*c and
aLaboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China. E-mail: kzhang@iccas.ac.cn
bUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
cCollege of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China
First published on 20th November 2019
A library of self-accelerating click reactions was developed based on the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of sym-dibenzo-1,5-cyclooctadiene-3,7-diyne (DIBOD) and varied 1,3-dipoles, such as diazo, sydnone, and nitrone groups. A common feature of these reactions was that the reaction of a 1,3-dipole and the first alkyne moiety of DIBOD activated in situ the second alkyne moiety, which consequently reacted with a 1,3-dipole at a much faster rate than did the original DIBOD alkyne group. Because these were polymerization reactions, a novel kind of stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization method was developed specifically to prepare high molecular weight (>105 g mol−1) polymers containing five-membered heterocycles inside polymer backbones. The self-accelerating property of the DIBOD-based 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions enabled the use of step-growth polymerization to prepare high molecular weight polymers under stoichiometric imbalance conditions using an excess of DIBOD over bis-dipole monomers. The click characteristics of the DIBOD-based 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions assisted the step-growth polymerization so that polymers could be prepared under ambient and catalyst-free conditions. In addition, the varied five-membered heterocycle structures inside the backbones endowed the resultant polymers with distinctly unique properties and functions. The polymers with isoxazoline groups inside the backbones demonstrated self-degradation behavior, where higher molecular weights resulted in greater degradation. The polymers with pyrazole groups inside the backbones had excellent thermal properties: the decomposition temperature at 5% weight loss could reach 576 °C, the glass transition temperature could not be measured up to 400 °C, and the char yield at 800 °C was as high as 71%.
Due to its high reactive efficiency and capability to form five-membered heterocycles, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition should theoretically play a vital role in step-growth polymerization to prepare high performance polymers containing five-membered heterocycles inside backbones. As a matter of fact, research into 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition in step-growth polymerization was concentrated in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, cycloaddition reactions involving varied 1,3-dipoles such as sydnone,15,16 nitrilimine,17 nitrile oxide,18,19 nitrone,20 diazo,21 azides21 and dienophiles like p/m-diethynylbenzene, p-benzoquinone, and bis-maleimides were well explored in step-growth polymerization. A series of polymers with good thermal stabilities was developed because of the introduction of five-membered heterocycles and benzene rings into the polymer backbones. After this period of focus, however, the research into 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition in step-growth polymerization diminished and no high-performance polymers were developed that were widely applied in practice. The main reason lies in the fact that the traditional 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions used at that time shared the distinct disadvantages of relatively low reaction efficiency, unavoidable side reactions, and harsh reaction conditions. This led to resultant polymers with low molecular weights, usually less than 2 × 104 g mol−1. Such low molecular weights seriously deteriorated the physical and mechanical properties of the polymers and limited their applications in practice.
Fortunately, the concept of click chemistry introduced by Sharpless in 2001 rejuvenated the application of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions in step-growth polymerization.22 By appropriately matching the 1,3-dipoles to dipolarophiles, several 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions could meet the criterion of click chemistry with characteristics such as quantitative reaction yield, good selectivity, and mild reaction conditions.23–25 Among them, azide-based cycloaddition reactions have received unprecedented attention because the azide dipole is easy to prepare and handle at ambient temperature. For example, CuI-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) has been used in step-growth polymerization for preparing poly(triazole)s with interesting photoelectronic and biological properties.26–31 In addition, the metal-free azide–alkyne cycloadditions have been explored to synthesize poly(triazole)s, in which the activated azide dipole such as azidoperfluorobenzene32 or activated alkyne like aroylacetylene33 has been used as a reactive group and the polymerization has been performed at the high temperature of 100 °C. Although these 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition click reactions could increase polymer molecular weights up to 5 × 104 g mol−1, the preparation of polymers with molecular weights above 105 g mol−1 was still difficult to achieve. This is caused by the inherent shortcoming of traditional homogeneous step-growth polymerization. Based on the concept of equal reactivity of reactive groups, the Carothers–Flory theory predicts that high molecular weight polymers can be prepared from traditional step-growth polymerization only by keeping a strict stoichiometry of reactive groups during polymerization, and simultaneously achieving an extremely high conversion of reactive groups after polymerization.34,35 The exact stoichiometry of reactive groups, however, is hard to achieve practically due to monomer impurity and side reactions of polymerization. Moreover, even in the presence of stoichiometry, it is difficult to reach an extremely high conversion of reactive groups in a limited polymerization time.
Based on a double-strain-promoted azide–alkyne cycloaddition (DSPAAC) reaction,36–40 we recently developed a stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization method specifically to prepare polymers with molecular weights above 105 g mol−1.41–43 In this approach, sym-dibenzo-1,5-cyclooctadiene-3,7-diyne (DIBOD) and bis-azide dipoles were used as monomer pairs. In DSPAAC, the reaction of an azide dipole and the first alkyne moiety of DIBOD activated the second alkyne moiety, which then reacted with an azide dipole much faster than the original alkyne groups of DIBOD had.36,37 As a result, the DSPAAC reaction demonstrated an interesting self-accelerating property, which could significantly reduce the problem of excess DIBOD on the reaction of the azide dipole and activated alkyne moiety of DIBOD. In a polymerization reaction, the self-accelerating DSPAAC reaction ingeniously eliminated the fundamental concept of equal reactivity of reactive groups seen in traditional step-growth polymerization. In this situation, the usage of excess DIBOD could not only accelerate the polymerization reaction but also facilitate a quantitative conversion of azide dipoles during polymerization.41
To date, the azide group is the only reported 1,3-dipole to demonstrate the self-accelerating property when reacting with DIBOD. Considering the similar reaction mechanism of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, we believed that the cycloaddition of DIBOD and other 1,3-dipoles should also demonstrate the self-accelerating property. In the first part of this paper, we explore the cycloaddition of DIBOD and three types of 1,3-dipoles, namely allyl anions, propargyl/allenyl anions, and mesoionic compounds, which indeed demonstrated the self-accelerating click reaction property. Based on this, we further applied this library of self-accelerating click reactions in step-growth polymerization and built a series of stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization methods. They could all efficiently prepare polymers with molecular weights above 105 g mol−1 using a molar excess of DIBOD to 1,3-dipole monomer. In addition, the different five-membered heterocycles inside the backbones endowed the resultant polymers with diverse functional properties and potential applications.
Besides, the isolated yields of the final bis-cycloaddition products 9 and 10 were all as high as 98%, in line with the characteristic of click chemistry.
Scheme 2 Imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization based on self-accelerating DIBOD-based 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions; one isomer is drawn to show the macromolecular structures. |
The effect of the monomer ratio S on the step-growth polymerization of DIBOD and M1 was studied by setting [M1]0 at a constant 0.2 M in DMF. Fig. 1A displays the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) curves of Poly 1 prepared with different S values of 0.91, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 (runs Poly 1-1 to Poly 1-6, respectively), whose quantitative analyses are detailed in Table 1. Fig. S7† shows that for all cases with S ≠ 1, the GPC curves of Poly 1 overlapped after 3 h and 6 h reaction times indicating that these polymerizations finished efficiently within 3 h. In the case of S = 1, however, a 15 h reaction time was required to finish the polymerization. Thus, the use of a stoichiometric imbalance could significantly speed up the step-growth polymerization rate. The UV-Vis characterization (Fig. S8†) showed the disappearance of the DIBOD absorption peak at 272 nm in the case with an S value of 0.91 (Fig. S8A†), while FT-IR characterization showed the disappearance of the diazo absorption peak at 2105 cm−1 in the cases with S values of 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 (Fig. S8B†) after 3 h polymerization. These results indicated that the usage of an excess of one monomer could efficiently consume the other deficient polymerization groups under the given polymerization conditions. The GPC curves in Fig. 1A clearly demonstrated that the polymerization behavior of Poly 1 heavily depended on the monomer ratio. For the reaction deficient in the DIBOD monomer with an S value of 0.91, the polymerization produced Poly 1-1 having a broad GPC peak distribution (Fig. 1A, black curve) with a relatively low Mn,GPC of 13150 (Table 1, run Poly 1-1). This is consistent with the theoretical Mn of polymers predicted by the well-known equation [(1 + r)/(1 + r − 2rp)] × M0 for traditional step-growth polymerization using AA and BB type monomers. In this equation, r, p, and M0 represent the monomer feed ratio, the extent of the polymerization reaction, and the average molecular weight of the two monomers, respectively. With r = S = 0.91 and p = 1, the theoretical Mn calculated from the classical equation was 7085 (Table 1, run Poly 1-1), closely related to the measured Mn,GPC of 13150. The value of p was assumed to be 1 since the deficient DIBOD was completely consumed in the polymerization. As a result, the polymerization behavior of Poly 1 followed the classical step-growth polymerization theory in the presence of deficient DIBOD, and the usage of deficient DIBOD seriously decreased the molecular weight of Poly 1. In the case of S = 1, polymerization produced Poly 1-2 having a GPC curve with a bimodal distribution. As shown in Fig. 1A (red curve), the major peak corresponding to 81.1% by weight of products at the shorter elution time had an apparent Mn,GPC of 218200 (Table 1, run Poly 1-2). In addition, in the cases using excess DIBOD (S > 1), the polymerization products Poly 1 all had GPC curves with bimodal distributions. For the GPC curve of Poly 1-3 from S = 1.1 (Fig. 1A, blue curve), the major peak (78.0% of products) at the shorter elution time had an apparent Mn,GPC of 207300 (Table 1, run Poly 1-3). Although slightly lower than that of Poly 1-2 (218200), it was much higher than the theoretical Mn of 7085 predicted by the classical equation with r = 1/S = 0.91 and p = 1. The p value was assumed to be 1 since the deficient diazo group was totally consumed in the polymerization. When S values were increased to 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0, the major peaks representing about 80% of the products at the shorter elution times had apparent Mn,GPC values of 173800, 152300, and 118100 for the resultant Poly 1-4 (Fig. 1A, magenta curve), Poly 1-5 (Fig. 1A, olive curve), and Poly 1-6 (Fig. 1A, navy curve). These values were all much higher than the respective theoretical Mn values of 3632 (Table 1, run Poly 1-4), 1687 (Table 1, run Poly 1-5), and 1012 (Table 1, run Poly 1-6) predicted by the classical equation with r = 1/S and p = 1. Thus, the presence of excess DIBOD in this stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization did not reduce the molecular weight of Poly 1 but rather increased it significantly. Furthermore, although the increase of the S value above 1 resulted in a slight decrease of the Poly 1 molecular weight, the polymerization time required to prepare high molecular weight Poly 1 could be significantly shortened. In Fig. S7,† the overlapping GPC curves for the different reaction times suggested that the polymerization finished within 15 h for Poly 1-2 (S = 1), but within only 3 h and 1 h for Poly 1-3 (S = 1.1) and Poly 1-5 (S = 1.5), respectively. In addition to the major peaks for high molecular weight products, the GPC curves (Fig. 1A) of Poly 1 prepared with S > 1 showed minor peaks for lower molecular weight products, which could be assigned to the cyclic oligomers obtained in the initial stage of polymerization.41 To demonstrate this, the oligomers were isolated from Poly 1-8 by precipitation in methanol; their GPC curve is shown in Fig. S9A† (blue). Fig. S10† shows the corresponding MALDI-TOF MS of the oligomers, in which the peak distributions could be accurately assigned to cyclic Poly 1 ionized with Na+ and K+.
Polymera | [M]0b (mol L−1) | S | Ratiod (%) | M n,theorye (g mol−1) | M n,GPCf (g mol−1) | Đ | Polymerf (%) | Oligomerf (%) |
a Polymerization was performed under ambient conditions in DMF. b [Bis-diazo monomer]0. c [DIBOD]0/[bis-diazo monomer]0. d The initial molar ratio of the mono-diazo compound to the bis-diazo compound, [benzyl diazoacetate]0/[M1]0. e Determined from the equation M0 × (1 + r)/(1 + r − 2rp) for Poly 1-1 to Poly 1-10 with p = 1 and r = 1/S; determined from the equation M0 × 2/(2 − pfavg) for Poly 1-11 to Poly 1-14 with p = 1 and favg = 2 × (2 + ratio)/(1 + 1.1 + ratio). f Determined via GPC characterization with a refractive index (RI) detector, where THF was used as the eluent and polystyrene standards were used for calibration. | ||||||||
Poly 1-1 | 0.2 | 0.91 | 7085 | 13150 | 1.44 | |||
Poly 1-2 | 0.2 | 1.0 | ∞ | 218200 | 1.84 | 81.1 | 18.9 | |
Poly 1-3 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 7085 | 207300 | 1.83 | 78.0 | 22.0 | |
Poly 1-4 | 0.2 | 1.2 | 3632 | 173800 | 1.80 | 79.4 | 20.6 | |
Poly 1-5 | 0.2 | 1.5 | 1687 | 152300 | 1.80 | 81.7 | 18.3 | |
Poly 1-6 | 0.2 | 2.0 | 1012 | 118100 | 1.77 | 79.9 | 20.1 | |
Poly 1-7 | 0.05 | 1.1 | 7085 | 51710 | 1.66 | 39.8 | 60.2 | |
Poly 1-8 | 0.1 | 1.1 | 7085 | 104100 | 1.64 | 62.0 | 38.0 | |
Poly 1-9 | 0.3 | 1.1 | 7085 | 242900 | 1.86 | 85.2 | 14.8 | |
Poly 1-10 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 7085 | 293800 | 1.85 | 90.5 | 9.5 | |
Poly 1-11 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 1 | 7119 | 101400 | 1.77 | 91.7 | 8.3 |
Poly 1-12 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 2.5 | 7170 | 47780 | 1.77 | 91.9 | 8.1 |
Poly 1-13 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 5 | 7254 | 25940 | 1.66 | 92.4 | 7.6 |
Poly 1-14 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 10 | 7423 | 18800 | 1.62 | 92.9 | 7.1 |
The effect of monomer concentration on the step-growth polymerization of DIBOD and M1 was studied by setting the S value at a constant 1.1. In Fig. S11,† the overlapping GPC curves of Poly 1 from different [M1]0 at the designated reaction times demonstrated that an increase in [M1]0 shortened the polymerization time for the formation of Poly 1. The polymerization finished within 9 h for [M1]0 = 0.05 M but within only 1 h for [M1]0 = 0.5 M. Fig. 1B displays the GPC curves of Poly 1 prepared from different [M1]0, and the quantitative analyses are shown in Table 1, runs Poly 1-7 to Poly 1-10. As shown in Fig. 1B, all GPC curves had bimodal distributions. The major peaks at the shorter elution times were ascribed to the high molecular weight Poly 1, while the minor peaks at longer elution times were assigned to the low molecular weight cyclic oligomers formed at the beginning of polymerization.41 With increasing [M1]0, the proportion of cyclic oligomers gradually decreased while the molecular weight of Poly 1 continuously increased. It is known that intramolecular cyclization is favored at low polymerization concentrations to form stable cyclic oligomers and this wastes the monomers that are supposed to synthesize high molecular weight polymers. The increase of monomer concentration can efficiently inhibit the cyclization at the beginning of polymerization and thereby increase the molecular weight of the polymers. As shown in Fig. 1B, the highest [M1]0 of 0.5 M produced Poly 1-10 with the lowest proportion (9.53% for the minor peak) of cyclic oligomers and the highest Mn,GPC of 293800 for the main polymer peak (Table 1, run Poly 1-10). Although the increase of [M1]0 could not eliminate the formation of cyclic oligomers during polymerization, they could be conveniently removed by a simple precipitation process. As shown in Fig. 1C, after precipitating the raw Poly 1-10 in methanol three times, the cyclic oligomers were completely removed and a unimodal GPC curve was observed for the precipitated Poly 1-10. The absolute weight-average molecular weight (Mw,absolute) of precipitated Poly 1-10 was measured to be as high as 599800 by GPC characterization with a multi-angle laser light scattering detector (GPC-MALLS); this is the highest molecular weight reported for polymers prepared from the diazo 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. The corresponding 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra of the precipitated Poly 1-10 are shown in Fig. 2A and Fig. S12.†
Fig. 2 1H-NMR spectra of precipitated Poly 1-1 (A) in DMSO-d6, and Poly 2-2 (B) and Poly 3-2 (C) in CDCl3. |
Besides roughly tuning the molecular weight of Poly 1 by changing the monomer ratio (Fig. 1A) and initial monomer concentration (Fig. 1B), mono-diazo compounds could be employed in the stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization to finely manipulate the molecular weight over a very wide range. Taking the polymerization with [M1]0 = 0.5 M and S = 1.1 as an example, benzyl diazoacetate could be utilized to manipulate the molecular weight of Poly 1 when it was copolymerized with M1 and DIBOD. As shown in Fig. S13,† all GPC curves of raw Poly 1 with different amounts of benzyl diazoacetate exhibited bimodal distributions, with similar proportions (about 90%) for the major high molecular weight Poly 1 peak at the shorter elution time (Table 1, run Poly 1-10 to Poly 1-14). This implied that the usage of benzyl diazoacetate did not affect the cyclization at the beginning of polymerization. As shown in Fig. 1D, all GPC curves of precipitated Poly 1 exhibited unimodal distributions but the peak position continuously moved in the lower molecular weight direction as the content of benzyl diazoacetate was increased. From Table 1 (run Poly 1-10 to Poly 1-14), the increase in [benzyl diazoacetate]0/[M1]0 from 0% to 10% decreased the Mn,GPC of the resultant Poly 1 from 293800 to 18800.
The polymerization behavior of M2 and DIBOD was similar to that of M1 and DIBOD. Fig. S14† shows the GPC characterization of raw Poly 2 with a constant [M2]0 of 0.5 M, in which the overlapping GPC curves after 1 h and 3 h reaction times indicated that the polymerization of M2 and DIBOD efficiently finished within 1 h regardless of the S value of 0.91 or 1.1. As shown in Fig. 1E, the reaction that was deficient in DIBOD (S = 0.91) produced the low molecular weight Poly 2-1 with a unimodal GPC peak (black) having a measured Mn,GPC of 20060, which was close to the Mn,theory of 9608 calculated from the classical equation (Table 2, run Poly 2-1). The presence of excess DIBOD (S = 1.1), however, prepared Poly 2-2 with a bimodal GPC peak distribution (red). The major peak at the shorter elution time was from the high molecular weight Poly 2-2 with a measured Mn,GPC of 237000, which was much larger than the Mn,theory of 9608 calculated from the classical equation (Table 2, run Poly 2-2). The minor peak at the longer elution time was from the low molecular weight cyclic oligomers (corresponding to 4% product), which could be completely removed by precipitation (Fig. 1E, blue curve). The 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra of the precipitated Poly 2-2 are shown in Fig. 2B and Fig. S15,† respectively. The Mw,absolute of the precipitated Poly 2-2 was measured as 370000 by GPC-MALLS. To further confirm the cyclic topology of the low molecular weight oligomers, they were isolated from Poly 2-3 prepared with [M2]0 = 0.1 M and S = 1.1 by precipitation in a mixture of methanol and acetone and the GPC curve is shown in Fig. S9B† (blue). Fig. S16† shows the corresponding MALDI-TOF MS, in which the two main peak distributions could be accurately assigned to cyclic Poly 2 ionized with Na+ and K+.
Polymera | [M]0b (mol L−1) | S | M n,theoryd (g mol−1) | M n,GPCe (g mol−1) | Đ | Polymere (%) | Oligomere (%) |
a Polymerization was performed under ambient conditions, where DMF was used for Poly 2, CHCl3 was used for Poly 3, and NMP was used for Poly 4. b [Bis-dipole monomer]0. c [DIBOD]0/[bis-dipole monomer]0. d Determined from the equation M0 × (1 + r)/(1 + r − 2rp) with p = 1 and r = 1/S. e Determined via GPC characterization with an RI detector, where THF was used as the eluent for Poly 2 and Poly 3, DMF was used as the eluent for Poly 4, and polystyrene standards were used for calibration. | |||||||
Poly 2-1 | 0.5 | 0.91 | 9608 | 20060 | 1.76 | ||
Poly 2-2 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 9608 | 237000 | 2.11 | 96.0 | 4.0 |
Poly 2-3 | 0.1 | 1.1 | 9608 | 173900 | 1.76 | 81.2 | 18.8 |
Poly 3-1 | 0.5 | 0.91 | 9041 | 15670 | 1.53 | ||
Poly 3-2 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 9041 | 142900 | 2.00 | 92.3 | 7.7 |
Poly3-3 | 0.1 | 1.1 | 9041 | 48270 | 1.74 | 79.4 | 20.6 |
Poly 4 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 5654 | 181300 | 1.73 | 95.3 | 4.7 |
Furthermore, the polymerization behavior of M3 and DIBOD was similar to that of M1 and DIBOD. In Fig. S17,† the overlapping GPC curves of raw Poly 3-1 with different reaction times of 0.5 h and 3 h indicated that the polymerization finished within 0.5 h using [M3]0 = 0.5 M and S = 0.91. As shown in Fig. 1F, the reaction that was deficient in DIBOD (S = 0.91) produced the low molecular weight Poly 3-1 with a measured Mn,GPC of 15670, which was close to the Mn,theory of 9041 calculated from the classical equation (Fig. 1F, black curve; Table 2, run Poly 3-1). The usage of excess DIBOD (S = 1.1) prepared high molecular weight Poly 3-2 corresponding to 92.3% product and having an Mn,GPC of 142900, which was much higher than the Mn,theory of 9041 calculated from the classical equation (Fig. 1F, red curve; Table 2, run Poly 3-2). Moreover, only a small amount of lower molecular weight cyclic oligomers formed for this case (7.7% product), which could be removed completely by precipitation (Fig. 1F, blue curve). The 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra of the precipitated Poly 3-2 are shown in Fig. 2C and Fig. S18,† respectively. The Mw,absolute of precipitated Poly 3-2 was measured as 231200 by GPC-MALLS. To further confirm the cyclic topology of the low molecular weight oligomers, they were isolated from Poly 3-3 prepared with [M3]0 = 0.1 M and S = 1.1 by precipitation in methanol and the GPC curve is shown in Fig. S9C† (blue). Fig. S19† shows the corresponding MALDI-TOF MS, in which the main peak could be accurately assigned to cyclic Poly 3 ionized with H+.
In summary, a novel type of stoichiometric imbalance-promoted step-growth polymerization was successfully developed based on a library of DIBOD-based 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions with a self-accelerating property. Thus, a series of high molecular weight polymers with varied molecular structures and functions were prepared.
Fig. 4B shows the DSC curve of freshly precipitated Poly 3-2 after 0.5 h reaction time, in which a sharp exothermic peak appeared between 100 and 200 °C peaking at 166 °C. The exothermic peak, however, never appeared in the following cooling and reheating scans (Fig. S26†). After DSC measurement, the white solid powder of freshly precipitated Poly 3-2 became a brownish red bulk solid. This indicated that the molecular structure of purified Poly 3-2 had been chemically changed during the first heating process. Fig. 4C shows the GPC curve (red) of Poly 3-2 after DSC measurement, in which the peak position was completely shifted in the lower molecular weight direction compared to that (black curve) of freshly precipitated Poly 3-2. The corresponding Mn,GPC was measured as 5010, which was much lower than the value of 142900 for the freshly precipitated Poly 3-2 and even lower than 18420 value of the degraded Poly 3-2 after 4 days in solution (Fig. 4A, violet curve). This clearly indicated that the thermal degradation of Poly 3-2 efficiently happened during the first DSC heating scan and that the thermal degradation rate was much faster than that found in the solution state. The TGA characterization of freshly precipitated Poly 3-2 (Fig. S27†) showed that Poly 3-2 started to lose weight at 220 °C, which was a much higher temperature than the exothermic peak temperature of 166 °C found in the DSC characterization. This indicated that the thermal degradation of Poly 3-2 during the first DSC heating scan released no volatile gas but only cleaved the polymer backbone.
According to the literature,45 the N–O bond of the isoxazoline ring formed from the cycloaddition of a nitrone dipole and benzannulated cyclooctyne showed poor stability; it could easily break and rearrange to form the azo-methine ylide. The subsequent hydrolysis of the azo-methine ylide intermediate produced the final α-amino-ketone and benzaldehyde compounds. In addition, the difference between the macromolecular structures of Poly 2 and Poly 3 lay only in the five-membered heterocyclic rings of the polymer backbones. The structural stability of Poly 2 clearly indicated that the degradation of Poly 3 came from the cleavage of the isoxazoline ring inside the Poly 3 backbones. Fig. S28B† shows the 1H-NMR spectrum of the precipitated Poly 3-2 in CDCl3 after 4 days. In comparison to that of freshly precipitated Poly 3-2 (Fig. S28A†), a new proton signal appeared at 10.09 ppm that could be ascribed to the resultant aldehyde end group. This strongly supports the above presumed degradation mechanism of Poly 3.
Furthermore, the self-degradation behavior of Poly 3 was closely related to its molecular weight. Fig. 4D shows the time-dependent polymerization behavior of Poly 3-1. The overlapping GPC curves of Poly 3-1 after polymerization times of 0.5 to 24 h demonstrated that Poly 3-1 with its lower molecular weight presented much better stability compared to the higher molecular weight Poly 3-2. This is reasonable since the higher molecular weight Poly 3-2 had larger numbers of labile isoxazoline rings inside single polymer chains compared to the lower molecular weight Poly 3-1. This led to a higher degradation probability of Poly 3-2 and the relatively better stability of Poly 3-1. Fig. S25B† shows the GPC characterization of the precipitated Poly 3-1 stored in the solid state. The overlapping GPC curves of precipitated Poly 3-1 after storage times of 12 h and 20 days suggested that the low molecular weight Poly 3-1 showed good stability in the solid state for at least 20 days.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: An Experimental section and Fig. S1–S19. See DOI: 10.1039/c9py01362h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |