Andrew S. Hart*,
Thomas R. Andersen,
Matthew J. Griffith,
Adam Fahy,
Ben Vaughan,
Warwick J. Belcher and
Paul C. Dastoor
Centre for Organic Electronics, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. E-mail:
First published on 20th December 2019
Currently, large-scale roll-to-roll production of printed organic photovoltaics (OPVs) involves high temperature annealing steps that are not compatible with thermally sensitive substrates, such as coated fabrics. In particular, the processing temperatures needed to produce the required crystalline ordering in the printed films are typically above the deformation and melting-points of these substrates. In this paper we investigate the use of local solvent recrystallisation (solvent annealing) on the roll-to-roll scale as a method for avoiding high-temperature thermal annealing. Solvent annealing was performed by slot-die coating a mixture of chloroform and methanol over a previously printed P3HT ICXA active layer film. Peak device performance was found for the 30% chloroform/70% methanol annealing case which increased device performance by a factor of 4 over the not treated devices.
One of the factors currently limiting the direct printing of OPVs onto fabrics is the annealing process that is used to increase device efficiency by optimising the morphology of the active layer in the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structure, which is utilised in the vast majority of efficient OPVs.1 Annealing is normally performed through thermal processes and it is known that, for example, by heating poly-(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT):
indene-C60 adduct mixture (ICxA) films to 140 °C, for several minutes it is possible to produce R2R devices with a normal geometry of approximately 2.2% power conversion efficiency (PCE).6 The observed improvement in PCE is attributed to the increase in crystallinity of the donor phase of the BHJ, resulting in improved charge carrier mobility due to the greater conjugation length of the polymer.7 Annealing is also known to increase the domain size of the donor and acceptor phases of the BHJ and the number of conductive pathways to the electrodes of the device. Prolonged annealing will result in a continuous growth of the BHJ phases, causing the donor–acceptor separation to become too large. This change results in a decrease in charge separation owing to the decreased likelihood that excitons will reach a material interface before recombination occurs.8
In addition to thermal annealing, both solvent vapour annealing and solvent soaking annealing have been demonstrated in the literature.9,10 Similar to thermal annealing, these techniques improve device PCE by changing the active layer morphology. Solvent vapour treatment places the printed active film in a solvent vapour rich atmosphere for a given time. For example, it has been shown that placing P3HT:phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) devices in a dichlorobenzene environment for 30 minutes will improve device performance over the as-cast active film.9 However, this technique is not suitable for R2R printed devices since the large amount of time required is contradictory to the fast high-throughput advantages of R2R printing and it is difficult to create a solvent rich environment large enough for cost effective commercial production of OPVs. Solvent soaking annealing has been performed on small scale devices (<10 mm2) using a P3HT/PCBM active layer by soaking the films in a carbon disulphide/methanol mixture resulting in a PCE efficiency increase from 1.45% as fabricated, to 3.23% after solvent soaking annealing.10 The solvent annealed devices performed better than thermally annealed devices, which had a PCE of 2.79%. By substituting the more traditional thermal annealing with a solvent soaking treatment during R2R preparation of devices, it is expected that an increase in efficiency will be observed allowing for a transition from a PET based substrate to a fabric-based substrate without a negative impact to device performance.
In this work, the first attempts at solvent soaking on a R2R scale are presented. Solvent soaking is performed with a solvent mixture of a good solvent and a non-solvent to prevent the previously deposited film redissolving. The solvent soaking was performed by slot-die coating with a web speed of 0.5 m min−1, resulting in a fourfold improvement in device performance under the best case conditions.
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Fig. 1 Structure of prepared OPV devices. Solvent annealing was performed immediately after deposition and drying of BHJ, before the zinc oxide ETL was deposited. |
This colour change is further illustrated in Fig. 3, which shows the difference in colour of the dry active film at the point where solvent annealing was stopped. All of the solvent annealing work in this paper was performed at 0.5 m min−1.
The degree of the solvent induced colour change is determined by the chloroform concentration in the solvent mixture, as shown in Fig. 4. Little to no colour change was observed for solvent mixtures with a chloroform concentration below 40%, 45% to 55% chloroform solvent mixture produced a red hue (typical of films which have undergone thermal annealing at 140 °C for 4 minutes) while chloroform concentrations above 55% resulted in a deep purple active film. These colour changes are typically associated with improved crystallinity of the P3HT;10,19 consistent with the film reordering expected from solvent annealing. In order to confirm this hypothesis, the changes in material packing and crystallinity were investigated by UV-Vis and XRD.
The crystallinity of P3HT in the active layer was monitored through UV-Vis spectroscopy, where the occurrence of a vibronic peak around 600–620 nm should appear as the degree of crystallinity increases.20 This vibronic shoulder arises due to inter-chain interactions that occur when the P3HT is closely packed in lamellae layered structures that are aligned perpendicular to the substrate. UV-Vis spectra obtained from the solvent annealed films from Fig. 4 (together with the spectrum for a BHJ film thermally annealed at 140 °C for 2 minutes), are shown in Fig. 5A. These UV-Vis spectra show a clear trend as the chloroform fraction increases in the solvent mixture with a distinct shoulder appearing at ∼600–620 nm; indicating polymer ordering associated with an increase in domain size and charge carrier mobility.21 Furthermore, a redshift of the main absorption peak from ∼480 nm to ∼520 nm is observed, indicating an increased intermolecular interaction and improved charge mobility.22
The observed increase in crystallinity with increasing chloroform content was verified using glancing incidence XRD of the active layer films; with the intensity of the (1 0 0) peak as a function of chloroform concentration shown in Fig. 5B. This peak has previously been reported to be directly correlated with the degree of crystallinity of P3HT.21 Consistent with the UV-Vis results, the relative intensity of the (1 0 0) peak increases with increasing chloroform content in the solvent mixture, clearly illustrating that there is an increase in the degree of crystallinity in the P3HT as a function of chloroform content in the solvent annealing mixture. Comparing the effect of solvent annealing to thermal annealing, it would appear that the improvement in crystallinity (both vibronic shoulder and redshift) that arises from thermal annealing roughly correlates with that for a film that has been treated with a 50% chloroform solvent mixture. For solvent mixtures above 50% chloroform, the change in film crystallinity for solvent annealing using is actually greater than that due to thermal treatment. Overall, the UV-Vis data reveals that the solvent soaking step does indeed enhance film crystallinity at the microscopic scale.
To fully assess the effectiveness of the solvent soaking at the macroscopic level, OPV devices were prepared. The fabricated device structure was normal geometry with a silver comb coated in PH1000 as the bottom electrode, a P3HT:
ICXA active layer, a zinc oxide electron transport layer, and a sputtered aluminium top electrode. All layers were deposited using R2R slot-die coating, with the exception of the silver and aluminium layers which were deposited with R2R flexographic printing and sputter coating, respectively. Solvent annealing (for a range of chloroform fractions) was performed after deposition of the active layer and prior to deposition of the zinc oxide layer.
Device JV curves are presented in Fig. 6. Printed devices were fabricated for reliability as a priority for this study. Given the limits of the coating technique this required substantially thicker active layers than would be typically be optimal for device performance. Printed devices averaged a PCE of 0.08 ± 0.04% which improved to 0.33 ± 0.09% after solvent annealing with a solvent mixture using a chloroform fraction of 30%. As this study is focused on relative performance improvements rising from a processing treatment we have normalised the performance metrics to highlight these relative changes. The comparative device performance as a function of chloroform fraction in the solvent mixture is displayed in Fig. 7. Based on these results a clear peak in device efficiency is found at a chloroform fraction of 30%. Devices prepared with less chloroform in the solvent annealing mixture exhibit lower performance due to reduction in both VOC and JSC, whereas device performances for devices prepared with more than 30% chloroform in the solvent annealing mixture have performance primarily reduced due to a drop in JSC. This result is in contrast to the UV-Vis data, which showed that at a chloroform fraction of 30%, the P3HT crystallinity is significantly lower than for an optimized OPV device prepared with thermal annealing (Fig. 5) and thus the peak in the device performance for solvent annealed devices occurs at sub-optimal P3HT crystallinity.
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Fig. 6 J–V curves for the devices fabricated for this study. Chloroform fraction in the solvent annealing mixture is indicated above the chart. |
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Fig. 7 IV characteristics of solvent annealed devices. Error bars are standard deviation among the 4–9 R2R devices produced for each test. |
Photo-CELIV measurements (Fig. 8) reveal that the charge carrier mobility improves with greater chloroform concentration in the solvent mixture from ∼2.5–10 × 10−6 V2 cm−1 s−1, when increasing the chloroform fraction from 0 to 50%. This increased mobility arises from an increase in either the degree of crystallinity of the polymer phase or the size of the crystalline domains, consistent with the conclusions from the shift in UV-Vis spectra and XRD of the films presented in Fig. 5. This increasing mobility is consistent with the observed improvement in the solvent annealed device PCE for chloroform fractions of 0–30%, as charge extraction becomes more efficient. However, the increased mobility does not correlate with the decreased PCE observed for chloroform fractions >30%; indicating that another mechanism must be dominant in these devices.
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Fig. 8 Charge carrier mobility as calculated from Photo-CELIV measurements of roll-to-roll printed OPVs cut to a small size appropriate to the measurement technique. |
Fluorescence measurements were conducted to determine the charge separation of various single material, blended, and annealed films, shown in Fig. 9 and Table 1. The fluorescence signal arises from radiative relaxation of the polymer excited state. In blended films, charge separation of the polymer excitons results in a non-radiative loss of the polymer excited state, leading to a reduction in the fluorescence signal. Accordingly comparing the fluorescence intensity from blended films to that of pure polymer films (corrected for light intensity adsorbed at the excitation wavelength) provides insight into the charge separation efficiency.15 The untreated active film exhibits the lowest fluorescence yield (and hence the highest charge separation) consistent with the observed low polymer crystallinity (and consequent poor charge mobility). For the solvent annealed films, charge separation exhibits a maximum (fluorescence yield minimum) at a chloroform fraction of 30%. While the trend in the fluorescence quantum efficiency (FQE) and PCE as a function of chloroform fraction are qualitatively correlated, the magnitude of the FQE change (Table 1) cannot entirely explain the change in PCE.
Sample | Fluorescence quantum efficiency |
Not treated | 4.21 × 10−5 |
10% chloroform/90% methanol | 1.11 × 10−4 |
20% chloroform/80% methanol | 1.05 × 10−4 |
30% chloroform/70% methanol | 1.02 × 10−4 |
50% chloroform/50% methanol | 1.19 × 10−4 |
60% chloroform/40% methanol | 1.38 × 10−4 |
P3HT | 3.00 × 10−3 |
To further probe the origin of the observed PCE behaviour with changing chloroform fraction, the charge carrier lifetime was monitored using transient photovoltage measurements (Fig. 10). These measurements exhibited the typical power law dependence on charge carrier density, although the slope of the curves was greater than typically expected and did not return physically sensible reaction orders for recombination, which are typically in the range of 2–3 for P3HT:
PCBM OPV devices.23 The gradient in the lifetime plots is strongly influenced by the large area of the roll-to-roll printed devices, which exhibit substantial geometric capacitance and thus prevent lifetime measurements on a time scale shorter than ∼10 μs. It is therefore suspected that there is substantial charge leakage due to recombination during this time period when attempting to measure the charge density and, as such, the lifetime gradients are not reliable indicators of the recombination reaction order and the charge carrier lifetime values may not be quantitatively accurate. However, as the slopes are comparable in value, indicating a similar recombination mechanism for all devices, relative comparisons between device treatment conditions are still valid.
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Fig. 10 Charge carrier lifetime as influenced by carrier density (left) and chloroform amount in the solvent mixture at 4.5 × 1016 cm−3 (right). Data was collected using TRCE measurements. |
The lifetime values from Fig. 10 indicate that the charge carrier lifetime peaks at a chloroform fraction of 20% chloroform concentration. When combining this observation with the trend in the mobility measurements to provide a μτ product indicative of charge extraction, the product shows the same trend as the device PCE. The μτ trend indicates that it is enhanced recombination that creates the performance limit on devices as the solvent annealing treatment is switched to higher chloroform fractions. This explanation for the dominant charge carrier behaviour influencing device performance was verified using capacitance voltage spectroscopy (Fig. 11). The data indicates a minimum capacitance at reverse bias values of −2 to −3 V, suggesting that there is substantial recombination at short circuit present in all devices. The geometric capacitance at −4 V suggests a dielectric constant of the devices in the range of 3.3–3.6; consistent with previous reports for the same active layer materials.24
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Fig. 11 Capacitance–voltage spectroscopy curves of solvent annealed devices, both in the dark and under illumination. Fraction of chloroform in the solvent mixture indicated above chart. |
By removing the dark scans from the illuminated scans, the capacitance reflective of the photogenerated charge can be obtained. A comparison of the integrated photogenerated charge from reverse bias to short circuit conditions indicates the total built up charge that remains unextracted at this circuit condition. By comparing this value to the same process, but continuing the integration from reverse bias to open circuit conditions, a measure of the charge remaining at short circuit to the total charge generated at open circuit is created. Subtracting this ratio from unity provides a measure of the charge collection efficiency with a maximum observed for the 30% chloroform treatment case, verifying the findings from transient measurements that the charge collection efficiency is the underlying origin of the observed device PCE results with varying chloroform treatment (Table 2).
Chloroform ratio (%) | VOC (V) | Q(V=0) (nC) | Q(V=Voc) (nC) | ηcoll (%) |
Not treated | 0.691 | 72.0 | 106.7 | 32.5 |
10 | 0.696 | 32.3 | 47.4 | 31.9 |
20 | 0.715 | 88.3 | 128.2 | 31.1 |
30 | 0.712 | 51.0 | 80.3 | 36.5 |
40 | 0.690 | 53.8 | 83.0 | 35.3 |
50 | 0.683 | 65.5 | 100.2 | 34.7 |
One possible cause of the enhanced recombination observed with the transient photo voltage measurements is that the methanol in the solvent mixture causes material dissolved in the slot-dye meniscus to deposit into larger than expected domain sizes for the corresponding P3HT crystallinity; decreasing charge separation without observing an over annealing in the UV-Vis spectra. However, if the larger domain sizes were the cause of the PCE decrease for chloroform fractions >30% then a greater difference in measured quantum efficiencies between samples would be expected. Alternatively, it is the condition of the active layer surface after solvent annealing that is the driving mechanism for the peak in PCE for a chloroform fraction of 30%.
The condition of the surface of the active layer was investigated with AFM before and after solvent annealing. The AFM micrographs (Fig. 12) show a largely featureless bulk heterojunction film prior to any solvent annealing treatment. Sub-micrometre sized peaks are visible after treatment with the 30% chloroform fraction solvent annealing mixture, and after treatment with the 50% chloroform fraction mixture troughs are apparent of the same size and density of the peaks seen in the 30% case. As such, the AFM images indicate that annealing with a solvent mixture of 30% chloroform/70% methanol causes aggregate formation in the active film. At higher chloroform concentrations, these aggregates are washed away to create pinholes which are responsible for the increased charge recombination, resulting in a lower JSC. To support this hypothesis further, XPS was performed on films pre- and post solvent annealing.
XPS measurements of the active film (Fig. 13A) reveal that, as chloroform increased in the solvent annealing mixture, the observed carbon content decreased but sulphur and oxygen content increased. Peak fitting to the S 2p region scan (Fig. 13B) reveals more specific information concerning the nature of the change in sulphur signal. The not treated film has no signal indicative of PSS bonding environments; rather, the spectra is made up of contributions from thiophene species (namely the P3HT and PEDOT, with the latter likely the primary source for the doped thiophene signature). On application of the solvent annealing treatment, the thiophene contribution drops, while a PSS contribution appears at higher binding energies. Methanol is a known PSS solvent25 and, as it is being used in the solvent annealing mixture, it is possible that the PSS is being brought to the surface of the active layer during this process.
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Fig. 13 XPS compositional analysis of solvent annealed active layer. (A) Comparison of species present on surface of active film. (B) Bonding environment on surface of active film. |
The device stack used for device fabrication applies an electron transport layer (ETL) after the solvent treatment step and any hole transport layer (HTL)–ETL interfaces formed would prevent charge extraction through the top electrode.
To further elucidate the effect of solvent annealing on the active layer surface structure, XPS measurements were repeated with bulk heterojunction films being printed on an aluminium film, rather than a PEDOT:
PSS film. As neither chloroform nor methanol are solvents for aluminium any increase in the XPS aluminium signal on the active film surface at high chloroform fractions would be a signature that pinholes are forming in the active film surface. The XPS data in Fig. 14 reveals that, indeed, a greater degree of aluminium is present on the sample surface after treatment with a solvent mixture of 50% chloroform/50% methanol then either the solvent mixture of 30% chloroform/70% methanol or not treated cases, consistent with pinhole formation. Thus it would appear that it is the formation of pinholes in the active film surface, possibly with enhanced PSS diffusion to the surface, which provides a pathway for the observed increase in charge recombination (resulting in a decrease in JSC and therefore PCE) at chloroform fraction >30%.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |