*c and
aSuzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Printable Electronics Research Center (SINANO), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, P. R. China. E-mail:
bCollege of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230027, P. R China
cInstitute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, P. R. China
dNano Science and Technology Institute, University of Science and Technology of China, 166 Ren Ai Road, SEID SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, P. R. China
eState Key Lab of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, P.R. China
First published on 4th December 2018
Doctor-blade coating (DBC) is a roll-to-roll compatible high-throughput thin film fabrication route with little solution wastage and is considered as a more scalable method for the fabrication of organic solar cells (OSCs) than spin coating (SC). Since wet film drying is much slower during DBC than during SC, the interfacial connection within the films might be different, which could remarkably influence the device performance of OSCs. In this work, we demonstrated that the device performance, reproducibility, and long-term stability are more sensitive to the ZnO morphology in doctor-blade (DB)-coated cells than in spin-coated cells in both fullerene (PTB7-Th:PC71BM) and non-fullerene (PBDB-TF:IT-4F) systems. Such an influence is more significant in large-area cells. We ascribe this enormous difference between the spin-coated and DB-coated devices to different interfacial contacts, which were caused by different spreading forces and drying kinetics during the thin film formation process. A smooth ZnO cathode buffer layer from methanol-dispersed inks was more suitable for DBC, and with this layer, a high power conversion efficiency of 12.88% and 9.22% was achieved for the 0.12 and 1.04 cm2 DB-coated PBDB-TF:IT-4F OSCs, respectively.
As for the electrode buffer layer, zinc oxide (ZnO) is the most widely used cathode buffer layer (CBL) in inverted OSCs because of its high electron mobility, high visible transparency, ease of fabrication, and environmental friendliness.28 Additionally, ZnO has been considered as the most promising CBL for R2R printed devices to date.29 A variety of synthesis approaches28,30 and modification routes18,31–33 have been developed to prepare an excellent ZnO CBL for OSCs; these diverse synthesis approaches have caused a large inherent difference in the film morphology and photoelectrical properties of ZnO layers. As a typical example, Liang et al.34 and Ma et al.35 found that the ZnO surface morphology could greatly influence the interfacial contact between the CBL and the photoactive layer due to the surface energy difference between ZnO and the active layer.34 Li et al. found that the solvent significantly influences the aggregation and dispersion of ZnO nanoparticles and subsequently influences the device performance.36 However, most of these studies have focused on conventional spin-coated devices; the issue concerning the influence of the ZnO CBL on the performance of the R2R printed device has rarely been reported to our knowledge. In this study, we used DBC and SC as research models to comprehensively compare the influence of the bottom buffer layer on the device performance. Two kinds of ZnO CBLs with different surface roughnesses were fabricated from acetone- and methanol-based ZnO inks. Our results demonstrated that a slight morphology difference in the ZnO CBLs caused a minor variation in the device performance, performance homogeneity, and long-term stability of the spin-coated device. However, for the doctor-blade (DB)-coated device, a slight morphology difference of ZnO CBLs resulted in obvious differences in the device performance, particularly the reproducibility. In this work, a smoother ZnO buffer layer fabricated from methanol-based inks can benefit the interfacial contact between the CBL and the organic photoactive layer, and consequently contribute to the higher performance, narrower performance distribution, and longer lifetime for the DB-coated devices. With this smoother ZnO layer, a record performance of 12.88% with good reproducibility was achieved via DBC, which is the highest value in the reported work. In addition, this work provides significant guidance that the influence of surface morphology and roughness of the bottom buffer layer on the photovoltaic performance and process reproducibility should be highly evaluated in printed organic photovoltaics.
The widely studied PTB7-Th:PC71BM was used as the photoactive layer for cell fabrication. The current density–voltage (J–V) curves and the external quantum efficiency (EQE) spectra of the optimized devices are shown in Fig. 2, and the performance parameters are listed in Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, the spin-coated devices with the A-ZnO and M-ZnO CBLs presented similar performances with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of approximately 9.0%. In addition, these devices had similar statistical deviations of approximately 0.06%. This result revealed that the performance of the spin-coated small-area device is less dependent on the morphology of the bottom buffer layers. However, surprisingly, the DB-coated devices showed larger differences both in the optimized performance and performance homogeneity. Specifically, the A-ZnO CBL-based device exhibited an average PCE of 8.25% and a relatively large standard deviation of 0.47%, while the device with the M-ZnO CBL showed a higher average PCE of 8.98% and a lower standard deviation of 0.23%. This result demonstrated that the surface morphology of the ZnO CBL would greatly affect the device performance of the DB-coated devices, and a smooth ZnO CBL is essential for high performance of the DB-coated OSCs, which was attributed to the interfacial charge transport properties between the CBL and the organic active layer (vide infra). From the histogram of the performance parameters (Fig. S2†), we found that the larger performance difference between the A-ZnO and M-ZnO CBL-based DB-coated solar cells was mainly due to the fill factor (FF) rather than open-circuit voltage (VOC) and short-circuit current density (JSC). With a smooth M-ZnO CBL, a FF of 69% was achieved for the DB-coated OSCs, which was nearly comparable to that of the spin-coated cells, while when a rough A-ZnO CBL was used in the DB-coated OSCs, the FF was relatively low (66%). Besides this, the histogram of FF (as shown in Fig. S2(a)†) revealed that the M-ZnO CBL-based DB cells gave a much smaller variation than the A-ZnO CBL-based devices. For the M-ZnO CBL-based device, the FF varied from 66% to 70%, showing a small deviation. In contrast, the FF of the A-ZnO CBL-based device varied from 62% to 69%. Such a remarkably improved FF finally resulted in enhanced device performance. In addition, as indicated by the series (Rs) and shunt resistance (Rsh) of the devices, it was found that the A-ZnO CBL based DB-coated cells have larger Rs and smaller Rsh than other devices, which should be the main reason for the lower FF.
Entry | Active layer | Process | ZnO films | V OC (V) | J SC (mAcm−2) | FF (%) | PCE (%) | Ave. PCE ± std. dev. (%)a | R s (Ωcm2) | R sh (Ωcm2) |
a Average performance calculated over 12 individual devices. | ||||||||||
1 | PTB7-Th:PC71BM | SC | A | 0.79 | 16.24 | 70 | 9.01 | 8.93±0.06 | 6.12 | 1877 |
2 | M | 0.79 | 16.91 | 69 | 9.22 | 9.12±0.07 | 5.64 | 1601 | ||
3 | PTB7-Th:PC71BM | DBC | A | 0.79 | 16.73 | 66 | 8.72 | 8.25±0.47 | 6.39 | 1642 |
4 | M | 0.79 | 16.37 | 69 | 9.33 | 8.98±0.13 | 5.93 | 2814 | ||
5 | PBDB-TF:IT-4F | SC | A | 0.86 | 20.30 | 71 | 12.40 | 12.22±0.19 | 5.48 | 1977 |
6 | M | 0.86 | 20.79 | 72 | 12.81 | 12.50±0.18 | 4.59 | 2118 | ||
7 | PBDB-TF:IT-4F | DBC | A | 0.86 | 20.09 | 68 | 11.74 | 11.22±0.53 | 6.27 | 1107 |
8 | M | 0.86 | 20.80 | 72 | 12.88 | 12.34±0.21 | 4.46 | 1959 |
To further investigate the influence of the ZnO buffer layer on the performance of OSCs and achieve high performance for the DB-coated cells, the high efficiency non-fullerene acceptor heterojunction system PBDB-TF:IT-4F38 was selected as the photoactive layer, and the organic active layers were fabricated through both SC and DBC. The main performance parameters of the PBDB-TF:IT-4F cells are also summarized in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, the highest performance and the standard deviations of the A-ZnO and M-ZnO CBL-based devices were similar for the spin-coated cells. Again, we found that the performance of the spin-coated cells was less sensitive to the ZnO CBL, which was similar to the results of the PTB7-Th:PC71BM devices. However, for the DB-coated devices, the overall performance, including the optimized performance and the performance distribution uniformity of the A-ZnO CBL-based devices, was poorer than that of the M-ZnO CBL-based devices. Though the PCE of the A-ZnO CBL-based spin-coated device reached above 12.5%, the DB-coated device with the same A-ZnO CBL gave a PCE of 11.22%. Meanwhile, the deviation (0.53%) was much larger than that of the spin-coated devices (0.21%). Nevertheless, the performance of the M-ZnO CBL-based DB-coated cells was obviously improved, which exhibited an average PCE of 12.34% and a deviation of 0.21%. And the optimized performance of the 0.12 cm2 device reached 12.88%, which was nearly the highest PCE for the DB-coated OSCs.39–42 Similar to the PTB7-Th:PC71BM solar cells, the performance variation between the A-ZnO and M-ZnO devices was also mainly caused by the FF.
As previously mentioned, it is interesting to find that both the performance and performance uniformity of the DB-coated devices are more sensitive to the ZnO CBLs. Such performance variation is mainly caused by the FF rather than VOC or JSC. To exclude the influence of the photoactive layer, AFM images and absorption spectra of the active layers on different ZnO CBLs were recorded. From the AFM images, we observed that the active layers on A-ZnO and M-ZnO exhibited similar surface roughnesses (Fig. S3†). In addition, the two films also presented nearly the same absorption spectra, proving that these active layers had similar film thicknesses (see the ESI, Fig. S4†). Therefore, we speculated that the difference in device performance was not caused by the thickness variation of the photoactive layers. As for the interfacial properties, we know that both the photoelectrical properties of the buffer layers and the interfacial contact between buffer layers and the organic photoactive layer would affect the device performance. Herein, since the spin-coated devices with different A-ZnO and M-ZnO CBLs gave similar device performance parameters, i.e., VOC, JSC, FF, and PCE, this indicated that the electrical properties of the A-ZnO and M-ZnO films were not considerably impacted by surface roughness. Therefore, the performance variation in the DB-coated devices could not be ascribed to the electrical properties of the ZnO layers but possibly to the interface charge transport properties between the CBL and the organic active layer.
The light intensity-dependent J–V characteristics of the spin-coated and DB-coated devices were further measured to study the trap states in these different devices. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the JSC and VOC of these cells measured under different light intensities. First, the JSC is incident light intensity-dependent with a relationship of J∝Iα, where α typically ranges from 0.85 to 1 for polymer solar cells. The deviation from α = 1 was ascribed to a small loss of carriers via bimolecular recombination and space charge effects.43,44 Herein, JSC was linearly correlated with the light intensity with a slope (α) of approximately 0.920 for all the devices, suggesting that bimolecular charge recombination and space charge effects are negligible for both the spin-coated and the DB-coated devices.45,46 From the VOCvs. light intensity curves, we found that there were obvious differences in the devices fabricated via the different methods and based on different ZnO CBLs. According to the literature, the VOC is determined by the difference in the rates of charge generation and charge recombination.47 For ideal p–n junction solar cells, the VOC can be described by the following equation:48
(1) |
Fig. 3 Light intensity dependence of the (a) JSC and (b) VOC of the PBDB-TF:IT-4F devices. (c) Electrochemical impedance spectra of the devices. |
The electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) of these devices were measured in the dark to analyse the series resistances. As shown in the Nyquist plots of these devices in Fig. 3(c), we found that all the plots exhibited asymmetric semicircles and could be fitted with an equivalent circuit model (as shown in the inset of Fig. 3(c)) that comprised three resistances Rs, R1, and R2 and two capacitances C1 and C2. Using this module, detailed results of Rs, R1, and R2 were calculated and are shown in Table S1.† The results showed that Rs and R1 were nearly the same in these devices, while a large difference in R2 could be found among these devices. Therefore, Rs and R1 might be ascribed to the resistance of the system and the bulk heterojunction, respectively, and R2 could be attributed to the chemical resistance caused by the contact properties between the active layer and the ZnO CBL. Similar electrochemical impedance spectra have been reported by Wang et al.50 for inverted OSCs. Herein, the smaller R2 in the spin-coated cells than in the DB-coated cells indicated better interfacial contact for devices fabricated through SC. The observation of a very high R2 in the A-ZnO based DB-coated cells indicated a significantly poor interfacial contact, which was in good agreement with the device performance.
To better understand the reason for the ZnO-dependent performance homogeneity, laser beam-induced current (LBIC) mapping images of these devices were recorded, and a laser beam with a wavelength of 532 nm was used as the illumination source. Photocurrent mapping images of the devices were recorded via line scanning along the scan direction of both X and Y, and finally some colourful regions corresponding to relatively weak and strong photocurrent regions could be found. The device performances of the A-ZnO SC, M-ZnO SC, A-ZnO DBC, and M-ZnO DBC devices used for the LBIC mapping are listed in Table S2.† From Fig. 4(a–d), it was found that the A-ZnO SC, M-ZnO SC and M-ZnO DBC devices showed homogeneous current distribution. However, the current mapping image of the A-ZnO CBL-based DB-coated device contained some low current regions. Such a non-uniform LBIC distribution in the A-ZnO CBL-based DB-coated device might be ascribed to the relatively poor interfacial contact between the A-ZnO CBL and the DBC active layers.
Fig. 4 LBIC mapping of the spin-coated and DB-coated PBDB-TF:IT-4F devices: (a) A-ZnO/SC, (b) M-ZnO/SC, (c) A-ZnO/DBC, and (d) M-ZnO/DBC. |
On the basis of the above observations, we can make a conclusion that the higher sensitivity of the device performance and performance homogeneity to the ZnO buffer layer both for the DB-coated fullerene and non-fullerene devices relative to that of the spin-coated device could be due to the interfacial contact. Such a considerable difference could be further attributed to the different spreading forces and drying kinetics for these two different deposition technologies. As we know, the precursor inks of the photoactive layer are spread out through continuous centrifugal forces during SC, and thus, the photoactive precursor solution could effectively spread out on the surface of the bottom buffer layer and subsequently form a homogeneous film, whether the surface roughness of the bottom buffer layer is 1.89 or 4.24 nm. In contrast, the ink droplet spreads out under the shear force of the blade during the DBC process. Since shear forces are much milder than centrifugal forces, the mild spreading force during the DBC process can lead to inferior interfacial contact. In addition, another possible reason is the different drying dynamic kinetics of the SC and DBC processes. As we know, SC and DBC of the same ink formulation at the same temperature will favor faster drying during SC. However, during the DBC process, the solution droplet might tend to shrink naturally during the slow drying process51,52 and consequently form a poor interfacial contact. Under these circumstances, the photoactive layer morphology, film roughness, and especially the interfacial contact would be greatly impacted by the bottom CBL in the case of DBC. The M-ZnO CBL with a smooth and homogeneous ZnO surface will allow intimate contact with the photoactive blend layer, therefore leading to improved performance and less performance deviation. Fig. 5 shows the simplified schematic diagram of the traditional SC and printing processes on the A-ZnO and M-ZnO CBLs. We can see that good interfacial contact could be obtained with either a relatively smooth ZnO or a rough ZnO CBL in the spin-coated devices due to the larger spreading force and appropriate drying dynamic kinetics. However, for the DB-coated devices, an inferior interfacial contact could be formed when using a rough ZnO CBL since the active layer would not be well spread on the rough surface. Based on this result, it is also reasonable to speculate that the bottom electrode buffer layer would play a more significant role in the device performance and performance reproducibility during large-area R2R printing processes, since the R2R process is very fast.
The film uniformity, including the horizontal and vertical uniformities within multiple layers, is the greatest challenge for large-area printed photovoltaics. The horizontal uniformity influences the light absorption, and the vertical uniformity influences the interface charge transport and collection. Considering that the film uniformity is a critical issue for the scaling-up of solar cells,53 it is reasonable to speculate that the impact of the ZnO buffer layer on the device performance and performance homogeneity would be enhanced in large-area R2R-printed solar cells. Therefore, we also fabricated OSCs with areas of 0.75 and 1.04 cm2via DBC. As shown in the histogram of the device performance (Fig. S5†), we found that the average performance decreased gradually with an increase in the device area in both the A-ZnO and the M-ZnO buffer layer based devices due to the synergistic decrease in JSC and FF. However, for devices with the same size, the A-ZnO-based devices showed a lower average performance and a larger performance deviation than the M-ZnO devices. In particular, the performance of the 1.04 cm2 solar cells with the A-ZnO CBL varied from 6% to 8%, showing much poorer homogeneity than the M-ZnO-based devices. For the M-ZnO CBL based solar cells, an optimized performance of 10.03% and 9.22% was observed for the area of 0.75 and 1.04 cm2, respectively.
Finally, long-term stability of the device was also tested in our experiment. The long-term stability of the devices was tested in a N2-filled glove box under continuous illumination conditions. The evolution of VOC, JSC, FF and PCE of the unencapsulated PTB7-Th:PC71BM and PBDB-TF:IT-4F devices under continuous illumination conditions in a N2-filled glove box is shown in Fig. S6† and 6, respectively. For the PTB7-Th:PC71BM devices, we found that all the decay curves of the performance parameters (VOC, JSC, FF and PCE) revealed a fast decay process within 10 h and a slow decay process during long-time illumination. After about 950 h of decay, the device retained about 60–70% efficiency of the original performance. Additionally, the SC and DBC cells showed a similar degradation behavior. And the ZnO CBLs also presented a slight influence on the degradation process both for the spin-coated and DB-coated solar cells. However for the PBDB-TF:IT-4F solar cells, the long-term degradation behavior seems to be dependent on the fabrication process and the ZnO CBLs. Specifically, all the decay curves of the VOC, JSC, FF and PCE revealed a fast decay process within 20 h and a slow decay process during long-time illumination for these four devices. The decay trend of the VOC was much slower than that of the JSC and FF, indicating that the evolution of the active layer morphology and interface degradation contribute more to the device degradation. In comparison to the DB-coated devices, the devices fabricated via SC exhibited a slightly enhanced stability either using the A-ZnO or M-ZnO CBLs. After more than 1000 h of continuous illumination and working at the maximum power output point (mpp), the device performance retained approximately 90% and 50–75% of the initial value for the spin-coated and DB-coated devices, respectively. On one hand, these results revealed the excellent long-term stability of the PBDB-TF:IT-4F heterojunction solar cells, and on the other hand, these findings demonstrated that the degradation process was significantly impacted by the fabrication process of the active layers. Herein, the spin-coated device was more stable than the DB-coated device, which might be ascribed to the different active layer morphology degradations. Moreover, these results also showed that the ZnO CBL played a significant role in the device degradation. Similar to the ZnO CBL dependent device performance of the spin-coated and DB-coated devices, the degradation trend of these cells showed a different sensitivity to the ZnO CBL. Specifically, the spin-coated devices exhibited similar decay trends with either a smooth or a rough ZnO CBL. However, in the case of DBC, the A-ZnO-based devices decayed much faster than the M-ZnO devices, indicating that the long-term stability of the DB-coated devices was also highly dependent on the morphology of the bottom buffer layers. The above observations showed that the PBDB-TF:IT-4F devices were more sensitive to the ZnO CBL than the PTB7-Th:PC71BM cells, especially in the case of DB-coated cells. Such an interesting behavior of the two systems might be because different degradation mechanisms dominated the decay processes, i.e., the photoactive layer dominated degradation for PTB7-Th:PC71BM and the interface dominated degradation for PBDB-TF:IT-4F cells, which is reasonable since the IT-4F-based cell is intrinsically more stable.38 Though the underlying reason is not clear, this result showed that it is essential to obtain good interfacial contact between the active layer and the ZnO buffer layer to ensure long lifetime of printed solar cells.
Fig. 6 Normalized (a) VOC, (b) JSC, (c) FF, and (d) PCE decay of the spin- and DB-coated PBDB-TF:IT-4F inverted solar cells. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ta08873j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |