Joseph T.
Jessica C.
Joshua W.
Forrest P.
Ryan C.
Ambarish R.
Christopher J.
e and
Jesús M.
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey, Puerto Rico 00736, USA
cStanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA
dDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA
eDepartment of Chemistry, D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY 14201, USA
First published on 21st August 2019
Presented herein is an investigation of a promising ternary metal sulfide catalyst that is capable of electrochemically converting CO2 to liquid and gas fuels such as methanol and hydrogen. When promoted by copper, an extended structure of Chevrel-phase Mo6S8 clusters is capable of reducing CO2 and CO to methanol in aqueous conditions with an overpotential of −0.4 V vs. RHE. H2 gas is simultaneously and preferentially evolved during this process, contributing to total current densities as high as 35 mA cm−2. It has been observed that Cu2Mo6S8 displays unique catalytic activity in terms of product selectivity, and we attribute this activity to molybdenum sulfide cluster units based on the results of structural, electronic, and electroanalytical characterization. Also discussed is the formulation of an interesting electronic structure–function correlation founded on the basis of X-ray absorption spectroscopic analyses and corroborated by the results of electroanalytical evaluation, where it has been observed that introduction of metal promoting species into the Chevrel-phase framework encourages charge transfer into cluster chalcogen sites.
New conceptsSelective electrocatalyst materials comprised of Earth-abundant elements have been synthetic targets for years, although a lack of fundamental studies of catalyst electronic structure has hindered the progress of rational material design thus far. In this work, fundamental insights gleaned from electrochemistry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy are utilized in order to elucidate the role of metal promotion on active site geometry and electronic structure. As it relates to electrocatalytic CO2 reduction, the electronic structures of transition metal sulfide active sites have been tremendously under-investigated experimentally, hence the evidence presented in this work that demonstrates potential tunability of active site functionality may usher a new paradigm in experimental evaluation of energy conversion materials. |
Transition metal chalcogenides are capable of withstanding reductive potentials over wide pH ranges,7 and are among the best earth-abundant hydrogen evolution catalysts under extreme pH conditions.8,9 Moreover, transition metal chalcogenide materials have been studied for decades, owing to their tunable electronic, structural, and catalytic properties.10–14 Chevrel-phase (CP) sulfides with formula MxMo6S8 (M = transition metal or alkali metal, x = 0–4) have been the subject of much study due to their high-temperature superconducting behavior, as well as their reputation as the first functional multivalent battery cathode materials.15–17 To the best of our knowledge, despite numerous studies evaluating their performance as hydrodesulfurization, hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction, and oxygen evolution catalysts, no experimental work has elucidated the ability of Chevrel-phase materials to reduce CO2.8,14,18–20 The chemical composition of catalytically active sites for small-molecule electroreduction is known to have a direct effect on the adsorption strength of reaction intermediates, largely stemming from modulation of electronic structure and subtle alterations in the geometry of binding sites.21–24 In the context of heterogeneous catalyst surfaces, the former is known as the “ligand effect,” and often, changes to electronic structure through compositional modification lead to accompanying effects associated with unique active-site “ensembles,” wherein neighboring atoms at catalytically active binding sites afford unique coordination interactions for intermediate species with varying energetic favorability.25,26 In other words, the presence of multiple elements at an active binding site can afford a distribution of diverse and distinctive coordination environments for reaction intermediates—effectively allowing for independent variation of binding strength for preceding and succeeding adsorbates with relevance in a given catalytic reaction. These phenomena are illustrated graphically in Fig. 1 where intermediate binding over a metallic surface is compared to binding over a surface with a ternary active-site ensemble. Recent computational studies by Liu et al. suggest that CP sulfides may be promising candidates as selective catalysts for the formation of methanol, both from CO2 and from syngas (CO and H2).26,27 Specifics of a potential reaction mechanism are discussed later in this work, although it is noteworthy that key intermediate species in the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) such as CO* and HCO* are thought to be stabilized at Mo binding sites by cationic promoting species, while adjacent S atoms facilitate sequential hydrogenation toward an energy-dense product.26,28 Binding strengths to these two intermediates in particular are often key factors in the rate of CO2 reduction to liquid fuels; hence it is critical that materials which promote favorable binding are investigated.25
In this work, we report the unique catalytic ability of the Cu2Mo6S8 CP to reduce both CO2 and CO to methanol without also producing a myriad of other CO2RR products, and we provide a rationale for such behavior through interpretation of complimentary electronic and local structure analysis.
Catalyst morphology and composition were analyzed before and after electrolysis using an FEI (Hillsboro, OR) 430 Nano Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an FEI Scios DualBeam SEM with an Oxford Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector, respectively. Further elemental analysis was completed using a PHI Versaprobe 3 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) to determine catalyst surface composition and oxidation state before and after electrolysis. Additional structural and electronic information was acquired through ex situ XAS at SSRL beam lines 4-1 and 4-3 using hard and soft/tender X-rays, respectively, in order to acquire X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) information for Cu, Mo, and S.
Detailed experimental methods related to electrochemical and computational analyses have been included for reference in the ESI.†
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Fig. 3 K-Edge XANES for Cu in Cu2Mo6S8 with a Cu0 foil for reference (a), K-edge XANES for Mo in Cu2Mo6S8 and Mo6S8, with a Mo0 foil for reference (b), and K-edge XANES for S in Cu2Mo6S8 and Mo6S8 (c). A reference scan using Na2S2O3 is shown in Fig. S6 of the ESI.† |
After multiple scans of the EXAFS region for all elemental components of Cu2Mo6S8 and un-promoted Mo6S8, it has been determined that all observed bond lengths are similar to expected values within the uncertainties of the fit. EXAFS information and theoretical fittings plotted in magnitude and real space for Mo and Cu are shown in Fig. 4a–d where we observe qualitatively different local Mo coordination when promoting species are present compared to un-promoted Mo6S8. Quantitative bond length information extracted from the EXAFS analysis shown in Fig. 4 is discussed in detail below.
When the target molecule was changed from CO2 to CO in a 0.1 M NaHCO3 solution, an NMR signal for formate was no longer observed, but the signal for methanol remained. This is evidence that the undesirable formate pathway was entirely suppressed upon removal of CO2 from the electrochemical cell. This observation is consistent with multiple accounts from literature that report a general lack of formate production when CO is implemented as a reduction feedstock, likely due to the impracticality of switching adsorbate-electrode coordination from C to O, as well as the required insertion of an additional oxygen atom.36Fig. 5b and e details this result by providing the insets required to visualize formate and methanol production or lack thereof when the electrochemical cell was purged with CO prior to electrolysis. To confirm that observed product formation in this study was the result of CO2 or CO reduction and not electrolyte interactions, N2 was purged into a near-neutral pH, 0.1 M NaHCO3 solution and controlled potential electrolysis was again performed at −1.0 V vs. RHE. Notably, during these N2 control experiments, neither formate nor methanol was observed, as shown in Fig. 5c and f.
As seen in Fig. S7 (ESI†), it was found that reductive current was dominated by hydrogen evolution. This is evidenced by large geometric current densities for hydrogen evolution compared to those for CO2RR products. It is worth noting however, that no systematic attempts were made to minimize hydrogen evolution on these CP catalysts through modifications to operating conditions (e.g. ionic liquid electrolyte,37 gas-diffusion methodologies38) or electrochemical cell constructs. In addition to inhibition of the parasitic formate pathway when CO2 is not present in solution, we see in Fig. S8 (ESI†) a general trend that faradaic efficiencies for methanol conversion from CO increase relative to those from CO2 at the same potentials. That is, despite lower solubility in water than CO2, CO is more efficiently converted to methanol on the Cu2Mo6S8 surface although geometric current densities are not entirely dissimilar between CO2 and CO reduction, indicative that hydrogen evolution remains the predominant reaction over these surfaces.
It was observed that Cu2Mo6S8 maintained its electrocatalytic performance over the course of multiple hours of electrolysis, even at the most negative potentials applied. This is evident in Fig. S9 (ESI†) by the stability of the reductive current over time. Further, catalyst stability is evidenced by high-resolution XPS spectra presented in Fig. S5 (ESI†) which indicate no significant changes to the catalyst surface aside from slight oxidation upon exposure to moisture and oxygen following chronoamperometry experiments, illustrated by the evolution of a Mo6+ signal in Fig. S10 (ESI†). Fig. S11 (ESI†) also shows survey scans of the catalyst surface before and after electrolysis which indicate no plating of foreign metals that could yield false positives of product formation. Lastly, to confirm product formation was not the result of chemical degradation, NMR and GC-TCD analyses were completed on a CO2-purged Na2CO3 electrolyte after Cu2Mo6S8 was left in solution at open circuit for 12 hours. Shown in Fig. S12 (ESI†), no products were detected after this experiment. Furthermore, H2S production which would indicate surface degradation during electrolysis was monitored via GC-MS. As shown in Fig. S13 (ESI†), no H2S production (m/z = 34) was observed. H2S was also un-detected qualitatively.
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Fig. 6 Density of states for Mo6S8 (a) and Cu2Mo6S8 (b) calculated using the HSE06 functional. A noticeable DOS increase at more negative energies indicates charge transfer to the S atoms as evidenced by XAS. The grey region shows the d10 electronic configuration of Cu(I). Respective structures are represented above where Mo are blue spheres, S are yellow spheres, and Cu are red spheres. Further confirmation of charge transfer to S atoms can be seen in Fig. S18 (ESI†) which shows the result of Bader charge analysis. |
The absence of pre-edge features in the Mo K-edge XANES data shown in Fig. 3b, a signature of s → d-orbital transitions, suggested that the d-orbitals are fully occupied and/or there is little to no orbital mixing between p and d orbitals which indicates octahedral symmetry. The minimal shift in absorption onset and lack of alteration in the features of the near-edge spectra for Cu2Mo6S8 and Mo6S8 indicate insignificant change in the electronic structure of the Mo species.42 Mo K-edge EXAFS signals and modeling for Mo6S8 and Cu2Mo6S8 indicate a dramatic difference in local Mo coordination after Cu incorporation. The Mo6S8 has a lone peak (Fig. 4b) centered around 2.0 Å that originates from Mo–S nearest-neighbor scatterers with an additional shoulder feature near 2.5 Å. The diminished peak results from a shift in the Mo–S bond distances with axial Mo–S distances increasing to 2.57 Å. Upon Cu incorporation, Mo–Mo bond distances contract toward uniform distances (2.67 Å and 2.73 Å) and constructively interfere to form a new peak. Fitting parameters are included in Tables S2–S4 (ESI†), while aforementioned bond lengths for dominant/degenerate scatterers are shown in Table S5 (ESI†). The fitted bond lengths support small shifts in scattering distances that correlate between the Mo K-edge and Cu K-edge EXAFS modelling in Cu2Mo6S8. These results match closely with those corresponding to a series of magnesiated MgxMo6S8 compounds that was recently published.43 This previous work by Prendergast et al. showed that charge compensation during the introduction of an electron donating species actually proceeds through chalcogen atoms—this phenomenon is intriguing because charge compensation during intercalation usually results in monotonic oxidation of transition metal species, although in this case the delocalized electronic nature of the Mo6 cluster creates low-lying d-orbitals in CPs, hence such behavior was not observed for the CP sulfides studied here.44–46
The Mo6S8 cluster is deficient by four electrons and is metastable, requiring donation of at least two additional electrons in order for an extended structure to be directly synthesized.47 The oxidation state of Cu in Cu2Mo6S8 was verified as Cu(I) in earlier studies of the phase, and XPS results (Fig. S5, ESI†) closely match those of Cu2S.32,48 Hence, incorporation of Cu2 into Mo6S8 induces the donation of two electrons, serving the dual purpose of rendering the framework thermodynamically stable while simultaneously filling available S 3p orbitals and thereby raising the reactivity of the S p-band.23 This filling of the S p-orbitals can clearly be seen in the S K-edge comparison at 2471 eV between Cu2Mo6S8 and Mo6S8 in Fig. 3c, and is further exemplified graphically in the partial density of states (PDOS) calculations shown in Fig. 6b where a clear increase in S 3p PDOS at more negative energies indicates that charge is in fact transferred to S atoms in the structure upon ternary metal incorporation.
X-Ray absorption by S will cause core electrons to excite from 1s → 3p orbitals that mix to some degree with Mo 4d orbitals, giving rise to a small pre-edge shoulder that can be clearly seen in the S K-edge XANES spectra at approximately 2471 eV in Fig. 3c. As Cu donates electrons to the metal-sulfide cluster, these S orbitals are filled and the pre-edge feature diminishes in magnitude.41 The feature also appears to sharpen, as fewer transitions are left available for core S electrons. Interestingly, the aforementioned MgxMo6S8 study shows experimental data that indicates a completely masked pre-edge shoulder for Mg2Mo6S8 S K-edge XANES.43 This is because two Mg atoms would donate a total of four electrons, completing the ideal electron configuration of Mo6S8 and eliminating available pre-edge transitions.40,43 In contrast, Cu2Mo6S8 only yields two donated electrons (from two Cu+), hence the shoulder feature is still present and available S 3p orbitals are not completely filled.
To interpret the observed reactivity of CP sulfides in this work, we correlate potentially increased reactivity of the chalcogen species to this filling of 3p orbitals, as shown in the PDOS included in Fig. 6b. It is hypothesized that CO hydrogenation will be the rate-limiting step in the CO2RR to liquid fuels, hence being able to surmount the energy barrier associated with this step will rely strongly on the ability of the catalyst to facilitate hydrogenation. Thus, increasing the population of the S p-band should increase the reactivity of the chalcogen atoms which are thought to play a key role in hydrogenation.26,27
Although faradaic yields for CO2RR products are low as a result of competing hydrogen evolution and mass transport limitations, methanol production efficiency as much as doubled at some potentials when CO was introduced as the target for reduction (Fig. S8, ESI†). This is a strong indicator that the pathway for methanol production on CP catalysts does proceed via CO hydrogenation as expected, and further indicates either that the interaction between CO2 and the Mo6S8 units is weaker than between CO and Mo6S8, or that non-polar and sparingly soluble CO2 does not readily diffuse to the polarized electrode/electrolyte interface during electrolysis—either (or both) situation may be the case.
The Cu2Mo6S8 catalyst investigated here displays among the lowest reported overpotentials for electrochemical methanol production in aqueous media.52 Based upon the results of this work, it is hypothesized that CP sulfides promote a reaction pathway that involves CO hydrogenation to methanol, and in order to reach the CO* intermediate of the CO2RR, it has been calculated that an associative mechanism occurs which involves the formation of an HOCO* intermediate as shown in Fig. S17 (ESI†), followed by an H2O*CO* intermediate. Formation of water through the reverse water-gas shift reaction may improve the energetics associated with a CO cleavage that is inevitably required for methanol production from CO2. This hypothesis seems reasonable, as the Mo d-band center is relatively low-lying with respect to the Fermi level, and is therefore not prone to directly break a C
O bond;23,27 the PDOS results presented here for Mo6S8 and Cu2Mo6S8 also support this Mo d-band positioning which can also be seen in Fig. 6. This hypothesis is supported by the production of methanol rather than methane by Cu2Mo6S8 in CO2 and CO saturated solutions.
To further confound the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to methanol, production of methanol on a CP catalyst likely proceeds through the previously discussed CO hydrogenation pathway in multiple steps. The suspected rate-limiting CO hydrogenation step is likely to involve a large activation energy barrier owing to the high transition state energy required to yield the HCO* intermediate.26,27 While extensive intermediate studies have yet to be performed for Cu2Mo6S8, the relatively significant increase in FE towards methanol production when the target CO2 molecule was replaced by CO suggests that the reaction does proceed via CO hydrogenation, and that the reaction rate is inherently limited by weak adsorption interactions between catalyst active sites and CO2. Moreover, we believe that the simultaneous production of formate over CP surfaces when CO2 is the target molecule for reduction is the result of insufficient stabilization of the *HOCO intermediate (predicted by theory) relative to the HCOO* intermediate that follows proton-coupled electron-transfer to *CO2.26,27
To increase faradaic yields for CO2RR products compared with the HER, implementation of an electrolyte cation with a greater specific adsorptivity to the electrode surface may serve to tune the electric potential at the outer Helmholtz plane such that proton migration may be suppressed and partially negative atoms within CO2RR intermediate species may be further stabilized.53,54
We have demonstrated that Cu2Mo6S8, although previously unexplored as a CO2 reduction electrocatalyst, is capable of producing methanol—albeit at low partial current densities and low overall efficiency relative to hydrogen evolution. However, this reactivity was observed in aqueous electrolyte, at low overpotentials, and with a unique degree of selectivity relative to many existing electrocatalysts.49,52,55 Only two liquid-phase CO2 reduction products, formate and methanol, were formed during electrolysis on the investigated catalysts. Further, the competing formate pathway was successfully suppressed by the alternative implementation of a CO target molecule, which yielded methanol as the lone liquid-phase product.
It will be of significant fundamental value to incorporate advanced spectroscopic analyses that allow for identification of adsorbed reaction intermediates as a function of applied potential. This avenue of future exploration, in tandem with an operando investigation of catalyst surfaces, will allow for reliable determination and rationalization of CO2 and CO reduction mechanisms. Promising operando techniques such as grazing incidence XAS and XPS will yield necessary mechanistic information by elucidating changes to active-site local coordination and electronic configuration upon application of an applied potential and while in the presence of reduction target molecules dissolved in electrolyte.56–58
Future work is still required to establish the mechanism by which the investigated Chevrel-phase material reduces CO2 to methanol, as this knowledge will necessarily lead to an increased understanding of the role of active site multifunctionality on reaction efficiency. To develop a catalyst system whose tunable local and electronic structure can affect reactivity and selectivity could be a significant step forward in developing fundamental knowledge in energy conversion and storage research. The unique reactivity displayed by this metal-promoted Mo6S8 catalyst family warrants detailed investigation into the precise role of metal promotion in encouraging desirable reaction trajectories over promising energy-conversion catalysts. Hence, future work will elucidate the effect of tunable metal promotion on electronic structure of catalytically active sites such that control over reaction kinetics may be achieved.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9mh00745h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |