Timothy A.
d and
Manish K.
aDepartment of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 136119, Haryana, India. E-mail:;; Fax: +91-1744-238277; Tel: +91-1744-238410 extn 2482
bDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0664, USA
cInter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067, India
dDepartment of Physics, Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University Haryana, Gurugram 122413, India
First published on 22nd November 2020
As a newly exfoliated magnetic 2D material from hematite, hematene is the most far-reaching ultrathin magnetic indirect bandgap semiconductor. We have carried out a detailed structural analysis of hematene via prefacing strain by means of first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Hematene in the pristine form emerges out to be a magnetic semiconductor with a bandgap of 1.0/2.0 eV for the majority/minority spin channel. The dependence of magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE), TC, and the bandgap on compressive and tensile strains has been scanned exclusively. It is examined that TC depends firmly on the compressive strain and increases up to 21.1% at a compressive strain of 6% whereas it decreases significantly for tensile strain. The MAE is negatively correlated with the tensile and compressive strain. The value of MAE for all compressive strain cases is more than that of the pristine hematene. These results summarize that the studied 2D hematene has broad application prospects in spintronics, memory-based devices, and valleytronics.
The other members of the family of next-generation 2D materials belong to the monolayers of CrI3 and CrGeT3 which have also been fabricated successfully.13,14 After that, researchers regained their passion for 2D magnetism and hematene is the latest member in this category which is 2D analog of hematite ore. Hematene has several properties in common with graphene. As graphene is a thin sheet of carbon atoms, hematene is also a thin sheet of iron and oxygen atoms. Researchers at Rice University synthesized 2D hematene with the liquid-phase exfoliation technique.15 Balan et al.15 confirmed the 2D morphology of hematene with the help of transmission electron microscopy. They reported the existence of long-range ferromagnetic order in hematene while its parent hematite is antiferromagnetic in nature. They also showed that hematene on loading with arrays of titanium nanotubes may serve as an enhanced excellent photocatalyst. The atoms in hematene are found to be held together by strong chemical bonds rather than weak van der Waals interactions. Therefore, hematene has the potential to serve as a replacement for well-known 2D materials such as graphene, black phosphorous, and MoS2 in various applications where the structures of these eminent materials can be easily disrupted. This fact revolutionized the scenario of emerging 2D magnetic materials.
Bandyopadhyay et al.16 investigated the nature of magnetic ordering in this 2D metal oxide hematene. They explained that it has a stripped ferrimagnetic ground state with a feeble overall magnetic moment. They also attempted to modulate its magnetism with alloying and by substituting chromene (Cr2O3) instead of Fe2O3. Gonzalez et al.17 studied the structural, optical and electronic properties of hematene. Further, they also explored the functionalization of hematene with Au (111) and stanene (a hexagonal lattice with its size matching with that of the hexagonal sublattice of hematene). The interaction with the former is weak, involving a long bonding distance, just like a typical van der Waals system whereas the interaction with the latter leads to the hybridization of the p orbital of stanene with the unoccupied dz2 orbitals of hematene, turning the resultant heterostructure into a ferrimagnet. Chen et al.18 discussed tuning the magnetism of two-dimensional hematene by ferroelectric polarization and found that the control of magnetism depends on the interface terminations. This occurs mainly due to change in the Fe–O bond length, which is determined by relative displacement of Fe and O atoms and electron transfer between five nonequivalent 3d orbitals.
The search for high TC in 2D materials presents a major challenge. In these critical situations, hematene may be the only 2D material having a TC of the order of room temperature with a remarkable breakthrough for advanced magnetic applications. In the present study, we focus on the novelty of predicting the TC of pristine hematene first by ab initio simulations. Further, the 2D materials crystals can sustain large strains compared to their bulk counterparts. For example, single-layer FeSe can sustain strains as large as 6%, whereas single-layer MoS2 can be strained as high as 11%.19–21 Therefore, strain engineering can also be a practical approach to tune the properties of 2D materials. The second aim of our study is to check the effect of compressive and tensile strains up to 6% on the magnetic response and TC. To our firm belief, this is the first report on the prediction of TC of hematene and its strain-induced magnetism.
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Fig. 1 (a) Schematics of the hematene monolayer with three atoms and (b) visualization of its various possible magnetic configurations. |
Based on the environment of the two Fe atoms, various magnetic configurations can be designed. In fact, both inequivalent Fe atoms, FeI and FeII, have an occupancy of two in the monolayer (i.e. two Fe atoms each in two different sublattices) and thus, to consider ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states, five configurations A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 as depicted in Fig. 1(b) and also in Table 1, can be possible. To check the structural stability of these configurations, the formation energies (Efor) were evaluated by using the following expression:
EFor = EHema − 4EFe − 6EO | (1) |
State | FeI | FeII | E For (eV) | μ stot (μB) | Nature |
A1 | ↑↑ | ↑↑ | −0.430 | 16.10 | Ferromagnetic |
A2 | ↑↑ | ↑↓ | −1.175 | 8.31 | Ferromagnetic |
A3 | ↑↓ | ↑↑ | −1.198 | 7.80 | Ferromagnetic |
A4 | ↑↓ | ↑↓ | −1.432 | 0.00 | Antiferromagnetic |
A5 | ↑↑ | ↓↓ | −1.639 | 0.52 | Ferrimagnetic |
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Fig. 3 Variation of the total energy of hematene in A5 configuration during AIMD simulations at 300 K. |
The magnetic response of hematene as governed by DFT simulations under GGA + U indicates the spin magnetic moment (μs) of FeI as 3.896 μB and FeII as 4.156 μB, aligning in antiparallel arrangement with the total spin magnetic moment (μstot) as 0.52 μB. This confirms its ferrimagnetic nature which is in accordance with the previous results by Balan et al.,15 Bandyopadhyay et al.16 and Gonzalez et al.17 The magnetic interaction mechanism is quite compatible with the kinetic exchange system in this case. Although the FeII–FeII distance is large, yet Coulomb repulsions decrease rapidly like hoping strength. Also, FeI–FeI and FeII–FeII interactions are intervened by the O-atom leading to magnetic superexchange as the bond angle of FeI–O–FeI is ∼90°. But the O-atom here is threefold coordinated and forms sp2 bonding, halting its strong FM nature. This result is in accordance with the experimental hysteresis data17 which shows that when the external field is removed, hematene has a total spin moment of 4 μB which is about 1/4 of that of A1 state. So, this experimental remanence and feeble net magnetic moment in A5 are due to the difference in the charge distribution of Fe atoms from both sublattices which is explained later on in electronic properties. On the contrary, bulk hematite is antiferromagnetic in nature and its Morin transition occurs at 260 K with a Neel temperature of 955 K. Being the most stable configuration, we have considered A5 configuration only for detailed analysis of electronic properties and the magnetic response.
The spin-polarized total density of states (DOS) and bandstructure of pristine hematene (Fig. 4) indicate the generic DOS in nature and different band gaps for both spin channels which is a general property of a magnetic semiconductor. A bandgap of ∼1.0/1.9 eV in the majority/minority spin channel is obtained; on checking the bandstructure, this gap is found to be indirect along Γ–K for the majority/minority spin channel.
The electronic properties of hematene are quite interesting especially in the vicinity of the Fermi level (EF). The main contribution in the total DOS comes only from Fe-d and O-p states (Fig. 5). The lowest conduction band is highly localized, has mainly the contribution from Fe-d orbitals, and hardly forms Blöch orbitals whereas the highest valance bands are delocalized due to hybridization between Fe-d and O-p states. The splitting in the majority and minority spin channels is evident from the fact that it has ferromagnetic order within each sublattice and antiferromagnetic order within the whole lattice.
The valence charge density distribution (Fig. 6) of pristine hematene is different in both spin channels since each FeI has three FeII atoms as the first nearest neighbors and each FeII has six FeI atoms as the first nearest neighbors. This implies that the FeI–FeII interactions are more prominent. Also, FeI has a spherical electron cloud whereas, for FeII, the electron cloud is delocalized differently in different directions. Also, the difference in the charge distribution for both spins is confirmed further by Bader charge analysis (Table 2). Each FeI atom donates 1.74e to the O-atom whereas each FeII atom donates 1.55e to the same.
Atom | Average charges |
FeI | +1.74e |
FeII | +1.55e |
O | −0.94e |
The MAE originates due to the dependence of the magnetic properties of a material on a particular direction. Classically, it is due to dipole–dipole interactions but quantum mechanically, its origin is in SOC. The consequence of SOC includes anisotropic exchanges, both the symmetric and antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction (DMI), and magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA). As hematene has inversion symmetry, so, no DMI is expected in its pristine form. The magnetism in 2D materials has been examined extensively for decades and serves as a testbed for their study in different aspects such as critical behavior and dimensional crossover of magnetic ordering. The interplay of MCA and dimensionality is considered to be a promising route for the development of magnetism in 2D materials as it is only MCA that can stop thermal fluctuations to destroy long-range magnetic order. In this regard, first principles DFT calculations that entail SOC authorize a dominant theoretical tool to compute MCA. Howbeit, the tiny magnitude of the associated MAE enforces stringent convergence to the calculations at the rate of high computational cost. This purpose was realized by first characterizing the Hamiltonian of the system including the scalar relativistic term self-consistently and then including the SOC non-self-consistently within the force theorem29–31 by changing the direction of the quantization axis. The SOC Hamiltonian is predominantly expressed as a sum of one-electron operators:
![]() | (2) |
MAE = ΔEtotx − ΔEtotz ≅ Ebandx − Ebandz | (3) |
The total DOS in the vicinity of EF remains unaffected for all cases as depicted in Fig. 7. Further, there is hardly any change in the bandgap for both spin channels, implying that this gap is robust under the applied range of strain. However, we have noticed significant changes in the magnetic response such as magnetic moments, MAE, and TC. As strain modifies the lattice parameters, there will be a concomitant adaptation of band dispersion. In itinerant materials, this may lead to an appreciable change in μstot if the ground state is modified due to the effect of strain. But here ground state configuration remains intact with strain and a diminutive change in μstot is observed for all cases. Despite this, μstot increases slowly with the compressive strain and decreases a bit with the tensile strain (Table 3). In broad terms, this fragile escalation is a result of the fact that with the increase of compressive strain, the number of electrons forming the covalent bond decreases, which yields more electrons located at the Fe atom. Also with the increase in compressive strain, the majority and minority spin channels differ more in energy, respectively, enhancing the net residual μstot.
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Fig. 7 Calculated spin polarized total density of states (TDOS) of hematene in the strain range (−6% to +6%). |
Strain | μ stot (μB) | MAE (μeV per Fe atom) | J (meV) | T C (K) | Easy axis |
−6% | 0.562 | 87.85 | 20.41 | 357 | Out of plane |
−4% | 0.546 | 88.81 | 19.29 | 337 | Out of plane |
−2% | 0.534 | 90.43 | 18.15 | 317 | Out of plane |
0% | 0.520 | 87.05 | 16.80 | 295 | Out of plane |
2% | 0.518 | 86.09 | 15.70 | 274 | Out of plane |
4% | 0.512 | 81.50 | 14.58 | 254 | Out of plane |
6% | 0.502 | 74.70 | 13.45 | 234 | Out of plane |
The symmetry of hematene is hexagonal, so MAE at first order, for a given polar angle (θ) is given by:
![]() | (4) |
The various exchange constants (J's) that are related to the magnetic interactions between Fe atoms of the same and different sublattices are computed using Heisenberg Hamiltonian within the mean field theory33 as follows:
EFM − EAFM = 8JS2 | (5) |
The magnetism in hematene mainly arises from the partially filled d orbitals of Fe atoms as the valence electronic configuration of the Fe atom is 3d64s2 and the O atom has an electronegativity of 2. Since, there are six O and four Fe atoms per unit cell, Fe exists in the +3 state and the valance state becomes 3d5. This means here |S| = 5/2. We can easily calculate the energy difference between FM and AFM states using the DFT approach and estimate J by using eqn (5). This difference is negatively correlated with strain (Fig. 8). After that, the TC of hematene can be computed by using the expression:34
![]() | (6) |
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Fig. 8 Variation of the energy difference mainly between the FM and AFM phase and TC as a function of strain for hematene. |
The calculated TC for pristine hematene is found to be 295 K which is quite close to room temperature. We made a further attempt to tune it above room temperature. Table 3 clearly shows that it is highly sensitive to both types of strains. TC increases well above room temperature with the compressive strains and decreases with the tensile strain (Fig. 8). The ultimate increase in TC is of 21.1% on compacting the lattice parameter by 6%. This may be due to the fact that exchange interactions are of short-range and increase with a decrease in distance. Through effective compressed strain engineering, all the electronic properties of hematene remain intact with a feeble change in μstot and MAE, but we achieved appreciable improvement in TC (far above room temperature). This opens up new avenues for hematene to serve in spintronic and memory-based magnetic devices.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00556h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |