Fatima Zahra
El Hafiane
g and
aInstitut de Recherche sur les Céramiques, CNRS UMR 7315, Université de Limoges, Centre Européen de la Céramique, 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 Limoges cedex, France. E-mail:
bLaboratoire Peirene, EA 7500, Université de Limoges, 123 Avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges cedex, France
cInterfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures, CNRS UMR 7374, IUT de Chartres, Université d’Orléans, 1 bis rue de la Férollerie, CS 40059, 45071 Orléans cedex, France
dCovertis, Ester Technopole, 1 avenue d'Ester, 87069 Limoges Cedex, France
eSociété des eaux de Source de Treignac (SEST), Le Borzeix, 19260 Treignac, France
fIT for Innovative Services–Human Dynamics in Cognitive Environments, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 5 avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg
gEnvironmental Research and Innovation Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 5, rue Bommel, Z. A. E. Robert Steichen, L-4940, Hautcharage, Luxembourg
First published on 12th August 2020
The Treignac water is a natural mineral water containing mainly orthosilicic acid. On inert substrates, it forms a silica film with fractal structures which cannot be reproduced in laboratory-reconstituted water. These structures form by condensation of orthosilicic acid monomers, following the Witten–Sander model of diffusion-limited aggregation. On biological surfaces, such as tomato leaves, the Treignac water forms a silica film with a different morphology and devoid of fractal structures. The filmogenic properties of this natural mineral water are here discussed in the context of crop protection, as the silica film can provide a barrier and a platform for the immobilization of elicitors of plant defense responses.
Drinking water contains readily bioavailable sources of silicon for humans.8 The Treignac water is a natural mineral water from a small village located in the Corrèze mountains in Limousin (France) with a low mineral content, containing mainly orthosilicic acid. Historically known by the pilgrims on the route to St James of Compostella because of its skin soothing properties, this water, both natural and concentrated,9 forms a silica film containing previously-reported fractal structures (fractal dendrites) on inert metallic substrates.10 The filmogenic properties and orthosilicic acid content of the Treignac mineral water are already used in cosmetics because of the clinically-proven moisturizing and protective effects.10 However, no study has yet been undertaken to analyse how these structures form. Likewise, the composition of these forms and the eventual interferences of the physico-chemical environment on their formation have not yet been investigated.
By combining transmission (TEM), simulations and environmental scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), we here show that the dendrites and fractal structures derive from the polymerisation of orthosilicic acid by condensation of monomers, according to the Witten–Sander model of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA).11 Notably, the fractal dendrites cannot be reproduced when laboratory-reconstituted water containing exactly the same amounts of elements and pH as the Treignac water is deposited on an inert surface. Additionally, a film devoid of any fractal structure forms when the water is deposited on biological surfaces, such as the leaf of tomato plants.
Besides cosmetics, the Treignac water's filmogenic properties have interesting applications in other fields, namely as a coating agent for crop protection. We discuss the potential uses of the film to immobilize elicitors of plant defense responses.
(a) The natural mineral water (hereafter referred to as TN).
(b) The concentrated water prepared by inverse osmosis (hereafter referred to as TO) and obtained by filtration on a polyamide membrane (CSM ref RE-2540-TE) until a concentration ratio of 10 was reached.9 This method allows to keep the same mineral equilibrium for both TN and TO.
(c) A dry powder (hereafter referred to as DP): TN was lyophilized (ODESSOL laboratory, University of Limoges, France) on the basis of preliminary studies having shown that the mineral residue was totally soluble in water. A bench freeze dryer CRYOTECH Cosmo 80 was used, with the following parameters: pressure <50 mTorr, temperature −80 °C, isobar temperature rising up to 20 °C in 36 h. Samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen, stabilized at −80 °C and placed in the freeze dryer. Vials were immediately closed and kept at 4 °C.
Tomato plantlets (var. Marmande) were obtained four weeks after sowing in a greenhouse. The Treignac water was applied on the leaf surface following three different protocols. For the first one, plantlets were sprayed with TO until run-off every day for three days. On day four, they were harvested and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen before SEM analysis. The second protocol consisted in cutting a small piece of leaf and applying 5 μL of TO on it just before analysing with SEM. For the third one, 5 μL of TN or TO were deposited on the leaf surface under greenhouse conditions (22 °C, 60% humidity) and left to evaporate during one hour. SEM analysis was performed the day after.
In order to study the behaviour of the Treignac water on a hydrophobic surface, a 2 μL-drop of TN was deposited on a mimosa wax tablet and immediately introduced in the SEM chamber.
A series of 4 simulations was performed by combining orthosilicic acid concentrations in TN and TO water and the effect of evaporation on a flat surface. The 2D grid size was set to 320 × 240 pixels on the grid. The particle fraction was estimated as the molar fraction of the Si content of TN (6.6 mg L−1) and water solvent, further multiplied by 103 to keep the simulation time relatively short. Hence, TN particle fraction was set to 0.00198 (yielding about 150 monomers) and TO particle fraction was set to 0.0198 (yielding about 1500 monomers). To evaluate the possible effect of the solvent evaporation on the process, the fraction of removed available grid points for particle and aggregate movements at every simulation step was set to 0.0005, wherever evaporation was considered. The maximum number of simulation steps was set to 5000.
Element | Content in TN (mg L−1) | Content in TO (mg L−1) |
Ca2+ | 1.20 | 11.70 |
Mg2+ | <0.5 | 3.70 |
Na+ | 2.80 | 24.40 |
K+ | <0.5 | 2.80 |
SiO2 | 6.60 | 62.30 |
Cl− | 3.20 | 27.00 |
NO3− | 3 | 26.00 |
SO42− | <1 | 5.23 |
Residue after thermal treatment at 180 °C | 20 | 190.33 |
TEM observations and EDS analysis on TN show that the mineral parts consist of an aggregation of small particles (Fig. 2A) of silicon and oxygen (Fig. 2B). The elemental analysis was performed on different regions of the aggregates and the result was highly reproducible and equivalent to Fig. 2B.
Evaporation is predicted to influence the aggregates' sizes and distribution (Fig. 3). The rapidity of evaporation is also known to affect the formation of ordered patterns: rapid evaporation promotes the formation of fingering patterns by convective forces.21 The results of the simulation show systematic larger and more compact aggregates (as shown by the average number of neighbours per monomer and the radial distribution function in Fig. 4) with the more concentrated TO water (Fig. 3C and D and Videos in ESI†), irrespective of evaporation. By progressively lowering the freedom of movement of the particles and aggregates, evaporation also results in the growth of smaller and more distributed aggregates with a distribution that is affected by the spatial non-uniformity of the evaporation probability that we introduced in the simulation (Fig. 3B and D).
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Fig. 4 Radial distribution functions and average number of neighbours per monomer of the DLA process applied to TN and TO. |
These preliminary simulations are in rather good agreement with the observations made (Fig. 1 and 2) and constitute a first step in rationalising them. Yet, several limitations are still present. Indeed, even if modifying the random walk of particles and aggregates in the DLA simulation with a basic representation of evaporation tends to reproduce the experimental observations, it says nothing about the underlying physical and chemical processes involved. Several aspects are worth further investigations, such as the use of a three dimensional water model with precipitation, the analysis of the morphology of 3D aggregates and their 2D projections on the surface.
Thermogravimetric analysis-differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA) on DP is recorded under air (Fig. 6A) and nitrogen atmosphere (Fig. 6B). Under air, two peaks are present at low temperature: an endothermic peak around 100 °C (1), related to the evaporation of water contained in the lyophilized powder, followed by a second endothermic peak (2), around 120 °C, probably corresponding to the loss of the remaining water that is strongly bound to DP. The complete dehydration of DP corresponds to a mass loss of 18%. Under nitrogen atmosphere, a large peak is recorded and corresponds to a mass loss of 6%.
An exothermic peak is measured in air at 300 °C (3), while there is no peak under nitrogen. This peak likely corresponds to the combustion and the decomposition of organic matter in air. During its underground travel, the Treignac water may collect tiny quantities of organic matter, such as humic-like substances (HS) which are polymeric chains. According to the composition of the forest, the soil of the impluvium and the presence of traces of organic carbon, it is reasonable that the Treignac water contains HS. The HS content in the water is too small to be detected, but it can be concentrated in the DP, after the lyophilisation process. The thermal decomposition of HS can occur in a large temperature range, up to 500–600 °C.22 According to TGA, the mass loss at 300 °C is of a few percent. HS decomposition could contribute to this mass loss.
An endothermal peak is present around 780 °C (4) in air and 800 °C under nitrogen atmosphere and it is due to the fusion of NaCl.
During cooling, the exothermic peak at 573 °C (5) corresponds to the well-known polymorphic transformation between quartz β and quartz α.
The total mass loss during heating between room temperature and 1000 °C is equal to 53% under air and 41% under nitrogen. This variation is mainly due to the difference between the water loss under air and under nitrogen atmosphere.
Chemical element (1000 mg L−1) | Matrix | Product reference (supplier: PerkinElmer) |
Ca2+ | H2O with 2% HNO3 | Calcium pure single-element standard |
(Ref.: N9303763) | ||
Mg2+ | H2O with 2% HNO3 | Magnesium pure single-element standard |
(Ref.: N9300179) | ||
Na+ | H2O with 2% HNO3 | Sodium pure single-element standard |
(Ref.: N9303785) | ||
K+ | H2O with 2% HNO3 | Potassium pure single-element standard |
(Ref.: N9303779) | ||
Si | H2O with traces of HF | Silicon pure single-element standard |
(Ref.: N9303799) |
To understand whether the ionic content or the pH or both are implicated in the formation of the fractal objects, two experimental strategies were designed, as explained below:
(a) A water containing exactly the same amounts of elements as in TN was reconstituted. This water is called TE (E for element). The main difference with TN was the pH, since it was equal to 2.9 due to the presence of nitric and hydrofluoric acids in very small quantities.
(b) A water that has the same ionic content and pH as TN, i.e. 5.8, was reconstituted. For this purpose, we increased the pH of TE by adding a small amount of NaOH. This water is called TpH and it contains more sodium ions (24 mg L−1) than TN (2.8 mg L−1).
Fig. 7 shows the morphologies obtained for TE and TpH. With TE (Fig. 7A), small beads are formed. They are characteristic of a growth limited by a cluster–cluster reaction (Brinker, 1988). This model is described for pH < 3, when the condensation rate of aqueous silica is low since they are not ionised.23 In this mechanism, the monomers have a Brownian motion and stick to other monomers to form clusters. The final object is poorly ramified. With TpH, the morphology consists of large spheres (Fig. 7B) that can form at pH close to neutrality.24 The aggregation of the individual monomers is very fast and can be responsible for the formation of spheres,23 thus minimizing the surface energy. TpH has a higher pH than TE and it is known that at higher pH condensation reactions are faster.25
The results obtained (Fig. 7) show that salt content and pH strongly impact the morphology of the aggregates. The probability introduced in the DLA seminal paper11 that a particle will adhere to the cluster aggregate when in contact with it was not introduced in the simulation. If we hypothesise that pH and salt content influence the monomer reactivity, it is possible to reasonably represent such modified reactivity with varying adherence probabilities. Since smaller sticking coefficients in DLA simulations tend to produce more compact aggregates by letting particles penetrate more deeply into the dendritic structure before polymerizing, such effect may be crucial to rationalise the experimental observations.
TN deposited on tomato leaves did not result in any fractal structure (Fig. 8A), while TpH resulted in the appearance of needle-like objects arranged in druses (Fig. 8B). A complementary SEM analysis was performed on wax tablets mimicking a hydrophobic surface like that of leaves. TN was deposited and evaporated under SEM conditions. Dendrites appeared (Fig. 8C) that were equivalent to those already observed on a metallic surface (Fig. 1). The flatness of the surface seemed, however, to be a determining factor for the formation of dendrites, since the deposition of TN on the curved surface of a wax tablet left a film with no dendrites (not shown). TpH deposited on the flat surface of a wax tablet resulted in the formation of spherical objects (Fig. 8D), like those observed on a metallic surface (Fig. 7B).
Tomato plants sprayed with TO show the presence of a film covering the epidermal cells and replicating their corrugated surfaces (Fig. S1B†). Such a film is absent on leaves sprayed with demineralised water (Fig. S1A†). When the humidity is lowered from ca. 100% to 50%, cracks become visible on the surface of treated leaves (Fig. S1C†) and they become very clear at 0% (Fig. S1D†). In some images, it is possible to see a layer of the film peeling off from the leaf surface (Fig. S1D inset†). The thickness of the film is estimated to be ca. 100 nm.
In order to follow the formation of the silica film in real-time, a drop of TO was deposited on the surface of a tomato leaf (Fig. S1E†) and the sample was then immediately placed in the chamber for observation. Over time, a film forms (Fig. S1F†). The EDS analysis confirms the presence of silicon in the film forming on the treated surface, while no silicon signal is present on the region immediately adjacent to the treated area (Fig. 9).
Observations were also performed on the surface of leaves on which a drop of TO was deposited and left to evaporate under greenhouse conditions. A clear layer forms on the treated leaves (Fig. S1H†), with the sporadic presence of flakes (Fig. S1H, inset†). The surface of control leaves appears instead devoid of any film (Fig. S1G†).
TO was deposited and evaporated under SEM conditions. A thin film formed after evaporation (Fig. S1I†) and fractal dendrites appeared (Fig. S1J†).
On biological surfaces, such as the leaf of tomato plants, a film forms, but it is devoid of any fractal objects. Under reduced humidity, the film cracks and peels off from the leaf surface. The flatness of the surface is important to let the dendrites form. The presence of trichomes (leaf hair) on the leaf surface and the corrugated surface of the epidermal cells could interfere with the formation of dendrites. Future simulations taking into account the surface topology, as well as the presence of impurities can confirm that the topology of the surface plays a role in the distribution of the aggregates.
The filmogenic properties of TN and TO can be used to coat the leaves of crops with a silica film. The coating can increase the plant resistance to pathogens via a dual mechanism, i.e. a barrier and a biological effect due to the presence of orthosilicic acid. In addition to these mechanisms, there is also a synergistic effect provided by the immobilization of elicitors of plant defense responses on the film: this type of film functionalization improves the persistence of the elicitor, thereby intensifying the protective effect.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00377h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |