A. M.
M. J.
G. G. R.
b and
S. B.
aCentre for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic Resonance, Department of Chemistry, University of York, YO10 5NY, York, UK. E-mail: simon.duckett@york.ac.uk
bYork Neuroimaging Centre, University of York, YO10 5NY, York, UK
First published on 7th December 2016
In this work we describe how the signal enhancements obtained through the SABRE process in methanol-d4 solution are significantly affected by pH. Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, NA) is used as the agent, and changing pH is shown to modify the level of polarisation transfer by over an order of magnitude, with significant improvements being seen in terms of the signal amplitude and relaxation rate at high pH values. These observations reveal that manipulating pH to improve SABRE enhancements levels may improve the potential of this method to quantify low concentrations of analytes in mixtures. 1H NMR spectroscopy results link this change to the form of the SABRE catalyst, which changes with pH, resulting in dramatic changes in the magnitude of the ligand exchange rates. The presented data also uses the fact that the chemical shifts of the nicotinic acids NMR resonances are affected by pH to establish that hyperpolarised 1H-based pH mapping with SABRE is possible. Moreover, the strong polarisation transfer field dependence shown in the amplitudes of the associated higher order longitudinal terms offers significant opportunities for the rapid detection of hyperpolarised NA in H2O itself without solvent suppression. 1H and 13C MRI images of hyperpolarised vitamin B3 in a series of test phantoms are presented that show pH dependent intensity and contrast. This study therefore establishes that when the pH sensitivity of NA is combined with the increase in signal gain provided for by SABRE hyperpolarisation, a versatile pH probe results.
Besides spin exchange optical pumping,1 which enables the diagnosis of pulmonary pathologies using hyperpolarised noble gases,2–4 the most advanced technique used in preclinical and clinical MRI investigations is Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP). In the case of DNP, the sample (containing a free radical and a 13C-labelled molecule in a glassing matrix) is cooled down to ∼1 K and electron based polarisation is transferred to the nucleus (typically 13C or 15N) by microwave irradiation.5para-Hydrogen Induced Polarisation (PHIP) is another hyperpolarisation method, which has become increasingly popular due to its efficiency and low cost.6 In PHIP signal enhancement is traditionally achieved by a catalysed hydrogenation reaction in which para-H2 (p-H2) is used instead of ortho-H2.7,8 Symmetry breakdown in the product leads to hyperpolarisation access which is not just limited to protons as hetero nuclei signals can also be substantially enhanced. A newer approach to polarisation transfer from p-H2, Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE9) allows the substrate to remain chemically unchanged and, instead, achieves magnetisation transfer through the scalar coupling framework of a metal complex. When the binding of both the ligand and H2 to this complex are reversible, SABRE allows for the repeated or continuous polarisation of the associated target molecule.10
DNP has proven to be capable of hyperpolarising a range of small, biocompatible molecules, such as pyruvate, bicarbonate or ascorbic acid and, in conjunction with localized MR spectroscopy methods, their detection has enabled the real time monitoring of metabolic processes, perfusion, inflammation, as well as the diagnosis and assessment of the response to treatment of various forms of cancer.11–16 In most cases this has been achieved indirectly through the analysis of localized magnetic resonance spectra of the hyperpolarised agent, the results of which are indicative of the spatial distribution of the molecule, as well as that of its metabolites.12,16–20 As many pathological processes, such as ischaemia, cancer or renal disease manifest themselves through changes in tissue pH, this can be reflected in MR spectra through changes in the relative amplitude and chemical shift of the peaks. The use of pH sensitive molecules, in conjunction with MRI and hyperpolarisation, therefore reflects a potentially excellent route to probe different metabolic pathways and aid in disease diagnosis.
This approach has successfully been applied to the study of a broad range of pathologies, using DNP as the magnetisation source12,21 and the fast development of pH sensitive agents for PHIP MRI shows that such a strategy can also be applied together with parahydrogen induced polarisation.22 SABRE hyperpolarisation of pH sensitive molecules has also been reported, with remarkable results being achieved using 15N-labelled compounds such as imidazole23 or diazirines24 as pH probes in conjunction with 15N SABRE hyperpolarisation. While no study of the effect of pH on SABRE hyperpolarised 1H NMR spectra has yet been published, Moreno and co-workers have observed that pH has a strong influence on the amplitude of solvent signals when the magnetisation transfer catalyst is present in solution.25 Furthermore, work by Tessari et al. on the quantification of the SABRE response26 has resulted in the production of a new tool for analysis which might be augmented by manipulating pH in the way described in this work to further to improve NMR sensitivity and detection.
We describe here the SABRE hyperpolarisation of vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid (NA)) and the effects pH plays on polarisation transfer to its 1H, 13C and 15N nuclei by probing appropriate NMR spectra in methanol-d4. We show that when NA is reacted with [IrCl(IMes)(COD)] (1) (where IMes = 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazole-2-ylidene, and COD is cyclooctadiene) a SABRE active catalyst is successfully formed and we analyse its performance as a function of substrate loading and polarisation transfer field (PTF). Furthermore, we demonstrate that, by altering the pH of the solution, a new polarisation transfer catalyst is formed which has far superior performance to that of the parent. Moreover, the field dependence of the multiple spin terms created under SABRE, as well as the different relaxation and exchange rates that are found when moving from acidic to basic solution as a consequence of the change in catalyst speciation are themselves shown to be diagnostic.
We also demonstrate that the variation in the chemical shift of the NA resonances with pH is preserved under SABRE, not only for 1H, but also for 13C and 15N which shows that NA has significant potential as a pH probe. We undertake pKa assessments based on these changes and conclude by presenting 1H-MRI and 13C-MRI images of hyperpolarised NA in phantoms, which exhibit pH dependent intensity and contrast.
The SABRE experiments undertaken used a variety of concentrations of the substrate and catalyst that are detailed appropriately in the text. Deuterated methanol (methanol-d4) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Nicotinic acid (NA, Sigma Aldrich) and caesium carbonate (Cs2CO3) (Alfa Aesar) were used as supplied.
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Scheme 1 Possible forms of NA in solution; (a) conjugate acid (NAA), (b) uncharged (NAB), (c) zwitterion (NAC) and (d) conjugate base (NAD). |
In the context of SABRE, when NA reacts with 1 to form an active polarisation transfer catalyst, it might therefore be expected to exist in one of several forms in solution. This translates into the potential for a highly complex speciation of the resulting magnetisation transfer catalyst, which might also be expected to be affected by the effective pKa of the carboxyl function of the bound ligand. The effect of this change is considered here in order to assess its impact on SABRE. Furthermore, given that the bound and free ligands of NA are undergoing exchange, the impact of this process on the observed chemical shifts of NA is also considered.
Samples containing 100 mM of NA were prepared in solutions of neat D2O and neat methanol-d4, as well as the D2O/methanol-d4 mixtures in the proportions 20–80, 40–60, 60–40 and 80–20. We use the well-established technique of pH dependent chemical-shift variations to look at this effect. The corresponding 1H NMR chemical shifts of NA are summarized in Table 1.
100% D2O | 80![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
60![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
40![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
20![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
100% MeOD | |
H-2 | 9.13 | 9.14 | 9.14 | 9.13 | 9.13 | 9.14 |
H-4 | 8.84 | 8.85 | 8.78 | 8.62 | 8.48 | 8.43 |
H-5 | 8.09 | 8.07 | 7.96 | 7.80 | 7.66 | 7.58 |
H-6 | 8.91 | 8.90 | 8.83 | 8.80 | 8.77 | 8.75 |
It can be seen from these data that as the amount of D2O decreases, in favour of methanol-d4, the resonances of NA, with the exception of H-2, exhibit an upfield shift. The size of this shift is just 0.03 ppm for H-6 but for H-4 and H-5 it increases to 0.05 and 0.06 ppm respectively. These small changes are therefore consistent with NAC still dominating in methanol-d4 solution. Interestingly there are far larger shifts in the mixtures where the hydrogen bonding network is clearly affected. We use the expression effective pKa throughout this work to reflect the fact that our measurements are done in methanol rather than water.
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Scheme 2 [Ir(H)2(COD)(IMes)(NAB)]Cl (3a), major product formed by H2 addition to 2a in methanol-d4 solution. |
A series of one-shot 1H NMR spectra were then collected on this sample, using π/2 read-out pulses, and substantial signal enhancements were observed for all four of the non-exchangeable resonances of free NA, alongside those for its equatorially bound counterparts in 4a, and its hydride ligands.
The largest 1H NMR signal enhancement levels seen for the free substrate resonances with 4a were observed for H-2 (−52 fold), followed by H-6, H-4 and H-5 (−41, −31 and −21 fold respectively upon observation at 400 MHz). These enhancement levels are always smaller than those of the corresponding bound equatorial NAB signals of 4a. For example, in the case of H-2, this difference is reflected in a −92-fold signal gain rather than the −52-fold response. All of these values, and their errors, are presented in Table S1 of the ESI.†
In order to assess the effect that substrate loading has on these SABRE 1H NMR enhancements, samples containing 5 mM of 1 and increasing amounts of NA were prepared; the amount of substrate added ranging from 4 to 20 equivalents (up to 17-fold excess relative to 4).
These enhancements were then quantified as detailed in the Experimental section and are summarised in Fig. 2. As expected, the largest signal enhancements are obtained for the ortho resonances (H-2 and H-6) of NA as they correspond to the proton which is located closest to the binding site in 4a.6
When analysing the effect of the substrate concentration in solution on the enhancement values, we observe a build-up towards the maximum value of −744 ± 35, which is obtained for a substrate loading of 40 mM (5-fold excess), followed by a decay as the ligand excess is further increased. This trend can be explained by analysing the influence of ligand concentration on the exchange rates as detailed shortly.
In the following sections we present a series of such pH studies that are used to examine the influence of pH on the form of the SABRE magnetisation transfer catalyst, as well as on the associated ligand build-up rates, enhancements and their dependence on the polarisation transfer field. We then link these studies to effective pKa determinations through the pH titration method.
This process allowed us to monitor the chemical shift variation (Δδ) for the free and bound resonances of NA over the pH range 3.6–12.5 (as measured by a standard pH electrode). These values are presented in Table S4 (see ESI†) and depicted in Fig. 3 for free NA. These data show that all of the free NA resonances move upfield with increasing pH, the smallest shift being exhibited by H-2 (Δδ = 0.06) and the largest by H-6 (Δδ = 0.18 ppm) in accordance with the likely increase in deshielding due to increased ring current in the anion. Protons H-4 and H-5 exhibit maximum chemical shift differences of 0.09 and 0.12 ppm respectively.
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Fig. 3 1H NMR titration curves measured using the indicated free NA resonances in the presence of 4 in methanol-d4. |
As a control, to see if these chemical shift changes were influenced by the presence of the catalyst in these methanol-d4 solutions, a series of analogous samples were prepared without catalyst (Fig. 4). All the free NA resonances again exhibit an upfield shift that is largest for the H-6 site. Upon passing pH 8, a plateau is reached and no further variation with added base is seen. It is possible to conclude that the values obtained for the relative chemical shifts of the free protons in the absence of catalyst are comparable to those seen with it. Hence, this behaviour can be analysed solely on the basis of the relative amounts of the different forms of NA illustrated in Scheme 1.
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Fig. 4 1H NMR titration curves measured for the resonances of NA in methanol-d4 solution without catalyst. |
The associated effective pKa values were then extracted via a Henderson–Hasselbach analysis36,37 using the equation:
Data analysis reveals that the effective pKa values determined for NAC in methanol-d4 in the presence of 4 are 7.06, 6.67, 6.75 and 6.75 for H-2, H-4, H-5 and H-6 respectively. They should all be the same and an error of 0.2 pH units is therefore estimated. A graphical representation of the Henderson–Hasselbach curves for each proton is presented in the ESI (Fig. S10–S12†).
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Fig. 5 Relative chemical shifts for the bound NA resonances of 4: (a) equatorial protons and (b) axial protons in methanol-d4. |
The effective pKa values for bound NA in the axial and equatorial sites were estimated in a similar way to that already described for free NA. For the axial position, the effective pKa values derived from H-2 and H-4 are 6.05 and 6.20 respectively, and contrast with those determined from H-5 and H-6 for which the values are 3.78 and 3.53 respectively. The values obtained from the equatorial NA protons were 5.58, 4.57, 5.05 and 6.07 for H-2, H-4, H-5 and H-6 respectively, and are all lower than those of free NA. This confirms our previous hypothesis that the reduction in build-up rates seen with high ligand loadings is due to the acidity of the bound NA ligands which causes the free NA to act as a base. The reason for the high variability in effective pKa value is clearly associated with the strength and type of metal bonding interaction in addition to the effect that is introduced by NA interacting in either the neutral of conjugate base forms. The absolute chemical shift values determined here therefore reflect a combination of both shielding and ring current effects which are modified through inductive and mesomeric changes.
The larger chemical shift changes are observed in the axial plane where the NA is trans to the carbene which is a good σ donor and π acceptor. In contrast, the two ligands in the equatorial position are both trans to the hydride, which is purely a σ donor and strong trans-labializing ligand, the latter change lengthening the Ir–NA bond and accounting for its lability.
Another way of probing the strengths of the substrate's interaction with the metal centre is by examining the difference between the free and bound 15N chemical shifts of NA.38 At pH 3.6 these correspond to Δδax and Δδeq values of 60.1 and 42.9 ppm for the axial and equatorial sites respectively. In contrast, the corresponding values at pH 12.5 are 61.0 and 44.1 ppm. This change confirms that formation of the expected carbanion in alkaline solution leads to stronger Ir–N bonding. The ligand build-up rates probe this effect directly, falling with added base as the Ir–N bond increases in strength (see following section and Table S6, Section 2.6 of the ESI†). Furthermore, the 13C chemical shifts of the bound NA's aromatic CH resonances also move with pH by 1–2 ppm units to higher field on forming the anion (as detailed in Section 2.12.5 and 2.12.6 of the ESI†). These data therefore confirm the proposed change in formulation of 4a and 4b with pH.
Activation parameters | 4a | 4b |
ΔH≠ (kJ mol−1) | 88 | 88 |
± | 2 | 3 |
ΔS≠ (J K−1 mol−1) | 70 | 64 |
± | 8 | 12 |
ΔG≠300 (kJ mol−1) | 66.9 | 69.4 |
± | 0.4 | 0.3 |
R square | 0.998 | 0.998 |
Given that the average pKa of pyridine is 5.17 and that of NA is reported to be 5.00,34 we attribute the lower build-up rates to steric effects that act to lengthen the NA bond in the ground state and thereby reduce the subsequent entropy gain of ligand loss and the associated solvation changes.39 This effect is felt most strongly for highly solvated 4b. Analogous ligand build-up rates were also measured for samples containing 5 mM of 4b, prepared with increasing amounts of NA and Cs2CO3 in equal proportion (Fig. S15, Section 2.5 of the ESI†). The corresponding rates increase from 0.93 ± 0.01 s−1 (obtained for the sample prepared with 1-fold excess of substrate and 1-fold excess of base respectively) to 1.78 ± 0.11 s−1 (17-fold excess of substrate and 17-fold excess of base) as the expected plateau is reached for this dissociative process. The rate of free-NA build-up is therefore 1.78 ± 0.11 and smaller than that in an analogous sample without base (4.27 s−1). This situation reflects the greater stability of the complex when NA binds as the anion NAD. The initial under assessment of the exchange rate results from the fact that the EXSY method misses an exchange event if a molecule of the originally excited NAbound returns to the complex rather than remaining in bulk solution. As the substrate excess increases, the chance of this degenerative process happening reduces.
The corresponding T1 values are listed in Table 3. It can be seen that the isolated proton, H-2, has the longest T1, with a value of 18.4 s in degassed solution. At pH 12.5, this T1 value changes to 23.7 s, with the corresponding increase suggesting that the tautomer with a protonated nitrogen plays a role in relaxation at low pH. The presence of 4a in solution reduces the effective T1 of H-2 to 10.3 seconds in accordance with its role in SABRE, and the increase to 17.6 at high pH reflects the loss of contribution from the pyridinium tautomer and slower catalyst exchange.
H-2 | H-4 | H-5 | H-6 | |
NA | 18.4 | 9.6 | 6.5 | 11.3 |
NA with Cs2CO3 | 23.7 | 6.5 | 5.2 | 8.7 |
NA and 4a | 10.3 | 8.3 | 4.9 | 7.3 |
NA and 4b | 17.6 | 7.2 | 4.2 | 6.0 |
In addition to these changes, the H-4, H-5 and H-6 sites T1 values fall by 32, 20 and 23% respectively in the presence of Cs2CO3 alone. In the presence of the activated complex, at pH 3.6, these values differ from their reference point by 14, 25 and 35% respectively, and they fall further by 25, 35 and 47% at pH 12.5. These observations demonstrate therefore that the most pH sensitive resonances are also the most sensitive to relaxation, while confirming that the catalyst changes the relaxation rates of free NA under exchange.
However, upon moving from pH 3.6 to pH 8 the observed signal enhancement increases to ca. 400 via a sigmoidal variation in signal gain with pH in a similar way to that described for the chemical shift profiles (Fig. 6).
When the pH is increased to 12, the total NA signal enhancement increases to over 800-fold. This change is likely to result from the formation of methoxide through an iridium promoted reaction with caesium carbonate and there is therefore the potential to change the active catalyst again. It should be noted that the linewidth of the H-2 resonance for free NA narrows as the pH changes from 3 to 12 in accordance with the observed increase in T1 value and reduction in contribution from NAC with a protonated nitrogen.
Additionally, the corresponding 15N SABRE response of 4 was detectable without labelling, and the addition of base found to significantly improve it such that 4b is readily detectable after transfer via a PTF of 0.2 G (see ESI,† Section 2.10).
The absolute enhancement for the 1H decoupled 15N resonance of 4b, calculated via a 15N labelled pyridine standard, was 9218-fold. In the corresponding 13C spectrum, no enhancement could be detected when analysing transfer via4a, but the addition of base facilitates the detection of all of the NA ring 13C resonances via4b. These results are described in the ESI† (Sections 2.8 and 2.9) and serve to further illustrate the effect of pH manipulation on the hyperpolarised NMR signal intensity.
Furthermore, we have recorded a series of SABRE images on samples containing 5 mM of 1, 20 equivalents of NA (17-fold excess, relative to 4) and increasing amounts of base (up to 17-fold excess base). As expected, as the amount of Cs2CO3 increases, the pH of solution increases and the signal intensity seen in the response increases by one order of magnitude for the same concentration of substrate (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 1H MRI images of hyperpolarised NA as a function of pH: (a) pH 3.6, (b) pH 4.6, (c) pH 5.1, (d) pH 5.7, (e) pH 5.9 and (f) pH 6.9. |
In order to more precisely quantify this improvement in terms of the image quality, five one-shot images of the hyperpolarised samples were acquired and the average image signal to noise ratios (SNR's) were calculated. The SNR values exhibit an increasing trend up to the point where the pH approaches physiological values, which opens up the possibility of using NA, a naturally biocompatible molecule, as an MRI contrast agent for in vivo investigations (Fig. 8). As the basicity of the solution is further increased, the corresponding SNR values decrease rapidly, a trend which we attribute to possible transverse relaxation rate effects caused by the methoxide ion.
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Fig. 8 Average signal to noise (SNR) ratio produced in a series of 1H MRI images of hyperpolarised NA in methanol-d4 solution. |
13C MRI As 13C imaging can be used to successfully analyse metabolic processes, as demonstrated by DNP,14 we also examined carbonyl-13C labelled NA with 4a and 4b derived samples (see ESI†). The samples contained a 17-fold excess 13C-NA relative to 4, and were first hyperpolarised using the automated system described earlier at 0 G prior to the recording of the corresponding 13C image using a rapid acquisition scheme. While the images acquired for 4a did not yield signals above the background noise level, the addition of base, and use of 4b, facilitated the successful recording of an image (Fig. 9).
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Fig. 9 13C image of hyperpolarised 13C-NA produced by 4b. Matrix size 64 × 64, slice thickness 10 mm, nominal resolution 470 μm2. |
When analysing the performance of the SABRE catalyst as a function of substrate loading and polarisation transfer field, we have found that the maximum enhancement is obtained using 5-fold excess of ligand at 65 G. In a 1H NMR spectrum recorded at 400 MHz the resulting 744-fold signal gain reflects a compression of the total data acquisition time required under normal conditions for an equivalent SNR of over 500000. We note, however, that it is easier to work at 45 G where all of the signals possess a balanced phase.
A subsequent increase in ligand loading leads to a decrease in enhancement, a phenomenon which we attribute to a change in the NA acid–base equilibrium position in methanol solution. We verified this hypothesis by using NMR pH titration mapping, in which a series of measurements were undertaken where increasing amounts of base were added to a constant amount of NA, H2 and 1.
By doing so, the pH of the solution changes such that progressive deprotonation of the nitrogen and oxygen centres of NA occurs, this leads to a higher probability that NA can bind to the catalyst. This change in catalyst formulation has been viewed by mapping the effect on the ligands 1H NMR chemical shifts as a function of pH. A series of well-defined pH titration curves were produced from which effective pKa values can be estimated for methanol-d4 solution. The hyperpolarised signals for free NA were also used to access its pKa under the same conditions. Hence these results reflect an important observation that hyperpolarised 1H NMR signals can be used for pH assessment in conjunction with SABRE.
When examining the ligand build-up rates for two extreme pH situations (the catalyst in the absence of base and the catalyst formed with an excess of base), we confirmed that the increase in pH slows down the process of ligand build-up in solution. The lower ligand build-up rates, together with significant changes in the relaxation times, lead to the far superior performance of the polarisation transfer catalyst with excess of base, compared to that of its protonated parent. This effect is readily demonstrated in the enhancement vs. pH data of Fig. 6, which shows a considerable increase in polarisation at high pH, as well as in the multiple-quantum experiments that were performed at different PTF values and are described in the ESI.† These data therefore illustrate how the detection limit can be improved by harnessing pH if an analytical study is being completed. By extending this approach through the OPSY protocol, such measurements could be made in protio solvents without the need for solvent suppression. We note that in acid solution, the residual protons of the methanol-d4 solvent also show substantial polarisation (see ESI† Section 2.11).
Furthermore, the increase in pH has allowed for natural abundance 13C and 15N spectra to be acquired and, as in the case of 1H, larger enhancements were obtained for the basic solution in comparison to its acidic parent. We present 1H MRI and 13C MRI images of SABRE hyperpolarised NA in phantoms that exhibit controlled pH dependent intensity and contrast. In the ESI† we demonstrate that Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can be used on these phantoms to track the pH change in a voxel of interest. These results are, to the best of our knowledge, the first pH-dependent 1H MRI data obtained using SABRE.
This study therefore establishes that when the pH sensitivity of NA is combined with the increase in signal gain provided for by SABRE hyperpolarisation, a versatile pH MRI probe will result which is directly analogous to that already demonstrated in vivo for DNP-MRI. It also reveals the importance of considering the effect pH plays on catalysis during SABRE.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6sc04043h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |