Isabel Gessner†
Eva Krakor†a,
Anna Jurewicza,
Veronika Wulffb,
Lasse Klingc,
Silke Christiansence,
Nicolas Broduschf,
Raynald Gauvinf,
Laura Wortmanna,
Martina Wolked,
Georg Plumd,
Astrid Schaussb,
John Krautwursta,
Uwe Ruschewitz
Shaista Ilyasa and
Sanjay Mathur
aInstitute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne, Greinstr. 6, 50939 Cologne, Germany. E-mail:
bCluster of Excellence – Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), Imaging Facility, University of Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26, 50931 Cologne, Germany
cMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Günther-Scharowsky-Straße 1 Bau 26, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
dInstitute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Goldenfelsstraße 19-21, 50935, Cologne, Germany
eHelmholtz Institut Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), Hahn-Meitnerplatz 1, 14109 Berlin, Germany
fDepartment of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
First published on 10th July 2018
Hollow mesoporous silica capsules (HMSC) are potential drug transport vehicles due to their biocompatibility, high loading capacity and sufficient stability in biological milieu. Herein, we report the synthesis of ellipsoid-shaped HMSC (aspect ratio ∼2) performed using hematite particles as solid templates that were coated with a conformal silica shell through cross-condensation reactions. For obtaining hollow silica capsules, the iron oxide core was removed by acidic leaching. Gas sorption studies on HMSC revealed mesoscopic pores (main pore width ∼38 Å) and a high surface area of 308.8 m2 g−1. Cell uptake of dye-labeled HMSC was confirmed by incubating them with human cervical cancer (HeLa) cells and analyzing the internalization through confocal microscopy. The amphiphilic nature of HMSC for drug delivery applications was tested by loading antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) and anticancer (curcumin) compounds as model drugs for hydrophilic and hydrophobic therapeutics, respectively. The versatility of HMSC in transporting hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic drugs and a pH dependent drug release over several days under physiological conditions was demonstrated in both cases by UV-vis spectroscopy. Ciprofloxacin-loaded HMSC were additionally evaluated towards Gram negative (E. coli) bacteria and demonstrated their efficacy even at low concentrations (10 μg ml−1) in inhibiting complete bacterial growth over 18 hours.
Here we present a simple and reproducible approach for ellipsoidal HMSC synthesized using a hard iron oxide template that was dissolved by acidic leaching. The versatile application of HMSC in sustained drug release was demonstrated by efficiently loading them with hydrophilic (ciprofloxacin) as well as hydrophobic (curcumin) drugs. Moreover, ciprofloxacin loaded hollow capsules showing strong antibacterial activity were successfully used against E. coli bacteria.
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Fig. 1 Photographs of dispersions and corresponding powders of curcumin loaded HMSC, ciprofloxacin loaded HMSC and unloaded HMSC. |
As-obtained loaded particles were washed with ethanol (ciprofloxacin) and water (curcumin) for four times (11000 rpm, 5 minutes) to prevent an early release of the drug. To quantify the amount of drug in the supernatant, a calibration curve was recorded under the same conditions. In order to start the drug release, the supernatant was removed by centrifugation (11
000 rpm, 5 minutes) and replaced with 5 ml of release medium. The sample was stirred in a water bath with a constant temperature of 37 °C for the period of drug release. The amount of released drug was determined after several time points, whereby the supernatant was separated via centrifugation (11
000 rpm, 5 minutes) and absorption data was measured using UV-vis spectroscopy. The same amount of removed medium was replaced with fresh one to obtain a cumulative release of the drug. Three independent release measurements were performed for both drugs.
The morphology of the hematite templates was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy that demonstrated the formation of ellipsoid-shaped homogeneous particles (Fig. 2B). The selective formation of elongated particles is attributed to the preferred adsorption of phosphate anions to specific crystal facets that exerts a shape-directing influence. While (001) facets are doubly surface coordinated with hydroxyl functions, other facets such as (110), (100) and (012) are only singly coordinated. Therefore, the adsorption affinity for phosphate anions is lower for (001) facets, leading to an anisotropic growth in the [001] direction, which was already discussed in more detail in the literature.14,20 In fact, the morphology of prepared particles can be easily controlled by adjusting the concentration of H2PO4− anions. For instance, spherical particles are obtained if no H2PO4− ions are employed during the synthesis, whereas ellipsoid-shaped particles are formed at H2PO4− concentrations ranging from 0.25 mM to 1 mM. At higher H2PO4− concentrations of 4 mM, nanodisks and nanorings are preferentially formed.14
The average dimensions of ellipsoid-shaped iron oxide particles prepared in this study were determined by analyzing 200 particles in SEM images that revealed the axial and radial dimension to be ca. 365 ± 32 nm and 158 ± 16 nm, respectively so that the aspect ratio was around 2. For forming a conformal silica shell, silicic acid was condensed on the surface of hematite particles by ammonia catalyzed hydrolysis and condensation followed by a shell-growth via an ammonia catalyzed activation and condensation of Si(OEt)4. Electron micrographs confirmed the formation of a uniform shell around the hematite core with an average shell thickness of 57 nm ± 7 nm (Fig. 2C). After chemical etching of the iron oxide core, hollow capsules with a mean particle length of 460 ± 49 nm and width of 242 ± 17 nm were obtained. The hollow nature of ellipsoid-shaped particles after the etching process was verified by TEM analyses (Fig. 2D). Moreover, the high-resolution SEM images corroborated the shape and dimensions of the particles observed in TEM measurements (Fig. 2D and F). The secondary electron image in Fig. 2E additionally showed the surface roughness of the SiO2 shell of HMSC particles. X-ray diffraction measurements (Fig. 3A) confirmed the formation of crystalline and phase pure hematite particles.
The diffraction peaks observed in the XRD pattern are in good agreement with the reference pattern of rhombohedral hematite (JCPDS file no. 33-0064), with the space-group Rc (a = 5.03560 (10) Å, c = 13.4789 (7) Å).14
The IR spectra of as-prepared α-Fe2O3, SiO2@Fe2O3 and HMSC (Fig. 3B) showed the characteristic stretching frequencies for Fe–O–Fe units at 442 cm−1 and 526 cm−1 for α-Fe2O3 as well as for SiO2@Fe2O3 samples. Additionally, in both samples a very broad band with low intensity was observed around 3340 cm−1, indicating the presence of surface-bound water molecules and silanol groups. This is additionally supported by the deformation vibration bands of water observed around 1625 cm−1.21 The successful formation of a SiO2 overlayer on α-Fe2O3 particles was further indicated by the presence of Si–O–Si bands at 1067 cm−1 and 437 cm−1 as well as Si–OH oscillation bands at 965 cm−1 and 782 cm−1.22,23 After the etching process, the Fe–O–Fe vibration at 526 cm−1 disappeared which suggested the successful removal of the iron oxide core. The complete leaching of Fe3+ ions was confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy and was verified by EDX analyses that did not show any residual iron in the HMSC samples.
Zeta potential measurements revealed a negatively charged surface for all three types of particles. In direct comparison, the zeta potential decreased from −10.4 mV for α-Fe2O3 particles to more negative values of −33.4 mV. This trend is in good accordance to previously published results and can be explained by the deprotonation of hydroxyl groups which are present in high number on the surface after silica coating.24 The strong negative potential of silica coated particles was supported by the high colloidal stability due to the electrostatic repulsion between the particles. The DLS measurements indicated an expected increase in hydrodynamic diameter from 308 ± 5 nm to 490 ± 20 nm after coating of the particles. Since DLS measurements are based on an equation for spherical particles, the ellipsoid-shaped nature of these particles was not taken into account. In contrast to spherical particles, where light is isotropically scattered, elongated structures showed a dimension dependent scattering. Based on the random orientation of these particles in solution, differences in horizontal and longitudinal axes cannot be resolved but instead a mean value is measured. Therefore, the obtained diameter values were taken as approximations that show deviations from the dimensions observed in TEM analyses.
The N2 sorption studies of HMSC revealed a type IV isotherm behaviour characteristic for mesoporous materials (Fig. 4A).25,26 The sharp increase at low relative pressures is caused by monolayer-multilayer adsorption which is subsequently followed by capillary condensation at higher relative pressures. The observed hysteresis loop is typical for capillary condensation in mesopores.
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Fig. 4 (A) N2 sorption isotherm of activated HMSC at 77 K. (B) Cell viability evaluation by MTT assay: HEK293 cells after 24 hours treatment with different concentrations of HMSC. |
The surface area of the HMSC determined by BET measurements (308.8 m2 g−1) is in good agreement with previously reported data for hollow SiO2 particles.16 Additionally, we performed NLDFT calculations to determine the pore size distribution and total pore volume of the HMSC. Mesopores with a main width of ∼38 Å and a total pore volume of 0.38 cm3 g−1 were calculated. These results demonstrate the porous texture and high surface area of as-prepared HMSC and their corresponding great potential for drug delivery applications.
An MTT assay performed to assess cell viability demonstrated (Fig. 4B) that no reduction in cell viability occurred even at high concentrations of 100 μg ml−1 of HMSC with HEK293 cells after an incubation period of 24 hours. In order to track the particles inside the cancer cells, the surface functionalization of HMSC with dye molecules (5-FAM) was performed. For this purpose, time-dependent uptake studies were undertaken by incubating (1–24 hours) dye-tagged HMSC with the HeLa cells that were subsequently stained with a cell membrane dye (Cell Mask), fixed and imaged using a confocal microscope. While dye functionalized HMSC were detected outside the cells and on the cell membrane after 15 and 60 minutes incubation time periods, successful internalization was observed after 24 hours when almost no particles could be detected extracellularly (Fig. 5). In addition, after 24 hours, no optically visible adverse effects on HeLa cells could be observed, which supported the results of the cell viability assay. Although the mechanism of the entry for HMSC-FAM conjugates has not been further investigated during this work, involvement of an endocytotic pathway is very likely to play a crucial role considering the submicrometer size of the particles.27
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Fig. 5 Time dependent cell uptake study of HMSC-FAM in HeLa cells. Cells were stained with Cell Mask before fixation and imaging. Scale bar in all images refers to 25 μm. |
To demonstrate the versatility of HMSC, capsules were loaded with a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic model drug via diffusion through the mesoporous shell. While ciprofloxacin, a commonly used antibiotic, was used as hydrophilic substance, curcumin, a natural colorant that has shown very interesting antibiotic as well as anticancer activities,28 was employed as a hydrophobic model drug. Since ciprofloxacin exhibits higher solubility at lower pH, drug loading was performed by mixing the particles with a known amount of the drug in 0.01 N HCl (pH 1). In case of curcumin, loading was performed using ethanol as solvent. After 12 hours of loading, the particles were washed in order to remove any free molecules and the preheated (37 °C) release medium was added to the particles.
A pH-dependent sustained release of ciprofloxacin was observed in the medium as demonstrated in Fig. 6A. According to the solubility of the drug, highest release rates could be observed using 0.01 N HCl followed by water (pH 6.5) and PBS (pH 7.4). The burst release during the first hour resulted in the release of nearly 50% of the drug. Although the loaded HMSC were thoroughly washed before starting the release experiments, the surface adsorption as well as trapping inside the pores of the HMSC shell of small amount of ciprofloxacin molecules cannot be entirely ruled out. A slow release was observed during the following 60 hours, which implied the outward diffusion and release of molecules from the voids of HMSC. This value increased only marginally over the next 60 hours indicating that most of ciprofloxacin had been released after 120 hours release time. A similar influence of the release medium was observed for curcumin loaded particles (Fig. 6B). Due to the hydrophobic nature of the drug, release rates in ethanolic surroundings were nearly 10 times higher than those compared in water at pH 6.5. However, a burst release with quantitative drug release (100%) could only be observed in ethanol. This is probably due to the hydrophobic nature of the drug that suppressed the chemisorption of the drug molecules on the polar particle surface, generally occurring through hydrogen bondings.29 Even though the solubility of curcumin is very low in water, a slow release of the drug could be observed at pH 6.5. The released amounts after 7 hours (7%), 24 hours (8%) and 96 hours (9%) suggested a sustained release. With both therapeutics, the lowest release could be observed when using PBS as release medium, although release rates were considerably higher in terms of ciprofloxacin due to the higher solubility. It is known that the high salt environment of PBS leads to a significant effect on the surface charge of HMSC, which decreases their colloidal stability. As a result, particles tend to sediment and agglomerate, eventually hampering the continuous release of the drug.
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Fig. 6 Cumulative drug release of ciprofloxacin (A) and curcumin (B) from HMSC at 37 °C in different release media. Error bars refer to three independent measurements. |
The disintegration of amorphous mesoporous silica nanoparticles in aqueous environment to silicic acid30 includes three main steps involving the adsorption of water to the siloxane framework, followed by the hydrolysis of siloxane to silanols and the nucleophilic attack of hydroxyl ions that leads to leaching of silicic acid. The reaction kinetics of this process is highly dependent on the surface area of particles and completion can take 24 hours to several weeks. In view of their application in human bodies, it is of great importance to know that the degradation products are nontoxic and can be excreted via the kidneys.31
To investigate the degradation of HMSC prepared in this work, particles were loaded with ciprofloxacin and release experiments in water (pH 6.5) were performed at 37 °C. Typically, the release experiments were carried out for two weeks and the supernatant was removed every 12 hours and replenished with equivalent amounts of fresh water. The TEM images of hollow silica capsules taken before and after two weeks release of ciprofloxacin in water showed a clear reduction in particle shell thickness from 52 to 39 nm indicating the dissolution of particles over time (Fig. 7C). The slightly acidic release medium of water at pH 6.5 is expected to have a main influence on the dissolution kinetics as Lindén and co-workers could show that in alkaline conditions, due to the presence of nucleophilic hydroxyl ions, which can attack the Si–O–Si bonds, the dissolution of silica particles is accelerated.32 Degradation of the particles usually starts by the dissolution of thin pore walls in the outer particle shell. This is in accordance to the microscopic images that besides a reduction in shell thickness revealed cracks on the particle surface (Fig. 7D).
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Fig. 7 TEM (A and C) and SEM (B and D) images before and after the release of ciprofloxacin out of hollow silica capsules at 37 °C for two weeks. (E) Schematic dissolution of HMSC. |
In order to demonstrate that the loaded ciprofloxacin amounts are sufficient to inhibit bacterial growth, the antibacterial activity of ciprofloxacin loaded HMSC was evaluated using E. coli as model bacteria in an antibacterial kinetic growth assay. The growth inhibition of the bacteria was detected by measuring the optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of samples with and without (negative control) drug-loaded HMSC. Additionally, a positive control with 0.2 μg ml−1 pure ciprofloxacin was performed resulting in complete growth inhibition of E. coli (Fig. 8). A concentration dependent effect on the growth of E. coli could be detected in terms of ciprofloxacin loaded HMSC, which demonstrated a homogenous release of the drug in aqueous environment. A complete growth inhibition of bacteria could be detected at concentrations of 10 μg ml−1, while no effect could be observed when using the same amount of non-loaded HMSC. This demonstrates that the antibacterial effect is evidently related to the continuous release of ciprofloxacin from the HMSC. Moreover, a slight inhibitory effect can also be seen at very low concentrations of 1.07 μg ml−1. By calculating the released amount of ciprofloxacin out of 1.07 μg ml−1 after 18 hours, a value of 0.022 μg ml−1 of released drug can be obtained. This is very close to literature known minimal inhibition concentrations (MIC) of ciprofloxacin toward E. coli of 0.015 μg ml−1.33 Additionally, the amount of drug released from 10 μg ml−1 ciprofloxacin loaded HMSC corresponds to 0.21 μg ml−1 ciprofloxacin that was used as positive control and demonstrated in both cases a complete growth inhibition of the bacteria.
The incorporation of drugs into hollow capsules offers several advantages compared to the conventional administration of the free drug. For instance, (i) the drug is protected from a potential degradation inside the cells, (ii) a sustained release over long time periods is possible and release kinetics could be additionally controlled through the attachment of stimuli-responsive molecules that open and close the pores, (iii) drug delivery in nanocontainers allows a lower systemic toxicity as in total less drug is needed due to localized release occurring only around the capsules, (iv) drug vectorization can be specifically enhanced by attaching targeting ligands on the particle surface to direct the drug-loaded particles to the point of interest and (v) the chemically active anchor points on the surface of capsules can be used for immobilization of other functional (bio)molecules such as imaging moieties to obtain dual-mode nano-bio conjugates.
Footnote |
† Equal contribution. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |