* and
School of Materials Science & Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, P. R. China. E-mail: wangjl@ujs.edu.cn; junleewang@yahoo.com
First published on 4th November 2019
Antimony selenide (Sb2Se3) is a low-toxic, element-abundant, narrow bandgap (Eg = ∼1.1–1.3 eV) semiconductor that shows potential for UV-Visible-Near-infrared optoelectronic applications. This paper reports the use of potassium selenocyanate (KSeCN) as a novel molecular selenium source to synthesize Sb2Se3 uniform nanorods. The resulting nanorods have been carefully characterized and are found to exhibit decent photoconductivity as well as broad-spectrum optical absorption with an Eg value of ∼1.35 eV. A molecular reaction mechanism is rationally proposed and evidenced for forming Sb2Se3, which is related to the thermal decomposition of selenocyanate (SeCN−) anions through the cleaving of Se–CN bonds to elemental Se(0), followed by its reduction to Se2− anions. Our work using KSeCN offers an alternative method for the synthesis of metal selenides with desirable nanostructures and properties.
On the other hand, the wet chemistry routes mainly involve liquid-mediated hydrothermal/solvothermal8–14 and oil-bath reflux processes/colloidal approches.15–18 Likewise, the microwave-assisted solution synthesis,19 successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method,20 electrodeposition method,21 and dissolution process in the organic amine–thiol mixture followed by recrystallization via spin-cast deposition and annealing22,23 can also be classified as wet chemistry strategies. In these methods, different kinds of selenium sources have been selected to prepare Sb2Se3 NWs/NRs or its thin films. For example, elemental Se powder, selenium dioxide (SeO2) and sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) containing zero or positively valent Se could serve as selenium sources after they are reduced to divalent Se2− anions by certain reductants, such as sodium sulfite (Na2SO3),9,21 NaBH4,10,11,20 hydrazine hydrate (N2H4·H2O)12–15 and organic amines.16,19 Other Se precursors containing Se2−, such as dibenzyldiselenide (C6H5CH2SeSeCH2C6H5),8 a single-source molecular precursor (C15H38Cl6N8OSb2Se4),17 and selenourea,18 were also reported to synthesize Sb2Se3 NWs and NRs.
Potassium selenocyanate (KSeCN) is a commercially available, inexpensive, ambient-stable reagent, and more significantly, it is a soluble salt in protic solvents and non-protic polar solvents, such as water, methanol, ethanol, DMF, DMSO, NMP, and acetonitrile.24,25 These features make KSeCN to be widely used not only in organic selenide/selenocyanate synthesis24–26 and inorganic coordination chemistry,27 but also in the wet chemistry synthesis of inorganic metal selenide compounds. In an early report, CdSe thin films could be prepared by an electrodeposition process in the aqueous solution of Cd2+ and KSeCN,28 where SeCN− is electrochemically reduced to Se2− for the generation of CdSe. Similarly, the growth of CdSe nanocrystals could be performed by immersing Cd2+-doped porous silica matrix in a solution of acidic water and KSeCN; the researchers proposed that SeCN− anions produce H2Se gas by electrophilic substitution and then react with Cd2+ ions.29 Recently, Kukunuri et al. reported the hydrothermal synthesis of NiSe hexagons by using KSeCN as a selenium source and N2H4·H2O as a reductant.30
Herein, we demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, the use of KSeCN as a molecular selenium source for preparing Sb2Se3 NRs through an oleylamine-mediated reflux method. The as-obtained NRs and their optoelectronic properties have been carefully characterized and evaluated. A molecular reaction mechanism involving a two-step thermolysis and reduction process from SeCN− to Se(0) and then to Se2− is proposed and substantiated for the production of Sb2Se3.
The synthesis of Sb2Se3 nanorods is similar to the method we recently reported for Bi2S3 and Sb2S3.31 In a typical procedure, 0.5 mmol SbCl3 (0.114 g, 99.98%) and 10 ml oleylamine (OLA, 80–90%, technical grade; boiling point: 348–350 °C) were added into a 50 ml three-necked flask, and the flask was heated to 200 °C. After 20 min of magnetic stirring at 200 °C, 1 mmol KSeCN (0.144 g, 99%, solid powder) was added and the reaction continued at this temperature for 1 hour. Caution: The whole synthetic procedure was protected under an Ar flow and carried out in a fume hood, since highly harmful HCN gas may be produced. When naturally cooled to room temperature, the black Sb2Se3 products were collected by centrifugation, washed with an n-hexane/ethanol mixture (two times) and a 5:
1 (v/v) ethanol/deionized water mixture (two times) to remove organic solvents and inorganic salts, and finally dried at 60 °C. Without washing with ethanol/water, KCl would be present in the products as an inorganic salt side-product, as discussed later.
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Fig. 1 (a) XRD pattern, (b and c) SEM and TEM images, and (d) HRTEM image and FFT pattern (inset) of the Sb2Se3 NRs prepared using the 1![]() ![]() |
We will show and discuss our results for the Sb2Se3 sample prepared with a 1:
2 SbCl3/KSeCN molar ratio. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, shown in Fig. 1b and c, clearly prove the nanorod-like morphology for the as-prepared Sb2Se3 products. Our statistical data (100 NRs) reveal the dimensional sizes of the Sb2Se3 NRs, that is, the average diameter is ∼100 nm and the length spans 1–2 micrometers. EDS elemental analysis verifies the chemical composition of ∼2
3 Sb
Se for these Sb2Se3 NRs (Fig. S1, ESI†). The crystal growth feature and lattice structure of the Sb2Se3 NRs were further investigated by high-resolution TEM (HRTEM, Fig. 1d). The result reveals the single-crystal characteristic and the favorable [001] growth direction for these NRs, which is in good agreement with the previous reports on Sb2Se3 NRs or NWs.7,8,12,13,15,19 The [001]-oriented growth habit is driven by the highly anisotropic crystal structure of orthorhombic Sb2Se3, which is composed of 1D (Sb4Se6)n ribbons as its basic building blocks. These ribbons extend along the [001] direction by the Sb–Se covalent bonds inside individual ribbons but they are linked with each other by the van der Waals attraction in the [100] and [010] crystal orientations.7,8,13 The extension of 1D (Sb4Se6)n ribbons in the [001] orientation endows Sb2Se3 NRs or NWs with the preferable [001]-grown feature.
The growth processes of the Sb2Se3 NRs were investigated by TEM characterization of the intermediate products obtained at earlier stages with short reaction times (20 and 40 min). As shown in Fig. S2,† a mixture of NRs and nanotubes were generated when the reaction duration was 20 min and they completely transformed into NRs by increasing the reaction time to 40 min. The presence of Sb2Se3 nanotubes at the early stage of the reaction was further proven by SEM studies, from which hollow cylinder-like tubes are clearly observed (Fig. S2g and h†). The production of a NR and nanotube mixture has been previously reported by Christian et al. for the octylamine-mediated synthesis of Sb2Se3 nanomaterials.16b These time-dependent experimental results suggest that NRs can be evolved from nanotubes by prolonging the reaction time.
The surface state and purity of the Sb2Se3 NRs were revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. In the high-resolution XPS spectrum of the Sb 3d core-level, two strong major peaks with binding energies (BEs) located respectively at 528.2 and 537.6 eV (an energy split of ∼9.4 eV) are due to Sb–Se from Sb2Se3, as shown in Fig. 2a.8,11 Meanwhile, two shoulder peaks with BEs of 529.6 (3d5/2) and 539.0 eV (3d3/2), which are up-shifted by 1.4 eV relative to the two major Sb–Se peaks, can be attributed to the formation of Sb2O3 (Sb–O) at the surface.11,31 The O 1s peak, appearing at 532.2 eV, suggests the presence of surface adsorbed oxygen species (e.g., OH−, O−, and H2O),11,32 which may be removed by heating or Ar ion sputtering.33Fig. 2b shows the high-resolution Se 3d XPS spectrum, in which the BE values (Se 3d5/2: 53.5 eV and Se 3d3/2: 54.3 eV) match well with Se2− for Sb2Se3.8,11,34 The neighboring peaks with weaker intensity and a relatively high BE (3d5/2: 55.2 eV and 3d3/2: 55.9 eV) can be due to the presence of a trace amount of elemental Se(0) in the products. The BE difference and assignment in the Se(0) and Se2− 3d core-level XPS spectra are consistent with the previous reports.34,35 As revealed in the XPS survey spectrum (Fig. S3 in the ESI†), only Sb, Se, C and O elemental signals are detectable, verifying the high chemical purity of the as-prepared Sb2Se3 sample.
The surface oxidation and purity of the Sb2Se3 NRs could be further assessed by Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 3a). In brief, the Raman-active peak at 188 cm−1 and its relatively weak shoulder peak at 210 cm−1 are assigned to Sb2Se3,7,36 whereas those located at 188 (strong), 252 (strong), and 451 (weak) cm−1 are considered to be from surface oxide Sb2O3.7,36 A Similar Raman spectrum was also measured for the Sb2Se3 NRs that were prepared using a 1:
3 SbCl3/KSeCN precursor ratio besides the same crystal structure and morphology (Fig. S4, ESI†).
The UV-visible absorption spectrum of the Sb2Se3 NRs was recorded (Fig. 3b), from which a broad, strong absorbance peak is present in the range of 400–900 nm. Its band gap energy (Eg) can be derived to be ∼1.35 eV according to the Tauc plot of (αhν)n = B(hν − Eg) (n = 2 for a direct bandgap semiconductor; inset of Fig. 3b).7,15,18,34,37 Such an absorption nature and narrow band gap will enable the Sb2Se3 NRs as a superior optically-active material for applications in solar cells and visible-NIR photodetectors. A prototype device with an indium tin oxide (ITO)/Sb2Se3 NRs/ITO structure (inset of Fig. 3c)31 was made to investigate the photoelectronic properties of the Sb2Se3 NRs. Under irradiation with simulated sunlight (400–780 nm; 100 mW cm−2) or nearly monochromatic light of different wavelengths (e.g. blue: 450 nm, green: 550 nm, and red: 650 nm; ∼18 mW cm−2), an obviously enhanced photocurrent is detectable in the current–voltage (I–V) and time-dependent current (I–t) curves (Fig. 3c and d). This device shows good photostability during the time-dependent ON/OFF switching process as revealed by the I–t curves. Considering the surface oxidation, it is considered that the Sb2Se3 NRs can serve as an oxidation-resistant photoconductor used for optoelectronic devices, although the on/off ratio, the device structure and the quality of the Sb2Se3 film are needed to be further optimized.
Lastly, we investigate the chemical reaction process for the synthesis of Sb2Se3 from KSeCN. Firstly, as shown in reaction (1), selenocyanate (SeCN−) anions are thermally decomposed into cyanide ions (CN−) and elemental Se(0) via the cleaving of Se–CN bonds especially in the presence of reducing agents, for instance, organic amines (i.e., OLA) in this work. Similar reaction processes have been reported for the transformation of SeCN− into CN− and organic selenides24,25 or the cellular reducing process of SeCN− to elemental Se(0).38 Furthermore, it was found that KSeCN can be directly decomposed into KCN and Se(0), which is an amorphous red solid.39 The detailed analysis of the Se 3d XPS spectrum (Fig. 2b) indicates that there is a trace Se(0) impurity in the Sb2Se3 sample obtained at 1:
2 SbCl3/KSeCN. As further revealed by the XPS result shown in Fig. 4a, the amount of elemental Se(0) impurity in Sb2Se3 significantly increased when a higher molar proportion of KSeCN, namely 1
10 SbCl3/KSeCN (0.1 mmol per 1 mmol), was used for the synthesis (at 220 °C for 1 h). The confirmation of the Se(0) generation supports the validity of the dissociation reaction in reaction (1).
SeCN− → Se(0) + CN− | (1) |
Se(0) + 2e− → Se2− | (2) |
3Se2− + 2Sb3+ → Sb2Se3 | (3) |
3KSeCH + 2SbCl3 + 6e− → Sb2Se3 + 3KCl + 3Cl− + 3CN− | (4) |
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Fig. 4 (a) Se 3d core-level XPS spectrum of the sample prepared at 1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The newly-yielded Se(0) can be then readily reduced to selenium anions (Se2−) through the thermal reduction process by OLA (see reaction (2)) at elevated temperatures. It is a common phenomenon that the elemental Se and S powders could be reduced to their divalent anions by octylamine, OLA or ODE (1-octadecene).16b,19,40–42 Metal cations would promote such a reduction process because of the formation of metal selenide precipitates.42 SeCN− is known as an IR-active group with a strong stretching frequency at ∼2070 cm−1 in the IR spectrum.27,39 The FT-IR spectra in Fig. 4b indicate that SeCN− exists in the Sb2Se3 sample prepared at 1:
10 SbCl3/KSeCN, but not in the sample prepared at 1
2 SbCl3/KSeCN (two samples for IR studies were not washed with ethanol/water to remove the KSeCN residue for it is soluble in water). This result confirms that a suitable amount of Sb3+ can result in the complete dissociation of SeCN− to Se(0) and then to Se2− ions for the formation of Sb2Se3. Finally, an Sb2Se3 NR-like crystal grows by the cation–anion combination reaction between Sb3+ and Se2− (reaction (3)).
Overall, the whole molecular reaction mechanism for synthesizing Sb2Se3 NRs can be summarized as reaction (4). As side-products, inorganic salts and ions such as KCl, Cl− and CN− can be removed through ethanol/deionized water washing. If without this washing step, KCl will be clearly present in the Sb2Se3 NRs, which is evidenced by powder XRD studies, but KCN could not be detected (see Fig. S4a and S5, ESI†). The absence of KCN is further supported by the FT-IR spectrum (Fig. 4b, red line), in which the stretching mode due to free cyanide (CN−) at ∼2190 cm−1 (ref. 39) does not appear. At the same time, the FT-IR spectrum does not provide evidence for the existence of CN− ions in the final organic liquid reaction solvent (Fig. S6, ESI†). The concentration of CN− ions in the remaining organic solvent might be very low such that they cannot be clearly detected in the FT-IR spectrum. Another possibility is that CN− ions were discharged out with an Ar flow from the reaction flask in the form of HCN gas, which might be generated by the reaction of CN− with H+ that is released via the OLA thermolysis.40,42 Thus, it is necessary to perform the synthetic experiments in a fume hood. A highly harmful, volatile HCN gas could be collected by NaOH aqueous solution and further converted to low-toxicity substances by suitable removal methods43 or to organic amides and even carboxylic acids by hydration and hydrolysis reactions.44,45
The employment of KSeCN as a Se precursor could be extended to the preparation of Bi2Se3 nanosheets in OLA with the same reaction temperature and time (at 200 °C, 1 hour). The morphology and composition characterization results are shown in Fig. S7.† The corresponding reaction processes should follow the ones proposed for the formation of Sb2Se3 (reactions 1–4).
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Fig. S1–S7: TEM and SEM images, EDS and Raman spectra, XPS survey spectra, and XRD patterns of the Sb2Se3 samples prepared using different Sb/Se precursor ratios or at earlier reaction stages; FT-IR spectrum of liquid solution obtained after material synthesis; TEM and EDS results of Bi2Se3 nanosheets. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ce01399g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |