Albert Lin*,
Chien-Chih Yang,
Parag Parashar,
Chien-Yung Lin,
Ding Rung Jian,
Wei-Ming Huang,
Yi-Wen Huang,
Sze Ming Fu,
Yan Kai Zhong and
Tseung Yuen Tseng*
Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010. E-mail:;
First published on 17th January 2018
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) possesses decent optical properties and thus can be considered as a candidate for perfect absorbers due to their close-to-air refractive index and minimal extinction. However, weak absorption in porous materials, due to the low extinction coefficients, requires an inevitably thick absorption layer (∼100 μm) for the perfect opaque absorbers. Thus, the requirement of large thicknesses of CNTs prohibits them from being used as miniaturized integrated photonic devices. Here, we propose an electrophoretic deposited (EPD) CNT resonant cavity structure on tantalum (Ta) to enhance optical absorption. Efficient random light scattering along with the resonant cavity structure using Ti/SiO2 stacking enhances the absorption in our proposed EPD-CNT film while maintaining the total device thickness to <1 μm. The experiment results reveal that the absorption band covers the entire UV-VIS-NIR spectrum (λ = 0.3–2.6 μm), using resonant-cavity EPD-CNT design. The EPD deposition process is done at relatively low temperature < 120 °C. We believe that this proposal is very promising for sensing, antenna, and thermophotovoltaics (TPV), in terms of bandwidth, compactness and cost.
In most works of nano-photonics MPAs, metals are usually selected as the absorbing materials owing to their high extinction coefficients over a wide spectral range. Essentially for metallic MPAs, the thickness of the metallic absorption layers is not required to be thick. For UV-VIS-NIR ranges, several micrometers in thickness are enough to fully absorb the incoming photons due to the high extinction coefficients of the metallic materials. However, the problem associated with the metallic MPAs is that the coupling of the incoming photons with the metallic layers can be difficult because of the significant refractive index difference between the metals and the ambience. Owing to this reason different schemes have been proposed in recent years to increase the photon coupling and photon confinement inside the metallic or metal-dielectric nanostructures, in order to achieve a perfect blackbody absorption over a broad spectral range. These include adiabatic coupling,14–16 plasmonics,10 hyperbolic dispersion,14 and field penetration17 phenomenon. Nonetheless, extensive use of lithography and etching processes also impose an extra cost and time inefficiency in most of these structures.
In contrast to metal-dielectric nano-photonic perfect absorbers, porous materials present another route for high absorption. Porous materials have close-to-unity real refractive index, and therefore, the in-coupling of the photons into the porous materials is not an issue due to their close-to-air refractive indices. As far as porous materials are concerned, CNTs has a higher melting point, higher mechanical and tensile strength than other noteworthy porous metal oxides such as NiO, Fe2O3, Co3O4, Mn2O3, NiFe2O4, and aluminum oxide,18 thereby, suitable for high temperature and harsh environment applications, such as thermophotovoltaics (TPV). Besides, efforts are being made in recent years to grow CNTs at a relatively low temperature (150 °C),19 as compared to high temperature CVD process, to lower the cost of CNT raw materials.
Inherent low extinction coefficient of CNT and other porous materials leads to a weak absorption and thus a large device thickness is required to achieve in the optical regime. Due to this constraint, CNTs are thus excluded from being categorized as an effective MPAs.6,20 Instead, CNTs are more often referred to as opaque materials rather than a photonic device. To achieve the high-absorption property, the required thickness of carbon nanotube absorber21–26 is usually about tens to hundreds of micrometers as discussed previously. Among these advancements, a 70 μm thick CNT grown on glass substrate with 1 nm Fe seed layer using 775 °C CVD is shown to achieve perfect blackbody.22 A forest of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)23 behaves most similarly to a black body for the UV (200 nm) to far infrared (200 μm) regime. Besides, dark materials made by a low-density nanotube array26 also have been engineered to have an extremely low index of refraction together with the nanoscale surface roughness of the arrays to induce a nearly-perfect optical absorption material. The fact remains that a large thickness is required is a common problem when perfect absorbers are realized using highly porous materials to match the impedance of air. Due to the large thickness restraint of CNT absorbers, it can be hard to integrate the CNT absorbers with other nanoscale devices. Therefore, thickness minimization of CNT absorbers while maintaining their high absorption property is the key issue for the integration of CNTs with other optical devices. The recent work by N. Selvakumar et al.27 reports the 800 °C chemical vapor deposition (CVD) CNT on stainless steel substrate using tandem absorption of CNT and metallic substrate that reduced CNT thickness requirement to several micrometers. The decent absorption property achieved here27 with a reduced thickness is promising. But the extensive use of high processing temperature ∼800 °C prevents the use of flexible substrates along with the possible process integration with many low-temperature materials. Here, in the work proposed we use low-temperature < 120 °C electrophoretic deposition (EPD) to realize ultra-compact CNT absorbers with the aid of broadband resonant cavity design. EPD process is an economical and versatile processing technique for the carbon nanotubes (CNTs).28 Furthermore, no lithography and etching processes are required in our structure, thereby, adding cost and time efficiency to our device. The miniaturized dimension is <1 μm with broadband absorption over λ = 0.3 μm to λ = 2.6 μm.
Specifically, we present the process of EPD for fabricating carbon nanotubes, the UV-VIS-NIR and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurement results, and the angular absorption measurement results. Also, we investigate the dependence of broadband absorption on the EPD CNT thickness. Finally, the ultimate purpose is to achieve reduced-thickness CNT absorbers with the aid of an optical broadband resonant cavity and the random light scattering within the EPD CNT films. With this low temperature processing together with the resonant cavity, our structure is very efficient in terms of bandwidth, compactness, and the integrability with other photonic devices.
The material parameters including refractive indices and extinction coefficients have been taken from Rsoft™ database,29 and the CNT refractive index is from a literature.22 Fig. 1 shows our proposed structure. The structure is a combination of CNTs and a resonant cavity consisting of a bottom Ta layer and alternating Ti/SiO2 layers. In principle, if we want to achieve full absorption of light, the thickness of CNTs must be tens to hundreds of micrometers due to their porous nature and the corresponding low absorption coefficients. Therefore, with the integration of resonant cavity, we try to reduce the thickness of CNT perfect absorbers. The thickness of CNTs in the simulation is 700 nm, and the cavity is composed of three pairs of alternating 2 nm Ti and 80 nm SiO2 thin films. The 100 nm Ta on the bottom serves as the bottom reflection layer to eliminate transmittance and also serves as the electrode during EPD.
Fig. 2 illustrates the light paths for the standalone CNT blanket and the CNTs with a resonant cavity. A significant portion of photons can penetrate standalone CNTs while photons can be fully absorbed by CNTs due to the confinement achieved by the resonant cavity. The simulation results in Fig. 3 demonstrate this phenomenon. The absorption of CNTs with a cavity is much higher than the blanket of standalone CNTs over the entire broadband wavelength range from λ = 300 nm to λ = 2600 nm. The oscillations in the absorption are due to the fact that the resonance phenomenon is very pronounced in the cavity structure. Fig. 3(b) further shows the omnidirectional property of the structure where the absorption of 60° incidence at TE and TM polarizations is not decreased over the same broad spectral range λ = 300 nm to λ = 2600 nm as compared to the normal incidence. It should be noted that the refractive index of the CNTs is assumed to be 1.02 + 0.04i.22 Thus, it is a porous and weak absorption material that has been employed in the simulations. The absorption enhancement due to the random light scattering in EPD-CNTs has not been reflected in this section since the highly random, highly entangled EPD-CNT structure is not in fact computationally manageable. As a result, the experimental absorption can be even superior in terms of absorption perfection and bandwidth, compared to the simulation results. The field profiles are presented in Fig. 4. It can be clearly seen that the electromagnetic field is effectively confined in CNTs with the resonant cavity design. Without the Ta and Ti/SiO2 resonant cavity, the electromagnetic field directly penetrates the standalone blanket of CNTs since 700 nm CNTs are not thick enough to fully absorb the incident fields, as evident from Fig. 4(b) and (d). As a result, with the integration of the resonant cavity to the structure, the thickness of CNT absorbers can be minimized to several hundred nanometers. It will be clear later in the Experimental section that with the aid of random light scattering in EPD-CNTs, the measured absorption of a thin EPD-CNT device can be increased further from the simulated values.
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Fig. 2 (a) The light path in blanket CNTs, (b) CNTs with a backside Ta reflection layer, and (c) CNTs with a resonant cavity. |
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Fig. 5 (a) SEM micrographs of the EPD-CNT films in this experiment. The CNT films are deposited on a Ta bottom layer with various thickness. (b) Raman spectroscopy of the EPD-CNT film. |
Fig. 6 and 7 show the data of measurements, including the reflectance (R), the transmittance (T), and the absorption (A). The detailed measurement drawing can be referred from our past publication.30 Fig. 6 shows the measured results of EPD-CNT films on a 100 nm Ta layer. The broadband spectral absorption is quite high in the range of λ = 300–2600 nm for tCNT = 4.5 μm and 2.4 μm. Although the resonant cavity has not been formed, the Ta back reflection layer and the random distribution nature of EPD-CNTs have already effectively increased the absorption. The averaged absorption (Aavg) is 0.97 for EPD-CNTs (tCNT = 4.5 μm) with a Ta bottom layer in Fig. 6(a). A gradual decrease in absorption is observed with a decreased tCNT, and ∼0.8 absorption is observed for the case of tCNT = 0.7 μm in Fig. 6(d). Fig. 7 shows the spectral absorption for CNTs with cavity design consisting of a Ta bottom layer and 3-pair Ti/SiO2 top layers. Firstly, Fig. 7(b) depicts the UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectrum from λ = 300 nm to λ = 2600 nm. Fig. 7(c) further shows the FTIR result of 1 − Rspec − Tspec from λ = 1.2 μm to λ = 10 μm. Due to the planar geometry, 1 − Rspec − Tspec ≅ 1 − R − T = A (absorption). This point will be explained in more details in the method section. It can be extracted from Fig. 7(c) that with the cavity design and tCNT ∼ 500 nm, the high absorption exists from λ = 300 nm to λ = 4810 nm. After λ = 5 μm, the spectral absorption begins to decay due to the geometry of tCNT ∼ 500 nm and tSiO2 = 80 nm for this experiment. To realize devices with a larger bandwidth or operation in longer wavelength regimes, increasing tCNT and tSiO2 can certainly be effective. It is worth to mention that the absorption and bandwidth in the experiment are further improved as compared to the simulation results mentioned in the previous section. The reason is that the CNTs in the simulation are assumed to be vertically aligned with refractive index 1.02 + 0.04i,22 but the CNTs deposited by EPD are randomly distributed. These entangled EPD-CNTs increase the probability of random light scattering in the CNT films, and thus absorption can be increased accordingly. This point has been evident from many solar cell light trapping literature.31–37 In short, the experimental results verify the proposed design, i.e., we can reduce the thickness of CNT absorbers by incorporating light scattering phenomenon in EPD-CNTs and a resonant cavity design using top Ti/SiO2 layers and the bottom Ta layer.
Further material analysis is conducted to investigate the device structure and layer deposition in the cavity type CNTs with 100 nm-Ta and 3-pair 3 nm-Ti/80 nm-SiO2 cladding. Fig. 8 demonstrates the STEM cross-section image of the fabricated device. The thickness of the EPD-CNT layer, in this case, is ∼500 nm. The thickness variation is minimized by using a centrifuge to uniformly disperse the CNTs in the mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids (HNO3 and H2SO4) solution although some layer thickness variation is still observed here. The thickness variation in CNT films is due to the EPD solution process, and the roughness and porosity of the CNT film can affect the morphology, uniformity, and the porosity of the subsequent SiO2 and Ti films. Further reduction in surface roughness and morphology is desired but it should be emphasized that the low-temperature chemical solution processing inevitably leads to surface morphology not comparable to vacuum deposition, and the surface roughness of the EPD-CNT films here is comparable to other EPD CNT works in literature.38 In Fig. 8(c) and (d), it is observed that although as-deposited thickness of Ti thin film is ∼3 nm, diffusion of Ti into SiO2 or CNT inevitably exists. This is due to the fact that the EPD-CNT film is highly texturized and porous with thickness non-uniformity as evident from Fig. 5, and this makes the SiO2 layer above less dense. From optics viewpoint, the slight mix-up of Ti and SiO2 layer is not detrimental as long as the dimension of the diffused Ti film is still much smaller than the photon wavelength. This is the essence of effective index theory in optics.39,40
The measurement of UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectrum is by measuring the reflectance (R) and the transmittance (T). The absorption (A) is then calculated by A = 1 − R − T. The integration sphere collects all diffracted power so the total reflectance (R), total transmittance (T), and total absorption (A) can be measured at normal incidence. Hitachi U-4100 is used where the light source is a quickly mountable type deuterium lamp for the ultraviolet region and a 50 W halogen lamp for the visible-near-infrared region. The pre-monochromator is Littrow monochromator using a diffraction grating, and the main monochromator is also of the grating type with two switchable diffraction gratings. The detector is photomultiplier for the UV-VIS region and a cooling type PbS photoconductive detector for the NIR region.
The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used for λ = 1.2 μm to λ = 10 μm. Bruker IFS 66v/S Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is used. The resolution is 0.25 cm−1. The light source is silicon carbide (SiC) glow bar, and the detector is a pyroelectric detector using deuterated lanthanum α alanine doped triglycine sulphate (DLATGS) with KBr window. In our FTIR measurement using Bruker machine, the incidence angle is the nearly-normal direction at 11 degrees (11°). Using e-gun evaporation or other low-cost deposition techniques such as sputtering, solution processes, and inkjet printing, is promising for MWIR/LWIR perfect absorbers because the surface roughness is a less severe concern for MWIR/LWIR regime. This is due to the large MWIR/LWIR wavelength dimension compared to the vertical/lateral sample surface roughness in the range of nanometers. As a result, the incident photons essentially cannot perceive the surface texture of the films. The fact of no need for MBE or ALD in the planar MWIR/LWIR perfect absorber structure here enhances its practicability for MWIR/LWIR applications. The setup for the FTIR measurement is shown in Fig. 9. In most FTIR machines there is not integration sphere, due to the long wavelength radiation is more robust to surface roughness. Since there is no integration sphere in FTIR machine, Rspec and Tspec are measured. Due to the fact that our structure is a planar structure and the fact that the Bruker™ FTIR has NA = sin15°, Rspec and Tspec are close to R and T, and thus 1 − Rspec − Tspec ≅ 1 − R − T = A. We have verified that the diffraction and light scattering from a 700 nm EPD CNT film are fully within 10° for UV-VIS-NIR (λ = 300–2600 nm), and this means the 1 − Rspec − Tspec is exactly the same as 1 − R − T = A for this wavelength regime in our FTIR measurement. Further increase in wavelength is unlikely to increase the light scattering angle due to the fact that the surface profiling and thickness variation is <50 nm from the SEM micrographs shown previously, and this dimension is insufficient to cause significant far-field light diffraction or scattering for wavelengths beyond UV-VIS-IR. As a result, the value of 1 − Rspec − Tspec can be used to infer the absorption behaviour of the sample in our case.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |