Ghassan Abdelmagidab,
Bekir Sami Yilbas*ab,
Abdullah Al-Sharafia,
H. Al-Qahtania and
Nasser Al-Aqeelia
aMechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. E-mail:
bCenter of Excellence in Renewable Energy, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
First published on 28th January 2019
A water droplet's behavior on an inclined hydrophobic surface in the presence of environmental dust particles is considered and the droplet's dynamics are analyzed pertinent to self-cleaning applications. A polycarbonate wafer is crystallized using the solution-crystallization method to generate hierarchically distributed micro/nano-sized spherules and pillars on the surface. To improve the wetting state and lower the contact angle hysteresis, functionalized silica particles are synthesized and, later, deposited on the crystallized surface. Environmental dust particles are collected and characterized in terms of elemental composition, size and shape. A high-speed camera is used to monitor a water droplet's behavior on the inclined hydrophobic surface with and without the presence of dust particles. The influence of droplet volume on the dust particle removal rate from the inclined hydrophobic surface is assessed. It is found that the functionalized silica particles deposited on the surface result in a droplet contact angle in the order of 158 ± 2° and contact angle hysteresis of 2 ± 1°. The water droplet mainly rolls on the inclined hydrophobic surface and the sliding velocity remains almost 13% of the transverse velocity of the droplet. Droplet wobbling is influenced by the dust particles and the droplet size; in which case, increasing the droplet volume enhances the droplet puddle thickness on the hydrophobic surface. The cloaking of the droplet fluid onto the dust particles causes mixing of the dust particles with the droplet fluid while enhancing the particle removal from the hydrophobic surface. Increasing the droplet volume slightly enhances the size of the area of the cleaned surface.
On the other hand, environmental dust storms had detrimental effects on surfaces: in particular, surfaces with optical and sensitive air friction characteristics, such as selective surfaces for energy harvesting devices and aircraft bodies. Although the elemental composition of the environmental dust particles depends on the local geological structures of the geographic landscape, alkaline and alkaline earth metals remained common in the dust particles. In humid ambient conditions, water condensed onto the dust particles and formed a chemically active liquid solution via dissolution of the alkaline and alkaline earth metals of the dust compounds in the water condensate. The liquid solution impregnated the solid surface under gravitational influence. A film was formed by the liquid solution and it had multi-fold effects on the surfaces; in which case, chemical activities caused the initiation of erosion and corrosion sites on the surface. In addition, upon drying, the liquid solution formed an interlayer between the dust particles and the surface. The efforts required to remove the dust particles from such surfaces became significantly high.21 Dust particle mitigation around the globe has been investigated previously;22 however, the prevention of the after-effects of dust storms is still under investigation. Dust particle adhesion on surfaces was an important factor for self-cleaning applications.23 It was demonstrated that the mud formed from a mixture of water condensate and the dissolved dust particles had prime importance for self-cleaning applications of surfaces, which became significant in humid ambient conditions.24 In the case of metallic materials, dust accumulation on surfaces and its after-effects became critical to maintaining the surface integrity in terms of roughness and texture size because of erosion and corrosion sites developing on the surface.25 However, the hydrophobic texturing of metallic surfaces suppressed the erosion and corrosion on the surface by lowering the dust particle adhesion.26 In addition, a chemically passive layer developed during surface texturing, such as the formation of nitride species, suppressed the corrosion and erosion influence of the dust solution on the surfaces.27
Although dust particle removal from hydrophobic surfaces towards self-cleaning applications was studied previously,28 the main focus was to investigate the droplet dynamics on a hydrophobic surface and water droplet cloaking of the dust particles for a constant water droplet volume. The influence of the droplet volume on the dust removal mechanisms from inclined hydrophobic surfaces was left for future study. In addition, the droplet wobbling and the droplet puddle thickness on a hydrophobic surface change with the droplet volume during rolling, which in turn alters the size of the three-phase-contact line and the contact angle hysteresis on the surface. This behaviour influences the droplet dynamics on the surface and the amount of dust particles removed, by the rolling droplet, changes. Consequently, the effectiveness of the self-cleaning process changes with the droplet volume on the inclined hydrophobic surface. In the present study, the influence of water droplet size on dust particle removal from a hydrophobic surface is considered and the water droplet dynamics on the inclined hydrophobic surface are investigated in relation to self-cleaning applications. The properties of dust particles collected from the local environment are examined in terms of elemental composition, density, size and shape. The droplet rolling and sliding mechanisms on the hydrophobic surface are analysed by including different sizes of droplets. The effectiveness of droplet dust removal from the surface is introduced to assess the efficacy of the cleaning of the hydrophobic surface by the water droplet.
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Fig. 1 SEM micrograph of solution-crystallized polycarbonate surface. The large circle represents spherules and the small circle shows fibrils on the crystallized surface. |
Fig. 2 shows an AFM micro-image of the crystallized surface (Fig. 2a) together with a surface line scan (Fig. 2b). The line scan demonstrates the spherule heights, which extend up to 6.5 μm; in this case, secondary crystallization on the surface is responsible for the formation of large-sized spherules on the surface.32 In addition, the presence of fibrils is also evident from the AFM line scan (Fig. 2b), appearing as small-amplitude oscillations on the spherule hills. The average roughness of the crystallized surface is in the order of 4.2 μm. In the case of the silica particle deposited surface, Fig. 3 depicts the SEM image of the surface. The surface morphology consists of closely spaced nano-sized particles, which form a textured structure on the surface. The surface roughness is in the order of 160 nm. However, in order to assess the texture characteristics on the surface, silica particles are deposited onto the plain glass surface and the surface characteristics are assessed by the line scan of the AFM probe. This can be seen from Fig. 4, in which the micro-image (Fig. 4a) and line scan (Fig. 4b) obtained from the atomic force microscopy image are shown for the silica particles deposited on the glass surface. Some void-like structures are observed at the surface among the agglomerated nano-sized particles. However, the void-like structures are unevenly distributed over the surface and they are not connected with the porous-like channels or passages.
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Fig. 3 SEM micrograph of functionalized silica particle deposited crystallized polycarbonate surface. Pore-like structures are marked with red circles. |
The agglomeration of the nano-sized particles is related to the modifier silane, which results in side reactions during functionalization, and the condensation of silane on the silica particle surface triggers the agglomeration of silica particles.33 The air gap filling the void-like structure influences the surface hydrophobicity. The adhesion of the silica particles on the glass surface is verified through scratch tests. Fig. 5a shows the tangential force required for the removal of the silica particle coating from the glass surface. It is evident that the silica particles attach strongly to the surface. This can also be seen from the micro-image of the scratch marks (Fig. 5b); in which case, the scratch tester indentation partially removes the silica particles from the surface but some small silica particles remain attached on the glass surface during surface scratching. On the other hand, the wetting state of the surface is assessed using the contact angle measurements with the goniometer; in which case, the measurements are carried out in line with the previous study.31
The crystallized surface results in a water droplet contact angle of about 130° ± 4° and contact angle hysteresis in the order of 36° ± 2°. It is evident that the contact angle hysteresis remains high and the droplet rolling and sliding are suppressed by the large hysteresis angle on the surface. However, the functionalized silica particle deposited surface reveals that the water droplet contact is in the order of 158° ± 2° and the contact hysteresis is about 2° ± 1°. Hence, deposition of the silica particles on the crystallized polycarbonate surface not only increases the droplet contact angle, but lowers the contact angle hysteresis, which is critical for the droplet rolling and sliding on the surface. The contact angle measurements are repeated for several locations on the surface and the variation in the contact angle remains less than 2%. Consequently, the functionalized silica particle deposited surface demonstrates an almost uniform wetting state across the surface.
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Fig. 6 SEM micrographs of dust particles: (a) various sizes of dust particles, and (b) small-sized dust particles attach at large particle surfaces and form clusters. |
Si | Ca | Na | S | Mg | K | Fe | Cl | O | |
Size ≥ 1.2 μm | 12.4 | 8.4 | 2.3 | 1.2 | 2.5 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 0.6 | Balance |
Size < 1.2 μm | 10.2 | 7.3 | 2.8 | 2.2 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.1 | 1.3 | Balance |
Dust residues | 12.5 | 6.1 | 1.1 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.2 | Balance |
Consequently, the adhesion of the dust particles becomes necessary to ensure the dust particles deposited on the surface remain after the hydrophobic surface is inclined. The AFM cantilever tip faces a strain (in the friction mode) due to an obstacle along its path and the cantilever arm (tip) undergoes deflection. The slope of the deflection of the tip is demonstrated to be proportional to the force applied onto the cantilever arm of the AFM probe. This relation can be expressed as F = kσΔV,36 where k represents the spring constant of the cantilever tip (N m−1), σ corresponds to the slope of the displacement over the recorded probe voltage (Δz/ΔV, m V−1), and ΔV is associated with the voltage recorded during the scanning of the AFM tip in the contact mode. The calibration of the probe reveals that kσ = 1.29375 × 10−7 nN mV−1. Consequently, the AFM cantilever data in friction mode shown in Fig. 8 result in an adhesion force in the order of 0.2 × 10−5 nN for dust size of about 1.0 μm. The weight of such a dust particle is in the order of 0.253 × 10−5 nN. Consequently the inclination of the hydrophobic surface by 5° gives rise to a gravitational force along the surface direction in the order of 0.02205 × 10−5 nN, which is considerably smaller than the adhesion force obtained from AFM probe data. Therefore, the dust particles remain on the inclined hydrophobic surface. However, when the inclination angle of the hydrophobic surface exceeds 55°, the dust particles roll off the surface.
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Fig. 8 Atomic force microscope probe response for dust removal from the functionalized silica particle deposited surface; an atomic force microscope image of the dust particles is also shown. |
Nevertheless, in the experiment, the inclination angle of the surface is considered to be 5°; hence the dust particle attaches on the surface.
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Ff = μfFn | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
Fig. 9 shows the rotational speed of the droplet predicted from eqn (6) and obtained from the high-speed camera data for various droplet volumes and a 5° inclination angle of the hydrophobic surface. It is evident that both results are in agreement and small differences between the results are related to experimental errors, which are in the order of 4%, and the assumptions made in the formulation, such as a spherical body in the drag force calculations and avoiding the sliding effect of the droplet on the surface during droplet rolling. Nevertheless, the difference between the results is small. The experiments are repeated twelve times to ensure the repeatability of the acceleration data. In addition, the trend of the rotational speed agrees with that obtained from the earlier work.28
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Fig. 9 Rotational speed predicted from analytical relation and obtained from high-speed camera data on an inclined hydrophobic surface for a 40 μL water droplet. Inclination angle of surface is 5°. |
The droplet kinetic energy under rotational motion should also satisfy the energy balance along the inclined surface. In this case, droplet puddling gives rise to work done, due to the geometric change induced by the Laplace pressure variation inside the droplet, which needs to account for the dissipative work during the droplet rolling. Consequently, droplet puddling, particularly for large-volume droplets, gives rise to potential energy dissipation during droplet rolling. In addition, the frictional losses because of droplet pinning and air drag should be accommodated in the energy equation to account for the potential energy dissipation of the droplet. The governing equation for the energy balance yields:
ΔETot − ΔEDiss = ΔEKin | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
Eqn (8) can be used to predict the droplet translational velocity on the inclined hydrophobic surface. Fig. 10 depicts the droplet translational velocities predicted from eqn (8) and obtained from the high-speed camera data along the hydrophobic surface for different droplet volumes. The predictions of the droplet velocity and the measured data are in good agreement. However, as the distance along the hydrophobic surface increases, the difference between the predicted droplet translational velocity and the experimental data becomes slightly large. The differences between the results are associated with the assumptions made during the analytical formulation of the translational velocity and experimental errors. Nevertheless, both results are in good agreement. In the early period of droplet movement, due to the rapid acceleration of the droplet under gravitational influence, the translation velocity increases sharply. As the distance along the hydrophobic surface increases, the droplet velocity attains an almost steady value. The attainment of the steady droplet translational velocity is attributed to the energy balance between the energy dissipation and kinetic energy change, which becomes almost steady along the hydrophobic surface. In this case, increasing droplet acceleration increases the frictional drag and the shear rate at the interface between the droplet fluid and the solid surface. In addition, the dissipation work, due to droplet puddling, attains an almost steady value with increasing distance along the hydrophobic surface. It should be noted that the work dissipated (due to puddling) reduces because of the difference between the droplet maximum and minimum heights during the droplet movement along the hydrophobic surface. This can be seen from Fig. 11, in which the maximum droplet height variation along the hydrophobic surface is shown for three different droplet volumes. Increasing the droplet volume increases the droplet height oscillation in the early period of droplet movement. As the droplet moves along the inclined hydrophobic surface, the maximum height difference reduces, which is true for all droplet volumes considered. The gravitational force acting on the droplet volume works in favour of droplet puddling; however, the surface tension force reduces the puddle size. Consequently, the balance between the gravitational force and the surface tension force influences the droplet puddle thickness. During the droplet puddling on the hydrophobic surface, the centre of the droplet mass is lowered by a distance λ from the hydrophobic surface. The difference of the potential energy between the spherical and puddled droplets can be approximated as σ2 ≅ ρgR3, where R is the droplet radius and γf is the surface tension of the droplet liquid.41 The three-phase contact length on the surface due to droplet puddling can be related to: The minimization of the potential energy difference due to spherical and puddled droplets of the same radius in terms of the three-phase contact length yields: ρgR3λ ∼ γfl4/R2. Hence, the three-phase contact length for the puddled droplet takes the form:
which is similar to that reported in the earlier study.41 Here,
corresponds to the capillary length. Incorporating the mathematical arrangements in the potential energy minimization formulation (ρgR3λ ∼ γfl4/R2), the shift in the length scale occurring in the centre of mass of the droplet (λ) becomes:
The puddling of the droplet alters the maximum height, as seen from Fig. 11; i.e. the droplet height variation (the difference in the maximum and the minimum droplet heights within one complete droplet rolling cycle) is in the order of 0.40 mm. This agrees with the value obtained from the relation
which is of the order of 0.48 mm for a 3.1 mm diameter droplet. In addition, the displacement of the droplet mass centre (λ) increases with the droplet radius (R); hence, droplet wobbling increases with increasing droplet volume. The dynamic receding angle increases slightly as the droplet moves along the hydrophobic surface, which is more pronounced for large-volume droplets. This situation can be seen in Fig. 12, in which the advancing and receding angles with distance are shown for three droplet volumes. This, in turn, increases the pinning force slightly while altering the droplet puddling along the surface. In addition, the droplet wobbling and large change in the droplet height in early droplet motion on the hydrophobic surface result in energy dissipation while adversely influencing the increase in droplet kinetic energy.
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Fig. 10 Translational velocity of droplets on a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface obtained from high-speed camera data. |
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Fig. 11 Maximum and minimum tip height variation of droplets in clean and dusty surfaces during wobbling on a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface. |
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Fig. 12 Water droplet hysteresis (difference between advancing and receding angles) along a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface for various droplet volumes. |
Consequently, as the distance increases along the hydrophobic surface, the increase in the droplet velocity becomes gradual, which can be observed from Fig. 11. As the droplet height reduces along the hydrophobic surface, dissipation of energy becomes less due to work done because of the change in the volumetric centre of the droplet. Hence, the droplet kinetic energy continuously increases along the surface despite this increase becoming gradual. On the other hand, the rotational speed of the droplet increases sharply upon droplet formation on the hydrophobic surface and as the distance increases the rotational speed increase becomes gradual. This situation can be seen from Fig. 9, in which the rotational speed predicted from eqn (6) and that obtained from the high-speed camera data are shown. The rotational Bond number ( where ρ is the water density, R is the droplet radius, ω is the angle of rotation and σ is the surface tension) is associated with the square of the rotational speed; consequently, increasing the rotational speed enhances the rotational bond number. Since the rotational bond number represents the centripetal force over the surface tension force, increasing the centripetal force, due to the increase in rotational speed, stabilizes the volume centre of the droplet, i.e. the droplet wobbling reduces with an increase in the rotational bond number, consistent with the earlier study.28 Moreover, the velocity ratio due to tangential velocity over the translational velocity of the droplet (ωR/V) affects droplet wobbling because of its influence on the dynamic pressure change between the droplet interior and the surrounding atmosphere.42 The dynamic pressure change influences droplet wobbling for the condition
where Δρ represents the density difference between the droplet liquid and surrounding ambient air and ρa corresponds to the density of the ambient air surrounding the droplet. In the present study, φ varies between 800 and 950 depending on the droplet volume considered; hence, the influence of the dynamic pressure change does not significantly influence droplet wobbling, which is consistent with previous findings.42 The retention force due to droplet adhesion, friction, and air drag contributes to the drop slipping on the hydrophobic surface during droplet motion. Fig. 13 shows the slip velocity with the droplet position on the hydrophobic surface for different droplet volumes. The slip velocity is obtained from the difference between the translational and tangential rotational velocities of the droplet (=V − ωrd, where rd is the instant droplet hydraulic radius at any location on the hydrophobic surface). The slip velocity remains almost the same for all locations of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface. However, the slip velocity increases slightly with increasing distance (position) on the hydrophobic surface. This behaviour is attributed to the increasing rotational speed with increasing distance; in this case, a slight increase in the receding angle of the droplet along the hydrophobic surface (Fig. 12), which reduces the translational velocity more than the tangential velocity of the droplet due to the rotation. Hence an increasing centripetal force, because of the increase in the rotational speed, not only reduces droplet wobbling, but also lowers the sliding velocity of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface.
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Fig. 13 Slip velocity of droplets along a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface for various droplet volumes. |
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Fig. 14 Droplet translational velocity on a dusty hydrophobic surface. Inclination angle of surface is 5°. |
Fig. 15 depicts the Froude number ( V is the velocity, g is the gravitational acceleration, and L is the distance) for different droplet volumes and the Froude number corresponding to the clean surface is also provided for comparison. The Froude number attains lower values for the droplet on the dusty hydrophobic surface than on the clean surface. This behaviour is attributed to the droplet translational velocity, which remains low for the hydrophobic surface with the presence of dust particles. In general, the Froude number attains low values as the droplet volume reduces.
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Fig. 15 Froude number for droplets along a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface with the presence and absence of dust particles. |
This is related to the droplet inertial force generated during the droplet motion on the hydrophobic surface; i.e. the velocity and the mass of the droplet reduce with reducing droplet size while lowering the droplet inertial force. Although the weight of the droplet adversely influences the Froude number, the Froude number increases with the droplet size because of the increase in the droplet inertial force. Hence, the influence of the droplet acceleration remains more critical than the gravitational acceleration on the dynamics of a droplet located on the hydrophobic surface. The droplet inertial force reduces for the dusty hydrophobic surface because of the low translational velocity of the droplet, which is more pronounced for a large-volume droplet. The droplet inertial force over the droplet surface tension force is also compared through the Weber number ( where ρ is the fluid density, L is the distance, V is the velocity, and γ is the air-liquid surface tension). Fig. 16 shows the variation in Weber number along the dust particle deposited hydrophobic surface for different droplet volumes. It should be noted that the variation in Weber number for the clean hydrophobic surface is also provided for comparison. The Weber number attains values within the order of unity when the translation velocity attains an almost steady increase.
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Fig. 16 Weber number for droplets along a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface with the presence and absence of dust particles. |
However, in the early departure of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface, where the distance along the hydrophobic distance is small, the inertial force remains less than the surface tension force. This is true for all the droplet volumes considered. As the translational velocity increases, the inertial force increases and the ratio of the inertial force over the surface tension force becomes greater than unity, which is more pronounced for large-volume droplets. It should be noted that increasing the droplet volume increases both the three-phase contact line on the hydrophobic surface and the droplet mass; however, the increase in the inertial force due to droplet acceleration remains larger than that of the surface tension force. Moreover, the presence of the dust particles lowers the surface Weber number appreciably. This is because of the attainment of a low translational velocity of the droplet when the dust particles are present on the hydrophobic surface (Fig. 14). Hence, the retarding of the droplet by the dust particles lowers the droplet inertia force considerably. Nevertheless, the Weber number attains values much less than that of the critical value for rolling droplets, which is estimated as We ∼11;43 i.e. the large-sized droplets can break into multiple small droplets when the Weber number exceeds 11.
Fig. 17a shows a 3-dimensional optical image of the droplet path on the dust particle deposited hydrophobic surface. Most of the dust particles are picked up by the water droplet within its path on the hydrophobic surface. The size of the region where the droplet picks up the dust particles remains large for the large-sized droplets. In addition, droplet wobbling on the surface results in an oscillatory appearance on the surface where the dust particles are deposited. The width of the region cleaned by the droplet depends on the size of the three-phase contact line on the hydrophobic surface; i.e. the variation of the width of the cleaned region along the droplet path remains large for the large-sized droplet. Close examination of the 3-dimensional images reveals that some residues of the dust particles are observed along the droplet path on the hydrophobic surface. In order to assess the characteristics of the dust residues, SEM and EDS analyses are carried out. Fig. 18 shows an SEM micrograph of the dust residues while Table 1 gives the EDS data for the dust residues. The dust residues on the hydrophobic surface consist mainly of small dust particles (≤2 μm) but a few large-sized dust particles (≥5 μm) are also observed. The EDS data reveal that the oxygen content in the dust particle residues remains higher than that of the picked-up dust particles (Table 1). The densities of the dust particles collected and dust particle residues are assessed and the findings reveal that the density of the dust particles collected is in the order of 2800 kg m−3 while the density of the dust particle residues is in the order of 1600 kg m−3. Consequently, the dust particle residues are lighter in weight than the collected dust particles. In order to assess the water droplet cloaking on the dust particles, the study is further extended to include the behaviour of low surface energy dust particles when subjected to a rolling water droplet on the hydrophobic surface. The dust particles are functionalized by trichloro(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl) (PFOTS) through the vapour deposition technique, as described in the previous study.44 The functionalized dust particles are deposited onto the hydrophobic surface and droplet rolling experiments are repeated to observe the residues of the functionalized dust particles on the droplet path. Fig. 17b shows a 3-dimensional optical image of the functionalized dust particle residues on the hydrophobic surface along the droplet path. The functionalized dust particles are not all picked up by the water droplet and most of the dust particles remain on the hydrophobic surface as the residues of the dust particles. In order to assess the importance of water cloaking on dust particle removal by rolling droplets from the hydrophobic surface, the water cloaking velocities of the functionalized and normal dust particles are measured. The high-speed camera is used to measure the cloaking velocity of water on the dust particles. Fig. 19 shows images of water cloaking and the velocity of water cloaking on the normal dust particles. In addition, an image of the functional dust particles floating on the water surface is also shown; i.e. water cloaking did not take place on the functionalized dust particles even when the functionalized dust particle was placed on the water surface. The cloaking velocity increases rapidly in the early period and then becomes gradual with progressing time. In general, cloaking (spreading liquid onto the solid surface) takes place in steps. In the first step, the force balance between the surface tension and the shear at the interface of the dust particle and water forms a monolayer of water on the surface of the dust particle. The second step involves spreading, which progresses on the dust particle surface in accordance with Joos' law.45 The spreading velocity (Vsp) of the water is related to where μo corresponds to the dynamic viscosity of water, ρo represents the water density, and Sow(a) is the water spreading coefficient on the dust particle.46 However, the dissipation force related to water spreading onto the dust particle can be formulated via the Ohnesorge number
where a represents the characteristic size of a dust particle,46 which can be assumed to be equivalent to the corresponding hydraulic diameter of the dust particle.47
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Fig. 18 SEM micrograph of dust residues on a 5° inclined hydrophobic surface: (a) small-sized dust particles, and (b) complex-shaped dust particles. |
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Fig. 19 Temporal variation in water cloaking velocity on dust particles. Images of water cloaking on dust particles are also provided. |
In the present case, the average-sized dust particle is in the order of 1.2 μm and using the data for water, the Ohnesorge number becomes greater than 1 (Oh > 1), which implies that a large dissipation force occurs during water cloaking of the dust particle. In addition, the rate of cloaking is related to the cloaking time in the form of ∼kmt1/4, where km is the cloaking factor.47 The cloaking is only possible when kmt1/4 > 1. The cloaking velocity in the initial cloaking stage (measured using the high-speed camera) is in the order of 0.29 m s−1 and the corresponding time is 0.05 s (Fig. 19). In addition, the cloaking velocity is inversely proportional to the cloaking time; in which case, the cloaking velocity decreases sharply with cloaking time (Fig. 19) in the form of ∼Ct−0.5, where C corresponds to a constant, which could vary with the dust particle shape, and t represents the cloaking time. In order to assess the water droplet cloaking onto the dust particles prior to picking them up from the hydrophobic surface during rolling, the cloaking time and the duration of the droplet passing through the dusty region are compared. In this case, the time corresponding to the distance travelled by the droplet over the wetting length (l ≅ 0.002 m for a 40 μL liquid droplet) with an average droplet translational velocity of 0.16 m s−1 is of the order of 12.5 milliseconds. The cloaking time for the same length is of the order of 6.5 milliseconds. Consequently, the water droplet cloaks the dust particles during rolling on the hydrophobic surface. Hence, the dust particles which are picked up by the water droplet are cloaked and wetted by the droplet liquid prior to its rolling cycle on the hydrophobic surface. On the other hand, the functionalized dust particles only attach onto the surface of the rolling droplet rather than being cloaked and picked up by the droplet from the hydrophobic surface. This situation can be observed from Fig. 20 in which optical images of the water droplet with the normal picked-up dust particles (Fig. 20a) and functionalized dust particles attached onto the droplet surface (Fig. 20b) are shown. Consequently, one of the main mechanisms for picking up the dust particles by the rolling droplet on the hydrophobic surface is closely related to the water cloaking of the dust particles during droplet rolling.
To assess the variation in the droplet cleaning performance on the hydrophobic surface for the various droplet volumes, the area ratio (η) is introduced, which corresponds to the area cleaned by the droplet over the total area corresponding to the rectangular geometry limited by the droplet diameter and the distance covered by the droplet. The droplet diameter is considered to be same as when the droplet is perfectly spherical. The area ratio represents the total area cleaned of dust particles by the droplet during the droplet motion on the hydrophobic surface. The area ratio with droplet volume is shown in Fig. 21a. Since the droplet undergoes wobbling, the wetted length/area (three-phase contact length/area) of the droplet changes on the hydrophobic surface. This situation can be seen from Fig. 21b, in which the maximum and minimum widths wetted by the water droplet on the surface are shown. This in turn results in some sections of the droplet path remaining dusty; i.e. the dust particles located in between the maximum and the minimum wetted width are not picked up by the droplet during its motion on the hydrophobic surface. The ratio of the clean surface area changes slightly with droplet volume; in this case, increasing the droplet volume slightly improves the ratio of the cleaned area on the droplet surface. However, further experiments may be needed to identify the optimum droplet diameter resulting in the maximum ratio of the cleaned surface.
The solution crystallization of the polycarbonate results in a hydrophobic wetting state on the surface with a droplet contact angle of 130° ± 4° and contact angle hysteresis of 36°. The silicon nano-particle deposition further improves the droplet contact angle (158° ± 2°) and lowers the contact angle hysteresis (2° ± 1°) on the crystallized surface. The roughness of the resulting surface is in the order of 4.2 μm, which is due to the formation of globules and fibrils on the polycarbonate surface after the solution-crystallization process.
Dust particles are collected from the local region of Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The dust particles collected are analysed using SEM, EDS and XRD. The dust particles consist of various elements including Ca, Si, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, O, and Cl. As the dust particle sizes reduce below 0.8 μm, the weight percentage of the elemental composition changes; hence, the oxygen content increases in the dust particles while the density of the dust particles is lowered from 2800 kg m−3 to 1600 kg m−3. The dust particles have various shapes and sizes. The average size of the dust particles is in the order of 1.2 μm.
The droplet rolls and slides on the inclined hydrophobic surface. The transverse velocity of the droplet increases with increasing droplet volume. This is attributed to the force balance, which favours the gravitational influence as the droplet mass increases due to increasing size. Droplet rotational speed also behaves similarly to increasing droplet volume. The retention force associated with the droplet adhesion, due to surface tension, interfacial shear between the droplet fluid and the hydrophobic surface, and air drag, influence the droplet acceleration along the hydrophobic surface. Increasing the retention force enhances droplet wobbling on the hydrophobic surface. In addition, increasing the droplet volume increases the puddle thickness of the droplet due to wobbling.
The presence of dust particles on the hydrophobic surface lowers the droplet tangential and transverse velocities. The sliding velocity of the droplet remains considerably small, at almost 13% of the droplet transverse velocity and it varies slightly along the hydrophobic surface. The rolling droplet picks up dust particles from the hydrophobic surface. The main mechanism associated with picking up the dust particles is related to the droplet water cloaking of the dust particles, which is much faster than the resident time of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface across the wetting length. In the case of functionalized dust particles, which do not undergo water cloaking, they are not picked up by the rolling droplet, but rather the particles attach onto the droplet surface; i.e. these particles do not mix with the droplet fluid. The area cleaned via droplet particle removal increases with an increase in the droplet volume.
The present study gives an insight into droplet dynamics on an inclined hydrophobic surface in the presence of dust particles. It also provides useful information on the self-cleaning of surfaces by a rolling droplet.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |