Son Tung Ngo*ab,
Xuan-Cuong Luuc,
Minh Tung Nguyend,
Chinh N. Lec and
Van V. Vu*c
aComputational Chemistry Research Group, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. E-mail:
bFaculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
cNTT Hi-Tech Institute, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. E-mail:
dBinh Duong University, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam
First published on 1st September 2017
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with the oligomerization and/or fibrillation of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, which cause damage to brain cells. Aβ oligomers and fibrils contain hydrophobic cores formed with parallel beta sheets. Mutations of F19, a residue in the hydrophobic core of Aβ peptides, slow down their aggregation process but do not alter the overall structure of the resulting fibrils. However, the effects of F19 mutations on the toxic Aβ oligomers have not been elucidated. We studied the F19W mutant of the 11–40 truncated Aβ trimer (F19W 3Aβ11–40) using replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations. While most structural terms do not change significantly, critical polar contacts decrease by 20%, and notably, RMSD almost doubles upon F19W mutation. Six minima were found in the free energy surface of F19W 3Aβ11–40, which have lower energy barriers (by ∼1 kJ mol−1) and significantly lower total population (∼20%) compared to those of the three minima found for 3Aβ11–40 (∼60%). The binding free energy between constituting chains of the mutant trimer increases by ∼28 kcal mol−1 but fluctuates significantly (±27.1 kcal mol−1). Our results indicate that while the hydrophobic core of amyloid beta peptide is capable of adapting to structural changes, F19W mutation results in a significantly more flexible trimer. The more flexible F19W mutant oligomers would require more time to self-assemble into fibrils. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the behavior of Aβ peptides and their oligomerization/aggregation process, which is necessary to understand AD pathogenesis.
Computer-aided drug design that focuses on searching potential inhibitors for the formation and/or aggregation of wild-type Aβ oligomers is of great interests.22–27 Furthermore, the trimeric oligomers were shown to be one of the most harmful Aβ peptides to the brain.15 However, the structural understanding of Aβ oligomers are limited since they exist in numerous forms.28,29 Recently, small angle neuron scattering (SANS) was used to detect Aβ1–42 pentermer/hexamer.30 SANS can provide some limited structural information but it still relied heavily on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to gain insight into the structure of the pentamer/hexamer species. Hence, MD simulations have been instrumental in understanding the nature of Aβ oligomers. We recently obtained details of Aβ (11–40) truncated trimer (3Aβ11–40) using rigorous replica exchange MD (REMD) simulations.31–33
Several studies showed that the mutations at N-terminal region, including A2V,34 H6R,35 D7H,36 and D7N37 cause structural changes. However, the sequence 1–10 often has minimal effect on Aβ oligomers. The familial mutations in the in the middle region, including F19W,38 F20W,38 A21G,39 E22Q,40 E22K,41 E22G,42 E22Δ,43 and D23N,44 induce greater changes in Aβ oligomers. As we mentioned above, experimental studies on the conformations of Aβ oligomers are very limited, computational studies have been instrumental in this aspect.45–48
F19 is a residue in the Aβ central hydrophobic core that governs the aggregation of Aβ peptides. Experiments on F19W reveals that this residue is inserted inside the hydrophobic core of Aβ fibrils.38,49 Replacing F19 by various residues does not alter the structure of Aβ fibrils but increase the length of the lag phase and characteristic fibrillation time by about 4 folds and 1.5–4 folds, respectively.50 However, the effects of F19W mutation on Aβ trimer has not been investigated. In addition, although, both F and W residue are aromatic residues, replacing F by W significantly changes the conformations of Aβ oligomers.38,49,50 The understanding of these effects on the atomic level would thus provide the better insights into the oligomerization of Aβ peptides.
In this work, replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations at 48 different temperatures in 400 ns were performed to gain insights into the structural change upon F19W mutation of soluble 3Aβ11–40, one of the most neurotoxic Aβ oligomers. The studies were carried out for the F19W mutant of 3Aβ11–40 (F19W 3Aβ11–40) using the same parameters that were previously used for 3Aβ11–40.31 Our results indicated that F19W mutation significantly increase the dynamic of 3Aβ11–40. Our results contribute to better understanding the aggregation of amyloid beta peptide, which would provide the basis for developing better AD therapy.
The relaxing conformation of the solvated mutation F19W trimer was selected as the starting conformation for REMD simulations at 48 different temperatures. The replica temperatures were chosen based on the previous studies.31 In particular, there were 400000 of 1 ps exchanges over the simulations. The structural change of the F19W 3Aβ11–40 was monitored every 10 ps.
The free energy difference of binding between isolated monomers to the others was determined using the MM-PBSA method.62 Details of the computational method to estimate the binding free energy between two Aβ peptides was described in the previous studies.31,63
All of secondary structure terms, Rg, RMSD, intermolecular sidechain contacts, and SASA were determined over different time windows. The obtained values are shown in Fig. 2, in which the red lines and black lines correspond to the metrics at 250–350 and 250–400 ns windows of REMD simulations at 300 K, respectively. The superimpositions of these two lines in each graph (less than 1% variation) in Fig. 2 indicate that our simulations converged.
Fig. 2 Distributions of measured values of F19W 3Aβ11–40 in REMD simulation time windows of 250–350 ns (red lines) and 250–400 ns (black lines) at 300 K. The blue lines indicate the distributions of the metrics of the wild-type Aβ11–40 trimer.31 |
The distributions of the secondary structure terms of F19W 3Aβ11–40 were compared to those in 3Aβ11–40 (blue lines in Fig. 2). In the last 150 ns of REMD simulations, the secondary structure parameters of 3Aβ11–40 change slightly upon F19W mutation. The mutant and wild-type truncated trimers form the same turn and helix contents at ∼7 ± 4 and ∼2 ± 2%, respectively.31 The beta content decreases by ∼3% to 39 ± 6% while the coil content increases by ∼3% to 52 ± 7% (Fig. 2).31
The average Rg value of solvated F19W 3Aβ11–40 is approximately ∼1.43 ± 0.05 nm, which is equal to that of solvated 3Aβ11–40,31 although the distribution of Rg is slightly different (Fig. 2). The SASA distribution of F19W 3Aβ11–40 is similar to that of 3Aβ11–40 with the average value slightly increases from 6351 ± 269 Å2 (ref. 31) to 6449 ± 288 Å2. In addition, the mean number of non-bonded intermolecular contacts between two heavy atoms of different chains in F19W 3Aβ11–40 is 180 ± 19, which is similar to that in 3Aβ11–40, although the distribution slightly changes. However, the mean RMSD value increases from ∼0.51 in 3Aβ11–40 to ∼0.91 ± 0.14 nm in F19W 3Aβ11–40 (Fig. 2). This large increase in RMSD while other structural terms only slightly change indicates that Aβ peptides can adapt to changes in their hydrophobic core, by shifting their backbones drastically to maintain the overall structure.
Examination of structural terms of the F19 residue in wild-type 3Aβ11–40 and W19 residue in F19W 3Aβ11–40 revealed local structural changes in the hydrophobic core of the trimer (Fig. S2†). RMSD, Rg, SASA, and CCS all increases significantly, which is expected given the larger volume and surface area of tryptophan compared to that of phenylalanine. F19W 3Aβ11–40 is likely more flexible than wild-type 3Aβ11–40. F19W mutation likely destabilizes the hydrophobic core of the 3Aβ11–40, leading to slower aggregation rate.
Fig. 3 Secondary structure terms per residues averaged for all three chains of 3Aβ11–40 (ref. 31) and its F19W mutant. The data were obtained from 250 to 400 ns of REMD simulations. |
The secondary structure per residue shifted upon F19W mutation. Most of the 3% decrease in beta content occurs in the N-terminal beta region (sequence 12–21) whereas there is a slight increase in the beta content of the C-terminal region (sequence 35–39). Concomitantly, the decrease in coil content also occurs in these two regions. The beta content at residue 19 in 3Aβ11–40 is 95%, which decreases to 81% in F19W 3Aβ11–40.
The turn content per residue also shifted significantly. The turn content increases in the N-terminal flank of the peptide chain (residues 12–14 and 21–24) where the beta content increases. In contrast, the turn content decreases in the C-terminal flank (residues 28–30 and 37–39) with the similar magnitude. The helix content also shifted in similar fashion, with slightly increase in the residues 12–14 and slightly decrease in the residues 37–39. In addition, the helix content also slightly increases in the middle of the chains (residues 25–27).
The sidechain contacts between different heavy atoms of different chains were counted and averaged over the considered snapshots. The sidechain contact maps were then constructed based on the probability of these values. The maps are shown in three graphs on the left side of Fig. 4. As observed in 3Aβ11–40,31 the most abundant interactions are observed between chain A–chain B and chain B–chain C in parallel fashion. Particularly, the sequences 11–22 and 30–36 of chain A, chain B, and chain C, where beta content is dominant, are involved in these interactions. The side chain contacts between chain A and chain C are not as abundant but observable. These results indicate that the Aβ11–40 chains form parallel structures in which chain B is in the middle of chain A and chain C. In addition, significant contacts between N-terminal of chain A and C-terminal of chain B, as well as between N-terminal of chain B and C-terminal chain C are also observed, indicating that the computational sampling was adequate, and that the parallel structure contain a turn region in the middle that allow inter-chain interactions of C-terminal and N-terminal. These results are in good agreement with previous NMR studies on the structures of Aβ10–35, Aβ1–40, and Aβ1–42 fibrils.64–67
The hydrogen bonded contact maps are shown on three graphs on the right side of Fig. 4, which are consistent with the sidechain interaction maps. As observed for sidechain contacts, significant numbers of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) are observed between chain A and chain B, as well chain B and chain C in parallel fashion. The sequences 11–22 and 30–36 of the chains are involved the most in hydrogen-bonded interactions. There are some sizable H-bonds between N- and C-terminal of different chains.
The salt bridge D23–K28 is known to be a critical factor maintaining the Aβ loop region.66,68,69 However, in some NMR results, this salt bridge is not observed in Aβ fibril formations.67,70 In the wild-type case,31,32 the polar contacts between D23 and V24, G25, S26, N27, and G29 were found replace the salt bridge D23–K28 securing the durability of the Aβ turn region. Therefore, in this work polar contacts between D23 and the residues in the sequence 24–29 were evaluated through measuring the distances between two charged groups of these residues.
The distribution of the distance between two charged groups of different residues was estimated and shown in Fig. S4.† Salt bridges or polar contacts were counted when the distances between two charged groups are smaller than 0.46 nm. The average population of the salt bridge D23–K28 in F19W 3Aβ11–40 is 12%, which is significantly higher than that in 3Aβ11–40 (8%). However, the numbers of polar contacts between D23 to V24, G25, S26, N27, and G29 significantly decreased upon F19W mutation (Table 1). Overall, the total populations of important polar contacts decrease by ∼20%. Moreover, the populations of intermolecular contacts H13A–Q15B and H13B–Q15C, which are associated with the stability of the N terminals, decreases from 32% to 29%. Overall, the mutation F19W significantly decreases most of the polar contacts, except for D23–K28 salt bridge. The decrease in polar contacts would lead to higher flexibility of the mutant trimer.
Contact | WT | F19W | Contact | WT | F19W |
D23–K28 | 8 | 12 | D23–S26 | 21 | 11 |
D23–V24 | 70 | 65 | D23–N27 | 6 | 3 |
D23–G25 | 31 | 22 | D23–G29 | 11 | 4 |
Fig. 5 Free energy surface of F19W 3Aβ11–40 was constructed from snapshots from 250 to 400 ns of REMD simulations. S1–S6 denote the six local minima. See Table 3 and Fig. 6 for further details. |
There are six local minima obtained for F19W 3Aβ11–40 from clustering with Cα cutoff of 0.3 nm (Fig. 5). The minima are designated as S1–S6 with coordinates listed in Table 3. The secondary structure terms, SASA, and CCS of these structures are shown in Table 3. In average, these minima contain 39, 51, 8, and 2% of beta, coil, turn, and helix contents, respectively. The structures of S1, S4, S5, and S6 (Fig. 6) exhibit a short helix in the middle of one chain, whereas the helix content in S2 and S3 is zero. These metrics are almost the same as the mean values during the last of 150 ns of REMD simulations at 300 K. The average CCS of six structures was determined as 1347.1 ± 27.2 Å2, which is marginally larger than the value of the wild-type Aβ11–40 trimer (1330.7 Å2).31 The average SASA of these minima is 6330.2 ± 271.0 Å2, which is slightly smaller than the metric of all considered snapshots during the computations.
Rg | RMSD | Beta | Coil | Turn | Helix | CCS | SASA | |
a The units are (%) for the secondary structure terms, (nm) for Rg and RMSD, and (Å2) for CCS and SASA.b Average values for F19W 3Aβ11–40.c Average values for 3Aβ11–40 reported in ref. 31. | ||||||||
S1 | 1.40 | 0.88 | 39 | 53 | 4 | 3 | 1298.4 | 6279.7 |
S2 | 1.41 | 0.87 | 36 | 54 | 10 | 0 | 1338.7 | 6089.3 |
S3 | 1.45 | 0.74 | 42 | 50 | 8 | 0 | 1378.8 | 6729.0 |
S4 | 1.39 | 1.06 | 32 | 57 | 8 | 3 | 1367.6 | 6666.6 |
S5 | 1.46 | 0.96 | 43 | 41 | 11 | 4 | 1332.9 | 6040.2 |
S6 | 1.47 | 0.86 | 39 | 48 | 10 | 3 | 1366.0 | 6176.5 |
Sb | 1.43 | 0.90 | 39 | 51 | 8 | 2 | 1347.1 ± 27.2 | 6330.2 ± 271.0 |
Mc | 1.41 | 0.54 | 36 | 56 | 6 | 1 | 1330.7 | 6245.5 ± 322.8 |
ΔEelec | ΔEvdW | ΔGsur | ΔGPB | −TΔS | ΔGbind | |
a The unit of values is kcal mol−1.b Reported in ref. 31. | ||||||
C to A + B | −132.0 | −136.5 | −19.8 | 176.5 | 68.5 | −43.36 |
B to A + C | −154.7 | −219.5 | −30.2 | 234.4 | 68.0 | −102.0 |
A to B + C | −136.7 | −142.6 | −19.3 | 186.2 | 66.4 | −46.0 |
Average | −141.1 | −166.2 | −23.1 | 199.0 | 67.6 | −63.8 ± 27.1 |
Average of WTb | −90.1 | −144.9 | −21.3 | 153.6 | 66.8 | −35.8 ± 7.9 |
Fig. 6 The representative conformations of the mutant trimer obtained from the snapshots from 250 to 400 ns of REMD simulations using FES and clustering methods. |
The structures of S1–S6 (Fig. 6) are significantly different from those of the three minima MA, MB, and MC of 3Aβ11–40,31 despite being simulated from the same initial conformation.51 The populations of S1–S6 are very small, ranging from 1.7–6.2%. In contrast, MA, MB, and MC respectively represent 47, 7, and 6% of the total population of all conformations.31 In addition, the free energy barriers of six minima S1–S6 are 12.8, 12.8, 12.3, 12.3, 11.7, and 11.7 kJ mol−1, respectively, which are about ∼1 kJ mol−1 lower than those found for the minima of 3Aβ11–40. The larger number of minima with lower energy barriers and populations indicate that the F19W 3Aβ11–40 adopts more easily interchangeable conformations. This result is consistent with the significant decrease in crucial polar contacts described above.
The MM-PBSA method was applied to investigate the nature of binding between the chains of soluble F19W 3Aβ11–40. The calculations were applied on S1–S6 minima (Fig. 5). The results were averaged over these 6 minima and are shown in Table 3. In this scheme, the free energy difference of binding between isolated chain to the others was evaluated. The binding free energy of chain A to the remaining chains of the trimer (−46.0 kcal mol−1) is approximately equaled to that of chain C (−43.6 kcal mol−1), with the smaller than 5%. Both of these affinities are approximately half of that of chain B to chains A and C (ΔGbind −102.0 kcal mol−1), which is consistent with parallel structures in which chain B is in the middle of chain A and chain C.
The mean vdW interaction energy ΔEvdW of F19W 3Aβ11–40 is −166.2 kcal mol−1 (Table 2), which is significantly larger than that in 3Aβ11–40 (−144.9 kcal mol−1). The combination of electrostatic ΔEelec and polar ΔGPB energies in F19W 3Aβ11–40 is 5.6 kcal mol−1 smaller than that in solvated 3Aβ11–40. The contribution of surface energy ΔGsur and conformational entropy −TΔS are approximately the same between 3Aβ11–40 and its F19W mutant. Overall, a constituting chain formed approximately −63.8 ± 27.1 kcal mol−1 of binding free energy to the other monomers in F19W 3Aβ11–40. This affinity is significantly larger than that in 3Aβ11–40 (35.8 ± 7.9 kcal mol−1). However, the error in ΔGbind of the F19W 3Aβ11–40 (27.1 kcal mol−1) is much larger than that in 3Aβ11–40 (7.9 kcal mol−1), indicating that the interactions between monomers fluctuate significantly upon F19W mutation. These results indicate that the monomers in soluble F19W 3Aβ11–40 bind to each other more tightly than in 3Aβ11–40, largely due to the increased in vdW interactions. The fluctuation in binding free energy likely results from the decrease in important polar contacts. This fluctuation is consistent with higher RMSD and lower energy barriers of the conformations of F19W 3Aβ11–40.
Six minima were found on the free energy surface of F19W 3Aβ11–40, which account for around 20% of total conformations. In contrast, there are only 3 minima found for 3Aβ11–40, which account for 60% of all conformations. The free energy barriers of the minima in the F19W 3Aβ11–40 is ∼1 kJ mol−1 smaller than those in 3Aβ11–40. The binding free energy between the chains of F19W 3Aβ11–40, obtained using MM-PBSA method for all six minima, is ∼28 kcal mol−1 larger than that in 3Aβ11–40. However, the high error of binding free energy σΔGbind implies that the conformations of F19W 3Aβ11–40 fluctuate much more than those of 3Aβ11–40.
Altogether, our computational studies provided detailed insights into the effects of F19W mutation on soluble 3Aβ11–40. The similarity in structural terms and higher binding affinity between constituting chains indicate that the hydrophobic core of amyloid beta peptide is capable adapting to large changes. However, the decrease in critical polar contacts, higher fluctuation in binding energy, the higher number of minima with lower energy barriers and significantly lower population indicate a significant increase in the flexibility of the mutant. These results also contribute to understanding the fibrillation of Aβ peptide. The more flexible F19W mutant oligomers would require more time to self-assemble into fibrils, which is consistent the observation that mutations at F19 residues result in longer lag phase (4 folds) and characteristic fibrillation time (1.5–4 folds).50
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Fig. S1–S4. Fig. S1 shows the secondary structural terms of 48 replicas at 250 ns of REMD simulations. Fig. S2 shows the distributions of structural terms of 19th residues in F19W 3Aβ11–40 and 3Aβ11–40. Fig. S3 shows the distributions of critical intramolecular polar contacts (D23 to V24, G25, S26, N27, K28 and G29) and intermolecular polar contacts (H13A–Q15B and H13B–Q15C) of F19W 3Aβ11–40. Fig. S4 shows the distributions of the mean secondary structure per residue of F19W 3Aβ11–40. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra07187f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |