Xiaohong Chena,
Zhaoyang Ningc,
Zongshang Zhoub,
Xundao Liua,
Jianlong Leia,
Supeng Pei*ab and
Yongming Zhang*a
aSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Thermal Aging, Shanghai Electrochemical Energy Devices Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China. E-mail: peisupeng@126.com; ymzsjtu@gmail.com
bSchool of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China
cShandong Fuyuan Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd., Jinan, 250000, China
First published on 31st July 2018
Nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide–metal(metal oxides) nanoparticle (N-rGO–M(MO) NPs, M = Fe, MO: M = Co, Mn) composites were prepared through a facile and general method at high temperature (800 °C). M(MO) were well-dispersed and tightly anchored on graphene sheets, which were doped with nitrogen simultaneously and further loaded with Pt nanoparticles. Those results showed a more positive onset potential, higher cathodic density, and higher electron transfer number for the ORR in alkaline media. Furthermore, N-rGO–metal(metal oxides)–Pt (N-rGO–M(MO)–Pt) nanoparticles show better durability than the commercial Pt/C catalyst, and can be used as promising potential materials in practical applications.
According to the previous reports,24–27 N-rGO–M(MO) composites were synthesized by different methods, such as precursor pyrolysis, the hydrothermal method, the template method and others. Shihe Yang reported cobalt-embedded nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes for OER/ORR bifunctional catalysts, designed and prepared using CoPt as the Co and nitrogen sources, which is particularly suitable for synthesizing novel catalysts.28 Hongjie Dai reported a Co3O4/N-doped graphene composite by a two-step method as one of the rare and highest performance bi-functional catalysts for ORR and water oxidation/OER.29 Fu et al. established a soft template F-127 and hard template tellurium nanowires to produce a one-dimensional hierarchical porous PtCu alloy nanostructure with large mesopores, which exhibits enhanced electrocatalytic performance for the ORR in acid media.30 Therefore, a more efficient and convenient procedure would be desirable for improving efficiency. It was believed that combining platinum, transition metal oxides and conductive nanocarbon materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes is an effective approach for enhancing the catalytic activity of oxides. This is attributed to an increased number of available active sites and providing efficient charge transport channels.
Herein, we reported a facile, yet general approach to prepare N-rGO–M(MO) nanoparticles, which was coreduced from metal salt and melamine at a high temperature (800 °C). Those results indicated that the M(MO) NPs were strongly bound to uniformly distributed on the N-rGO, while Pt nanoparticles could be easily loaded on the N-rGO–M(MO) materials (Scheme 1). Remarkably, the N-rGO–M(MO)–Pt composites showed a much more positive ORR onset potential (66, 140 and 253 mV) than that of 20% Pt/C, suggesting synergistic ORR catalytic activity of Pt, M(MO) and N-rGO in the composites. Therefore, the half-wave potential, Jk and durability of N-rGO–M(MO)–Pt composites are demonstrated.
B = 0.62nFC0(D0)2/3v−1/6Jk = nFkC0 |
All electrochemical measurements were performed on an Autolab PGSTAT302N (Metrohm, Switzerland) electrochemical test system. Cyclic voltammograms were collected in a three-electrode system (GCE or modified GCE as the working electrode, a Pt wire as counter electrode, and an Ag/AgCl as the reference) at room temperature. For RDE measurements, a glassy carbon rotating disk electrode was used as the working electrode. Linear sweep voltammetry was performed at the GC disk electrode. In all of the electrochemical measurements, 0.1 M KOH aqueous solution saturated with nitrogen or oxygen was used as the electrolyte.
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Fig. 1 XRD patterns of (A) N-rGO–Co/CoO, (B) N-rGO–Co/CoO/Pt, (C) N-rGO–Fe, (D) N-rGO–Fe–Pt, (E) N-rGO–Mn oxides and (F) N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt. |
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Fig. 2 TEM images of (A) N-rGO-Co/CoO–Pt, (B) N-rGO–Fe–Pt and (C) N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt and EDS spectra of (D) N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, (E) N-rGO–Fe–Pt and (F) N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt. |
Furthermore, after Pt deposition on the three composites, XRD patterns of the composites showed strong diffraction peaks at 2θ = 40.2°, 46.3°, 67.8° and 81.2°, which are assignable to typical face-centered-cubic (111), (200), (220) and (311) crystalline planes of Pt, respectively (Fig. 1B, D and E). This fact indicates the absence of cobalt ions, iron oxide and manganese oxides diffractions was most likely due to the low crystallinity of the transition metal oxides and the heavy atom effect from platinum. Good dispersion, few aggregates and proper size of Pt NPs on N-rGO–Co/CoO, N-rGO–Fe and N-rGO–Mn oxides would bestow them with outstanding catalytic performance.
To gain more morphology information about N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt, the TEM images and EDS spectra were characterized (Fig. 2). Fig. 2A shows spherical Co/CoO–Pt NPs are uniformly decorated on N-rGO surfaces, and they are fairly monodispersed, with an average diameter of 4–6 nm. The relatively even distribution and size of Pt nanoparticles may be ascribed to a large number of Co/CoO NPs and defects of N-rGO, which not only provide many anchor sites for the uniform deposition of Pt nanoparticles but also enhance the interaction among Pt nanoparticles, Co/CoO NPs and N-rGO by coordination interaction as discussed above,25 indicating N, Co, O and Pt components, which is further confirmed by EDS and HRTEM measurements (Fig. 2D and S1, ESI†). Besides, the phenomena of N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt are the same as that of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt. The structure has shown good electrical conductivities due to the electron hopping between different valence states of metals in O-sites and should also provide necessary surface redox active metal centers for O2 adsorption and activation.
Raman spectroscopy is a useful tool for the characterization of carbon structure of N-rGO–Co/CoO, N-rGO–Fe and N-rGO–Mn oxides materials. As depicted in Fig. 3, the two prominent peaks at 1355 and 1585 cm−1 are the characteristic peaks of D and G bands from N-rGO. The intensity ratio (r = ID/IG) of the well-documented D band and G band of N-rGO–Co/CoO (2.98), N-rGO–Fe (3.66) and N-rGO–Mn oxides (4.40) was enhanced, compared with that of N-rGO (r = 1.27), (i) defects due to nitrogen doping onto the conjugated carbon framework and (ii) disorder of rGO layers. The G band of N-rGO–Co/CoO, N-rGO–Fe and N-rGO–Mn oxides shifted to 1590 cm−1, due to nitrogen doped or strain effect. Furthermore, compared to the N-rGO, the peaks can be found for both D and G bands, hinting a significant charge transfer between N-rGO sheets and M(MO) nanoparticles, which is helpful for improving their electrochemical performance. In the case of N-rGO–Co/CoO, N-rGO–Fe and N-rGO–Mn oxides, a 4–6 cm−1 red shift of both D and G bands was observed. It is generally accepted that the relative intensity ratio of these bands is a measure of the disorder and extent of defects in the graphitic materials, which is favorable for the further electrochemical processes.
In order to obtain more information of the nitrogen, cobalt and oxygen functionalities after codoping processes, N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt composites were analyzed by XPS in the region of 0–1300 eV (Fig. 4A). The N 1s spectra of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt can be fitted into three peaks at 398.9, 399.9, and 401.4 eV (Fig. 4B, Table 1). The peaks with lower binding energy located at about 398.9 and 399.9 eV, respectively, correspond to pyridine-like and pyrrole-like nitrogen, which can contribute to the π-conjugated system with a pair of p-electrons in the graphene layers. When carbon atoms within the graphene layers are substituted by nitrogen atoms in the form of “graphitic” nitrogen, the corresponding peak in the high-resolution N 1s spectra is located at 401.4 eV. The results demonstrate the quantity of nitrogen precursor melamine and high temperature were the key factor to modulate the chemical state of nitrogen in doped graphene. The Co 2p XPS spectra of the composite exhibit two peaks at 779.8 and 795.4 eV, corresponding to the Co 2p1/2 and Co 2p3/2 spin orbit peaks of Co/CoO (Fig. 4C). Co and CoO spectra are presented in Fig. 4 with spectral fitting parameters given in Table 1, which suggests the fractions of 38.6% and 61.4% for Co and CoO, respectively. Additionally, the higher binding energy 2p3/2 multiplet or satellite structures of the CoO with the Co 2p1/2 peak at 795.4 eV maybe effectively cause a slight overestimation of the metal, compared to the oxide component. While the peak at 531.7 eV is corresponded to the oxygen species in the CoO phase, that at 533.0 eV are assignable to the residual oxygen containing groups (such as OH and COOH) on the surface of graphene (Fig. 4D). The XPS spectra of N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt also confirmed the nitrogen, manganese and oxygen functionalities (Fig. S2, ESI†). The XPS spectra of N-rGO–Fe–Pt were not characterized, due to the magnetic properties of Fe.
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Fig. 4 XPS spectra of the (A) survey scan, (B) N 1s region, (C) Co 2p region and (D) O 1s region of the N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt. |
Compound | Peak 1 (eV) | % | Peak 2 (eV) | % | Peak 3 (eV) | % | Peak 4 (eV) | % |
Co | 778.2 | 38.5 | 781.1 | 38.5 | 783.1 | 23.0 | — | — |
CoO | 779.8 | 70.0 | 782.1 | 11.3 | 785.5 | 9.0 | 786.5 | 9.6 |
To assess the catalytic activity of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt catalysts for ORR, CV and measurements on a RDE were conducted. Apparently, N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt exhibited a pronounced electrocatalytic ORR activity associated with a more positive ORR onset potential (−0.15 V, −0.17 V and −0.13 V relative to Ag/AgCl), similar to the 20% Pt/C (−0.12 V) (Fig. 5A), suggesting synergistic ORR catalytic activity of N-rGO, M(MO) and Pt nanoparticles in the composites.31,32
To examine the reaction kinetics for N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt, linear sweep voltammograms (LSVs) were further recorded in an O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH electrolyte at a scan rate of 10 mV s−1 using a rotating disk electrode (RDE) (Fig. 5B). Among these prepared freestanding catalysts, N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt showed an enhanced ORR performance (Table 2) with more positive onset potential (−0.014, −0.040 and 0.073 V) and large current density (Jk = 8.00, 1.49 and 9.11 mA cm−2, respectively). The half-wave potential at 1600 rpm was −0.17, −0.39 and −0.22 V, respectively, almost more positive than of Pt/C (−0.27 V). This is contributed to the synergistic effects of three components and the interpenetrated network structure in combination Pt, M(MO) nanoparticles with N-rGO, effectively increasing basal spacing and electrical conductivity. Furthermore, RDE curves of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt at various rotation speeds were measured to determine its ORR kinetic performance in 0.1 M KOH (Fig. 5C–E).33 The linearity and parallelism of the K–L plots suggested reaction kinetics toward the concentration of dissolved oxygen and similar electron transfer numbers for ORR at different potentials (Fig. 5C–E inset). The electron transfer numbers (n) of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt and N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt were calculated to be 3.83, 3.98 and 4, respectively, at −0.4 V from the slopes of Koutecky–Levich plots, indicated those materials can favour ∼4e oxygen reduction process, similar to that of 20% Pt/C catalyst (n ∼ 4 for Pt/C).34 The electrochemical impedance spectra of the electrode prepared with N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt, N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt and 20% Pt/C was shown in Fig. S3.† The low resistance of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt, N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt and 20% Pt/C (Table S1, ESI†) indicates its better charge conductivity, which may arise from heteroatom-doping induced charge transfer in carbon and the high electrical conductivity of those metal materials.
On set potential (V) | Half-wave potential (V) | Jk (mA cm−2) | n | |
N-rGo–Co/CoO–Pt | −0.014 | −0.17 | 8.00 | 3.83 |
N-rGo–Fe–Pt | −0.040 | −0.39 | 1.49 | 3.98 |
N-rGo–Mn oxides–Pt | 0.073 | −0.22 | 9.11 | 4 |
20% Pt/C | 0.030 | −0.27 | 6.4 | 4 |
In addition to, the long-term stability of catalysts is one of the major concerns in microbial fuel cell technology. The stability of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt, N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt and Pt/C catalysts was tested at a constant voltage of −0.35 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) for 10000 s in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH (Fig. 6). The chronoamperometric response of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt and N-rGO–Fe–Pt under alkaline conditions, retained a higher relative current of ∼82.74% and 84.08%, respectively, compared to 20% Pt/C (81.23%). The better durability of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt and N-rGO–Fe–Pt can be ascribed to the unique confined structure of Co/CoO and Fe NPs within the graphene layers, which can enhance their interfacial contact, suppress the dissolution/agglomeration of Co/CoO and FeNPs, and facilitate the transport of electrolyte ions. However, the chronoamperometric response of N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt retained a lower relative current of ∼72.43% which could be attributed to the instability of the Mn oxides in alkaline solution.
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Fig. 6 Chronoamperometric responses of N-rGO–Co/CoO–Pt, N-rGO–Fe–Pt, N-rGO–Mn oxides–Pt and 20% commercial Pt/C modified GC electrodes at −0.35 V with the speed at 1600 rpm in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra02448k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |