Lihong Jiaa,
Qiuxiang Yinac,
Lina Zhouac,
Xia Zhanga,
Chang Wanga,
Wei Du*b and
Ling Zhou*a
aSchool of Chemical Engineering and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China. E-mail:
bCollege of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, People’s Republic of China. E-mail:
cCollaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China
First published on 7th March 2018
The concomitant crystallization of spironolactone form II and its ethanol solvate was investigated in ethanol by means of process analytical techniques, such as particle vision and measurement (PVM), focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and Raman spectroscopy. The concomitant crystals were characterized by optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. Analysis results of primary nucleation kinetics based on the experimental data of the induction time show that the ethanol solvate is the kinetically favored form with a lower interfacial energy, a higher nucleation rate and a smaller radius of the critical nucleus, compared with form II. At a high supersaturation, the crystallization process is dominated by kinetic factors and only the ethanol solvate is obtained. Whereas, at a low supersaturation, only form II crystallizes out owing to its thermodynamic priority. At a moderate supersaturation, concomitant crystals are found as a result of their nearly equal nucleation rates. In summary, the real cause for concomitant crystallization of form II and ethanol solvate of spironolactone is their simultaneous nucleation.
Many APIs can be crystallized in different solid-state forms during solution crystallization, including polymorphs and solvates. Solvates, sometimes called pseudopolymorphs, are the solvent molecules entering into the crystal lattice of the drug molecules.12,13 When drug substances are obtained from the solvent, either only one kind of polymorph or solvate can be obtained, or mixed different solvates and non-solvated polymorphs can appear, depending on the stoichiometry of solute and solvent molecules.14,15 In general, there are three possible types of concomitant crystallization: (i) the concomitant crystallization of non-solvated polymorphs; (ii) the concomitant crystallization of solvates; and (iii) the concomitant crystallization of a solvate and non-solvated polymorphs. So far, most researchers have devoted their efforts to investigate the concomitant crystallization of type (i) and (ii). Du et al.16 studied the concomitant polymorphism of prasugrel hydrochloride, and found that at a certain supersaturation, because of the relatively slow nucleation rate, form I lost its thermodynamic priority and the kinetic factor dominated the crystallization process; then form I simultaneously crystallized with form II which was kinetically favored. Das et al.17 noticed that the crystallization of hexakis(4-cyanophenyloxy)benzene from a mixture of two different solvents produces two different solvates concomitantly. Bhattacharya et al.18 reported that crystallization of 2,4,6-triethyl-1,3,5-tris(phenoxymethyl)-benzene from tetrachloromethane and tetrahydrofuran resulted in the concomitant formation of two solvates in each case, whereas crystallization from ethyl acetate resulted in the formation of a guest-free form along with an ethyl acetate solvate of the host. As for the concomitant crystallization of type (iii), only very few studies are reported in literature. Although Wang et al.19 reported the simultaneous crystallization of cefuroxime acid and its acetonitrile solvate, which proved the existence of concomitant crystallization of the solvate and non-solvent polymorph experimentally, the formation mechanism of concomitant crystallization of the solvate and non-solvent crystalline form was still unclear.
The aim of this work is to investigate the underlying mechanism of concomitant crystallization. Spironolactone (SPI, CAS Registry No. 52-01-7, Fig. 1), a potassium-sparing diuretic used in the treatment of refractory oedema, cirrhosis of the liver and nephrotic syndrome, was chosen as the model compound.20,21 Two polymorphs (form I and form II) and eight solvates (methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, benzene, and water) of SPI have been reported.22–24 The concomitant crystallization of SPI form II and its ethanol solvate during cooling crystallization was investigated in the present work. This work included three detailed objectives: (1) determining the thermodynamic domains of the concomitant crystallization of SPI form II and its ethanol solvate, (2) confirming the thermodynamic stability and solubility of these two forms, and (3) deriving the kinetic factors from on-line crystallization measurements. A combination of analytical techniques such as optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were applied to identify the concomitant polymorphism. Raman spectroscopy, particle vision and measurement (PVM) and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) were used in situ to monitor the cooling crystallization of SPI. The results obtained in this work will be important for understanding the mechanism of concomitant crystallization between a solvate and non-solvent polymorph, and designing robust crystallization processes for the pure forms.
![]() | (1) |
ΔG = ΔGs + ΔGv | (2) |
For non-spherical crystals, ΔG can be written as:
ΔG = 4fsγr2 + 8fvr3ΔGv | (3) |
According to the kinetic theory of nucleation which was recognized in 1939 by Volmer, energy barriers are relevant to the radius of a crystal nucleus.27 The critical size is the assembly of molecules which must be stabilized in order for further growth to occur. So the critical size of the nuclei can be obtained by setting d(ΔG)/dr = 0, which can be written as follows:
![]() | (4) |
Then the critical free energy becomes
![]() | (5) |
and the basic Gibbs–Thomson relationship28 for a non-electrolyte may be written as
![]() | (6) |
According to the Arrhenius equation,29,30 the nucleation rate (J) can be given as follows:
![]() | (7) |
From eqn (4), (5) and (7), the nucleation rate equation can be written as:
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
As proposed by Kashchiev et al.33 the measured induction time allows for a connection to be made between nucleation theory and experimental investigation. The induction time is inversely proportional to the nucleation rate and can only be justified when the data relate to true homogeneous nucleation and the nucleation time is much greater than the growth time.
![]() | (10) |
Thus, eqn (8) can be rewritten as:
![]() | (11) |
From eqn (8), lntind and 1/(ln
S)2 have a linear relationship, and the slope is
![]() | (12) |
Therefore, the interfacial energy can be obtained from the slope,
![]() | (13) |
For a dimorphic system, the crystallizability of the solute from solution can be represented by the interfacial energy and critical size of the nuclei. Furthermore, the nucleation rate of different forms will affect the form of the product.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 Crystal habits of (a) form II and (b) ethanol solvate and (c) and (d) concomitant crystals of forms II and the ethanol solvate of SPI. |
DSC thermograms of the two pure forms and the concomitant crystals are shown in Fig. 4. Both form II and the ethanol solvate have an endothermic peak at 482.7 K, which is consistent with the melting point of form II. Meanwhile, the DSC thermogram of the ethanol solvate exhibits an endotherm–exotherm doublet (407.5 K and 414.7 K, respectively), which corresponds to the fact that the ethanol solvate first desolvates and then transforms into form II, and the transformation is exothermic. The TGA thermogram (Fig. 5) of the ethanol solvate shows a stage of solvent loss at 350.1 K, and the weight loss is about 1.2%, which is consistent with that in literature.33 Beckstead and Neville found by elemental microanalyses that ethanol solvate was mono-solvated, and it only partially lost the solvent at the desolvated temperature before the onset of melting.34,35 For the concomitant crystals, a wide desolvation endotherm peak and a small transformation exothermic peak were observed in the DSC thermogram. The existence of form II in the concomitant crystals might act as a form of seeding and induce the process of desolvation and transformation. Thus, concomitant crystals could begin to desolvate and transform at lower temperatures compared with the pure ethanol solvate, which is also verified by the TGA thermogram. Meanwhile, the endotherm peak and exotherm peak are offset partially, which leads to the inconspicuous doublet.
Raman spectra of solid-state pure form II and the ethanol solvate were respectively recorded and are shown in Fig. 6. The Raman spectra of these two forms present clear differences in the Raman shift range of 600–650 cm−1, which belongs to the region of the C–S bond vibration. Form II of SPI has a unique peak at 641 cm−1, while the characteristic peak of the ethanol solvate is shown at 625 cm−1, which may be due to the different molecular conformations of form II and the ethanol solvate.22 The mixture of SPI form II and its ethanol solvate was identified successfully by Raman spectroscopy, which was therefore applied in situ to monitor the crystallization process.
The profile of the crystal size and the morphology with time in concomitant crystallization could be clearly observed with in situ PVM. As shown in Fig. 7, four frames from a sequence of microscopic images recorded every 10 s illustrate the appearance and growth of the different forms. The solution was clear without solids, when the system was maintained within the induction period. Then form II and the ethanol solvate were observed at the same time, indicating that these two forms nucleate simultaneously. It is shown in Fig. 7d that the crystals of both these two forms grow concomitantly and no polymorphic transformation was detected within the investigated time range.
The real time results of Raman spectroscopy are plotted in Fig. 8, from which it can be seen that the characteristic peaks of form II and the ethanol solvate grew simultaneously from the very point when the solution started to nucleate, verifying that SPI form II and its ethanol solvate appeared concomitantly. Then the Raman intensities of both form II and the ethanol solvate characteristic peaks reached a maximum and remained constant.
![]() | ||
Fig. 8 Real time change of the characteristic Raman spectra peaks of form II and the ethanol solvate during cooling crystallization. |
From the results of both on-line PVM and Raman spectroscopy, it can be concluded that the occurrence of form II and the ethanol solvate is a primary nucleation process and not a polymorphic transformation. Thus, simultaneous nucleation of both forms should be the real reason for the concomitant polymorphism.
To better understand the trend of the solubility, the experimental values of the solubility are correlated with the modified Apelblat equation.36 The obtained model parameters and the coefficient of determination (R2) are given in Table 1, from which it can be seen that the values of R2 are higher than 0.99 for both these two forms, so the modified Apelblat equation can give correlation results with satisfactory accuracy.
![]() | (14) |
Parameters | A | B | C | R2 |
Form II | −85.738 | −318.100 | 14.252 | 0.999 |
Ethanol solvate | −95.517 | −278.834 | 15.948 | 0.999 |
To further understand the effect of kinetic factors on concomitant crystallization, nucleation kinetics were investigated in detail. Induction time, recorded by FBRM, is shown in Fig. 10. The result is a plot of counts versus time from where tind was determined by drawing regression lines through the two distinct linear regions and regarding the intersection point as the value. The profile of the induction period with supersaturation at 313.15 K and 318.15 K is shown in Fig. 11. In this study, the induction period is fitted to find different possible mechanisms that are responsible for the loss of the metastability. The results show that the best agreement (according to the square coefficient) is obtained for the mononuclear mechanism in Table 2. Thus, the induction time is governed only by the rate of primary nucleation, and it can be simplified to eqn (10), which is shown in the ESI.† To further analyze the nucleation process, the plot of ln(tind) versus 1/(ln2S) according to eqn (11) is shown in Fig. 12. There are two distinct nucleation regions with different slopes. The straight line, established at lower supersaturation with a lower slope, indicates the nucleation of form II, while at high supersaturation with a higher slope, the ethanol solvate nucleated. Therefore, the two straight lines in Fig. 12 are the primary nucleation of the two different forms of SPI.
![]() | ||
Fig. 11 Dependence of the induction time on the supersaturation ratio and the nature of the polymorph that nucleated at 313.15 and 318.15 K. |
Growth mechanism | v | F(S) | R2 (ethanol solvate) | R2 (form II) | ||
40 °C | 45 °C | 40 °C | 45 °C | |||
No growth | ln(Stind) | 0.983 | 0.983 | 0.957 | 0.953 | |
Normal growth | 1 | ln{S1/n[(S − 1)](n−1)/ntind} | 0.980 | 0.958 | 0.922 | 0.800 |
Spiral growth | 1 | ln{S1/n[(S − 1)2](n−1)/ntind} | 0.965 | 0.951 | 0.906 | 0.769 |
Diffusion controlled growth | 1/2 | ln{S1/n[(S − 1)](n−1)/ntind} | 0.981 | 0.960 | 0.924 | 0.804 |
2D nucleation mediated growth | 1 | ln[(S − 1)2(n−1)/3nS(n+2)/3ntind] | 0.967 | 0.965 | 0.937 | 0.933 |
The value of interfacial energy can serve as an indicator of the ability of the solute to crystallize from solution spontaneously, and the higher the value is, the more difficult it is for the solute to crystallize, and the value can be calculated from the slopes of the straight lines in the two regions of supersaturation at 313.15 K and 318.15 K, respectively. The results between 0.916 and 1.976 mJ m−2 are listed in Table 3, and are similar to those studied on other poorly water soluble substances.32,37 The interfacial energies of these two forms at the same temperature are different. Using eqn (4) and the value of the interfacial energy, the radius of the critical nucleus can be derived. It can be seen that when the critical size is lower, the activation energy barrier for nucleation is lower. The radius of the critical nucleus ranges from 2.16 to 7.6 Å at experimental supersaturation and is shown in Fig. 13. As the interfacial energy and the critical size of the stable form II are higher than those for the ethanol solvate, nucleation of the ethanol solvate will be easier and should be the kinetically favored form. Thus, concomitant crystallization might be possible when both kinetics and thermodynamics dominate the crystallization process.
313.15 K | 318.15 K | |
Form II | 1.976 | 1.894 |
Ethanol solvate | 0.916 | 0.945 |
![]() | ||
Fig. 13 Dependence of the radius of the critical nucleus on the supersaturation ratio at 313.15 and 318.15 K. |
According to the classical nucleation theory, the nucleation rates of form II and the ethanol solvate of SPI can be calculated using eqn (8). At different crystallization temperatures, the evolutions of the nucleation rate and the nucleation ratio (Jform II/Jsolvate) of these two forms are shown in Fig. 14 and 15, respectively. From the two figures, it is possible to predict the appearance of each form theoretically and explain the occurrence of concomitant polymorphism. It can be seen that at lower supersaturation (S < 1.27) only form II was observed at 313.15 K due to the fact that form II is the stable form considering the thermodynamics. When the nucleation rates of the stable form II and the metastable form are equal at S = 1.27, their appearance probabilities would be nearly the same, leading to concomitant polymorphism. Kinetic factors will dominate the crystallization process with the increase of supersaturation. At S > 1.27, the nucleation of ethanol solvate is faster compared to that of form II, as shown in Fig. 16, so only the ethanol solvate crystallizes. A similar result can also be obtained at 318.15 K. When S = 1.32, these two forms have nearly the same nucleation rate, resulting in their simultaneous appearance.
![]() | ||
Fig. 14 Dependence of the nucleation rates and the nucleation rate ratio of SPI polymorphs at 313.15 K as a function of the supersaturation degree. |
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Fig. 15 Dependence of the nucleation rates and the nucleation rate ratio of SPI polymorphs at 318.15 K as a function of the supersaturation degree. |
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Fig. 16 Dependence of relative nucleation rates of SPI polymorphs at 313.15 and 318.15 K as a function of the supersaturation ratio. |
It can also be seen from Fig. 11 that concomitant crystals will be observed at a higher supersaturation when the temperature increases. This might be explained by the change in interfacial energy. The interfacial energy of the stable form II decreases as the temperature increases, indicating an easier nucleation process, while that of the metastable ethanol solvate is reversed. More experiments have been performed for further study. Around S > 1.2, only the ethanol solvate can be obtained at 303.15 K. Meanwhile, at S < 1.4, only form II crystallized at 323.15 K. Although the nucleation rate of the ethanol solvate increased, the change in interfacial energy may have a greater impact on the crystallization process. Thus, it can be concluded that stable form II is easier to crystallize while the metastable ethanol solvent is more difficult to be obtained when the temperature is increased.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Solubility and calculation of shape factors of these two forms are listed in Tables S1 and S2, respectively, and the simplification process of eqn (10). See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra13094e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |