Sachin K. Singha,
Md Mahadi Rajibb,
Justine L. Drobitchc,
Jayasimha Atulasimhab,
Supriyo Bandyopadhyayc and
Arunkumar Subramanian
aDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA
cDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA
First published on 30th October 2020
This report presents a three-dimensional (3-D) magnetoelectrokinetic model to investigate a new approach to magnetic-field assisted dielectrophoresis for ultra-high precision and parallel assembly of ferromagnetic Ni nanowires (NWs) on silicon chips. The underlying assembly methodology relies on a combination of electric and magnetic fields to manipulate single nanowires from a colloidal suspension and yield their assembly on top of electrodes with better than 25 nm precision. The electric fields and the resultant dielectrophoretic forces are generated through the use of patterned gold nanoelectrodes, and deliver long-range forces that attract NWs from farther regions of the workspace and bring them in proximity to the nanoelectrodes. Next, magnetic-fields generated by cobalt magnets, which are stacked on top of the gold nanoelectrodes at their center and pre-magnetized using external magnetic fields, deliver short range forces to capture the nanowires precisely on top of the nanomagnets. The 3-D NanoMagnetoElectrokinetic model, which is built using a finite element code in COMSOL software and with further computations in MATLAB, computes the trajectory and final deposition location as well as orientation for all possible starting locations of a Ni NW within the assembly workspace. The analysis reveals that magnetic-field assisted dielectrophoresis achieves ultra-high precision assembly of NWs on top of the cobalt nanomagnets from a 42% larger workspace volume as compared to pure dielectrophoresis and thereby, establishes the benefits of adding magnetic fields to the assembly workspace. Furthermore, this approach is combined with a strategy to confine the suspension within the reservoir that contains a high density of favorable NW starting locations to deliver high assembly yields for landing NWs on top of contacts that are only twice as wide as the NWs.
In addition to DEP, there have also been reports, although with a varying degree of success, on high precision assembly of NWs and NTs through other methods such as self-assembly,9 controlled capillary flow,10,11 patterning regions for selective interaction on substrate,12,13 and dip-pen nanolithography.14 One such technique is magnetic field directed deposition of nanowires.15,16 This technique involves controlled manipulation of NWs through magnetic fields that are created either by external magnets15 or by magnetized contact pads/electrodes, to produce micro- and nano-devices. A key requirement in this technique is that the NW either contains capped magnetic ends17 or is itself magnetic in nature.16 This method of magnetic field directed assembly of nanowires has found application in fabrication of transparent conductive thin films,18 biosensors,19 ultra-high density recording devices,20 and biomedical applications.21,22 Further, the manipulation of nanostructures by magnetic fields has several benefits,23 which include: (i) the nanomaterial response to the assembly field can be tuned by changing its magnetic properties, (ii) similar to electric field, the magnetic field offers a non-invasive means of manipulating nanomaterial, (iii) magnets (permanent and electromagnetic) are readily available in a range of strengths commercially, and (iv) in contrast to electric fields, magnetic fields don't induce any current in the suspension solution, and are insensitive to surface charge or pH. However, magnetic assembly of nanomaterials also faces challenges, which are similar to those of DEP, in achieving high assembly precision.
This report addresses this challenge and presents a magnetic-field assisted DEP technique, which helps improve the precision of nanowire placement on the target electrodes, for the first time. Specifically, the electric field component enables the long-range manipulation of the nanowires within the assembly workspace, while the magnetic-field component (generated through magnetized contacts) is used for short-range localization of the nanowires within an ultra-small area of the target electrodes. This strategy has been analysed using a new three-dimensional computational model that captures the underlying NanoMagnetoElectrokinetic system. This model has evolved from a nanoelectrokinetic model, which was presented in a past report to study the manipulation of single nanowires on silicon chips using floating electrode DEP (FE-DEP).24,25 FE-DEP is a variant of the DEP nanoassembly process, where one of the two assembly electrodes is biased against a grounded electrode (usually the underlying substrate), while the other assembly electrode is held at a floating potential. This is unlike conventional DEP where the assembly bias is applied directly on the assembly electrode pair and enables a higher yield of single NW assembly with FE-DEP since it substantially slows the capture of subsequent NWs after the deposition of the first nanowire at electrodes.25 The NanoMagnetoElectrokinetic model presented in this paper predicts the path of motion of a NW during magnetic field assisted DEP, its final deposition location/orientation, and the region of interest for targeted NW deposition onto nanoelectrode pairs. Furthermore, it demonstrates the ability of this combined magnetic plus FE-DEP based assembly to position single nanowires on top of their assembly electrodes with high-throughput and with ultra-precision (better than 25 nm) in a self-limiting fashion. In addition, a strategy involving a patterned resist layer is presented to confine the NW suspension to a workspace volume that preferentially yields such ultra-high precision assembly and provides pointers for the future experimental realization of this methodology. This investigation on magnetic-field assisted FE-DEP nanoassembly has been performed using magnetized nickel NWs as the model material system. This choice of nickel NWs has been motivated by its relevance for next generation applications involving nanoelectronics26 and sensing.27 Furthermore, Ni nanowires of uniform diameter are very easy to synthesize using electrodeposition of Ni into nanoporous anodic alumina templates.28 These nanowires can be harvested and dispersed in an ethanol solution by first dissolving out the surrounding alumina matrix in hot chromic–phosphoric acid and then immersing the substrate containing the released nanowires in the ethanol solution while agitating the solution ultrasonically. This method has been practised by us to produce un-agglomerated NWs dispersed in the ethanol solution.
The simulation workspace consists of a 50 μm × 50 μm × 40 μm region on top of a 200 nm silicon nitride layer and the nanoelectrode stack is located at the center of this workspace. The bottom of this silicon nitride layer is grounded. The medium through which electric and magnetic fields are calculated is composed of ethanol suspension. The outer boundaries of the simulation workspace are maintained at zero charge boundary conditions, which lead to a replication of the electrode pairs into a longitudinal array design over the on-chip platform. The workspace size has been chosen big enough so that its boundary conditions have an insignificant effect on the electric and magnetic fields generated in proximity to the electrode stack. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that maxima of electric and magnetic fields are located around the inner edges of the electrode stack. Furthermore, the distribution of electric fields is asymmetric with regards to the nanoelectrode pair, while that of the magnetic fields is approximately symmetric with respect to Co nanomagnet pair. This causes the electric forces to be directed asymmetrically towards the biasing electrode.
The electric field, which is computed by the FEM model, is then used in a MATLAB R2019b script to calculate the DEP forces, which act on a nickel NW within the simulation workspace. The underlying computational procedure has been described elsewhere in our previous report.24 To calculate the electric forces, the NWs are assumed to be a prolate ellipsoid along which the applied electric field is constant and invariant. The time averaged value of this DEP force is given as:25
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
Both the electric and magnetic field components of the model assume a suspension of magnetized nickel NWs (with a nominal diameter of 50 nm and length of 1 μm) in ethanol. In these simulations, we have assumed the following values for the material properties: εNW, εm, σNW, and σm have values of 5.13 × 10−11 F m−1, 2.17 × 10−10 F m−1, 2.19 × 106 S m−1, and 1.35 × 10−7 S m−1, respectively. The NWs are more polarizable than the suspension medium and are therefore attracted towards the electric field maxima located at the inner edge of the biasing electrode. This phenomenon of NW attraction towards biasing electrodes (positive DEP) is observed at frequencies (ω) below the crossover frequency (fCO), which is shown in Fig. 3. From this figure, it can be seen that the Clausius–Mossotti (CM) factor turns negative at frequencies higher than 2 × 108 Hz, which would result in negative DEP and a repulsion of NWs from regions of electrode field maxima, i.e. away from the biasing electrodes. In these calculations, we have chosen a frequency of 10 MHz to insure operation in the positive DEP regime with forces that are reasonable enough to achieve controlled NW deposition within a few seconds to a few minutes.
The magnetic force exerted by cobalt nanomagnets (with a magnetization of 1.45 × 106 A m−1) on a Ni NW can be calculated as:31
![]() ![]() ![]() | (4) |
Assuming that the magnetic moment NW is spatially uniform across the NW, the magnetic force simplifies to:
![]() ![]() ![]() | (5) |
The motion of NWs under the action of DEP and magnetic forces is resisted by frictional drag, which is induced by the viscosity of the suspension. The drag force is accounted in this model through the use of an average friction factor f, which is defined as:33
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
In addition to forces, the non-uniform electric and magnetic fields also induce electro- and magneto-orientation torques (Tz-DEP and Tz-MAG, respectively) on the NW during its motion towards the electrodes. These torques are calculated as:
![]() | (8) |
Tz-MAG = ![]() ![]() | (9) |
For simplicity, we have only considered the NW torques in X–Y plane (i.e., about the z-axis). Similar to the translational motion of the NW, its rotation also depends on the frictional drag torque induced by suspension medium. The rotational frictional factor (fθ) experienced by the NW is calculated as:33
![]() | (10) |
Thereafter, the angular velocity of the NW at different locations in the simulation workspace is calculated as:
![]() | (11) |
Eqn (7) and (11) are utilized in the MATLAB script to calculate the NW translational and rotational velocities at various nodes in the computational workspace. These velocities are then used to compute the NW trajectorie, its eventual trapping location and orientation, and the deposition time. Note that the assembly orientation of a NW is dependent on its initial orientation in the suspension medium. As the initial orientation is unknown, we have assumed the NW to be oriented along the electric field vectors at the start of the assembly process, and the orientation of NW changes according to eqn (11) during its transport towards the eventual localization location.
The effect of magnetic field on dielectrophoretic assembly of nickel NWs can be visualized through the trajectories pursued by a NW from two starting locations, which are plotted in Fig. 4(a). In this figure, the NWs start from the two different locations: SL1 (3153, 0, 2277) and SL2 (4114, 25, 3588). The origin of the coordinate system is located at the centre of the electrode pair, and all coordinates are indicated in nm. It can be seen from the final NW landing location and orientation (Fig. 4(b)) that the deposition using magnetic field assisted DEP (blue NWs) results in a bridging configuration closer to the centre of the electrode stack and right on top of the Co nanomagnets, as compared to cantilevered localization on top of the biasing electrode deposition through pure FE-DEP (red NW). Furthermore, the orientation of NWs deposited using magnetic-field assisted DEP are more closely aligned to the electrode pair axis as compared to that observed with a pure FE-DEP deposition process. This is due to the short-range magnetic forces and torques imposed by the nanomagnets on the ferromagnetic NWs during their transport through the suspension. These forces and torques sufficiently enable changes to the NW trajectory and its landing position/orientation, and ultimately lead to an improvement in ultra-high precision assembly of NWs for the starting locations under consideration in Fig. 4.
To quantitatively compare the effectiveness of magnetic field assisted FE-DEP and pure FE-DEP for NW localization with a precision better than 25 nm, we have computed all the starting locations for NWs that ultimately lead to bridging NW deposition within the central 100 nm wide region of the electrode stack (i.e., on top of the nanomagnets) over a 30 second assembly time period. These results are plotted in Fig. 4(c). It is found that magnetic field assisted DEP successfully captures NWs from more starting locations within the simulation workspace than the pure FE-DEP process. Furthermore, the total capture volume (or, the assembly workspace volume) for successful ultra-high precision assembly is calculated for both methods by adding the volume of each mesh element that yields successful NW deposition. It is found that the capture volume increases from 3.89 × 109 nm3 for pure FE-DEP to 5.53 × 109 nm3 for magnetic-field assisted FE-DEP, which represents a 42% improvement in total capture volume for a 30 second nanoassembly process. Therefore, magnetic field assisted DEP offers a much higher probability for ultra-high precision NW deposition as compared to pure FE-DEP.
With the establishment of favourable performance through the use of magnetic-field assisted FE-DEP, we now present a method to estimate and optimize the yield of successful NW deposition on top of cobalt nanomagnets using this approach. In a past report,24 we had presented a method involving the use of patterned resist wells or reservoirs that confine the nanowire suspension to stay within regions that present a high density of starting locations that yield successful FE-DEP assembly. It is clear from Fig. 4(c) that in order to yield NW deposition on Co nanomagnets in a bridging configuration using magnetic-field assisted DEP, the NWs have to start predominantly from regions above the floating electrode and very few locations over the biasing electrode lead to such successful assembly outcomes. This asymmetric nature of the NW sourcing volume can be used to design a fluidic reservoir that allows a higher yield of NWs assembling on top of the Co nanomagnets. A representative cuboid resist reservoir and the corresponding capture volume within the reservoir leading to NW deposition on Co nanomagnets are shown in Fig. 5(a). The fluidic reservoir represents the volume within which the suspension needs to be confined in order to improve yields for NW assembly on contact pads. It can be created by lithographically patterning a reservoir within a photoresist layer which confines the NW suspension within that reservoir region, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The reservoir is positioned asymmetrically over the floating electrode region in order to predominantly encompass the favoured starting NW locations (as shown in Fig. 4(c)) and has dimension of 6400 nm × 200 nm × 4000 nm. We can calculate the corresponding assembly yields by computing the ratio of total NW capture volume shown in Fig. 5(a) to the total reservoir volume. It is found that a 49% yield can be achieved for NW deposition on top of Co nanomagnets through the use of magnetic field assisted FE-DEP. While this number is lower than the ∼80% yields achieved in previous reports for the assembly of NWs through pure FE-DEP, it is important to note that those results considered assembly within microscopically wide electrodes as successful outcomes for the manipulation process. On the other hand, the presented methodology yields assembly with better than a 25 nm precision and hence, represents a substantive advance over pure electric field driven assembly approaches.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |