P. T. T.
*c and
aLaboratory of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Advanced Institute of Materials Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. E-mail: lethithuphuong@tdtu.edu.vn
bFaculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
cDepartment of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: mirabbas@aut.ac.ir; my69@aut.ac.ir
First published on 21st January 2019
The evolution of the electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) of ultranarrow armchair boron nitride nanoribbons (aBNNRs) during low and high photon energy transfers has been studied theoretically when a magnetic field and temperature gradient are applied. In order to achieve this goal, the widely used linear response theory within the Green’s function theory was employed. Here, using the EELS we show that σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* and σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ* excitations corresponding to the intraband and interband transitions, respectively, can be tuned by ribbon width, magnetic field, wave vector transfer, and temperature. A comparison with experimental studies reveals that for realistic ribbon widths, i.e. 10–100 nm, both excitations are weak. However, we observe that only transitions between the same states, i.e. σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* can be controlled with a magnetic field due to the localized highest occupied and lowest unoccupied states at low-energy regions and different states are not influenced when the magnetic field is applied. Interestingly, the detailed shape of the magneto-EELS of the 7-aBNNR indicates a direct-to-indirect band gap transition when the wave vector transfer is perpendicular to the 7-aBNNR plane. Finally, we discover that there is an anomalous behavior for the temperature dependence of the magneto-EELS in general. The present work brings forward the understanding of the magneto-EELS of ultranarrow aBNNRs under different environmental conditions for logic applications in nanoplasmonics.
2D monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as one of the members of the 2D family has attracted much more research attention compared to graphene because graphene is a gapless semimetal, while h-BN is a wide band gap insulator of about 4.5–6 eV (ref. 1, 2 and 17–23) with a superior thermal stability of about 1000 K.24–26 The mismatch between graphene lattices and h-BN lattices is about 2%.27,28 However, tuning the wide band gap of h-BN is/was an interesting research topic. For instance, it has been shown that vacancies in h-BN significantly affect the electronic structure of h-BN.29–34 Additionally, by applying an external electric field, the band gap of h-BN can be controlled.35,36 A protective coating, and transparent and deep ultraviolet emission are the spectacular chemical properties of h-BN.37 These properties have been featured in real applications of h-BN in electro-optical devices.38,39
Nowadays, BN nanoribbons (BNNRs) have been synthesized by unwrapping BN nanotubes into armchair BNNRs (aBNNRs) and zigzag BNNRs (zBNNRs).40,41 The superior thermal stability of about 1000 K of BNNRs also implies that BNNRs are more resistant to oxidation than graphene.19,40 Theoretical studies have reported that aBNNRs (zBNNRs) are semiconductors with a direct (indirect) band gap.35,36 The band gap in aBNNRs oscillates with the ribbon width, whereas it decreases in zBNNRs when the ribbon width is increased. In the past few years, numerous works have been published on the physical properties of BNNRs in the presence of an electric field,35,36 chemical functionalizations,42–44 uniaxial strain,45,46etc. However, to the best of our knowledge, theoretical calculations on the physical properties of BNNRs under a magnetic field under different conditions have not been performed yet.
The fascinating optical properties of low-dimensional nanomaterials (2D or quasi-1D) in the plasmonic community have led to real applications such as nanophotonic devices,47,48 catalysis,49,50 sensing and spectroscopy,51,52 lighting,53,54 and solar energy conversion and storage.55,56 Among the optical properties, reflectivity, refractive index, and absorption spectra can be studied, which are all derived by the dielectric function ε(ω,) (ω and
are the frequency and momentum of the light, respectively) of the sample. The electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) in transmission electron microscopy measurements is one of the ideal tools to study electronic excitations in materials.57–61 In addition, EELS tells us how the energy of scattered electrons is changed from perturbations, in which this, in turn, characterizes the inelastic scattering process. As for low-dimensional materials, recently, EELS in graphene, h-BN, transition metal dichalcogenides, and bulk black phosphorus has been studied well.62–67 Theoretically, EELS is the imaginary part of the inverse of the dielectric function L(ω,
) = Im[−1/ε(ω,
)]. The main aim of the present work is to find out some information about the charge excitations in aBNNRs with the aid of EELS.
To this end, based on the empirical tight-binding model, we theoretically investigated the effect of a magnetic field on the EELS of n-aBNNRs (n characterizes the ribbon width) that were subjected to light characterized by the energy ℏω and the wave vector . As is known, in EELS experiments, the sample is subjected to an electron beam, not a photon beam, but the model in the present work uses an incident photon beam as a proxy to obtain the EELS response for the host electron–guest light interactions. Further to the ribbon width, temperature and the incident wave vector can be varied to engineer the magneto-EELS in aBNNRs. It should be noted that in our formulation, the magnetic field couples to the electron spin and affects the electronic hopping energy between nearest neighbor atoms B and N. We show the main features of the present paper through the linear response theory and the Green’s function method to address the dielectric response function of the system. Here, it is assumed that the interactions between the atoms B and N and the magnetic field, the light, and the temperature gradient do not change the stability of the system.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the tight-binding Hamiltonian model and the Green’s function elements between the different atoms B and N. Then, in Section 3, the dielectric response function is calculated using density–density auto-correlation functions. The numerical results are explained and analyzed in Section 4 when the system is subjected to light, magnetic field, and temperature gradient. Finally, we finish the paper with a summary of the text in Section 5.
![]() | (1) |
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Fig. 1 Sketch of the top view of the n-aBNNR. The different colors of atom apply to boron (violet) and nitrogen (blue). The bond length a0 in the h-BN is about 1.45 Å.69 The unit cell is shown with a gray box and a = 3a0 is the width of the unit cell, while ![]() ![]() |
When the magnetic field is applied the orbital states of the valence band maximum (VBM) and the conduction band minimum (CBM) are influenced, leading to a change in the hopping integral parameter t. This change is given by the Peierls phase factor ΔΦu,m as tu,m = te2πiΔΦu,m. The phase factor appearing in tu,m is calculated by a line integral of the vector potential (Landau gauge) via71
![]() | (2) |
We formulated the tight-binding model in the reciprocal space in order to handle the Hamiltonian more easily. B and N sublattices are called A and B in the following. To this end, we first needed the Fourier transformation of annihilation and creation operators and basis sets |A,kx,ky〉 = ψA(kx,ky) and |B,kx,ky〉 = ψB(kx,ky) for the sublattices A and B, respectively. Each index site i in Fig. 1 can be labelled with two other indices m and sublattices Al and Bl for l ∈ [1,n]. Thus, we used
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
Now we calculate the Green’s function elements using the particle–particle correlation function within the Matsubara formalism73 for {α,β} ∈ {A,B},
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
The electronic properties of the 7-aBNNR (arbitrary, only to confirm our formulation) in the absence of the magnetic field are presented in Fig. 2. The left panel refers to the electronic band structure, whereas the right panel shows the electronic DOS. The electron–hole symmetry in the 14-band structure is evident. The macroscopically degenerate states in the valance and conduction bands correspond to the van Hove singularities (peaks) in the electronic DOS. As can be seen, the 7-aBNNR is an insulator system with a band gap of about 4.5 eV for the width corresponding to n = 7, which is in good agreement with ref. 70. In the next section, the dynamical response function of the system is studied using the Green’s functions derived in eqn (6).
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
Thus, using Wick’s theorem,73 each element of ε(iωp,qx) is obtained via
![]() | (10) |
![]() | (11) |
Finally, the EELS can be calculated easily in terms of both the real and imaginary parts as
![]() | (12) |
In what follows, we simplified the terms including the fermionic and bosonic Matsubara frequencies using the following approximations of −6 eV ≤ ε ≥ +6 eV and 0 eV ≤ ℏω ≤ 10 eV,
![]() | (13a) |
![]() | (13b) |
Let us briefly describe the main points appearing in the EELS plots. Obviously, the electronic excitation and transition between the different bands in a system depend strongly on energy (ℏω) and wave vector (qx) transfer. All of the curves are inside the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum from 0 to 10 eV. In a nutshell, the highest valence bands and the lowest conduction bands are characterized in terms of the σ and π states, the so-called covalent (in-plane) and van der Waals bonding (out-of-plane), respectively. The transition between bands can be classified into three categories: (i) the intraband transitions for very low-energy ℏω with σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π*, (ii) the interband transitions for the low or intermediate energy region with σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ*, and (iii) inner-shell ionization for the high energy region with π + σ or π* + σ* excitations. The latter is out of the scope of the present work and needs further study, which most probably will be considered for our future research. The analysis of the results in the following is done using the first two selection rules above, i.e. (i) and (ii).
In what follows, first the EELS of the n-aBNNRs with and without the magnetic field are investigated for different widths in order to see what the ribbon width effect is on the EELS. Afterward, we concentrate on the effect of the magnetic field, the wave vector transfer qx, and the temperature on the frequency transfer-dependent EELS of the 7-aBNNR. It is worth noting that the behavior of the response function originates strongly from the dispersion energy of the aNRs (see eqn (3)). On the other hand, one can see from the band structure shown in Fig. 2 that there is a relationship between the ℏω of the light and the band gap of the system. This means that depending on the value of ℏω, the type of transition is determined. Generally, the lower bound of the interband transitions is exactly the band gap size of the system, which is evident in all figures in the following (ℏω ≃ 4.5 eV).
In Fig. 3, we report the EELS as a function of the energy transfer ℏω for the aBNNRs in three different ribbon widths corresponding to n = 4, 10, and 16 when the magnetic field is absent or present. Definitely, based on other studies such as the work by Galambosi et al.,75 no intraband transition is expected but interestingly, the accuracy of our calculations gives us some important information about the intraband transitions, which is hard to see in experiment. Fig. 3(a) shows the EELS in the absence of the magnetic field. The peaks below ℏω ≃ 4.5 eV are mainly caused by the intraband transitions for the σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* states, in which their intensities decrease with an increase in ribbon width. This means that for more realistic ribbon widths, there is no intraband transition in good agreement both theoretically and experimentally with ref. 75 and 76. The next remarkable point shown in Fig. 3(a) refers to the interband transitions for the σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ* states, in which again the height of the corresponding peaks decreases with n. In both the intra- and interband transitions, the number of peaks increases with n stemming from the ribbon width-dependent dispersion energy of the aNRs (see eqn (3)). On the other hand, the heights of the peaks in the absence of the magnetic field in the low- and intermediate regions are almost the same at certain n values. While it seems that there is no change in the interband transition peak intensity for the σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ* states when , interestingly, the peak intensity for the intraband transitions increases as soon as the magnetic field is switched on, as shown in Fig. 3(b). This implies that when the magnetic field is applied, the highest occupied and the lowest empty states in the aBNNRs do not become localized, whereas when an electric field is applied, they become localized, leading to a change in the interband transitions.
To confirm the amazing behavior of the intra- and interband transitions in the presence of the magnetic field, the EELS of the 7-aBNNR under different magnetic field strengths are represented in Fig. 4. From this figure, it is clear that only the low-energy EELS corresponding to the σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* excitations of the 7-aBNNR is influenced by the magnetic field and the σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ* ones are not changed. This result tells the experimentalists that to observe these kinds of excitation in aNRs in the presence of a magnetic field, very low photon energies up to ℏω ≃ 2 eV are required and the excitations are well described in terms of bound electrons in σ or π states. In the next part, we intend to investigate the effect of wave vector transfer qx and temperature on the EELS of the 7-aBNNRs in a constant magnetic field .
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Fig. 4 Magneto-EELS of the 7-aBNNR at |qxa0| = π/6 and kBT = 0.5 eV when different magnetic field potentials are applied, namely ![]() |
Fig. 5 shows the valence excitation spectra of the 7-aBNNR in the presence of a magnetic field and a thermal voltage kBT = 0.5 eV when the system is subjected to different directions of light. In short, the qx-dependent EELS affects the transitions significantly. In the studies by Tarrio and Schnatterly76 and also Tosatti and Bassani,77 it has been shown that with
in the plane (perpendicular to the plane), only the transitions between the bands of the same (different) states, σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* (σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ*), are allowed. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 5, our results showcase the same results for the case of the same states at |qxa0| = π/6, whereas this happens at |qxa0| = π/2 for the case of different states, i.e. the black and green curves, respectively. The intraband transitions for |qxa0| = π/6 emerge during lower energy transfers compared to |qxa0| = π/2, while in the case of interband transitions, the wave vector |qxa0| = π/2 is dominant. On the other hand, from the lower bound of the interband transitions, one can conclude that a direct-to-indirect band gap transition occurs when the wave vector transfer is perpendicular to the plane. This can be understood from this fact: assume that
, and kx are the VBM, the CBM, and the wave vector of electrons when the system is not subjected to light (see Fig. 2). When kx ↦ kx ± qx,
will appear in different values (see eqn (3)) and this means that the direct band gap at kx is converted to an indirect one due to the kx ↦ kx ± qx, transfer.
In a similar fashion, we finish the paper by reporting the temperature effects on the EELS of the 7-aBNNR at |qxa0| = π/6 and , as shown in Fig. 6. The temperature dependence of the EELS demonstrates an anomalous behavior in two photon energy regions, 1 eV < ℏω < 3 eV and 5 eV < ℏω < 6 eV. At all energies, the EELS increases slightly with temperature but at very low energy regions, the changes are not significant in comparison to the two other regions mentioned above. This, in turn, tells us that the σ ↦ σ* or π ↦ π* excitations are not affected by the temperature gradient, while the other σ ↦ π* or π ↦ σ* excitations at higher energies undergo more alterations when the temperature is increased. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that, while there are weak peaks at low temperatures, in both regions the EELS curves exhibit a clear maximum at kBT = 11.5 eV. To elucidate the origin of these anomalous behaviors, we need a strong experiment to investigate in detail the complexity of the processes. However, we simply report such anomalous behavior originating from the competition between the thermal and quantum effects. In other words, at low photon energy regions, the scattering rate of the host electrons is much less than that at higher regions and temperature affects the kinetic energy of the carriers (and eventually the scattering rate quantity), leading to higher intensities of the EELS.
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Fig. 6 The anomalous behavior of the magneto-EELS in two different photon energy ranges with temperature at ![]() |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |