Suchitra Yadava,
Brajesh S. Yadavb,
Sujeet Chaudhary
a and
Dinesh K. Pandya
aThin Film Laboratory, Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India. E-mail:; Tel: +91-11-2659 1347
bSolid State Physics Laboratory, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi 110054, India
First published on 7th April 2017
In this study, the deposition potential has been used to exercise control on structural and electrical properties, and associated tuning of thermoelectric properties of CoSb3 thin films prepared by electrochemical synthesis. Deposition potential is observed to have a strong effect on the stoichiometry of films and orientation of crystallites, and consequently on the physical properties. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films grown at lower deposition potentials (≤−0.9 V) have (013) preferred orientation whereas (420) orientation is observed at higher negative deposition potentials. A correlation of the deposition potential controlled composition from a Sb-rich to a Co-rich regime and the resulting tuning of electrical transport parameters and thermoelectric properties of the CoSb3 thin films is established. With enlarged crystallites and enhanced textured structure at a deposition potential of −0.97 V, a significantly large Seebeck coefficient (58 μV K−1) with a simultaneously large electrical conductivity (2.1 × 103 Ω−1 cm−1) are achieved as a result of the high mobility (60 cm2 V−1 s−1). A high value for room temperature power factor (706 ± 9 μW K−2 m−1) observed in the as-grown CoSb3 thin films without any further post-deposition annealing makes their synthesis and thermoelectric studies interesting for their potential applications in power generation and refrigeration.
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The main concern in the study of thermoelectrics is to find material with high value of Z over the temperature range required for industrial applications. The conventional TE materials such as FeSi2 (ref. 6) and SiGe (ref. 7) perform well but at very high operating temperatures. The other materials such as PbTe (ref. 8) and GeTe (ref. 9) are suitable for moderate temperature range (500–700 K), but they are having higher cost of production and involve non-desired tellurium. Among TE materials with high efficiency and lacking the non-desired tellurium or lead, skutterudites stand out with a promising future for intermediate temperature range.10,11 The binary skutterudite CoSb3 belongs to compounds with general formula MX3 (Im3), where M is a transition metal atom (Co, Rh, or Ir) and X is a pnictogen atom (P, As, or Sb) and is characterized by a cubic crystalline structure and four-membered planar rings of X.12 Further, the guest ions can be incorporated into the voids of the complex crystal structure yielding a lower thermal conductivity.13,14 However, the synthesis of single phase CoSb3 thin films is a big challenge as the phase diagram reveals no homogeneity area for the single CoSb3 skutterudite phase.15 The phase is observed for an accurate stoichiometry with 75 at% Sb. At lower Sb content, the CoSb2 phase is also formed and at higher Sb content, Sb phase segregation formation is expected.
A unique process termed electrochemical deposition (ED) provides an attractive alternative route in comparison to other techniques16–20 for the fabrication of high-quality CoSb3 films with tailored microstructure and promising thermoelectric properties. The most interesting feature of ED is that, the composition and crystalline structure of the deposited material can be controlled by adjusting the ED parameters such as pH, bath temperature, deposition potential etc.21 Further, its capability for controlled synthesis, like ion selectivity based on deposition potential, differential control for different electronegativity ions as a function of deposition potential, bath temperature etc. can help in developing desired TE films. In addition, the material can be processed near room temperature (20–80 °C). There are limited studies on electrochemical synthesis of CoSb3 thin films.22–25 However, there is hardly any detailed, comprehensive and correlated study on the thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited CoSb3 thin films.
A recent report26 predicts the formation of p-type Co interstitials in Co-rich CoSb3 and p-type Co vacancies in Sb-rich CoSb3. As the deposition potential control is expected to tune continuously and significantly the composition of the binary system, we planned the present work on electrodeposited CoSb3 thin films and studied the role of deposition potential. The intent of this work is to scrutinize a proper structure-property correlation among structure, composition, morphology, electrical transport parameters and thermoelectric behavior of the CoSb3 thin films for their improved thermoelectric performance. Electrochemical synthesis parameters are optimized to attain stoichiometrically correct and pure phase of CoSb3. Electrical and Hall measurements have been correlated with the changes in structure, orientation and composition, to understand the effect of variation in hole transport parameters on thermoelectric properties.
Sb2O3 + H2O = 2HSbO2 | (2) |
In acidic medium (obtained by the presence of sodium citrate monobasic and citric acid), the solubility of Sb2O3 gets enhanced with the formation of SbO+ according to the reaction
Sb2O3 + 2H+ = 2SbO+ + H2O | (3) |
The SbO+ thus formed results into the formation of HSbO2 and H+ according to the reaction
SbO+ + H2O = HSbO2 + H+ | (4) |
Both the species formed by reaction (4) are required for the release of free Sb. Electrodeposition of CoSb3 involves the reduction of the absorbed Co2+ and HSbO2 on the electrode to elemental Co and Sb as per following reactions (5) and (6), which eventually combine to form CoSb3.
Co2+ + 2e− = Co | (5) |
HSbO2 + 3H+ + 3e− = Sb + 2H2O | (6) |
The overall reaction can be expressed as
Co2+ + 3HSbO2 + 9H+ + 11e− = CoSb3 + 6H2O | (7) |
The electrochemical deposition was carried out using computer controlled potentiostat (Model-1140A, CHI make) and CHI software (Fig. 1). A platinum sheet (2.5 × 1 cm2) and saturated calomel electrode SCE (KCl saturated) were used as counter electrode and reference electrode, respectively. The CoSb3 thin films were grown on indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate by varying deposition potential at 70 °C bath temperature. No stirring was used during deposition. Three different sets of samples were deposited under similar conditions to ensure the reproducibility of thermoelectric and other related properties. A Dektak XT surface profiler was used to measure the thickness of the deposited films. As-prepared CoSb3 thin films of typical thickness ∼800 nm were characterized structurally using X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical X'pert Pro model) having CuKα radiation (λ = 1.54 Å) in 2θ range from 20–80° using Bragg–Brentano geometry. Topographic studies were carried out on the substrate and thin films using the Bruker make atomic force microscope (AFM) (Model – Dimension ICON Scan Asyst). Raman spectra were recorded by using Renishaw InVia Micro Raman Spectrometer in 100–300 cm−1 range; utilizing the 532 nm line of Argon ion (Ar+) laser and a 2400 lines per inch grating. The morphology and elemental composition of the deposited films were studied using an analytical scanning electron microscope (SEM, ZEISS EVO 50). A CAMECA IMS-7F magnetic secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) instrument has been used for elemental depth profiling of the samples. Analysis was performed with a Cs+ primary ion beam of 5 keV impact energy and about 30 nA of beam current. The primary ion beam was raster scanned across a square area of 200 × 200 μm2 of the sample surface. Positive secondary ions, MCs+ (where M is the element to be monitored) were detected from a circular region of 33 μm diameter centered in the rastered area for analysis. Measurements of electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of the films were carried out at room temperature using van der Pauw method and the Seebeck coefficient was obtained by setting temperature gradient of 5 K between both ends of the sample. The reported electrical parameters have been corrected for the contribution of the conducting substrate.27
Before each deposition, the ultrasonically cleaned ITO coated glass substrates were subjected to a pre-treatment to improve the surface quality and the reproducibility of the deposition experiments. The pre-treatment consists of cleaning the surface by cycling the potential between −1.5 V and 1.5 V for 5–10 times in the same deposition bath. It has been observed that this treatment is effective in attaining the smooth surfaces, as possible removal of microscopic entities from substrate surface occurs due to cleaning. The quality of the surface was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging. The topographical images of substrate and film before and after treatment are shown in Fig. 2(a)–(d) respectively. The significant difference was marked in the surface morphology with respect to the treatment. The appropriate parameter in characterizing the surface morphology of thin films is the rms roughness (ρrms). The ρrms of ITO substrate is 3.3 nm which is decreased to 2.5 nm on pre-treatment. Subsequently, the ρrms of CoSb3 films is found to decrease from 98 nm to 47 nm as a result of pre-treatment.
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Fig. 2 Topographical images of (a) untreated ITO substrate, (b) treated ITO substrate, (c) CoSb3 thin film on untreated ITO and (d) CoSb3 thin film on treated ITO substrate. |
The differences in morphology of the films may be intimately linked to changes in composition and deposition current as deposition potential is varied from −0.8 V to −1.1 V. Fig. 6 shows the SEM images of the films electrodeposited at various potentials. It is clearly seen that the morphology of the films strongly depends on the deposition potential. Fig. 6(a) shows the globular-like grains in the Sb rich Co–Sb films deposited at lower deposition potential (−0.8 V). It is visible that the grain-uniformity enhances with increase in deposition potential. In −0.97 V sample, the smooth surface and narrow globule size variation is observed as compared to the previous two samples. At −1.0 V, the flake/needle like grains start appearing along with globular structure. This transformation from globular to flake-like is more prominent at higher negative potential of −1.1 V. It may be linked to the inclusion of excess Co in the films. A sharp change in morphology at −0.97 V is noticeable in Fig. 6(c), consistent with sharp change in composition at this potential, indicating a very narrow regime of deposition potential for the formation of pure CoSb3 phase, as confirmed later by our XRD and Raman results.
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Fig. 8 Variation of crystallite size (D), lattice constant (a) and I(013)/I(420) ratio with change in deposition potential (lines serve as guide to the eye). |
To further study the effect of deposition potential on orientation, the intensity ratio of two prominent peaks (013) and (420) has been compared and the obtained values are plotted in Fig. 8 as a function of deposition potential. The ratio of these two peaks I013/I420 in standard JCPDS (no. 78-0976) is 5. The ratio for −0.8 V sample is found to be 2.0 which signifies that (013) peak is more prominent, whereas for −0.97 V the I013/I420 ratio is 0.5 indicating strong (420) orientation. It is also observed that the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of (420) peak sharply decreases from 0.81° to 0.47° with the deposition potential variation from −0.8 V to −0.97 V. However, at −1.0 V, FWHM is sharply increased to 0.84° and it further increases to 1.10° at −1.1 V. The observed variation in both the parameters (FWHM and intensity) of the diffraction peaks strongly reveals the understandable improved crystallinity of the films at −0.97 V. The excess Sb at lower potentials and excess Co at higher potentials seem to contribute to the decrease in crystallite size and crystallinity of the CoSb3 phase. The crystallite size (D) is estimated using (013) and (420) reflections employing Debye Scherrer formula28 and its variation with deposition potential is shown in Fig. 8. The lattice parameter (a) is calculated from the most intense peak in the XRD spectra. The value of a = 9.04 Å found for −0.97 V exhibits the closest match with the reported value of 9.038 Å.29
It seems that the observed evolution of CoSb3 phase (and its fraction in the film), increase in (420) texturing and the shift of the peak to lower angles can be consistently understood on the basis of the deposition potential controlled variation in relative fluxes of Co and Sb arriving at the substrate (i.e. increase in Co flux relative to the Sb flux that remains diffusion limited). First, the increasing Co flux beyond −0.8 V will result in the formation of stoichiometric CoSb3 phase with improved crystallinity as the Co:
Sb fluxes reach a ratio of 1
3 resulting in unhindered and ordered growth of single phase along with columnar and textured grain growth. Then the significant increase of the Co flux, beyond the Co diffusion limited regime of around −0.97 V, will lead to lower crystallite size and reduced crystallinity due to limited surface mobility of ad-atoms caused by high deposition flux and possible formation of second phase due to unbalanced fluxes. Similarly, below −0.97 V the occurrence of unbalanced fluxes causes the segregation of Sb as second phase as seen in XRD data. Second, the relative decrease in Sb flux over the Co flux as we move far away from the Sb deposition potential of −0.57 V, past the Co deposition potential of −0.8 V, causes a relative increase in Co content in the films making them first reach ideal stoichiometry of CoSb3 at deposition potential of −0.97 V, (where Co deposition is also diffusion limited) and then result in films with excess cobalt (as suggested by EDAX of −1.0 V and −1.1 V samples). This argument finds support from the observed shift of the (420) peak from 45.1° to 44.3°, possibly on account of the Co and CoSb3 having higher solubility in Co-rich regime.26 It may be noted that the standard location of (420) CoSb3 peak is 44.8°, which is seen at −0.97 V. Therefore, in turn we can argue that −0.97 V deposited CoSb3 film is stoichiometrically correct, which possibly accounts for their improved TE properties (over −1.0 and −1.1 V films) as seen later.
Sample | σ (ohm−1 cm−1) | p (cm−3) | μ (cm2 V−1 s−1) | S (μV K−1) | S2σ (μW K−2 m−1) |
−0.8 V | 3.2 × 103 | 4.0 × 1020 | 50 | 41 | 538 |
−0.9 V | 2.8 × 103 | 3.2 × 1020 | 54 | 46 | 592 |
−0.95 V | 2.2 × 103 | 2.5 × 1020 | 56 | 56 | 690 |
−0.97 V | 2.1 × 103 | 2.2 × 1020 | 60 | 58 | 706 |
−1.0 V | 1.4 × 103 | 1.6 × 1020 | 55 | 66 | 610 |
−1.1 V | 1.1 × 103 | 1.4 × 1020 | 51 | 70 | 539 |
The electrical conductivity (σ) varies monotonically from 3.2 × 103 to 1.1 × 103 Ω−1 cm−1 with the change in the deposition potential as shown in Fig. 10(b). The decrease in σ can be linked to the lowering in carrier concentration as segregation of metallic Sb subsides, but the decrement in σ is not significant as μ remains high. From EDAX it is observed that cobalt content increases with change in deposition potential to more negative side, but it does lead to increase in carrier concentration as the excess cobalt seems to exist as nano-clusters and/or interstitials, and because of this we see the reduction in p and σ. Such dispersed cobalt causes charge carrier scattering leading to decrease in mobility and an associated increase of Seebeck coefficient, which increases significantly from 41 μV K−1 to 70 μV K−1 as shown in Fig. 10(b). It is observed that the Seebeck coefficient for all the samples possesses positive values (i.e. p-type conduction) which is consistent with the previous reports.34,35 Our observed variations in electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient correlate to changes in the morphology, stoichiometry/composition and local atomic order with deposition potential. The globular grains start converting into flake-like structures as more cobalt is there in the films. This overgrowth has negative effect on the transport properties, which can be clearly seen from decrease in mobility values. These variations are attributable to high porosity/smaller grain size and resulting increase in grain boundaries. Moreover, the decrease in carrier concentration results in reduction in electrical conductivity and rise in Seebeck coefficient. It has been reported that the presence of residual metal Sb results in the drop of both electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient.36,37 Thus, the lower value of power factor in −0.8 V sample is accountable by the presence of segregated metal Sb. Further, the sample deposited at −0.97 V is more stoichiometric and thus possesses high value of carrier mobility and optimized carrier concentration resulting in higher value of power factor of 706 ± 9 μW K−2 m−1. Table 1 gives the mean values of all the thermoelectric parameters for the three sets of samples prepared at various deposition potentials. The scatter in the data is quite small (see Fig. 10) to clearly bring out the significant variation of each thermoelectric parameter as a function of deposition potential. It is quite noticeable from Fig. 10 that the mobility variation plays the dominant role is deciding the power factor of the film.
Now we compare our results with some recent reports on the p-CoSb3 films and compacted nano-powders in the literature which have largely reported low power factor values at 300 K due to low electrical conductivity and also presumably due to low mobility (though not reported at times) of charge carriers. For example, Zheng et al.35 reported power factor of 95 μW K−2 m−1 in their ion-beam sputtered p-CoSb3 films deposited at 250 °C substrate temperature having comparable S value of 52 μV K but a much lower value of 350 Ω−1 cm−1 for σ and lower mobility of 53 cm2 V−1 s−1. Similarly, solvothermal synthesized p-CoSb3 though shows comparable S of 48 μV K−1 yet shows poor power factor of ∼18 μW K−2 m−1 due to far lower σ of 77 Ω−1 cm−1.38 In yet another report34 on graphene incorporated p-CoSb3 nano-composites, whereas σ shows a five-fold increase to 510 Ω−1 cm−1 and two-fold increase in mobility to 52 cm2 V−1 s−1, the power factor practically shows no change at 300 K (remaining at ∼50 μW K−2 m−1) due to lowering of S value from 69 to 31 μV K−1. However at 800 K the CoSb3/graphene samples show a high power factor of ∼800 μW K−2 m−1. There is a report20 on the formation of n-CoSb3 films by dc sputtering with large S of −140 μV K−1 but with low σ of ∼8 Ω−1 cm−1 and poor power factor of ∼15 μW K−2 m−1. In a recent report39 on amorphous p-CoSb3 films prepared by rf sputtering, good value of power factor (330 μW K−2 m−1) could be obtained at 703 K only after 500 °C annealing induced crystallization. From all these reports we can see that our thermoelectric parameters values at 300 K in as-deposited p-CoSb3 films are a significant improvement and this seems to be on account of improved crystallinity and microstructure quality, and the associated high mobility of charge carriers. In addition the appropriately high enough electrical conductivity (with desirable somewhat low carrier concentration) and high Seebeck coefficient are achieved due to high mobility resulting in high power factor.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |