Hwanyeol Parka,
Sungwoo Leea,
Ho Jun Kimb,
Daekwang Wooc,
Se Jun Parkc,
Kangsoo Kimc,
Euijoon Yoon*ad and
Gun-Do Lee
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea. E-mail: eyoon@snu.ac.kr; gdlee@snu.ac.kr
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan 49315, South Korea
cMemory Thin Film Technology Team, Giheung Hwaseong Complex, Samsung Electronics, 445-701, South Korea
dResearch Institute of Advanced Materials and Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea
First published on 8th June 2018
For the development of the future ultrahigh-scale integrated memory devices, a uniform tungsten (W) gate deposition process with good conformal film is essential for improving the conductivity of the W gate, resulting in the enhancement of device performance. As the memory devices are further scaled down, uniform W deposition becomes more difficult because of the experimental limitations of the sub-nanometer scale deposition even with atomic layer deposition (ALD) W processes. Even though it is known that the B2H6 dosing process plays a key role in the deposition of the ALD W layer with low resistivity and in the removal of residual fluorine (F) atoms, the roles of H2 and N2 treatments used in the ALD W process have not yet been reported. To understand the detailed ALD W process, we have investigated the effects of H2 and N2 treatment on TiN surfaces for the B2H6 dosing process using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In our DFT calculated results, H2 treatment on the TiN surfaces causes the surfaces to become H-covered TiN surfaces, which results in lowering the reactivity of the B2H6 precursor since the overall reactions of the B2H6 on the H-covered TiN surfaces are energetically less favorable than the TiN surfaces. As a result, an effect of the H2 treatment is to decrease the reactivity of the B2H6 molecule on the TiN surface. However, N2 treatment on the Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface is more likely to make the TiN surface become an N-terminated TiN (111) surface, which results in making a lot of N-terminated TiN (111) surfaces, having a very reactive nature for B2H6 bond dissociation. As a result, the effect of N2 treatment serves as a catalyst to decompose B2H6. From the deep understanding of the effect of H2 and N2 during the B2H6 dosing process, the use of proper gas treatment is required for the improvement of the W nucleation layers.
As one of the indispensable materials in the fabrication of future memory devices, tungsten (W) has been used in the metal gate deposition process due to the capability of depositing lower resistive films than other candidate materials, which results in the enhancement of the device performance.12,13 In the fabrication of memory devices, tungsten films have most widely been deposited using the ALD process by alternatively exposing W precursors such as tungsten hexafluoride (WF6) and reducing agents such as diborane (B2H6) in an ABAB… sequence. In the ALD W processes, the B2H6 dosing process plays a critical role in the deposition of W films with low resistivity and in the removal of residual fluorine (F) atoms on the surface.14–16 However, since the aspect ratio increases as the size of the memory device becomes smaller, it becomes difficult to deposit a thin film having excellent step coverage and conformality due to the problem of a seam or void being formed in the process of filling the W metal gate. This problem is a major obstacle to the development of future memory devices.17,18 To tackle this problem, the theoretical comprehension of the ALD W process is required due to the experimentally limited observations on the sub-nanometer scale. During the ALD W process, H2 and N2 molecules are used as both a purging gas at the purge time and a dilute gas (5% B2H6 + 95% H2 or N2) at the B2H6 dosing time.15 Although a few experimental results on ALD W have been reported, there has been no theoretical report on the effect of H2 and N2 treatment used in the ALD W process.
In our previous study, we reported that the severe problems, such as seams or voids, in filling the W metal gate for memory devices could be attributed to the difference in the deposition rate of the W film depending on the orientations of the TiN surfaces by analyzing the dissociation reaction of B2H6 on three different TiN surfaces using the density functional theory (DFT)19 calculation method. Since this previous study does not give information on the H2 and N2 treatment for the B2H6 dosing process, we want to report how important the use of proper gas treatment could be for B2H6 bond dissociation.
Previous ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation results have shown that the presence of N vacancies catalyzes N2 dissociative chemisorption on the TiN (001) surface. N2 dissociation is never observed at the defect-free TiN (001) surface.20 The phenomena were also observed for the vanadium nitride (001) surface.21 D. G. Sangiovanni et al. demonstrated that the Ti and N adatom diffusion mechanism on TiN (001) involves direct hopping onto a lower layer and push-out/exchange by classical molecular dynamics (CMD) and AIMD simulations at temperatures ranging from 1200 to 2400 K.22–25 They also carried out Ti and N adatom migration pathways on the TiN (111) surface and showed that Nad species are considerably more mobile than Tiad on TiN (111), contrary to their previous results on TiN (001) by CMD based on the modified embedded atom method (MEAM) at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1800 K.26 A similar study was also carried out by Yuan Ren et al., showing that the diffusion energy of the Ti adatom is greater than that of the N adatom, confirmed by first principles calculations.27 C. Tholander et al. reported that Ti, Al, and N adatom mobilities on TiN (001), (011) and (111) surfaces, in general, are fastest on TiN (001), slower on (111), slowest on (011).28
In this study, we present a first-principles study based on DFT calculations to investigate the effects of H2 and N2 treatment on TiN surfaces for the B2H6 dosing process. In the first step, the decomposition processes of H2 and N2 treatment on the TiN surface were carefully analyzed. Then, in the second step, the decomposition processes of B2H6 molecules on the H2- and N2-treated TiN surfaces were analyzed to determine H2 and N2 treatment effects, respectively. From our calculated results in this study, the structure of the TiN surfaces can be changed as the TiN surface is exposed to large amounts of H2 or N2 molecules during the B2H6 dosing process. As a result, the changed structure of the TiN surfaces can have a significant impact on the ALD W process because the underlying surfaces can have significant effects on the characteristics of the subsequent W nucleation layers.29,30 The TiN surfaces have been widely utilized as a glue/barrier layer for subsequent W nucleation.31 Three different planes of TiN surfaces, TiN (001), Ti-terminated TiN (111), and N-terminated TiN (111) were taken into account because poly-crystalline TiN layers with (001) and (111) preferred orientations were mainly observed in the deposition of TiN films.32,33 The dissociative reaction pathways and reaction energetics of both H2 and N2 on three different TiN surfaces were investigated to explore the effect of H2 and N2 treatment for the B2H6 dosing process. It is expected that the comparative analysis of both H2 and N2 would give us insight into how important the use of proper gas treatment could be for improving the quality of the subsequent W layer during the W ALD process. This study will help to understand how H2 and N2 treatment plays an important role in the B2H6 dissociation reaction and ultimately provide new important information for improving the W ALD process.
For all TiN surfaces, such as TiN (001), Ti-terminated TiN (111), and N-terminated TiN (111), vacuum gaps with values of 23.7 Å, 25.4 Å, and 25.6 Å, respectively, in the z-direction were included to avoid interactions between adjacent slabs. Valence orbitals were described by a plane-wave basis set with the cutoff energy of 400 eV. Electronic energies were calculated with a self-consistent-field (SCF) tolerance of 10−4 eV on the total energy. Ultrasoft Vanderbilt-type pseudopotentials41 were used to describe the interactions between ions and electrons. A 3 × 3 × 3 Monkhorst k-point mesh for bulk TiN was chosen. The Brillouin zone for three different TiN surfaces was sampled with a 3 × 3 × 1 Monkhorst–Pack k-point mesh. Geometry optimization was performed by minimizing the forces of all atoms to less than 0.02 eV Å−1 with the total energy of the system converged to within 10−4 eV during self-consistent iterations. In addition, we calculated total energies for various configurations to determine the energy barrier for the dissociative adsorption of H2 and N2 on the TiN surfaces in the first step, and for one of B2H6 on H-covered TiN surfaces in the second step.
To optimize adsorption structures, we considered two orientations and three positions of H2 and N2 on the three different TiN surfaces. The details of all six cases are shown in the ESI (Fig. S1–S3†). The optimized adsorption structures with the lowest energies (ESI, Tables S1–S3†) were used in this paper. We also checked three orientations and three positions of B2H6 on both H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) and H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) surfaces. The details of all nine cases are shown in the ESI (Fig. S4 and S5†). The optimized adsorption structures with the lowest energies (ESI, Tables S4 and S5†) were used in this paper. To find the optimized reaction path for the B2H6 bond dissociation on the H-covered TiN (111) surface, we considered three reaction paths, namely, path a, path b, and path c in the ESI (Fig. S8 and S9†). The optimized reaction path (path a) with the lowest overall reaction energy (ESI, Tables S8 and S9†) was used in this paper. To check the differences between PBE-D2 based calculations for convergence criteria of forces, such as 20 meV Å−1, and 1 meV Å−1, we carried out DFT calculations of H2 and N2 dissociative reactions on three TiN surfaces in the ESI (Table S10†). In those calculations, energy profiles with very similar results were obtained for two cases, i.e., PBE-D2 (<20 meV Å−1), PBE-D2 (<1 meV Å−1). To be more specific, the difference in activation energies between the two cases is very small (maximum difference: 0.007 eV, minimum difference: 0). Moreover, the difference in reaction energies between the two cases was not found. We believe it is reasonable to use the criteria of forces less than 20 meV Å−1.
It is worth noting that PBE-D2 generally results in a well-known and physically understood estimation of the dissociative reactions of molecules on various surfaces. Various computational approaches can be utilized to correct the shortcomings of approximate DFT calculations, including GW corrections42 or some exact Hartree–Fock (HF) exchange in the modern hybrid density functional (B3LYP, PBE0, HSE, etc.),43–45 which can lead to substantially improved band gaps; however, they are significantly computationally demanding. Since all our DFT calculations are addressed to bond dissociative reactions of various molecules, we believe it is reasonable and quantitative to investigate the dissociative reactions of various molecules on TiN surfaces using the PBE-D2 theory. In addition, PBE-D2 predictions have proven useful for prediction of the dissociative reactions of various molecules on different surfaces as shown by the numerous studies on the dissociation of different large molecules on Au (gold),46 oxygen reduction reaction on Co(acetylaetonate)2,47 water dissociation on mackinawite (FeS),48,49 and the dissociative reaction of silicon precursor on Si.50
To calculate the transition state, the distance between the two dissociative atoms was slightly separated, and energy relaxation was performed with the constrained distance. The same procedures were carried out until the force between two dissociative atoms became almost zero at the saddle point energy. This procedure for the calculation of the transition state is required to find not only the accurate final state but also transition state, especially in complicated systems such as B2H6 dissociation. After this procedure, we used the nudged elastic band method51 using the calculated final state to check the accurate transition state. During surface relaxation in our DFT calculations, no obvious surface reconstruction was found in different surfaces, such as TiN (001), Ti-terminated TiN (111), N-terminated TiN (111), which has been confirmed in another report.52
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Fig. 1 The optimized initial, transition, and final structures of the dissociative chemisorption step for (a) H2 and (b) N2 on the TiN (001) surface. |
The reaction energy can be calculated as the energy difference between the initial state and the final state. As shown in Fig. 4, the calculated reaction energy of H2 on the TiN (001) surface is 1.04 eV, which shows that the reaction is endothermic and energetically unfavorable. The activation energy from the initial state to the final state is 1.68 eV with the transition state as shown in Fig. 4. The N2 dissociative chemisorption step on the TiN (001) surface is shown in Fig. 1(b). It was found that the reaction energy is 3.25 eV (Fig. 4), which indicates that the reaction is thermodynamically endothermic and unfavorable. The activation energy from the initial state to the final state is 4.92 eV with the transition state as shown in Fig. 4.
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Fig. 2 The optimized initial, transition, and final structures of the dissociative chemisorption step for (a) H2 and (b) N2 on the Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface. |
Surface | H | N |
TiN (001) | 2.93 | 5.79 |
Ti-terminated TiN (111) | 4.61 | 11.0 |
N-terminated TiN (111) | 5.73 | Not bound |
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Fig. 3 The optimized initial, transition, and final structures of the dissociative chemisorption step for (a) H2 and (b) N2 on the N-terminated TiN (111) surface. |
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Fig. 4 Calculated energy diagram of H2 and N2 decomposition on the TiN (001), the Ti-terminated TiN (111), and N-terminated TiN (111) surface. |
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Fig. 5 Dissociative chemisorption of B2H6 on the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface: (a) the first reaction step (b) the second reaction step. |
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Fig. 6 Calculated energy diagram of B2H6 decomposition on the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface. |
To complete the overall reaction energetics of B2H6 for the optimized reaction path, the calculated energy diagram of B2H6 decomposition on the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface is displayed in Fig. 6. The detailed structures of B2H6 during the overall reaction pathway on the surface for transition state calculations can be found in the ESI (Fig. S6†). During the reaction of the B2H6 precursor, this calculation shows that the overall reaction process is endothermic, with a calculated overall reaction energy of 4.92 eV in Table 2. This result indicates that the B2H6 dissociative chemisorption on H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) is energetically unfavorable due to the uphill reactions and high activation energies that range from a minimum of 0.66 eV to a maximum of 2.49 eV in Table 2. This implies that the low reactivity of B2H6 with the surface is due to the presence of the H-covered surface, compared to our previous results,19 as shown in Table 2, reporting that the dissociative reaction of B2H6 is energetically favorable on Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface. As a result, an effect of the H2 treatment on the surface is to passivate the TiN surface to prevent it from reacting with the B2H6 molecule.
Surface | Bond dissociation | Ea,minimum (eV) | Ea,maximum (eV) | Erxn,overall (eV) | Note |
H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) | B–B & B–H | 0.66 | 2.49 | 4.92 | This study |
H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) | B–B & B–H | 0.40 | 1.65 | 1.26 | This study |
Ti-terminated TiN (111) | B–B & B–H | 0.07 | 0.93 | −0.88 | Our previous study19 |
N-terminated TiN (111) | B–B & B–H | Barrier-less | 0.39 | −19.0 | Our previous study19 |
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Fig. 7 Dissociative chemisorption of B2H6 on the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface: (a) the first reaction step (b) the second reaction step. |
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Fig. 8 Calculated energy diagram of B2H6 decomposition on the H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) surface. |
The entire energy diagram for the B2H6 decomposition on the H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) is illustrated in Fig. 8. The detailed structures of B2H6 during the overall reaction pathway on the surface for transition state calculations can be found in the ESI (Fig. S7†). During the reaction of the B2H6 precursor, this calculation shows that the overall reaction process is endothermic with a calculated overall reaction energy of 1.26 eV in Table 2. Although the overall reaction from the 1st reaction step to the 7th reaction step (ESI, Fig. S7†) is energetically unfavorable, B2H6 dissociative reactions can occur from the 1st reaction step to the 5th reaction step because the overall reaction energy from the 1st to 5th step is −0.35 eV as shown in Fig. 8, meaning that the reaction is energetically favorable. From the 5th reaction step, two remaining BH species are difficult to dissociate due to the uphill reactions of B–H bond breaking with energy barriers of 1.65 eV, and 0.68 eV, respectively in Fig. 8.
Unlike the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111), the H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) surface can dissociate the B2H6 molecule into BH species up to 5th reaction step. We suggest that those remaining BH species and H atoms would be desorbed as BF3 and HF from WF6 in the next ALD cycle.
However, compared to the N-terminated TiN (111) in our previous results,19 the dissociative reaction of B2H6 is much more favorable on the N-terminated TiN (111) surface than the H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) surface as shown in Table 2. This implies that the low reactivity of B2H6 with the surface is attributed to the presence of an H-covered surface. As a result, an effect of the H2 treatment on the surface is to passivate the TiN surface to prevent it from reacting with the B2H6 molecules.
As shown in Table 2, B2H6 dissociative reactions on both the H-covered Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface and the H-covered N-terminated TiN (111) surface require large overall reaction energies and activation energies, meaning that those reactions are energetically unfavorable. However, B2H6 dissociative reactions on both the Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface and the N-terminated TiN (111) surface are exothermic, meaning that those reactions are energetically favorable. In conclusion, H2 treatment on both Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface and N-terminated TiN (111) surface converts these surfaces into H-covered surfaces, leading to the degradation of the B2H6 dissociative reactions. As a result, H2 treatment has an effect of passivating the TiN surfaces. However, an effect of N2 treatment on the TiN surface is more likely to make the surface an N-terminated TiN (111) surface under the ALD process as mentioned above in Section 3.4, which leads to a lot of N-terminated TiN (111) surfaces. Table 2 shows that the B2H6 dissociative reaction on the N-terminated TiN (111) surface is much more energetically favorable than the Ti-terminated TiN (111) surface because it has a much lower reaction energy. As a result, N2 treatment has the effect of making the TiN surfaces more reactive for B2H6 bond dissociation. In the next ALD cycle after the B2H6 dosing process, the WF6 molecule is generally used for W deposition. Since boron (B) adatoms on the TiN surface would react with the F atoms of WF6, the BF3 desorption process would occur on the surface and therefore, a uniform W film could be deposited.
Our results imply that making a lot of N-terminated TiN (111) surfaces, by N2 treatment, plays an important role in improving the properties of the subsequent W nucleation layers during the W ALD process because easily dissociated B adatoms on the surface could dissociate the WF6 molecule and desorb into BF3. Since W nucleation layers are experimentally difficult to grow using only WF6 molecules without the B2H6 dosing process,54 B2H6 should be easily dissociated on the TiN surfaces for obtaining high-quality W nucleation layers during the W ALD process. Although H2 molecules play a role in lowering the reactivity of B2H6 on the TiN surfaces, this molecule can be useful to remove residual F atoms, which degrade the quality of the W layer. It has been reported that ALD W deposition under H2 exposure helps to remove residual F atoms by the desorption of HF.55 The previous experimental results and our theoretical results provide insight into how to design the ALD W deposition process to develop the W films for highly integrated devices.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra02622j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |