b and
aSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, P. R. China. E-mail: zzf@htu.cn; Fax: +86 373-3326336; Tel: +86 373-3326335
bThe First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University, Xi'an, 710000, China
First published on 26th October 2016
An interesting CN⋯C–X conformation lock, which determines the linear alignment of the CN and C–X fragments, has been found for the first time and is rationalized by density functional theory calculations. Second-order perturbation theory analysis based on the NBO method further reveals that the nature of the CN⋯C–X interaction is mainly the lp(CN) → σ*(C–X) interaction.
(E)-N′-Benzylidene-2-cyanoacetohydrazides are interesting model molecules with CN and CH2CN groups separated by rotatable chemical bonds. The former, CN, can serve as an electron-donor (N lone pair), and the latter, CN, can generate two positive regions, one on the neighboring atom C2 (σ-hole), and one above itself (π-hole). Would the CH2CN group generate a σ-hole interaction or a competitive π-hole interaction with the CN group? Once one of the two interactions occurs, it would lock up the molecular conformation. Therefore, here the σ-hole (or the π-hole) interaction is expected to be an effective and reliable instrument for conformation control. As far as our knowledge extends, the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock has not been studied in the literature. Thus, we have designed and synthesized a series of such model compounds, and examined their X-ray crystal structures. Due to the strong electron-withdrawing ability of the CN group, the σ-hole on C2 becomes more positive. Thus, it is probable that the imino (CN) lone pair will approach the σ-hole of the intramolecular CH2CN fragment. Interestingly, this expectation is confirmed first by the X-ray crystal structure of 1 (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 1, the cyanomethyl group adopts a linear alignment to the imino fragment, the conformation allows the N2 lone pair to approach the σ-hole of the CH2CN group. The distance of 2.761(2) Å between C2 and N2 is significantly shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii, 3.25 Å. The characteristic geometry suggests a CN⋯C–CN σ-hole interaction. Molecular electrostatic potentials (Fig. 2) of 1 have further confirmed its existence. As illustrated in Fig. 2, there is a red negative region above the imino atom N2 corresponding to the N lone pair, and a blue positive region (the σ-hole) on the extension of the NC–C bond.
Recent studies have shown the existence of N⋯C interactions.11–13 However, the studies on this subject still remain theoretical, and the reported N⋯C interactions occur only intermolecularly. Computational study shows that the N⋯C interactions can occur between electron-donors, such as NH3 or CN, and electron-acceptors CH3X (X = CN, OH, F), and that the amino (or cyano) atom N was found to lie on the extension of X–C bond. Here the CN⋯C–CN interaction in 1, though different in the electron-donor, is very similar to the CN⋯CH3CN and H3N⋯CH3OH interactions.
Considering that the natural bond orbital (NBO) theory14,15 is quite useful for quantitatively analyzing intramolecular interactions,16 in order to characterize the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock via orbital interactions, the density functional theory (DFT) calculations were conducted on molecule 1 at the WB97XD17/6-311+G(d,p) levels using the crystal coordinates. The optimized geometries were further used for the NBO analysis with NBO version 3.118 incorporated in the GAUSSIAN 0919 package. The result shows that the optimized conformation is in good agreement with crystallographically determined structure 1 (Fig. 1), suggesting that the linear orientation of the CN to C–CN unit is caused not by crystal packing but by a certain intramolecular noncovalent interaction between imino and cyanomethyl fragments. The NBO analysis further shows that there are three intramolecular orbital interactions, A, B, C (Table 1) involved in the CN⋯C–CN interaction, out of which only the strongest interaction, A is shown in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3 and the Table 1, the lone pair on the imino atom N2 interacts with the σ*-antibonding orbital of the C2–CN bond, with a concomitant second-order stabilization energy of E(2) = 1.03 kcal mol−1. The total orbital interaction energy that attributed to the CN⋯C–CN interaction is 2.49 kcal mol−1. The result has theoretically confirmed that the orbital interactions, though not strong, are the decisive factors for the linear alignment of the cyanomethyl and imino fragments.
Compounds | Pair name | Donor NBO | Acceptor NBO | E(2) energy (kcal mol−1) |
1 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–CN) | 1.03 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.76 | |
C | σ(C4N2) | RY*(C2) | 0.70 | |
2 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–CN) | 1.00 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.75 | |
C | σ(C4N2) | RY*(C2) | 0.69 | |
3 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–CN) | 1.00 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.75 | |
C | σ(C4N2) | RY*(C2) | 0.69 | |
4 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–CN) | 1.00 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.75 | |
C | σ(C4N2) | RY*(C2) | 0.70 | |
5 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–F1) | 1.54 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.54 | |
6 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–Cl1) | 1.52 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.65 | |
7 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–Cl1) | 1.66 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.67 | |
8 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–Cl1) | 1.50 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 0.65 | |
10 | A | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–CN) | 1.47 |
B | lp(N2) | σ*(C2–C1) | 1.00 |
Fig. 3 Dominant orbital interaction A, lp(N2)→σ*(C2–C3N3), corresponding to the CN⋯C–CN interaction in 1. |
Given that the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock occurs in 1, it is very probable that this kind of interaction will be found in analogues, 2–8. In order to verify our expectation, we have conducted the geometry optimization on molecules 2–8 using the same method as 1. Interestingly, the optimized molecular conformations and the main geometry parameters are in perfect accordance with those in 1 (Fig. 1); each of the cyanomethyl or halogenmethyl groups in 2–8 adopts a linear alignment to the imino fragment; the distance between C2 and N2 ranges from 2.722 to 2.741 Å. Molecular electrostatic potentials show that the conformations are fixed by the CN⋯C–X (X = CN, Cl, Br) σ-hole interaction. As typical representatives, the molecular electrostatic potentials of 7 and 8 are shown in Fig. 4. From this figure, it can be easily found that there exists a stronger CN⋯CH2X σ-hole interaction where the red negative region above N2 (N lone pair) interacts with the blue positive region (the σ-hole) on the atom C2. The results are in good agreement with data from the second-order perturbation theory analysis in the NBO basis. NBO analysis shows that there are three orbital interactions in 2–4 and two in 5–8 involved in the CN⋯C–X interaction (Table 1). The total orbital interaction energy that attributed to the CN⋯C–X interaction is in the range of 2.15–2.49 kcal mol−1, which is enough strong to stabilize the molecular conformation. The results reveal that the CN⋯C–X (X = CN, F, Cl, or Br) conformation lock does work universally in N′-[(1E)-phenylmethylidene]acetohydrazides.
In the CN⋯C–X (X = CN, F, Cl, or Br) interaction, the imino unit acts as an electron-donor (lone pair), and the cyanomethyl (or halogenmethyl) as an electron-acceptor. If a strong and competitive electron-acceptor, such as the C6–OH in 9, is imported, a strong O–H⋯NC hydrogen bond would be expected to be formed, thus probably preventing the formation of the CN⋯C–CN interaction. Consequently, the molecular conformation should undergo a great change. Keeping our motivation in mind, we also crystallized compound 9. The crystal structure of 9 is illustrated in Fig. 5. As shown in this figure, the C6–OH group does form a strong O–H⋯NC hydrogen bond, the O2–H2⋯N2 distance being only 1.76 Å, and the associated angle, 152°. According to NBO calculations, the total orbital interaction energy involved in the O–H⋯NC interaction is up to 25.81 kcal mol−1. Due to the formation of the strong H-bond, the relatively weak CN⋯C–CN interaction has been prevented. As a result, the plane O1\C1\C2\C3\N3 rotates about 180° around the N1–C1 axis with respect to that in 1–4. From this point of view, the O2–H2⋯N2 hydrogen bond can be considered as an “obstacle” to the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock.
If the above “obstacle” doctrine is true, once the “obstacle” in 9 is destroyed by basification, the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock should come into action, and are expected to be stronger than those in 1–4. In view of this, we also conducted a geometry optimization on the phenolic oxygen anion 10. Interestingly, the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock does come back! As shown in Fig. 6, the linear alignment of the cyanomethyl and the imino is locked by the CN⋯C–CN interaction, the distance between N2 and C2 being 2.670 Å, which is markedly shorter than the ones in 1–4. This reveals that once the O2–H2⋯N2 hydrogen bond is no longer in existence, the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock is then in operation in the phenolic oxygen anion 10. NBO analysis shows that the stabilizing energies of the orbital interactions, A and B, involved in the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock in 10 are 1.47 and 1.00 kcal mol−1, respectively. So far, these examples from both sides have proved that the CN⋯C–X conformation lock exists universally in N′-[(1E)-phenylmethylidene]acetohydrazides, and the lock can be opened by a strong intramolecular H-bond, such as O2–H2⋯N2 in 9. This suggests that the conformation of these compounds can be modified by pH adjustment.
In addition to the CN⋯C–CN conformation lock, there are four intermolecular hydrogen bonds involved in the crystal packing of 1, one of N–H⋯O, one of O–H⋯N, and two of C–H⋯O type (Fig. 7). The distances N1–H1⋯O1, O2–H2⋯N3, C2–H2B⋯O1 and C2–H2A⋯O2 are 1.96, 1.86, 2.33 and 2.58 Å, respectively, and the corresponding angles 171, 171, 168 and 127°, respectively. These hydrogen bonds synergistically constitute a complicated 3D structure, the formation of which can be easily understood in the following way (Fig. 7). The molecules related by an n-glide plane form a zig–zag [101] chain via a strong O–H⋯N hydrogen bond; antiparallel chains of this type are laterally linked into a (−301) sheet by N–H⋯O and C2–H2A⋯O2 hydrogen bonds; these parallel sheets are finally interconnected into a 3D structure via a C2–H2B⋯O1 hydrogen bond.
In conclusion, the work has revealed an interesting σ-hole CN⋯C–X conformation lock existing universally in N′-[(1E)-phenylmethylidene]acetohydrazides. Ab initio calculations provided effective support for the interaction; second-order perturbation theory analysis of the Fock matrix on the NBO basis has confirmed that the conformation lock is in nature intramolecular charge transfer from the CN lone pair into the σ*(C–X) antibonding orbital. We believe that the present work may be the first study on the conformation effect of the CN⋯C–X σ-hole interaction.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 1447696 and 1447697. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c6nj02622b |
‡ L. Wang and Z. Zhang contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2017 |