Suli Chen,
Lei Chen,
Huicheng Hu,
Qipeng Liu,
Yong Xu,
Fei Ji,
Feng Bao,
Jian Fan* and
Qiao Zhang
Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials & Devices, Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, SWC for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, PR China
First published on 21st February 2017
Dimeric nanostructures have attracted much attention owing to their unique structure and excellent physiochemical properties. However, it has been very difficult to make monometallic nanodimers. In this work, we report a simple colloidal approach to synthesize high-yield monometallic Au nanorod–Au nanoparticle dimers by using a negatively charged polyelectrolyte, poly(sodium-p-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), to modify the positively charged Au nanorods. The growth process is studied by systematically tuning the reaction parameters. The as-obtained dimers can serve as a great SERS substrate for the detection of organic molecules because of the existence of “hot-spots”. The analytical enhancement factor (AEF) of the as-prepared dimers is up to 106, which is two magnitudes higher than that of Au nanorods.
Many different types of dimeric structures, including metal–metal (Pt–Au,18 Au–Pd,19–21 Pt–Ag, Pd–Ag,22) and metal–oxide (Pt–CdO, Pd–CdO, Au–CdO,23 Au–Fe3O4,24 Ag–Fe3O4 25) have been prepared through the seeded growth approach. Most of the reported examples are based on the heterogeneous nucleation and growth mechanism.26,27 It has been widely accepted that the lattice difference between the two components is critical for the formation of such dimeric structures. When the lattices between two components are very close (usually within 3–5%),28 core–shell nanostructures can be obtained through a continuous epitaxial growth. Larger lattice mismatch will lead to the island growth, in which island-like structure will be formed on the seed surface, resulting in the formation of dimers or multimers.
It is therefore very difficult to make dimeric nanostructures with the same component, such as Au–Au, Ag–Ag and Pt–Pt, or two different components with similar lattice constants, i.e., Au–Ag, where only core–shell structures can be obtained through conventional colloidal seeded growth approaches. Some interesting work has been done to achieve this goal. For instance, Sun and co-worker have developed a seed-mediated, surface-confined asymmetric overgrowth strategy to synthesize high-quality Au–Ag heterodimer.29 Chen group30 and Han group31 have reported that the deposition of Ag or Au onto the pre-existing Au seeds by modifying the seed surface with thiol ligands. Although much progress has been made, the challenge remains. For example, it is difficult to make such dimers in a large scale and cost-effective way because most reported examples involved complex treatment process. In some cases, strong capping ligands, such as thiol, have to be used to modify the surface. However, the strong Au–S bond will hinder the applications of such nanostructures because the surface has been fully occupied by the capping ligands.32 It is thus highly desired to develop a new protocol that can make monometallic nanodimers in a controllable manner.
Herein, we report that a unique dimeric Au nanorod–Au nanoparticle (AuNR–AuNP) nanostructure can be easily obtained through a seed-mediated growth method. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-capped Au nanorods were first treated with negatively charged poly(sodium-p-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) polyelectrolyte, followed by the reduction of HAuCl4 using tri-sodium citrate (TSC) as the reducing agent.33 Monometallic AuNR–AuNP dimers were successfully prepared in a very high yield (>90%). To figure out the growth mechanism, the growth process has been carefully studied. Additionally, the reaction parameters, including the polyelectrolyte concentration, the pH value, and the addition amount of precursors, have been systematically varied. Based on the experimental results, a plausible growth mechanism has been proposed, in which the existence of negatively charged PSS molecules is believed to be the critical factor. The as-prepared dimers showed great performance in SERS application because of the existence of “hot-spots” in the dimeric structure. The analytical enhancement factor (AEF) of the as-prepared dimers is up to 2.01 × 106, which is much higher than that of Au nanorods.
To prepare the growth solution, 2.1 g (0.037 M in the final growth solution) of CTAB and 0.373 g of NaOL were dissolved in 250 mL of ultrapure water and 6.3 mL of 4 mM AgNO3 solution was added. The mixture was kept undisturbed at 30 °C for 30 min after which 2.945 mL of 25.4 mM HAuCl4 solution was added. The solution colour became colourless after 30 min of stirring (500 rpm). 0.9 mL of HCl (37 wt% in water, 12.1 M) was then introduced to adjust the pH. After another 30 min of slow stirring at 500 rpm, 0.375 mL of 0.064 M ascorbic acid (AA) was added and the solution was vigorously stirred for 30 s. Finally, 0.18 mL of seed solution was injected into the growth solution. The resultant mixture was stirred for 30 s and left undisturbed at 30 °C for 6 h for AuNRs growth. The final products were isolated by centrifugation at 7000 rpm for 10 min followed by removal of the supernatant and then washed once by ultrapure water.
The as-prepared 5 mL of AuNRs solution was mixed with 0.6 mL of NaOH aqueous solution (24 mM) and 0.3 mL of 5 wt% TSC solution at room temperature for 10 min and in a water bath at 30 °C for 5 min. Subsequently, 0.565 mL of HAuCl4 aqueous solution (25.4 mM) was injected into the solution. This reaction system was kept in a water bath at 30 °C for a designed period without stirring.
To investigate the growth mechanism of AuNR–AuNP dimers, the evolution process has been carefully monitored by taking aliquots out from the reaction solution at different reaction stages. As shown in Fig. 2a, the smooth surface become very rough after reacted for 15 min as some rugged Au bumps can be observed on the surface of AuNRs. Both the HR-TEM image and the corresponding FFT diffractogram (Fig. S2†) confirmed the existence of rich defects. When the reaction time was prolonged to 30 min, a long tail (up to 35 nm) can be seen on each nanorod and some bumps are still existing (Fig. 2b). The stacking faults can be clearly observed in the HR-TEM image (the inset in Fig. 2b) when the interface between the tail and the nanorod was enlarged. The long and thin tail became shorter and fatter gradually with prolonged reaction time, as shown Fig. 2c and d. It is worth pointing out that the surface gradually became smooth again after reacted for 1 hour. With the disappearance of some bumps, the diameter of AuNRs increased gradually to 30 nm eventually.
It is well known that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) properties of Au nanoparticles are highly dependent on their morphologies. The morphological change has significant impact on their SPR properties. As shown in Fig. 3, the original AuNRs have a sharp extinction peak at 890 nm, which red shifted to around 896 nm after reacted for 15 min. The slight red-shift might be attributed to the growth of small bumps on the tip that make higher aspect ratio of the AuNRs. Although long tails have been observed when the system was kept for 30 min, no much red-shift has been observed. The SPR peak slightly red shifted to about 898 nm, which might be ascribed to the fact that the products are branched nanostructures rather than straight nanorods. With the shorter and fatter branch nanostructures, the extinction peak blue-shifted significantly. As depicted in Fig. 3, the final product has an extinction peak at 805 nm, which is in good agreement with its lower aspect ratio. It is worth pointing out that no sharp peak at ∼520 nm has been observed during the whole process, implying that no free gold nanoparticles have been formed in the solution.
To further figure out the growth mechanisms of the monometallic dimers, a series of experiments have been carried out. The influence of PSS polyelectrolyte was examined first. Without the PSS treatment, a “dog-bone” shaped nanostructure can be obtained, as depicted in Fig. 4a. These phenomena can be explained by the fact that the density of CTAB bilayer at the end is lower than that on the side because the curvature of the end is larger than that at the side surface.36 As a result, Au atoms nucleated and grew preferentially at the end of AuNR seeds, leading to the formation of “dog-bone” shaped nanoparticles.37–39 Rich stacking defects have also been observed in the TEM image (Fig. S3a†). When AuNRs were first treated with low concentration of PSS solution (3 mg mL−1 in the final solution), only irregular nanorods can be obtained and the dog-bone shaped nanostructures disappeared (Fig. 3b), suggesting the important role of PSS treatment. Dimeric AuNR–AuNP can be obtained when the AuNRs were treated with higher PSS concentration (10 mg mL−1, Fig. 1b). Further increasing the PSS concentration to 20 mg mL−1 led to the formation of free Au nanoparticles, while no dimeric nanostructures can be observed (data not shown). Higher coverage of PSS on the AuNRs surface might inhibit the deposition of Au atoms, resulting in the formation of free Au nanoparticles. From the above results, we can conclude that the PSS treatment is critical to the formation of dimeric nanostructures.
It is widely accepted that the reaction kinetics plays an important role in the seeded growth process. In general, slow reaction rate favours the seeded growth as self-nucleation process will be eliminated and less free secondary nanoparticles will be formed. In this work, the reaction kinetics can be controlled by several factors, such as pH, temperature, reducing agent, and the concentration of precursors. The role of pH was studied carefully. The concentration of NaOH was applied to tune pH of solution. It was reported that the reduction potential of Au(III) complexes was strongly related to the pH of solution. The highly reactive [AuCl3(OH)]− complex can be converted to less reactive [AuCl2(OH)2]− and [AuCl(OH)3]− species when the pH value was higher than about 6.2, leading to lower reactivity upon increasing pH.40 In the absence of NaOH, the pH value is around 5.5. The solution became reddish quickly, suggesting the formation of free Au nanoparticles, which has been confirmed by the TEM characterization. As shown in Fig. 4c, although some dimeric nanostructures can still be obtained, large amount of free Au nanoparticles can be observed. When the NaOH concentration was increased to 1.0 mM, no red or purple colour has been observed and the colour change slowly, suggesting no free Au nanoparticles were formed. The pH value was around 7.9. Dimeric AuNR–AuNP nanostructures can be prepared under this condition (Fig. 4d), confirming that higher pH value favours the formation of dimers.
The addition amount of HAuCl4 solution also plays an important role in determining the final morphology of product. We varied the addition amount of HAuCl4 solution and kept the other parameters being constant. As shown in Fig. 5a, when the molar ratio of HAuCl4 and AuNRs was 0.7:
1, a long tail can be observed on the surface of each AuNR after kept at 30 °C for 3 hours, which is like the intermediate shown in Fig. 2b. Correspondingly, the extinction peak red-shifted to 903 nm (Fig. 5d). When more gold precursor was added, the long tail disappeared and a branch-like structure can be obtained. The corresponding extinction peak blue shifted to 835 nm. Further increasing the molar ratio between HAuCl4 and AuNRs to 1.75
1 led to the formation of free Au nanoparticles, as confirmed by both the TEM characterization (Fig. 5c) and the sharp extinction peak at ∼520 nm (Fig. 5d).
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Fig. 5 (a–c) TEM images showing the product obtained by tuning the molar ratio of HAuCl4 and AuNRs: (a) 0.7![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Based on the above results, a plausible growth mechanism has been proposed. Since the surface of AuNRs is covered with CTAB bilayers, the original AuNRs were positively charged. After repeating washing and additional treatment using negatively charged PSS solution, the surface became negatively charged because of both the weak binding between CTAB bilayer and Au surface and the long chain of PSS polyelectrolyte. The negatively charged surface as well as the polyelectrolyte is critical for the following anisotropic deposition of Au atoms. When PSS chain partially wrapped AuNR surface, the negative charged long chain repelled the deposition of negatively charged Au atoms, which can be confirmed by the fact that free Au nanoparticles were formed and no dimeric nanostructures could be obtained when the PSS concentration was increased to 20 mg mL−1. After treated with low concentration of PSS solution, the AuNR surface was partially wrapped, leaving some parts available for Au atom deposition. As a result, a lot of rugged bumps can be observed after reacted for 15 min (Fig. 2a). When more Au atoms were reduced, some small bumps can grow anisotropically to form long tails, as shown in Fig. 2b. The anisotropic growth might be attributed to the existence of PSS polyelectrolyte and the resulted defects. However, the thin and long tail is not thermodynamically stable because of the high surface energy. To minimize the surface energy, the long tail might go through an Ostwald ripening process, leading to the formation of branched and eventually the spherical shaped nanoparticles. The reaction kinetics is important in the formation of monometallic nanodimers. High pH value and low concentration of Au precursor can slow down the reaction rate, favouring the formation of AuNR–AuNP dimers.
It was well known that dimers can possess superior SERS performance to single particles because of the existence of “hot-spots” formed between two adjacent nanoparticles.41–45 The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has been applied to understand the possible enhancement mechanism in the dimeric nanostructure. As shown in Fig. 6a, a clear enhancement in the interface region has been observed, implying the potential application of such nanoparticles in SERS. This simulation results have been further confirmed by the experimental results. In this work, Rhodamine 6G (R6G) molecules were used as the target molecules. As shown in Fig. 6b (black line), no signal could be detected when naked silicon wafer was used as the substrate ([R6G] = 10−4 M). When Au nanorods were used as the substrate, characteristic peaks of R6G could be observed, confirming the enhancement of Au nanoparticles. When the as prepared AuNR–AuNP dimers were used as the substrate, significant enhancement of the intensity could be observed. It should be noted that the amount of AuNRs and the dimers were kept the same. The detection limit of R6G by using the AuNR–AuNP dimers is around 10−7 M. The analytical enhancement factor (AEF) of the as-prepared dimers is about 2.01 × 106, which is two magnitudes higher than that of Au nanorods (∼1.6 × 104). It is worth noting that although the dimers show much better SERS performance than single Au nanorods, the AEF of the as-prepared dimers is still lower than some of the best results reported by the literature. For example, Hakonen and co-workers reported an AEF up to 1011 by using dimer-on-mirror gold nanostructures as the substrates.44 This result might be attributed to the fact that the density of “hot-spots” in the obtained dimer structure is not so high as that in the reported results. Since our synthetic approach is much simpler than many reported lithography method, it is believed that this method can be used to prepare highly efficient SERS substrate by modifying the structure and composition. More research efforts are being devoted to optimizing the dimeric structure and to improving its SERS performance.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details and additional TEM image. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra01039g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |