Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Physics, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden. E-mail:
First published on 27th November 2019
While exciton relaxation in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has been intensively studied, spatial exciton diffusion has received only a little attention – in spite of being a key process for optoelectronics and having already shown interesting unconventional behaviours (e.g. spatial halos). Here, we study the spatiotemporal dynamics in TMD monolayers and track optically excited excitons in time, momentum, and space. In particular, we investigate the temperature-dependent exciton diffusion including the remarkable exciton landscape constituted by bright and dark states. Based on a fully quantum mechanical approach, we show at low temperatures an unexpected negative effective diffusion characterized by a shrinking of the spatial exciton distributions. This phenomenon can be traced back to the existence of dark exciton states in TMD monolayers and is a result of an interplay between spatial exciton diffusion and intervalley exciton–phonon scattering.
In this work, we shed light on the impact of the versatile exciton landscape including bright and momentum-dark states on spatiotemporal exciton dynamics in TMD monolayers in different temperature regimes. The resulting evolution is a complicated process with the coexistence of several many-particle mechanisms, showing in particular the appearance of different phases which will be addressed in the following. At a more simplified level, one expects that after optical excitation the excitons thermalize in energy on a quick timescale of hundreds of femtoseconds at room temperature10,11 [Fig. 1(a)]. However, spatial propagation can also result on longer timescales in anisotropic exciton occupations, since excitons with the same energy but different momentum orientation propagate towards different spatial directions – similarly to electrons in quantum wells.25,26 Momentum thermalization at each space point drives toward an isotropic distribution [Fig. 1(b)]. During this evolution, the excitonic spatial distribution undergoes an effective diffusion, i.e. it broadens in space while preserving the position of the maximum distribution and rotational symmetry. Here effective diffusion refers to the transient evolution, whereas the conventional diffusion refers to the steady-state regime.18,20 Furthermore, different diffusion characteristics of bright and dark states can result in a local non-equilibrium among different valleys. Here, a space-dependent equilibration of bright and dark states leads toward a valley-thermalized occupation [Fig. 1(c)].
Based on a fully quantum mechanical approach,10,11,14 this work provides microscopic insights into the interplay of spatiotemporal exciton dynamics and thermalization. We resolve the evolution of optically excited, spatially localized excitons in time, momentum, energy, and space taking into account bright and momentum-dark excitonic states. We predict unexpected spatiotemporal dynamics including the emergence of a negative effective diffusion, where the spatial profiles of the excitonic distribution shrink in space, apparently moving back towards the excitation center [cf. blue arrow in Fig. 1(d)].
Taking states |α〉 ≡ |Q, v〉 as a basis, we introduce the coefficients ραα′ of the single-particle density matrix36–38 of incoherent excitons, ραα′ = ρvv′QQ′ = 〈†α′Xα〉, where X(†)α are annihilation (creation) operators for the state |α〉. Then, we introduce the excitonic intravalley Wigner function
, which summed over Q provides the intravalley spatial density
. The total excitonic density nv(t) in valley v reads
and is determined by the diagonal density matrix elements. In contrast, the off-diagonal terms induce an explicit dependence on r, i.e. they result in a spatial inhomogeneity.
Now, we introduce an equation of motion for the spatiotemporal dynamics of excitons by exploiting the Heisenberg equation and the many-particle Hamilton operator.28,37,38 The derived semiconductor Bloch equation10,14 can then be transformed in the Wigner representation39,40 and reads in the low excitation regime:
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The first term indicates the free evolution of excitons ∇QεQ,v = ħQ/Mv, while the second term takes into account the losses due to the direct photoluminescence IPL(r, t) = γNKKQ≈0(r, t). Here, γ describes the radiative recombination rate within the light cone (δQ,0δv,KK).10,11,29 The effects of phonon-assisted radiative recombination are beyond the scope of this work.41
The first contribution in the second line of eqn (1) describes the formation of incoherent excitons due to phonon-driven transfer from the excitonic polarization pQ≈0(r, t) (referred to in the literature as coherent excitons10). The latter are optically excited by an electromagnetic field A(r, t) through ∂tpQ(r, t)|opt ∝ M·A(r, t)δQ,0, with M depending on optical matrix elements and excitonic wave functions.10,11 The process is driven by exciton–phonon scattering with the rates Γvv′QQ′ describing scattering from state |Q′v′〉 to |Qv〉 via interaction with phonons.10,11 We take into account longitudinal and transverse acoustic (LA, TA) and optical (LO, TO) modes as well as the out-of-plane A1 optical mode, which provide the most efficient scattering channels.42 Phonon energies and carrier-phonon scattering coefficients within the deformation potential approximation are extracted from density functional theory studies.42 Since coherent excitons decay on an ultrafast timescale of 10–100 fs,10 it is the incoherent exciton distribution that determines the spatiotemporal dynamics of the photoluminescence.
Finally, the last term in eqn (1) describes the scattering contribution. In this work we focus on high-quality hBN-encapsulated TMD monolayer samples, where disorder does not play a large role. The encapsulation with hBN has been applied as a key strategy to prepare high-quality TMD samples, resulting in strong linewidth narrowings,43,44 ascribed to shielding of the material from the substrate and surface defects as well as to mitigation of the effect of dielectric disorder.45 We restrict our attention to the low-excitation regime, where the main source of scattering is given by exciton–phonon interactions. The intra- (v = v′) and inter-valley (v ≠ v′) contribution can be written as , where ∂tNvQ(r, t)|v′ indicates the dynamics of Nv induced by the interaction with Nv′. The corresponding equation of motion reads:
![]() | (2) |
∂tNv(r, t) = DvΔrNv(r, t). | (3) |
Here decaying mechanisms have been omitted18,20 and Dv = 1/2〈τvQħ2Q2/Mv2〉|vQ is the diffusion coefficient, with providing the Q-dependent relaxation time induced by intravalley processes. The introduced expectation value 〈fQ〉|vQ provides the average of fQ assuming a (local) thermalized distribution
. Under the assumption of constant relaxation times τQvv ≈ τv the well-known steady-state relation Dv = τvkBT/Mv can be recovered.
The evolution of Nv(r, t) undergoes a so-called effective diffusion, i.e. (i) it preserves the location of its center (in contrast to transport studies involving a shift of the occupation peak48), (ii) it is rotationally symmetric, and (iii) it broadens in space. In order to quantify this effective diffusion process, we introduce a width wv of the distribution Nv which is proportional to the variance, . According to Fick's law [eqn (3)], confined spatial distributions would behave as Nv(r, t) ∝ exp [−r2/wv2(t)] with w2v(t) = w2v,0 + 4Dvt,17,21 where w2v,0 is the initial width. It follows that one can define an effective diffusion coefficient (or diffusivity) as Dv = ¼∂tw2v, i.e. as the slope of the temporal evolution of the squared width w2v. In the so-called conventional diffusion, Dv is a constant. This behaviour occurs in the steady-state regime and can be described by the conventional Fick's law [eqn (3)]. However, before the steady-state regime is reached, the spatial distribution is expected to undergo a non-trivial evolution, which can be interpreted in terms of a modified Fick's law with a time-dependent effective diffusion coefficient Dv(t).49–51 As a remarkable example, in the so-called ballistic scenario, where many-particle scattering is negligible, the effective diffusion coefficient Dv(t) increases linearly with time t.25 The intravalley scattering leads the system from a ballistic regime to a conventional diffusion by acting as a frictional mechanism counteracting the free evolution. When the intervalley contribution becomes of the same order of magnitude as the intravalley one, intriguing phenomena are expected including negative effective diffusion effects – as will be discussed below. Since we will mostly focus on transient phenomena, for the sake of simplicity and unless otherwise specified below we will simply write diffusion when referring to effective diffusion.
We start considering the direct PL spatial distribution IPL, which remains rotationally symmetric with respect to its center r = 0, hence we plot only the values along the x-axis. We show in Fig. 2 normalized PL distributions, from which the change of the spatial profile can be better understood, while the unnormalized PL can be found in the ESI.† Note that IPL undergoes decaying processes similar to the case of spatially homogeneous optical excitation.10 Such decays are dominated by shape-preserving mechanisms (e.g. radiative recombination or fast intervalley thermalization), hence affecting the total exciton density but not the profile of its spatial distribution. While in Fig. 2 the initial shape of IPL follows the intensity of the exciting optical field, its evolution illustrates the increase of the lateral size of the spatial exciton distribution at different temperatures. At 300 K, there is only a modest and constant broadening, while at 77 K, one can see a more pronounced increase of the spatial size due to the weaker counteracting exciton–phonon scattering at lower temperatures. Interestingly, different timescales are observable, exhibiting a much faster effective diffusion in the first few picoseconds followed by a slower broadening.
Further decreasing the temperature to 20 K, we find in addition to an unexpected fast broadening between approximately 4 and 8 ps an even more surprising behaviour: after approximately 30 ps, the PL spatial distribution starts to shrink, i.e. the normalized PL profile apparently goes back in space towards the center of the distribution rather than diffusing away from it. This indicates an effective back-diffusion (in the sense of reduction of second moment) or according to a modified Fick's law [see eqn (3)], negative diffusion. Although also observed in single-species studies,50,52 negative diffusions appear usually in multi-component systems (also called uphill diffusion, see e.g.ref. 53–55). Negative carrier diffusions have been shown e.g. in scanning ultrafast electron microscopy studies56 as a result of spatial separation of electrons and holes and the resulting (Coulomb-induced) interaction. In our case, the multi-component nature is induced by the remarkable multi-valley exciton landscape displayed in TMD monolayers. We will show below that the efficient intervalley exciton–phonon scattering is the origin of both the back-diffusion and the sharp increase at about 4–8 ps. In particular, we will discuss how the observed diffusion delay stems from the interplay of initial valley-intrinsic diffusion (with the appearance of cold/hot energy distribution in bright and dark valleys, respectively) and time required to absorb (acoustic) intervalley phonons from higher-energy dark exciton states.
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Fig. 3 Temporal evolution of squared spatial width w2v of excitonic distributions and the associated transient diffusion coefficient Dv of KK, KK′ and KΛ excitons shown at (a) 300 K, (b) 77 K, and (c) 20 K. The evolution of the direct PL is illustrated with the dashed black line while the one associated with the total spatial density ![]() |
In Fig. 3(b) we find three well-distinguished phases determining the temporal evolution of exciton diffusion in TMD monolayers: (I) an initial phase with a valley-dependent fast increase of diffusion coefficients (green-shaded background), (II) a transient phase where the differences between valleys decrease (red-shaded background), and (III) a final phase, where an effective stationary diffusion coefficient is reached (blue-shaded background). It is the relatively long duration of phase II, where the diffusion coefficients are still valley-intrinsic, that gives rise to the observed different widths w2v for different exciton densities. These differences are essentially preserved in phase III, i.e. the w2v trajectories tend to be parallel resulting in similar diffusion coefficients Dv.
Decreasing the temperature to 20 K [Fig. 3(c)], both the maximal values of coefficients Dv and the spatial separation between valley-dependent widths w2v further increase, reflecting the strongly reduced efficiency of exciton–phonon scattering counteracting diffusion and valley redistribution of excitons. After the initial steep increase, the diffusion coefficients of both KK and KΛ excitons undergo a subsequent decrease eventually leading to negative values at around 30–100 ps for KK excitons (see the inset). The appearance of negative effective diffusion explains the features observed in the PL in Fig. 2. Although a thorough microscopic description of other interaction mechanisms, such as disorder, has not been considered, we find that on slightly increasing the scattering rates (i.e. somehow mimicking the presence of additional scattering channels), the qualitative aspects of the evolution of DKK at 20 K would still be present. Furthermore, in the considered WS2 monolayer we find that the radiative recombination [see rate γ in eqn (1)] has a negligible effect on DKK. As we will see in the next subsection, the evolution of DKK is in fact ruled by the energetically lowest dark excitonic states, the latter being affected by γ only via second order processes (i.e. refilling of valley KK).
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Fig. 4 Diffusion coefficient of KK, KK′ and KΛ excitons at 300 K, where intervalley channels are switched off after 10 ps. |
To be able to quantitatively understand how the intervalley scattering affects the diffusion at low temperatures, we introduce the scattering-induced shape variation:
ηv(r, t) = ∂tNv(r, t)|scat − cvNv(r, t), | (4) |
Fig. 5(a) shows a direct comparison between scattering-induced (DintervKK) and full diffusion coefficient DKK at 20 K. We find strong similarities between the two lines, indicating that the scattering-induced diffusion dominates the transient features of DKK. These include e.g. the high peak at about 8 ps, which can be explained as follows: due to the low temperature the momentum-dark excitons have not fully thermalized yet, having an overpopulation of states with energies high enough to scatter into KK states (cf. blue arrow in Fig. 1(a)).
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Fig. 5 Illustration of the mechanism behind negative diffusion. (a) Intervalley scattering-induced diffusion coefficient DintervKK (see the definition in the text) in direct comparison with the full diffusion coefficient DKK at 20 K illustrating the crucial contribution of intervalley scattering. (b and c) Wigner distribution ![]() |
This can be observed also in Fig. 5(b), where the Wigner distribution for KK′ excitons is plotted at 5 ps, i.e. during the steep increase. Due to the reduced temperature, both energy and momentum thermalizations are not finished yet. We find a clear anisotropy in momentum, such that there is a higher exciton occupation at positive (negative) momenta for x > 0 (x < 0). The energy distribution is not thermalized around kx ≈ 0, but exhibits peaks at finite momenta indicating a hot exciton distribution.
The non-equilibrium excess-energy is induced by the polarization-to-population transfer, implying that the incoherent dark states formed directly after the optical excitation lay one intervalley phonon energy below the KK minimum (i.e. the energy of coherent excitons). This creates an initial hot distribution of dark excitons, which subsequently relaxes toward the corresponding ground state. In contrast, the initial distribution in KK is even colder than 20 K, resulting in a very slow effective diffusion in the bright valley before the steep increase. Note that these hot dark excitons can scatter back into KK exciton states via absorption of intervalley phonons. As a guide to the eye, the dotted line in Fig. 5(b and c) indicates the minimum wave-vector modulus required for such an intervalley process via absorption of acoustic modes. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the distribution of these KK′ states with high-enough energy is mostly located away from the initial excitation spot, while the other KK′ states with smaller energies are distributed closer to r = 0. Once these spatially wide-spread hot states scatter into KK valley, the density of the latter undergoes a steep extension of its spatial broadening, resulting in the increase of the squared width w2KK in Fig. 3(c). The absorption of phonons with finite energy is less effective at small temperatures, thus inducing the time delay of Fig. 2–4, whose duration is found to be directly affected by acoustic-phonon-induced intervalley scattering. Once occupied mostly via scattering from high-energy dark states, the KK excitons thermalize. It is during this valley-thermalization phase [cf. also Fig. 1(c and d)] that the negative transient diffusion in DKK appears. When the diffusion of KK excitons shows the highest negative values, the distribution of KK′ excitons is already quasi-thermalized both in energy and momentum, cf. Fig. 5(c). It is crucial to have a dark state well below the bright one, so that a hot dark excitonic distribution can be formed giving rise to the steep increase of DKK on a few picosecond timescale, cf. Fig. 5(a and b). This behaviour is expected to change qualitatively in semiconductors where the bright exciton is the energetically lowest state.
The driving force behind the remarkable negative diffusion is intervalley exciton–phonon scattering processes, as the similarity of Dinterv to the scattering-induced diffusion D shows in Fig. 5(a) (see also the inset). Note that the effect of Dintervv becomes smaller for excitons with a higher population, i.e., the energetically lowest and thus the highest occupied KK′ excitons have a negligible Dinterv (not shown), resulting in a smoother evolution of w2KK′ and DKK′ [Fig. 3(c)]. In fact, it can be shown that the mutual interaction between two valleys v1 and v2 leads to ηv1 ≈ −ηv2. Inserting the last approximation in the η-dependent definition of Dinterv, one finds nv2/nv1. As a consequence, for nv1 ≪ nv2 it follows that
. This explains why the negative diffusion region only appears for lower-populated exciton valleys [Fig. 3(c)].
The different temporal behaviour displayed by DintervKK is induced by different qualitative trends of the shape variation ηKK, cf. Fig. 5(d). Here, we have normalized ηKK with respect to nKK(0, t) and considered the dimension-free position x/wKK(t) to compare spatial distributions with different height and width. At 2 ps, the timescale is too short for the absorption of phonons, hence both Dinterv and η are negligible. In contrast, at 20 ps Dinterv is very high. Accordingly, η shows the conventional diffusive shape with a transfer of density from the center [η(x) < 0 for x ≈ 0] toward the tails (η > 0 for x ≳ 2wKK). However, at 50 ps there is a remarkable change of sign in η, which is now positive in the center and negative in the tail. This implies an uphill transfer of density from the tails toward the center, i.e. a negative diffusion, which is in fact displayed in Fig. 5(d) at 50 ps. At 120 ps, there is a similar behaviour of η, however with a reduced magnitude. This implies Dinterv with a reduced negativity (in agreement with Fig. 5(a)) that is overcompensated for by other mechanisms resulting in an overall positive diffusion, cf. the red line in Fig. 5(a).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/C9NR07056G |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |