*a and
aKey Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, P. R. China. E-mail: tianhe@ecust.edu.cn; ytlong@ecust.edu.cn
bState Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Centre for Computational Chemistry, Research Institute of Industrial Catalysis, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, P. R. China
First published on 12th December 2016
Single nanoparticle (NP) electrochemical measurements are widely described, both theoretically and experimentally, as they enable visualization of the electrochemical signal of a single NP that is masked in ensemble measurements. However, investigating the behavior of individual NPs using electrochemical signals remains a significant challenge. Here we report experiments and simulations demonstrating that multiple distinct motion trajectories could be discerned from time-resolved current traces by dynamic Monte Carlo simulations. We show that continuous monitoring and quantification of electrochemical oxidation of individual AgNPs using a low-noise electrochemical measurement platform produce significantly distinguished current traces due to the size-dependent motions of AgNPs. Our findings offer a view of the electrochemical signals of individual NPs that are largely different from that in the literature, and underscore the significance of motion behaviors in single NP electrochemistry.
Over the past several decades, examples of single NP electrochemical measurements include electrocatalytic amplification20–23 and electrochemical oxidation23–25 of single metal oxide or metal NPs by detecting the current transients as individual NPs collide with a UME. Considerable experimental and theoretical effort has been devoted to studying the shape and statistical properties of these transients, which have significant practical applications for analyzing the size, structure, and catalytic characteristics of individual NPs.20–28 Investigations into the effects of NPs at conductive interfaces have yielded the information that NPs are either adsorbed onto or rebounded off the electrode surface.29–34 Recently, transport-reaction processes of individual nanoparticles were also investigated using electrochemistry coupled with in situ optical microscopy19 or scanning electrochemical cell microscopy14 during electrochemical impact. However, to date, a clear understanding of the motion behavior of individual NPs on the nanoscale still needs further exploration.
Here, we explore multiple distinct motion trajectories by investigating time-resolved current traces during the collision process of individual AgNPs onto an electrode surface using dynamic Monte Carlo simulations (Fig. 1). We successfully monitor and quantify the electrochemical oxidation of individual AgNPs using a low-noise electrochemical measurement platform, producing significantly resolved current traces. The high accuracy of the proposed current trace makes it possible to track the motion behavior of individual AgNPs as a function of the dwell time. A semi-quantitative theoretical model explicitly invoking adsorption energy and the different regions above the electrode was developed to account for the motion trajectories corresponding to the oxidation behavior of AgNPs using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The common elementary routes involved in AgNP oxidation on Au UME surfaces include (i) hindered-diffusion in the near-wall region, (ii) electric field-driven directional motion towards the electrode in the non-tunneling region, (iii) directional motion and then adsorption accompanied by oxidation of Ag in the tunneling region, and (iv) adsorption or removal of the partially oxidized NP from the electrode due to the effects of stochastic diffusion, depending on the adsorption energy.
Etotad = EAg/Au − EAu − EAg |
To further demonstrate that the transients obtained correspond to the oxidation of individual AgNPs, we integrated the quantity of faradaic charge transfer for each transient and estimated the particle size. Notably, the size distributions of 10 nm, 20 nm and 40 nm AgNPs obtained from the integrated charge and those obtained from dynamic light scattering measurements (ESI Fig. S4a–f†) exhibit good agreement, implying that our assumption was reasonable. However, the electrochemical measurement detected some large NPs (i.e., 60 and 80 nm), which deviated from the size analysis (ESI Fig. S4g–j†). The apparent smaller diameter might be caused by the incomplete dissolution of AgNPs.6,27 In addition, experimentally observed frequencies are lower than the theoretically calculated ones by Fick's diffusion laws within a typical variation associated with stochastic measurements (ESI Table S2†), indicating that AgNP collisions on an Au UME are governed mainly by near-wall hindered-diffusion.14,18
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Fig. 3 Histograms showing the distributions of the peak currents, durations and charges of AgNPs with a size of 10 nm (a), 20 nm (b), 40 nm (c), 60 nm (d), and 80 nm (e). The red bar and the green bar are denoted I and II, corresponding to the current patterns of PI and PII, respectively (PI and PII are defined in the legend in Fig. 2). Inset: blue-filled part 1 of current traces. Black curves show Gaussian fits. The data were obtained from the chronoamperometry curves from a large population of oxidation events of individual AgNPs (more than 1000 events). |
a Data were acquired in 20 mM PB (pH = 7.4) at an applied potential of +0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl wire in the presence of AgNPs. Parameters of the current traces: peak current, Imax; duration, T; charge, Q. Parameters of the blue-filled part 1 of the current traces: duration, t; charge, q. Errors are standard deviations of the means for n experiments. The values (means and standard deviations) can be fitted well by the Gaussian function. The red regions and green regions correspond to the current patterns of PI and PII, respectively. The parameters are defined in the legend of Fig. 3. |
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Two current patterns always occur for the 40 nm AgNPs. As expected, a single large peak represents a single encounter but the amplitude was enlarged and the duration elongated (red frame, Fig. 2b(iii)), which is attributed to the charge associated with the number of Ag atoms in the particle. The results suggest that if the timescale of a single encounter (less than a millisecond) is adequate for the complete oxidation of a particular AgNP size, a single peak should be possible due to having similar oxidation behaviour. However, the predominant event observed for 40 nm AgNPs was a spike with an undulating terrain (green frame, Fig. 2b(iii)), showing a much smaller peak current (198 ± 13 pA) and a significantly increased duration of 1.6 ± 0.1 ms, thus leading to the approximate charge ranges for these two kinds of current pattern. In this tailing trace, the duration of the spike revealed that the timescale for a single encounter is on the order of magnitude of less than a millisecond, and the corresponding charge of blue part 1 is insufficient for a 40 nm AgNP to oxidize completely (Table 1).
However, current traces were observed almost exclusively as single peaks for the oxidation of the 60 nm AgNPs. Obviously, a similar current trace appeared with a spike with an undulating terrain (red frame, Fig. 2b(iv)), in which there were obvious enhancements in the amplitude of 960 ± 52 pA and the duration of 6 ± 1 ms. Interestingly, a spike with a closely spaced cluster (green frame, Fig. 2b(iv)) was dominant for 60 nm, in which the amplitude of the first spike dropped to 386 ± 83 pA, while the duration increased to 8 ± 1 ms. In particular, the entire duration could be more than an order of magnitude longer than that of the first spike, which is attributed to the complete oxidation of the 60 nm particle via a series of stages, during each of which the AgNP is partially oxidized. For the 80 nm AgNPs, we first observed a series of large current blockades (red frame, Fig. 2b(v)) with an amplitude of 674 ± 95 pA and a duration of 9 ± 1 ms. The current blockade is similar to a spike with an undulating terrain, but the undulating terrain is dominant. Notably, more than 80% of the cases displayed a cluster of current spikes for the 80 nm AgNP (green frame, Fig. 2b(v)), corresponding to the consecutive encounters of individual AgNPs on the electrode. These species displayed a distinct level with the current amplitude at 354 ± 27 pA and a much longer duration of 18 ± 6 ms. In the 60 and 80 nm cases, the contribution from the first spike to the total dissolution of the particle decreased gradually with increasing size, which is attributed to multiple-encounters for the oxidation of larger particles. The duration of the first spike is also consistent with the timescale of a single encounter, but the amplitude of maximum current was independent. In addition, a relatively wide distribution of durations and a further increase of random encounter processes for namely 60 and 80 nm AgNPs could be attributed to the stochastic behaviour of large-sized AgNPs.
In this theoretical model, we divide the space above the electrode into a tunneling region, a non-tunneling region, and the bulk solution (Fig. 1). AgNPs are subjected to random walks with solvent molecules in bulk solution, resulting in Brownian motion.37,38 As the particles approach sub-micron distances from the electrode surface, the diffusing AgNPs are affected by near-wall hindered-diffusion due to the boundary effect, reducing the velocity and increasing the time spent near the electrode.18,34 We resolved this behaviour by obtaining the displacement of an arbitrarily chosen AgNP as , where D(z) is the distance-dependent hindered-diffusion coefficient of the AgNPs
with the diffusion coefficient D = kBT/6πηr, where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, η is the dynamic viscosity of the solution and r is the AgNP radius. It is important to note that the hindered-diffusion is based on the consideration of the millisecond timescale of the individual AgNPs. Throughout this period, the AgNPs execute complex trajectories of stochastic motions that have a significant effect on particles close to the electrode. From simulation analysis, we observed that the particles stochastically oscillate via a rolling movement in the direction of the electrode (Fig. 4a–c(i)).
As the distance of a particle from the electrode approaches the nanometre scale, that is, the impact region, the directional movement of the particle is determined mainly by the electric potential with exponential dependence on the distance (U = U0e−z/λ, where U0 is the surface potential and λ is the Debye length) (Fig. S5†) and is affected by significantly hindered-diffusion which is simplified when simulated by stochastic motion with the frequency proportional to desorption rate (kde) and the particle size (r) (Fig. 1). Once the AgNP has come close to the impact region there is a high probability of several encounters before it moves out into the bulk solution due to the electric field, ensuring the complete oxidation of large particles.28 Theoretical prediction of the distance from the imaginary boundary of the impact region to the electrode surface indicates a length in the same range as the Debye length (∼3 nm). Here, we simply consider that the AgNP could undergo adsorption once the particle approached the electrode to within closer than a certain distance (the “scale of adsorption” ∼ 0.5 nm), while adsorbed particles wander due to the effects of stochastic diffusion, giving rise to a tumble motion. In analogy to adsorption and desorption processes, we consider the possibility of stochastic motion pcol = (βr)kdedt with desorption rate kde = (kBT/h)eEad/kBT according to the Arrhenius equation, where h is the Planck constant, and Ead is the adsorption energy.39 Based on the DFT calculations, we estimated that Ead is associated with AgNP size (r), as described by Ead = −0.11/r − 0.64 within the generalized gradient approximation (ESI Fig. S6–S8†). Considering the continuously refreshed particle surface during the electrochemical oxidation of AgNPs, we did not take the effect of the surface capping agent (citrate) into consideration for Ead in this DFT calculation. It is worthy of note that we developed the long range Ag–Au adsorption in terms of a through-space interaction and supposed the increase in Ead with AgNPs approaching the electrode surface, resulting in the suppression of the stochastic motion of the particle.
When an AgNP is located within the tunneling subregion of the impact region, the AgNP is momentarily involved in the oxidation of Ag and enables a faradaic reaction (Fig. 3b). According to the first Faraday law, the faradaic current contributing to particle dissolution at any time i(t) during the electrochemical oxidation of an AgNP is given by
Weak adsorption of the large AgNPs is advantageous for particle desorption. That is, kde is sufficiently large enough to overcome adsorption and induce the desorption of adsorbed particles from Au (111), leading to tumbling motion near the electrodes. Theoretically, two modes of tumbling motion can be classified: (i) the particle is always confined in the tunneling region (R2 in Fig. 1), and (ii) the particle moves away to the non-tunneling region and comes back again to the tunnelling region/electrode surface due to the attraction of the electric field (R3 in Fig. 1). Two kinds of processes are related to the particle size, depending on the size-controlled displacement of the stochastic motions. For a given current pattern, a spike with an undulating terrain, in which the current traces keep fluctuating in an undulating terrain but do not return to the baseline until total dissolution occurs, indicates that the AgNP begins to move towards the electrode and recede, then fluctuates in the tunneling region (Fig. 4c(iii and iv), d and e(i and ii)). Adsorption no doubt still exists during the fluctuation process; however, while an increase in desorption will accentuate the stochastic motion, it will at the same time increase the timescale of dissolution by reducing the reaction rate of the AgNPs. The widths of the undulating terrains seem uncertain, also suggesting the stochastic nature of the tumbling motion.
A representative trajectory for a series of consecutive millisecond spikes was observed, corresponding to sequential multistep “collision” events occurring on the Au UME, namely, the partially reacted NPs recede to the non-tunneling region and return again to the electrode surface several times during the full experimental timescale, besides some maintain fluctuation in the tunneling region during their entire oxidation. This behaviour is dependent on the increased likelihood of further collisions with the electrode once a dynamically moving AgNP has already approached closely. The simulation results also indicate that a particle has a longer timescale due to the tumbling motion from the bottom to the top in the impact region, especially for more adhesion/desorption events compared to confined fluctuations in the tunneling region (Fig. 4d and e(iii and iv)).
To exclude the possibility that the current responses observed were possibly affected by precipitation/dissolution of Ag3PO4 in a phosphate buffer solution,41,42 we also performed the electrochemical oxidation of 60 nm AgNPs in NaNO3 solution. As shown in Fig. S9,† two current patterns are still observed for the dissolution of 60 nm AgNPs in NaNO3 solution. Similar to the 60 nm AgNPs in 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4), the current patterns in NaNO3 solution almost exclusively exhibit a spike with and undulating terrain. This demonstrates that the oxidation process in our system and current traces could be attributed to multiple distinct motion trajectories during the process of individual AgNP collisions on the electrode.
To validate the hypothesis that adsorption and desorption events did occur during the electrochemical oxidation of the AgNPs, we further scrutinized the detailed current traces as a function of temperature. The variation tendency of the number ratio of event II to event I (ratio = NII/NI) decays with temperature, implying that the motion behaviour of individual AgNPs became more stochastic as the temperature increased (ESI Fig. S10†). The temperature-controlled current patterns agree with kde following the Arrhenius equation in our theoretical model, providing a thermodynamic basis for placing the Ead as a fundamental property of the particle motion trajectories. The current amplitudes and durations from the theoretical simulations compare well with the measured results, also demonstrating that our theoretical model is reliable.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details and adsorption energy. See DOI: 10.1039/c6sc04582k |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |