Hong-fu Guo,
Yan-qing Wu* and
Feng-lei Huang*
State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. E-mail: wuyqing@bit.edu.cn; huangfl@bit.edu.cn
First published on 18th April 2018
Although the RDX-based composite explosive 8701 explosive 8701 has been widely used to achieve military goals, its mechanical properties have not been carefully investigated. In the present study, we focused on the mechanical response of 8701 at a wide range temperature from −125 °C to 100 °C under both quasi-static (about 0.001 s−1) and high-rate compression loading (about 600 s−1). The stress–strain curves exhibit different tendencies at different temperatures for both quasi-static and high strain-rate loading. The failure stress and elastic/storage modulus present important temperature-dependence. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests showed that the glass transition temperature and softening temperature of 8701 are 11.61 °C and 15.14 °C respectively, which is lower than that of the binder (with glass transition temperature of 25 °C and softening temperature 38 °C). For the quasi-static loading, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations revealed that 8701 shows an interface debonding failure mode along the binder phase below 15 °C, while the mechanical behavior of 8701 is dominated by softening behavior of the binder above 38 °C. For high-rate loading, 8701 shows a mixture of interface debonding and trans-granular cleavage when below 15.14 °C.
This study aims to identify the effects of a wide temperature range on the mechanical properties of 8701. 8701 was tested using the SHPB over a temperature range of −100 °C to 100 °C. Quasi-static compression data on the same materials were also obtained. To efficiently investigate the effects of temperature on 8701, similar experiments were performed on samples at a fixed strain-rate. The surface fracture patterns of PBX8701 specimens obtained at different temperatures were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
The stress–strain curves demonstrate the strong temperature dependence of quasi-static compression. The fracture strain of 8701 is close to 2.5% at temperatures of less than 15 °C (Fig. 5(a)), and it then increases at temperatures of more than 50 °C (Fig. 5(b)). The development of the stress–strain curves of 8701 at room temperature is divided into four periods: 0–A, primary crack compression and closure of holes; A–B, linear elastic deformation; B–C, plastic yielding during which microcracks in the material expand rapidly and the material breaks at point C; C–D, material breakage, during which 8701 incompletely loses the ability to resist force. The residual strength of 8701 enables the material to continue bearing force and deformation. The compaction phase (0–A) is negligibly affected by low temperatures and is mainly affected by internal cracks and holes in the material. Temperature has little effect on the initial cracks and holes. The plastic yielding phase (B–C) continues to decrease, whereas the linear elastic phase (A–B) increases. At room temperature, the material yields and begins to flow under a strain of approximately 2.5%. Reducing the temperature to −50 °C slightly increases the strength, but does not affect the shape of the stress–strain curve; the strength, however, drastically increases at −75 °C and considerably increases further at −100 °C. 8701 becomes increasingly brittle as the temperature decreases and behaves in a fully brittle manner at −125 °C. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the stress–strain curves drastically change as the temperature increases from 15 °C to 50 °C. This change is related to binder softening. The softening temperature (Ts) of polyvinyl acetate is 38 °C. The mechanical properties of 8701 are mainly determined by polyvinyl acetate and RDX organic crystals, but are considerably influenced by the binder at high temperatures.
The failure stress and elastic modulus are negatively correlated with temperature, as shown in Fig. 6.
The curves show that 8701 increases in strength and becomes brittle with decreasing temperature. The failure stress of 8701 increases from 1.3 MPa at 100 °C to 32 MPa at −125 °C. This increase is accompanied by a 25-fold increase in the apparent loading modulus of the material. The development of failure stress and elastic modulus roughly consists of four overlapping stages: the viscoelastic stage (100–50 °C), the glass-transition and binder-softening stage (50–15 °C), the glass stage (15–75 °C), and the brittleness stage (−75 °C to 125 °C). During the viscoelastic stage, the binder has completely softened and even reached the viscous flow state. Thus, the failure stress and elastic modulus are low at this stage. Extreme changes occur during the glass-transition and softening stage of the binder, which account for the glass transition and softening of 8701. The glass-transition temperature (Tg) and softening temperature (Ts) of the binder are highly similar to those of 8701.18,19 The Tg of polyvinyl acetate is 25 °C (from public disclosure), whereas that of 8701 is 11.61 °C (from the DSC experiment). The Ts of the binder is 38 °C (from public disclosure), and that of 8701 is 15.14 °C (from the DSC experiment). The Tg and Ts of polyvinyl acetate and 8701 are highly similar. The glass transition and softening of polyvinyl acetate cause the glass transition and softening of 8701. During the glass stage, the failure stress and elastic modulus slowly increase with temperature. The failure stress and elastic modulus rapidly increase with temperature at temperatures of less than −75 °C. 8701 became a completely brittle material. By using a molecular dynamics method and compass force field, Zhu et al. found that the modulus of RDX organic crystals rapidly increases with decreasing temperature. Therefore, speculation that the contribution of RDX energetic crystals to the elastic modulus of 8701 exceeds that of the binder at the brittleness stage is reasonable.20
The development of the stress–strain curves at room temperature is divided into five periods: 0–A, the linear elastic deformation phase; A–B, the tiny plastic deformation phase; B–C, the plastic yield phase (in the repeatability test, the B–C phase does not occur in every experiment); C–D, the mass plastic deformation phase, wherein the material is destroyed at point D; D–E, the material fracture phase, wherein 8701 does not completely lose the ability to resist force. The residual strength enables the material to withstand force and deformation. With decreasing temperature, the plastic phase (A–B, B–C and C–D) decreases, whereas the linear elastic phase (0–A) increases. The deformation of 8701 under decreasing temperature involves the transition from elastic–plastic deformation to elastic–brittle deformation. The stress–strain curves obtained over a range of high temperatures are shown in Fig. 7(b). At high temperatures, the linear elastic phase is relatively small but a long yield process exists. Increasing the temperature from 15 °C to 50 °C causes the stress to decrease rapidly. The stress–strain curves obtained at temperatures exceeding 50 °C are very similar because of the occurrence of binder softening. At this phase, the stress and strain are relatively low.
Drastically different fracture strains are observed in the different temperature regions from −100 °C to 100 °C. The fracture strain increases slightly in the high-temperature regions and is constant under extremely low temperatures. However, the fracture stress increases as the temperature decreases from 100 °C to −100 °C. Wiegand proposed a “constant global-strain to failure” criterion, which is difficult to meet.21 Wiegand argues that the damage function is dependent only on strain, and not on temperature/strain rate. However, the failure strain decreases from approximately 1% at 15 °C to 0.2% at −100 °C. The considerable variation in failure strain is most likely due to the contribution of the fracture of organic RDX crystals in 8701.
The stress–strain curves, shown in Fig. 7(a), indicate that serious damage has occurred before the material has completely broken at temperatures of −75 °C and −100 °C in the repeatability test, however, this phenomenon does not occur in every experiment.
The failure stress and storage modulus of 8701 at high strain rates are shown in Fig. 8.
The failure stress of 8701 presents a relatively linear dependence on temperature in the temperature ranges of −100 °C to +15 °C and 50–100 °C. However, over the temperature range of 15–50 °C, the temperature dependence of failure stress significantly deviates from a linear pattern during the glass-transition and binder-softening. In contrast to the present results, Gray et al. indicated that the failure stresses of PBX9501, XO242-92-4-4, and PBXN-9 are linearly dependent on the test temperature.16 Drodge et al. and Williamson et al. for PBXs are similar to the present results.19,20 Establishing the fracture criterion for PBXs at high strain rates is desirable given that fracture stress is a highly reliable parameter.18–21 At high strain rates, the storage modulus is negatively correlated with temperature and is linearly dependent on high test temperatures. At temperatures of less than 15 °C, the variation in storage modulus presents an irregular trend.
Typical fragments collected from the quasi-static tests performed at low temperatures are shown in Fig. 9. In this figure, the collected sample has been compressed by 12% at a temperature of 15 °C (room temperature), 0 °C, −25 °C, −50 °C, −75 °C, −100 °C, and −125 °C. The results show that cracks have appeared on the surface of the samples at 15 °C and 0 °C. At −25 °C, −50 °C and −75 °C, large cracks and some small fragments appear on the surfaces of the samples. At −100 °C and −125 °C, 8701 has completely broken down starting from its center. 8701 undergoes different crushing processes under the same deformation pressure and different temperatures. Low temperatures are associated with the fast generation and expansion of cracks in 8701.
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Fig. 9 Typical fragments collected at 15 °C (room temperature), 0 °C, −25 °C, −50 °C, −75 °C, −100 °C and −125 °C. |
To study the quasi-static fracture mode of 8701 at low temperature, two fragments (a and b in Fig. 9) were taken from the compressed sample at −100 °C and −125 °C. The damage and failure behavior were examined in detail via fractographic analysis using SEM. The SEM images are shown in Fig. 10.
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Fig. 10 Scanning electron micrograph of 8701 following quasi-static testing at a strain rate of 0.001 s−1. |
Fractured crystals were not observed in Fig. 10. SEM analysis revealed that the failure mode of 8701 at low temperature and under quasi-static loading mainly involves the interface debonding failure of the binder.
Fig. 11 shows typical fragments subjected to quasi-static testing at high temperature.
The collected samples, shown in Fig. 11, have been compressed by 6% at temperatures of 50 °C, 75 °C and 100 °C. During quasi-static compression at high temperature, bulging easily occurs around the sample as a result of binder softening and melting occurs on the sample surface. At 50 °C, the samples are surrounded by weak bulges and exhibit numerous cracks. At 75 °C, the melting of the sample surface has intensified and fractures have developed on the upper surface of the sample. At 100 °C, the samples have broken into three large fragments.
Fig. 12 shows typical fragments collected after dynamic compression at low and high temperatures.
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Fig. 12 Typical fragments collected after dynamic compression at −25 °C, −50 °C, −75 °C and −100 °C. |
Fig. 12 presents images of typical fragments collected after dynamic compression at −25 °C, −50 °C, −75 °C, and −100 °C. The fragmentation of 8701 is strongly dependent on temperature. At low temperature, 8701 breaks into a heap of small fragments as a result of its brittleness. The fragment size decreases as the temperature decreases. This fragmentation pattern indicates that the fracture of 8701 is the dominant mechanical process at low temperature.
Fig. 13 presents images of fragments collected after dynamic compression at 15 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C and 100 °C. The typical fragments obtained at room temperature appear friable and irregularly shaped as a result of the glass transition of 8701. Individual fragments appear spherical because of binder softening at 50 °C. The individual diameters of the fragments are equivalent to that of the Hopkinson bar. The fragments obtained at 100 °C are finer than those obtained at 50 °C. Given that the binder is in a viscous flow state, its ability to resist load is weak.
Details of the damage and failure behavior of 8701 specimens at high strain rates were obtained via fractographic analysis using SEM. SEM analysis revealed that under a high strain rate and low temperature, 8701 mainly fails due to the transgranular cleavage of RDX crystals. Larger RDX crystal fragments are visible following cleavage fracture (Fig. 14(a)). At a test temperature of 15 °C, the predominant failure mode is the brittle fracture of RDX crystals and the glassy fracture of the binder, as can be seen in Fig. 13(b). Fig. 14(c) and (d) show a completely different phenomenon. No RDX crystals are visible in the images. At 50 °C and 100 °C, the failure mode mainly involves binder softening.
Overall, the main failure mode of 8701 is binder softening, and the RDX organic crystal does not exhibit any obvious damage under quasi-static and dynamic loading at high temperatures. The fracture damage of PBX under quasi-static loading at temperatures below Tg mainly involves interface debonding inside the binder. Under high-loading rates at temperatures of less than 15.14 °C, the failure of 8701 shows a mixture of interface debonding and transgranular cleavage.
The fracture stress of solidified polyvinyl acetate is 7.5 MPa at room temperature. The fracture stress of RDX is 35 MPa at room temperature. The fracture stress of 8701 is 9 MPa at room temperature under quasi-static compression, which is closer to the fracture stress of the binder. With decreasing temperature, the fracture strength of polyvinyl acetate can be estimated according to Bourne et al.’s research on the mechanical properties of the binder, and it is about 37 MPa at −125 °C. The fracture stress of 8701 is 32 MPa at −125 °C, as was obtained through experiments. The fracture of 8701 is mainly caused by the fracture of the binder under quasi-static compressive loading, which was further demonstrated from the SEM observations, as shown in Fig. 10. As the temperature increases from room temperature to 38 °C, the strength and modulus of 8701 will be greatly reduced due to binder softening. In conclusion, the mechanical properties of the binder have a great influence on 8701 under quasi-static compression. In the process of pressing into a sample, the adhesive force formed between 8701 powders is weaker than that in other positions of the sample. These contact surfaces formed between 8701 powders during pressing may be broken easily in the compressive test.
Under dynamic loading, the modulus of RDX and the binder increases with the decrease of temperature, resulting in the storage modulus of 8701 increasing significantly with the decrease of temperature. The stress–strain curve shows that 8701 has almost no plastic deformation at −50 °C. 8701 became a completely brittle material. At low temperature, 8701 breaks into a heap of small fragments as a result of its brittleness. The typical fragments obtained at room temperature appear friable and irregularly shaped as a result of the glass transition of 8701. Individual fragments appear spherical because of binder softening at high temperature. The mechanical properties of 8701 are mainly determined by polyvinyl acetate and RDX organic crystals, but are considerably influenced by the binder at high temperature.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |