Rajib Ahmed*a,
Ahmmed. A. Rifatb,
Muhammad Umair Hassanac,
Ali K. Yetisen
d and
Haider Butt
aNanotechnology Laboratory, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. E-mail: a.rajib@osamember.org; h.butt@bham.ac.uk
bNonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of Physics & Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT-2601, Australia
cDepartment of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
dHarvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
First published on 12th May 2017
A corner cube retroreflector (CCR) consists of three perpendicular flat surfaces and reflects the incident light back to its source. Optical properties of CCR arrays have applications in free space optical communication, low power wireless networks and sensing applications. Conventional top-down CCR array fabrication is complex and requires expensive equipment and limited to broadband reflection only. Here, we utilize laser assisted copying of a CCR array to a light sensitive holography polymer film (∼10 μm) which was placed parallel to the object plane (CCR array) during the recording. Optical characterization of the recorded CCR array hologram was carried out using reflection and color-selective diffraction measurements. Angle dependent optical properties were also simulated computationally followed by their experimental realization, which confirm our experimental findings. In a broadband illumination setting, a broadband white light reflection and a narrowband color diffraction were observed. A linear relationship between the incidence angle of the broadband light and the diffraction angle of the diffracted color light was observed. Bright and well-defined 2nd order far-field diffraction patterns were observed using an image-screen experiment. Maximum diffraction efficiency (DE) of ∼50% was observed for the monochromatic green light at normal illumination setting. The far-field diffraction interspacing/intensity exhibits increasing/decreasing trend with illumination tilt angles, measured between 10 to 50 degrees. The recorded CCR array holograms offer potential applications in color selective diffraction optics and customized optical devices.
Holography is mainly classified into two types, surface or two-dimensional (2D) holography and volume or three-dimensional (3D) holography.24 Both technique are based on optical recoding of phase and amplitude information of reflected light from a recorded object.25 An optical recording medium (ORM) is a photosensitive material, usually a polymer, that retains the optical information it has been exposed to. Recording on ORM for a 3D hologram is realized by illuminating it with two interfering beams coming from the same source but different pathways, that is, a reflection beam from the object, and a guided reference beam from the source. After the recording process, image reconstruction is achieved through light reflection/diffraction from the recorded information on the ORM. In 2D-holography, light information from both reference and recording medium comes from the same side and creates perpendicular planar interference fringes on the ORM.24 However, in 3D-holography, light information coming from different sides of the reference and recoding of medium make multilayer fringes on the ORM photo-polymers. With the variation of input light intensity, wavelength, phase and physical arrangements, micro and nano scale 2D/3D optical devices can be recoded thorough reflection holography.22 Holographic recording through a light sensitive medium has applications in displays, optical devices, sensing, interferometry, nano-antennas and data storage.26,27
Here, a CCR array hologram is recorded on a light sensitive ORM through Denisyuk reflection holography method. Optical properties of the recorded hologram were studied using reflection, diffraction, rational, and far-field experiments, as well as, by computational modelling. Far-field experiments showed bright and well-resolved 2nd order diffraction patterns with monochromatic light (red, green, and blue) illuminations. As the incident wavelength increased, the interspacing between diffraction spots and non-diffracted zero order also increased. The diffraction intensity decreased as the incident light wavelength decreased, in the same way as expected from a diffraction grating. The DE measurement exhibited a maximum of ∼50% (minimum of ∼18%) light diffraction for the green (blue) illuminations. The CCR array hologram showed angular dependence of white light reflection and exhibited a color resolved diffraction when subject to a broadband illumination. Angle dependent behavior of the recorded hologram was also confirmed by computational simulations for triangular array structures. Image projection experiments were also carried out to study the rotational property of the CCR array hologram.
After passing through the optical components, the directed light passes through the ORM and reflects back from the object to the ORM where it leaves interference imprints – thus, the information is recorded. The recoding process required only few seconds to record the CCR hologram array. The latent image was formed through redistribution of AgBr NCs in two steps, namely,28 ionization: AgBr + hν → Ag+ + Br− + e−, and metallic Ag0 formation: Ag+ + e− → Ag0. The recorded hologram was immersed (5 to 6 min) in a developer based on equal amounts of solution-A (ascorbic acid (40 gm), 4-methylaminophenol (6 gm) in 1 L DI-water), and solution-B (sodium carbonate (100 gm), sodium hydroxide (30 gm) in 1 L DI-water. Formation of Ag0 nanoparticles was favored at points of bright fringes, and appear as dark image in the holographic plate. The recorded holographic plate was removed from the developer bath and immersed (1 to 2 min) in the bleach containing potassium bromide (KBr) (60 g) and CuSO4 (30 mL) solution. During the bleaching process, the dark image converted to the bright image. Finally, the recorded hologram was washed (1–2 min) in a water bath and the dried (1–2 min) using hot laminar flow – hologram was ready for optical characterization. The whole process was performed in safety green light and completed in 20–30 minutes.
Suppose an incident plane wave under paraxial approximation, propagating along x-direction,
Ei(x,y,z) = A(x,y)exp(iφ(x,y))exp(−ikz) | (1) |
From normal mirror (NM), the reflected light wave,
Em(x,y,z) = A(x,y)exp(iφ(x,y))exp(+ikz) | (2) |
For ideal phase conjugation mirror (PCM) case,
EPC(x,y,z) = A(x,y)exp(−iφ(x,y))exp(+ikz) | (3) |
In a large CCR array,
![]() | (4) |
ECCR_array can be realized as an ideal EPC phase conjugation using eqn (3) and (4) considering,
(a) a constant amplitude approximation, that is, the amplitude variation should very small in each corner cube as if constant, therefore,
As a result eqn (4) can be written as,
![]() | (5) |
In terms of amplitude and phase reversal of the reflected wave, NM, PCM, and CCR hold different properties, see Fig. 2a–c. The incident wave reflected from a NM is oriented normal to the direction of propagation. The reflected wavefront from PCM shows the phase reversal property in contrast with that reflected from a CCR or NM. CCR faces are triangular, projection (side view), which can be visualized as 2D triangular grating structures, see Fig. 2d. The wavefront reflected from these triangular grating structures is completely disrupted and each section of the wavefront is parallel to the PCM. Therefore, the CCR acts as a pseudophase phase conjugator compared with PCM by reversing all segments of the reflected wavefront.3 The recorded CCR hologram also showed similar pseudophase phase conjugation properties as probed by image projection and rotational experiments. A pair of human eye image was illuminated on the recorded CCR hologram and far-field image was captured using an imaging setup, see Fig. 2e. The far-field projected image from the CCR hologram surface rotates in the opposite direction to the incident image (‘human eye’) for a monochromatic (green) light source, see Fig. 2f. Phase-conjugated rotational properties are also valid for other monochromatic (red, blue) and broadband light illuminations.
The electric field distribution of the computational results with normal and tilted broadband light illumination exhibited reflection, interference, diffraction/scattering properties as shown in Fig. 3c–e. Interference patterns were observed from the periodic intensity variation along the vertical axis. For the normal illumination, maximum light was reflected back toward the source and minimum diffraction/scattering was observed. Inference occurs between the incident (red arrow) and reflected (black arrow) light waves. Light inference for 60° tilted angle was higher as compared with the 30° tilted angle. Interference intensity for the tilted illumination is also dependent on the number of side walls. For larger tilt angles, more light is reflected from the side walls and has more chance to interfere with the incident waves. Therefore the amount of light diffraction/scattering increased for the large tilt illumination (θ = 60°) compared with lower tilt angle (θ = 30°) and minimum for the normal illumination (θ = 0°).
Diffraction behavior was recorded for θi = 20° to 45°, with an increment of 5° and recorded at θr = θd, between 28 to 60°, see Fig. 4c. We observed a color resolved diffraction from the CCR array hologram surface following the Bragg's law, as well as, differentiates the behavior from simple reflection law (θi = θr). Diffracted color peaks also showed a blue shift from 541 to 500 nm as the incidence angle was moved from its minimum of 20° to the maximum value of 45° – optical intensity of the diffracted color light decreased as the incident angle increased. Consistent with reflection measurements, maximum peak intensity was observed at small incidence angles which systematically decreased with increasing θi. Incident broadband light and far-field diffracted color light with incidence angles are shown in Fig. 4d. A white-square box in this figure shows one example of incident broadband light, reflected white light and diffracted color (green) light at certain angle, θi = 25°. For θr = 25, 48, and 60°, the far-field diffracted light showed green (547 nm), light-blue (510 nm), and dark-blue (500 nm) colors, respectively. We can exploit this angle resolved behavior of the CCR array hologram as a visible colorimetric based measurement systems for many practical applications.
For normal illumination of broadband light, a broadband green peak (λ = 554 nm, Δλ = 15.37 nm at 3 dB of max) was reflected back from the CCR array holographic surface, see Fig. 5a. Normal reflection measurement was based on optical microscopic setup. Reflection spectra for normal incidence of the broadband light at CCR hologram surface was picked up by an object lens (×20) in reflection mode. Further reflection measurements were carried out for θi = θ0 = 40 to 55° with an increment of 5° using the same light source (Fig. 5b). The peak wavelength of the reflected light blue-shifted as predicted by our computational modelling, as shown earlier in Fig. 3b. The peak-wavelength was plotted for diffracted color light at measurement angle, θd = 20° for the different θi = 25 to 45° with increment of 5°, see Fig. 5c. The diffracted peak wavelength shifted to lower values with increasing angle, due to reduced spacing parameter of multi-layer grating at the large viewing/illumination angles. Spectral recording for the diffracted color light, plotted at certain illumination angles, θi is shown in inset to Fig. 5c. Angular dependence of emerging diffracted light, on different illumination angles was also studied at different spectrometer positions, confirming a linear relationship between θi and θd, as also expected from previous results, Fig. 5d.
An image-screen setup was also used for far-field diffraction experiments, see Fig. 6a for setup schematics. Monochromatic light sources, red (635 nm, 4.5 mW, Ø11 mm), green (532 nm, 4.5 mW, Ø11 mm) and blue (492 nm, 2.6 mW, Ø11 mm) (Thorlabs Elliptec GmbH Dortmund, Germany), were used for diffraction experiment at normal illumination, Fig. 6b–g. The diffraction distance for the 1st and 2nd orders from zero order increased as we moved from blue to red wavelengths in accordance with Bragg's law, (Λ = λ/2sin
θi, Λ is grating spacing, λ is incident wavelength, and θi is the incidence/tilt angle). However, green light exhibited maximum diffraction intensity; minimum value was observed in the case of blue light. We also computed the diffraction behavior according to the experimental conditions, which confirm the experimentally recorded diffraction behavior to be consistent, Fig. 6f. Therefore, it is suggested that the diffraction properties of the CCR array hologram exhibit similar optical behavior to that of a diffraction grating. This may be due to the fact that the recorded CCR surface consisted of multi-grating structures (Fig. 1d). Furthermore, diffraction efficiencies (a ratio between intensities of diffracted and incident lights) for the 1st order for CCR array hologram were found to be maximum for green and minimum for the blue lasers, 49.8 and 16.2%, respectively.
Holographic CCR array sample was also illuminated in transmission mode with three monochromatic lights (red, green, and blue) at tilt angles of 10° < θi < 50°, with increment of 10°, Fig. 7. An optical powermeter and image screen setups were used to record the information for far-field diffraction patterns at different illumination angles. Motorized precision rotation stages were used for incidence and emerging sides. The sample was positioned at a height adjustable 2D x–y stage. With increasing illumination angle, the distance between diffraction spots also increases in accordance with the Bragg's law. By the same token, the red light shows maximum diffraction distance as compared with other two wavelengths. As a general trend, the diffraction intensity decreased with tilted illumination angles. However, a maximum diffraction intensity was obtained in case of green illumination, consistent with our previous results. We suggest that the diffraction intensity variation was due to the response of internal multi-grating structure (AgBr NCs) of the hologram and their interaction with respect to monochromatic light.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |