Priscila Cervini,
Isabela A. Mattioli and
Éder T. G. Cavalheiro*
Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador São-carlense, 400, CEP 13566-590, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. E-mail:; Fax: +55 16 33738054; Tel: +55 16 33738054
First published on 20th December 2019
A screen-printed electrode (SPGPUE) was prepared with graphite–polyurethane composite ink containing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), resulting in a screen-printed graphite–polyurethane composite electrode modified with gold nanoparticles (SPGPUE–AuNPs). Gold nanoparticles were prepared by the citrate method and extracted from the water medium since polyurethane is not compatible with humidity. After extraction to chloroform, they were characterized via transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The presence of gold on the SPGPUE–AuNP surface was confirmed via SEM and EDX analyses, while thermogravimetry revealed the presence of approximately 3.0% (m/m) gold in the composite. An electrochemical pretreatment in 0.10 mol L−1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with successive cycling between −1.0 V and 1.0 V (vs. pseudo-Ag/AgCl) under a scan rate of 200 mV s−1 and 150 cycles was required in order to provide a suitable electrochemical response for the voltammetric determination of dopamine. After the optimization of the parameters of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), an analytical curve was obtained within a linear dynamic range of 0.40–60.0 μmol L−1 and detection limit (LOD) of 1.55 ×10−8 mol L−1 for dopamine at the SPGPUE–AuNP. A non-modified SPGPUE was used for comparison and a linear range was obtained between 2.0 and 10 μmol L−1 with an LOD of 2.94 × 10−7 mol L−1. During the dopamine determination in cerebrospinal synthetic fluid (CSF), recoveries between 89.3 and 103% were achieved. There were no significant interferences from ascorbic acid and uric acid, but some from epinephrine due to the structural similarity.
Several important diseases of the nervous system are associated with dysfunctions of the dopamine system, including bipolar disorder, restless leg syndrome, addiction, schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease.2
Various methods for DA determination are presented in the literature, including capillary electrophoresis,3,4 chemiluminescence,5,6 electrochemiluminescence,7 fluorescence,8,9 colorimetry and fluorometry,10–12 and UHPLC-MS/MS.13,14 The electrochemical sensors present advantages in DA determination compared to these methods, such as the low cost of analyses, fast responses, low limits of detection among others.15–17 The electroanalytical techniques were also of high historical relevance in the understanding of neurochemistry using carbon ultramicroelectrodes in the determination of catecholamines in brain fluids.18
Screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) are electroanalytical sensing devices used in DA determination. SPEs present advantages, such as higher reliability, low cost, simplicity of use and the possibility of being disposable devices, minimizing contamination and surface renovation issues. In addition, they present robustness with the possibility of full automation in the manufacturing of a single device containing the working, reference and auxiliary electrodes all in the same support.19
The modification of the imprinting ink with other materials (such as polymers, enzymes, complexing agents, nanomaterials and metals) increases the selectivity and/or sensibility of the sensor for the development of electroanalytical methodologies in the determination of several analytes.20,21
Some examples of modified SPEs in DA determination include modifications with tyrosinase/chitosan/reduced graphene oxide,22 La3+/ZnO nanoflowers,23 graphene quantum dots,24 nanocomposites of N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/Nafion25 and palladium nanoparticles decorated on activated fullerene.26
In literature, there are many reports using SPEs modified with metallic nanoparticles, including gold.27–32 About ten articles were found using AuNP as a modifier of screen-printed electrodes in the last five years. Most of them were used in the determination of metallic ions, such as arsenic,33 chromium(VI),34,35 lead(II),36–38 lead and copper simultaneously39,40 and mercury.41 Only one work concerning the use of SPE in the determination of an organic compound, in this case, for the anti-cancer drug nilutamide, was found. The device was prepared with a composite containing β-cyclodextrin, AuNP and graphene oxide.42
A graphite and polyurethane composite screen-printed electrode (SPGPUE) had been evaluated earlier by our group with satisfactory results in the determination of organic and inorganic analytes such as acetaminophen,43 epinephrine,19 the simultaneous determination of acetaminophen and caffeine,44 and the simultaneous determination of Zn(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), and Hg(II) in ethanol fuel using a SPGPUE modified with organofunctionalized SBA-15 silica.45
In this work, the use of a SPGPUE containing gold nanoparticles (AuNP) in the ink is presented as an electroanalytical sensor for the determination of dopamine in cerebrospinal synthetic fluid (CSF) for the first time. Dopamine was chosen as a probe to evaluate the performance of the SPGPUE–AuNPs due to its well-known voltammetric behavior and biological relevance.
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) measurements were performed in a LEO (440, 63 kV resolution) microscope after carbon deposition.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were carried out in a Philips XL-30 FEG coupled to EDS and EBSD accessories with a 20 kV electron beam. All measurements were carried out at room temperature.
Ultraviolet spectra were obtained in a UV-Vis spectrophotometer UV-2550, from Shimadzu in water and chloroform using quartz cuvettes with a 1 cm optical path, and a spectral range of 300–800 nm.
Voltammetric measurements were carried out in an Autolab PGSTAT-30 potentiostat/galvanostat (Eco Chemie). An Autolab PGSTAT 204 potentiostat/galvanostat equipped with an FRA32 module was used for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. Both were coupled to microcomputers and controlled by NOVA 2.1 software.
Finally, the aqueous suspension of AuNPs was extracted to an organic phase using equal volumes of aqueous AuNPs and chloroform. This is fundamental once the PU-resin curing is affected by water, which is when the isocyanate reacts with water to form a urea linkage and carbon dioxide gas49; thus, a water-free modifier is required. For this, 5.0 mg of dioctadecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide was added to the reaction medium for each 2.5 mL of the AuNP aqueous suspension. The resulting mixture was kept under vigorous stirring until total phase-transferring of AuNP to the organic phase, separated with a Squibb funnel and stored at 4 °C under light protection as well.
Next, the resulting AuNPs were used for the modification of graphite powder (<20 μm, from Sigma-Aldrich). For this, 0.30 g of graphite was added to an adequate volume of organic AuNP suspension in order to obtain a modification of 2.5% (m/m) and sonicated under 50 °C until complete chloroform evaporation. Finally, the resulting AuNP-modified graphite powder was washed 5 times with ethanol to remove any remaining surfactant.
Briefly, the manufacturing process of the screen-printed electrode consists essentially of forcing the ink, composed of a mixture of the graphite polyurethane composite (GPU) modified with AuNP 2.5% (m/m) and chloroform solvent, to pass through a mask to be deposited on a 0.3 mm thick PVC plate.
Finally, the set of imprints that made up the printed electrode was partly covered by a layer of polyurethane resin itself, and used as insulation to define the areas of electrical contacts at one end. At the other end, there was another uncoated area that defined the active areas and allowed the electrodes to be exposed. On one of the imprints, it was staked with a strip of silver epoxy (Conductive Silver Epoxy Kit, Electron Microscopy Sciences) to serve as a pseudo-reference Ag/AgCl electrode.50
The working electrode surfaces were electrochemically treated before use by cyclic voltammetry (CV) from −1.0 V to 1.0 V (vs. pseudo-Ag/AgCl) at 200 mV s−1 in 0.10 mol L−1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 150 scans since the mechanical polishing was not suitable for this kind of electrode.
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The EIS measurements were performed using a 1.0 mmol L−1 K3[Fe(CN)6] in 0.5 mol L−1 KCl solution, under a constant DC potential of 0.19 V in a frequency range from 1.0 × 106 to 100 Hz and 10.0 mV amplitude for both.
The SPGPUE and SPGPUE–AuNP 2.5% (m/m) were used as working electrodes. All measurements were performed at room temperature.
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Fig. 2 TEM images of the synthetized AuNP, with magnification 500 nm (a), 100 nm (b) and 50 nm (c). Histogram of size distribution of the synthetized AuNPs (d). |
Polyurethane is not compatible with water,49 which causes expansion during the curing of the polymer. Thus, it was necessary to extract these AuNPs from the water to another solvent. The effect of the phase transference from water to chloroform on the AuNP diameter was evaluated by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. It is known that the AuNP absorbance peak displaces to a higher wavelength as the nanoparticles agglomerate to larger diameters.52
Fig. 3 shows the absorption spectra of AuNP in water and chloroform. The small displacement of the absorbance peak, when compared to the two media (519 and 525 nm, respectively), indicates that no significant changes occurred in the AuNP size when transferring them from the aqueous to the organic phase. In addition, a more intense absorbance peak was observed for AuNP suspended in chloroform, indicating a higher AuNP concentration in the organic phase once lower volumes were used in the extraction procedure.
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Fig. 3 UV-Vis spectra of the synthetized AuNP in water and chloroform in the spectral range 300–800 nm using a quartz cuvette of 1 cm optical path. |
In Fig. 4b, it is possible to observe the presence of small spots dispersed in the sample related to the presence of AuNP, as confirmed by EDX results. Fig. 4d depicts the EDX spectrum obtained for this same mixture with a percentage of 71% C, 2.3% O and 26% Au. The high content of carbon is due to the sample preparation procedure involving carbon deposition and graphite itself. Therefore, due to the presence of a relatively higher gold signal, it was inferred that the graphite modification with AuNP was successful.
Therefore, graphite–AuNPs were used to prepare the screen-printed composite electrodes (SPGPUE–AuNP). The surface of the resulting devices was also evaluated by SEM and EDX. Fig. 5a presents the SEM micrograph, revealing a uniform porous electrode surface. A small amount of AuNP can be seen, represented by the clear spots in the image (Fig. 4a). Although only 2.5% of the conductive phase in the GPU composite is represented by AuNP, it was possible to confirm its presence in the SPGPUE–AuNP concentrated in some regions. Despite the presence of higher amounts of gold in specific spots, these sites are homogeneously distributed after mixture of the conductive phase (modified AuNPs/graphite) after the addition of significantly viscous polyol and pre-polymer during the GPU preparation. The EDX Au mapping measurements (Fig. 5b) showed that the AuNPs were well dispersed throughout the entire SPE surface.
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Fig. 5 (a) SEM micrographs obtained with 250× magnification. (b) EDX surface mapping of Au monitoring at 250× magnification. (c) EDX spectrum of the SPGPUE–AuNP 2.5%. |
Fig. 5c presents the EDX spectrum with percentages of 76% C, 4.3% O and 19% Au in the SPGPUE–AuNP 2.5% surface. Again, the high content of the carbon element is due to the sample preparation procedure involving carbon deposition and graphite itself. The gold content is relative to the region in which the EDX was taken.
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Fig. 6 TG curves of the graphite, SPGPUE and SPGPUE–AuNP in dynamic nitrogen until 600 °C and dry air until 1000 °C atmospheres (50 mL min−1) at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1. |
Temperature/°C | % Mass loss | Residue to 1000 °C | |
Graphite | 20–600 | — | |
700–900 | 100 | ||
0 | |||
SPGPUE | 20–600 | 31.84 | |
600–900 | 67.92 | ||
0.32 | |||
SPGPUE–AuNP | 20–600 | 29.82 | |
600–900 | 67.27 | ||
2.9 |
As expected, graphite was stable under nitrogen atmosphere (room temperature up to 600 °C) and a massive mass loss occurred under air in a single event from 700 °C, without any residue at 1000 °C.
The TGA curves of the composite materials revealed two mass losses from room temperature up to ca. 600 °C. The first referent to the decomposition of the polymer, and a second one proportional to the graphite content, that appeared just after the atmosphere change. A residue of 2.9% was detected only in the curve of the AuNP-modified composite relating to the presence of gold.
Apparently, the presence of Au nanoparticles makes the active area two times larger than that of the non-modified electrode since the AuNPs are dispersed throughout the conductive material, and also improves its conductivity as seen in the EIS experiments described below.
EIS measurements were carried out in order to verify the conductive behavior of the SPGPUE–AuNP surface in comparison to the SPGPUE surface. The resulting Nyquist plots are presented in Fig. 7.
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Fig. 7 Nyquist plots obtained in EIS measurements for (■) SPGPUE and (●) SPGPUE-AuNP in a frequency range of 100 to 1 × 106 Hz, and using 10.0 mV as the potential amplitude. |
Typical Randles circuit profiles for both SPGPUE and SPGPUE–AuNP were obtained: a charge transfer resistance (Rct) concerning the semicircles observed, a CPE (constant-phase element) related to the double-layer capacitance and surface roughness of the electrodes and the diffusional Warburg impedance represented by the linear portion in each Nyquist plot.54
The obtained semicircle diameter noticeably decreased after the addition of AuNP as an electrode modifier in comparison to the bare SPGPUE. Accordingly, the use of 2.5% AuNP in the SPGPUE modification significantly reduced the Rct of 4.12 kΩ (SPGPUE) to 2.99 kΩ (SPGPUE–AuNP), corresponding to 27%, and therefore increases the conductivity of the studied device. This is in agreement with the higher active area value and consequent higher conductivity.
Fig. 8 presents the behavior of the background current (ΔI) as a function of the number of cycles in different electrolytes at 0.0 V (vs. pseudo Ag/AgCl). Here, ΔI means the difference between the current taken at 0.0 V (vs. pseudo-Ag/AgCl) after a certain number of cycles in relation to the previous set of cycles (e.g., ΔI100 = I100 − I50).
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Fig. 8 Evolution of ΔI as a function of the number of cycles at potential 0.0 V (vs. pseudo Ag/AgCl). |
It was observed that the highest ΔIs occurred in ammonium hydroxide. However, the electrode response was not stable even after 150 cycles. The current still grew at 0.0 V (vs. pseudo-Ag/AgCl) all along the number of cycles investigated here, as represented by the ΔI (red curve) in Fig. 8. This is in agreement with previous findings, in which gold oxides were found to be formed in a basic medium.55
Despite the stable response, the current increase was not significant under the same number of cycles in sulfuric acid, indicating that the Au-NPs were not affected by the acidic medium.
By its turn, phosphate buffer led to a stable response with a significant increase in ΔI after 120–150 cycles, with the advantage of a pH similar to the physiological one. This behavior suggests that a stable oxide/phosphate surface was reached, producing a stable electrode response. Thus, it was chosen for further studies and 150 cycles was established for electrode treatment.
Then, an optimization of the DPV parameters was carried out to guarantee better analytical responses in further dopamine quantifications with this electrode. DPV voltammograms (not presented) were obtained using 1.0 μmol L−1 dopamine solution in 0.10 mol L−1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the potential interval between −0.15 V and 0.30 V (vs. pseudo Ag/AgCl), as suggested in previous reports.56,57
The scan rate and pulse amplitude were optimized using a factorial planning 2n (n = number of variables studied) based on a multivariate calibration. The tested scan rates were 5 mV s−1 and 10 mV s−1, and the tested pulse amplitudes were 25 mV and 50 mV. The parameters chosen were 50 mV pulse amplitude and 5 mV s−1 scan rate, which presented a higher intensity of dopamine oxidation current with a well-defined voltammetric profile.
An oxidation peak for dopamine was observed in 0.05 V (vs. pseudo Ag/AgCl) at SPGPUE–AuNP and 0.10 V at SPGPUE. This peak is related to the oxidation of the OH groups.58
At SPGPUE–AuNP, a linear range between 0.40 and 6.0 μmol L−1 was observed (Fig. 9c) at n = 7 (R = 0.9981), obeying eqn (2) with an LOD of 1.55 × 10−8 mol L−1, calculated according to Winefordner et al.59
Ip = −8.98 × 10−9 A + 0.179 × Cdop A mol−1 L | (2) |
At SPGPUE, a linear range was obtained between 2.0 and 10.0 μmol L−1 (Fig. 9c) at n = 5 (R = 0.9974), obeying eqn (3) with an LOD of 2.94 × 10−7 mol L−1.
Ip = −4.73 × 10−9 A + 0.007 × Cdop A mol−1 L | (3) |
Despite the possibility of the electrodes being discarded after use, a single device could be used for at least two months, reducing production costs and minimizing environmental problems. Regarding repeatability, SPGPUE presented 9.8% (n = 15) in the 2.0–10 μmol L−1 range, while SPGPUE–AuNP presented 9.4% (n = 27) in the 0.40–10 μmol L−1 concentration range.
Added/μmol L−1 | Found/μmol L−1 | Recovered/(%) |
a n = 3; SD = standard deviation. | ||
1.00 | 1.03 ± 0.02 | 103 |
2.00 | 1.80 ± 0.03 | 90.0 |
3.00 | 2.68 ± 0.02 | 89.3 |
4.00 | 3.63 ± 0.04 | 90.9 |
Average ± SD | 93 ± 6 |
Interferent | C/μmol L−1 | Ip/μA | Interference/% | |
IDA | IDA+interferent | |||
Uric acid | 1.0 | 1.37 | 1.64 | + 19.9 |
2.0 | 1.49 | + 8.75 | ||
4.0 | 1.42 | + 3.28 | ||
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Ascorbic acid | 1.0 | 1.53 | 1.84 | + 19.9 |
2.0 | 1.86 | + 21.7 | ||
4.0 | 1.81 | + 18.0 | ||
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Epinephrine | 1.0 | 1.25 | 1.70 | + 36.4 |
2.0 | 1.84 | + 47.6 | ||
4.0 | 2.26 | + 80.6 |
No significant interferences from ascorbic acid and uric acid were observed. However, the interference of epinephrine was relatively large and probably due to its structural similarity with dopamine.
The use of the standard addition procedure was revealed to be effective for DA determination in synthetic biological fluid, and can be useful in overcoming the interferences.
No significant interferences from ascorbic acid and uric acid were observed. However, interference of epinephrine was relatively large, probably due to its structural similarity with dopamine.
The use of the standard addition procedure revealed to be effective for DA determination in synthetic biological fluid and can be useful in overcoming the interferences.
Although there are several electrodes available for dopamine determination, up to our knowledge, this is the first screen-printed device modified with gold nanoparticles used in dopamine analysis, despite Gupta and collaborators60 presenting a simultaneous analysis of dopamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid at nanogold-modified screen-printed carbon electrodes.
Performances of other screen-printed devices used in the determination of dopamine are presented in Table 4. Although similar results were described, it is possible to observe that the proposed system presented a slightly lower LOD. In addition, the proposed system possesses additional advantages regarding the use of less robust, relatively difficult modifications, expensive modifiers and/or non-environmentally friend procedures in the previously proposed electrodes and higher sensitivity regarding the non-modified SPGPUE.
Electrode | Modifier | Linear range/μM | LOD/μM | Ref. |
SPE | Tyrosinase/chitosan/reduced graphene oxide | 0.4–8 and 40–500 | 0.022 | 21 |
SPE | La3+/ZnO nanoflower | 0.15–300.0 | 0.08 | 22 |
SPE | Graphene quantum dots | 0.1–1000.0 | 0.05 | 23 |
SPE | Nanocomposite of N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/nafion | 1–110 | 0.01 | 24 |
SPE | Palladium nanoparticles decorated on activated fullerene | 0.35–133.35 | 0.056 | 25 |
SPGPUE | Non-modified | 0.294 | This work | |
SPGPUE–AuNP | Modified with gold nanoparticles | 0.0155 | This work |
The nanoparticles were successfully extracted with chloroform as water was not compatible with polyurethane.
The device was used in the determination of dopamine as a probe in synthetic cerebrospinal fluid without interference from the matrix. Ascorbic and uric acids presented relatively low interference, which was higher for epinephrine probably due to its structural similarity with the probe. Overall, it was found that the proposed device is an alternative screen-printed disposable system for the determination of substances with biological relevance.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |