E. Marchante,
M. S. Maglione,
N. Crivillers,
C. Rovira and
M. Mas-Torrent*
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain. E-mail: mmas@icmab.es
First published on 17th January 2017
An electroactive tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on gold has been prepared and fully characterised by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Transfer rates of the same order were found for the two redox processes. Remarkably, the TTF SAM was successfully exploited as a 4-state electrochemical switch using the capacitance of the SAM as output signal.
The TTF derivative 1 (Fig. 1A) was synthesised following the methodologies reported in the literature (see ESI† for synthetic details).26–28 This molecule bears a disulfide group that can react with gold surfaces in order to form a covalent bonded SAM. The SAMs were prepared by immersion of the freshly cleaned substrates in a 1 mM solution of 1 in dry THF under an inert atmosphere and room temperature for 72 h. Subsequently, the functionalized samples were rinsed carefully with THF and dried under a stream of nitrogen giving the target TTF-SAM (Fig. 1A). The SAMs were successfully characterised by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) (Table S1 and Fig. S1 ESI†).
Fig. 1 (A) TTF molecule 1 and scheme of its corresponding SAM on gold. (B) CV of TTF-SAM in LiClO4 0.1 M in acetonitrile at scan rates 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 1 V s−1. |
The confinement of the TTF core on the electrode surface provides an electrochemical interface with three stable redox states, i.e., the neutral, the radical cation and the dication forms of TTF. The TTF-Au modified electrodes were characterized then using electrochemical techniques. Fig. 1B shows the voltammetric response of the TTF-modified Au surface at different potential scan rates (ν) measured using a solution of LiClO4 0.1 M in acetonitrile as electrolyte, the functionalized surface as working electrode and platinum and silver wires as counter and pseudo-reference electrodes, respectively. Expectedly, two reversible one-electron processes corresponding to the TTF/TTF˙+ and TTF˙+/TTF2+ redox couples were observed at the formal potentials E′1 = 0.26 V and E′2 = 0.63 V vs. Ag(s) (at a scan rate of 100 mV s−1), respectively. The linear relationship between Ipa (i.e., the anodic peak current intensity) and ν is in agreement with the presence of surface-confined redox-active molecules (see ESI, Fig. S2†), along with the small peak-to-peak separations (ΔEp = Eanodic − Ecathodic) observed at low scan rates for the two redox processes, ΔEp1 = 27 mV and ΔEp2 = 19 mV.29 The full width at half maximum (fwhm) in a theoretical case, where an ideal Nernstian reaction under the Langmuir isotherm conditions (i.e., all adsorption sites are equivalents and there are no interactions between immobilized electroactive centers) occurs at 25 °C, is ca. 90 mV.30 The deviations from the theoretical fwhm value gives hence information about the redox centers, especially related to the intermolecular interactions.31,32 In this case, the fwhm value of the first redox peak of the TTF-SAMs was larger than 90 mV (i.e., 143 mV), whereas for the second redox peak was slightly lower than the theoretical value (i.e., 79 mV). This type of CV shape has been commonly observed in other TTF-SAMs.13,33,34 From the area under the cyclic voltammetry peak, the TTF surface coverage was estimated to be 2.2 × 10−10 mol cm−2 (at 100 mV s−1 of scan rate). Repeated electrochemical cycling demonstrated that the SAM was stable and only a significant reduction in the CV was detected when the potential was scanned beyond the first redox process (Fig. S3†).
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful tool to characterize electrical interfacial properties.35 In SAMs it has mainly been previously employed to determine electron transfer rates in electroactive systems36 or to investigate the ionic permeability through SAMs based of non-electroactive molecules.37 To characterise the TTF-SAM, impedance spectra were collected, in the same conditions as the ones used in the CV experiments, between 200 kHz and 500 mHz with an AC amplitude of 5 mV (peak to peak) at three different voltages: before the redox process (10 mV), at the first redox peak potential (250 mV), and at the second redox peak potential (620 mV). Nyquist and Bode plots, shown in Fig. 2A and B, respectively, are the standard diagrams to represent EIS measurements.38–40 In cases where a DC-current can be established, such as when an ion pair is present in the electrolyte solution, Nyquist plots typically display one or more semicircles.35 Nevertheless, in the case of surface confined molecules under an inert electrolyte, a DC-current cannot be established, and the system shows capacitor behaviour. Accordingly, the Nyquist plots of the TTF-SAM look like straight vertical lines parallel to the y axis (Fig. 2A).41–45 The Bode magnitude plots (impedance modulus (|Z|) vs. frequency) at the low frequency region consist of straight lines with slopes close to −1, while the phase angles (ϕ) approach −90°. This behaviour is in agreement with a capacitor-like system,46 where the gold metal surface acts as one of the capacitor plate and the physisorbed ions at the SAM/electrolyte interface act as the other capacitor plate.47 At higher frequencies (f > 10 kHz), the frequency-independent impedance and phase angle close to zero indicate that the system behaves as a resistor, that is, the total impedance is dominated by the solution resistance.47 This is due to the fact that at high frequencies, the capacitor behaves as a short-circuit element since there is no time to be charged, allowing the AC current to pass. Noticeable, a significant modulation in |Z| is observed at the low frequency region depending on the DC voltage applied (i.e., on the SAM redox state), indicating that the performed impedance measurements could be successfully used as a readout of the molecular switch. Alternatively, the data can be analyzed by means of capacitance Bode plots by using the expressions:40,41,48 Cre = −Zim[(j2πfZ)−1] and Cim = −Zre[(j2πfZ)−1], where Zre and Zim are the real and imaginary part of the complex impedance, respectively, and f the frequency.
Fig. 2 EIS characterization of TTF-SAM at 3 different bias voltages: 10 mV (■), 250 mV (●), and 620 mV (▲) vs. Ag(s). (A) Nyquist plot, (B) Bode plot, and (C) Cole–Cole Plot. |
In fact, capacitance Cole–Cole plots, where the imaginary (Cim) versus the real (Cre) part of the capacitance are represented, provide very useful information for surface confined redox species.41–45,48–50 Fig. 2C clearly illustrates that different processes with different time constants are occurring depending on the applied DC potential. The small semicircle recorded at a voltage outside the redox process (i.e., 10 mV) comes from the non faradaic terms dominated by the resistance of the electrolyte (Re) and the double layer capacitance (Cdl). In the redox window potentials faradaic contributions are also present (i.e., a pseudo-capacitance for charging the monolayer and a resistance for the electron transfer). Noteworthy, the influence of applied potential on the capacitance spectra of bare Au was much smaller than when the gold is functionalised with the TTF electroactive monolayer, indicating that the observed effect is not simply due to the polarisation of the metal but to the redox processes involved (Fig. S4†).
The imaginary part of the capacitance for the prepared TTF-SAMs is plotted against frequency at DC bias 10, 250 and 620 mV, as shown in Fig. 3A. From this data, it is possible to extract information about the kinetic parameters of the redox transfer.41–45,48–50 However, first it is necessary to treat the data. First the solution resistance (Re), which is easily extracted from the beginning of Zre at high frequency in the Nyquist plot, should be subtracted from the spectrum by means of Zre(f) − Re.48 Then, the blank response from the experimental data registered at 10 mV is also subtracted. In this way, we can gain information exclusively on the redox processes, free of parasitic signals. Fig. 3B shows the final responses of the two Cim spectra that correspond to the first and second redox processes, respectively, after the subtraction of the response of the SAM outside the redox window. From these graphs, the rate constant for the electron transfer process (kET) can be estimated from the frequency (f0) at the highest ordinate point using the expression: kET = πf0.41–45,48–50 The kET values for the TTF/TTF˙+ and TTF˙+/TTF2+ redox processes were estimated to be 882 and 767 s−1, respectively. Noticeably, previously reported transfer rates for TTF SAMs extracted from applying Laviron's formalism on the CV data gave a higher value for the second oxidation process than for the first one.51,52 This trend was attributed to environmental effects such as the formation of ion pairs between the oxidized TTF molecules and the electrolyte anions that accelerated the second redox process.50–52 However, in our study the transfer rates found for the two TTF redox processes by EIS are of the same order.
Further, the Cre versus frequency plot is illustrated in Fig. 3C. We found that at medium/high frequency range, the measured capacitance corresponds to the bulk capacitance, whereas at low frequency values a plateau is reached reflecting the interfacial double-layer capacitance.53 Consequently, at this low frequency the capacitance is clearly dependant on the redox state of the molecule and, thus, on the applied DC voltage. Therefore, this result prompted us to investigate the capacitance response in the electrochemical switchable TTF-SAM at low frequency. Taking into account the CV data, four different voltage inputs were selected: 10, 250, 450 and 620 mV vs. Ag(s), respectively (Fig. 1B). Such voltages correspond, respectively, to a state where the TTF molecule is in neutral state (state 1), where the first oxidation process occurs (state 2), where all the TTF surface-confined molecules should exist as TTF˙+ radical-cation (state 3) and the last one where the second oxidation process takes place (state 4). A schematic representation of the different TTF-SAM redox states can be found in Fig. S5.† Hence EIS measurements were performed at 1 Hz at the selected DC potentials. In Fig. 4 evolution of Cre in the four states is shown when 20 cycles were applied to the TTF functionalised gold substrate. Capacitance values discernible and specific for each state with significant on/off ratios were found, validating the feasibility of using the SAM capacitance as output of the electrochemical switch. A perceptible decrease of the initial capacitance value of 3, 15, 2 and 30% for states 1–4, respectively, after 20 cycles, was found. As the values indicate, such variation is more pronounced at the states corresponding to the potential of the redox process. This is attributed to some molecular desorption caused by the bias stress. This is also in accordance to the changes observed in the CV of the SAM before and after the impedance switching experiments (Fig. S6†). The switching response was studied in different samples after the application of 50 cycles achieving similar results (Fig. S7†). Therefore, it has been successfully achieved a surface confined molecular switch operating with both and electric input and output signals by making use of the SAM capacitance. It should be highlighted though that the robustness of the system is limited to the electrochemical stability of the sulphur–gold covalent bond which could probably be improved by avoiding extremely traces of humidity and oxygen. We also anticipate that other SAMs such as silane derivatives on ITO would be more durable.13,19
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ra27011e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |