Waqas Khan Kayani‡
Javier Palazònb,
Rosa M. Cusidòb and
Bushra Mirza‡
aDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan. Fax: +92-51-90644050; Tel: +92-51-90643007
bPlant Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona, Avda Joan XXIII s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. Fax: +34 93 402 90 43; Tel: +34 93 402 0267
First published on 12th October 2017
The medicinal plant Ajuga bracteosa is a rich source of biologically active and metabolism-enhancing phytoecdysteroids. Transgenic hairy roots from A. bracteosa were obtained by infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains A4, LBA-9402 and ARqua1. The 59 selectively established and rolC-positive hairy root lines increased in size up to 6.6-fold (L42) after one month of in vitro culturing and produced a phytoecdysteroid content ranging from 69.3 to 4449 μg g−1 (L3 and A2, respectively). The clones of these transgenic roots were maintained for successive subcultures on hormone-free medium to obtain a stabilized morphology. Hairy roots displayed four different morphologies: typical hairy root (THR) (59%), callus-like (CM) (17%), thick (TK) (14%) and thin (TN) (10%). The growth rate of the transgenic hairy root lines varied according to their morphology, with CM showing the highest rate (3.93-fold per month). However, THR exhibited the highest phytoecdysteroid content (1538.5 μg g−1). Considering the hairy root morphology in relation to the pRi TR-DNA genes, 100% of the hairy root lines harbored the mas1 and ags genes and 90% of CM lines the aux1 gene. Strikingly, the clones with TK morphology were all positive for the TL- and TR-DNA genes. In contrast, 0% of TN clones harbored the aux1 and ags genes, and only 16.7% the mas1 gene. All CM and TK hairy roots were positive for the ags gene, while mas1 was present in all hairy root types except TN. As expected, all the root lines considered in this work were positive for the rol C gene. Eleven hairy root lines displaying a high growth rate and phytoecdysteroid content were elicited with methyl jasmonate (MeJ) and coronatine (Cor). MeJ doubled the phytoecdysteroid content after 14 days of elicitation (8356 μg g−1 in L2) compared with unelicited control hairy roots, and in in vitro-grown untransformed roots the increase was 5.6-fold.
Major compounds found in A. bracteosa are phytoecdysteroids, neo-clerodane diterpenoids, withanolides and iridoid glycosides. Phytoecdysteroids are structural analogs of the insect molting hormone ecdysone. In plants, these compounds are responsible for some physiological functions, while in mammals they have a huge variety of applications. Phytoecdysteroids increase protein-synthesizing processes,9 body mass10 and blood protein content in rats,10 improve kidney functioning,11 suppress albuminuria,12 activate human lymphocytes,13 reduce lipid peroxidation,14 and increase the copulative function and improve sperm quality.15 They are neuroprotective,16 anti-hyperglycemic,17 anti-inflammatory,18 anti-diabetic19 and also possess antifungal and antibacterial activity.20
Hairy roots are a valuable biotechnological tool for the production of plant secondary metabolites due to their high productivity and growth rate, and genetic stability.21 Agrobacterium rhizogenes infect plants and generate hairy roots in response to the transfer and integration of DNA (T-DNA) from the large root-inducing agrobacterial plasmid (pRi) into the plant genome.22,23 Agropine type strains contain two T-DNA regions on the Ri plasmid known as TL-DNA and TR-DNA, which can be independently incorporated into the plant genome.22,24 The Ri TL-DNA carrying rolA, B, C and D genes is responsible for hairy root induction,24,25 while Ri TR-DNA possesses the genes responsible for opine biosynthesis,26 as well as those involved in the additional route for the formation of indole acetic acid. The TR-region is also important in the determination of the hairy root morphology.27,28 Elicitation of hairy roots can further enhance the biosynthesis of valuable secondary metabolites.21
Phytoecdysteroid biosynthesis in A. reptans hairy roots was found to be closely related to their growth: in a root line (Ar-4) that increased in weight 230-fold, the content of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) increased 4-fold after 45 days of culture.29 The regenerated plants from these hairy roots showed altered plant morphology30 but the same production of 20-HE as in original root line.31 Hairy roots obtained from A. multiflora produced 10 times more 20-HE compared to the wild type.32 Moreover, elicitors are found to induce higher phytoecdysteroid biosynthesis in Spinacia oleracea plants.33
To the best of our knowledge, in the present study, we evaluated for the first time the potential of transformed roots of A. bracteosa to produce phytoecdysteroids and the effect of elicitation. Moreover, the phenotypic effects of the integration of TR-DNA genes from A. rhizogenes into the hairy root genome were also investigated.
Gene | Sequence | Size (bp) | Tm (°C) |
a PCR conditions were fixed except for annealing temperature. They were; 5 minutes 95 °C, followed by 35 cycles of 35 seconds at 95 °C, 35 s for primers annealing (temperature given in table), extension of 1 min at 70 °C and a final extension of 10 min at 70 °C. | |||
A variety of media (MS, B5 and SH with different combinations) was used for the optimization of hairy root induction, stabilization and steady growth (ESI Table 1†). Among 1596 explants infected, LBA infected explants were 56.3%. SH medium supported maximum hairy roots induction as 289 hairy roots (90% ramified) were produced from the only 60 infected explants. Moreover, unlike to that of MS or B5 media, the transgenic hairy roots were induced within a week over SH medium (ESI Table 2†). Initially, half strength MS medium with IBA was found proliferating the hairy roots (ESI Table 3†) but for the stable growth of well ramified hairy roots IBA was alleviated (ESI Table 4†). Besides the media and hormones, the ex vitro source plants were found as the best explant source for hairy roots induction (ESI Table 5†).
Only one hairy root line with moderate growing capacity was obtained from ARqua1 strain and named as AR1. The established hairy root cultures grew actively on hormone-free half-strength medium, and showed four different morphologies (Fig. 2e–j). Most of the hairy roots (59%) exhibited typical hairy root morphology (THR), as described previously.40 Among the rest of the hairy root lines established, those with callus-like (CM), thick (TK) and thin (TN) morphology accounted for 17%, 14% and 10%, respectively of the total (Table 2). All hairy root lines obtained were fast-growing, ramified and plagiotropic except those with CM, which were less ramified. The CM lines exhibited the capacity to dedifferentiate and produce callus tissue in hormone-free culture medium.
Root morphology | Incidence | Growth rate | PE content (μg g−1 DW) | virD1 | rolC | aux1 | mas1 | ags |
a Growth capacity of transgenic clones of different root lines expressed as (harvested FW/inoculum FW) after 28 days of culture in hormone-free half strength MS medium. Each value is the average of 3 replicates. THR: typical hairy root, CM: callus like morphology, TK: hairy root with thick morphology, TN: hairy root with thin morphology, PE: phytoecdysteroid content. | ||||||||
THR | 58.62% | 3.277 ± 0.32 | 1538 ± 48.2 | 0% | 100% | 70.6% | 100% | 73.5% |
CM | 17.24% | 3.93 ± 0.3 | 1509.56 ± 37.3 | 0% | 100% | 90% | 100% | 100% |
TK | 13.79% | 2.675 ± 0.23 | 1217 ± 17.9 | 0% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
TN | 10.34% | 2.35 ± 0.52 | 1202.3 ± 63 | 0% | 100% | 0.0% | 16.7% | 0.0% |
All the hairy root lines were subjected to HPLC analysis (Fig. 3) and growth rate measurements (Fig. 4). The growth rate of hairy roots (fresh weight harvested/fresh weight of inoculum) was found to be significantly high in 11 transgenic hairy root lines (Fig. 4a, Table 3). These fast-growing hairy root lines also possessed significantly high phytoecdysteroid contents, e.g. 4449 and 4122 μg g−1 DW accumulated by A2 and L1 hairy root lines, respectively (Fig. 4b). The growth rate of the transgenic hairy root lines varied according to their morphology (Fig. 4c). After 30 days of culture, on average, CM hairy roots showed a higher growth rate (3.93 times) by producing 786 mg of fresh weight in one month of culture than the other hairy root lines (Fig. 4c). However, THR showed more phytoecdysteroid content (1538.48 μg g−1 DW) than CM lines (1509.56 μg g−1 DW). The lowest phytoecdysteroid levels were found in TN and TK hairy roots (Table 2). A possible reason for the decrease in phytoecdysteroids in CM roots is the loss of organized tissue. Similarly, Mallol and coworkers found that ginsenoside production in Panax ginseng transgenic hairy roots with CM and THR morphology (levels almost the same) was significantly higher than in roots with thin morphology.27
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Fig. 3 HPLC chromatographs showing the elution of phytoecdysteroids. (a) Standard ecdysteroids (100 mg ml−1 of each standard), (b) phytoecdysteroid elution pattern in one of the hairy root extract. |
Source | DF | SS | MS | F-Value | P value |
a Coefficient of variation: 6.71%. ANOVA of transgenic hairy root lines was done against 59 established root clones. DF, degree of freedom; SS, sum of squares; MS, means square. *** means that the transgenic lines, phytoecdysteroids and their interaction is significant at P < 0.001. | |||||
Transgenic hairy roots | 58 | 22![]() ![]() |
379![]() |
590.6268 | *** |
Ecdysteroids | 3 | 39![]() ![]() |
13![]() ![]() |
20![]() |
*** |
Transgenic hairy roots × phytoecdysteroids | 174 | 18![]() ![]() |
107![]() |
167.4529 | *** |
Error | 472 | 303![]() |
642.583 | ||
TOTAL | 707 | 80![]() ![]() |
When comparing the different hairy root morphologies in relation with the genes of the pRi T-DNA, it was observed that 100% of the CM root lines harbored rolC, mas1 and ags genes, and 90% of the total hairy root lines established were positive for aux1 (Fig. 5), which was not found in any of the TN roots (Table 2). A semi quantitative PCR analysis of the high phytoecdysteroid yielding transgenic hairy root lines has shown high rolC expression (Fig. 6). The role of the aux1 gene (to provide the transgenic cells with an additional source of auxins) is reflected in previous studies.43 Our findings are in accordance with previous work44 in which the provision of synthetic auxins (2,4-D) enhanced callus biomass and reduced alkaloid production. It is argued that the overproduction of auxins can drive the disorganization in the transgenic hairy root lines.45 Robins reported a complete loss of nicotine in the root clones of Nicotiana rustica treated with synthetic auxins.46
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Fig. 5 PCR analysis of the selected genes to confirm their integration into the transgenic hairy roots' genome. First well contains ladder DNA, second and third are positive and negative controls respectively while the rest of the samples are in accordance with the information provided in ESI Table 6.† |
Strikingly, the roots with TK morphology were 100% positive for the TL- and TR-DNA genes. In contrast, the TN roots showed 0% presence of the aux1 and ags genes, and only 16.7% of them were positive for mas1 integration into their genome. The ags gene was present in all CM and TK hairy roots, while mas1 was present in all hairy root types except TN (Table 2 and ESI Table1†). In another study, 100% of CM hairy roots from tobacco, Duboisia hybrid and Datura metel Solanaceae plants exhibited insertion of the aux1 gene.28 Less incorporation of TR-DNA into transgenic hairy roots can be due to incomplete integration events.47 In a previous study, a constitutive A. tumefaciens strain carrying pRiA4TR (aux genes deleted) produced transgenic hairy roots with exactly the same morphology (no callogenesis) and alkaloid production as the transgenic roots obtained with the strain A4.28
Phytoecdysteroids are biosynthesized through the mevalonate pathway. In a previous study, 2–3.5% radiolabeled mevalonate (14C-MVA) was incorporated into the 20-HE produced in spinach cultures after 24 hours.48 The key enzyme, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR-CoA reductase), irreversibly converts HMG-CoA to MVA and is considered to be the rate-limiting factor in this pathway.49 The higher phytoecdysteroid content found in our elicited hairy root clones could be a result of a high expression of HMGR. Recently, an elicitor-responsive gene involved in 20-HE production, encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR), was cloned in Cyanotis arachnoidea. The resulting enhanced biosynthesis of 20-HE in MeJ-treated cells and a correspondingly high expression of HMGR suggest that 20-HE biosynthesis may be the result of the up-regulation of CaHMGR expression.50 HMGR provides mevalonate for the biosynthesis of 20-HE and other secondary metabolites. In another study, elicitation of Achyranthes bidentata cells with 0.6 mM MeJ for 6 days produced 2.6-fold more 20-HE.51
The hairy root lines elicited for 21 days had a higher growth rate/biomass than those treated for 14 days in comparison with their respective controls. The growth rate was determined after culturing the hairy root clones for one month on hormone-free medium. However, despite producing more biomass, 21 day-elicited roots had lower phytoecdysteroid levels and the treatment induced detrimental effects, since the hairy roots turned from yellow to brown and then dark brown, and ultimately died (Fig. 7b). The plasticity or tolerance of plants towards different chemicals varies according to species. For example, the treatment of spinach with MeJ induced 78% and 61% more 20-HE concentration in roots and shoots, respectively, without affecting plant growth.33
On average, MeJ-treated hairy roots produced more phytoecdysteroids after 14 days of elicitation (6789 μg g−1 DW), with a 1.24-fold higher biomass production (Fig. 7c). In contrast, 21 days of elicitation with MeJ and Cor resulted in the average production of 4577 and 4498 μg g−1 DW of phytoecdysteroids, respectively, which was nevertheless 1.58- and 1.55-fold higher compared to the control. This reduction of phytoecdysteroid content after a longer elicitation period is in accordance with the experiments performed by Mangas and coworkers. The production of sterols in Centella asiatica, and Galphimia glauca increased after two weeks of MeJ treatment and then gradually declined during the third and fourth weeks.52 Decrease in phytoecdysteroid production could also be caused by a higher concentration of elicitors. In another Ajuga species, A. turkestanica, the 20-HE content increased 3-fold when the cell suspension culture was treated with 125 μM MeJ and it dramatically decreased when supplemented with 250 μM MeJ compared to the control/untreated cultures.53
We report for the first time the biotechnologically enhanced production of phytoecdysteroids in A. bracteosa both via transformation and elicitation. pRi TR-DNA genes were found to play a significant role in the determination of the morphology of hairy roots. While those with callus-like morphology produced more biomass, typical transgenic hairy roots produced more phytoecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroid levels were further enhanced by 14 days of MeJ elicitation. Based on these findings, it can be suggested that typical transgenic hairy roots treated with 14 days of MeJ elicitation constitute a useful tool to achieve high phytoecdysteroid production in A. bracteosa.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra06399g |
‡ Present address: Department of Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Växtskyddsvägen 1, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden, E-mail: bushramirza@qau.edu.pk. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |