*a and
aSchool of Food and Biological Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, P. R. China. E-mail:;;; Tel: +86 551 62901285
bThe First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital, Hefei, Anhui 230001, P. R. China
First published on 21st November 2018
To overcome the unfavorable effects of the hydrophobicity of drugs and cancer resistance, mesoporous NiS2 nanospheres (mNiS2 NSs) have been successfully developed here to package hydrophobic camptothecin (CPT) and realize the synergistic photothermal–chemotherapy of cancer. The mNiS2 NSs which were prepared through a facile solvothermal method here exhibited not only considerable near-infrared (NIR) absorption and good photothermal conversion efficiency as high as 44.6%, but also achieved a NIR light induced CPT release property which were both beneficial for improving the cancer cell-killing efficacy. After a short period of NIR light illumination, a significant intensified cell killing efficacy was observed when 4T1 or HepG2 cancer cells were incubated with CPT@mNiS2 NSs. Thus, mNiS2 NSs have been demonstrated here to have potential as a novel NIR light-responsive hydrophobic drug delivery nanoplatform for realizing synergistic cancer treatment.
It is generally accepted that single chemotherapy cannot erase cancer completely due to the complicated and interconnected disease pathways of cancer, resulting in the emergence of drug resistance and tumor recurrence.20–22 Encouraged by the fact that hyperthermia could facilitate the cellular uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs, combined thermo-chemo therapy would result in an enhanced therapeutic outcome and reduced side effects.23–25 Recently, near-infrared (NIR) light induced photothermal therapy (PTT), which can utilize light-absorbing agents to directly convert the energy of incident light into hyperthermia to locally “boil” cancer cells, has attracted great interest in combating cancer due to its minimal invasiveness and high selectivity.26–29 Thus, there would be unique advantages to integrate photothermal agents and chemotherapeutic drugs into a single nanoplatform. Up to now, although various nanoplatforms have been successfully constructed for combined photothermal–chemotherapy,30–33 the non-biodegradable characteristic of these reported inorganic nanoplatforms has hampered their clinical translation due to long-term safety concerns. Therefore, still there is an enormous demand for the development of novel degradable photothermal nanoplatforms for hydrophobic drug delivery to achieve efficient cancer cell-killing.
Recently, due to their unique physicochemical properties as well as low cost, nickel-containing nanomaterials have received great attention in various fields, including batteries, catalysis, biomedical sensors and solar cells.34–37 For instance, Ni-integrated CuS nanoparticles were developed as a novel photoacoustic (PA)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent by a doping method.38 PEGylated nickel carbide nanocrystals (Ni3C NCs) were demonstrated as an effective PTT agent for cancer therapy in vivo.39 Another paradigm is that nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO NPs) were reported for combined photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy.40 In our previous work, polyacrylic acid-functionalized Ni0.85Se nanoparticles were successfully constructed to realize PA imaging guided photothermal–chemo treatment of cancer.23 Very recently, monodispersed mesoporous NiS2 nanospheres (mNiS2 NSs) have been developed via a facile solvothermal process for producing high-rate and long-life sodium-ion batteries.36 To the best of our knowledge, developing mNiS2 NSs as a hydrophobic drug delivery nanoplatform for combined photothermal–chemotherapy owing to their good mesoporous structure has not been reported yet.
In this study, monodispersed mNiS2 NSs were prepared via a facile template-free solvothermal process according to a reported method with minor modifications (Scheme 1a).36 The as-prepared mNiS2 NSs exhibited considerable NIR absorption, gradual degradation and high photothermal conversion efficiency. Moreover, the mesoporous nanostructure could render mNiS2 NSs the ability for loading hydrophobic CPT owing to their high specific surface area. Upon NIR laser irradiation, the mNiS2 NSs could achieve not only thermo-responsive CPT release, but also synergistic photothermal–chemotherapy for killing cancer cells (Scheme 1b).
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Scheme 1 Schematic illustration of CPT@mNiS2 NSs, (a) preparation process and (b) synergistic photothermal–chemotherapy. |
The in vitro CPT release profile from CPT@mNiS2 NSs was investigated under different conditions. In detail, 1 mg CPT@mNiS2 NSs was first suspended in 1 mL DI water and then sealed in a dialysis bag (Mw = 3500) which was immersed in a centrifuge tube containing 30 mL PBS (pH = 7.4, 6.0 or 5.0) at 37 °C or 50 °C. At predetermined time intervals, typical sampling and replenish cycles were performed to monitor the release profile of CPT. Moreover, NIR laser illumination was further executed to assess the influence of NIR light/heat on the CPT release properties from CPT@mNiS2 NSs.
The localized photothermal cancer cell ablation ability of the mNiS2 NSs was further evaluated by irradiating 4T1 breast cancer cells with a NIR laser (808 nm, 2.0 W) and standard live/dead cell staining assay (green fluorescence from calcein-AM for live cells and red fluorescence from propidium iodide (PI) for dead cells). Furthermore, the intensified cell-killing effect from combined photothermal–chemotherapy was quantitatively investigated by a standard MTT assay.
Moreover, the phase structure of the as-prepared product was further characterized by XRD analysis (Fig. 1d), showing that all diffraction peaks containing the (111), (200), (210), (211), (220), (331), (222), (023) and (321) faces could be clearly assigned to the cubic NiS2 phase (JCPDS no. 65-3325), was confirmed by the results of the SAED pattern (inset of Fig. 1d). A relatively high specific BET surface area (34.0 m2 g−1) was observed (Fig. 1e), and the average pore size was calculated to be 3.4 nm (inset of Fig. 1e), indicating the mesoporous structure of the as-prepared mNiS2 NSs which is good for encapsulating anticancer drugs. In addition, as shown in Fig. 1f, except the signals of Cu, O, and C elements which were mainly from air or the sample-support substrate for the measurement, the EDS results further verify the presence of Ni and S at a molar ratio of around 1:
1.8, indicating the composition of NiS2 which is further confirmed by the results of elemental mapping showed that both Ni and S elements were evenly distributed throughout the whole nanospheres (Fig. 1g). Further confirmed by the results of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES, as 100 μg mL−1 of NPs consisted of 43.3 and 47.1 μg mL−1 of nickel and sulfur elements, respectively), a Ni/S stoichiometry was calculated to be 1
2 which demonstrated the formation of the NiS2 phase.
Moreover, XPS measurements were also performed to further analyze the surface electronic states and elemental composition of mNiS2 NSs (Fig. 2a–d). In the Ni 2p spectra (Fig. 2a), the binding energies of Ni 2p1/2 and Ni 2p3/2 for the mNiS2 NSs are observed at about 870.68 and 853.58 eV, respectively, along with two satellite peaks (abbreviated as Sat.) at about 876.38 and 859.68 eV.45 In the S 2p spectra (Fig. 2b), the peaks at about 162.28 and 163.47 eV are assigned to S 2p1/2 and S 2p3/2 of S22−, respectively, indicating the presence of S–S bonds in the mNiS2 NSs. Besides, the peaks at 168.64 eV can be attributed to S–O bonding owing to the surface oxidation of the mNiS2 NSs.46 In the C 1s spectra (Fig. 2c), the strong peak at 284.83 eV is attributed to C 1s, and it may mainly come from the PVP molecules on the surface of the mNiS2 NSs. All the binding energies are closer to the previously reported values. In addition, XPS survey spectra show the presence of O 1s due to its exposure to oxygen present in air (Fig. 2d). The XPS analysis further confirmed the formation of cubic NiS2, which is consistent with the XRD data of the mNiS2 NSs.
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Fig. 2 XPS characterization. The core level spectrum of (a) Ni 2p; (b) S 2p; (c) C 1s; (d) the survey spectrum. |
Next, the temperatures of 3.0 mL mNiS2 NS aqueous solutions with various concentrations (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 μg mL−1) were recorded under NIR light illumination (808 nm, 2.0 W cm−2). After continuously being illuminated for 10 min, the temperature was increased from 29.7 °C to 37.1 °C, 42.7 °C, 45.7 °C, 48.1 °C, and 51.4 °C, respectively, indicating an obvious concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 3d). In contrast, the temperature of DI water was increased by only 0.9 °C with the same treatment. Similarly, the temperature of the mNiS2 NS aqueous solution (50 μg mL−1) was monitored under 808 nm laser irradiation with various power, and a distinct incident-energy dependent performance was also observed (Fig. 3e). Moreover, to assess the photo-stability of the as-prepared mNiS2 NSs for the potential repeated PTT and on-demand drug release, five laser on/off cycles were used by irradiating mNiS2 NSs aqueous solution (50 μg mL−1) with an NIR laser, followed by natural cooling to ambient temperature without illumination. No significant change in temperature elevation and UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra was observed before and after five irradiation cycles, demonstrating the good photo-stability of the mNiS2 NSs (Fig. 3f and g). In addition, according to a reported method,50 the photothermal conversion efficiency of the mNiS2 NSs was calculated to be 44.6% (Fig. 3h and i), which is higher than those of other reported inorganic nanomaterials, such as Cu3BiS3 hollow nanospheres (27.5% at 980 nm),51 Cu2−xSe nanocrystals (22% at 800 nm),52 MoO3−x hollow nanospheres (22.64% at 808 nm),53 Ni3C nanocrystals (16.9% at 800 nm)39 and Prussian blue nanoparticles (36.7% at 808 nm).54 Therefore, these data indicated that mNiS2 NSs could act as a potential photothermal agent for cancer treatment.
The non-biodegradable characteristic of many reported inorganic nanomaterials hampered their further clinical translation due to long-term toxicological concerns. In this study, mNiS2 NS aqueous solutions were selectively exposed to dissolved oxygen, H2O2 (50 μM, mimic the tumor microenvironment) and a nitrogen atmosphere at 37 °C to investigate the oxidation and degradation performance of the as-prepared mNiS2 NSs. As shown in Fig. 4a and b, a gradual decrease in the hydrodynamic diameter and absorbance and the solution color change from brown to transparent were observed when mNiS2 NSs came into contact with dissolved oxygen and H2O2, indicating the occurrence of the oxidation-induced degradation process of the mNiS2 NSs. In contrast, the mNiS2 NS solutions kept in the nitrogen atmosphere showed no significant change in color, hydrodynamic diameter and absorbance, suggesting that oxygen/H2O2 should be a vital factor in the degradation process of the mNiS2 NSs. The gradual oxidation and degradation performance of the mNiS2 NSs when exposed to dissolved oxygen and H2O2 would allow them to be used as a degradable nanoplatform due to the relatively high concentration of dissolved oxygen in blood and H2O2 in the tumor microenvironment. Thereafter, typical hemolysis and MTT assays were both performed to investigate the cytotoxicity of the mNiS2 NSs. As shown in Fig. 4c, the mNiS2 NSs showed no observable hemolysis effect with a concentration as high as 200 μg mL−1, demonstrating their safety when circulated in the blood pool. Additionally, a typical MTT assay was used to characterize the cell viability of HUVECs when incubated with mNiS2 NSs as long as 48 h. As expected, the as-prepared mNiS2 NSs were largely biocompatible as the relative cell viability remains exceeding 90% in comparison to negative groups as incubated with 200 μg mL−1 of mNiS2 NSs for 48 h (Fig. 4d).
Afterwards, inspired by the good photothermal conversion efficiency and biocompatibility of mNiS2 NSs, the potential of the mNiS2 NSs as a hydrophobic drug delivery vehicle has been revealed due to the amphipathic nature of PVP stabilizers which distributed on all of the pore structures. Compared to free CPT and mNiS2 NSs, the obtained CPT@mNiS2 NSs acquired characteristic absorption of both free CPT and mNiS2 NSs (Fig. 4e), while no significant change of morphology (Fig. S2, ESI†) and hydrodynamic diameter (Fig. 4f) occurred between mNiS2 NSs and CPT@mNiS2 NSs. Unlike the results of the UV-vis-NIR spectra, the fluorescence intensity of CPT in CPT@mNiS2 NSs nearly disappeared when compared to that of free CPT with an equivalent amount, which could be visualized more easily from the fluorescence image (Fig. 4g). This phenomenon was ascribed to the aggregated state of CPT in CPT@mNiS2 NSs, demonstrating the successful CPT loading in mNiS2 NSs (CPT loading capacity: 15.6%). The mesoporous structure of the mNiS2 NSs (BET surface area of 25.2 m2 g−1) and pore size (3.1 nm) were still preserved after CPT loading (Fig. S3, ESI†), guaranteeing the successful release of loaded CPT. Thereafter, the in vitro CPT release profile was investigated by using a typical dialysis method. As seen in Fig. 4h, unlike the temperature-responsive CPT release profile, no obvious pH-responsive CPT release behavior was observed which may be due to the fact that no acidic protonation or degradation of either CPT or mNiS2 NSs occurred in a mild acidic environment. Different from the influence of the acidic environment, irradiation with an NIR laser would increase the accumulative release amount of CPT from about 18.0% to 30% during 12 h when incubated with neutral PBS owing to the accelerated molecular movement in a heated solution (Fig. 4i).
A standard MTT assay was further used to quantitatively investigate the synergistic cancer cell-killing effect of combined photothermal–chemotherapy. As depicted in Fig. 5b, without NIR light illumination, mNiS2 NSs showed low toxicity as the cell viability of 4T1 cancer cells remained exceeding 90% even after incubation with mNiS2 NSs (150 μg mL−1) for 24 h. Due to the sustained CPT release from CPT@mNiS2 NSs, CPT@mNiS2 NSs exhibited relatively weak cell-killing efficiency in comparison to free CPT with an equivalent concentration. In contrast, significant cell death was observed when 4T1 cancer cells were treated with mNiS2 NSs or CPT@mNiS2 NSs plus NIR light irradiation due to the generation of hyperthermia, exhibiting a concentration/irradiation energy dependent manner. Importantly, the CPT@mNiS2 NSs plus NIR laser irradiation exhibited a synergistic cell-killing effect in comparison to single chemotherapy (free CPT) or PTT (mNiS2 NSs plus NIR laser irradiation). For instance, with 1 min of NIR laser irradiation (808 nm, 2.0 W cm−2), the 4T1 cancer cell viability was 65.8% or 76.8% when treated with mNiS2 NSs or free CPT (the equivalent NS concentration was 20 μg mL−1), respectively. Satisfyingly, an obvious lower cell survival (30.7%) was observed when 4T1 cells were subjected to combined treatment of CPT@mNiS2 NSs and NIR light illumination. In addition, a similar enhanced cell-killing effect was realized when HepG2 cancer cells were treated with CPT@mNiS2 NSs plus NIR light illumination (Fig. S4, ESI†), indicating the universality of the as-prepared CPT@mNiS2 NSs for cancer cell elimination. Furthermore, the heat generated from CPT@mNiS2 NSs under NIR laser irradiation could promote the intracellular uptake of CPT due to the accelerated metabolism and fluidity of the cell membrane (Fig. 6a). For instance, upon treatment with 100 μg mL−1 of CPT@mNiS2 NSs and 5 min NIR laser irradiation, the generated heat could nearly double the amount of intracellular CPT in comparison to the group treated with free CPT (Fig. 6b). Therefore, these data demonstrated that the mNiS2 NSs prepared here were able to serve as a vehicle for loading hydrophobic cancer drugs to achieve a synergistic cancer cell-killing effect.
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Fig. 6 Characterization of heat-promoted CPT uptake. (a) Fluorescence image of 4T1 cells; (b) quantitative analysis of the fluorescence intensity of intracellular CPT. |
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Morphology of CPT@mNiS2 NSs, the cell viability of HepG2 cancer cells, etc. See DOI: 10.1039/c8tb02473a |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |