Naiguang Wanga,
Yangchang Mua,
Qi Lib and
Zhicong Shi*a
aSchool of Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China. E-mail:; Fax: + 86 020 39322570; Tel: +86 18933958027
bSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
First published on 20th November 2017
AP65 with strong discharge activity is an attractive magnesium anode used for high-power seawater activated batteries. Herein, we adopt multi-pass rolling to tailor the microstructure of AP65 and systematically study the effect of rolling reduction on its discharge and corrosion behaviour. The results indicate that 63% reduction uniformly refines the grains and favours the formation of nanometer sub-grains that distribute homogeneously in the magnesium matrix, hence promoting the active dissolution of the AP65 plate at 180 mA cm−2 and leading to its more negative discharge potential along with higher anodic efficiency compared with other samples. Furthermore, the microstructure features corresponding to different rolling reductions and their impacts on the electrochemical response of AP65 are also analyzed.
AP65 with a nominal composition of Mg-6 wt% Al-5 wt% Pb is one of these magnesium alloy anodes. The most striking feature of this alloy is its strong discharge activity and high anodic efficiency when applied a large current density.2,11 Hence, it is suitable to serve as the anode for high-power seawater activated battery. Since the metal anode is usually put into use in the form of sheets or plates that placed parallel to the cathodes (AgCl or Cu2Cl2) in the battery system, plastic forming such as extrusion or rolling is used to fabricate the anode plates for battery configuration.12–14 This processing obviously modifies the microstructures of metal anodes and hence affects their discharge performance.15–17 Previous work indicated that hot rolling and post-annealing at proper temperature refined the grains of AP65 and reduced its dislocation density, thus leading to the improvement of discharge performance.11 However, until recently, less attention has been paid on the reduction of multi-pass rolling,15,18,19 which is a crucial parameter that distinctly controls the microstructure along with the discharge and corrosion behaviour of metal anode. In addition, the rolling reduction should be optimized for achieving desirable anode performance. Furthermore, the microstructure evolution under various rolling reductions and its impact on the performance of magnesium anode still needs to be clarified.
In this work, the multi-pass rolling is imposed on AP65 magnesium alloy and the discharge behaviour of the plates with variant rolling reductions is systematically studied by electrochemical response and microstructure characterization. Pure magnesium is also considered for comparison. The purpose of this work is to optimize the rolling reduction for enhancing the anode performance of AP65 and analyze the correlation between microstructure features together with discharge and corrosion behaviour of the magnesium plates with different amounts of rolling deformation.
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The polarization curves were measured by potentiodynamic polarization after the working electrodes had been immersed in the electrolyte for 5 min; the initial potential for each test was −1.9 V (vs. SCE) and the scan speed was 1 mV s−1 with anodic scanning direction. The potential–time curves of the testing plates were obtained by galvanostatic discharge at 10 and 180 mA cm−2, respectively, and the corresponding anodic efficiencies were calculated via mass loss method.11,21,22 In addition, the corroded surfaces after discharge were observed with a Quanta-200 SEM. To reveal more information, the oxidation products were removed in dichromic acid using ultrasonic cleaning. The electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) were recorded at open circuit potentials (OCPs) and the potentials of 100 mV more positive than the OCPs. The soaking time before EIS testing was 5 min to achieve steady OCPs and the voltage amplitude was 5 mV with the frequency varying from 105 Hz to 0.05 Hz.
At least five parallel tests were carried out to ensure good reliability of the data.
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Fig. 1 Optical micrographs of AP65 magnesium alloys with the rolling reductions of (a) 0%, (b) 38%, (c) 63%, and (d) 86%. |
The multi-pass rolling at 410 °C still sustains the equiaxed grains in AP65 sheets. The rolling reduction of 38% slightly refines the grains ((85.5 ± 53.3) μm); however, the grain sizes are not uniform, with several large grains surrounded by some small ones (Fig. 1(b)). According to Fig. S1(b) in ESI,† these large grains even have the sizes varying from 320 to 360 μm, whereas the small grains could appear in the range of 0–40 μm. This phenomenon means that the small deformation amount promotes the uneven grains in AP65 sheet. After the rolling with 63% reduction, the grains are refined obviously ((43.8 ± 24.6) μm) and their sizes become more uniform without the particularly large grains (Fig. 1(c)). Fig. S1(c) in ESI† reveals that most of the grains locate in the range of 0–80 μm, whereas the percentage of large grains (≥80 μm) is less than 9%. A deformation of 86% further refines the grains ((22.0 ± 13.0) μm), as shown in Fig. 1(d). Moreover, Fig. S1(d)† suggests that the grains of this plate mainly vary from 0–60 μm, whereas few grains could be found in the range larger than 60 μm. However, this grain refining is less significant as compared to that produced by severe plastic deformation.24,25 The possible cause is the result of repeated heating between two rolling passes,26 which leads to the growth of grains.
The morphology evolution of Al8Mn5 particles during the multi-pass rolling is shown in Fig. 2. These SEM images indicate that increasing the reduction to 63% fractures the Al8Mn5 particles (Fig. 2(c)), which distribute along the rolling direction as the deformation further increases to 86% (Fig. 2(d)). However, this phenomenon is less obvious compared with the effect induced by hot extrusion, the deformation of which is obviously larger than that of multi-pass rolling.2 Fig. S4 in ESI† gives the size distributions of Al8Mn5 after different amounts of rolling deformation. For each specimen, at least 100 particles in eight fields of view are counted to obtain the distribution of particle size. It can be observed that all these sizes obey normal distribution and increasing the rolling reduction slightly decreases the average size of Al8Mn5 phase.
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Fig. 2 SEM images of AP65 magnesium alloys with the rolling reductions of (a) 0%, (b) 38%, (c) 63%, and (d) 86%. |
The TEM image presented in Fig. 3(a) indicates that the dislocation density in the un-rolled sample is relatively low. Fig. S5(a) in ESI† displays the un-fractured Al8Mn5 particle with large size before rolling. The reduction of 38% produces many slip bands (Fig. S5(b) in ESI†)27 and high density of dislocations near the grain boundaries (Fig. 3(b)), while many sub-grains with high energy28 are observed in other regions (Fig. S5(c) in ESI†). This result signifies that the microstructure is not uniform when small deformation is imposed on the specimen, as verified by the optical image shown in Fig. 1(b). The SAED analysis in Fig. S5(c)† shows the type of single crystal diffraction spots, which indicates the micro-scale sub-grains caused by 38% reduction. When the deformation amount increases to 63%, the slip bands disappear and many fine sub-grains distribute homogeneously in the matrix (Fig. 3(c)). The rings obtained via SAED (Fig. S5(d) in ESI†) reveal that these sub-grains are nano-crystalline.29,30 Thus, the 63% reduction produces the unique fine sub-structures in AP65 sheet. A large reduction of 86% favours the formation of well-defined triple line grain boundaries and high density of dislocations, which are stored not only along the boundaries but also within the grains (Fig. 3(d)). Additionally, several regions exhibit the enlarged sub-grain, the size of which is micro dimension, as supported by the corresponding SAED spots (Fig. S5(e) in ESI†). Therefore, further increasing the deformation amount leads to the growth of sub-structures. Fig. S5(f)† gives the morphology of fractured Al8Mn5 phase after 86% deformation; its size is smaller than the un-rolled specimen (Fig. S5(a) in ESI†). Furthermore, the deformation twins in AZ31 wrought magnesium alloys26,31 cannot be found here; this phenomenon is explained as a result of high deformation temperature that accelerates the dynamic recrystallization to some degree.
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Fig. 3 TEM bright field images of AP65 magnesium alloys with the rolling reductions of (a) 0%, (b) 38%, (c) 63%, and (d) 86%. |
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Fig. 4 Polarization curves of pure magnesium and AP65 magnesium alloys with different rolling reductions in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution at a scan rate of 1 mV s−1. |
Rolling reduction | Ecorr (vs. SCE)/V | Eonset (vs. SCE)/V | jcorr/(μA cm−2) | bc/(mV dec−1) |
0 | −1.511 | −1.336 | 16.2 ± 3.2 | −177 |
38% | −1.586 | −1.452 | 40.3 ± 3.6 | −198 |
63% | −1.544 | −1.480 | 20.6 ± 3.7 | −189 |
86% | −1.606 | −1.549 | 37.1 ± 3.1 | −183 |
Pure Mg | −1.755 | −1.392 | 61.9 ± 4.2 | −267 |
Rolling reduction | ba/(mV dec−1) |
0 | 39 |
38% | 23 |
63% | 12 |
86% | 12 |
Pure Mg | 68 |
The AP65 plate with 38% reduction has the largest jcorr among the four samples, attributed to its uneven microstructure caused by the relatively small amount of deformation. According to Fig. 1(b), this plate exhibits large grains surrounded by some small ones. The TEM image shown in Fig. 3(b) indicates the high density of dislocations; Fig. S5(b) and (c)† reveal that many slip bands and sub-grains exist in different regions of the sample, respectively. Song et al.28 reported that the sub-grains and dislocations possess plenty of internal energy and therefore are sensitive to aggressive solution. Gu et al.32 found that the slip bands can break the corrosion products film and facilitate the corrosion process. Additionally, the inhomogeneous crystal defects and the uneven grains also accelerate the micro-galvanic corrosion of the rolled plate with 38% reduction. As a consequence, its corrosion current density is obviously larger than other samples.
The amount of 63% deformation uniformly refines the grains of AP65 (Fig. 1(c)) and forms the nanometer sub-grains that distribute homogeneously in the matrix (Fig. 3(c)). Moreover, this process fractures the particles of Al8Mn5 phase (Fig. 2(c)), the potential of which is 300–400 mV more positive than the α-Mg matrix.33,34 Accordingly, the micro-galvanic effect is suppressed and thus the corrosion resistance at Ecorr is improved. Several literature studies suggested that the grain boundaries could serve as the barriers to inhibit the corrosion of magnesium alloys at the corrosion potentials.35–37 The refined grains in the plate with 63% reduction create more boundaries and thus it shows smaller corrosion current density than the one with 38% deformation.
The grain sizes of AP65 are further refined (Fig. 1(d)) and the Al8Mn5 particles are obviously fractured (Fig. 2(d) and S5(f) in ESI†) when the rolling reduction increases to 86%. However, this large deformation also results in the high density of dislocations (Fig. 3(d)) and the relatively large sub-grains (Fig. S5(e) in ESI†), which are matrix defects that encourage the corrosion process at Ecorr.24,37 Hence, the specimen with 86% deformation has larger corrosion current density than that with 63% reduction.
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Fig. 5 Galvanostatic potential–time curves of pure magnesium and AP65 magnesium alloys with different rolling reductions in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution at (a) 10 mA cm−2 and (b) 180 mA cm−2. |
Rolling reduction | Average discharge potential (vs. SCE)/V | |
10 mA cm−2 | 180 mA cm−2 | |
0 | −1.734 ± 0.001 | −1.635 ± 0.004 |
38% | −1.724 ± 0.002 | −1.640 ± 0.005 |
63% | −1.754 ± 0.002 | −1.690 ± 0.005 |
86% | −1.732 ± 0.001 | −1.667 ± 0.006 |
Pure Mg | −1.649 ± 0.001 | −1.471 ± 0.006 |
Grain size is another factor controlling the discharge potential of magnesium anode. Previous work indicated that fine grains promoted the discharge activity of AP65 alloy, especially at a large current density.2,11 Increasing rolling deformation obviously refines the grains (Fig. 1); therefore, the plates with 63% and 86% reductions exhibit more negative potentials and smaller ba than that with 38% deformation at 180 mA cm−2. However, the rolling reduction of 86% results in the high density of dislocations (Fig. 3(d)), which accelerate the formation of partial Mg(OH)2 film28 and slightly decrease the active electrode region. As a result, the sheet with 86% deformation exhibits less negative potential than that with 63% reduction, even though the former possesses finer grains than the latter. This issue can be partially solved via post-annealing at proper temperature, which not only reduces the dislocation density but also sustains the fine grains.11,28 The reduction of 63% uniformly refines the grains of AP65 alloy (Fig. 1(c)) and favours the formation of nanometer sub-grains that distribute homogeneously in the matrix (Fig. 3(c)). This unique structure promotes the uniform dissolution of active electrode area and therefore the sheet with 63% deformation has the most negative discharge potential among the four samples.
Monitoring the oxidized surface after discharge could reflect the anode performance to some degree. Fig. 6 gives the surface morphologies of the AP65 plates discharged at 180 mA cm−2 for 600 s. The specimens suffered 0% and 38% reductions display relatively thick oxidation products with less cracks, as shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively. Consequently, their surfaces cannot contact the electrolyte sufficiently, leading to the relatively positive discharge potentials at a large current density. In contrast, the oxidation products of the 63% and 86% reduction plates exhibit more cracks and therefore favour the penetration of electrolyte, as presented in Fig. 6(c) and (d), respectively. Hence, the discharge potentials of the two plates are more negative than those of the samples with small amounts of rolling deformation.
Generally, the negative discharge potential is not always related to the large corrosion current density and negative corrosion potential (Table 1), as confirmed by several literature studies.10,11,21,38 This opinion is due to the fact that the discharge potential is obtained by galvanostatic discharge, which imposes an anodic current on the electrode and significantly changes its surface condition, whereas the corrosion potential and corrosion current density are evaluated from the polarization curve used for characterizing the corrosion rate at the corrosion potential.
The anodic efficiencies of the samples at 10 and 180 mA cm−2 are presented in Table 3. These efficiencies are the average values of five parallel tests and the standard deviations are adopted to express the errors. It can be observed that all AP65 specimens exhibit similar anodic efficiencies lower than pure magnesium at 10 mA cm−2. However, a large current density of 180 mA cm−2 significantly improves their efficiencies, which are obviously higher than that of pure magnesium. Moreover, the rolled plate with 63% reduction has the highest anodic efficiency of (88.9 ± 0.5)% among all samples, and this value is even higher than that of the as-extruded AP65 (ref. 2 and 39). Since the research object is mainly employed for high-power seawater activated battery operating at a large current density,2 the plate with 63% deformation is a good candidate for the anode materials.
Rolling reduction | Anodic efficiency (%) | |
10 mA cm−2 for 10 h | 180 mA cm−2 for 1 h | |
0 | 39.8 ± 0.7 | 82.5 ± 0.4 |
38% | 37.9 ± 0.5 | 79.4 ± 0.6 |
63% | 38.9 ± 0.6 | 88.9 ± 0.5 |
86% | 38.4 ± 0.7 | 81.9 ± 0.5 |
Pure Mg | 55.6 ± 0.1 | 64.0 ± 0.5 |
The main issues that adversely influence the anodic efficiency of magnesium include the self- discharge (evolution of hydrogen) and the detachment of metallic pieces (chunk effect).2,10,40 The latter plays more important role than the former when the impressed current density is smaller than 20 mA cm−2.2,21 Fig. S6 in ESI† shows the surface morphologies discharged at 10 mA cm−2 for 600 s after removing the oxidation products. All these specimens exhibit a lot of pits, regardless of the rolling reduction. This result indicates that local corrosion with severe chunk effect occurs on the electrode surfaces, thus significantly decreasing the anodic efficiency of AP65. Increasing the current density promotes the uniform dissolution of magnesium electrode;2,21 hence, the detachment of metallic pieces at 180 mA cm−2 is largely suppressed and the anodic efficiency is improved. However, hydrogen bubbles release quickly under this condition and mainly controls the anodic efficiency of AP65 (ref. 2 and 21). In the studied alloy, Al8Mn5 phase with the potential of 300–400 mV more positive than α-Mg matrix33,34 could serve as the local cathode to promote the evolution of hydrogen, and this effect is more obvious when applied a large current density.2,11 According to Fig. S5(a) in ESI,† the sample before rolling has un-fractured Al8Mn5 particles, which possess relatively large dimensions and thus could accelerate the self-discharge. Increasing rolling deformation gradually fractures the second phase (Fig. 2 and S5(f)†) and inhibits the micro-galvanic effect to some extent; however, the inhomogeneous microstructures and the high density of dislocations make the hydrogen evolved quickly,11,25,28,36 although the refined grains exert an effect on reducing the self-discharge.2,9,10 Therefore, the rolled plates with 38% and 86% reductions have relatively low efficiencies. The rolling deformation of 63% refines the grains of AP65 (Fig. 1(c)) and creates the nano-sized sub-structures with uniform distribution (Fig. 3(c)), hence effectively improving its anodic efficiency.
In addition to hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is also responsible for the self-corrosion of magnesium and thus might reduce its anodic efficiency. This point of view is based on the fact that the standard potential of ORR in neutral medium is more positive than that of HER. However, the presence of oxygen plays a more important role in the atmosphere corrosion of magnesium with thin electrolyte layers,34,41 whereas the dissolution of magnesium in aqueous solution is relatively insensitive to the oxygen concentration.41,42 Ghali et al.41 suggested that only in pure water and alkaline solutions with good aeration can ORR exert an obvious effect on magnesium corrosion. In this work, the 3.5 wt% NaCl solution is made from analytical regent and distilled water that contains low concentration of dissolved oxygen. Hence, the HER should be the dominant reaction decreasing the anodic efficiency of magnesium electrode, whereas the ORR, if any effect, is less significant.
The performance of magnesium electrode at a large current density can also be reflected via observing the corroded surface during initial discharge. Fig. 7 gives the surface morphologies of AP65 alloys discharged at 180 mA cm−2 for 5 s after removing the oxidation products. Except for the plate with 63% deformation, other specimens suffer local corrosion at the outset of discharge. This phenomenon is more obvious for the 38% and 86% rolled plates possessing inhomogeneous microstructures, as demonstrated by the magnified pit morphologies displayed in Fig. 7(d) and (h), respectively. The angular shapes of these pits reveal the spalling of grains21,43 and account for the relatively low anodic efficiencies of the two specimens. In contrast, the sheet with 63% reduction has uniform grain sizes (Fig. 1(c)) and dispersed nano-scale sub-grains (Fig. 3(c)); accordingly, it dissolves uniformly at 180 mA cm−2 and a large number of round pits distribute homogeneously on the electrode surface (Fig. 7(e)). Fig. 7(f) clearly reveals the morphologies of these pits; the angular shape cannot be found and the grain spalling is inhibited. Therefore, the sample with 63% deformation mainly undergoes active dissolution, which is responsible for its negative discharge potential (−1.690 V vs. SCE) and high anodic efficiency at 180 mA cm−2.
It should be noted that the metal anode with high anodic efficiency could also exhibit large corrosion current density (Table 1), because the latter is on the basis of polarization curve at the corrosion potential, whereas the former is correlated with the applied current flowing through the electrode for long period, during which the surface condition of electrode is obviously changed.
Rolling reduction | Rs/(Ω cm2) | Rct/(Ω cm2) | Ydl/(Ω−1 cm−2 sn) | ndl | Rf/(Ω cm2) |
0% | 1 | 208 | 1.0 × 10−5 | 0.93 | 15 |
38% | 0.8 | 105 | 1.4 × 10−5 | 0.91 | 10 |
63% | 0.8 | 173 | 1.0 × 10−5 | 0.92 | 15 |
86% | 0.8 | 128 | 1.2 × 10−5 | 0.93 | 15 |
Rolling reduction | Yf/(Ω−1 cm−2 sn) | nf |
0% | 7.0 × 10−3 | 1 |
38% | 3.0 × 10−3 | 1 |
63% | 7.0 × 10−3 | 1 |
86% | 5.0 × 10−3 | 1 |
Positively shifting the potential obviously changes the impedance response. According to Fig. 8(b), an induction loop appears at middle frequencies for each sample when the potential is 100 mV more positive than the OCP. This loop indicates the incubation of localized corrosion during anodic polarization,44 as confirmed by the surface morphologies shown in Fig. S6 in ESI.† In addition, the anodic potential shrinks the EIS of each specimen and the plate with 63% reduction has the smallest curve among the four samples (inserted figure). The equivalent circuit depicted in Fig. S7(b) in ESI† is used to fit these spectra and the results are listed in Table 5. The charge transfer resistance (Rct) under this condition reflects the discharge activity and the order of Rct is consistent with that of discharge potentials at 180 mA cm−2 (Table 2), i.e., the smaller the resistance, the more negative the discharge potential is. Additionally, the specimens with 0% and 38% deformation display larger values of Rf than the plates with 63% and 86% reductions, indicating that the Mg(OH)2 film of the first two alloys cannot be easily detached, as confirmed by the oxidized surfaces (Fig. 6). Another interesting note is that the plate with 63% reduction shows different impedance behaviour at low frequencies; its RL and L are significantly smaller than those of other samples, respectively. This phenomenon might be owing to the unique structure of 63% rolled sheet, which promotes the active dissolution during anodic polarization (Fig. 7(e) and (f)).
Rolling reduction | Rs/(Ω cm2) | Rct/(Ω cm2) | Ydl/(Ω−1 cm−2 sn) | ndl | Rf/(Ω cm2) |
0% | 1 | 82 | 1.1 × 10−5 | 0.93 | 10 |
38% | 1 | 58 | 1.1 × 10−5 | 0.94 | 8 |
63% | 1.4 | 18 | 1.35 × 10−5 | 0.92 | 2.5 |
86% | 0.8 | 44 | 1.35 × 10−5 | 0.925 | 5.4 |
Rolling reduction | Yf/(Ω−1 cm−2 sn) | nf | RL/(Ω cm2) | L/(H cm2) |
0% | 7.0 × 10−3 | 1 | 210 | 0.41 |
38% | 7.0 × 10−3 | 1 | 239 | 0.6 |
63% | 2.0 × 10−2 | 1 | 35 | 0.031 |
86% | 1.0 × 10−2 | 1 | 121 | 0.27 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra10652a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |