Hai Kuangab,
Dunqiang Tan*a,
Wen Hea,
Zhiqiang Yia,
Fan Yuana and
Yukun Xua
aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China. E-mail: tdunqiang@ncu.edu.cn
bJiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330038, China
First published on 9th May 2019
Recycling coated hardmetal scraps is becoming increasingly important for tungsten resource recovery. However, the coatings in these materials are one of the biggest problems, especially Al-containing coatings. In this study, discarded TiAlN-coated WC–Co hardmetal tool tips were isothermally oxidized at 900 °C in air, during which the final oxide, phase transition and microstructure evolution were investigated. Milled powders below 0.15 mm were completely oxidized in 180 min, and pieces of coatings were found in the final oxides. White WO3 was mainly distributed on defect-rich areas of oxide scale surfaces. Furthermore, the final oxide scale was triple-layered, mainly consisting of the WO3-concentrated outmost layer, the Al2O3-concentrated middle layer, and the TiO2-concentrated inner layer. It is different from the bi-layered Al2O3/TiO2 oxide scale that appeared for a new TiAlN-coated hardmetal during an oxidation resistance test. This was attributed to the defects in hardmetal scraps, which provided a fast pathway for element diffusion and volatilization of WO3. Consequently, it was impossible to remove Al2O3 completely.
In recent years, the increasing demand for tungsten, the decreasing tungsten resource, and the increasing price of uncoated hardmetal scraps have resulted in increased focus on recycling coated cemented carbide scraps. Sunjung Kim5,6 recycled the CrAlN-coated WC–Co inserts via oxidation and wet milling. However, this process required corrosive sulfuric acid solution, which is harmful to health. We have previously reported the use of the zinc process for recycling WC–Co hardmetal tool tips with titanium carbonitride (TiCN)/aluminum oxide (Al2O3)/titanium nitride (TiN) coatings.7 The result revealed that pieces of Al2O3 coatings were found in reclaimed WC powders. It is clear that Al2O3 is well known for its excellent stability, and it is therefore not easily attacked by other chemicals or decomposed. Consequently, Al2O3 represents a defect in recycled hard alloys, decreasing hardness and relative density. Therefore, Al2O3—either itself or coating production—is one of the biggest problems for coated hardmetal scraps' recycling. It has been previously demonstrated that titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) hard coating is widely used in cutting tool tips for its superior oxidation resistance, as the protective dense Al2O3 top layer can be formed on at high temperatures.8–14 Therefore, TiAlN coatings are not favored for recycling of cemented carbide scraps. On the other hand, widespread application and increasing requirements have resulted in a great number of discarded TiAlN coated hardmetals, which is a huge waste of tungsten resources, and thus recycling them for tungsten is essential. However, reducing the negative effects of Al2O3 represents one of the biggest challenges. Our previous report15 revealed that the negative effect was reduced when Al was transformed to Al4C3 after oxidation, reduction, and carbonization processes. Therefore, the oxidation and reduction-carbon process is supposedly a good choice for recycling hardmetal scraps covered with TiAlN hard coating, where no corrosive chemicals were required. Oxidation is a crucial first step of the process. The oxidation evolution of TiAlN coatings and how Al exists in recycled oxide greatly influence the following two processes, and the final resultant recycled cemented carbides. Many defects were present after the repetitive cutting operation,16 which differs from the normal oxidation resistance test for the new coating. However, a limited number of studies have aimed to understand oxidation behaviors and mechanisms of worn TiAlN hard coating during hardmetal scraps' recycling by the oxidation and reduction-carbonization process.
In this paper, the isothermal oxidation behavior of discarded WC–Co hardmetal inserts covered with a TiAlN hard coating was investigated, focusing on the oxidation kinetics, phase transformation, and the evolution of TiAlN hard coating.
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Fig. 1 TiAlN hard coating on WC–Co substrates. (a) Macrograph, (b) schematic, (c) cross-sectional SEM image, and (d) the EDS result of area A. |
Chemical phases were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD, PANalytical, EMPYREAN, Netherlands) in the Bragg–Brentano geometry with Cu-Kα radiation (λ = 0.154 nm) using the continuous scanning mode in 2θ ranging from 10° to 90°. XRD patterns were acquired with a step size of 0.01° and a speed of 2° min−1. The voltage was 40 kV and current was 40 mA. Backscattered electron (BSE) morphologies of samples were observed under vacuum using field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, Nova NanoSEM450, FEI, USA), with 20 kV working voltage. The elements' distribution was characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, X-max 80, Oxford Instruments, UK). Al concentration was tested using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, optima 8000, PerkinElmer, USA) with an accuracy of 0.005 mg L−1. Weights were measured using an electronic balance (lucky, Wuxin) with 0.001 g accuracy.
Fig. 4 presents macrographs in the oxidation process. Fig. 4a shows milled powders at different oxidation times. Many black WC particles are clearly visible when oxidized for 10 and 30 min. After oxidation for 60 min, only a few black WC particles were visible, as they were either oxidized or wrapped in oxides. These results were complementary to those in Fig. 3, where the weight ratio was ∼1.18 at that time.19 Powders became completely bluish-gray upon further oxidation for 180 min. According to the result in Fig. 3, they were fully oxidized.
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Fig. 4 Macrographs of samples in the oxidation process. (a) Milled powders, (b) whole inserts, and (c) fragments. |
Coatings were too small and difficult to find in powdered samples sieved through a 100 mesh screen. In order to study the oxidation behavior of TiAlN hard coating in detail, unfragmented inserts and fragments were oxidized under the same conditions. As shown in Fig. 4b, surface color visibly changed. The coating was violet-grey before oxidation, changed to bright purple, gray and yellowish-gray when oxidized for 30, 60, and 180 min, respectively. This demonstrated phase transition during the oxidation process. Surface color on fragments changed more rapidly (Fig. 4c), indicating a faster oxidation rate. The result revealed that the oxidation rate of milled powders was the most rapid and the slowest of unfragmented inserts. The main reason being that the protective coating inhibited element diffusion. It is proposed that coated hardmetal scraps can be milled into powders before being recycled by the oxidation and reduction-carbon process for accelerating the recycling process.
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Fig. 5 Milled powders oxidized for 180 min. (a) SEM image, (b) magnified image of area A, and (c) the EDS result of point B. |
![]() | (1) |
WC + 2O2 → WO3 + CO↑ | (2) |
Co + WC + 3O2 → CoWO4 + CO2↑ | (3) |
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Fig. 6 XRD patterns of samples at different oxidation times for (a) milled powders, (b) surface of whole inserts. |
At 900 °C, the Gibbs free energy of the above reactions (eqn (1)–(3)) at one atmospheric pressure were approximately −930 kJ, −750 kJ, and −1117 kJ, respectively, according to the reported thermodynamic calculations.5,6,18 They were all below zero, indicating that the above three reactions take place when oxidized under 1 atmospheric pressure at 900 °C. The XRD patterns indicated that the oxidation process can be finished in 180 min for TiAlN coated WC–Co hardmetal powders. The final oxide was mixed with WO3 and CoWO4, which coincided with the results in Fig. 3 and 5. In addition, Al-containing phases were not detected due to their weak signals or they were hidden by the XRD pattern noise.
In order to study the detailed phase evolution of TiAlN coatings, Fig. 6b shows the XRD result for surfaces on whole inserts at different oxidation times. After oxidation for 10 min, peaks of WO3 and CoWO4 from substrate oxides appeared, as the thickness of TiAlN coating in raw material was only ∼2 μm. The peak of AlTi3N and AlN from the TiAlN coating were retained. When oxidized for 30 min, more WO3 and CoWO4 peaks appeared, and the AlN peak was still visible. It has been reported that AlTi3N was decomposed to TiN and AlN.13 TiN-related products cannot be detected due to their limited content. With further oxidation for 120 min, peaks of Al2O3 and TiO2 appeared, which were oxides of TiAlN coatings.10,14 This is in good agreement with EDS result shown in Fig. 5c. Al2O3 signal was weak for its low content or the formation of part amorphous phases.10,21 N element was transformed to N2 and evaporated. The following reaction could be proposed.22
2Ti1−xAlxNy + (2 − x/2)O2 → 2(1 − x)TiO2 + xAl2O3 + yN2↑ | (4) |
It is clear that Al2O3 is not easily decomposed or reactive with others under normal condition. It would be the defect, leading to the bad performance of recycled hard alloys. Consequently, Al2O3 poses a big problem for recycling coated hardmetal scraps.15 Therefore, reducing the negative impact will be the focus of our future work.
D = D0![]() | (5) |
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Fig. 7 SEM surface images of samples at various oxidation times: (a) 0 min, (b) 10 min, (c) 30 min, and (d) 120 min. |
Unfragmented inserts were further oxidized for 240 min to study the elements' distribution in detail, as shown in Fig. 8. Pieces of coating were stripped off the substrate (Fig. 8a and b). On the coating's surface, the pitting like area was visible. There were three distinct regions, the gray area A, the white-gray area B, and the white area C (Fig. 8c), due to the different contents of white WO3. The EDS results show that the content of O in all areas was high, suggesting oxide scale formation.10 The results also showed that the atomic ratio of W element was highest at point C, ∼2.6 times that at point B and 6.5 times that at point A. The significant differential distribution of W can be attributed to rapid element diffusion through defects, uneven distribution of defects, and considerable volatility of WO3 at 900 °C. It is well known that defects provide preferential pathways for element diffusion, as diffusion coefficient D is higher. Thus the outward diffusion of W was mainly via defects such as pits and cracks. Meanwhile, WO3 was notably volatile above 850 °C. A small quantity of WO3 in the substrate evaporated via through-wall cracks and deposited on the surface. As shown in Fig. 8c, area C was filed with white chemicals. Cracks and pits were clearly visible in this area. It was speculated that C was the defects concentrated area. Fewer obvious cracks can be found in region A and the concentration of W was lowest in this area. It confirms that the defect provides preferential pathways for W outward diffusion. Defects on coatings were related to the mechanical damage during the repeated operation before discarded, the stress presented for different thermal expansion coefficients when heated, and porous oxide such as TiO2.17,19 Furthermore, element distribution demonstrated that Al content was higher than that of Ti in respective areas, indicating more Al2O3 on the outmost surface compared to TiO2. This is attributed to the greater affinity of aluminum for oxygen than titanium.
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Fig. 8 Coatings delaminated from the whole inserts. (a) Macrographs; (b) SEM image; (c) high magnification SEM image; and (d–f) EDS results of three points. |
Fig. 9 shows cross-sectional SEM images at different oxidation times. The coating remained dense when oxidized for 10 min. Pits and cracks were visible on the coating after oxidation for 60 min (Fig. 9b). With further oxidation for 240 min, coatings were broken mainly for stress when heated.16 A triple-layer structure can be seen in Fig. 9c. EDS results illustrated that O content was high in all points (Fig. 9d). According to the XRD result in Fig. 6, the layers mainly contained oxides. W, Al, and Ti contents were highest at points A, B, and C, respectively. W and Co contents at point C were both relatively high because the inner coating was in close proximity to the substrate. This implied that the triple-layered oxide scale mainly consisted of a WO3-dominated outmost layer, Al2O3-dominated middle layer, and TiO2-dominated inner layer. This is different from the bilayered Al2O3/TiO2 oxide scale that results during oxidation resistance tests for new TiAlN-coated hardmetals.23 The surface Al2O3 scale was protective and retarded further oxidation in the substrate. Compared to new coated hardmetal, many defects were presented in worn inserts during hitting operation. They provided preferred diffusion pathways, resulting in more W outward diffusion to surfaces. In addition, WO3 distribution on the outmost layer contributed to its volatilization and deposition at 900 °C. This result indicated that WO3, Al2O3, and TiO2 were mixed together in the final oxide scale, and this it was impossible to separate Al2O3. It has been proposed to transform Al2O3 into other chemicals or use it as the reinforcement phase for reducing negative effect. We aim to address this process in our future publication.
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Fig. 9 SEM cross-section images of samples at various oxidation times: (a) 10 min, (b) 60 min, (c) 240 min, and (d) EDS result of points. |
During oxidation, the coating was protective and caused retarded element diffusion. Oxidation began on the inserts' edges and corners, where defects were concentrated. Defects appeared and promoted due to the repeated cutting operation, stress, and chemicals volatilization. More cracks and pits were found in W-rich regions as oxidation time increased, since the defects provide a fast track for diffusion. It can be speculated that oxidation rates accelerate as more defects are pre-treated, such as shot blasting and quenching.
There were three distinct layers in the oxide scale, comprised of a WO3-dominated outmost layer, an Al2O3-dominated middle layer, and a TiO2-dominated inner layer. Consequently, Al2O3 is difficult to separate alone. Future work will focus on the reduction of Al2O3's harmful influences, or even transform it to behave as the reinforcement phase for improving recycled hardmetals.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |