Nisha Gaur*a,
Korrapati Narasimhulua and
Pydisetty Yb
aDepartment of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Warangal, 506004 Telangana, India. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Warangal, 506004 Telangana, India
First published on 20th April 2018
Laccase (lac) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) enzymes from the novel Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, grown on lignin basic media (LBM) were purified by 80% ammonium sulphate fractionation, dialysis and DEAE-sepharose column chromatography. The optimum temperatures for laccase production were 60 °C, 50 °C and 50 °C and for MnP production were 50 °C, 70 °C and 60 °C from NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076 isolates, respectively. The optimal pH for production was found to be 5 for production of both the enzymes from all the isolates. 2.8–3.5 fold enzyme purification was achieved retaining around 60–70% of the initial activity. SDS-PAGE revealed the molecular mass of laccase and MnP to be 66 kDa and 48 kDa, respectively. The substrate ABTS and MnSO4 exhibited more specificity towards NITW715075_2 derived laccase and MnP (lac: Km = 0.38 mM, Vmax = 71.42 U ml−1; MnP: Km = 0.17 mM, Vmax = 106.38 U ml−1) compared to NITW715076_1 (lac: Km = 3.97 mM, Vmax = 148.8 U ml−1; MnP: Km = 0.90 mM, Vmax = 114.67 U ml−1) and NITW715076 (lac: Km = 0.46 mM, Vmax = 23.42 U ml−1; MnP: Km = 0.19 mM, Vmax = 108.10 U ml−1) derived. L-Cysteine and sodium azide imposed a strong inhibitory effect on the activities of both the enzymes. EDTA inhibited laccase and MnP activity at higher concentration. SDS strongly inhibited activity while for MnP it showed less inhibitory effect. The enzymes were employed for ethanol production from rice and wheat bran biomass which showed 39.29% improved production compared to control. After evaluating the applicability of these enzymes it can be suggested that the ligninolytic enzyme of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates could be effectively employed in enhanced ethanol production and could be explored for other putative applications.
Lac and MnP have been found to be widely distributed among plants and fungi but known laccase-like multi copper oxidases and peroxidases (MnPs) have been detected in the genome of many bacterial species. The presence of these ligninolytic enzyme in bacteria suggested that lac and MnP are also widespread in bacteria. However, from fungi the large number of laccase and MnP have been characterised and only few is from bacterial origin.3 Unlike ligninolytic fungi, ligninolytic bacteria can withstand high temperature and pH making them highly desirable candidate for environmental bioremediation, biofuel production, bio-pulping and textile industries and as biocatalysts for synthesis of value added products or structural modifications.4,5 Bacillus subtilis SF, B. halodurans, B. pumilus, B. subtilis WPI, Serratia marcescens, K. pneumoniae, Citrobacter sp. and C. freundii FJ581026 are some of the reported microbial species for lac and MnP production.6 An increased number of characterised bacterial ligninolytic enzyme (lac and MnP) from various producers would allow taking advantage of its potential in development of novel application in bioprocess of green technology.
In this work production as well as purification of lac and MnP was done from Klebsiella pneumoniae strains NITW715076_1, NITW715076_2 and NITW715076 with the idea of realising the important potential application of these enzymes, particularly in ethanol production. Isolation characterization and identification of novel environmental strains capable of lac and MnP synthesis inspires further research focused on scaling up enzyme synthesis. The biochemical characterization and kinetic properties of enzymes were investigated. It is elucidated here that the same enzyme from different genera of same species possesses different biochemical and kinetic characteristics. Though laccase and MnP has many industrial applications such as detoxification of industrial effluent, enhanced ethanol production, uses as a medical diagnostic tool, fruit juice clarification etc.5,7 It is well known that the agricultural waste now a days used in the ethanol production contains lots of lignin. This lignin hinders in the ethanol production by producing phenolic moiety. So to reduce the lignin content and increasing the bioethanol production in this work, the purified enzymes were utilized for ethanol production.
MnP activity was observed with oxidation of phenol red and the reaction mixture contained 500 μl of 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.6), 50 μl of 0.1% phenol red, 100 μl of 250 mM sodium lactate, 25 μl of 2 mM manganese sulphate, 100 μl of 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 25 μl of 0.2 mM H2O2. MnP activity was measured spectrophotometrically by increase in Mn3+ malonate formation at 610 nm.10
Crude enzymes (laccase and MnP) from NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076 were precipitated by ammonium sulphate precipitation, where supernatant containing the crude enzymes were precipitated by 80% ammonium sulphate by vigorous shaking. The flasks were incubated at 4 °C for 24 h. The precipitated protein was collected thereafter by centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 20 min. The sedimented protein was stored at 4 °C for dialysis.13
After ammonium sulphate precipitation, the concentration of both the enzyme and low molecular weight impurities increases. Therefore, to eliminate the impurities, dialysis was carried out via a dialysis membrane bag of 15 kDa cutoff. 500 ml 0.1 M citrate buffer (pH = 5.0) and 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH = 5.6) was used for laccase and MnP respectively at 100 rpm with continuous stirring for 12 h at 4 °C. The dialysis was done in 3 steps to get more purified protein. In this process, 0.1 M citrate and sodium acetate buffer was used for laccase and MnP purification respectively. Buffers were changed in every 6 h repeating the same process again. The dialysis membrane containing crude protein was finally left in their respective buffers overnight.
Proteins were fractionated by gel filtration chromatography on DEAE-sepharose with fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) apparatus (AKTA prime Plus). For laccase purification, the column was equilibrated with 0.05 M Tris–HCl buffer (pH 7.2), and proteins were eluted at a linear 0.1 M citrate buffer (pH 5.0) gradient. For MnP, the equilibration was done by 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.6), and proteins were eluted at a linear 0.5 M NaCl gradient. The flow rate was 3 ml min−1 and fraction volume of 2 ml were collected at every 1 min interval.1 The fractions were assayed for determining enzyme activities and those having activities were pooled, concentrated by amicon (Merck, USA) and analysed by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis (major science).
The laccase and MnP UV-absorbance spectrum was scanned within the range of 200 to 800 nm at room temperature using Jasco V-630 spectrophotometer.
Total Reducing sugar test was done by 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method.15 In brief, 100 μl sample was made upto 1 ml by diluting with distilled water and from 100 μl of sample was transferred into amber bottle. Following this, 900 μl of deionized water, 1 ml DNS reagent and 300 μl of 40% Rochelle salt was added to the amber bottle and kept in boiling water bath for 5 min. Absorption of the sample was read at 540 nm after sample was cooled. A test control was run parallelly in the absence of enzyme. Standard curve was prepared by using glucose as standard. Ethanol estimation was carried out by potassium dichromate oxidation method.17 Briefly, 1 drop of 0.1 M of silver nitrate was added to 5 ml of 0.25 M of potassium dichromate solution followed by addition of 5 ml of 6 M H2SO4. Afterwards 20 drops of unknown sample was added and incubated for 5 min following which 39 ml of distilled water was added and the absorbance was recorded at 560 nm. A test control was run parallelly in the absence of enzyme. Calibration curve was prepared using ethanol as standard.
Fermentation was carried out using hydrolysate obtained after pre-treatment. The hydrolysate was mixed with 3 ml of pure laccase and MnP and 0.1% w/v Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 384 h at 35 °C. Ethanol produced, lignin and reducing sugar were estimated regularly at every 12 h interval as per mentioned above.
The maximum laccase activity was found to be 186.41 ± 0.15 U ml−1 from strain NITW715076_2 at 60 °C after that the enzyme started losing its activity due to thermal instability. While in strains NITW715076_1 and NITW715076, the laccase activity was found to be 105.83 ± 0.36 U ml−1 and 92.28 ± 0.4 U ml−1 respectively at 50 °C (Fig. 1a). Similar optimum temperature was found for laccase from Trametes sp.18 Rezaei et al. reported maximum activity of laccase from Aquisalibacillus elongates at 40 °C.19 In another finding, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 2414 showed the maximum activity at 40 °C.2
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Fig. 1 Temperature profile of (a) laccase and (b) MnP activity of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076. |
The maximum MnP activity for NITW715076_2 was observed 92.77 ± 0.12 U ml−1 at 50 °C. For strains NITW715076_1 and NITW715076 the MnP activity was found to be 145.65 ± 0.46 U ml−1 at 70 °C and 107.24 ± 0.41U ml−1 at 60 °C respectively (Fig. 1b). This enzyme has not been much explored in bacteria, but few decade ago Oliveira et al., studied this enzyme from Bacillus pumilus and Paenibacillus sp. and found 25 and 35 °C as optimum temperature respectively for MnP activity, contrasting to our observation.20 Fungal origin of this enzyme has also been reported which showed the similar (high) optimum temperature as found in this study. In a recent investigation, researchers showed the characterization of a novel MnP from Echinodontium taxodii 2538 and they found 55 °C to be optimum for maximum MnP activity.21 In another study, MnP from Ganoderma lucidum IBL-05 showed the maximum activity at 60 °C. The reported high optimum temperatures for maximum MnP activity are in alignment to the findings of the current study.22
The observations suggest that the bacterial ligninolytic enzymes can also show high thermal stability as fungal enzymes NITW715076_1 and NITW715076 lost 56.6% and 53% of its laccase activity after 30 min of incubation at 50 °C respectively. However, NITW715076_2 lost relatively lesser i.e. 21.5% laccase activity after 30 min of incubation at 60 °C. From the literature review, it is confirmed that the optimal temperature of laccase and MnP differs greatly from one strain to another. The reason behind this may be different environmental condition and stress mediated microbial enzyme production and utilization of different nutrients for its metabolic activity and enzyme production. The results of this study confirmed that the laccase and MnP from K. pneumoniae isolates are highly thermostable and can withstand temperature upto 70 °C. The high thermal stability of these enzymes makes them desirable candidates for various industrial applications.
The effect of pH on the enzyme activity was measured over a range of 3.0–8 taking same respective substrates ABTS and MnSO4. pH 5 was found to be suitable for maximum activity of crude laccase from bacterial strains NITW715076_2 (180.70 ± 0.5 U ml−1), NITW715076_1 (104.02 ± 0.5 U ml−1) and NITW715076 (92.06 ± 0.4 U ml−1) (Fig. 2a). The optimum pH for enzyme activity varies with the type of substrate used due to the difference in the redox potential of the type 1 copper of laccase and the substrate. In case of alkaline range, the optimum pH of phenolic substrates varies with redox potential difference between the phenol and the T1 copper of laccase and hence increases accordingly.23,24 With ABTS, pH 5 was found optimum for laccase of all three K. pneumoniae isolates which can be explained by non-phenol nature of ABTS. From these results it can be inferred that the laccase from all bacterial strains is slightly acidic and can be used in industries working with acidic pH conditions. Laccase from Bacillus tequilensis SN4 also showed optimum enzyme activity with ABTS at pH 5.5.25 Siroosi et al. did the similar work with Bacillus sp. strain WT and they also observed higher laccase activity towards ABTS at acidic pH between 4.0–5.0.26 These results are in alignment to current observations and hence indicates that with ABTS substrate the bacterial laccases usually show higher activity in acidic pH.
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Fig. 2 pH profile of (a) laccase and (b) MnP activity Klebsiella pneumoniae strains NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076. |
MnP activity was investigated at pH range of 3.0–8 with MnSO4 substrate. Maximal enzyme activities were observed at pH 5.0 notably 90.78 ± 0.5 U ml−1, 140.22.16 ± 0.5 U ml−1, and 100.99 ± 0.49 U ml−1 from NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076 strains respectively (Fig. 2b). In all bacterial strains MnP lost its activity ∼45–50% over pH 5.0. Oliveira and co-workers worked on Bacillus pumilus and Paenibacillus sp. MnP and reported its highest activity at pH 8.0 and 9.0 respectively contrasting to our observations. As already mentioned, this enzyme is less explored in bacteria in contrast to fungi which had the similar optimal working conditions what we have found in our work. MnP from Pleurotus pulmonarius was active over a large range of pH 4.0–6.0 for MnSO4.27 Similarly, MnP from Irpex lacteus F17 and was found to have maximum enzyme activity over a broad pH range of 4–7.28 Both laccase and MnP enzymes showed maximum activity in acidic range over alkaline pH range.
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Fig. 3 Effect of substrate concentration on (a) laccase and (b) MnP activity Klebsiella pneumoniae strains NITW715076_2, NITW715076_1 and NITW715076. |
Using ABTS and MnSO4 as substrate, the Km and Vmax values of purified laccase and MnP from K. pneumoniae strains were determined from Lineweaver and Burk plots. The Km and Vmax values of both the enzymes are presented in Table 1. All bacterial strains were able to oxidise ABTS, and it could be concluded that it is a true laccase. The Km of NITW715076_2 showed the highest binding affinity towards the ABTS (having two hydroxyl groups that may be beneficial for enzyme action) and MnSO4 with lowest Km and maximum Vmax as compared to NITW715076_1 and NITW715076. Similar results have been observed for Streptomyces psammoticus,29 Bacillus sp. strain WT,26 Echinodontium taxodii 2538.21 So from these results it can be inferred that the similarity is due to the same substrate and nearly similar pH, temperature and culture condition used.
S no. | K. pneumoniae strains | Laccase | MnP | ||||
Km (mM) | Vmax (U ml−1) | R2 | Km (mM) | Vmax(U ml−1) | R2 | ||
1 | NITW715076 | 0.467 | 23.42 | 0.96 | 0.197 | 108.10 | 0.90 |
2 | NITW715076_1 | 3.97 | 148.80 | 0.98 | 0.904 | 114.67 | 0.93 |
3 | NITW715076_2 | 0.38 | 71.42 | 0.97 | 0.173 | 106.38 | 0.94 |
S. no. | Inhibitor | Concentration(mM) | Inhibition (%) | |
Laccase | MnP | |||
1. | Control | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2. | Sodium sulphite | 0.1 | 5 | 11.22 |
2 | 20 | 30.68 | ||
5 | 83.72 | 77.33 | ||
10 | 97.5 | 84.21 | ||
3. | L-Cysteine | 0.1 | 79 | 65.21 |
2 | 95.29 | 84.83 | ||
5 | 99 | 97.01 | ||
10 | 100 | 100 | ||
4. | EDTA | 0.1 | 0 | 1.61 |
2 | 15.75 | 45.45 | ||
5 | 40.36 | 73.22 | ||
10 | 90.24 | 100 | ||
5. | SDS | 0.1 | 25.7 | 18.31 |
2 | 48.6 | 27.02 | ||
5 | 95.2 | 32.11 | ||
10 | 100 | 52.4 | ||
6. | Sodium azide | 0.1 | 38.3 | 44.06 |
2 | 67.31 | 78.91 | ||
5 | 86.9 | 89.33 | ||
10 | 90.2 | 99 |
Sodium azide and L-cysteine had strong inhibitory effect on MnP activity even at lower concentrations. Sodium azide can cleave disulfide bonds present in active site of MnP structure (has five disulphide-bridging elements). The enzyme activity disappeared completely with increase in EDTA concentration (10 mM). Since EDTA is metal chelating agent it has ability to complex with inorganic complex or metal ions, because of which it might have chelated Mn3+ and competed with the ion rather than inhibit the enzyme itself. SDS degrades the protein structure (tertiary or quaternary) by destroying the hydrophobic effect. The addition of SDS had less inhibitory effect on MnP activity even at 10 mM concentration suggesting that MnP from K. pneumoniae isolates were tolerance to SDS.21,31,32 Both enzyme were partially inhibited by sodium sulphite at lower concentration, which at higher concentration completely inhibited the enzyme, evident from little enzyme activity.
Purification steps | Enzyme activity (U ml−1) | Total protein (mg ml−1) | Specific activity (U mg−1) | Yield (%) | Purification fold | |||||
Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | |
Crude filtrate | 190.38 | 102.91 | 4.90 | 3.5 | 38.85 | 29.40 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1 |
Dialysis (15 kDa cut off) | 150.61 | 88.36 | 1.72 | 1.2 | 87.56 | 72.42 | 89.6 | 85.86 | 2.14 | 2.46 |
DEAE-sepharose | 92.54 | 70.62 | 0.75 | 0.84 | 123.39 | 84.08 | 48.6 | 68.63 | 3.02 | 2.85 |
Purification steps | Enzyme activity (U ml−1) | Total protein (mg ml−1) | Specific activity (U mg−1) | Yield (%) | Purification fold | |||||
Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | |
Crude filtrate | 110.26 | 150.13 | 1.21 | 2.36 | 91.12 | 63.61 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1 |
Dialysis (15 kDa cut off) | 96.38 | 102.42 | 0.52 | 1.2 | 185.36 | 85.35 | 87.4 | 68.2 | 2.03 | 1.32 |
DEAE-sepharose | 67.54 | 83.52 | 0.31 | 0.82 | 217.89 | 101.85 | 61.25 | 55.62 | 2.39 | 1.60 |
Table 5 shows the recovery and yield of laccase and MnP from culture filtrate NITW715076. The specific activity of laccase and MnP was 194.18 and 241.18 U mg−1 while the purification was 3.17 and 2.73 fold, which corresponded to final yield of 61.58 and 68.99 respectively. The obtained results differ with those obtained from a few studies on laccase and MnP purification by DEAE-sepharose column chromatography.26,29 The two step purification performed in this study for laccase and MnP enabled us to achieve a purification of about 2.5 to 3.5 folds and a final yield of 60–70% with respect to enzyme activity.
Purification steps | Enzyme activity (U ml−1) | Total protein (mg ml−1) | Specific activity (U mg−1) | Yield (%) | Purification fold | |||||
Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | Lac | MnP | |
Crude filtrate | 97.75 | 115.35 | 1.6 | 1.31 | 61.09 | 88.05 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1 |
Dialysis (15 kDa cut off) | 84.38 | 99.36 | 0.9 | 0.75 | 93.75 | 132.4 | 86.32 | 86.1 | 1.53 | 1.5 |
DEAE-sepharose | 60.19 | 79.59 | 0.31 | 0.33 | 194.18 | 241.18 | 61.58 | 68.99 | 3.17 | 2.73 |
The dialyzed samples were applied to DEAE-sepharose column chromatography (Fig. 4). Peak P1, which is adsorbed on DEAE-sepharose and eluted with 0.05 M Tris–HCL, showed the highest laccase activity (92.54 U ml−1). While for peak 2 the laccase activity (76.39 U ml−1) was comparatively less. However, for MnP two peaks were obtained, a large absorbed peak P3 showed the highest MnP activity (83.52 U ml−1) and a small peak P4 was devoid of MnP activity.
The molecular weight of all reported bacterial37 and fungal38 laccases have also been found to be in the range of 50–100 kDa. The molecular weight of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates MnP is 48 kDa which is very high as compared to other bacterial MnPs20 but fungal MnPs32,39 generally lie in this range only i.e. 30–50 kDa. This difference in the molecular weight makes K. pneumoniae MnP an interesting protein for its structural and functional relationship. The anonymity could be further explored to understand it better.
Fig. 7 shows the time course for (a) Ethanol production (b) reducing sugar consumption and (c) lignin degradation. Alkali treatment generates irregular pores and disrupt the lignin-carbohydrate complex so that hydrolytic enzyme can work on carbohydrate breakdown into simpler one. This lignin disruption can be further enhances by use of laccase and MnP treatment to obtain high delignification efficiency, increase the porosity and the available surface area as well as decrease the non-specific adsorption of hydrolytic enzymes. In addition, laccase can work as a detoxification agent to improve the ferment-ability of pre-treated lignocellulosic. Phenols not only affect the biological membranes but also affect the growth rate, inhibit and deactivate the hydrolytic enzymes.44–46
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Fig. 7 Time course for (a) ethanol production, (b) reducing sugar consumption and (c) lignin degradation. |
Lignin estimation (Fig. 7c) was also done at regular interval of time, at 24 h the lignin was 10990.51 ± 0.07 ppm and 10
406.33 ± 0.09 in control (without enzyme) and sample respectively. It started decreasing because of presence of ligninolytic enzyme. At 360 h the lignin content was 3103.42 ± 0.04 ppm and 1760.23 ± 0.05 ppm in control and sample respectively. Recently Ire et al. produced bioethanol from steam-exploded bagasse, initially the lignin content was 19.2 ± 1.2% (w/w) which was reduced to 4.2 ± 0.44% (w/w) by acid treatment. But in this present study the lignin degradation was done by real enzymes produced by bacteria to reduce the contamination already present in water. They worked on cellulose and xylanase producing bacteria for enhanced ethanol production.43 In another study, delignification from different agricultural waste such as corn cobs (48.05 ± 2.4%), corn stover (49.52 ± 1.5%), rice straw (43.45 ± 1.3%), banana stalk (39.15 ± 0.9%) and sugarcane bagasse (56.9 ± 2.1%) by ligninolytic enzyme and found maximum ethanol production (23.36 ± 2.3 g l−1) from sugarcane bagasse.47
Laccase catalyse the oxidation of phenols by generating unstable phenoxy radicals and these radicals interact with each other which leads to the polymerization into aromatic compounds (having lower inhibitory capacity). Due to structural characteristic of phenols impose difficulties in its complete degradation and elimination, laccase converts certain compounds (syryngaldehyde, cinnamic acids etc.) or oxidize other phenolic compounds into simpler one (vanillin).48–50
Similarly, MnP generates Mn3+ (act as a diffusible charge-transfer mediators) which can oxidize a large amount of phenolic substrates such as simple phenols, amines, dyes as well as phenolic lignin model compounds. In contrast to laccase, MnP is not capable of oxidizing the more recalcitrant non-phenolic compounds. However it has been reported that if a bacteria is producing laccase and MnP but not LiP then MnP can cleave non-phenolic lignin substrates via the action of small mediators such as thiol and lipid radicals.51,52
The increase in microbial growth in present work was found to be inversely proportional to glucose concentration in fermentation medium. At 24 h the glucose concentration was 36.133 ± 0.05 g l−1 however as the ethanol starts producing, glucose concentration in control and sample started decreasing and it reached to 19.12 ± 0.02 g l−1 and 9.203 ± 0.03 g l−1 respectively at 360 h. It was logically due to utilization of the glucose (nutrient source) in the fermentation medium by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During fermentation process the pH of the medium changed due to production of ethanol as well as other organic acids.53 The results showed gradual increase in ethanol up to 240 h in control (without enzyme) (15.25 ± 0.03 g l−1) and sample (23.21 ± 0.06 g l−1) after that it declined in both the cases. From steam-exploded bagasse Ire et al. attained 19.08 g l−1 ethanol fermented by co-culture of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis.43 In case of banana pseudo stem Ingale et al. achieved 17.1 g l−1 ethanol.54 Recently, Ezebuiro et al. reported ethanol yield of 18.40 g l−1 and 17.80 g l−1 by Bacillus cereus using sugarcane bagasse and cassava peels respectively.55 It is interesting to note that ethanol yield in the present work is comparatively high as compared to previous reports. Most of the bacterial and fungal laccases and MnP reported till date are either intracellular or spore bound making their industrial application unfeasible.33–36 Laccase and MnP from K. pneumoniae strains reported in this study are extracellular and thermo-stable making them attractive candidates for industrial application. Moreover the present work also practically elucidate their application in enhanced ethanol production (higher than any of the previous reports) suggesting them potent enzymes for ethanol production as well as other industrial applications.
Laccase and MnP from NITW715076_2 showed the higher substrate affinity and catalytic efficiency as its Km is low as compare to other stains. The characterization of laccase and MnP with various pH, temperature, substrate concentration, and different inhibitors suggested that these enzymes could be potentially useful for other biotechnological applications. Our investigations revealed a 39.29% increase in ethanol as compared to control utilizing the laccase and MnP from Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates suggesting its potent applicability. Therefore, these enzymes could be used in ethanol production and they can also find potential applicability in decolourization and detoxification of paper mill effluent.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |