Cher Wei
e and
Justin J. J.
van der Hooft
aSchool of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
bGlasgow Polyomics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
cCollaborative Mass Spectrometry Innovation Center, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
dSkaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
eNetherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
fBioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail:
First published on 29th January 2019
Complex metabolite mixtures are challenging to unravel. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a widely used and sensitive technique for obtaining structural information of complex mixtures. However, just knowing the molecular masses of the mixture’s constituents is almost always insufficient for confident assignment of the associated chemical structures. Structural information can be augmented through MS fragmentation experiments whereby detected metabolites are fragmented, giving rise to MS/MS spectra. However, how can we maximize the structural information we gain from fragmentation spectra? We recently proposed a substructure-based strategy to enhance metabolite annotation for complex mixtures by considering metabolites as the sum of (bio)chemically relevant moieties that we can detect through mass spectrometry fragmentation approaches. Our MS2LDA tool allows us to discover – unsupervised – groups of mass fragments and/or neutral losses, termed Mass2Motifs, that often correspond to substructures. After manual annotation, these Mass2Motifs can be used in subsequent MS2LDA analyses of new datasets, thereby providing structural annotations for many molecules that are not present in spectral databases. Here, we describe how additional strategies, taking advantage of (i) combinatorial in silico matching of experimental mass features to substructures of candidate molecules, and (ii) automated machine learning classification of molecules, can facilitate semi-automated annotation of substructures. We show how our approach accelerates the Mass2Motif annotation process and therefore broadens the chemical space spanned by characterized motifs. Our machine learning model used to classify fragmentation spectra learns the relationships between fragment spectra and chemical features. Classification prediction on these features can be aggregated for all molecules that contribute to a particular Mass2Motif and guide Mass2Motif annotations. To make annotated Mass2Motifs available to the community, we also present MotifDB: an open database of Mass2Motifs that can be browsed and accessed programmatically through an Application Programming Interface (API). MotifDB is integrated within, allowing users to efficiently search for characterized motifs in their own experiments. We expect that with an increasing number of Mass2Motif annotations available through a growing database, we can more quickly gain insight into the constituents of complex mixtures. This will allow prioritization towards novel or unexpected chemistries and faster recognition of known biochemical building blocks.
Recently, we demonstrated how the unsupervised decomposition of fragment (MS2) spectra could aid in the annotation of molecules via identifying common fragment and loss patterns that were indicative of particular substructures (termed Mass2Motifs).8 We showed that through Mass2Motif discovery, we can assign substructures to more than 70% of the fragmented molecules in beer extracts and our approach (MS2LDA) is publicly available through a web application ( Another widely used tool to organize fragmentation spectra is mass spectral Molecular Networking.9,10 In combination or as a stand-alone tool, these similarity-based fragment spectra grouping algorithms are the current state-of-the-art in untargeted metabolomics for rapidly obtaining a comprehensive overview of molecular diversity in samples.11–15 To retrieve chemical structural information for acquired experimental spectra, MS2 fragmentation patterns are matched directly to library reference data or in silico by matching substructures of candidate structures,5,16–18 however only a very low percentage of the molecular features (typically 2–5%, but up to 30% in rare cases) can be confidently assigned to known chemical structures. In comparison to the structural annotation of entire molecules, structural annotation of the Mass2Motifs is more straightforward and less complex, as Mass2Motifs represent smaller substructures. However, the structural annotation of Mass2Motifs is currently performed via a combination of manual peak searching in MS/MS databases such as MetLin19 and MzCloud20 as well as expert knowledge, and thus still represents a tedious and time-consuming step, especially for large-scale high-throughput experiments with several hundred discovered Mass2Motifs per experiment. As we and others have shown,8,17,21,22 the use of reference MS/MS spectra of standards speeds up the annotation process; however, with the increasing size of publicly available MS/MS reference libraries,9,17 complete manual Mass2Motif annotation and curation is rapidly becoming impractical. Furthermore, with the expected increase in publicly available experimental MS/MS data, the amount of structurally novel Mass2Motifs is expected to steadily rise. This will make structural predictions for Mass2Motifs of non-standards and effective reuse of previously annotated Mass2Motifs essential. Thus, the next step is to semi-automate Mass2Motif annotation and store annotated Mass2Motifs such that they can be used in the future.
In recent years, algorithms that propose chemical substructures and candidate structures for mass features have become available.23–26 For example, MAGMa maps possible candidate molecules to MS/MS spectra in experimental data by assigning possible substructures from a candidate molecule to the mass fragments, and subsequently ranks different candidate molecules using those annotations based on a relatively simple scoring algorithm.27 A complementary strategy towards structural annotation is to predict molecular properties such as fingerprints or classification based on spectral features.28,29 For example, ClassyFire30 allows the classification of known molecular structures based on a consistent ontology of chemical descriptors.
In this work, we demonstrate how the integration of both MAGMa and ClassyFire terms within the application facilitates the structural characterisation of a larger number of discovered Mass2Motifs. The extensions to the original platform presented here are shown schematically in Fig. 1. MAGMa is used for the automated annotation of mass and neutral loss features within Mass2Motifs discovered from reference spectra, using the known chemical structures as candidates. These Mass2Motifs can then be compared with Mass2Motifs discovered in other experiments, increasing annotation coverage.
ClassyFire terms are used in two ways. Firstly, Mass2Motifs derived from reference spectra are mined for terms enriched in the molecules in which the Mass2Motifs are present. This provides rich structural information about the Mass2Motifs, against which newly discovered Mass2Motifs can be queried. Secondly, using the terms from known reference spectra, we present a machine learning approach (ClassyFirePredict) that predicts terms for spectra from experimental data. Mass2Motifs derived from these experimental data can then be mined for enriched terms based upon the predictions. Using a publicly available annotated MS2LDA experiment, we show how this can guide the user for annotation of fragment-based Mass2Motifs such as flavonoid and saccharide related motifs. Both ClassyFire systems are available at
Finally, to effectively reuse previously annotated motifs, we introduce MotifDB (available from MotifDB stores annotated Mass2Motifs with their MS/MS features. A number of annotated Mass2Motif sets from various sources including plant extracts, urine, and standards, are already available for matching against Mass2Motifs discovered in new experiments.
We expect that the augmentations to the web app will allow researchers to more rapidly decipher complex mixtures and create annotated and curated sets of Mass2Motifs. Those in turn will be effective in future experiments to more quickly assess the presence of specific molecular types in complex mixtures and assess the chemical diversity of those mixtures based on substructure recognition. We expect these substructure-based annotation strategies to become essential for deciphering complex mixtures and enabling meaningful biochemical interpretation.
When working with new experimental data, exploring ClassyFire terms from standard molecules is useful if a discovered motif closely matches one of those in the standards experiments. To further extend this functionality, we have developed a machine learning approach that can predict putative ClassyFire terms from any mass spectrum. A multilayer neural network was produced that, for a binned mass spectrum, predicts the probability of the presence/absence for each ClassyFire term. The network was built in Python using Keras.33 Spectral data are currently binned into bins of width 1 Da, with m/z values over 1000 discarded. After normalizing so that the base bin (i.e. the most intense bin in a particular spectrum) had intensity of 1000.0, the data were log transformed (after adding 1.0 to avoid problems associated with taking the log of zero). The network consists of a 1000-dimensional densely-connected input layer, followed by two hidden dense layers (of dimension 500 and 200) and then an output layer with dimension equal to the number of ClassyFire substituent terms. Non-linear ReLU (rectified linear unit) activation functions were used for the hidden layers, and a sigmoid function was used for the output layer. The model was optimized using the binary cross entropy loss function. This model represents our initial network design and it is likely that it could be optimized further.
An initial training and validation phase was undertaken using a filtered dataset of 10038 unique tandem mass spectra with associated chemical structures retrieved from Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking (GNPS). This dataset was created as follows. First, all public libraries from GNPS were assembled. Subsequently, we used a script in Python (see Code availability section) to sub-select only tandem mass spectra with full chemical structural information in computer readable format (at least SMILES available) to create a dataset in the .MGF data format followed by the selection of 10
105 unique molecules based on the first 14 digits of the InChIKeys with precursor m/z < 1000. The ClassyFire API generated classifications for 10
038 of these molecules, resulting in the final dataset.
Ten random splits into training (90%) and validation (10%) were used to assess the performance with respect to each term. Within each split, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was computed, and these were averaged across the ten splits. Based on this analysis, we selected 444 terms that could be reliably predicted for the final classifier. These 444 terms were chosen via two conditions: firstly, all terms with an average AUC across the ten splits of greater than 0.7, and also, terms with an AUC of between 0.6 and 0.7 that appeared in at least 0.5% of the molecules in the dataset. These additional terms were included to increase coverage under the assumption that some false positives can be tolerated for individual molecules, as they are likely to be filtered out when we explore terms at the Mass2Motif level. Finally, the model was re-trained using these 444 terms and all of the available training data.
The predictive model was incorporated into, allowing users to assign putative ClassyFire terms to any molecules. These terms are then collated at the Mass2Motif level to aid in annotation in exactly the same manner as those linked to the reference molecules.
As a result, Mass2Motif pages in MS2LDA could now be augmented with the MAGMa substructure annotations as follows. For a given feature explained by a Mass2Motif, all substructures associated to the feature in the corresponding spectra are retrieved and grouped. It is possible that the same fragment or loss in two spectra could be assigned different molecular substructures by MAGMa, a consequence of different molecular structures having the same (or very similar) mass. For example, a methyl carboxylic acid or O-acetyl group could be assigned to a loss of 60.0225 depending upon the parent structure. For a particular Mass2Motif, all unique substructures are presented along with the number of times they occur in the corresponding spectra. Additionally, since the same binned fragment and neutral losses are used as global features across all experiments in, annotations for all (and new) features that have corresponding features in MAGMa-annotated experiments can be derived from the existing MAGMa annotations assigned to these shared global features. We show this new information in the Mass2Motif and Document pages of the web app.
The Python script to collect all GNPS library molecules including full metadata in .MGF format is provided on GitHub: for which the following GNPS jobs are needed:,
The scripts to prepare the GNPS library molecules for neural networking and perform the neural networking are provided on Github:
The code to perform MS2LDA is available at:
The code for the visualisation platform is available at:
Reference molecule data sets: massbank_binned_005 –
Gnps_binned_005 –
2613 public spectra from various sources in positive ionization mode –
551 public spectra in negative ionization mode from various sources –
Complex mixtures: Urine38_POS_mzML_standardLDA_005binned –
UrineDrugs_MolNetw_WorkshopSeattle2018 –
Rhamnaceae_plant_extracts_KyoBin_200Motifs_MS1_peaktable –
Another example is the indole related GNPS motif 25 (; here, for 47 out of 110 molecules, MAGMa annotated the 130.0675 mass fragment with a methylindole substructure, and for 11 out of 28 molecules, the 118.0675 mass fragment was annotated with the indole substructure. Interestingly, the MAGMa annotations facilitated insight in other isomeric substructures within this motif; for example, MAGMa annotated the 130.0675 fragment for 17 molecules with a 2-aminopropyl-phenyl substructure and for 6 molecules the related 2-aminoethyl-phenyl substructure, indicating that motif 25 is also associated to this aromatic substructure. Other annotations for the 130.0675 fragment included two isobaric substructures with a different elemental formula, the mass of which fell within the 0.005 Da mass bin.
MAGMa also annotated neutral loss-based Mass2Motifs. For example, GNPS Mass2Motif 49 was previously annotated with “Loss possibly indicative of carboxylic acid group with 1-carbon attached” This annotation was confirmed by MAGMa with the loss being annotated as CC(O)O (in SMILES) in 38 molecules out of 132 (12 of which can be seen in Fig. 2B). 25 of the remaining molecules were annotated with the structurally related COC
O loss (Fig. 2C) and the remainder of the molecules with other isomeric losses. A similar example can be found in the MAGMa annotations for GNPS motif 18 annotated as acetyl loss, as can be seen here: Furthermore, for Massbank Mass2Motif 41, “Loss indicative of [hexose minus H20]” the majority of the MAGMa-annotated losses (50 out of 64) were glucose related (Fig. 3A) with 13 being deoxyhexose moieties (Fig. 3B) that – unusually – included the connecting oxygen atom upon fragmentation of the main scaffold, which normally remains connected to the main scaffold. In the case of GNPS Mass2Motif 44, “[Pentose (C5-sugar)-H2O] related loss – indicative for conjugated pentose sugar”, MAGMa confirmed the pentose loss for 27 out of 56 molecules (Fig. 3C) For this motif, alternative loss annotations were also annotated by MAGMa, as shown in Fig. 3D.
Finally, GNPS motif 54 was annotated as ferulic acid related The MAGMa annotations show how important it is for this motif that the four mass fragments are all present, since 73 molecules contained mass fragment 177.0525. whereas for mass fragment 117.0325. 14 out of 19 molecules contained ferulic acid related substructures. Thus, whereas all GNPS Mass2Motif 54 related fragments have isomeric substructures unrelated to ferulic acid, their combined presence is highly indicative of the presence of ferulic acid.
The natural product substructure of quinazolinol (4-quinazolinone) was previously assigned to GNPS Mass2Motif 60 Demonstrating the power of the combination of MAGMa and ClassyFire, MAGMa annotated the quinoxaline substructure in 22 out of the 25 molecules (Fig. 4) and the enriched ClassyFire terms confirm this annotation (the quinoxaline term is present in 39.2% of molecules within the motif versus 0.5% of molecules within the experiment). This example shows that collected substituent terms can be used as guidance for Mass2Motif annotations in reference MS/MS data sets thereby providing consistent and widely-used chemical ontology terms.
With help of MAGMa and ClassyFire a number of novel annotations were made. For example, GNPS Mass2Motif 6 was annotated with the diphenyl-containing substructure following MAGMa annotations for its mass features and its enriched ClassyFire terms (Table 1). The MAGMa annotations of a methoxy group in GNPS Mass2Motif 152 matched with corresponding ClassyFire terms being enriched in this motif, such as methyl ester and carboxylic acid ester (Table 2). This is remarkable for such a small substructure. Interestingly, for GNPS Mass2Motif 439 (Fig. 3E), amongst the substituent terms ClassyFire did return, there were no helpful terms for Mass2Motif annotation, whilst MAGMa could annotate relevant substructures to guide Mass2Motif annotation, indicating the complementarity of these approaches. Overall, the enriched chemical classification terms confirmed and strengthened the manual and MAGMa annotations, and as such they may support and promote the use of consistent chemical terminology during the annotation process.
Term name | Count in motif | Percentage in motif | Percentage in experiment | Absolute difference |
Diphenylmethane | 23 | 52.3 | 2.1 | 50.2 |
Tertiary aliphatic amine | 21 | 47.7 | 13.7 | 34 |
Tertiary amine | 21 | 47.7 | 14.6 | 33.2 |
Amine | 24 | 54.5 | 25 | 29.5 |
Heteroaromatic compound | 5 | 11.4 | 36.8 | 25.4 |
Aromatic heteropolycyclic compound | 7 | 15.9 | 40.3 | 24.4 |
Benzenoid | 10 | 22.7 | 45 | 22.3 |
Aromatic homomonocyclic compound | 14 | 31.8 | 9.6 | 22.2 |
Benzylether | 8 | 18.2 | 0.6 | 17.5 |
Dialkyl ether | 11 | 25 | 7.7 | 17.3 |
Term name | Count in motif | Percentage in motif | Percentage in experiment | Absolute difference |
Methyl ester | 14 | 24.1 | 2.3 | 21.8 |
Carboxylic acid ester | 20 | 34.5 | 13.9 | 20.6 |
Dialkyl ether | 15 | 25.9 | 7.7 | 18.2 |
Enoate ester | 11 | 19 | 2.9 | 16.1 |
Alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic ester | 11 | 19 | 2.9 | 16.1 |
Ether | 26 | 44.8 | 30.9 | 13.9 |
Dihydropyridinecarboxylic acid derivative | 6 | 10.3 | 0.6 | 9.8 |
Carboxylic acid | 2 | 3.4 | 13.3 | 9.8 |
Enamine | 5 | 8.6 | 0.6 | 8.1 |
Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives | 16 | 27.6 | 19.7 | 7.9 |
To further evaluate the power of motif matching against MotifDB we compared the urine motif set from MotifDB with Mass2Motifs discovered in fragmentation spectra of 6 urine samples from a different cohort analysed under the same experimental conditions ( In this case, of the 200 Mass2Motifs, 55 could be matched at a threshold of at least 0.5 (covering 573 of the 1163 molecules; 49%) and 20 at a threshold of 0.9 (404 molecules; 35%). Although, as expected, the number of matches is lower than in the first example, the ability to immediately match approximately a quarter of the discovered motifs (allowing some level of annotation for half of the molecules) highlights the generalizability of Mass2Motifs across sample sets. This approach aids the discovery and prioritization of novel Mass2Motifs that may well represent xenobiotic-related chemistry (i.e., drugs, food, etc.) not previously encountered.
The extensions move the platform forward in two general directions. The first, MotifDB, provides a platform that allows for the storage of annotated Mass2Motifs that can then be accessed via an API (details at or used within by allowing users to match Mass2Motifs discovered within their experiments to those stored in MotifDB. In our experiments with human urine data, we found that roughly 25% of the Mass2Motifs in a urine dataset from a different cohort than the dataset from which the annotated motifs were generated could be matched against Mass2Motifs from MotifDB. These 25% of Mass2Motifs were associated to about 50% of the molecules.
The second direction is the collation of known and predicted molecular properties for individual molecules across Mass2Motifs. Here, we have presented three advances. Firstly, the use of MAGMa on databases of standards that had been analysed with MS2LDA to annotate their fragment spectra with substructures. We show how MAGMa-Mass2Motif annotations provide quick insight in ambiguity of annotations in case of isomeric substructures. These substructure annotations can then be propagated to the features in the Mass2Motifs, providing relevant insight into the substructures they could represent.
The second advance propagates the ClassyFire substituent terms for the same datasets of chemical standards to the Mass2Motif level. Finally, for “unknown” molecules measured in experimental data, we have introduced a machine learning approach based on a neural network that can predict a subset of ClassyFire substituent terms from the spectral data. This model has some limitations: (i) the predictive power is dependent on the chemical diversity present in available training spectra, (ii) the current training set consists of series of structurally correlated molecules, and (iii) very small substructures will be difficult to predict due to their usually widespread presence in molecules with structurally diverse larger scaffolds, making it harder to recognize the specific chemical terms connected to these smaller substructures. Nevertheless, we show that for fragment-based Mass2Motifs from complex mixtures, the predicted terms can guide Mass2Motif annotations. Again, these can be propagated to the Mass2Motif level, providing insight into their structural makeup. We foresee that by annotating more and more Mass2Motifs, the metabolite annotation of yet unknown molecules in complex mixtures – the main bottleneck in untargeted metabolomics data analysis – will become easier. The proposed machine learning approach has the potential for further exploration and optimization. The model can be further augmented by inclusion of neutral loss features as well as mass shifts, which are expected to improve chemical predictions for loss-based motifs such as loss of hexose or deoxyhexose and amino acid related motifs, respectively.
As more Mass2Motifs are extracted and annotated from the growing datasets of standards, MotifDB will grow and the coverage across experiments will increase. We also foresee users including annotated motif sets within their LDA experiment, thereby simultaneously finding known substructure patterns and discovering new ones with the benefit of combining supervised and unsupervised motif discovery in one analysis. Furthermore, users would then also be able to decompose single spectra over these motif sets through an API.
The MAGMa and ClassyFire based annotations can significantly enhance the process of annotation of the rapidly growing (number of) datasets and Mass2Motifs. The expected growth in available fully annotated reference spectra will also increase the training sets available for our ClassyFire predictor, increasing performance and increasing the set of terms that we can confidently predict. Furthermore, the implementation of chemical ontology from ClassyFire assists in more consistent annotations of motifs by using chemical terminology from an ontology.
We expect that substructure-based annotation strategies will prove to be essential to decipher complex mixtures and enable meaningful biochemical interpretation. Our work represents key steps of this workflow by recognizing mass spectral patterns, semi-automated structural annotation and storage of them. An increasing amount of structurally annotated Mass2Motifs will allow metabolomics researchers to gain some structural information on the majority of fragmented molecules. The further closing of the structural annotation gap in metabolomics will make untargeted metabolomics a very powerful tool for studying complex mixtures.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8fd00235e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |