Nursultan Sagatov*ab,
Pavel N. Gavryushkin
Talgat M. Inerbaevac and
Konstantin D. Litasovab
aSobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia. E-mail:
bNovosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
cL. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 010008 Kazakhstan
First published on 25th January 2019
We carried out ab initio calculations on the crystal structure prediction and determination of P–T diagrams within the quasi-harmonic approximation for Fe7N3 and Fe7C3. Two new isostructural phases Fe7N3-C2/m and Fe7C3-C2/m which are dynamically and thermodynamically stable under the Earth's core conditions were predicted. The Fe7C3-C2/m phase stabilizes preferentially to the known h-Fe7C3 at 253–344 GPa in the temperature range of 0–5000 K, and the Fe7N3-C2/m stabilizes preferentially relative to the β-Fe7N3 – at ∼305 GPa over the entire temperature range. This indicate that carbon and nitrogen can mutually coexist and replace each other in the Earth's and other planetary cores similarly to low pressure phases of the same compounds.
Fe7C3 and Fe7N3 stoichiometries are considered as potential inner core constituents among known Fe–C and Fe–N compounds. In the case of Fe7C3, this assumption is based on the experimental results, showing that this compound crystallizes first from the iron melt at pressures of 130 GPa, and also on the close correspondence of its density to that of the Earth's core.10–12 In the case of Fe7N3, the assumption is based on the greater stability of Fe7N3 compared to the other nitrides under the inner core conditions.13,14
Fe7C3 iron carbide presents in the form of two modifications: low-pressure orthorhombic o-Fe7C3 (Pbca) and high-pressure hexagonal h-Fe7C3 (P63mc). o-Fe7C3 was synthesized in the pressure range of 7–15 GPa with heating to about 2000 K, and was traced up to pressures of ∼205 GPa and temperatures above 3700 K.15 Based on the results, the authors assumed the stability of o-Fe7C3 under the conditions of the Earth's inner core. In contrast, the calculations within the density functional theory (DFT) show that at 0 K transition from o- to h-phase takes place at ∼100 GPa.16,17 The equation of state of the h-phase was experimentally determined up to 71 GPa and 1973 K,11 and theoretically – up to 364 GPa at 0 K.18 In the same work, the disappearance of the magnetic moment was predicted at pressures near 67 GPa. The close correspondence of the h-phase elastic properties and those of PREM (preliminary reference Earth model)5 at 350 GPa and 6500 K was shown with molecular dynamic simulations.19 However, the obtained density is significantly lower than that of PREM. With evolutionary crystal structure prediction method, which we also applied here, it was shown that the h-Fe7C3 phase is the most energetically favourable modification in the pressure range of 100–400 GPa at 0 K.20
Fe7N3 was synthesized in the form of the low-pressure ε- and high-pressure β-phases.14,21,22 The ε-phase transforms into the β-phase at 41 GPa and 1000 K, which remains stable at least up to 132 GPa.14 Crystal structure of β-phase has not been determined experimentally. However, based on the similarity of its powder diffraction pattern to that of h-Fe7C3, the conclusion about similarity of their structures has been inferred. With DFT calculations we have confirmed this conclusion, shown that β-Fe7N3 (isostructural to h-Fe7C3) became more favourable than ε-phase at pressures above 67 GPa at 0 K.23 In the same work we also found the new phase Fe7N3-Amm2, which is energetically more favourable than the β-phase in the pressure range of 43–128 GPa at 0 K. The apparent difference between the experimental and theoretical stability fields of the β- and Amm2-phases was explained by the kinetic effects, preventing transformation of high-temperature β-phase to the low-temperature Amm2-phase.
In the present study, we show the results of ab initio determination of Fe7N3 and Fe7C3 phase diagrams at pressures up to the Earth's inner core conditions, i.e. 350 GPa and 6000 K, illustrating crystallochemical similarity of these compounds and described new crystal structure, which are potentially applicable for the phases stable in the Earth's inner core.
The calculations of the electronic structure were carried out within the DFT using the VASP 5.3 package.35–37 The exchange–correlation interaction was taken into account in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in the form of the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PAW) functional.38 Since the recent theoretical16,18,23 and experimental12,15 results showed that for iron carbides and nitrides, the disappearance of the magnetic moment occurs at pressures below 100 GPa, we performed non spin-polarized calculations above this pressure.
The crystal structure prediction calculations (by both USPEX and AIRSS) were performed for Fe7N3 and Fe7C3 stoichiometries. For each compound, we performed calculations for two formula units and 150, 200, 300 and 400 GPa. The size of the first generation in the calculations with USPEX code was equal to 30 structures. 60% of the structures with the lowest enthalpy were selected after the optimization and then used for producing the next generation (40% – by heredity, 20% – by atomic mutation, 10% – by lattice permutation, and 30% – randomly). Using AIRSS 900–1100 structures were randomly generated and optimized and those with the lowest enthalpy were selected. The atomic positions were optimized within the DFT for the structures obtained with both prediction methods. The computation parameters were as follows: energy cut-off – 450 eV; the density of the grid of Monkhorst–Pack k-point mesh39 – 0.5 Å−1; electronic smearing – with Methfessel-Paxton scheme;40 parameter σ = 0.05 eV. The most promising predicted structures were then optimized with higher accuracy at various pressures. In these calculations, the cut-off energy was 600 eV, the density of k-points was 0.2 Å−1, and parameter σ = 0.01 eV.
To take into account the temperature effect and predict the phase diagrams, we used the method of lattice dynamics within the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA). For this task, the phonon frequencies were calculated with the PHONOPY code.41 The energy cut-off in this case has been increased to 800 eV (for the details of the method see the ESI†).
Phase | Pressure (GPa) | Space group | Lattice parameters (Å, degree) | Atomic coordinates | |||||
Atom | x | y | z | ||||||
β-Fe7N3 | 150 | P63mc (#186) | a = 6.1895 | b = 6.1895 | c = 4.0302 | Fe1 | 0.87626 | 0.12374 | 0.09945 |
Fe2 | 0.54300 | 0.45700 | 0.77221 | ||||||
α = 90.00 | β = 90.00 | γ = 120.00 | Fe3 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.75557 | |||
N1 | 0.18882 | 0.81117 | 0.00704 | ||||||
Fe7N3-Cmc21 | 300 | Cmc21 (#36) | a = 14.1246 | b = 4.0580 | c = 4.1031 | Fe1 | 0.13011 | 0.43015 | 0.09662 |
Fe2 | 0.07758 | 0.07317 | 0.46654 | ||||||
Fe3 | 0.22858 | 0.15317 | 0.38888 | ||||||
α = 90.00 | β = 90.00 | γ = 90.00 | Fe4 | 0.00000 | 0.38436 | 0.79986 | |||
N1 | 0.16249 | 0.18579 | 0.76342 | ||||||
N2 | 0.00000 | 0.78323 | 0.67610 | ||||||
Fe7N3-C2/m | 400 | C2/m (#12) | a = 7.4226 | b = 2.1497 | c = 7.1380 | Fe1 | 0.80328 | 0.00000 | 0.89918 |
Fe2 | 0.04345 | 0.00000 | 0.80958 | ||||||
Fe3 | 0.31221 | 0.00000 | 0.63162 | ||||||
α = 90.00 | β = 106.0204 | γ = 90.00 | Fe4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.50000 | |||
N1 | 0.64161 | 0.00000 | 0.67115 | ||||||
N2 | 0.00000 | 0.50000 | 0.00000 | ||||||
Fe7C3-C2/m | 400 | C2/m (#12) | a = 7.3888 | b = 2.1581 | c = 7.0895 | Fe1 | 0.80215 | 0.00000 | 0.89823 |
Fe2 | 0.04461 | 0.00000 | 0.81018 | ||||||
Fe3 | 0.31877 | 0.00000 | 0.63295 | ||||||
α = 90.00 | β = 104.9195 | γ = 90.00 | Fe4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.50000 | |||
C1 | 0.64452 | 0.00000 | 0.66454 | ||||||
C2 | 0.00000 | 0.50000 | 0.00000 |
At 300 GPa the density of Fe7N3-C2/m is ∼1% higher than the density of Cmc21 phase. The density difference can be explained by differences in coordination numbers. In the structure of the C2/m phase carbon is in the seven- and eightfold coordinations by iron with one-cap trigonal prism and cube as coordination polyhedrons. In the less dense Cmc21 phase – in the six- and sevenfold coordinations, with trigonal prism and the one-cap trigonal prism as coordination polyhedrons (Fig. 1).
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Fig. 1 Structural models of Fe7N3-Cmc21 (a) and -C2/m (b). The brown balls correspond to iron atoms, blue balls – to nitrogen atoms. |
The calculated dependencies of enthalpy on pressure at 0 K (Fig. 2a) show that Amm2 phase is energetically favorable in the low-pressure region. At 90 GPa Amm2 phase transforms to the Cmc21, which in turn transforms to the C2/m at 313 GPa. The β-phase is metastable over the entire pressure range. As noted above, β-phase was synthesized at 41 GPa and 1000 K and remains stable up to 132 GPa and 2500 K. To resolve this inconsistency between computations and experimental results we constructed phonon spectra and performed the Gibbs free energy calculations. The phonon spectra confirmed the dynamic stability of all predicted phases, with the exception of the β-Fe7N3 phase, which phonon spectrum is characterized by small negative frequencies in the region of the Γ-point (Fig. S1 in the ESI†).
The calculated P–T phase diagram (Fig. 3a) explains synthesis of β-phase in the experiment. According to the diagram Amm2 and Cmc21 are low-temperature phases, which on heating above 1000–1500 K transform into the β-phase. Due to a significant structural difference between the Amm2 and β-phases, in the experiment the β-phase remained stable during rapid quenching in the diamond anvil cell, which hinder synthesis of Amm2 and Cmc21-phases.
The calculated phase diagram also shows stability of C2/m-phase over the entire pressure-temperature range of the inner core, which highlight importance of this phase for the chemistry of the Earth's core.
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Fig. 4 Pressure and density profiles of Fe7N3-C2/m, Fe7C3-C2/m and hcp-Fe1 in comparison with PREM model5 under the Earth's core conditions. |
Phase | Temperature, K | ρ329 GPa, g cm−3 | ρ364 GPa, g cm−3 | (C, N), wt% |
PREM | 12.76 | 13.09 | ||
Fe7N3-C2/m | 5000 | 12.025 | 12.33 | 4.0–4.1 |
6000 | 11.903 | 12.202 | 2.8–3.0 | |
Fe7C3-C2/m | 5000 | 11.917 | 12.21 | 3.2–3.3 |
6000 | 11.803 | 12.095 | 2.2–2.4 | |
hcp-Fe | 5000 | 13.34 | 13.72 | |
6000 | 13.14 | 13.53 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Method of quasi-harmonic approximation, phonon dispersion curves, structures predicted by USPEX and AIRSS method. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra09942a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |