a and
aInstitute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, MFA, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 49, Hungary. E-mail: zoltan.osvath@energia.mta.hu
bKorea-Hungary Joint Laboratory for Nanosciences (KHJLN), 1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 49, Hungary
First published on 17th May 2019
We investigated the vapour sensing properties of different graphene-gold hybrid nanostructures. We observed the shifts in the optical spectra near the local surface plasmon resonance of the gold nanoparticles by changing the concentration and nature of the analytes (ethanol, 2-propanol, and toluene). The smaller, dome-like gold nanoparticles proved to be more sensitive to these vapours compared to slightly larger, flat nanoparticles. We investigated how the optical response of the gold nanoparticles can be tuned with a corrugated graphene overlayer. We showed that the presence of graphene increased the sensitivity to ethanol and 2-propanol, while it decreased it towards toluene exposure (at concentrations ≥ 30%). The slope changes observed on the optical response curves were discussed in the framework of capillary condensation. These results can have potential impact on the development of new sensors based on graphene–gold hybrids.
Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) have also been in the focus of considerable interest for possible sensing applications.10 Here, the sensing properties are determined either by the shift induced in the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the NPs, or due to stronger light–matter interactions (surface enhanced Raman scattering – SERS). The LSPR manifests as absorption and scattering peaks as well as strong near-field enhancements, which occur when the incident light frequency matches the collective oscillation frequency of conduction band electrons. The wavelength of the LSPR peak depends sensitively on the shape, size, and neighbourhood conditions of the metal NPs.11,12 Therefore, it can be used for detection of adsorbed volatile organic compounds or many other biochemical molecules by visible spectroscopy measurements of the LSPR peak shift [see ref. 13 for a review].
The synthesis of graphene–metal nanoparticle hybrid materials has been one of the many efforts dedicated to enhance the sensing properties of graphene based sensors.14–17 Besides combining the unique properties of graphene and the advantages of metal NPs, these hybrid nanostructures can display synergistic effects or novel functions as well.18
The role of metal–graphene hybrid nanostructures in promoting the performance of LSPR sensors was discussed very recently in a focused review.19 In particular, graphene/gold nanoparticle hybrids were mainly studied for electrochemical20 or SERS-based sensing.21 The chemical sensing properties of graphene covered optical nano-antenna arrays made of gold were also tested by exposure to vapour phase organic solvents and measuring the shift of the resonance peak.22 However, the fabrication of such nano-antenna arrays on a larger scale must be time consuming and involves precise e-beam lithography technique. In this work we use a simple way for the preparation of large area graphene-covered gold nanoparticles. We apply a corrugated graphene overlayer obtained by annealing at moderate temperatures. The use of such rippled graphene can be beneficial in terms of chemical activity, as the crests and troughs of graphene ripples can form active sites for the adsorption of different molecules.23 We show that the NPs display pronounced optical response upon exposure to organic vapours (ethanol, 2-propanol, toluene), and that the corrugated graphene overlayer can improve the selectivity.
Graphene was grown by chemical vapour deposition on a copper foil, as described in our recent publication.24 In order to transfer large-area graphene onto the gold NPs, we used thermal release tape, and an etchant mixture consisting of a CuCl2 aqueous solution (20%) and HCl (37%) in 4:
1 volume ratio. After etching the copper foil, the tape holding the graphene was rinsed in distilled water, then dried and pressed onto the nanoparticle-covered SiO2 substrate. The tape/graphene/Au NPs/SiO2/Si sample stack was placed on a hot plate and heated slightly above the release temperature of the tape (95 °C). Graphene-covered Au NPs were obtained by simply removing the tape. The graphene-covered samples were further annealed at 400 °C for 60 minutes to improve the adhesion of graphene to the NPs. Structural characterization was performed by a MultiMode 8 atomic force microscope (AFM) from Bruker, operating in tapping mode under ambient conditions.
The optical reflectance spectra of the samples are shown in Fig. 2b. Here, bare SiO2 was used as a reference, meaning that all spectra were divided by the measured reflectance spectrum of the bare SiO2 surface. The measurement was carried out by fixing a sample inside the vapour sensing cell and artificial air atmosphere was applied. Specular illumination and light collection were applied with 15° degrees between the two optical fibres (Fig. 2a). The reflectance spectrum of the “5 nm” NPs shows a prominent minimum around 625 nm (Fig. 2b, green line), which is attributed to the plasmon-coupling between the individual dome-like nanoparticles due to the small inter-particle separation (also see Fig. 1a).25 The plateau around 540 nm is the contribution from the native dipole mode of the dome-like particles [Fig. S1, ESI†]. A small blue shift of 4.5 nm is observed in the reflectance minimum when graphene is transferred onto these NPs (Fig. 2b, red line). We showed recently,26 that annealing at moderate temperatures decreases the graphene–Au NP separation, increasing thus the interaction, and the blue shift is the result of p-type doping of graphene from the NPs.27 We note that a blue shift in the LSPR occurs also if the inter-particle distances increase.28 However, this scenario is not confirmed by AFM measurements [see Fig. S3, ESI†].
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Fig. 2 (a) Schematic drawing of the aluminium cell used in the vapour sensing measurements. (b) Optical reflectance spectra of Au NPs and the annealed graphene/“5 nm” Au NPs samples measured in air. |
The larger, more irregularly shaped nanoparticles of the “10 nm” NPs sample (Fig. 2b, blue line) display a broad reflectance minimum due to the combination of shape anisometry (which itself causes broadening) and plasmon coupling.29,30 Nevertheless, the characteristic dipole LSPR mode around 540 nm can be also observed, as expected. The spectra in Fig. 2b show the initial reflectance of the samples in air. These spectra were measured using blank SiO2/Si wafer as a reference, and in turn, they were used as references in the vapour sensing experiments. The spectral change during vapour exposure was characterized by dividing the actually measured spectrum with the respective reference.
A direct comparison between the bare Au NP samples is given in Fig. 3, where we show the optical reflectance change of the two Au NP samples during vapour exposure. Three different vapours were used independently: ethanol, 2-propanol (IPA), and toluene. In each case, the organic vapour (33%) was diluted with artificial air (66%). Note that the same vapour concentration caused different change of the spectral amplitude for the two samples.
Generally, larger nanoparticles produce stronger near-field related optical effects (e.g. SERS, or refractive index sensitivity). In the case of the “10 nm” Au NPs, however, the large anisometry in both size and shape resulted only in a much broader reflection minimum (Fig. 2b), and thus a less sensitive response to vapours (Fig. 3b). In contrast, the Au NPs of the “5 nm” sample gave a better optical response (Fig. 3a). This can be explained by the lower size dispersion, more uniform shape, and the strong coupling between the NPs due to the high nanoparticle density. The well-defined coupled mode around 625 nm (Fig. 2b) is therefore better suited to study LSPR shifts. Thus, in the following we used only the “5 nm” Au NPs sample for further sensing experiments. Concentration-dependent measurements were carried out using 10% concentration steps from artificial air to saturated vapours. Fig. 4a shows the corresponding spectral changes of graphene covered “5 nm” Au NPs sample during ethanol exposure. As expected, the optical response increases with the vapour concentration, as higher number of adsorbed molecules increase more the effective refractive index of the medium (see Fig. S2, ESI†). The maximal values of the response peaks observed at 580 nm are plotted as a function of ethanol vapour concentration in Fig. 4b. These values are compared to the maxima of the response curves measured upon ethanol exposure on bare “5 nm” Au NPs. Similar data are extracted from IPA and toluene exposure and plotted in Fig. 4c and d, respectively. In the case of bare Au NPs, the spectral change reaches 132% (relative to the initial reflectance in artificial air) for saturated IPA, 126% for saturated toluene, and 118% for saturated ethanol vapours. These values do not correlate directly with the refractive indices (n) of the corresponding solvents, since n(IPA) = 1.376, n(toluene) = 1.496, and n(ethanol) = 1.361. Note that, due to the larger refractive index, toluene should produce the largest spectral shift (Δλ), according to the following relation:31,32
Δλ = m(n − n0)[1 − e−2d/ld], | (1) |
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Fig. 4 Concentration-dependent vapour sensing measurements carried out using 10% concentration steps from artificial air (0%) to saturated vapours (100%). (a) The spectral change of graphene/“5 nm” Au NPs sample during ethanol exposure (the reference is the initial reflectance in artificial air). (b)–(d) The maximal spectral change was plot as a function of vapour concentration (see also Fig. 5). The graphene-covered sample shows higher sensitivity to (b) ethanol, and (c) IPA vapours, compared to the bare Au NPs, while it is less sensitive to (d) toluene. |
The graphene-covered sample shows higher sensitivity to ethanol (Fig. 4b), and to IPA vapours (Fig. 4c), compared to the bare Au NPs, while it is less sensitive to toluene (Fig. 4d). The spectral change increases from 132% to 150% for saturated IPA, decreases from 126% to 118% for saturated toluene, and increases from 118% to 138% for saturated ethanol vapours.
The time responses of bare Au NPs and graphene-covered Au NPs for vapour exposures are shown in Fig. 5a–c. In every case, the initial spectral response is a pronounced sharp, linear increase (decrease) as the vapour flow starts (stops), which infers response (and recovery) times as low as 2–3 seconds. These short response and recovery times are observed for graphene-covered Au NPs as well. There is no significant shift of the baseline at lower concentrations (Fig. 5d), while some slight memory effect can be observed at concentrations higher than 40%. The numerical values of the spectral changes shown in Fig. 5a–c are summarized in Table 1.
Vapour concentration (%) | Spectral change relative to baseline (%) | |||||
Au NPs, ethanol | gr/Au NPs, ethanol | Au NPs, toluene | gr/Au NPs, toluene | Au NPs, IPA | gr/Au NPs, IPA | |
10 | 0.35 | 0.78 | 0.53 | 0.72 | 0.76 | 0.80 |
20 | 1.27 | 1.95 | 0.87 | 1.03 | 1.95 | 2.14 |
30 | 2.37 | 3.40 | 2.22 | 1.49 | 3.10 | 3.69 |
40 | 3.52 | 4.97 | 4.11 | 2.98 | 4.55 | 5.52 |
50 | 4.50 | 7.01 | 6.88 | 4.76 | 6.40 | 7.66 |
60 | 6.34 | 9.44 | 10.14 | 7.05 | 8.79 | 10.05 |
70 | 8.84 | 12.19 | 14.39 | 9.45 | 11.63 | 12.93 |
80 | 12.16 | 15.84 | 19.03 | 11.84 | 14.94 | 19.19 |
90 | 15.65 | 23.03 | 22.72 | 14.80 | 21.17 | 29.10 |
100 | 19.30 | 36.50 | 27.13 | 17.94 | 32.20 | 47.71 |
Considering the time responses at low vapour concentration (10%), we find that there are significant differences between the optical responses of graphene-covered and non-covered Au NPs. We measure two times larger spectral change for ethanol and 50% increase for toluene with the graphene-covered sample. In comparison, the response for IPA is similar for both graphene-covered and bare Au NPs. Interestingly, at this lower concentration the graphene-covered Au NPs give a more sensitive response for toluene, compared to bare NPs. This becomes less sensitive only at higher concentrations (≥30%). We think that this change in the sensitivity is related to capillary condensation, as described in the next paragraph.
In the following we analyze in more details the vapour concentration-dependent optical response curves of the bare Au NPs. Careful examination reveals pronounced increases in the slopes of these curves, as they are emphasized in Fig. 6a.
Note that the increased slopes emerge at different concentration values for the three analytes: 20% for toluene, 40% for IPA, and 50% for ethanol. We discuss these values in the framework of capillary condensation, as underlying mechanism for the increase of the effective refractive index. A liquid trapped between two nanoparticles has a curved surface with a reduced vapour pressure (PC0), described by the Kelvin equation:36
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In order to better understand the optical response curves of the analytes, and in particular the lower spectral change observed for toluene exposure, one should also consider the interaction between the solvent molecules and graphene. IPA and ethanol are polar molecules, which bind to graphene non-covalently, with adsorption energies of −7.9 kcal mol−1 for ethanol,38 and around −10.1 kcal mol−1 for IPA.39 Toluene, on the other hand, is a non-polar molecule, also binding to graphene through physisorption. The corresponding adhesion energy is −15.1 kcal mol−1.38 The larger adhesion energy shows that toluene is prone to adhere to graphene more than IPA or ethanol, which apparently contradicts the smaller spectral change in the presence of toluene vapour. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations by Pinto et al.40 show that toluene adsorbes flat against the graphene, preferably in AB stacking configuration. Patil and Caffrey39 showed recently by DFT that significant charge reorganization occurs on both the adsorbed molecule and graphene, although negligible charge transfer is involved. Toluene induces local electron density depletion, while IPA induces electron density accumulation in graphene, at the adsorption site.39 This induces changes also in the electron density of the underlying Au NPs due to strong electromagnetic coupling with graphene.41 Thus, the opposite charge redistribution in graphene occuring for toluene and IPA can result in slight, opposite shifts of the LSPR of the Au NPs as well.42 This interaction effect adds up to the LSPR shift based on refractive index change. In particular, we think that at low toluene concentration (<20%) the refractive index based LSPR shift dominates, while interaction effects become important at somewhat higher concentrations (≥30%) where capillary condensation occurs. This could explain the change in the sensitivity of the graphene-covered Au NPs observed for toluene vapour. However, this calls for detailed theoretical calculations where the interactions between adsorbate, corrugated graphene, and the Au NPs are all considered, which goes beyond the scope of the current work.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9na00110g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |