Honghong Dongad,
Xiaoyan Jiangb,
Shanshan Sun*a,
Li Fangb,
Wei Wanga,
Kai Cuia,
Tiantian Yaoa,
Heming Wanga,
Zhiyong Zhanga,
Ying Zhangd,
Zhongzhi Zhang
a and
Pengcheng Fuc
aState Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 102249, P. R. China. E-mail: sssun33@163.com; Tel: +86-10-89734284
bChina National Petroleum Corporation Liaohe Petrochemical Company, Panjin 124000, P. R. China
cState Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan University, Hainan 570228, P. R. China
dCollege of Science, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
First published on 6th March 2019
The performance of an efficient denitrification bioreactor–aerobic biofilm reactor cascade for heavy oil refinery wastewater treatment was investigated. Optimum operation parameters for denitrification were found as follows: (1) hydraulic retention time of 8 h; (2) C/NO3−–N molar ratio of 3.75 with acetate as the carbon source; (3) 20% (v/v) carrier filling ratio in the denitrification bioreactor. Under such optimal conditions, a volumetric removal of 0.82 kg N m−3 d−1 was obtained. As an alternative low-cost carbon source to acetate, secondary DAF effluent (COD/NO3−–N mass ratio of 5.4) was also detected and a stable activity of denitrification was achieved with adding 25% volume fraction of secondary DAF effluent. Effluent COD of the subsequent aerobic biofilm reactor further decreased satisfying the requirements of the current discharge standards. High-throughput sequencing results exhibited that Rhodocyclaceae and Comamonadaceae were the dominant denitrifiers in the denitrification reactor and Pseudomonas was the dominant microbe in the aerobic biofilm reactor.
Denitrification is a popular method because of its low cost, efficient removal rate, and specificity of denitrifier.3 The technologies of microbial immobilization have been widely applied to biological wastewater treatment for nitrate removal.4 Recently, the gel entrapment immobilization, which is regarded as the most common immobilization approach, has been used in municipal wastewater treatment.5 Most studies have focused on cell immobilization of pure denitrifying bacterial strains,4 but the degradation process of pollutants is usually completed by a microbial consortia rather than a single bacterial strain.4 However, few studies have investigated the immobilized cells by using mixed microbial culture from activated sludge.
A novel waterborne polyurethane (WPUR) has been successfully tested as immobilized material in our previous work.2 The WPUR was an ideal material for cell immobilization of single bacteria strain in wastewater treatment and showed excellent denitrification performance due to its mechanical and physical properties.6–8 However, it is still a challenge to immobilize activated sludge in such WPUR for heavy oil refinery wastewater treatment.
Nitrates was transformed to nitrogen gas by heterotrophic bacteria, with an organic carbon source as the electron donor.9 However, denitrification of heavy oil refinery wastewater needs an external organic carbon source, in order to achieve complete nitrate removal. Acetate is usually utilized as the additional carbon source to improve denitrification activity in organic carbon poverty wastewaters.10 Considering to the flammability, cost, and security of carbon sources for transportation, storage, and operation etc, the organic matter in raw wastewater is preferred as a carbon source for biological denitrification.11
In this study, a cascade of denitrification bioreactor combined aerobic biofilm reactor was used to process heavy oil refinery wastewater, with simultaneous removal of nitrate and COD. And the main differences between this research and our previous2 are summarized as follows: firstly, the types of treated wastewater are totally different. In this study, the treated wastewater was heavy oily refinery wastewater, which has been recognized as one type of the most refractory wastewaters because of its complicated chemical composition and low biodegradability. However, our previous treated wastewater was the acrylonitrile wastewater, which is another kind of industrial wastewater. Secondly, the applications of reactors are different. In our present research, a series of pilot-scale denitrification–aerobic reactors were tested. However, our previous paper research only employed one-type laboratory-scale denitrification bioreactor. Thirdly, the function of carbon sources, which was added in the reactor for denitrification, are different. In our present study, acetate and air flotation effluent were both used as carbon source for denitrification. But in our present study, acetate was only used as carbon source for denitrification. The last but not the least, the conclusions obtained in our study are different from those of our present research.
In the research, the efficient denitrification bioreactor was constructed with WPUR as a carrier to immobilize the activated sludge. The aerobic biofilm reactor followed the denitrification bioreactor was to further remove the residual COD. During the whole experiment, the effluent of the secondary dissolved air flotation (DAF) was tested as a low-cost carbon source comparing to acetate. The optimal hydraulic retention time (HRT), C/NO3−–N molar ratio with acetate as carbon source and the volume fraction (COD/NO3−–N mass ratio) with secondary DAF effluent as carbon source for denitrification were all studied. Furthermore, the Miseq pyrosequencing technology was employed to analyze the composition of the microbial community in the immobilized carrier and biofilm with low-cost secondary DAF effluent as carbon source comparing to acetate.
Parameter | Concentration (mg L−1) |
COD | 56 ± 3 |
NH4+–N | 0.82 ± 0.04 |
NO3−–N | 22.3 ± 1.2 |
NO2−–N | 0.041 ± 0.002 |
TN | 24.2 ± 1.1 |
pH | 8.01 ± 0.2 |
Parameter | Concentration (mg L−1) |
COD | 400 ± 3 |
NH4+–N | 34.3 ± 1.3 |
NO3−–N | 3.78 ± 0.31 |
NO2−–N | 0.052 ± 0.002 |
TN | 37.5 ± 1.6 |
Oil | 17.8 ± 2.1 |
Volatile phenol | 21.2 ± 1.1 |
Sulfide | 2.4 ± 0.1 |
Volatile phenol | 27.3 ± 0.3 |
pH | 8.07 ± 0.02 |
The experiments were carried out in a cascade of plexiglass denitrification bioreactor and aerobic biofilm reactor (Fig. 1). The denitrification bioreactor contained 17 L in volume. The bioreactor inoculated with the immobilized carriers with 20% effective volume. Sodium acetate was employed as the carbon source to maintain C/NO3−–N molar ratios to 3.75 for 90 days denitrification testing. Then, DAF was added into the bioreactor as the carbon source with the volumetric fraction of DAF changed from 40%, 35%, 30%, and 25% to 20% corresponding to the COD/N = 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.4, and 3.5 during denitrification of 118 days testing. The experimental temperature was set at 30 ± 0.5 °C. The pH value of wastewater was controlled at 7.6.
The aerobic biofilm reactor has an effective volume of 17 L. The structural features of aerobic biofilm reactor have been described by our team in 2016.3 Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was controlled at approximately 4 mg L−1. The pH value was 8.8, and the experiment temperature was set at 30 ± 0.5 °C.
Biofilm samples were taken from the aerobic biofilm reactor. In biofilm samples B-S and B-W, B stands for biofilm, S stands for sodium acetate addition as carbon source, and W stands for DAF as carbon source. For DNA extraction of biofilm samples, this method was referenced as described previously.2
As shown in Fig. 2a and b, with HRT of 8 h in stage IV, the denitrification for both NO3−–N and TN achieved their highest value, i.e., 97.7% NO3−–N removal efficiency and residual 0.7 mg L−1 concentration of NO3−–N (Fig. 2a). The average concentration in effluent total nitrogen was 6.3 mg L−1 and the corresponding TN efficiency of removal was up to 81.5% (Fig. 2b), and the average volumetric TN rate of removal attained 0.82 kg N m−3 d−1. Furthermore, the average TN concentration in effluent decreased to 1.5 mg L−1 (Fig. 2b) after aerobic treatment, meeting the Liaoning Province (China) sewage discharge standards, i.e., TN < 15 mg L−1. In stage V, when HRT was decreased to 6 h, the average effluent NO3−–N and TN in cascade denitrification–aerobic biofilm reactor were increased to 5.7 mg L−1 and 16.1 mg L−1, respectively (Fig. 2a and b), exceeding the wastewater standards of Liaoning Province, China (less than 15 mg L−1).
As displayed in Fig. 2c, the effluent NH4+–N content remained steady during the experiment period, whereas a sudden increase was observed in residual nitrite (up to 9.4 mg L−1) at stage V. Meanwhile, the average NO2−–N concentration in effluent was reduced to 5.6 mg L−1 (Fig. 2d) after aerobic treatment.
Fig. 2e shows the effluent pH was increased in throughout the period of denitrification experiment. This may be due to the generation of OH−– in denitrification process and accumulated acetate in the wastewater.1 In the literature, an optimum pH of 7–8 for denitrification has been frequently proposed.17 In comparison, our study indicated that the effluent pH of the cascade denitrification–aerobic biofilm reactor was constantly above 8 form stage I to IV, but an effective denitrification performance was obtained. However, at stage V, the average effluent TN in cascade denitrification–aerobic biofilm reactor was increased in step to 16.1 mg L−1 (Fig. 2b), exceeding the wastewater discharge standards of TN. The average effluent pH was increased 9.2 at stage V.
Fig. 2f showed that the COD of raw influent to the treatment facility was relatively stable at 73 mg L−1. Its initial value at the inlet raised to 318 mg L−1 by adding the carbon of sodium acetate, but all reduced to 166 mg L−1 in the effluent of denitrification reactor. However, the effluent COD concentration of denitrification reactor was higher than that of the original wastewater. This consequence attributed to the production of biomass and amount of unconsumed acetate.2 The COD concentration would further decrease to 66 mg L−1 after treatment in the aerobic biofilm reactor, which was equivalent to the original influent without adding the carbon from stage I to IV. When HRT was further decreased to 6 h, the effluent COD from aerobic biofilm reactor was greater than that from the influent without adding the carbon. And this result was due to the increasing content of unconsumed acetate.9 The increase of COD could be induced by the erosion phenomenon on the biofilm surface because of the severe turbulence in liquid flow of aerobic biofilm reactor.18
When the COD/N was further reduced to 3.5 (stage V), the denitrification efficiency decreased because of the lack of carbon source. The effluent NO3−–N and TN concentration increased to 13.2 and 21.9 mg L−1 (Fig. 2a and b). Meanwhile, the effluent NO3−–N content of the aerobic biofilm reactor was increased to 17.2 mg L−1, possibly attribute to the ammonia transform to nitrate in the aerobic biofilm reactor. The effluent TN content of aerobic biofilm reactor slightly decreased to 19.2, higher than the Liaoning Province's discharge standards.
Fig. 3c shows that the average NH4+–N concentrations in influent raised to 10.4 mg L−1 throughout the experiment period. This finding indicated that when DAF was used as carbon source in biological denitrification, it inevitably raised the proportion of ammonium nitrogen in the wastewater. NH4+–N content would decrease to 8.9 mg L−1 in the effluent of denitrification reactor and then further drop down to 0.5 mg L−1 after the treatment in aerobic biofilm reactor. This phenomenon was because of the NH4+–N reduction to NO3−–N by nitrifying bacteria.
Fig. 3d shows that the NO2−–N content of denitrification reactor raise up from trace level to over 2 mg L−1 at stage III. In comparison, the effluent NO2−–N content of aerobic biofilm reactor was stable throughout the experiment period. This result was achieved by the reduction of NO2−–N to NO3−–N by nitrifying bacteria.
As shown in Fig. 3e, the influent pH was 8.01. The effluent pH of the denitrification reactor raised to 8.30, which was higher than that of influent. This finding was in agreement with the literature that denitrification may lead to the increase of pH.2 However, the effluent pH from the aerobic biofilm reactor slightly decreased to 8.22. As shown in Fig. 4f, the influent COD was fluctuant from stages I to V with DAF addition. The average effluent COD was 40 mg L−1 for denitrification, whereas the average effluent COD of aerobic biofilm reactor was 54 mg L−1.
Joel et al.19 found that the volumetric denitrification rate was 0.17 kg NO3−–N per m3 per d with fixed-bed column reactor during sewage treatment from real ground water in their work. Researchers reported the maximum removal rate of volumetric denitrification was up to 0.209 kg N m−3 d−1 with an anaerobic continuous stirred tank reactor, which was derived from petroleum wastewater.20 In all the reported denitrification treatment methods, the utilization of free cells in a continuous reactor results in a decrease in biomass with each washout of the column reactor.21 However, immobilized cell system in our study have a major advantage of retaining a high cell concentration. The reactor capacity can be improved by increasing the biomass retention time rather than the liquid retention time using an immobilized cell system. The volumetric TN removal rate in our work came up to 0.82 kg N m−3 d−1 and it was greatly higher than the above reported conclusions. Moreover, the cascade denitrification aerobic biofilm reactor in our research, in addition to saving the carbon source cost, is simultaneous removal of nitrate and COD, which met wastewater discharge standard in China. The immobilization protocol and the approach to use lower cost wastewater as carbon source in this research can be further scaled up for wide scale application. Moreover, the operational parameters reported in this paper, for example, the COD/N mass ratio, and HRT could be checked up in a up-scaling bioreactor before applying in real industry.
Sample | Number of effective sequences | OTUs | Chao1 index | Good's coverage (%) | Shannon index | Simpson index |
Activated sludge | 52![]() |
3862 | 5704 | 96.98 | 8.22 | 0.9866 |
IP-0 | 52![]() |
3856 | 5669 | 96.67 | 8.18 | 0.9857 |
IP-S | 15![]() |
2621 | 4575 | 91.61 | 7.96 | 0.9780 |
IP-W | 52![]() |
3847 | 5406 | 96.83 | 8.08 | 0.9819 |
B-S | 52![]() |
2993 | 4630 | 97.20 | 4.71 | 0.7534 |
B-W | 20![]() |
2320 | 4150 | 93.89 | 7.69 | 0.9594 |
In Fig. 4, the variation of overall patterns among the bacterial communities in the seven samples by PCoA is presented. Samples IP-S and B-S clustered into Cluster I, which indicated that samples of acetate as carbon resource utilizers identified in denitrification reactor and aerobic biofilm reactor were similar. Samples IP-W and B-W clustered into Cluster II, indicating that DAF as carbon resource utilizers identified in denitrification reactor and aerobic biofilm reactor showed similar behavior. Moreover, the difference between the Clusters I and II was due to the difference in carbon resource provided during denitrification. However, samples of activated sludge and IP-0 (Cluster III) were an outliner, signifying that the communities in the carrier of un-acclimated activated sludge was vary from these samples that were in acclimated immobilized carrier and biofilm. With acclimation time increasing, bacterial community of immobilized carrier samples has changed dramatically.
Fig. 5 displays the population of bacterial in five samples at both genus and family levels by using phylogenetic characterization. In all, in the immobilized carrier, the denitrifying bacteria's population increased with the process of denitrification. In addition, the structure of microbial community are also transformed.
![]() | ||
Fig. 5 Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial populations in immobilized carrier and biofilm samples with different carbon source addition at family (a) and genus levels (b). |
Ahead of bioreactor operation (IP-0), the Hydrogenophilaceae (23.1%) family makes up bacterial community. The number of Hydrogenophilaceae members decreased to a minor component in other samples (Fig. 5a), and most of them were chemolithotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, reducing NO3−–N via employing a broad scope of inorganic electron donors, for example, hydrogen or the reduced sulfuric compounds.25 Due to lack of such substrates, the population of these taxa probably decreases during denitrification process.
By adding sodium acetate, the dominant microbes in the denitrification bioreactor (IP-S) were Rhodocyclaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Comamonadaceae, Clostridiaceae, Sinobacteraceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Lachnospiraceae, accounting for 19.2%, 9.0%, 7.4%, 5.2%, 5.1%, 4.0%, and 3.1% in the bacterial community at the stage IV, respectively. In the denitrification reactor with the DAF (IP-W) addition, the dominant bacterial families were shifted to strongly denitrifying species and enriched with Rhodocyclaceae (18.7%), Hydrogenophilaceae (6.1%), Alcaligenaceae (5.9%), Anaerolinaceae (3.8%), Desulfobacteraceae (2.9%), Comamonadaceae (6.9%), Enterobacteriaceae (2.3%), and Pseudomonadaceae (2.0%). The relative abundance of Rhodocyclaceae showed an increasing trend after acclimation, ranging from 3.1% (IP-0) to about 20% (IP-W and IP-S). This condition is capable of denitrification26 and played a vital role in immobilized carrier (IP-W and IP-S). The relative abundance of Comamonadaceae raised from 2.3% (IP-0) to about 7.0% (IP-S and IP-W), which is a well-known denitrifier and exhibited a denitrification performance in immobilized carrier.26 The relative abundance of Hydrogenophilaceae decreased from 23.1% (IP-0) to 6.1% (IP-W), demonstrating that DAF contained a certain amount of reduced sulfuric compounds as inorganic electron donors for denitrification. However, Hydrogenophilaceae members can't be detected due to the too low content in IP-S sample at the IV stage, reducing NO3−–N by utilizing an extensive range of inorganic electron donors, for example hydrogen or reduced sulfuric compound.25 Because of insufficient such substrates during the process of denitrification, we might observe the significant decline in the population of these taxa. A difference was the higher relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae family in IP-S sample (6.04%) compared with the IP-W sample (2.3%). The Enterobacteriaceae family were responsible for the first reduction from nitrate to nitrite under denitrifying conditions.27
The aerobic biofilm reactor was located in the downstream of the denitrification reactor, and the most dominant families with the addition of sodium acetate (B-S) were Lachnospiraceae (26.9%), Pseudomonadaceae (11.1%), Clostridiaceae (3.0%), Enterobacteriaceae (2.2%), Rhodocyclaceae (2.1%), and Comamonadaceae (2.0%). With DAF (B-W) addition, the most dominant families were Pseudomonadaceae, Phormidiaceae, Nitrospiraceae, Sinobacteraceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Rhodospirillaceae, Pseudanabaenaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Xanthomonadaceae, Rhodocyclaceae, and Comamonadaceae, accounting for 15.6%, 8.5%, 7.4%, 6.7%, 5.8%, 4.2%, 3.1%, and 2.5%, at the stage IV. Pseudomonadaceae family was dominant both in B-S and B-W. Rhodocyclaceae, Comamonadaceae, and Enterobacteriaceae were also present in biofilm samples (B-S and B-W), indicating that it could be introduced by influent, and exhibited a denitrification performance. Compared with the IP-W sample (5.8%), the high relative abundance of Lachnospiraceae family was found in B-S sample (26.9%), which was butyrate-producing bacteria.28 The Phormidiaceae and Sinobacteraceae families, which were capable of denitrification, were only present in B-W sample.29 In addition, the Nitrospiraceae was dominant only in B-W sample responsible for nitrite nitrogen degradation.30
From Fig. 5b, we can get the conclusion that in the baseline sample (IP-0) the Thiobacillus composed the bacterial community from the genera level. And the relative abundance of Thiobacillus in IP-0 samples reduced from 23.1% to a minimal value of the other four samples. It was reported that Thiobacillus was capable to utilize S2O32− and electron donors i.e., other reduced sulfur compounds during denitrification process.25 The relative abundance of Thiobacillus decreases and the limited substrate availability was possibly the main reason for forming this phenomenon.
A few anaerobic genera or anoxic denitrifiers, for example Thauera, Dok59, Clostridium, and Pseudomonas, were enriched in IP-S sample, accounting for 6.6%, 9.0%, 6.9%, 4.9%, and 2.0% at the stage V, respectively. The Thiobacillus, Thauera, Dok59, Desulfococcus, and Pseudomonas were enriched in IP-W sample, accounting for 6.0%, 4.8%, 6.9%, 2.9%, and 2.2% at the stage V, respectively. Thauera, Dok59, and Pseudomonas were common dominant denitrifiers between IP-S and IP-W samples after acclimation. Thauera is the common denitrifying genus.31,32 The Pseudomonas apparently functioned as the heterotrophic denitrifiers.33 A difference seems to exist for the higher relative abundance of Clostridium in IP-S sample (4.9%) compared with the IP-W sample (0.2%). The Clostridium has shown to be capable of reducing nitrate.34 Meanwhile, the relative abundance of Thiobacillus and Desulfococcus in IP-W samples was much greater than that of IP-S sample, indicating that the DAF introduction contained a certain amount of reduced sulfuric compounds as inorganic electron donors for denitrification. It was reported that Thiobacillus and Desulfococcus were able to utilize S2O32− and other sulfur-reducing substances can be regarded as electron donors in denitrification system.25,34,35
In the aerobic reactor, the most dominant genera in the B-S sample were Pseudomonas (10.8%), Leptolyngbya (4.0%), Rhodobacter (2.84%), and Clostridium (2.79%). With DAF addition, the result showed that the dominant family of B-W sample was obviously different from those found in the B-S sample, i.e., Pseudomonas (14.87%), Phormidium (8.51%), Nitrospira (7.37%), and Leptolyngbya (3.05%) at the stage V. The Pseudomonas was dominant both in B-S and B-W samples. Pseudomonas, as a petroleum-degrading bacteria with high abundance in the biofilm, was confirmed to be the main driver for the high COD removal rate in the aerobic biofilm reactor.36 In addition, Pseudomonas is reported to be the heterotrophic nitrifier, which aerobically oxidized ammonia to hydroxylamine, nitrite, and nitrate.37,38 Nitrospira, as a nitrite-oxidizing bacteria,39 is only dominant in the B-W sample. Pseudomonas and Nitrospira existence was the possible explanations for the NH4+–N removal introduced by DAF in the aerobic biofilm reactor.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional analytical results including Fig. S1 and S2 were added. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra10510c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |