Antonis Nicolaidesa,
Tewfik Soulimaneb and
Constantinos Varotsis*a
aCyprus University of Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, P. O. Box 50329, 3603 Lemesos, Cyprus. E-mail:
bChemical and Environmental Science Department, Materials & Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
First published on 6th February 2019
A reversible temperature-dependent high-spin to low-spin transition with T1/2 = −60 °C has been observed in the resonance Raman spectra of the equilibrium reduced and photoreduced heme a3 of the thermophilic ba3 heme–copper oxidoreductase. The transition is based on the frequency shifts of the spin-state marker bands ν2 (CbCb) and ν10 (CaCm) and is attributed to the displacement of the heme iron along the heme normal as a consequence of the Fe–Np repulsion at temperature below −40 °C which will increase the ligand field strength forcing the pairing of d electrons into the lower energy orbitals.
In ba3, the variation in protonation state of the a3 proximal heme Fe–His384 with Gly359 was invoked to account for the occurrence of the split Fe–His stretching mode, which has components at 193 and 210 cm−1.9,10 The conformer with the weaker (or absent) H-bond is expected to have the weaker Fe–His bond and the lower frequency vibration at 193 cm−1. The more strongly H-bonded conformer contributes to the 210 cm−1. It has been reported that the loss of intensity of the heme Fe–His384 mode at 193 cm−1 in the photostationary CO-bound spectra is due to the loss of the non-hydrogen bonded heme Fe–His38⋯Gly359 conformer. In the ferrous heme a3 of oxidases the stretching frequency of the proximal histidine–iron mode νFe–His falls at 193–214 cm−1 suggesting that the weak Fe–His bond may cause a strengthening of the Fe–CO bond.9,10 The reported Fe–CO and C–O frequencies of heme a3 indicate the presence of different active conformations in the binuclear center of ba3 preparations, which demonstrate the existence of conformational heterogeneity in the protein.10–12 Time-resolved step-scan FTIR spectroscopy has been utilized extensively in the ns–ms time range to probe the dynamics of ba3 and oxidoreductase.13–22 The presence of both protonated and deprotonated forms of the ring A of heme a3 propionate and the deprotonated form of Asp372 has been determined by time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy on the ba3–CO complex.19 Based on recent Molecular Dynamics (MD) results, it was demonstrated that water molecules inside the protein are involved in the proton pumping activity as proton carriers and the highly conserved water molecule that lies between the heme a3 propionates is capable of transferring its proton to propionate-A which affects the Fe oxidation state.23 The functional consequences of the heterogeneity to the catalytic activities of the enzyme remain to be explored.
Spin fluctuations in heme Fe(II) are at the heart of heme-proteins functionality.24,25 Despite significant progress in the chemistry of Fe–heme proteins, the mechanisms that control spin state stabilization remain elusive. In ba3, one question asked, is how the structural reorganizations accompanying spin transition will influence the redox catalytic activity of the enzyme that takes place in the heme Fe a3–CuB binuclear center. It is well known that intermediate and/or LS species are characterized by higher reaction rates and smaller activation energies compared to the HS analogues.24 The difference is driven by a higher tendency of LS iron(II) to be oxidized.
In this report, resonance Raman spectra taken with 441 nm excitation in the +60 °C to −120 °C temperature range were utilized to characterize the spin of the heme iron and allowed us to identify based on the frequency shifts of the spin-state marker bands of heme a3, a reversible transition of the heme a3 Fe with a spin transition temperature T1/2 = −60 °C. Resonance Raman with excitation wavelength at 441 nm is in resonance with the Soret band that arise from a π–π* of the hemes and is sensitive to the charge, spin and ligation state of the heme Fe. An analysis of the temperature-dependent spectra can provide information on the dynamic properties of the protein in the moiety of the heme Fe. The temperature-dependent spin state transition that we observed in ba3 is best explained in terms of the displacement of the heme iron along the heme normal as a consequence of the Fe–Np repulsion. This way, the ligand field strength parameter will increase, shifting the transition towards a low-spin state. The transition we observed has been rarely reported in heme Fe proteins and is insensitive to H2O/D2O and H2O18 exchanges indicating that the internal perturbations including hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic contacts,20–22 although can influence the energy splitting to create the spin transition, do not affect the frequency shifts of the spin marker bands.
A large mixing yields significant electron backbonding to the π*-orbital, which shows considerable electron density in particular at the pyrrole nitrogens. After increasing the temperature from −120 to 60 °C the spin state marker bands and ν4 restore their initial frequencies observed at room temperature and subsequent decrease in temperature the spectra restore their previous negative temperatures at −55 and −70 °C. In the H2O/D2O/H218O exchanged samples shown in panels A, B, C and D of Fig. 2, we have not seen any noticeable changes in the behaviour of the ν4, ν11, ν2 and ν10 marker bands in the T = −40 to −120 °C range. In the photoreduced samples, the heme b and a3 marker bands and their temperature behaviour are the same as those observed in the equilibrium reduced enzyme. Obviously, in the photoreduced ba3 the displacement (Δ) of the iron center from the mean plane of the heme unit is similar to that observed in the equilibrium reduced enzyme, thereby the electronic structure is not affected.
We attribute the changes we have observed in RR data as a function of temperature to a reversible spin transition. The temperature behaviour of the spin state marker bands observed in RR data indicates structural rearrangement in the heme a3 moiety. Fig. 3 depicts a schematic diagram for the reversible temperature-dependent high-spin to low-spin transition with T1/2 = −60 °C.
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Fig. 3 Schematic diagram for the reversible temperature-dependent high-spin to low-spin transition with T1/2 = −60 °C. |
We suggest that the transition is accompanied by a displacement (Δ) of the heme iron along the heme normal as a consequence of the Fe–Np repulsion, resulting from the dx2–y2 molecular orbitals. Temperature can affect the metal displacement value Δ, thereby weakening the orbital overlap between and the eg orbitals and consequently the energy splitting. In the photoreduced ba3 the similarity in ν4, ν3, ν2, ν11, ν10 and formyl vibration with the equilibrium deoxy form strongly suggest that the iron is at the same position in both forms of the enzyme. Therefore, in cytochrome ba3 we have established a protein tunable temperature dependent structural parameter which can be probed with respect to the possibility of being the link between the heme a3 site and protein structure.
Spin-transitions in Fe(II) d6 electronic configuration systems with an N-based coordination sphere arranged are transition metal based molecular systems in a quasi-octahedral arrangement that can remain long in either one of two stable states – a low spin (LS) and a high spin (HS) state.24 For Fe(II) complexes, one of the effects of the spin transition is that the formally antibonding eg orbitals unpopulated in the low-spin (LS) state are populated in the high spin (HS) state and lengthening and weakening of the Fe–L bond lengths accompanies the LS → HS transition, with a consequent change in the volume of the complex and its vibrational characteristics. Transitions from one state to another can be induced by changing temperature or pressure or optically by irradiation. The light-induced excited spin state trapping phenomenon is of profound importance because of the possibility of optical switching. Thermal spin transition is entropy-driven from the populated HS state at high temperatures to the LS state which becomes populated at lower temperatures.24 The transition is possible when the zero-point energy difference between the HS and LS states ΔH0HL is 0–1000 cm−1. An important parameter to characterize the temperature-driven spin transition is the transition temperature T1/2, which corresponds to the temperature at which the HS and LS states are equally populated. T1/2 has contributions from ΔSHS and ΔHHS. The former contribution comes from the downshift of the vibrational frequencies under the spin-transition.
Strong cooperative interactions take place when a different transition temperature is observed by decreasing the temperature and by heating, when the reverse process takes place. The HS–LS electronic energy difference determines the relative positions of the minima of the potential energy surfaces obtained in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation for the LS and HS states, and thus, how long the system can remain within a particular state before thermal equilibrium is established. A temperature-dependent spin crossover in neuronal nitric oxide synthase bound with the heme-coordinating thioether inhibitors was reported, recently.24 It was reported that by lowering the temperature below 200 K, some thioether inhibitors show contracted Fe–S distance and switch from high to low spin similar to spin crossover phenomenon observed in many transition metal complexes. In addition, a SCO transition was recently reported to occur in Mb.25 Based on resonance Raman experiments it was demonstrated that the HS heme Fe–O–NO complex is converted into a LS heme Fe–O–N
O/2-nitrovinyl that is reversibly switched. It was suggested that a structural rearrangement in the protein-binding pocket is responsible for the HS to LS spin-state change and the heme Fe–O–N
O/2-nitrovinyl species is accompanied by a displacement of the heme iron along the heme normal as a consequence of the Fe–Np repulsion.25
In ba3 we can exclude rearrangements in the distal site of the heme a3–CuB binuclear center by lowering the temperature. Heme a3 remains five coordinate in the T = +60 °C to −120 °C range. Therefore, the spin transition we have observed is not due to rearrangements, as it was observed in the Mb heme Fe–O–NO complex, in the protein-binding pocket. Alternatively, if there is a contraction of the Fe–His384 bond, as it was observed for the Fe–S thioether distance in the case of Neuronal Nitric oxide Synthase, then a structural rearrangement in the proximal environment of heme a3 due to a change in the H-bonding interaction of His384 can also contribute to the spin transition through hydrogen-bonding interactions that affect the Fe–His384 bond length.
Regarding this aspect, in the proximal site steric repulsions between the pyrrole nitrogen atom and the δ- and ε-carbon atoms of the imidazole ring of the H- and non H-bonded of His384 can influence the electronic character. In this case there is a coupling of the a2u(π) porphyrin orbital to the dz2–σ Fe–Nε antibonding orbital. A σ(Fe–NHis)–eg(π*) mixing, that populates the eg(π*) antibonding orbital can affect the ν4 and then correlation between ν4 and σ(Fe–His) is expected.18,19 Therefore, the frequency shift of the ν4 observed with T1/2 = −60 °C can be associated in addition to the Fe–Np repulsion, with the variation in the Fe–His distance.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |