ALIE surfaces of C60 and C60(OH)24. In the case of ALIE surfaces presented in Fig. 15, the red color corresponds to the lowest ALIE values of ∼210 kcal mol−1 and determines the molecule sites where electrons are least tightly bound. On the other hand the purple color corresponds to the highest ALIE values of ∼350 kcal mol−1 and determines the molecule sites where electrons are most tightly bound. Inspection of Fig. 15 indicates that functionalization of C60 with OH groups significantly decreases the lowest ALIE values, from ∼223 kcal mol to ∼210 kcal mol−1, which means that fullerenol is significantly more prone to electrophilic attacks than C60. The results presented in Fig. 15 also indicate that functionalization with OH groups increases the maximal ALIE values also, from ∼300 kcal mol−1 to ∼350 kcal mol−1. These severely increased maximal ALIE values are precisely located at hydrogen molecules, indicating that fullerenol should have much more pronounced interactions with water molecules.
The influence of the solvent molecules on the interactions between particles can be efficiently investigated by employing the approach of Radial distribution functions (RDFs). The radial function, g(r), gives the probability of finding a particle in the distance r from another particle.40 In this work we have used RDFs in order to obtain and compare water density profiles of C60 and C60(OH)24. The profile and the peak distance of the obtained curve indicate the affinity of some molecule's atom towards interactions with the water molecule. The sharper and closer g(r) peaks indicate more pronounced interactions with solvent molecules. Firstly, in order to investigate an average effect of functionalization of fullerene with OH groups on its hydrophilic properties, we have calculated RDFs between centres of mass (COM) of C60 and C60(OH)24, and oxygen atoms of water molecules.
The results presented in Fig. 16 clearly indicate that the hydrophilicity of C60 greatly improves thanks to the functionalization with OH groups. Namely, in cases of both C60 and C60(OH)24, g(r) has its maximal value located at a distance of ∼6.7 Å. In other words this means that the probability to find water molecules around both buckyballs is the highest at a distance of ∼6.7 Å from their COM. At first glance this result might indicate that the hydrophilicity of C60 and C60(OH)24 is almost the same. However it has to be taken into account that C60(OH)24 is a much larger molecule than C60, as illustrated in Fig. 16. The radius of C60 is around 3.6 Å, while the radius of C60(OH)24 is ∼5.6 Å, meaning that on average water molecules are much closer to C60(OH)24 than to the C60.
The results presented in Fig. 16 confirm that C60(OH)24 has much more pronounced interactions with water molecules than C60, which is in agreement with the results concerning MEP and ALIE surfaces. Further insight into the interactions with water molecules was obtained using RDFs between atoms of C60 and C60(OH)24, and oxygen atoms of water molecules, Fig. 17.
The results presented in Fig. 17 again emphasize much more pronounced interactions with water molecules in the case of C60(OH)24. Namely, the RDF of carbon atoms of C60 has no sharp peak at all, which indicates very weak interactions with water molecules.
On the other hand, RDFs of oxygen and hydrogen atoms of C60(OH)24 indicate much more significant interactions with water molecules, especially in the case of hydrogen atoms, the peak distance of which is located below the value of 2 Å, indicating pronounced interactions with water molecules. In the case of the RDF of hydrogen atoms, two distinct solvation spheres appear, with the second one having a peak distance of about 3.2 Å. The peak distance of oxygen atoms is somewhat larger, just above 2.5 Å, also indicating significant interactions with water molecules. In the case of both hydrogen and oxygen atoms, RDFs have similar g(r) values of around 1.2 Å. In the case of C60(OH)24, even the RDFs of carbon atoms in C60(OH)24 show observable peaks at the peak distance of about 3.5 Å, indicating weak interactions. Fig. 17 (inset) also shows information on interaction energies between buckyballs and water. It can be seen that the interaction energy between FNPs and water is almost six times higher than the interaction energy between C60 and water, once again clearly indicating the consequences of C60 functionalization with OH groups in terms of hydrophilicity.
Significant attention has been paid to the understanding of the temperature dependence of FNP structuring. It has been demonstrated that structural properties significantly differ below and above the temperature of 315 K. This motivated us to investigate the temperature dependence of the RDF of the system containing 32 molecules of FNPs at temperatures of 295 K and 315 K. Namely, at these two temperatures we have calculated RDFs as a function of distance between one FNP and the rest of the FNP molecules (in regard to the COM), Fig. 18.
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Fig. 18 RDF as a function of distance between one FNP and the rest of the FNP molecules (in regard to the COM) at two temperatures. |
As it can be noticed from Fig. 18, at higher temperature a significant decrease in the maximum of the radial distribution function as well as its splitting occurs, which is in agreement with the experimentally obtained results that point out the difference in fullerenol molecule organization with the increase in temperature.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6cp06847b |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2017 |